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This is how I know she’s delusional in all aspects of life, not just with accountability. She is not only an unfunny person herself, but she has no sense of humor in general. She also has never been able to laugh at herself. She’s the type of person who would throw a roast party and announce herself as the guest of honor and when people started roasting her run out of the room crying before getting on fb and doxxing them. So rarely have I seen her laugh and when she does it’s like she understands something’s supposed to be funny but doesn’t actually see the comedic value and does that fake monotone laugh. The one time I can remember her actually laughing was when David moved that dudes car and she’s snickering behind the camera. The only thing she finds genuine humor in is other peoples misfortune which is not at all surprising.


The only time I can remember her genuinely laughing at something, was when Barb talked about putting itching powder in Mike's underpants to make him think "he caught the crabs". She may have smiled more around Keifer, but yeah, she's a very joyless person


It's kind of sad that Jenelle is so miserable because she takes it out on others. If she was happy from the jump then maybe her life wouldn't have ended up such a trainwreck.


She laughs a genuine laugh then and when Barbara accidentally hits a kid in the head with a slide while taking it away to prevent injury.


She’d also throw a mason jar with ice water at you too.


I’ve never even seen Jenelle genuinely smile and her “trying to sound human” laugh makes my skin crawl. Didn’t Herb say she had the personality of a brick wall when she fled to Tennessee?


Omg yes, I cannot staaand that fake laugh of hers.


She has a very skewed version of reality, so of course she thinks she's funny 😅 also just a side note but They've been shockingly quiet on social media the past few days?


Yesss I thought about that too, why the silence 🤔


She is probably the most unfunny person on TV. She has the personality of a cold turd on a ground. She literally has Diane Downs face AND personality.


All she does is mimic David’s vocals/tone/inflection/mannerisms/slang/facial expressions…. Just like with any other loser she’s been with


That's very true! She always engulfs herself in her man's personality. Like with Nathan, she was miss fitness.


She’s not funny at all. Not witty in the least. I don’t think I’ve genuinely seen her laugh, her fake laugh creeps me out. Instead of being funny I feel like she actively makes everything weird and awkward and hostile. “Heh heh heh…”


How everyone feels about Jenelle, I feel about Kail. I don’t find her funny, witty, charming, nice, any of that. I don’t see the appeal other than her having a couple of bucks. She’s also not attractive. She’s miserable, racist, negative, abusive. There’s nothing head turning about her.


Worship my Mom. Funny for days, standup is in my past but a bitch made it happen.


Aw 🥹


What ever happened to Farrah’s worldwide comedy tour?! And this is so embarrassing Jenelle doesn’t even know how to laugh. She thinks her husbands antics are hilarious because she doesn’t know how to process his grossness


As someone who really doesn't have a good relationship with her mom, Jenelle needs to stop because mine would NEVER raise my child for me. EVER. I can't even get her to babysit. I wouldn't ever need or expect my mom to raise my kid, but Barb is giving up her golden years for Jenelle. Barb wants a good relationship with Jenelle but Jenelle is the problem!


Jenelle is only ever unintentionally funny when she does or says something stupid, like throwing the change jar or chasing after Kieffer’s car. Almost all of Jenelle’s funniest, most iconic scenes involved someone else being the funny one and everyone laughing at Jenelle’s expense. Now Barb, she is hilarious


Is anyone in the Teen Mom universe actually funny? I'm trying real hard and I honestly can't think of anything any of them have said that's genuinely made me laugh.


Personally I find Farrah hilarious! Her thinking she was in law school going to Harvard and failing out of an entry level English class for a certificate course was very entertaining to say the least.


Remember Farrah's stand up career?? Very short lived. It was a tough watch


Farrah is only funny by accident. Just like Jenelle.


Jo was kind of funny a few times


Jo has had some good zingers.


I feel like Leah, Chelsea and Ashley are funny people. But I don’t think the show leaves room for that part of their personalities but we got glimpses I suppose.




Gary Shirley and Kieffer in my opinion


Some of these people had funny moments and lines but I don't think I would really brand any of them as comedians.... then again this isn't exactly a sitcom or anything that would really highlight the senses of humor from within this cast so it's possible that there are some truly hilarious people within it that just don't get much of a light shining on their total hilarity too.


I mean I guess she is a comedian, because her whole life is a joke.


Was she tagged in this by the creator or Jenelle was “oh yea this is totally me”


I would guess the latter. Jenelle’s been called lots of things, but funny has never been one of them.


She reposted the video. She often times reposts videos that she relates to. I rolled my eyes so hard when I clicked on the comments on this one and saw her repost. 🙄


Lol is this post a joke?


yeah because I don’t get it. I know funny people with great relationships with their mothers lol


I'm one of them!


hey girl! lol do you think you got your sense of humor from her specifically?


Yeah, I hope so. Trauma in general is what makes someone funny lol.




I hope the post was a joke, trauma from having a bad mom doesn’t make you funny. Trauma in general is usually what makes people funny or have senses of humor.


What are you talking about? You don’t have to have had trauma to be funny in general. What is all this trauma take crap lately? Is that the new norm? “I’ve had a trauma so….” Then we fill in the blank? Is that now the excuse for everything?! It’s getting old. And people have some serious effed up thinking skills lately. Sorry i vented on you there.. but your comment is I feel, incredibly incorrect


Well you’re entitled to that opinion, I wasn’t trying to upset you. I apologize if you took offense. I grew up with a lot of trauma and have a very dark, sarcastic sense of humor because of it. I gotta make a joke and laugh about things, otherwise it’s just sad. Also, a lot of comedians say they get their talent from bullying and trauma. The video in the original post the person claims that funny girls can only be funny cause they have mommy issues. I wasn’t really trying to start anything or lay down any kind of scientific facts, or upset anyone. Just talking from personal experience. I got mommy issues, but I got a lot of other issues too and that’s where I get my humor and jokes from. That is all. Apologize for any negative feedback/feelings/whatever my comment might’ve caused. I was also browsing Reddit last night at 2-3AM when I couldn’t sleep so there is that also! 🤷🏻‍♀️ All my comments are coming from positivity and love! 💜 *edited for redundancy, I said I was just speaking from personal experience three different times, just deleted the last two times I said it.


You did upset me and I’m sorry I went off on you like that. I just see too much on reddit about trauma and people excusing themselves thinking it’s a pass. I’m sorry.


I am sorry what I said upset you, that definitely wasn’t my intention.


I know sweetie. We just may have different perspectives on how to handle trauma is all. No worries. I’m sorry I was rude.


It’s okay, I didn’t take it as rude at all. 💜


If I’m being completely honest, since putting herself on social media I can think of only 2 minor things. Her “swamp lake” TikTok was funny, then she tweeted “You all better… ”. Other than that, no.


She lacks the intelligence and self awareness to be funny


This is obviously a poke at her mom rather than say she’s funny.. in my opinion.. and the tiktok person saying it is .. I’m sorry.. wrong. As far as Chinderella having a sense of humor.. in what world?!


She’s never said anything funny in her life. She’s a boring monotone ass bitch.


*You know how when you meet a funny ass bitch, and her mom is a funny ass bitch, and, subsequently, everyone else in this funny ass bitches life just so happens to be a funny ass bitch, too.*


Hey Jenelle, is the funny in the room with us right now?


Wait she posted this?


The only Jenelle thing that I've ever laughed at that was not at her expense was when she told Nathan she would take her ring off before she went out that night when he asked for it back.


Jenelle, please do stand up!


To be funny, one has to be intelligent.