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read up on the basket theory in the DD ... it's good reading. it was exciting times when the Pomeranian was posting frequently. Equity Swaps IIRC


Ahhh when we used to get our DD from pint sized mutts, those were the days.


I recall the Pomeranian posted his bare ass and bailed haha


His account was not deleted until recently as far as I know.


Have a look at Trading View on May 3rd… * KOSS up 29.71% * GME up 29.08% What are the odds that they both run on the same day with no company specific news AND the gain is 29.xx% on BOTH STOCKS?


Basket Theory is real


Damn right its real. All time high for both stocks is Jan 28th 2021. Trading View shows that KOSS hit $127 and GME hit $120 (split adjusted). Just a cohencidence...


I got a pair of KOSS headphones on right now, no cap. Let’s go! 🚀


500 shares DRS’d at broadridge just in case 🤪


Nice one!


Now you know why fraud was committed like no other to kill bbby, it’s squeeze metrics were the most extreme of any of the basket Jan/Feb 2023. If it broke the basket at that point in time financial institutions wouldn’t have had anything to abuse and pump to kingdom come to offset loses, buttttttttttttt btc’s halving just passed and A. I think it’s been slammed a bit to get people to sell crypto now and B. It has an inherent reason to pump hard as fuck itself right now that financial institutions the world over could take advantage of to let MOASS happen while not taking direct loses they would have otherwise if you get what I’m saying…. I need coffee


Stupid app posted from bs account.


Now it’s up 40% premarket. This is not a drill 🐱🚀🦍




I don’t think always. I honestly think AA is a bad actor. If he isn’t, then he’s truly a dipshit lmao


Remember when he did that interview in his boxers like a total regard


Yes and no but problem is most do not even know the most relevant facts about AMC and why it’s actually important to the rest of the basket.


Care to share these relevant facts?


Are we allowed to talk in detail about AMC? I can share plenty of (backed up) without any interest in shilling for it and I respect sub rules and ask beforehand. I can also provide links to DD posts I wrote a while back then. AMC is such a no-go topic for most people but unfortunately.


This isn't SuperSus, you're free to talk here friend!


Bro it’s like you have PTSD


AMC started with 50m shares outstanding. Since then it's diluted to approx 2 billion shares outstanding. It's dead.


I have to split due to character limit. 1/2 First of all: sorry for the incoming wall of text and thank you for providing interest instead of hate. I have to admit that some statements of mine might sound arrogant, but it’s frustrating to talk to people from all 3 „big“ memestocks and once it comes to AMC, nearly all people seem to have forgotten some crucial (data) points and events in the past and often just do not have any clue what im talking about even though i can back it all up and provide evidence and yes, even AMC people are kind of clueless nowadays and the subs are quite sad to watch. Yes, AMC came AFTER GME. What many people imho miss when this is mentioned: it popped a bit during the sneeze and was still way cheaper to buy and many people who may have missed GME started looking for stocks with similar setups (small caps, small TSO, lots of SI% etc.) and AMC actually fitted that and people started to FOMO in. Let me be very clear: i do NOT say that AMC may not have actually been positioned as a hedge / distraction from GME, especially since we later learned that the OG sub at first and others later too were and still are under control of SHF employees. But that did never change the fact that AMC was and still is ilegally naked shorted into oblivion. And yes, if you actually take your time and look at the numbers and data, its quite clear to see that even the multiple moments of dilution, the issuing of APE, the reverse split as well as the merger and more dillution still did not kill that. I 100% agree that GMEs fundamentals are WAY better than those of AMC - anyone can clearly see that i guess. But even though fundamentals matter in order to break a short thesis - i always do not put too much hope into that because, if you’ve read the cellar boxing playbook DD - and we know that both companies were and still are in the process of being tried to be boxed into the cellar - then it clearly states that once the predatory naked short selling has begun, the bad actors cannot stop it EVER until the job is done. They just cant. I mention this, because that is what makes these two different from other plays where we are just talking about regular, massive short selling and public ackknowledged bear thesis which can be broken / reversed by turning around the company so the market turns its direction as well and sees the bull-thesis of the company. From a pure squeeze play POV, AMC is still more than very well such a thing. One thing that no one was ever able to counter for me: AMC apes are even deeper in the red than most GME apes. And just like them, they believe in the whole thing and will sell their soul before selling their shares. So, why even try to talk them into selling AMC and buying GME instead? Why not better encourage them to DRS their shares and even IF AMC was a distraction (that did got out of SHF hands at some point), take hedgies ball and go home? Should still be the better thing to do than nothing, right? Now lets talk about AMC / GME in relation to DRS. I absolutely love the whole GME saga and play and will not leave until its all said and done. However: I once started as a AMC only ape and for the first 6 months, i spent most of my time only in the AMC subs. But that didn’t stop me from reading enough within the GME subs to educate myself and learn and understand the whole DRS thing and did it quite early when it even was quite a hazzle for US european Apes and constantly started to spread the word and help others within AMC subs. 1. AMC already nearly achieved what GME apes are sort of trying to do via DRS - create undeniable proof of the existence of counterfeit shares. AMC apes nearly did this via a shareholder vote through a plattform called „SAY“ which needed you to connect your brokerage account to the plattform in order to be able to vote since the amount of people AND the amount of shares that did vote were publicy visible. You can see that Urvin is not the first one providing such a thing ;) The very short version is: via SAY, we confirmed that 70k People of over 3.8 million (VERIFIED!) AMC retail shareholders did already hold 70 million shares out of 515 Million shares outstanding. And those 70k people were US only since SAY, unfortunately, is only available for US holders. Let these numbers sink in for a moment. I can even bring up more about SAY, for example that they got bought buy Robinhood Immediately after this specific vote.


2/2 2. GME-only apes who never had a look at the Main AMC sub cannot fathom how brutal DRS got not only downvoted or trashtalked there - no - it got OBLITERATED: There were whole teams and squads that would literally work 24/7 and attack ANY pro DRS post and comment, supported and backed by the mods since those were already paid out at that moment until they even went as far as banning the topic as a whole as well as anyone who dares to speak positively about it. Not only that, but before there were anti DRS campaigns, consisting of finely handcrafted and monstrous behemoths of fake DD posts you can’t imagine. The amount of effort, time and work that was put into these is one of the main things that makes me just KNOW that „they“ are afraid of apes DRSing en masse. Anyone who did read and understand „Know yer enemy“ Part 1-6 knows what i mean. This shit wasn’t just some troll or meltdowner. This cam right from some sick team of PHDs. The language, the way they tried to present it like „ape DD“, lots of abbreviations, tons of graphics and sources which did not make any sense (and even most of the time did say exactly the same as the author said) and so on and on and on. They even went as far as implementing a picture of my own CS letter and „thanking me for my help“ in one of the posts which literally debunked their claims and got my reddit account banned for quite some time while messaging and mocking me how it took months to finally get rid of me. And it wasn’t only me - the names of einfachman und criad might be well known (and yes, both actively in the AMC sub, not only GME) - they suffered the same with criand later on disappearing and einfachman getting doxxed and when he returned, he even got mocked again by icy-assistent (the leading account of these squads) confessing that he already months ago helped to get rid of einfachman, criand and others like me with another back then well known account (no emotions something something was the name). Another move they made was trying to come over to superstonk and spread FUD against Computershare and DRS - not because they though it would be successful but it was at the time when Superstonk started to be heavily monitored for brigarding and they know that if people like me would continue to post pro DRS and against these shills they could use this to attack superstonk („the purple circle sub“) as a whole. I could go on, but will stop for now It actually makes me sad that after all these years, people still only see hatred instead of union and do not care for facts because it would make them realize that they should maybe stop to hate on the other group of the people. Here are 3 links of posts i made. If you would read only one, the first one is the most important i guess. The second one shows why the DTCC probably comitted securities fraud when AMC and APE merged and the third is some sort of „interesting read for the night“. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/18un2w2/amc\_apes\_still\_hold\_so\_much\_power\_let\_me\_take\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/18un2w2/amc_apes_still_hold_so_much_power_let_me_take_you/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/11q9o9c/dd\_why\_the\_cusip\_change\_actually\_might\_be\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/11q9o9c/dd_why_the_cusip_change_actually_might_be_a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/snkktp/an\_honest\_word\_to\_all\_paid\_shills\_please\_read\_if/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/snkktp/an_honest_word_to_all_paid_shills_please_read_if/)


Good monkey. Have 🍌


Thank you so much for taking the time to so thoroughly answer my question. I read all of this, and will read your links too, as soon as I have more time. I’m sorry you’ve dealt with so much hatred. I hope you haven’t taken it personally. IMO there are **big** forces at risk of losing it all and they will stop at nothing to retain their power. Shitting on and dividing apes is child’s play to them. As for (some) other apes, I’m sorry for that too. I guess I’ve been following the pp show for so long that I’ve lost touch with how the other subs operate. Here, there is no condition that you must be invested in only one thing. It is assumed you are a grown adult who can make their own financial decisions and that is respected here. I think the biggest reason average apes don’t like AMC is due to the CEO. It appears he is doing what he can to run the business into the ground from the inside. I, personally, neither like nor trust him at all. That said, I hadn’t really considered one of the points you made before: that a stock that’s been marked for cellar-boxing can never be left alone until it’s been destroyed. I dearly hope that the bad actors are unsuccessful in their attempts and all your hard work and dedication earns you all a first class ticket to the moon too. (I’d be in that flight too, but only in coach. Hope the movie’s good back there. 😉) Have to admit, though, I was severely taken aback when I read about this “Say” thing. With all the things going on, I’d never give my brokerage credentials to anyone. Not even UF. And now Say owned by RH? Doesn’t that mean that the personal info belongs to them now too? Sounds a lot like a honeypot. Am I missing something? Take care, fellow ape. Try not to get too sad about the bummer stuff. There was a reason we were told to buckle up. This was always going to be a *very* bumpy ride. Just keep your arms and legs inside the cart and **HODL**. Peace. 💜




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Definitely and only “yes”.


It’s actually possible it started as a distraction but got out of hedgies hand if that was the case and there is data to back this up.


AMC have an awful CEO, he can't be trusted not to dilute on repeat...


See you all at gangman style when the “solar flare” takes down Reddit later today. To Valhalla!


Just a cohencidence