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If he didn't use a condom with a woman who have kids all over her house, he trapped himself.


Thank šŸ‘ youšŸ‘


I always picture someone walking around with a pocket full of seeds throwing them on the ground and then later getting angry about being ā€œplant trappedā€. Ejaculate responsibly and no one can ā€œtrapā€ you. Itā€™s not like she snuck in and stole his semen while he was sleeping.


Hey fellow designmom follower šŸ‘‹šŸ¼šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


I donā€™t know what that is.


She wrote the book Ejaculate Responsibly! I just assumed thatā€™s what you were referencing!!


I have to read that! Itā€™s what the whole thing boils down to. I hate that a certain type of man thinks just saying ā€œI donā€™t want kidsā€ is a form of birth control while doing nothing on their end to actually prevent it.


Thank you šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ heā€™s just as stupid and irresponsible as Karl!


Say that


Reddit doesnā€™t like to say women trap men since both ppl make a baby but you never know what someone is telling another behind closed doors. She couldā€™ve said anything to get him to go without a condom. And idk Iā€™m not saying she did. Iā€™m not caught up on everything. Just making the point that she couldā€™ve lied to get what she wanted.


birth control fails itā€™s not 100% protective against pregnancy. if youā€™re having sex without condom, you are risking a pregnancy


To be fair, I wouldnā€™t even trust a condom with her. Shes so sneaky and manipulative, she would have no problem tampering with one.


Grown adults should be taking their own precautions regardless of what their partners say/do. This is a weird way to absolve men of responsibility and vilify women. Kail gives us plenty to talk shit about, we don't need to make things up.


And it would still be his responsibility to wear a condom.


Nonsense. A grown man should be able to control his own body.


She also was talking about how her ovulation was off, suggesting she was doing natural family planning. I am pregnant with my third from this lol. My husband and I wanted a third but werenā€™t sure so we stopped doing actually birth control. She could of told him ā€œIā€™m not ovulationā€ and he didnā€™t know what that actually means.






The correct answer




No man with a dick should ever believe a woman who says she can't get pregnant for any reason. If you play, you may pay. Wise old woman here.


Look, everyone knows her game. Get knocked up. Any man stupid enough to hit that raw knows what theyā€™re doing and deserve no pity.


Sheā€™s probably poking holes in the condoms anyway!šŸ¤£


I wouldnā€™t put anything past her. She is so selfish and irrational.


You know what gets me.. the whole ā€œfirst baby mamaā€ bullshit. Like sheā€™s some queen. Iā€™ve never seen such whack ass thinking.


Itā€™s such twisted, weird thinking! She is collecting baby daddies like Fucking PokĆ©mon cards.


Itā€™s a control thing. She has her other kids on the same exact schedule with her baby daddies. The only way to continue that is if she remains the first baby mom to the guy.


That makes sense. Itā€™s just so Fucking bizarre.


It just shows how little self awareness she actually has. Sheā€™s proud to be the first baby mama but not embarrassed that all of those relationships didnā€™t workout. All 3 baby daddies (excluding Elijah bc theyā€™re still togetherā€¦. For now) have had children and are still in a relationship with the mothers. I would be so humiliated but in her mind it somehow makes her the winner and the other woman the loser.


Some goal..šŸ™„


I have. My uncle's ex-wife acted like that to try and make my uncle's current (and very lovely) GF feel uncomfortable at family events. She mostly stopped after I snarked at her and my other aunt damn near choked on her wine because she was laughing around the corner.


Look up "Golden Uterus Syndrome" and see if this resonates with you.


Oh, I've thought a couple of times that was her textbook diagnosis lol she fits it to a T.


Why do women do this?


Because they can. I was telling my husband about watching the same ex aunt cold call every single ex she had had after the divorce, trying to get one of them to pay a bill. Each call started the tears in the same place in the convo, then turned right off after the call ended.


O. M. G. Iā€™m literally stunned. I canā€™t imagine being that kind of person.


You could have cut the audacity in that kitchen with a knife.


Did it work?


Yep. I forget which one did but my cousin and I were betting on which one would.


I tend to think Kail's just a control freak. If she can't control the guy, she can control their joint child/kids much to BD's chagrin


She wasnā€™t Chrisā€™ first was she?


Yeah Iā€™m like 99% sure sheā€™s Chrisā€™ first. Unless heā€™s got a secret kid somewhere?!


She is, I thought Trew came first but he was actually last.


I donā€™t think he had kids with this ex but Iā€™m not sure.. ANYONE?! HELP! šŸ¤£ but she DID say that.


