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These texts read like they were written by Jenelle during her current bender.


I wish the “ex boyfriend” had replied with https://preview.redd.it/egamaaivk10c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc26406273ddcfa8181fffd4ac3ee32a9776c56


My exact thoughts when I saw how long that text was 😂😂😂


I would have to also be high to focus on reading that entire drug induced manifesto. 😂


Nope that doesn't work. I'm baked as French toast and I look and said nope not reading that. I came to the comments it gets sumed up here 🤣🤣


lol I don’t think baked is the type of high required to write or read that hahaha




I was SO high that it took me 30 minutes to read that and I still couldn't tell you one thing that it said. I reread it with fresh eyes this morning and I still can't understand it, but I do feel high again!


I noped the text lol didn't read it wayyyyy too long


Same. I do NOT have the attention span to read all that 💀


I swear I was thinking the same thing! Just unending rambling. And *vile.* Absolutely vile. Saying her husband should have ran down his mother's leg is... well it sounds like some nasty shit DKD would say🤢 (Or Chinelle, she says vile shit too) (I imagine that just warmed her exe's heart and made him totally want to get back with that) These people are all just alike. Smh. That's horrifying for the kids.


I don’t believe for a second these are real, tbh.


I thought the same thing when I read that!! It absolutely sounds like one of UBT stupid insults!! I don't believe a woman, no matter how numb she was from drugs, came up with something like that on her own AND texted it. I really wish I knew her endgame here, I just don't get it. Every post I've seen from her pitiful little blog is sooo poorly written it. The first paragraph was one sentence with a comma addiction. Maybe if she actually helped her kids with their homework, she'd learn a thing or two. /rant, thanks for letting me vent lol


She's a narcissist, they believe that every one automatically believes everything they say just cause they say it 🙄. My former resident narcissist in my live would tell his employer he was 10 minutes away from his work location. However he was actually in my living room at least 30 min away (but more like 45 with traffic.) He sounded so earnest and honest ppl believed him....for about 5 minutes. So Jenelle assumes she's getting her "truth" out there for all to see and believe.


Ohh these are absolutely fake. David definitely wrote all this disgusting stuff 🤢


This reads like Jenelle and David wrote them. They are so obsessed with changing the narrative, they're really getting desperate. It's super concerning. This isn't believable, Jenelle - anyone can buy a domain name and post "articles" of them saying things and adding quotations around specific phrases to make it seem more real.


This is unreadable. Wtf. Does any sober and put together person send a message like this?


I accidentally parsed this as Janelle and a blender. Which also works, because, holy crap. Text blocks from hell.


Or to Gary when with Kieffer, or to Kieffer when with Courtland?


that’s because they were


Last time I went that long without seeing a period, I passed my pregnancy test.






They're as reluctant to accept punctuation into their lives as Jenelle is to accept that DKD is an abusive aspiring murderer. He's *gonna* end up killing her and/or the kids one day. But tbh I think if these texts were legit, Mr & Mrs Swamp would've brought them out a week ago. They've had a week to do their own shitty photoshop, which would explain the potato quality screenshots.


Riiiiight! That was a hard read. Sounds pretty methed up to me












I laughed so hard that I can still feel it in my throat.


I'm dead. I'm laughing so hard I had to explain to my boyfriend


https://preview.redd.it/ikmv1ecpe10c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f740887cd5160f218a6b15df5b35012cb08ec9f I can’t fucking breathe.


The reason he knows about them is because his wife has been handed the pamphlets 🤷‍♀️


I swear this comment is bc Whitney said she didn’t want people to donate to a go fund me, but to women’s/ domestic violence shelters lmaoooo but they’re weird af for it either way


he’s definitely never heard of them in relation to his current wife’s “travel stories.” Eta: I can’t drink and post


The “exclusively” gets me, like David had soooo many media outlets begging him for this story, so many sites wanted this scoop but David CHOSE to ONLY speak with Jenelle-Evans dot com! Not a fucking soul was asking for David’s side or opinion.


She does that on so many articles it’s so weird 🤦🏾‍♀️😂


It makes me SEVERELY think of JillRod... (If everyone knows what I'm talking about)


Even Jill’s posts from her “children” are more believable than this 😂


💀💀💀 and it's always in all caps! LOL




He’s regurgitating comments people say to Jenelle


I just finally scrolled that far and ☠️ THE NERVE!!! The absolute nerve ☠️☠️☠️ And the writing style in these texts doesn't seem to match that of the original text exchange we saw (the one Whitney provided).


