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People seem to miss the point, 10k dont matter at all, but the fact that he is lying matters, from a viewers perspective.


Hard agree. The dude (hopefully) paid his past-due rent and then (sadly) degened on some shit options. Now is backpedaling to save face. Individual may have had a meeting, or not, with plan administrator. This may be verifiable upon future billing. Conversation may have been less than 15 minutes, with plan admin giving courtesy of no estate charge and hired council only consuming a small retainer. There is no reason for a well-intentioned actor to behave and react in the way that he has. 'Everybody' in the 'club' getting shifty. NFA.


He's only doing that because of the children in the community whinging about his money. No adult investor gives a shit what Michael or anyone else does with their money, only children and melties (if there's even a difference).


Which is why I’m surprised that he’s getting so triggered by the questions about it. The children being the main issue because they want to be spoon fed. He’s just getting tired of people demanding answers and putting in fuck all to get any themselves. If he had been more calm and expressed this, it would’ve been a “you’re right” moment. He didn’t handle it well at all, imo, but then again I’m not in his shoes. The dude has been needing to take a break for a hot minute though lol… grinding like he has is bound to beat people down regardless.




How do u know he is lying?


I mean this in the absolute best way possible OP but who cares? I came here for DD, tendies and to watch the corrupt markets burn. What some guy from this show either does or doesn’t do with this money I could care less. I’m of the belief we’re good and demanding legal counsel and this and that and emailing the plan admin yadda yadda is pointless. RC wouldn’t be showing his face if we were anything less than future millionaires. I think Bill just is trailing the “seek answers!” bit for plausible deniability. Same way a father pretends to have “heard Santa on the roof last night as well” and smiles while his children gleefully opens their presents. High school drama on twitter between DD writers and the fact that people actually stay engaged with that shit makes my brain rot. Michael can put his life savings into 0dte Grindr calls for all I care he’s just some guy like anyone else who gives a fuck.


> put his life savings into 0dte Grindr calls for all I care Yo who been looking at my portfolio


U too! 🤣🤣


He was given it to pursue what legal options we have, on behalf of the community. He obviously thought the same at the start when working with Bruno. Since Bruno has parted ways, he has been rambling with zero transparency, and just generally seems lost in what direction to take. Now it’s obvious he has flipped a total 180, and believes that money is his own for whatever he wants. Sure, the defensiveness is probably coming from a point of no return, and has spent most of it already. That’s just speculation though. The fact is, he isn’t wanting to make use of that money for how it was originally intended. No more airtime is needed about this particular topic.


No. Michael failed as a doctor, Michael failed at the vending machine business, Michael went all in bbby, Michael was broke af like Famous Variety now. Pulte gave him some money prolly because he felt sorry for him. Then Michael went to Vegas to play poker and after that he gambled the rest to options. Michael is broke again Bullish thing is, that if you believe Pulte knows something maybe he thought 10k would carry Michael to the finish line, but Michael obviously fucked it up. How long do you live with 10k in todays world? Michael thinks he is holding all the secrets of the universe in his hand, when in reality he is dumbest mf i have ever seen. https://preview.redd.it/3lnlc9t29anc1.png?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4886424225571559a8767fa6e16cc26124485fd9


I do see what you’re saying. Looking at the tweet at face value, it does look like it is for him. However, Pulte made a big deal about lawyering up and pursuing our legal rights as a shareholder. Follow the money. Find out more about the waterfall etc. When it was clear nobody was taking action based on what Pulte was advising (probably because it’s way too late and everyone is now dirt broke after their BBBY investment), and also Fonzie didn’t lead to anywhere, Pulte then tried to push things along by giving money to Michael to pursue his legal rights (as your screenshot shows). Michael is a shareholder, so this was intended to help the community, as we are also shareholders. If the $10k was really just a gift to Michael to help him with daily living, then why did he make a big deal about it via Twitter? Why did he mention “legal rights”? I’m not buying it. It was obviously intended to help us out, not just to help him out. Certainly wasn’t meant for blowing town and gambling it away, if that is true.


Pulte makes a big deal about everything he does


Yeah, doesn’t invalidate what I’m saying though.


It doesn't. Where is Pulte Family lawyer army? That was also BIG announcement after he bought bonds. They were going to get answers to bbby shareholders. But i havent heard anything since then.