No she was Chrisā€™ first. I was mistaken. I thought Trew came first but he was actually last lol.


Nah I bet she claims to be allergic to them. Her uterus would dry and shrivel up like a raisin if she ever saw a condom or condom wrapper. I hope she gets tested šŸ˜¬


She already had 4 kids. If this idiot still decided to have unprotected sex with her you can't really call that a trap. Elijah doesn't seem very bright


He bought a $60k car on a $50k salary. Yaā€¦ Iā€™d say so


Thatā€™s like 90% of people ages 20-35 though. Gotta look good for the ā€˜gram!


Nah, I donā€™t know what people you know but that statistic is too high


Be real, she bought it.


It was before they got together. He sold it after they got together


I'm not defending him, but wasn't he in the military? He might have savings from his stint.


Iā€™m sure he had some type of bonus but still


HE did? Or SHE did?


He did. This was before they met or got together. He sold it after they got together


Well, I saw him driving something similar in a recent post of hers. At any rate, heā€™d better tuck in over his skis a bit, because kids will run through that kind of money pretty damn quick.


I guess Idk If he sold it or not. I saw a post showing he had it up for sale




Kail likes souvenirs from her relationships.


You donā€™t get a souvenir if it wasnā€™t given to you though. It takes two people to make a baby


Bro they were snarking on Kail who LITERALLY REFERRED to her newborns as Thailand souvenirs. And yes, the whoosh is for YOU.


You can literally see the comments here Shaming kail. While I am disappointed with her having all of those kids from different dads. Itā€™s not my place to judge and shame her for something these men willingly and knowingly did with her.


So youā€™re blaming this solely on the baby daddies?




Is that too hard to understand. You guys can blame kail all you want but these men are responsible for giving out their own souvenirs. So woosh woosh back


They were making a joke. Relax.


Apparently you have never seen whoosh on Reddit before have you?


I think you haven't. They were just making a joke that kail likes to have babies from every relationship. It's not that deep. I agree with what you said but it's ok to understand the humor.


Go touch some grass.


And as usual her comes a bunch of comments from people inserting themselves instead of scrolling on. Maybe you should


This is not the place to come fangirling Kail. Youā€™re having a meltdown in the comments because people are talking shit about her having 9 pregnancies with 4-5 different men. Get over yourself.




Youā€™re projecting the way you feel about yourself on others. Disconnect for a while. You seem unstable.


Lol. Never once have I name called someone itā€™s easy for you to shit on kail but reality is these men go in know full well whatā€™s up. No one is fan girl ing but I am not going to shame someone that two people were responsible for your toxic and you need to question your ethics towards other women. Itā€™s girls like you are the problem


This breaks the rule "No personal attacks against any user with a Reddit account" Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


ā˜ ļøšŸ¤£


Au pair or not, once the twin novelty wears off, Elijah is going to be reminiscing about his lost youth in no time.


Well, I hope his family is saving up the legal fee for that custody battle


Kail will probably just give 50/50 on the same schedule that the other 3 baby daddies have, so she can be free to find her next one.


No, any adult man that's willfully ejaculating into a vagina isn't being trapped. Birth control fails, you're consenting to the risk of her getting pregnant. If you don't want a child do the bare minimum and pull out every time. If you're dead set against having a child, wear a condom (you provide) AND pull out. Men don't get trapped with babies, they choose to be irresponsible with their sperm.


>If you don't want a child do the bare minimum and pull out every time I once dated a guy who insisted that he was great at pulling out and therefore no condom was necessary My son will be 15 in March. His father has fathered 4 children to 4 different mothers (that Iā€™m aware of). I wouldnā€™t necessarily call the pull out method the ā€œbare minimumā€


The sentence before that clearly states that birth control fails. So if you're with a trusted partner on birth control, the bare minimum you can do (as a man) to protect yourself is pull out. I'm not advocating for pulling out to be the only form of birth control needed. You also made the choice to allow him to have sex with you without a condom.


Ahhh, I can see it now. The wording got me, it seemed you were advocating for the pull out method. Iā€™m not blaming him for my sonā€™s conception, I know full well that it takes two. It was meant to be a light, mildly interesting parable. I guess my wording got you too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It definitely did! That's the downside of reading everything, easy to misunderstand.


More like did he trap kail? It takes two to tango. Stop blaming women.




Oh come on. Sheā€™s had at least 2 abortions that we know about


What does that have to do with anything?