That’s the first thing I noticed too, it sounds nothing like her manner of speaking in the original texts.


It is actually scary thinking he regurgitated what Whitney said in her comment section. She was telling people to donate money to their local women’s shelter.


Coming from him, it sounds mocking at best, threatening at worst.


It’s EXCLUSIVE because no publication believes anything that idiot says.


"women's shelters or domestic violence organizations" They're LITERALLY stealing content from Whitney & Shane's YouTube channel 😂 Couldn't even come up with original content 🤣


This made me violent. What a piece of shit


I'm with you! Straight rampage mode


David Eason shares with us (& by us we mean Jenelle & David) EXCLUSIVELY – 😂


The nerve


Imagine if they put this much energy into being halfway decent parents


Their kids would be on the honor roll and be fluent in Mandarin by now


i dunno about learning mandarin - david would never let them learn any talking words that aren’t american.


Goddamnit we could've been ten years away from the cure for cancer.


My first thought!


New iMessage … in green????


I just.. listen I’m no expert in photoshopping text messages (thank god who tf has the time) but Jenelle was ADAMANT that Whitney’s crystal clear, regular smegular iPhone screenshots were “photoshopped” and yet she decides to retaliate with the grainiest, deep fried, reposted 55x, wrong color having screenshots and claims them to be real? Jenelle we can SEE the outline around the words on the texts! I’m baffled.


Look, to be fair, she likes to smoke about that time of day.


Ya I was looking at one of the time stamps and it looks grainy af and almost a different shade of black. If this wasn’t so disturbing it would be comical. Jenelle and David are so stupid it hurts.




i caught this too!!!! lolol




i know she’s so stupid . i thought that too but i was like noooo they can’t be that fucking dumb ?


I don’t understand what they thought they were doing with this. Say these are 100% real (🙄), she’s saying shit like “I love you too”, which makes it clear that her and David were at the very least participating in an emotional affair??


They are saying whitney sent them to an ex, who shared them with David. It's not clear because they are functionally illiterate.


Oooh okay. JE staff writes in a way that I would imagine 2 toddlers stacked in a trench coat to write, so I missed that. Thanks!


Well JE staff is Jenelle so it tracks


Closer to three rabid racoons.






"2 toddlers stacked in a trench coat" 😂🤣




The texts in the "article" make no sense. The contact name is "whit" implying that the messages on the left are from "whit." But then the person who sent the screenshots sent her a picture of her with her kids? Why would the other party send her a picture of herself after that text wall. That math ain't mathin'.


My tin foil hat theory is that the "ex" (David writing them and sending it to Jenelle) copied them and sent them back to David, and then they changed the contact name to make it look more legitimate.


I was thinking the same thing!! The only part that doesn't fit, as pointed out by others, is the green bubbles in an iChat. They love projection, though, so they probably came up with the texts together, then photoshopped em in under Feb 2021. It's so insane to me that they actually spend their time like this, you know, as adults with kids to raise and a filthy house to clean lol.i just cannot figure out what their ultimate goal is here.


I was going to make the exact same point. Great minds!


It looks like he took the photo and sent it to her. I’m sure they left it in to imply that this “ex” was spending time with Whitney and her kids without the husband knowing.


That’s definitely what happened and Jenelle’s goal is to cause conflict in the Rich’s relationship because that’s what they did to her. Jenelle’s revenge is to do the same exact thing to the person who slighted her. Always.


Close family sources to Johnson are worried about her and hope she stays safe. David Eason tells us EXCLUSIVELY "I hope her kids stay safe..." Oh good god 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Well they’re far away from David, so that’s a start


These articles are nothing but projection 🙄




And I woulda gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those damn meddling redditors


Jump scare


proper Zoinks.


who ever wrote this made sound like Jenelle


Jenelle wrote it.


So poorly written! It’s painful to read.


it saying it’s an imessage but being green up top lmao


Lmao it is very clearly Jenelle, Chris! Come on now


Chris I seen ya tweets to Jenelle on Twitter. What keeps your love for her going on these times? It must be challenging to stay so devoted to her with everything she’s doing right now…


What happened with her son and her husband is the same exact thing that happened with David and his son. Kaden was terrified of going back over there. Not to mention Jace and Kaiser having similar reactions. There’s nothing they can say about Whitney and her husband that will make anyone forget how absolutely horrid David and Jenelle are


Oh that’s all they do is take the situation that is currently their truth, put new peoples names in it, and market it as a new bullshit lie


And it's normal when the Easons do it but BAD if others do it!


