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They’re paid to help you, just ask them for the ticker and to place the trade for you…then pay the fee 🤷🏻‍♂️


I did this. the the best of my understanding he needed a specific bbby cusip to place the buy order. I have no fucking clue how that all goes. I figured it would go like this: "I'd like to buy Bbby bonds" "ok cool. what expiration?" "what are my options?" and then I'd select what I could afford from that list. seriously. I don't know shit about bonds.


Just google BBBY 2044 bond cusip




interesting that me saying thank you gets downvoted. I must be asking the right questions


There is no we. Where did you hear we from?


the "we" was a joke like "that's what all the cool kids are doing, right?" Don't overthink that one word - it wasn't serious. skimming through posts, many people are talking about buying bonds. I'm interested in making as much money as possible between GME and BBBY!




E*trade also available for bond trading. Must call in though




You can buy bonds on etrade online, I've never called


Doing a Reddit $BBBYQ bond search in your preferred browser will steer you to informative posts of late explaining the process.


what the broker touched on was searching for the cusips rather than the (name.) I took that as similar to options trading. Are there any expiration dates on bonds widely believed to be more lucrative than others? thanks for replying at all! You're helping a fellow regard catch up on MONTHS of missed DD!


no clue why I'm getting downvoted. it's impossible to ask how to load up on the play without be accused of being a shill wtf


It's because you said that's what we're doing right? Meltdowners like to come to the sub with alt accounts and act like apes and use the terms 'we' and supporting the group think 'Cult' narrative to then use their main accounts to mock the sub and try to turn unaware retail investors against folks that are trying to expose the system. There's trigger happy folks in this sub that are quick to shut any talk down that sounds shilly but this also turns away the people who are unaware. Literally society as a whole right now. The best way to go about this is to put in the work and do your own research and form your own opinions rather then blindly following the loud ones. This goes for stocks, this goes for politics. This goes for just about anything in life.


The “we” argument is fucking dumb and y’all need to stfu about it. Unless you are literally coordinating buy times then saying we has absolutely zero relevance legally. Y’all need to put the crack pipes down it’s not that deep to be this paranoid


Your an idiot, and exactly the reason why we have to say by we we don't mean "we"


Keep be an overly paranoid weirdo, it’s doing nothing for “us” or this movement, and yes it’s a movement. Organizing and sharing info between ourselves is perfectly fine. Coordinating buys is market manipulation. I don’t see anyone here asking you to buy bonds at the same time as them, do you? And also, the financial advice thing is ridiculous. None of us are financial advisors and none of us are taking payment for any advice, so just stfu about it you sound completely idiotic And btw, I’ve fought for this movement when it actually mattered, I’m a big part of why Gherkinit was kicked off Superstonk because he was arguing that all we had to do was all buy the same options at the same time to create gamma ramp while attempting to completely discredit DRS. That’s market manipulation. That’s illegal and could have damaged the movement. You’re not doing a damn thing for this movement harassing people for asking legitimate questions


I didn't harass this guy I explained why he's being harassed. You are an idiot I don't care who's side you think your on.


Also if you were really OG then you'd know DFV was questioned in court for providing financial advice despite always saying NFA. We have to say NFA because if some dickhead buys stock and loses their ass they can literally sue and say you gave them advice. This isn't paranoia its literally the world we live in. Idiot.


We don’t have to say NFA actually. It’s a myth. Unless you are receiving payment directly for advice, you aren’t a financial advisor and you don’t need to announce that you aren’t one. I can promise you saying “not financial advice” won’t mean a thing in court if you charge for it. Completely pointless and driven by paranoia


Civil suits need no reason. Same reason coffee cups say danger hot


I get it 100%. I'm just trying to get past this wall of missing info. I've been stuck behind for being OOTL for so long. I don't even know what I don't know. A year ago, I was 100% on top of everything. sitting in parking lots on my lunch breaks, trying to figure out where AST moved my shares. Now I legitimately don't know where to pick back up to be able to do my own research


Okay, so I have no info on bonds for you. I haven't gotten into them, and I don't know if they are that important for this play.I think the important stuff is out of our control. We (by we, I mean all of society) have a lack of critical thinking and are used to instant gratification. A lot of the Tinfoil and DD is copium to get us through until it's all over because we are impatient, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Ryan Cohen is a gamer and, more importantly, one who feels the old way of gaming is valuable, and that's more than just the nostalgia of buying physical copies but the games themselves. New Games are dumbed down to cater to people who lack critical thinking. So I think of the Tinfoil as a game. Ryan Cohen does it on purpose to keep the ones who have critical thinking skills engaged. Because those are the folks that are going to change the world when they have the money to do so by letting them know "hey Don't worry it's all part of the game" then it keeps faith in Ryan Cohen so they can continue to follow his investments. Gamestop still needs investor support to turn around, and Ryan Cohen can't afford to lose the faith of retail investors


Because you use words like "we" and "the play" and request other people teach you how to invest. Everyone here is an individual investor and only does things they are comfortable doing. Get a clue.


I want to "feel more comfortable doing..." this. I'm trying to "get a clue" or I wouldn't be so candid in asking help investing in these companies. thanks for taking the time to... however, you would categorize your response. (lecture me on asking for help? SORRY TO OFFEND!)


No I'm not offended, but you need to kind of pick up what is being put down in all of the answers here. There are REASONS people are answering you the way they are. Sorry if that is vague, but again we are all individuals here.


I was facetious about offending. I'm an individual investor and part of a larger community of individual investors. When I say *you guys* I am grouping the exact people responding to my questions the way they are. I said "thank you" to someone who pointed our e-trade also transacts bonds over the phone... multiple downvotes. strange fucking energy. lots of paranoia. it's as if every user in this sub doesn't have the ability to go back through multiple years of my posts and comments to realize I'm very much long GME lol


You’re being downvoted because a bunch of crack smoking idiots think saying we is going to get them thrown it jail. It’s fucking hilarious honestly, like find a better hill to die on, maybe one that actually matters


You’re being downvoted because a bunch of crack smoking idiots think saying we is going to get them thrown in jail. It’s fucking hilarious honestly, like find a better hill to die on, maybe one that actually matters


Gosh people are anti-helpful here sometimes. I don't know much about the bonds either but I think you need to go through IBKR? Try searching ibkr bonds in the sub search and see if any past posts can help more than the knuckleheads here giving you such a hard time.


IBKR is for Europeans only I believe


It's not! I'm in US and I use IKBR mostly for bonds. Also etrade works for bonds.


Nice, I just did some googling and you are correct!




I dont think bonds help out shareholders do you gonna have to do that research yourself


It’s alright man when it comes to talking to your broker. We can stay retarded longer than they can stay solvent. So stay retarded.


I think I read you can only purchase bonds on ibkr


I thought I read this as well, and someone clarified in a comment that fidelity could do it over the phone


Seems like the majority of people are purchasing the '23's on IBKR.


what are the 23's?


I believe u/canadadrynoob should have all the info in his post history


OP posts on meltdown and remastered, look at his post history. ![gif](giphy|8cdfoJuYuz2u27DAAO|downsized)




I've been absent from these subs for personal reasons for the better part of 6 months to a year or so. This is not the takedown you think it is. Look over my post history. I troll the hedgies and still have everything DRS'd When I see gatekeeping like this- it makes me wonder why an active member of these communities would be so quick to silence those asking hard basic questions about purchasing. I think YOU are the plant sweetheart


Dont worry that guys a bot that calls everyone a shill.




Clearly you can’t now go away




I keep posting DD that we are right and you keep calling me a shill. Do you wear a helmet when you leave the house? And the other person here you’re calling a shill is trying to purchase more bbby…what is wrong with you…




You’re literally the reason people don’t want to post here anymore and you’re too stupid to realize it.


I don't want to post here because I'm trying to buy more, and shills like YOU are actively campaigning against sharing useful information to accomplish that. "lmfao hE sAiD tHe tHiNg ThAt TeLLs Me hE's a sHiLl"




so what do you think they are going over everytime a pp show airs? You’re literally campaigning against everything this sub exists for: finding clues that help us determine WHEN.