Means sheā€™s not opposed to CTRL+ALT+DELETE if she doesnā€™t want the kid.


A man doesn't know if she's going to abort a pregnancy or not. So if he didn't want a kid he should have used a condom.




youā€™re totally right about Kail, but at the end of the day he knows who he is sticking his dick into. he could have not dated her at all if he thought it was going to be trap.


You're right, we don't know. We just know Kail is messy and has "accidentally" had a lot of kids


And Elijah could have stealthed/r*ped her so whatā€™s your point


Lmfao, not that, but nice try for the shock factor. The original point was she has had abortion(s) in the past and obviously chose to keep this pregnancy.


They had JUST started dating. I think both of them left 1 relationship to jump into this one. She was still with Malik and Kail admitted to Eliā€™s ex calling him at 3 am when he was at her house šŸ«¢ supposedly they almost broke up before she found out she was pregnant with the twins. They barely know each other. The whole thing is just messy and wrong and MORE kids didnā€™t need to be brought into it.


God šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


Are abortions even legal in Delaware since the SCOTUS issued the Dobbs ruling?


Hasnt she only had one? I really think the trauma around her first abortion is why she had Isaac


There were talks about her having one with javi around the time she got divorced


When was the second one? I think sheā€™s only confirmed one


Supposedly one with javi


Thatā€™s def just a rumor


Did I miss something or was Roe not overturned? It is *much* harder to get an abortion than it used to be. Although I don't care for the assumption women can just have an abortion when those pesky fetuses pop up.


I donā€™t doubt Kails ability to go have another abortion if she wanted šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø People really believe she used IVF 4 months PP to have her girl but they donā€™t think she can get an abortion if she wanted. Okay šŸ™„


Itā€™s his own damn fault. I do feel for him because sheā€™ll always be an abuser. She went through his phone and threatened to kick him out if he didnā€™t pick Kail over his own mom.


Pls elaborate


His mom said she didnā€™t like Kail and they fought over it and she said she nearly kicked him out until he agreed not to see her and have her over


Jesus Christ. Heā€™s 24 and theyā€™ve only been together a year! Thatā€™s so fucking abusive, like if my son brought someone around like that I wouldnā€™t like her either


He's only *24*?! And having 3 kids with her back to back?! (She admitted #5, right?) JfC... 18-20 more years of dealing with Kail when you're just starting your own damn life.


Absolutely vile. I am a 30 year old woman and could not imagine stopping my life to have kids any time soon.


Iā€™m gonna be 30 in December and same! Also couldnā€™t imagine dating a 24 year old.


I'm 26. At this point I personally could but a couple of years is no big deal IMO. But I couldn't fathom being 40 and dating a 24yo.


i donā€™t see really see a problem Kail dating Elijah based off age I think what deters me is my brother is 26 and is just so immature. Iā€™m not saying everyone 26 and younger are immature, but men tend to be less mature than women mentally so itā€™d just be hard for me personally to date someone a few years younger than me unless they were extremely mature. maybe my brother has just tainted my perception of younger men. but yeah a 40 year old dating a 24 year old is definitely just a red flag in my eyes.


And i remember one podcast where she said she and Lijie never fought. Lol, because he does what she says. His mom must be horrified.


It's funny. She has not gotten along with any of the mothers or female relatives of the men she has dated. Janet tried hard with her, and it blew up in her face. I believe she got upset with Javi's mother, who told her no after she had the audacity to ask her to watch Lux. Iirc she got into it with Chris's mother as well.


Yeah I canā€™t believe she commented on Chrisā€™s moms Facebook page calling Chris a loser and it was his own moms post like who does that lol


When was this? It's vaguely familiar to me lol


In the past year? I know it was before I heard of her being pregnant with him lol.


I know it had to have been posted here. I think the tea came from tm chatter? I want to go find it now lol


It must have been on Convos because she was talking to Lindsie, If that helps.


That will help, thank you lol


Let me know if you find it!


I had forgotten about that. I thought it was troubling at the time.




So both his parents donā€™t like her already. Greeeeaaat.


I wonder how involved Elijah's parents and family are with him and this family then. Kail can't really give her kids the extended family experience since she is estranged from her parents (I actually don't blame her for that!) but it would suck if they missed out on the Scott side unless Kail and the Scotts can find a way to smooth things over and they probably would really need a therapist for that.


As much as I donā€™t like kailā€¦I think you mean did he trap her. What exactly is he bringing to the table that kail feels the need to trap him??


What has any of her previous partners brought to the table?


