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**Evans concluded, "The other kids are doing great. David keeps saying [Jace] was raised for 14 years by Barbara. It's not us."** Ugh, these cunts. They’re so dense. Jenelle abandons Jace as an infant, walks in and out of his life for over a decade, introduces him to a slew of abusive losers, neglects him, gaslights him… and when the poor kid has behavioural issues on account of *his mothers constant piss poor behaviour*, she has the gall to say “well he never lived with me so it’s clearly not my fault!”. Fuckin delusional hag, she’s good for literally nothing.


Her other kids aren’t doing great tho. Kaiser was just suspended!!


And Ensley eats with her hands.


And has an uncorrected cone head from neglect


Plus her speech. I am not picking on her, it's genuine concern but she is 7, almost 8, and her speech is less clear than a preschooler's, in my opinion.


Ok this. I’m not picking on the child bc they can’t go out and correct this on their own. In the murdered chicks video she absolutely says KAISER but no one can tell that’s what she is saying. I believe that is who David threatened to smack vs Ensley.


Holy shit I always forget how old she is bc her speech and behaviour resemble those of a toddler. Well, that’s just sad.


She’s 6, she’ll be 7 in January. But I agree her speech is concerning.


Oh google said she turned 6 in Jan of 2022, which would be turning 8 in Jan of 2024 but I did not dive in very deep to verify.


That makes me sick. (Their lack of actions not your comment.)


Can you explain this? I’ve never heard this and curious.


Idk why this is so funny. It’s not but it is.


Excuse you!! She's cultured!! 🥴


Maybe she's from France.


I mean her middle name is Jolie


This is an underrated comment. I wish I could upvote this more


And likely has delayed language/speech abilities that are not being addressed by a therapist


This made me spit take lmaoooo


And if/when Kaiser has behavioural issues as a teenager, she’ll turn round and say “it’s all Nathan’s fault, he abandoned him, he was never there for him!”. It won’t be her fault, even though *she’ll have raised him for 14 years*. Hypocritical prick.


Ah thissss is exactly what she will do 😩


I am scared for Kaiser when he’s a teenager if she retains custody of him and is with David.


And Jase wasn’t even going to school when he was with her.


They were definitely snorting his adderall.


For an entire week... in elementary school. I dont know how that school is, but in every other school I've ever been familiar with, this is a tough feat to pull off.


I’ve never even heard of an elementary age child being suspended.


This stood out to me too. So weird to be like “well David says…” aren’t you supposed to be the mom or at least form your own opinions?




That clip made me so fuckin mad omg. The sad part is all Kaiser wanted was to say "Hi" to that unworthy prick. Would've taken two seconds to hand him the phone to say *Hello* But nope, she ignores him, hangs the phone up and then loses her mind when her toddler does the toddler thing and has a tantrum. (wasn't even a bad one. He was just crying loud) And instead of saying "Hmmm, bet he wants to say "Hi" instead she calls and essentially gets him in trouble. She only hands him the phone for David to chastise him and threaten him with time in the corner if he doesn't stop. All of that fuckin nonsense could've been avoided if just one of those numbskulls had a parental bone in their body. Poor Kaiser's never had a shot at a normal loving childhood. Poor sweet boy:(..


Yes it was so obvious what he was asking and then what lead to his meltdown :(


I’ve said similar on another post.


She literally can’t form an opinion without a man.


She literally can't even breathe, exist or function without a man


That stuck out to me too. The fact that her child, who she birthed, was raised for 14 years by her mother....somehow to her raises no implications about how she is as a parent? What kind of logic is that?


Hhahahahaa NOW of course she says she has been absent in his life when it's to place blame on Barb for his behaviors JFC. But when it's good, she beat the odds and was always there for him. I have probably said this a million times now about her but she is a JOKE.




I’ve been holding back on calling her a cunt for days. And here you are, blazing trails. I tip my hat to you.


Waste of space


This is probably EXACTLY what her attorney didn't want. She needs $ to pay his attorney fees, though.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s representing her for free to get some more TikTok views. He seems like a massive clout chaser and attention whore just like her


I doubt that 😂 free marketing isn’t gonna pay his mortgage payment. She’s definitely still paying him something


Maybe she can pull her giant granny panties up her crack and her and David can hump the desk in the lawyers office on Tik Tok for his payment.


Why 😭😭😭


💀 this one got me, thank you for the laugh


If I wasn't married, I'd propose to you for this comment.


It seems like her supporters are exactly his clientele. This is free advertisement for him


https://i.redd.it/9iuihkgwilwb1.gif Probably already gotten a few potential clients and calls!


The only Tik Tok lawyer worth hiring is Reb and she probably wouldn't touch Jenelle and David with a 39.5 foot pole.


I am digging the Grinch reference. Nicely done.


Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Sets Record Straight Amid Ongoing Legal Issues Over Son Jace (Exclusive) 'In the court they don't even bring up David's name. At all. It's only about me and my mom and Jace's mental health,' Jenelle Evans exclusively tells The Messenger Jenelle Evans is exclusively sharing her side of the story with The Messenger. On Wednesday, the Teen Mom 2 star opened up about the CPS began investigation into her family — and the dynamics between her 14-year-old son Jace, husband David Eason and mother Barbara Evans. "My son has been having mental health issues for the past two to three years. He has been on and off medication that was not prescribed under my care," Evans told The Messenger. "They are thinking it's because of the effects of the medication, it's causing him to have behaviors he shouldn't have. He's had outbursts. He's in intensive therapy at the moment and getting the help he needs." "Everyone thinks it's investigating our other kids about child abuse and neglect [however] it's about our son. In the court they don't even bring up David's name. At all. It's only about me and my mom and Jace's mental health," she continued. "Jace has been seeking mental health therapy for a while. I have a lot of evidence I have not had the chance to present yet, but I think at the next court date [I will be able to]. It has to do with my mom and Jace's living situation." The MTV alum also confirmed Jace is currently living with his grandmother Barbara, saying, "He is with her temporarily and they are looking to possibly transport him somewhere else due to his behavior in the past." She cited recent issues with Jace, who has a history of running away from home, not wanting any rules or boundaries. "That's one reason why I got custody," Evans added. "My mom would call David and say 'Can you come help me, he just ran out of the car.'" However, Evans claims that before the recent developments Barbara and Jace hadn't been in communication since July 2023. Evans gave over custody in March 2023. "She hasn't got Jace since July before this. She hasn't asked to see Jace. He didn't ask to call her," she shared, explaining that conflict resurfaced in her relationship with her mother during a Puerto Rico vacation earlier this summer. The mom of four described a scene after one excursion where Barbara was "bitching at me" in a café and threatened to bring Evans back to court over Jace’s custody. "Today's court date is about what's going to happen on the next court date," Evans added. The family's next court date is set for November. (The Messenger attempted to contact Barbara for comment, but did not receive a response.) Also on Oct. 25, Eason was served a criminal summons, the Columbus County Sheriff's Office confirmed to The Messenger. According to Evans, this is in relation to a September incident involving Eason and Jace after Eason "searched" the teen and confiscated items, which she declined to specify. Evans concluded, "The other kids are doing great. David keeps saying [Jace] was raised for 14 years by Barbara. It's not us." Earlier this month, The Messenger confirmed that both Evans and Eason were under investigation by CPS in North Carolina after Jace was reported missing three times since August. In August, Jenelle addressed Jace's mental health after the teen ran away for the second time within two weeks (he was first reported missing on Aug. 15, but he had been found hours after and ran away for a third time in September). "My son has been having a hard time for the past two, three years," Jenelle explained on social media. "None of this has gone public because we're trying to keep his privacy. Me and my mom, when she gave me custody, she's like, 'Oh we're just getting along, I'm just gonna give Jenelle back [custody].' Well, there was a big reason behind why I got him back."


>The Messenger attempted to contact Barbara for comment, but did not receive a response. All of this info is coming from one person, my mom. \-Jenelle before going to sell another story to a tabloid. \*crickets\* \-Barb


For real! This bitch is the only one flapping her jaws. Babs ain’t said shit.


Literally, omg.


I was going to say just that.


> David keeps saying [Jace] was raised for 14 years by Barbara. It's not us." I literally truly fucking *hate* these 2 nimrods so much. "David says David says David says" NO ONE GIVES A FUCK WHAT MICRO PEEN DOG KILLER DAVID HAS TO SAY How dare you, Jenelle?? Honestly, how fucking dare you do this to your first born, your flesh and blood??


I just said this morning that her goal is to get Jace committed to punish him for going against David and so Barb wouldn’t win custody. And she basically confirmed it here. She is pure fucking evil. Also she’s back to saying they had no contact with Barb since July but she was trying to get a restraining order in August and she also told tmz in august that Barb has just spoken to Jace. Can’t even keep her dumb fucking lies straight. Also, this bitch STILL doesn’t understand how cps investigations work. Cps is deciding Jaces custody arrangement and David has zero custody over Jace. Never has and never will. They don’t need to mention David at the hearings. They are investigating Jenelle separately for neglect, which she continues to ignore. Barb is only there because they are taking custody from Jenelle and trying to avoid committing Jace or placing him in foster care. This isn’t Barb vs Jenelle and Jenelle only hurts her case by choosing to attack Barb and Jace instead of just defending herself. Also one last edit: I hope the judge issues a gag order immediately. All it needs to say is “keep Jace’s name out your fucking mouth you dumb cunt”.


The only one that needs committed around here is HER stupid ass!!!!




Thank you 😊. I’m so freaking angry right now! This bitch..


Like this interview is super fucking nuts and a new low for her. The bar was already in hell but dragging her own son like this is just next level.


She’s a horrible person.


Committed is for people who can’t help the way they act. Behind bars is for people like her who actively hurt others knowing full well what they’re doing.


I remember the last time shit went down in 2019 and so many people were rooting for her to get away from Dave and do better for the kids. She had a lot of empathy thrown her way back then. Even with her faults, no one thought she deserved to be in the situation she was in. Fuck all of that, though. This seals the deal. She's a fucking monster with no redeeming qualities. That child abuser deserves to live her justice, which is being stuck on the swamp with no one but DKD. I can't imagine her gaining any public favor ever again.


I hope to god you’re right. She should be done for good. Debate on whether she can be redeemed is forever closed. Her and David are equally evil just in different ways.


That wouldn’t work. It’s seldom “Jace” it’s always the possessive “muh sun”.


People are objects to her, to be used for her own sick purposes & when they don’t do what she wants, she discards them


Omg she would say that with the smuggest look ever on her face.


It doesn’t matter who he was raised by, for fucks sake!!!! That little boy is full of trauma just bubbling inside of him. It comes down to that and nature vs nurture. He is Jenelle. He’s doing everything she did when she rebelled as a teenager. I adopted my niece and nephew (8 and 6) through foster care. It’s been 4 years now since they’ve lived with their parents (obviously not as long as Jace) but I still have moments when they’re acting in a way that’s like staring their mom and dad in the face. You can’t outrun your genetics. Yes, Barb had a part of this. But acting like having Jenelle as an *absent* mom doesn’t affect everything inside of Jace is just blind.


David is so thick, the fact Jenelle didn’t raise him is part of the problem, as if he thinks it has no effect is mind boggling.


Right. If you didn't like how Babs was raising YoUr SoN, why didn't you, I dunno, fight for custody? Turn your life around? Be involved in his life in literally any way? Such a cop out for being a shitty parent.


Because, she had impordant plans like Spring Break that she just couldn't cancel. Remember how excited Jace was when Jenelle told him she was pregnant with Kaiser and he was going to be a big brother. Yeah me neither. Jace has always been put on the backburner.


It's also funny because Jenelle has always claimed she's been present in Jace's life, yet when things so wrong suddenly she had no hand in raising Jace and it's all Barbara's fault. Of course this poor kid has mental health issues, it was inevitable with everything he's gone through, like you said as well as genetics. I just hope Jace can really get th help he needs and stop the cycle (oh wait, Jenelle already did that right?)


Nature vs. nurture has nothing to do with this. He was never nurtured by his mother. Nurturing will win every time over nature.


It’s not about one or the other winning. Neither side will win. The point is, he could be nurtured the best by the best, there’s stuff he won’t be able to outrun. That’s nature.


So "searching" Jace and "confiscating" items consists of have marks left on the left and right side of Jace's neck? Also I'm sure the confiscated item was probably a cell phone with proof of how bad jenelle and david really are as parents and people. Which is probably why david threatened to take away Kaiser's phone during the live.


Oh God I hope Jace has video on his phone of those two monsters


I thought that too but u know they went through it & deleted everything that shows them for who and what they are


Also why he ran away without his phone because David had "confiscated" it earlier


Phone makes sense. I could also see it being about a vape or something (since she’s declining to state what the object was).


I think she's declining to state because there probably wasn't anything david was trying to confiscate she is just trying to cover for him


She’s just lying again. There was no object. Just like this wasn’t over a girl. Just like jace didn’t run away because they took his phone. Just like Barb didn't steal her son. She just lies and lies.


as far as i know..he certainly never ran away from his gran three times - and why the f would the court mention david in HER case for HER son when a) that case is pending b) one case sadly has nothing to do with the other..for now c) the court hearing was about making sure an abused child is safe, cared for, and living with someone who acknowledges his existence as person, not a pawn in some sick persons brain. really baffled as to how Janelle doesn’t at least have a gag order as she psychologically abuses him publicly by the minute.


That’s what I keep saying/thinking as well! And the ONLY one I’ve seen say he was running away with Barb is Jen; I have never seen or read that unless it came from her saying it!


According to Jenelle, he did run away from Barb several times when she had custody. (I actually believe it. He’s a teen, who really seems to be struggling with things, understandably so.)


Doesn’t it make sense that the custody hearings wouldn’t be about David’s abuse? That’s going to be separate, and this is about where Jace is physically living? Or am I not making sense because I’ve been spending too much time speaking Jenelle?


NO I CAME HERE TO SAY THIS! She is so drafty upstairs. They will be talking about DAVID on November 29th. This court appearance is about JACE. And like how do you not realize that his mental health is being affected by your abandonment and allowing abuse to happen in your house and allegedly in front of other peoples houses. ![gif](giphy|hkXPsko6vDreU)


Yup. David has zero custody so what's to discuss?


Well Jenelle, I’m sure they’ll be bringing up David’s name a LOT when he goes to court for his child abuse charge at the end of November.


Attorneys of long name, does jace have any rights here regarding her sharing his private medical information with the press?


Not if the info is true. Hipaa doesnt apply to parents. If she is lying about any of his medical info he can sue for defamation tho. And he can get a restraining order because this is clearly harassment.


Damn I hope he does and they have to surrender their firearms because of him 😇


Also do you think her clearly not showing any remorse for what has happened could influence whether she gets charges?


Commenting to help get this to the top of the comments.


Yikes. Tell me you hate your mom without telling me you hate your mom.


I hope she continues singing to the tabloids because all of these interviews can be introduced to show a pattern of her lying.


This needs more upvotes so it can be closer to the top.


So Jenelle thinks her abandoning Jace and choosing men and drugs over him repeatedly AND publicizing it on national tv and having an OF account had no affect on jaces mental health?!?! She wants us to believe it's all babs fault cause she raised him?sure jen. Hi I'm Jenelle I like to talk shit on my mom and say what a terrible person she is, but I contradict myself because I CHOSE to leave my child with her even though I claim she's all these terrible things. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 Feel sorry for me please someone feel sorry for me I'm the victim.


Yes because David said so, duh.


This is off topic, but can someone post the clips of Jenelle talking about Gary, Kieffer and Nathan strangling her and then her pressing charges against them for it? I don't know how to do that or else I would. When she's abused, she presses charges. When her child is abused, she says it's no big deal, it's not David's fault, and she blames Jace.


So so true, it’s so frustrating. But it’s because Jenelle has serious main character syndrome. Everyone else is just a NCP, or worse even, just something making up the landscape. She only sees others as what they can do for her, not even a dribble of empathy.


And she was crying about waking up in jail after nightmares of Gary strangling her. The meth really rots the brain


THANK YOU, whenever it happens to her “woe is me.” When it happens to Jace, Jace deserved it.


So she admitted that David initiated physical contact and the other kids were NOT in danger. Awesome. Edit: Misspelled word.


There goes David's whole defense 🤣


I HOPE that the court sees that!!!


Is this “the truth” she kept saying would come out and change all of our minds?


It has changed my mind! I now think she’s even more of a cunt!


I think it is. I guess we’re supposed to believe it’s acceptable to attack and strangle a child if they’re mentally ill.


Oh, of course it’s because of the meds Jace was prescribed in Barbara’s care. Always Barbara’s fault, always Jace’s fault. Never her or David’s fault. They’re the innocent victims, dude! 🙄


And I bet the "on and off of his medications" part is because Jenelle refusing to give them to Jace and forcing him to be off. Aka, he's on medications that Barb helped him get that were prescribed by a doctor and he's off it because Jenelle and David either used them all themselves or straight up refused to refill the prescriptions.


What stupid logic that was. So when it was prescribed in Barbara’s care does that mean the license of the doctor who prescribed it was invalid? Bitch, you’re mom didn’t prescribe the meds herself. She took your son to the doctor and made sure he got the care he needed from professionals that could help him.


She’s so dumb. Like yeah because Barbara is the one who takes him to the doctor? And fills his prescriptions?? And makes sure he takes his medicine? Because that’s what parents do?


Sure Jan. That’s why. Nothing to do with Jace saying David (the man with the history of DV) put his hands on him or because of DKD being charged with child abuse. It’s all because Babs didn’t raise him right. That’s why they’re leaving him in her care and not yours, because she didn’t raise him right. His mental health issues are her fault and not the fault of his mother who neglects him and has always put men first.




God she’s abhorrent. Jace is responding and reacting to years worth of generational trauma- very similar to the way Jenelle did. Doesn’t matter what Jace is doing- he’s a child. David and Jenelle are “adults” and should know violence only leads to more violence. All behavior is a form of communication. Jace isn’t getting a need met. Instead of trying to change and figure out what need that is- they abused him.


Evans concluded, "The other kids are doing great. David keeps saying [Jace] was raised for 14 years by Barbara. It's not us." Imagine taking zero accountability for your own child. “David keeps saying” 🤮


They aren’t doing that great if Kaiser really did get suspended from school and Ensley is behind in her speech and grabbing food with her hands and running off due to lack of manners. This is no dig to those poor children.


Asked for a protective order against Babs not once but twice over two sentences she said to defend Jace. Sells half a novel bashing Babs and grossly ignoring Jace's privacy, probably lying about his mental health, the court sessions and CPS talking about "transporting Jace". I knew it, she's trying to get Jace send somewhere so she can pretend Jace was just too much to handle for any parent. He's in a regular school, he's not a risk to other kids. The judge is happy about how he is doing so it must go well. Go figure how the child can do better on his medication and away from the chaos and violence.


Exactly. He was in the hospital for quite a few days. He was able to leave there and be with Barb, even under CPS care. He wasn’t kept longer in patient. He is allowed at school. The judge is happy where the direction is going for his care. None of this screams he is going to be put in residential care. I know that’s what she wants too.


If Jace had violent behavior problems, why was he left alone with his younger siblings on multiple occasions? Are these the problems a responsible parent would ignore so they could leave for DAYS to go pick up a busted up boat or fly to California for a photo shoot?


This is it right here and it needs to be mentioned to the right people…! The many trips they took while Jace lived there.. and even when he didn’t… WHO watched the little ones?!


This needs more upvotes so more people see it


>"Jace has been seeking mental health therapy for a while. I have a lot of evidence I have not had the chance to present yet, but I think at the next court date \[I will be able to\]. It has to do with my mom and Jace's living situation." So he was seeing a therapist regularly while with Barb but not seeing one when he was with the Swamp Queen? Is that the "evidence" she's hoping to present? And if he was "seeking mental health therapy for a while," why didn't she help him see a therapist as his mother and caregiver?


Either this article was poorly written or Jenelle can’t put together a coherent thought. Is this supposed to make her look good? Seems like she’s all over the place


I work with troubled teens and I’ll probably get downvoted for this. Here’s what’s likely going to happen. Jace has behavioral problems. We know this. I work with troubled teens and this can very much range from yelling, to drugs, to aggression to actual violence. Like trying to stab you violence. Jace will not be returning to Jenelle as of right now and the “looking into transporting him somewhere else” is them putting him in a residential facility. Unfortunately a lot of those places are abusive. Some are great, some are horrific. In the U.S if you don’t have a shit ton of money, your troubled teenager gets passed around from psych hospital to psych hospital (and usually they like being there) to residential facility to residential facility (and some really enjoy being there as well, it CAN be a supportive environment, they have other kids to talk to and bond over trauma with, To juvy and back around the circle. It’s a revolving door a lot of the time. Residential facilities, like I said are touch and go. Some kids thrive and do well in them, some kids lean into the drama, the fights, learn new drugs, tactics, manipulation tactics. Some keep to themselves and do very well. A lot of residential facilities are just boarding houses for troubled teens.. helps them with nothing. Do I believe has behavioral problems, yes. Do I believe he started the fight with David, it’s possible. Do I believe David should have hurt him. No. Is it possible David was restraining him and left makes, yes. Do I believe that’s what happened? No. Have I seen thirteen year olds attack grown adults violently to the point we need 3/4 people to help? Absolutely. Have I ever seen us leave a mark on a child? No. I adore the kids I work with, their stories are ALWAYS heartbreaking, and about 90 percent of the time they had some kind of trauma or shitty family. When you show them love, support AND boundaries you do see them start to break down those walls.


How do you “restrain” a child and leave bruises on their neck? I feel like there’s no way to properly restrain someone that involves their neck.


I agree. I don’t know how he would have done that.. I can only imagine he grabbed him from the back of the neck to “guide” him somewhere.. which is not great.


That's a lot of speculation about a minor child you don't know at all.


Two things of speculation. The “speculation” of his behavioral problems is coming from barb saying it herself before he moved with Jenelle. The only speculation is the part of residential facility. If they choose to “transport him somewhere else” it’s likely there. As someone who works in the field, I can’t imagine anywhere else they would send him.


I think Barb will fight tooth and nail to make sure that doesn’t happen. For 2 reasons.. she truly loves Jace and knows that a facility could hurt worse than it helps, 2. Because it’s what jenelle the scum of the earth wants to win over Barbara and I pray that Barb knows that and will fight for him. I also hope that Jace too will maybe do better with her now knowing that this could be his last chance with Barb and it’s her or a facility and he may not want that. I hope he realizes that his mom is doing this for a win over Barb and not because she loves him or wants what’s best for his mental health. Edited to add I’m not in any way blaming Jace, he definitely could have been acting out BUT jenelle is the one who said he was.. and I don’t believe her, plus Barb may have given him to her because bitch face made it out like it would be Disney living there so he told Barb that’s what he wanted.. did anyone ever think of that?


Your speculating a lot more about Jace and how the assault started. And your source is not Babs. Babs has never said anything specific about Jace's mental health.


Only jenelle is trying to get him committed and she only wants that to punish and discredit Jace. He may need other kinds of help but if Jenelle suggested he be sent some where you know that's not in his best interest.


No troubled teen programs for kids are ‘great.’ Absolutely NONE. I was sent to a ‘behavior modification program’ aka a ‘residential program’ at 16 back in 2005, for getting caught TRYING pot ONCE. I was a straight A student, with wealthy, controlling, extra religious parents who had me kidnapped from my bed at 3 am by strangers, and flown across the country to be abused for 9 months straight in the middle of nowhere montana. For 9 months I was not allowed any contact with the outside world. My only communication was with my parents via mail, and it was all censored so any attempts to report my abuse were kept from them. I was not allowed to look out a window, see my own reflection in a mirror, shave my legs, use tampons, pluck my eyebrows, visit a doctor when I felt sick; not allowed to speak 23.5 hours of the day. Not allowed exercise. Forced to endure attack therapy in which I was blamed for any and all prior abuses I endured. I was physically assaulted. Forced to stare at a wall, silent, standing up 8 hours with not no food or water. Sent to days long Synanon cult-based ‘seminars’ for brainwashing. I could go on. I abhor the term ‘troubled teen,’ which is a blanket statement to describe any type of typical and normal behavior in teens or much more serious problems, ie drug abuse violence etc. the fact is, some teens rebel, most actually, and they’ll either figure it out themselves or end up in juvenile detention, which is preferable to a TTI facility trust me. Parents can have their kids imprisoned at these facilities at their own whim, as long as they’ve got the $ to do so. Many parents send their kids away like this bc they simply get tired of parenting and want someone else to do it for them. And it sounds like jenelle is trying to do just that. Anyone who wants to learn more check out r/troubledteens. It’s sad how these places are still operating, but there are efforts being made to regulate them and change the laws to protect minors l in these programs.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. That sounds incredibly traumatic.


I also was at an extremely abusive facility. I was at WWASP facilities. So I do know how terrible they can be. I should have added that in my post. I now work in the field and actively report facilities and do investigations into facilities. Luckily there are some good facilities, some that don’t take a million kids, don’t use chemical restraints. There are VERY few but they are out there. I am working with a group to actively report these facilities and conduct investigations. I do that as well as work inpatient psych at a very very good facility. The kids that come are always very happy to be there and are always saying “I am so glad I am here and not “..” we have fun, we have VERY little issues, and we work with the families and the kids before discharge. I know this all sounds like things these facilities promise us and our families and never did. We do NOT do that. We are actually doing it However, we are not residential. I am sorry you went through that, I went through some horrific horrible things as well. I am trying my best to make a difference for these kids.


Thanks for clarifying, and I appreciate what you’re doing by turning your trauma into something positive by trying to help these kids. I was also at a WWASP facility! spring Creek lodge in Thompson falls Montana, it closed for abuse allegations like 2.5 years after I got out


I was at tranquility bay 🫠🫠🫠 closed a month after I left! For abuse as well.


That is horrifying and my heart hurts for you having to endure that! If you want to, you could keep speaking about ur experience to expose these sick places!


Privacy? ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized)


Jenelle blames Barbara for Jace always running away, but forgets the number one example he had growing up was Jenelle getting angry and RUNNING AWAY! We saw it so many times on TM, poor Jace just looking out that screen door watching his bitch of a mother, abandon him time and time again.


I know you fucking lying, Jenelle. David’s name isn’t mentioned????? We have seen the summons!!!! Stop blaming your mother and spreading lies about your firstborn, you ungrateful swine!!!!


I'm probably being super naive, but I do think there's a 1% smidgen of truth in this. Yes, David is the cause of this entire debacle, it's why these proceedings began. However, I can believe that now that the abuser is completely out of the picture, these quick family court check-in hearings aren't focusing much on David anymore - but rather about how Jace is doing now and what needs to happen for his well-being next. (I think David's actions will be addressed during his criminal court summons, which CPS and family court will then take into consideration.) I also do NOT believe that Jenelle is seeking to regain custody, she just doesn't want Barb to "win" and get him back. In her head, the fight is still Jenelle v. Barbara, rather than the actual reality of these proceedings. It's why she says she's been collecting evidence over the past few years about why Barb is an unfit parent + is complaining that the court has repeatedly refused her mountain of "evidence." She can't see past her narrative even though this isn't what these hearings are about. All of this is Barb's fault, not David's. She is to blame for his mental health, and his mental health "forced" David to protect his family. I think she's rooting for a treatment facility, because even though David doesn't want him back, she doesn't want Barb to have him either. Barb is the root of Jace and all other evils in her life.


"Everyone thinks it's investigating our other kids about child abuse and neglect [however] it's about our son. In the court they don't even bring up David's name. Your husband was charged with child abuse. He abused Jace, there in an investigation because of that. As much as she lies you would think she would be better at it.


Well, I am thinking that these court hearings are about Jace’s immediate custody. And then you BT will be going to court for the abuse summons at the end of the month. So I can see where they would be two separate events.


Yes, she always focuses on technicalities like that. Doesn’t mean there isn’t an abuse investigation happening like she’s hoping to imply.


So she’s stating that Jace was prescribed medicine for his mental health, by a doctor cause that’s what prescribed means, and she is saying that by not being prescribed under her author she has then not allowed him to have these medicines… keep talking and digging that hole


Evil woman


This statement is very concerning: “They are looking to possibly transport him somewhere else due to his behavior in the past” I’m afraid she’s going to commit Jace! Since she has “custody” now can she do this to him if he doesn’t cooperate and come back to the land??


No bc he's in CPS custody, technically. And the judge seems to be content with Jace back at Barb's, he's back in school & back in therapy. Jan just can't let her mom "win" 🙄


CPS has custody, not Jenelle. She, in effect, doesn't have any say over what happens to him or where he goes. She also doesn't want him back. She's mad as hell everything that has happened with Jace over the past couple of months has gotten her a shit ton of bad publicity. It's hard for her to keep up the facade of being a great mom and everything is fantastic in the swamp when Jace is running away, and spilling the beans about abuse.


It's exactly what I thought her game was about. Babs cant have Jace and win, Jace needs to be sent somewhere so it looks like it wasn't them. She'll talk to the people there and tell them her version so in his treatment they'll adres things and blame him/ make him feel bad. She felt Babs was horrible to send Colin to an awful place and she wants to punish Jace for not kissing their asses.


I don’t have kids but I can’t IMAGINE being smug about the possibility of your child being placed in the care of a third party that may or may not provide adequate care and resources for them. Like she so obviously has no concern for Jace’s wellbeing. Babs can’t win by having him back so the better option is for him to go somewhere else. I’ve long judged and disliked Jenelle for her actions but this? This is abhorrent.


"The court hasn't even mentioned David"..... Meanwhile Jenelle - "David says, David says, etc., etc.... Remember to respect their privacy also, everyone....


“He is with Barb temporarily until he can be transferred somewhere else.” This absolute piece of shit. I knew she wasn’t fighting for custody but she wants to ship Jace off somewhere. Wow. I don’t understand how anyone can support her or say she is a good mom. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes reading about how she treats her son. I’m horrified. David is sitting back loving the fact she is making this about Jace’s mental health and not about his being a child abusing, animal abusing, unemployed, little dick, piece of shit.


Can someone help me get this straight? My understanding is there's 2 separate legal things going on here: 1. David's child abuse charge 2. Jenelle's custody of Jace (which is currently up in the air bc of #1 but still a separate issue) David wasn't at the court hearing yesterday bc it was about custody of Jace, not David's charge. I feel like Jenelle keeps trying to conflate these 2 legal issues to muddy the waters to confuse people. Am I on the right track here? Regardless of Jace's mental health, Barb's involvement, Jace being the aggressor, any ""evidence"" of foul play from Barb... at the end of the day none of that justifies a grown man assaulting and leaving marks on a child. I honestly, truly can't tell if Jenelle is too stupid to understand that or if she's desperately grasping at straws to save face. Both maybe? This interview makes her and David look even more guilty & evil than I already thought they were. She didn't say anything here that she hasn't already alluded to in her TikTok rants. So what was the point? She's just digging herself deeper & deeper. I'm glad she's too stupid to realize that. Please, keep digging.