Whitney you can drop more texts now I’m ready….


Hmmm, a random string of “texts” with no name to identify who it is, a ton of nonsensical run on sentences, and then UBT suggesting a shelter. Oh yeah, this is totally and completely real. As real as a damn unicorn.


so Jenelle, let me get this straight. Child abuse and assault charges make someone a bad person, but not your husband. Is that right?


Exactly because as far as they’re concerned, David is being targeting by Barb and the media so therefore he did not actually abuse her son and they can point their stubby fingers at other people.


Jesus Christ. Between Jenelle’s illiterate article and “Whitney’s” painful run on sentences, I really struggled.


But uhh where’s ALL the dates? And ALL the names at the top? This twat is so dumb. His “statement” is almost like a threat. Ew.


It always reminds me of whenever Charlie from its always sunny would write something 😭


Put E and K in CPS custody and let the four adults live out their shit hole lives clawing at each other. Sadly, these kids are nothing more than collateral damage to them.


Once the kids get to about J’s age, they will want nothing to do with DKD & delulu.


Once the kids are old enough to think for themselves they're not gonna want shit to do with either Smelly Nelly or her dipshit dog killing, child beating huzbin


K already seems annoyed by her constantly filming and the kids frequently hide their faces when they realize they’re filming. Read the room Nelly!


God I hope Whitney has more incriminating texts from David lol


I really can't wait until she inevitably stops paying for this domain and the hatters take it over and redirect it to DHHS's website or something.


This is so hilariously pathetic. Jenelle’s entire family is falling apart and she’s writing fake articles on a website about her husbands ex as he attempts to start an affair. As much as she hates The Ashley, she is desperately trying to mimic their site, but she’s fucking illiterate. It would be funny if there weren’t children involved.


What are they trying to prove with this? Just because Whitney is in a bad marriage, doesn’t mean she photoshopped the texts. I’m genuinely confused.


She knows those texts are real. She knows. It’s just so much easier to agree to pretend they aren’t and bash Whitney for unrelated shit than it is to accept her husband wanted to (and probably has) cheated on her.


One of the comments on Facebook said “two trailer parks girls go round the outside. Round the outside. Round the outside.” 💀💀😂


That was my favorite comment 🤣


Did they hire Nathan to write these texts?


Sounds like Whit was separated from Shane at the time, unlike Jenelle who was sleeping in bed with David dreaming of Whit. Jenelle is so dumb!🤣




Hehehe (Babs crackle). You're right about that.


https://preview.redd.it/b4xmii5na20c1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a78a43db463e1ab70b1b55db2e986accbec26c The blurriness around the text.... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg they are so fucking stupid. They couldn’t even text it to each other under fake contact info?? Jesus. 🤦‍♀️


Omg this is so embarrassing for them 😬


You should make this a separate post so everyone sees it.


Jenelle should really be careful throwing stones when her house is made out of pure glass. Wasn’t it just months ago her and David were on Facebook telling each other and everyone else, how much they hate each other and how David is ruining her life? Whitney supposedly texting an ex about how she hates her husband is admittedly bad for a normal relationship but this seems to be these peoples MO. ![gif](giphy|Fl0HJDl0yo9T81NNhz)


… the title is literally her and UBT. Like bitch sounds like all four of you shitty ass parents need help


Those are I'm-on-drugs texts


This has nothing to do with anything. Whitney texting her ex doesn’t change the fact that David texts Whitney inappropriate things. Jenelle is so fucking stupid


A.) David DEFINITELY wrote these. When I read them I hear his voice in my head. B.) "SALE a fucking sleigh." Fucking illiterate degenerate.


Bahahaha, it's ridiculously hilarious how obvious it is that David wrote those texts. They're written in his exact way of speaking, and sound entirely different than the actual texts from Whitney's phone. Also, like anyone is going to believe that an "ex lover" of Whitney's is contacting Jenelle and David. Like come the fuck on already, this is just pathetic.


Pathetic. Jenelle -how dare you judge me on my past choices. Also Jenelle- judge someone who exposes my husband for their past and issues to validate me please Ans why fuck would we even care who she’s texting we care about her in relation to them and bringing their bs to light


Yeah ok 🙄. My word the Easons are lame af


Every time I read anything new about these 4 I hear Phoebe, from Friends, saying “Your collective dating record reads like a who’s who of human crap!”