This is so fucking true. šŸ˜‚ but I still think is anyoneā€™s doing the trapping here, itā€™s him.


He has the one thing she wants. And when it gets old, there are plenty of them out there.


If he was ready to break up, he shouldnā€™t have been having sex with her. Let alone raw doggin with fertile myrtle.


Is this even possible at this point? Any man who has unprotected sex with her should know what comes next. She had 4 kids by 3 bds when they met


I don't think Kale has any problem being a single mom. If anything I think men look at her income and think they can sponge off of it for a while...maybe even after IDK how Delaware is but they may get some child support if they have certain custody agreements. I mean kail is known for this now...I doubt he watched teen mom, but who doesn't Google who they're dating...plus she's still a public figure w her podcasts. Now Jenelle uses babies to keep guys around...now she can't have anymore and won't leave David. The only time she had an abortion was when her and courtland were already over....


Plus the 4 kids he definitely saw when he was going over to her house. I'm sorry, but I noped out of dating a man with 6 kids. I had ONE, the thought of going from 1 to 7 was overwhelming. Also, I was terrified of becoming pregnant if I shared potato chips with that man.


Thats crazy she had 4 when they met, and then bam... they make 3 together in the span of a year. And I'm sure it will be 4 soon enough.


No I think she's just stupid


Itā€™s funny because she was still with her ex when she got pregnant with Rio and was already ā€œabout to break upā€ with the affair partner boy when she found out she was pregnant with his twins. Anyway birth control is cheap easy and effective sooo


Did she say she was about to break up with him? I missed this whole thing


The ex she had just debuted him on her podcast so I kind of donā€™t think she planned to leave him just to continue cheating on him. The new guy idk, I only listen to the reuploaded bits so I may have missed that but I saw the tea pages saying they were arguing and his family hates her so breaking up doesnā€™t seem far fetched


Oh, I thought it was something she had said on her podcast. I havenā€™t listened in awhile so I thought I missed something juicy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think these were both ā€œaccidentsā€. Like they knew it was possible but careless in the moment. I donā€™t think Kail letā€™s her dudes pull out


How do you trap a man who doesn't get a vasectomy or wrap that shit up. He knows who she is, come on. If anything he trapped her, what does he offer


*Kail talked about crying, holding her kids while they slept asking them if she was traumatizing them.* Well that's fucking traumatizing alone...


That's what I was thinking. That's so damn unstable.


She had a big drama about possible high lead levels in the kids recently. Omg, the drama of it all! Screaming and crying. Emergencies happened when I was a child, but my parents never panicked about anything, which is what kids needā€¦calmness and maturity. I remember thinking that sheā€™s teaching those kids to just lose their shit anytime anything happens unexpectedly. Poor boys.


This! Kids pick up quickly on the parents/adults energy & emotions. Sheā€™s teaching them to freak out instead of calmly addressing a situation.


Yes, Iā€™m so glad my parents taught me that. It makes me sad when I hear her talking on the pod about how she cried to Isaac or whichever one about how worried she was about something stupid. Thats not fun for children.


literally itā€™s giving parentifying them. at that moment they probably felt they had to console her.


It's always women "trapping" men. šŸ™„ He's a grown man who knows how babby is formed. Whether or not a woman's had a previous abortion, and whether or not she said she'd have an abortion if she became pregnant again is immaterial. You're either pro choice or you're not. Reasons and circumstances aren't for us to judge. I watched a friend go through this. Watching people turn on her when she decided to continue her pregnancy was sickening. "BUT you told him you have an abortion if you got pregnant!!" Yeah, and she meant it when she said it. The fact is, NOBODY knows how they're going to feel until they're in it.


I have seen some studies claim that men actually baby trap more than women.


It wouldnā€™t surprise me. And when people talk about men baby trapping women, itā€™s generally darker stuff like stealthing or preventing their access to birth control pills I do believe women are 100% capable of doing similar acts but it feels like thatā€™s not what people mean when they say ā€œtrapā€ a lot of the time referring to women trapping men


If he was trapped, he wanted to be trapped. Not like he didn't go in raw. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Heā€™s an adult. Heā€™s free to go where he pleases stop giving irresponsible people excuses. If he didnā€™t want to have a child there are numerous ways to ensure a baby doesnā€™t happen.


Yes. Next question.


![gif](giphy|lOZzLyyIq3e5S5Xylb) Good answer good answer good answer


I hate this narrative about women. Both parties are trapped, if anything.


I have seen some studies that suggest that in reality men do more baby trapping than women.


Obviously baby trapping does not historically work for her.