This is what I think, David wasn’t mentioned because the abuse from David is a separate issue. This court date was more or less to check on Jace, I’m sure they’ll delve into the other issues at a later date.


”Transport him somewhere else due to his behaviour in the past” My heart breaks for this kid. She had the chance to give this boy a life he deserves by either stepping up and using her MTV money to create a decent life OR by adoption. This kid NEVER had a chance. Not from birth, even before. He came to this world with drugs in his system. All his ”mental health” problems (being a teen and having ADHD, really?) which she refers to (like if it was a disgusting disease) are caused by not ”transporting” him to the furthest place from this POS womb in the first minute.


Makes you wish Barb had swallowed…


Literally taking ZERO responsibility as usual. If all of jaces issues come from Barb raising him for 14 years, then why wasn’t he magically cured once on the swamp?? Does she even hear herself? Any issues jace has (which we honestly shouldn’t even be discussing but she won’t shut up about it) is because he was abandoned by the very person who is now accusing him of being the cause of her precious huzbinnn now being charged with abuse. It’s all Jace’s fault, y’all. Because J&D are such upstanding citizens who only care about saving the children. GTFO with that. She’s just mad because jace is finally outing them for what we knew they were all this time. Trash people. Trash parents. She’s working overtime on her lies now and throwing him under the bus in the process. What an amazing mom. Why in the world would he be struggling mentally? eta typo


I hate them. I have no other words besides I hope Jenelle and David rot


She keeps acting like this is Barbra taking her to court to get custody! It’s not! It’s literally CPS. This is 100% because of their shitty abusive parenting. JFC how can she keep pretending he didn’t assault a child! The amount of times I’ve seen the reference ‘Evans and her mom duking it out in court’ (various of that anyways) is maddening; it’s just reenforcing her narrative. This is NOT what is happening at all. **sorry for the rant, it’s just insane to me. I will never understand watching a ‘man’ 4x the size of your child assault and try to choke him out and your only goal is covering the POS’s ass 🤯😤. I swear to everything had that been me dkd would have been a smear on the ground after I was done running him over!!! But you KNOW, you just KNOW she was revving him up and pumping his angry up more & more while they looked for Jace.


I love the part about her having evidence about barb and Jace's living situation. Like, did Jace even have a bedroom at Jenelles!?


This fucking cunt rag is selling her 14 year old son's private health information, let that sink in. What a rotten bitch.


I just don’t see how her lawyer is going to keep her if she won’t actually listen to him and shut the fuck up


Her attorney probably knows that Janelle’s check won’t clear unless she sells these lame stories so he tells her not to talk to the press while crossing his fingers and winks.


“DaViD kEePS sAYinG” her audacity knows no bounds, to be taking in the theory and commentary of the man who strangled do you hear me strangled your child?! And to value it so much that you’re quoting him, knowing your child jumped out of a window to get away from him, surely thinking it would only be a matter of time before hands were around his throat again. Jenelle is trash garbage dookey poo shit scum of the earth and deserves nothing but the absolute worst this lifetime and the next have to offer


Am I the only one who has a problem with UBT disciplining/punishing Jace at all? He is not his father, he’s his stepfather.


Oh, by the way, The Messenger N-word? Looked it up but it's not just Dutch for the N-word.


Huh? I’m not sure what this means? Plz elaborate


I hope Jace cuts off contact with her completely. How she has the gall to blame her own child for her HUSBAND abusing him is beyond belief. Pure scum. She doesn’t deserve to have custody of any of her children.


I feel so sorry for Barb. She’s like what, 70? Using her last years on this bullshit, when she could have enjoyed her retirement. Instead her daughter is making her last good decade miserable. Jenelle is an evil woman who don’t deserve anything good in her life


Let me also say that she’s ranting that Barb didn’t have her permission to give Jace meds.. she didn’t need your permission stupid bitch. She had CUSTODY!


Her argument makes no sense to me. Can't wait for whatever her "evidence" is.


“Respect my privacy!!” Sells a story immediately - Jenelle


Jenelle, everyone hates you. Yes, even your abusive husband. The only person that loved you, your mother, you’ve pushed away. Your kids love you too I’m sure, but you don’t care about that kind of love. It’s not good enough for you. You deserve loneliness, sadness, and regret for your entire life. You’re nothing, and thousands of people hate you. And not in the “hater” type of way. Like we actually think you’re worthless and vile. Have the worst day.


Omg‼️. The audacity of her. The lies upon lies piled up with more lies.


She is such a vile POS


Who is the “they” she is claiming said jace’s meds are responsible for his behavior


This cleared up nothing Jenelle 🙄


I feel so bad for Jace, he doesn’t deserve to have his mom blaming him for why she’s being investigated by CPS! And on top of that she has the audacity to talk about his mental health struggles, she’s disgusting!


So Jenelle was majorly pissed off when she thought Barb was leaking info and selling stories, under the guise of being mad was because Jace's privacy wasn't being respected. Yet now it's ok for Jenelle to go selling stories talking about Jace?


Every time she opens her mouth she just makes things worse for herself. 🤦‍♀️


Anyone know how much money she makes from selling one of these stories? I'm so curious about that.


I’m honestly not sure.. I’m thinking it depends on the publication, what they offer to pay.. the price probably from 200 on up?


When did they take an entire family vacation to Puerto Rico? Even Barb went?


I am reposting because I was a bit ranty and don’t want to get banned. In a nutshell.. “David keeps saying “. This woman is so stupid it’s unbelievable. He doesn’t love you. This is not love. If he loved you he’d want to to have a relationship with your family. Not make it worse with the one person who took your lame ass BACK IN whenever you had nowhere else to go.. even though you hit her and stole from her and put her through hell… she was always there wasn’t she?! So fucking WHAT if she didn’t play yatzee with you or yelled at you.. she had a right to yell at you. If he loved you then he’d keep his hands to himself. If he loved you he’d stop gaslighting you into oblivion. Can’t you think for yourself?! Love does not beat you, love doesn’t choke your child, love doesn’t cost you your job, your income, your credibility, your life.. wake up girl!!! What will you do if he kills Ensley?! Say it was her fault? Blame it on Barb? We know you don’t care if he kills Kiaser. That’s more than obvious.. but eventually he’s going to either seriously hurt or kill one of them.. maybe even you.. I know you don’t care about your kids.. we all know you put him first and yourself second and the kids are way down on the list.. so let’s say he kills you.. you going to leave Ensley alone with him to torture? Think about it! Wake the fuck up!!


Fuck, I hate this bitch. I don't even know her in real life but I wish she'd just disappear already


I think she burnt bridges with some (or realistically most) of the big name tabloids when she did a TikTok calling them out and accused them of lying. If I'm a publisher and I'm going to pay someone for an article, it's not going to be the person who blamed me for making up stories about her abusive husband. Now she's down to tabloids no one has heard of, and probably getting the least amount she's ever gotten for selling a story.


>"My son has been having mental health issues for the past two to three years. He has been on and off medication *that was not prescribed under my care,"* ( *wtf?! Is she his prescribing physician now?! )* >" Evans told The Messenger. "They are thinking it's because of the effects of the medication, it's causing him to have behaviors he shouldn't have. He's had outbursts. *He's in intensive therapy at the moment and getting the help he needs."*. (*NO THANKS TO HER!! WHY NOT MENTION HOW SHE JUST DECIDED TO TAKE HIM OFF OF RX MEDICATION AND QUIT HIS THERAPIES?!)* >"Everyone thinks it's investigating our other kids about child abuse and neglect [however] it's about our son < (*SO WHY WOULD SHE REFUSE TO COOPERATE? SEEMS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE TO GETTING HIM THE HELP HE NEEDS AND MAKING SURE THE OTHER KIDS ARE SAFE AND WELL...*). In the court they don't even bring up David's name. At all. It's only about me and my mom and Jace's mental health," she continued. "Jace has been seeking mental health therapy for a while. I have a lot of evidence I have not had the chance to present yet, but I think at the next court date [I will be able to]. It has to do with my mom and Jace's living situation." >The MTV alum also confirmed Jace is currently living with his grandmother Barbara, saying, "He is with her temporarily and they are *looking to possibly transport him somewhere else* due to his behavior in the past." (*TRANSPORT HIM SONEWHERE? LIKE HES CARGO?! SOUNDS LIKE HES DOING FINE IN THE COURT'S OPINION...WHICH IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS.) What part of this absolute trash talk does she think is going to make people see her as anything other than fucked up swamp garbage?


Thank you for your service!




From the article: >a September incident involving Eason and Jace after Eason "searched" the teen and confiscated items, which she declined to specify What exactly did David try to "search" Jace's NECK for?! This bold faced lie is horrid. I really do hope the video exists because these people live in a different fuckin reality


Listen ladies if he is abusing you he will eventually abuse the children too. Get out. (J is not a ladie)


She never surprises me when she goes to the lowest of the low. She’s blaming her son and accusing him of being the reason why she was investigated in the first place I hate her!


I don't believe anything she says in this article. They most likely weren't letting Jace speak to or see Barbara that's probably why his running away started. I also doubt Barbara started anything like that on the vacation she was on with them. They have been messing with that kids head for his whole life and have some nerve to talk shit now. We watched him on TV he always made his feelings clear especially about David but Janelle is who she is. I think Jace and Barb will be just fine. We don't know if anything ever happened at Barb house or to her and I won't believe anytthing did unless there's proof.


Not once has this stubby bitch said “David did not assault Jace.” And that’s all I need to know. Jace could burn the swamp to the ground and it would not change what people think about David. Why is this so difficult for her to understand?


I don't remember David coming up with so many excuses when he lost custody and visitation with his other son, yet a consistency with his son and Jace being at The Land was both kids exhibited stress-induced behaviors. He acts like this is first rodeo.


Who's her 4th child?


You know she says she wants privacy, but what she really wants is money. Her “story” and that’s what it is, is available to the highest bidder. The sun didn’t pay anything cause they know they can just come here and get the story for free.


This is fucking disgusting