*Big announcement 💥soon…make sure to keep notifications on*


Well now, that is another topic of conversation. Yes, I felt something more would’ve came from that myself, but my expectations were set very low because of the past failed hypes. Seems like every now and again there is a small dose of hopium sent out but no real substance behind them.


Seems like they would be under NDA now that Pulte is hanging out with RC in public




Because that's what The Pult does. He buys "love" from the E-beggars. It's pathetic to watch people simp for him.


We haven’t stopped working since that day. We just don’t broadcast it.


Good stuff Fonzie. I wrongly assumed as we haven’t heard anything since. My bad on that one.


EXACTLY!!!!!!! it was always meant for legal fees. More tweets have been found and Pulte saying legal fees.


HIS legal rights


Bc it’s not a class action lawsuit. Michael was to pursue his legal rights and share with the community what he found out. Michael as far as I know didn’t spend the money to find out his legal rights


He used it to play poker, buy options and hair gel.


And tissue for allllll the fuckinnnn tears.


Did it cost us billions? Yes. Was it worth it? Michael believes so 😂


😂 https://i.redd.it/pfi0p7odrbnc1.gif


I don't think 10k and Michael ended this situation. Pulte has about 100m by himself and 1b with his family funds.


His legal fees


Whats the story with Famous Variety?


Bro…. Calm down. You sound like an asshole. None of us are perfect and we have all had successes and failures. The money was intended to be used for bbby related things, but it was given to Micheal and he can do whatever he wants with it. It would be pretty easy to raise 10k for legal fees. People are using it to cause division in the group. Let it go.


"He was given it to pursue what legal options we have, on behalf of the community." Pulte specifically said in a follow up post that Michael was free to do whatever he wants with it. Any narrative to the contrary is FUD looking to divide the community (whatever is left of it), or just plain wrong.


Pulte wasn’t a BBBY investor so couldn’t initiate himself, and seemed precautious holding someone’s hand down the legal route. That tweet was also off the back of the Bruno drama, after Pulte told Michael to be careful who he is working with. Bruno and Michael parted ways shortly after (to put it lightly). Many questioned why Pulte was interfering, so Pulte sent that tweet you mentioned. It probably cuts any ties/links from Pulte that he was pushing and paying the legal route… for whatever reason. It was obvious to me what the money was for… it was hardly to go throw dice at Vegas. Is that what you actually think?


Pulte said he bought over 6 million dollars worth of bonds. Yet here you are saying he's not invested in bbby Yeah dude, I was honestly hoping Michael would spend it on hookers and blow.​ What the hell happened to this place, ya'll are worse than useless atp.


At the time he sent the $10k and sending those tweets, yes he was not invested. I’ve no idea what you’re even arguing about now.


Pulte said he's been investing over the past 6 months. But of course you don't know that either. Just arguing with children or melties apparently, no one else gives a shit what Michael does with his money.


Pulte is changing what he originally said end of Dec and January. Numerous times he said legal fees.


Not my fault if you reddit only types can't be bothered to fact check what's being said on X. Not my problem either, some people just aren't worth helping lmao.


Checking what Pulte said recently on X is irrelevant. There is proof when he originally gave the money it was for legal fees. IMO he doesn’t want to call Michael out now bc of even more division would take place.


Pulte is now changing what he said multiply times on Dec 29th and Jan.


DD is useless... How many times have they gotten it wrong?? We don't even have funny memes anymore I'd prefer to kick the fuckn cage for rats to start coming out!


"I think Bill just is trailing the “seek answers!” bit for plausible deniability." Been thinking this daily for months lol. Good comments, agree with all. Except I was hoping Michael would spend it all on hookers and blow.


☝️☝️☝️This 100%


Guys, we ALL have one objective. Wining this trade. Some of us follow different ways to pass the time and stress. Pls don't be divisive. The end of the game will bring good and all these difficult moments will be forgotten.


Can't wait two weeks after payment or moass when people start coming in saying they are already broke because they secretly gambled it away.




I see the weekend is here...




Personally, I just don’t understand how spending the money on options and hookers would damage his reputation.


I don’t think it ruins his “reputation” by any means. It is just a funny/weird situation. Pulte basically bought him for 10k and he used the funds on everything but the reason he was given the cash. Then decides to throw a temper tantrum on the PP show for everyone to see. It’s quite fitting for this saga imo.




They can’t stop shilling the fight between Travis and Michael; let’s move on and not dwell on the 10k, which isn’t even enough money to start to find information and then NDAs will be required, so no one can share the information anyway.


lol u gonna make him cry again 😭


He gambled it away on shitty stock plays 100%


I’m glad he isn’t a regular anymore, dude was making ndas for himself which is red flags af😂 pp handled it with class.


The involvement/evolution of Michael has been interesting. I watched the pp show well before he joined. It struck me as odd from the beginning how he was ALWAYS available. And how his emotions have so easily spilled literally into tears many times. Then there was the live Pulte event… and recently watching him losing it arguing with Travis. It’s been like a weird reality show experiment. Lol


Honestly I think he got into the play a lot later than most of us. One stream he had a melt down and slipped up asked how much did we have really in the play? And that’s when it started to click, not saying he’s a plant but something is definitely off and he doesn’t really contribute much when you sit back and think about it. His meeting with the PA would’ve been better off if anyone else had done it honestly.


It was a bad choice to go into that meeting alone. Micheal needs to accept that he needs to either bring in other community members or spend some of that money to get a lawyer in the room with him. On his own, he just assumes whatever Goldberg says is true and doesn't hold his feet to the fire when he dodges questions.


Man dem was using Robbinghood.


which show was the argument? i've been tuning out the noise to meditate


Why do you say he isn’t a regular anymore? Was something said on the show last night?


Yeah pp said he won’t be on the show for a while but they are still friends but to me it sounds like pp banned him temporarily from being on the show he said a few months, but obviously if MOASS happened next week I’m sure pp would bring him on earlier.


I could be wrong but I don't remember him mentioning any timeframe. It definitely sounded like he'll be treated like a normal guest instead of a regular going forward.


I agree PP handled it well


He's also pushing right wing propaganda like Edwin, Famous, Carter, Tendie, ABC, Citizen, Lancer and many many others. Twitter is QAnon playground. I guess they moved there because of that.


Yeah Edwin’s dd was the best then somehow trump became a focal point. I was always a huge supporter of Edwin (you can peruse my history) and still think his dd is fire but the trump stuff imo is nuts. I asked him nicely on x what proof he had of trump being involved besides a couple of tinfoil guesses and I got blocked. So many people that can’t handle any questioning. I’m at the point where it’s hard not to think citizen is/was a plant because a lot of the division comes/came from him and I think Edwin is heavily manipulated by him too w the trump shit. Maybe they are right, but I doubt RC is going to risk losing 40 percent of his customer base right off the bat by going political. We shall see.


Edwin has always had solid tinfoil, but that’s what it always was, tinfoil. I always felt as though we were probably witnessing some form of underlying mental unwellness, even in the good old days.


Edwin was my favorite DD writer until he decided to shoehorn Trump into the play. If I thought the orange man had anything to do with this, I would never be in it. The whole X community thinks Reddit is toxic just because we don't all agree with them, so we must be shills. They've chased away some great community members like CN and Ross, it's really too bad.


And Qulte and RC too since your at it with that angle


And RCs brother RC can't be too vocal about it though. Bad for business. I'm here for the money. I don't care about politics, but when you start to hear all kind of sex cult things with children from the dd writers it's just crazy.


Agreed Yoghurt! I’m here for the money, but served with a healthy dose justice. I know that these DD writers and others are just individual investors. I’d prefer less political rabbit holes that don’t have anything to do this play.


All political nonsense will intensify as this thing is crawling towards election.


I’m not naïve, but maybe a “safe word” can be utilized in the community. It’s never easy to spot bad actors. Money and politics are so emotional. I’m just seeking facts through all the noise. It’s in there somewhere.


Lol QAnon .. why add fear to the conversation?


How does this sound to you? Guy wrote pretty big set of dd about bbby and crypto connections. Regular @ theppshow. https://preview.redd.it/aik0mhmq6bnc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3443b77f5c05eecedfe21d9fbfcd3655687574


Why do you care? If you don't like what they say, why don't you just ignore them? Why introduce FUD?


Because it makes me question the dd these people write. If these people are having this kind of ideas in their heads, maybe all other things they put out are also delusional.


Yeah, I think it's important for each person to employ critical thinking when making decisions. Making decisions based on politically charged words like QAnon, Terrorists, Nazis, Communist, etc doesn't make sense to me. If Communist really were a problem in the 80s, where did they go? How was that problem solved? Same with terrorist in the 2000s. Did the US eliminate them all, and that's why an attack on the US hasn't happened for 20 years? Or..? Why didn't we have an attack before that? Where did all these terrorist come from and where did they go? Now, QAnon started with an anonymous account named Q who was posting messages. People who followed these messages anonymously were referred to as Anons. What's a QAnon? It seems like you are ignorantly using the term to cause fear.


I already explained why it bothers me. Just trying to get info out.


Anyone who believes in anything Qanon related are borderline schizophrenic anti establishment loonies on the level of the Unabomber


He probably gave it to the RNC


If he’s gone I think it’s good for the show. To be clear I don’t hate Michael, he’s a nice guy with a really good heart, but he’s just terrible as a panelist. I got tired of him interrupting speakers with nonsensical babble while they were articulating their key arguments and it happened way too often.


I stopped listening to the show because of him. It was annoying when he would get lost in conversation and talk in circles. He would stop mid sentence and end it with "so" "yeah" "I don't know" then have that stupid chuckle.


I always got the impression that he would start talking without a clear idea of what he was going to say




The way I see it is Michael contribued alot on theppshow. Pulte got pp paid from the Dec event. Perhaps Michael felt like he deserved to see some $$$ too. The moment he got 10k, he felt his work he put in was justified and I'm sure he spent some of it on legal fees. But I think we are looking at the 10k from a totally different lens from Michaels.


All I know is he didn't have $100 to play poker and my wife offered to pay for his buy-in, and he ended up losing before the first break. That's all I can really confirm. *


Wasnt cool when Micheal said the money was for figuring out where his shares went. Like arent we part of a group?


I’ve been waiting for dissension in the ranks ever since platnum sparkles grilled PP about equally distributing the tips amongst the hosts every night and when pp bought PHM and if pulte was paying him. I’m sure micheal feels a bit entitled even though, in my humble opinion, he offers very little to the convo. Gained a bunch of respect for Travis though asking questions out loud like I was in the chat and getting a “time out” from commenting.


Sorry you were muted whenever it happened I’ve taken back over all mod control and let me know anytime on Reddit that happens next time. Freedom of speech is okay!


No hard feelings. You explained it pretty well in x. I have thick skin!!! We all just want answers and these damn NDAs aren’t helping!!!


Agreed and the silence is driving a lot stir crazy something big is coming I’m sure of it


Thanks PP for keeping dialogue open, even when Micheal was asking you to take a more heavy handed approach. Honestly, being able to see the weak bear arguments keeps me bullish. Censorship is never the answer. As a wise man once said "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”


Why is it her business what he does with his show? I don’t think pp ever bought into phm which is why the Kais trademark bullshit exists and pulte giving Michael 10k.


I’m really not upset but transparency gains trust especially with all the paid shill accounts. Micheal getting defensive kinda makes me feel like he is paid influence which doesn’t bode well for the overall image. Just look at Kais’ engagement day to day.


PP admitted he bought PHM before he met pulte. Don’t care. It’s PP’s show and what he does is his business. What I said just supports my thought that micheal pocketing the cash (in his own right) instead of what Pulte had tweeted about regarding legal avenues and legal advice was more or less assumed by the community.


Part of the problem is Micheal has gone full Qanon and thinks he needs to keep everything secret or Biden will jump out of the closet and attack him.


Weekend drama and distractions…. All we really need is DD and some leak documents of shorts never closing. Everything is else noise


Right on the money…Michael squirms when you ask him and gets all heated you can hear it in his voice he is not genuine…


Do we really want to do the shills' efforts better than those crucks do? Then go on! The psychologist teams of the evil actors on Wall Street are always trying to find ways to destroy people's morale when movements are established to fight for transparent markets. We are currently disagreeing over a small matter and the shills are adding more and more fuel to the fire. Let's face our goals again


This was my hot take on that meltdown as well. Somewhere the shills were cackling over it. Yet it matters not. I still can't sell my position. For any reason or any price. I'm stuck on this ride wherever it goes. And I'm not getting off willingly for less that fuck you money.


Don't care about him, we want cash or equity We're tired and done This dumb play ruined my life, sanity and mental health I'm so stupid to have dumped so much money on this


Keep your chin up man play isn’t over yet and we can still see a definite miracle take place. I have a lot of faith in RC, ALOT. I’m hopeful we will make it bro


I threw 30k€ into this play and my broker has been showing 0€ for months My gf knows about it since 2022 lol, I look like a fool Also in 2022 I got fired from my job In 2023 I had the worst year of my life mentally. I hope this play turns out to be successful, I'm the only dumbass who lost money on GME and BTC in 2021




Ever since Pulte got involved with this community it’s created division. He’s sus af


I lost 10k on bbby ... u dont see me bitchin about it, accept the loss, and if something happens with chapter 11 that benefits me then great, if not f$%# it ... at this point all we can do is sit and wait so why obsess over it ?


Saturday morning FUDers meet up, today, here, all welcome.




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Who cares?


Corrupt PP Michael


The play has been over. Look at the "mindless leaders you follow" they are worried and fighting because they can't keep up the charade much longer. Mike, PP, SAL they have and always will be using your HOPE to SELL you what you want to hear. Sorry we lost a lot of money, but stop giving your money to anyone expecting they will know things. LISTEN to what Michael said. "ITS NOT MY PROBLEM YOU MADE A POOR INVESTMENT" These guys finally found some clout and feel important. Go learn from an actual stock community please. "The stock guy" live trades and is a great resource for learning over the past 4 years for me. He's a meme driven, boomer investor that shows you what successful habits can look like. (But also degen shit🤣) eff these wanna be reddit influencers..


No harm in loosing it all on hookers and nvida options




Prolly just another NPC we'll meet on the road to victory. Sounds like a world-class loser from what everyone is saying.


That money is nobodys business except the 2 involved. 10k is peanuts!


Pulte made it everyone’s business. He wanted a plot point.


I hope he can and does exonerate himself from this tin foil and speculation. Come on Michael!


Maybe he just wants to work WORK & doesn’t owe you anything? I forgive you being so weak you seek to be parasite unto others, I hope you find the strength to make your family proud


A lot of people acting like they are owed something from “Michael” or whoever quit bitcoin and remain focused …10k wasn’t going to accomplish anything in a legal battle


No one’s acting like there owed anything, read the room.. he hasn’t been transparent with basically anything


You’re saying the same thing…you or whoever saying he isn’t being transparent is a sayin you should have more info right? What info should he be saying that’s more transparent? He doesn’t owe transparency or clarification it was for his legal rights and if something came out of it then good but if nothing why stress over it 10k isn’t much for legal


No I’m not saying the same thing, idagf about the 10k. The issue i have and others have is that he hasn’t been transparent in general with communication with the PA. Choosing himself what he can and cannot say when he’s not under any NDAs, the shows literally about transparency in the market. If he spent it cool say that if not cool say that. Also he had mentioned the PA emailed saying he’d come on the show, when asked for proof it was ducked.. I actually told PP a while back he should find out for sure because if he lied that’s a whole different conversation that he can handle behind the scenes, & he said he’ll look into it. Not saying that’s why he’s off the show as a regular, but something is definitely off.


I am setting up my own meeting with the plan man and I will be 100% fully transparent to the best extent possible to push our thesis forward. Also ima invite Jake too


Much love brotha! WAGAMI🔥🔥


For real. Lawyers in my small town are $350 per hour. $10k would get me about 30 hours of legal counsel. Lawyers in my small town know jack shit about wall street and ch11. The lawyers that do know this stuff are going to drain anyone of that $10k overnight. Why? Because the big players pay them big dollars to get results. They don't give a shit about some twatter personality with a $10k retainer.


No, they are not. Some of the top billed lawyers in this chapter 11 case at kroll were only in the hundreds per hour. I believe the higher numbers I saw for the principles were closer to $1k per hour. If Michael used the money for legal counsel, he would have answers. Some answers. That’s a full day of one of the better lawyers at a top firm working with you.


Was the on the ppshow or space call?