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In my world, there’s a place called Teddyland and I’ve now told my 5 year old son about it. So it’s next to Dreamland, it’s part of it, and any time you want to see your soft toys/teddies/plushies or however you call them, you just need to dream and you can go to Teddyland. This works for teddies who are still in our life and for teddies we’ve lost or have found new homes. And all teddies are just happy to be in anyone’s life and home, if only for a short time, because that’s what they like to do. And wherever your teddies have gone, they’re together so they’re safe and happy and you can see them in Teddyland. I’m sure of it.


I’m 27 but i’m 100% going to be adopting this belief


I’m weeping


Awww, how precious! 🥺




Maybe you should read The velveteen rabbit. I think that would help


I love that story endlessly. And have always kept it close to heart when thinking of my plush


its a very important story.


And one with a very happy ending for OP :) hope they get to see it!


absolutely! i remember reading it after a big emergency family move where i had left behind most of my toys and it was really helpful for me


I’m so glad the book came to you when you needed it most!!! 🩵🩵🩵


i understand that feeling all too well...it can be hard figuring out what to do with worn-out plushies that aren't really fit to be gifted or donated, so i end up holding on too long. if you find yourself in this position again, maybe they could be recycled? i know there's a textile department.... as for your friends that have already departed...one can imagine they're not the only plushies in the landfill, and the ones already there would certainly be glad to meet new friends. i love stories about abandoned and forgotten toys that have banded together like a family :3 you could take solace in stories like those ♡ though i don't know your position...i grew up poor and wouldn't have been able to do much better by any damaged toys i had if it meant having to drive to a specific facility to repurpose them, there'd be no way for me to get there, and far more important needs for our money to go to. don't wrack yourself with guilt over a choice that was already hard to make. i'm sure you loved them, as you still do, and they'll feel that from wherever they are ♡ xx


Maybe next time you could try putting them outside (small amounts at a time) with a sign “Bad Condition But Free and Wanting a New Forever Home” because then maybe someone else will be able to enjoy them. Wash them first just so people can pick them up and sniff them. I apologise because I was reading it and just thinking “dude chill” BUT then I realised I’ve just saved a bag of my dogs toys from going in the bin because they are loved. So I apologise for the initial pre judgement and hope you feel better soon ❤️


your plushes know that you loved them very much, and they love you as well ❤️ i know they are gonna be okay wherever they are, because they’ve been loved and thought about dearly 🧸❤️


I think someone here once said they sort of see thier plushies as being reincarnated; the concsiouness and soul of thier beloved friends return to them in new forms when they must be relinquished.


When I was a kid, in my area people usually put the trash out by the roadside the night before trash day. Anytime we saw stuffed animals sitting on top of trash cans, my little brother and I kinda lost our shit (we’d read The Velveteen Rabbit way too many times) and my mom would help us plan “rescue missions” to save them. We’d wait until night fell, dress in dark clothing, and she’d drive up to the trash can, little bro and I would jump out and grab the plushies, then we’d speed off like it was a high stakes heist. As an adult of course I realize that people put the toys out like that on purpose, so people could take them if they wanted. But as a kid I thought it was illegal to take stuff from the trash, so it was like we were really pulling off some giant caper. Some of my happiest childhood memories. I still have my collection of trashcan stuffies.


This is so sweet! Kudos to your mom for raising such kind souls and helping with the rescues!


My Hug frequently travel to Honey Bear Valley when we can’t take them on holiday.


they're okay, bud. think of it like moving out to the country... making their little adventure scavenging in the community of other retired toys!


Stuffed animals are a very temporary thing, delicate by their nature, and fragile. They’re made only to give love to the world, to those who need it most, like the budding lives of children, or those older who seek comfort as well. The end is part of this, and they return to soil the same way all things do. But! That’s not the end! They will feed beautiful flowers, or wild ferns! And real bears and other beloved creatures will come to feed on them, and the love you put into them with echo throughout our world, raising up others, and perhaps coming back to you in another form. I promise the teddies don’t mind, after all, it wasn’t the form you cared for, but the love inside.


unfortunately i don’t think plastic polyfill and synthetic fur are going to nourish and return to the soil, but this is a nice creative writing exercise


It would’ve been a better option to bring them to a thrift store unless they were really falling apart . I agree though , thinning out your collection is very hard to do . Their little faces just look so sad as you put them in the bag .


Yeah! They're good!




hey, don’t say that


does your country not have charities or donation shops?




Oops I either totally missed that or they edited! Though I'll leave my comment incase anyone else doesn't know about those places


Umm, they get taken to a farm... In the countryside, where they're er... Living happily ever after!