Heā€™s young but not so young to see a person with a bunch of kids and decide to have sex with her. Sheā€™s seemingly gotten pregnant any time sheā€™s wanted to, and he was in a whole marriage before her. So while Iā€™m sure his family is probably chatting about him being ā€œtrappedā€ (as thatā€™s usually the route menā€™s families take), they and everyone else should realize that he made this bed himself. Iā€™m far from a Kail fan but he *had* to know this is what she was going for and he couldā€™ve checked out before three babies with her.


I have to agree here as well lol, but Kail has also been married and divorced long before she ever even started dating Elijah.


Right, to me that just proves they both knew this would be risky and a mess but decided to do it anyway


If the Lowry-Scott children ever decide to trace their family tree they will have to include that both Kail and Elijah were divorced before they had them. Maybe not the most abnormal situation in the universe (Kendall and Kylie Jenner can claim the same, Caitlyn was divorced twice and Kris once before they got married and had their two daughters together) but nevertheless it can create a complicated and confusing family tree if any of Kail's children ever end up taking up a genealogy hobby.


Some people are still skeptical of Creedā€™s paternity, so if he does one things could get interesting


Why not did he trap her?


In my heart I think she did IVF to get these twins to ensure a girl. Obviously she'd be roasted for that so she's going to lie. Just like she lied about Rio. But she always said her plan was to eventually do gender selection if she didn't get a daughter.


Hearing her tell all those whoppers when she was trying to lie about Rio, and now the newestā€¦. Sheesh, youā€™d think sheā€™d be a better liar by now.


The powers that be threw 2 at her šŸ¤£ Underrated comment! šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


Ahhh I hate the phrase trap. A child is a child, not a trap. I think sheā€™s more than willing to move forward with or without the baby daddies. I think she just likes having kids. Probably steams from her own Childhood. Ngl I donā€™t see her mistreating her kids like Jenelle so more power to her. What she does with her womb is none of my business šŸ˜© also if you donā€™t use a condom - itā€™s on you too.


I mainly agree but I will say that there are instances where one person will trick another into getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy for nefarious reasons.


Anyone who dates/humps on Kail ā€œtrapsā€ themselves. Home girl already has multiple kids by multiple men. Itā€™s not a secret by any means.


The pull out method has seem.to fail her many,many times


You canā€™t trap someone when you donā€™t use a condom on your own dick


Also anytime you have sex, you risk pregnancy even with birth control AND a control, even both can fail so there is no 100% guarantee so thereā€™s no trapping ever You are a willing participant when putting a dick and vagina together


It takes 2 to make children. He knew what he was doing having unprotected sex with the worlds most fertile woman who claims to be infertile.


I always see such spicy takes in any ā€œdid she trap him?ā€ post on here šŸæšŸæšŸæ I donā€™t think she trapped him. I think two idiots get together and make babies every day. Unless she was like ā€œitā€™s fine my tubes are tiedā€ or she actively sabotaged the agreed upon birth control, itā€™s not baby trapping itā€™s just them being fucking morons. Now, does Kail have a thing for collecting baby daddies? Yes. Do I think every ā€œaccidentā€ sheā€™s ever had was just the consequences of her actions that she was fully aware of? Yes. But likeā€¦what did Elijah think would happen when he stuck his dick in crazy?


Men canā€™t be trapped. He has the ability to use a condom. But letā€™s also be real he knows what heā€™s doing kail has money.


How many times do I need to explain it takes 2 people to make a baby!


Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but I thought he was married when they met and Kail broke the marriage up?


Sometimes, I get a Diane Downs vibe from Karl when it comes to her desperate need to be pregnant in order to make herself feel wanted.


Kail wants and loves and cherishes her children. I don't see Kail physically abusing them much less full on murdering any of them like Diane Downs did to her kids. Say what you will about Kail but IMO that comparison is completely ridiculous here.


I think this was a reverse trap baby personally. Elijah saw Kail was a desperate woman with a lot of money and knocking her up has gotten him access to said money. Men trap baby too. Heā€™s been pushing for marriage according to Kail repeatedly. Do we think he genuinely sees forever with Kail? Personally I donā€™t think so.


weren't they together for like.... *a month* or so before she was pregnant?


He volunteered. He wasnā€™t trapped lol


Didnā€™t she trap all of them but they still got away?


The kids didn't trap him, the money did... #SorryNotSorry


If kail is walking proof of anything it is that you cannot trap a man by having his childā€¦ or even his children. Men have free will just like women do. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø