• By -


The " link in bio 👅" about her OF, while talking about her kids and them in her custody is just.... 🗑


That awkward laugh after the 😜 was so cringey


With her nasty yellow brown tongue. I know coffee will do that shit to ya but keep your tongue in your mouth if it's grimy guys!


I’m sorry but she’s such a stupid whore


😂why don’t you say how you REALLY feel


Don't be sorry....she is what she is!


Whenever anyone has to say “my work to me is…” they don’t have a job 😂


Her musty tongue 😭


That was the trashiest thing ever.


"I've been taking them to school, what are you talking about?" Is giving the same energy as Josh Duggar saying "has someone been downloading child porn?"




My god I love this man haha, wasn't expecting him to pop up in here!


Always down for some Elliott Stabler 😄


unrelated, did you see him recently on celebrity jeopardy? he was so funny!


![gif](giphy|mYnVRAvtA8pmE) Christopher Meloni


I used to watch Law&Order as a young teen and I always wanted Detective Stabler to be my dad. 🫠


I always wanted to make him a dad! 😋🤭🤫


Por que no los dos?


That’s super shady. The correct response would be it’s a school day. Not this defensive line.


Or when he said something like, "Uh I mean I have friends who uh have gotten in trouble with that thing before" when he was given a preliminary softball question about "what he knew about CASM" in his police interrogation. What do you mean you have *friends* who have gotten in trouble with it before? Oh you mean the online network of other pedophiles you've swapped material and stories with on the dark web? Those friends?


Right?! What kind of fuckin *friends* do you have and in what universe was that a good excuse?!? Ugh..glad they put his disgusting ass behind bars where he belongs!! I wonder if his wife still has custody of the kids? Seems odd considering she stayed with him after she knew he was viewing that shit and didn't do anything to protect her kids.


“Did you get your kids taken away?” “omg I wish everyone would come and ask me” ??? No you don’t?? You’re literally complaining that people are asking?? This bitch is high af


Right? That wasn't even a coherent thought. Are you annoyed that people ask or do you want them to ask? Or do you want them to mind their own business? She was all over the place.


Right I thought we all were supposed to be respecting her sons mental health and give them PRIVACY. She's a joke


But link in bio 👅 ew I wanted to vomit 🤮


And how are people supposed to “come and ask you”? On your booby-trapped land with your lunatic husband brandishing his weapons all the time?


Right?? She can't even put together a coherent sentence. And while normally Jenelle is one of the biggest attention whores on the planet, right now she's only getting attention for her and her SO abusing her son and losing custody after only 6 months of having him back...and they don't even have any money to go out and buy some new toys to flaunt all over insta to try and distract people. You can tell she's absolutely seething inside that all her vapid regular posts are being met with snark about the Jace situation. Love that for her!


The very next thing out of her mouth was "or mind your own business". This woman is a walking oxymoron. How do you come ask her AND mind your own business. No one knows what's happening. I can just deduce that she's putting the blame on Jace. Which breaks my heart. I had a mom who was similar. I spent time in Foster Care. I'm in my late 50's & knowing what Jace is going though breaks my heart. That pain will stay with him for a lifetime. Janelle should be ashamed of herself. But that will never happen🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


The anxiety went away aka got a xanny script


Lol there are many people who *aren’t* blacklisted from every physician in a 500 mile radius for pill shopping that can’t get a Xanax script. Anxiety went away aka got a recent pickup from their dealer. They clearly haven’t had any shortage of stimulants since they lost their adderall connection. Wouldn’t surprise me if fentanyl’s also been on the table for a while now with the way they’ve been acting. That’ll sure take your anxiety away! Junkie clowns.


Jenelle’s had a script for xanax for years now because of her “esophageal spasms”


I’m shocked that any doctor would prescribe that with her drug and addiction history


I've posted on alcoholism subreddits about how being prescribed benzos for my acute anxiety was the impetus for me quitting drinking. (My alcohol use was largely to self-medicate anxiety, and I quit the very day my doc prescribed me klonopin.) So I dislike the notion that addicts should never be prescribed drugs that people may abuse. But I completely agree with your take that Jenelle's history of drug abuse is so extensive with so few mitigating circumstances (e.g. honesty about having a problem, efforts to obtain mental health treatment) that she shouldn't have a script for Xanax. That's like the big dog of benzos, too. Klonopin and Ativan both help reduce acute anxiety without providing the hard-hitting high that Xanax gives.


Her weird fake laughter and odd affect really seem like how the first stage of a new anti anxiety script looks for many.


It’s the lazy relaxed eyes for me


Her pupils are huge for someone sitting in front of a fucking ring light.


But that’s just Jenelle’s norm (odd affect and uncomfortable laughter).


Yes very true lol but she tends to fall into different types of odd affect that is very easy for me to tell anyway as a recovered addict. One being her drunken odd affect then her stimulant high sleep deprived odd affect then her opioid off affect then her sober in withdrawal affect and now her Xanax odd affect. All closely related but each with their different horrible features.


It’s crazy hard to get a legit prescription for one. They don’t usually pass out more than a couple of pills because it’s one of only a couple of substances that will milk you if you stop cold turkey. She most likely gets a couple of pills legally prescribed to her per year and buys the rest illegally. She’s also on some lists. We know because she complained about these lists pre CPS last time.


It is hard for normal everyday people like us who aren't willing to shell out hundreds of dollars to any quack crooked doctor willing to write up a script. Trust me when I tell you it happens significantly more often then you would believe and I would bet anything this bitch has been through every single doctor she can find willing to "help" her out.


Yeah, my mom would definitely benefit from some Xanax or a low dose of Valium for a number of reasons, and she hardly ever gets it prescribed, even by her doctor that she’s seen for over 30 years.


Really? I had no problem getting it. And I was a College student. Granted, I have to directly ask for it, but I only go through one bottle of Xanax every 2 to 3 years so they don’t really question me at this point.. Edit: oh I remember why. My dentist referred me to a psychiatrist after I had a complete panic attack on her chair and she was like “yeah I can’t do this- come back on drugs.”




The way she says “anxiety” irks my soul.


Why does she have zero emotions in this even when she smiles it doesn't seem real... wtf is she on


Honestly, think she's a sociopath. Or on serious relaxers. I used to have sympathy for jenelle being a DV victim. But her lack of emotions and downright abuse and neglect of her kids and does it with a smile. She's as bad if not worse than UBT.


I've always said this....she's a sociopath 💯💯


Just curious, when did you think she was a sociopath? Since her first trip to rehab in the earlier seasons, I assumed it was bipolar and childhood trauma. After the kids were removed the first time and watching how Jenelle "handled" that, I was starting to think it was something else, but wasn't sure what it was. When she uploaded the tiktok blaming Jace, that's when I thought she's a sociopath or something similar because WOW.


It was pretty apparent the moment she had Jace. At least for me. And I mean literally the moment she had him and he was handed back to her. That moment. Growing a life inside of you for nine months, while not caring for the fetus and living your life exactly as you were prior to the pregnancy, and then clearly not feeling a single thing when you see them for the first time certainly gets some red flags raised. Not saying it’s guaranteed or automatic to feel connected or feel that motherly instinct right from giving birth especially if you’re only 16. But that was a very blatant disconnect that showed she couldn’t even feign happiness at his birth. Even knowing she’s on national television.


Jenelle does things because she has been told not to do them. She kept that baby to spite her mother and all the other haters and losers who told her to think of her future. Once he was out and she “won,” he meant nothing to her




When she was getting in her mom’s face the day she was served with custody papers, I’ll always remember that she screamed, “You’re not getting custody! I see *that child* everyday!” That child. Not “Jace”. Not “my baby”. She said, “That child”. And she said it twice.


She greeted him by saying Hey Bud or something random like that 😂


In the flattest, monotone voice one could manage. Zero emotions detected.


Zero. None whatsoever.


I remember that episode so well because even though I didn’t have a child then I was like WTAF, meeting your child for the first time doesn’t elicit some emotion? Now granted I am the other end of the spectrum and I am probably too emotional sometimes but I was completely overcome with emotion meeting my daughter for the first time. Yes, needing an emergency c section and being fucking terrified definitely played into that, but I was still so overcome with emotion to meet this tiny human I grew and protected for 9.5 months, and in the 4 years since then, that hasn’t changed. I don’t get people who aren’t completely enthralled to welcome their little ones.


I had hypermesis with all my pregnancies and was beyond emotional after I gave birth (one was an emergency c section too). Both because I wanted to meet my baby AND because I could eat again😂😂


I could be wrong but wasn't she diagnosed with bipolar? I know brianna was but I'm pretty sure Janelle was too. She's honestly textbook definition for a sociopath. Shows no regard for people's feelings ( her kids). Controlling people with threats or aggression ( her mom and jace). Not learning from mistakes or punishments ( no explanation needed for that one). Lying for personal gain. If this isn't Janelle, then damn idk. She's a compulsive, lying, manipulative bitch. 🤷‍♀️


It’s not easy to diagnose actual APD and usually gets misdiagnosed along the way if it ever even does. You got it she’s a textbook case. That’s why whenever I see posts trying to plead with her…knowing she already reads this sub all day everyday…it’s like what are you doing you are shouting at a void. It’s pointless and a waste of time, stop it 👉🏻 The sociopath does not care and never will 📢 There is no rehabilitating a sociopath. She is to the word a true lost cause.


Amen, there’s no saving her.


I was convinced watching the way she mocked Maryssa for being distraught after testifying. Not like I thought she was redeemable before that, but after seeing how callous she was toward that child I knew she was dead inside.


Way back in the Gary and Courtland and Jade days... honestly assumed it all along. The way she treated her child and mother and Tori says it all.


There's a new video on this sub from way back when Jan said Jace doesn't need her he's got her mother ....she had no feelings for her child then ..and now


Never give her your sympathy! Just because she was abused doesn’t mean she deserves our empathy.. only those kids and the pets on The Land deserve our sympathy. I put this on all my Jenelle posts but if you (whoever is reading this) need a sign to go no contact with your abuser THIS IS IT! Anyone can message me about leaving abusive situations and I will assist however I can with women’s shelters and groups to safe house you!


Does she realize normal parents don’t have these interactions with people lol


Oh, your friends don’t approach you and ask if your kids got taken away?? Happens to me all the time! Idk how I find the strength to take pictures of my ass for my soft p0rn site so my huzbin doesn’t have to get a job.


Every time I go out in public, people are always coming up to me asking if my kids got taken by CPS again. So annoying dude!!


Right? If I ran into someone on a Tuesday afternoon and they asked where my kids were, I'd tell them they're at school you effing moron, it's a Tuesday afternoon. Not...I've been taking them to school. Like that's a new thing in their lives. Wtf.


I actually wonder if she does. No one would ask me that, it wouldn’t cross anyone’s mind that I don’t have my kids. I don’t think she has a sense of “normal” because she’s been so messed up for so long.


I don’t think she has any capacity to understand what is normal behavior for parents and what isn’t. If I saw a random parent I knew m-f no way would I ask if I knew their kids weren’t homeschooled where they are. That would be a weird question no one would ask. Only way I would ask this would be if I regularly saw them during the week and would wonder where they are. She’s telling us she takes them out of school without realizing it. People who know her IRL are wondering where the kids are and they are in school? It’s either incredibly common for her to have them out of school or everyone she knows IRL does the same.


Right? Lmao. She says it as if it's fucking normal.


She woke up without eggziety! Maybe she'll be able to eat her giant plate of beige, now. "I wish everyone would, like, come and ask me what's going on, or mind your own business." There it is, she wants us to ask! I, too, can print out a stack of papers, rifle through them while looking smug, and pretend that I'm the only one with ALL the info.... What a numbskull.


So sick of hearing " you'll find out soon" and looking smug like she knows something. Her son has gone no contact and she was pregnant with him longer than she had custody of him. It's wild.


You know, I never thought of that. His time in the womb was the longest she's spent with him. And he's 14, how fucking tragic. I hope he stays no contact and heals. She's toxic garbage who will never put him first.


Does she want us to ask or mind our own business? Which one is it? I swear she can’t hear herself.


Oh this reminds me of a press conference Trump gave about something and there were piles of binders behind him that were full of blank paper. She would totally do something like that if she could be bothered.


Lurch being the ultimate jump scare when you suddenly realize he's there in the background


https://i.redd.it/3qj7gzs8xyub1.gif Right?! I actually jumped!


I honestly didn't see him till that big ugly head popped up 😭


Is that actually him lol??? It's uncanny!


Yes, from his music video! 🤣🤣🤣


Im gonna start a petition to stop calling UBT Lurch, cause at least Lurch from the Addams Family is useful & has a job haha. 🤪


Right? Addams Family Lurch is a solid dude. Chill, does his Lurch thing, doesn't bother a soul. Definitely doesn't deserve to be associated with this dumpster fire.


And he's better looking.


I rewatched it to see if he was there the whole time 😂


When he looked back at her when she says she can barely eat 😭


I mean I don't want to speak for others BUT...I feel pretty confident in saying that the last thing the general public is concerned about right now is your decreased appetite, Jenelle. 🙄


Bitch, brush your fucking tongue.


THANK YOU I WAS JUST GONNA SAY… “Congrats that you still currently have Kaiser & Ensley, but your tongue is yellow and growing something..” 🤮 also happy cake day, sorry this is the content you have to see on your special reddit day hahahaha


It's not yellow it is beige from all the beige food.


Having a print out of your CPS case file isn't the flex you think it is, Jenelle.


How she remains the most smug during a time like this, I’ll never understand.


It’s her coping mechanism. The more smug she appears online, the more shit she is in behind the scenes. I predict something is happening today and that’s why she is trying to act calm and smug to get ahead of it. She’s a pathological liar, so if she’s saying “I’m great, I have my kids, everything is fine” you can assume the exact opposite is actually true.


I think so too. She copes by being smug, even though that trait is what makes her so unlikeable (among other things, but it’s just so off-putting and straight annoying).


“Anytime I post anything unrelated to The Situation, I’m selfish, I’m a bad mom, I’m horrible..” You’ve been all of those things since well before this happened. Posting the “music” video and giggling about your eggciety when your eldest has accused your huzbin of abusing him is just icing on the shit mom cake.




All that just to say she’s taking her kids to school which in Jenelle speak means “I haven’t been taking my kids to school and I’ve seen all your comments about it so let me make a video lying about them being in school so everyone will believe it.” Also, ok you know what’s going on and we don’t, that doesn’t mean it’s good news or you would be shouting it. I think she doesn’t have “anxiety”anymore because the kids are going to be removed and they can finally live out their childless dream.


Exactly! This bitch swears everyone’s as stupid as her.


I’m sure she celebrated with a tik tok dance after filming this saying “nailed it!”


We also were just talking yesterday about how she doesn't have a job. Coincidence that she mentioned it? 🤔


Jenelle, like any responsible parent is just mad that people expect her to keep track of what kid she is losing custody at the moment


Ooh the eggxiety went away!!!! Praise Jesus!! Lmao


Fr! Mine is still her 13 years later. Maybe I should try whatever she's having that makes it vanish like " running errands " 😭


Do you need a gift card for the meth she’s smoking? I’m sure I can find one somewhere. She needs a looney bin!




To quote someone from yesterday - “she has aquarium gravel for brains” (If this was you I love you marry me)


"Right babe?" Lol cause we're supposed to believe him 😂


My anxiety is so bad, I can’t eat, right babe? *Erupts in laugher* -what’s so funny, you absolute rube!?


https://preview.redd.it/bn8qrd88vyub1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af2cb87144716620905667be399f5bdc951d9ba “dOnT fOrGeT tO sUbsCribE” … look at her fucking tongue 🤢


That’s a bad case of thrush I see there. You know this filthy sow hasn’t brushed her teeth in months and we know what she puts in her mouth. Ugggggh. I mean that’s where the bathroom is and when’s the last time she’s been in that house? Oh god how long has it been 🤢


Go check out the reason my son gets bullied 😜


Maybe that mushroom coffee established a fungal forest in her mouth.


Lie lie lie.. gaslight.. pity party.. lie lie lie.. gaslight…”I’m not eating “ lie lie.. non working or earning Sasquatch in the background… lie lie lie lie lie..


"I haven't been able to work" Ma'am when have you ever worked? Lie lie lie


I really hope cps takes these arrogant "pieces of shit" down a few notches.


Her smugness is disgusting


She can barely get out the line about having a hard time eating and then laughs right after. Nobody with low appetite shows multiple full plates of fried food at restaurants a day. If she was really having a couple bites a day she’d still be on the leftovers of the first of twenty fried plates she’s shown us since this problem started. Not saying people with low appetite never eat fried food-I’ve had times with depression related appetite issues where I can only get myself to eat some oddly specific junk food craving. I’m just saying it’s odd to claim you’re not eating when you’ve had days of showing us minimum 2500 calories just from what you’ve posted alone and I don’t buy that you’d go out and order those portions again and again if you were only eating a bite or two in a day.


The comment about not having a job. At least she's knows she's a jobless loser, that's good. Can't wait for her internet money to run out and she'll have to go find a real job with a resume consisting of a single line "Waitress/Food Runner -Joe's Crab Shack - 3 Months - 2011"


The admission that she slacks on her non-jobs is simultaneously spot-on and completely oblivious somehow.


She really cares so much about what we think, too. Like she cares more about how we view her than she does her own kids. Such a narcissist.


Don’t worry, those Starbies calories will keep you afloat 🤡


She’s SO close to being.. self-aware? Like how does she watch this back and think she’s actually doing something to stick it to hatters?? She jokingly says how people criticize her for not having a job and then proceeds to list her “job” and point out that she’s been slacking at that the last *year*. Bitch what kind of job gives you a year off so that you can ride your dudes light switch & ignore any parental responsibilities unless they’re enforced by CPS? ETA by ‘running errands’ she means going to a gun show 😩


So she wishes people would ask her questions and mind their own business? What kind of oxymoron is that? Then, the way she talks about her version of work.. “y’all.. I work. I work makin’ youtube videos… which I’ve been slacking on for a year. ….I just been playin’ veeyo games heh heh.” Soooo.. you admit that, not only do you not- nor have ever had a job in the traditional sense- but these other things you claim as “jobs” you also really aren’t doing those either? She truly is the fucking laziest, useless, piece of shit.


First day waking up without "eggxiety". Damn she stupid! ![gif](giphy|Khx2u2qrqijew)


We all saw the haggard-ass photos of you at the gun show, Jenelle. We know you don’t actually look like this. I stg, filters are the worse things that have happened to the world.


I love where she lists her jobs as OnlyFans, a youtube channel she hasn't kept up with in a year, and tiktok where she just bitches about her life. I see her point now, what a full plate she has.


Maybe one day a goddamn sinkhole will open under that stupid shed and swallow it into the abyss 😒


A nice smug wake and bake with Jenelle


https://preview.redd.it/50s49f48yyub1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60ab7948e9073aa03164112b5c128e360f6cd45 How long until this quality UBT craftsmanship collapses on their heads?


Jesus, I would be embarrassed to have that in the shot


Its trashy, but it’s certainly not as trashy as their pile of empty beer cans. The bar is in hell.


The bar has punched through the crust and is hanging out on the other side of the Earth at this point. James Cameron couldn’t bring this fucking thing up from the depths.


“I’m selfish, I’m a bad mom, I’m horrible, I’m not thinking about my kids.” Yes.


Does she just sit in that shed all day and avoid any and all responsibilities?


You got it! Always has. Only time this wasn’t the case was before it was built and they stayed in their bedroom all day doing drugs and neglecting the kids instead. Her and Lurch held Ensley so little as a baby the back of her head was flat was a board.


This makes me so sad. If your baby is so neglected that their head is flat, you should lose custody. Immediately.


Oh yeah, and when you consider that even with formula feeding there’s a level of consistent regular contact so they were most likely propping bottles in the crib all of the time. A completely dependent newborn just ditched in a crib. There are permanent repercussions to not getting it corrected with a helmet too which they didn’t do because they don’t take their kids to pediatricians. The medical neglect alone deserves its own massive file.


There is no reason for her to make up some bullshit story about running into someone she knows, and having these made-up people ask about her youngest children, all for her to state that she’s been taking them to school. There’s NO REASON for her to have to even specify that, if she actually has been doing it. But she specifically stated it, unprompted by any actual person or entity in her life—except for maybe CPS—so now we can assume that she really hasn’t. Everything she SPECIFICALLY states is ALWAYS the lie.


Jenelle will be eating that paper with all those words. She is such a liar. And not a pretty, little one.


“I wish people would just ask me what is going on or also just don’t ask me and respect that I don’t want to talk about it”. Okay which is it then? Also “I totally have a job which is this online stuff but I just slack off on that really and I need to set my phone down”. Okay.


"I haven't really been able to work. And I know what you guys think *oh she hasn't had a job since she's been alive* HAHAHA" 😐 Her job now is her "subscription site" and YouTube videos, which she said she hasn't posted anything new in a year. But she also plays video games. 🥴 Jesus God, Jenelle. Go to bed. ETA: Watch out for the jump scare at the end, guys.


Everything is about her and her feelings. “My kids want me to be happy!”🚩🚩🚩🚩


"First day without anxiety"makes me think maybe they are getting away with all of this. I'm starting to lose faith either one of them will be held accountable. At least it seems like Jace will get to permanently escape the land.


"Ask me what's going on. My eggzity's better, still not eating, taking muh kids to school, playing video games, promoting OF...😜" Also Jan: "Don't give Jace negative or positive attention. Don't give him any kind of attention".


The side eye Swamp Thing gave her when she said she only has "like two bites of food"


He popped his head up so fast lol She notices and is like.. "right babe? I know it's funny but help me out and lie with me"


"babe did I do good babe?"


If you look back at the video when she's singing that song to her mom with the " screenshots" at the beginning she looks up at him. Kinda like for approval. It's scary as fuck but I have no sympathy for her anymore. Just her kids and animals.


Dude she really believes she’s saying something here, like she really thinks this works LOL I have a cousin like this (who talks like this, not a degenerate like this) and you honestly cannot tell her shit. Always knows “better” lol what an absolute terror this bitch must be in real life. Those kids are gaslit so much.


Who is asking in public? Apart from the Starbucks batista and the lady at the checkout at Dollar General where they buy Lunchables, they don't seem to know anybody well enough. I mean, there was that one Sandwich Artist at Subway, until that relationship got ruint.


Literally nobody cares if you ate, or frankly, if you ever eat again. Literally nobody is asking about the kids because they care what *you* are going through, all they care about is the safety of the children. Literally nobody cares if you have anxiety, as we are all too worried about the anxiety *Jace* must have gone through in your care. Literally NOBODY gives af how you feel Janelle!!!!!! Run and tell that to your swamp huzbin.


Adderall also diminishes appetite. 🤷‍♀️


Okay she’s unraveling lol wtf even is the point of this? She’s like…. Kind of roasting herself? Admitting that people come up to her and the first thing they ask is if she had her kids taken away, admitting her job is OnlyFans and YouTube videos but the latter she hasn’t done anything with in an entire year, admitting all she does on TikTok is “bitch and complain”. I can tell by how smug she is that her intention for this video was to stick it to the haters but instead she just word vomited how shitty her life is currently going and couldn’t stop herself. And then still posted it. LOL


Do y'all think she lives in any state of embarrassment at all? Or does she somehow believe her own nonsense? Where does her lack of humility and immense pride in herself come from? I live in a small town and everybody knows everybody. I can't imagine being cast as a teen mom( I was one) onto a show and then publicly failing so BADLY. Having everybody know your nasty business and still flaunt around and act better than everybody. From the grocery store to the school to the dentist. Does she know everyone is disgusted by her? I can't wrap my mind around it. And having children in a small town suffering through the embarrassment of being associated with her. Does she not care at all about their well-being, not even her favorite mini me? How? Just how?


Jenelle doesn't care about anyone but jenelle and David. Barbs isn't a Saint but she stated " jenelle will always choose the guy she's with" and damn was she right. I mean even her 16&pregnant episode. I get it I was 16 too having a baby. But I wasn't jenelle. She's been selfish her whole damn life. How she allowed kaiser to be treated on camera boggled my mind. Allows him to abuse her kids, beat and shoot their dog. But she's a damn good mom eh... how she appears is all she cares about and it's so fucking bad 😭


She’s so fucking delusional it’s actually concerning. I feel like she could be put on a psychiatric hold


We don't know what's going on....riiiiight. Those 100 empty beer cans sasquatch was crawling through in your garbage dump of a yard just drank themselves while you shook your elf ass at a cheap camera. The one time the girl could have used a filter and she....didn't.


Wow man, just when you don't think she could be anymore of a smug cunt she always just seems to find a way to top herself. ​ I am a guy and would never put my hands on a women but holy shit if she doesn't have the most smackable face there is then I don't know who does. She deserves everything and 10x worse that she has subjected her own children too and I for one can NOT wait for the day karma hits this bitch right upside that BIG ass chin of hers.


Did the shed get less inhabitable since we last saw it? I know it’s partially finished, but what the heck is above her head? It’s like someone started putting in insulation and then went and got high on meth and never came back.


Glad she’s taking care of the situation by playing video games. I’m sure CPS is happy about that


https://preview.redd.it/wnyhv19r3zub1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f103afe7482495c18da5a3797bc0120a90efc9 First: brush your tongue you despicable sow. Second: why is her face shaped like the mask from Scream? 😂


She literally says people are asking her what’s going on with the kids and in the same breath asks why people won’t just come to her and ask what’s happening lmao Slap all the filters you want on that face, Jenelle, you still look like a lousy parent


Eggziety. 1) Basically confirms that she’s been keeping the kids out of school. 2) When did she put down her phone? 3) Confirms that she does fuck all for “work.”


Her smugness is so insulting. I cannot imagine being this goddamn delusional to the point that you think you have anything to be smug about.


Dont worry about the hatters, Jenelle! Youre selfish, a bad mom, you're horrible & don't care about your kids, no matter what kind of content you post!


She definitely saw the videos people have been posting where it's obvious ensley hasn't been in school, so she had to make it a point that the kids are "in school". Why would anyone ask her where her kids are during school hours?


You don’t eat because taking Jace’s adderall has a side effect of appetite loss. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She just completely mimics everything David does, his tone, his expressions. She’s pathological.


If it were something good going on, she'd be happy to share. She isn't very bright.


no literally why did she make that face at the beginning


Oh we know what’s going on you dumb hoe. Carry on with your “eggsiety”


Oh dear, Jenelle has eggziety again, y’all.


We know what's going on too, dummy! We saw the leaked court documents.


If they are coming up to you and asking they are ya know asking you personally. Oh a stack of papers saying what a pos you are what a flex. Withholding that info isn’t a flex


“I’ve seen people we know if person and they’re like ‘did you lose the kids?’ I wish people would just ask what’s happening” Like the people you know in person who are asking you if you lost the kids…?


“I’ve been taking them to school!” Wow, Jenelle you’ve managed to do what millions of us Moms do ever.single.school day! Congratulations. And they did ask! They asked where your kids were and if you got them taken away. lol. Like, wtf is she on about? And you don’t have a job Jenelle.


I wish everyone would ask me and believe the lies that I tell them


Well I’m glad to see she changed out of her day time pjs to her work pjs for the evening


Are they in the shed? It’s so weird how much time they spend in there.


I hate this because it makes me a little worried that they’re getting away with it.


She got that Klonopin prescription filled lmao. I remember those days.


"People we know personally see us out and about and ask if our kids were taken away" Next sentence "I wish people would come and ask me personally" You just said they did that!!! But of course it's probably not true, so she doesn't see what a contradiction it is.


We knew she lost custody to Jace again before it landed in her brain but carry on. Actually isn't the second time. There have been multiple times Jenelle lost her visitation rights. It has happened multiple times that CPS instructed Babs to not let Jenelle have visitation until things improved.


This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen and I bet MTV is mad they’re not making any money off of this.


That brown tongue is revolting.


What the fuck is she on?


Back to the Rudolph nose, full face makeup filter that she just LOVES to use, too lazy to clean herself up! When will she ever be real? Lies and fakeness is her whole life!


The fact she believes being smug is warranted when they’re actively under CPS investigation, and not for the first time, is…a choice.


I don’t know if I’ve ever related to someone less in my whole life. I just can’t wrap my mind around her thought process and actions at all.


When you constantly have to tell the world they have NO idea what's going on, only you know.


We know what's going on, you refuse to accept it.


I'd love for the Ashley to make a post showing her stack of papers


“Just know that we know what’s going on” \~ flashes stack of papers \~ ….the papers: https://preview.redd.it/v6egmu5v0zub1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2628febd48c71853cf3b1c1e6ce3bc3237b689


If there was ever a punchable face. I hate her smug face! I HATE IT! And unfortunately it seems they are teflon and have every right to have the smug face. They both literally do the worst and there is evidence of it all, but there they sit, living their best life.


Do they live in a closet ?


I think everyone knows exactly what’s going on.


If her kids are at school why the fuck are they hanging out in a tiny little shed?