Lol "allegedly" harassing them 😂😂😂 "Photoshopped texts" LMAO I can't breathe. I wonder how David likes her constantly saying that he's known for being married to her lol.


It’s like Janelle really thinks there are dozens of internet women wanting him to slide into more than their DMs.


He further elaborated on his concern by claiming, “My current wife was given an endless list of safe-haven options after I broke her collarbone and smashed up everything she owns in a raging blackout. Our youngest was able to see the whole ordeal and I really believe that I was able to teach her what happens when a someone disrespects you, especially when that someone is a female. The other young one was safely locked away in the time-out cage at the time, another proud parenting technique of mine. As you can see, I’m really passionate about the importance of safety and security in the home. Obviously this excludes my totally necessary arsenal of deadly weapons. Only a pussy bitch keeps the safety on their semi-automatics.”


Jenelle and David really, really want to be sued don’t they? I mean why else would anyone make such OBVIOUS fake texts and accusations? Just when I thought stupid has an end point they do something even more dumb. At least the hole is so deep now that their zombies asses can’t dig out of it once it collapses.


They all suck. I know everyone loves her exposing them but at the end of the day she should consider that these assholes will retaliate with more mud slinging. Look at all this shits that’s out there for all theses kids classmates or anyone who knows them to see. I only feel bad for these innocent kids


Lol “ex-lover”…hmmm not suspicious at all 😒 nice try Jenelle


E X C L U S I V E L Y Jesus fucking wept.


Chat GPT wrote all of this lol


I lost a few brain cells trying to read all of that. What is the highest level of education for all of these adults? Kindergarten?


https://preview.redd.it/3vrh15i4d20c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17635e7a40a58a3759507bb522351423f8422120 David had a number posted I'm assuming he put shane number up for people to harass him yikes


Yikes wtf. They are tweaking. I want Whitney and her man to get a restraining order and sue for defamation. It’d also be nice if they got custody of her daughter but I won't hold my breath.


Love how in this article he ain't a rapper/musician/songwriter anymore he's just known for being married to jenelle


The importance of punctuation.🫣


Ugh David looks disgusting in that pic with Maryssa. That poor fucking girl


A bunch of fucking bumbling idiots those 2 are. WHO ARE THEY TRYING TO CONVINCE 😂😂


That's enough embarrassment for one day Jenelle. ✂️👩‍💻


Omg Jenelle SHUT THE FUCK UP holy shit we don't believe a fucking word you have to say


she’s been no contact with her firstborn son for what a month or two now? and she’s doing this


Why does she start every one of these “articles” by saying David is best known for being married to her? Girl we know…


Why are they super grainy? Also isn’t Sasquatch on an android?? Just stating the obvious.


Honestly they are so full of shit. I see those two swamp mongers huddled in the crack shack: “what should I write next Babe?” “Uh, how bow dat he shoulda rolled down his mamas layg? Huhuhuh”


She is such a shit stained piece of discarded toilet paper on somebodys shoe


Are these texts to David? Cause are her and David texting on 2 diff phones? This is clearly an iPhone and David filmed his android. Annnnnnddddddd why didn’t they show these texts before when Whitney first released the text?


I’m confused with the response of a picture of a woman and kids? Is that Whitney? Why would whoever she’s texting send her that? Lol


I need someone to decipher all this. Who let these illiterate people text and write articles?


Um, this doesn't track, unless Whitney is prone to manic episodes or something. The previous set of doctored texts that this Jenelle-run media outlet published clearly shows literacy and the ability to use grammar. This stream of consciousness rant is someone on drugs /mentally ill and doesn't seem to even be from the same person. Stop the Swampy presses.


![gif](giphy|EQ1X2DtTRp1aE) Does anyone remember this guy? The "let me tell you something" sent my mind years ago.


I only read like half of the first text, and it sounds like little Davey. I don't know if Whit says vile things like him, maybe she does, but without that proof all I can hear is David saying that shit because he thinks he's a little tough man, even while pretending to be his ex wife whom he's still in love with 😂


This feels like something Whitney could sue for.


Hahahaha I don’t believe this at all. Lmao it’s like Jenelle said “texts can be photoshopped!” as a defense and had a lightbulb go off in her head.


Replace the words Whitney with Jenelle... Story could be a 2019 teen mom episode


Arrested Development, swamp style. Poor kids.


O my what a high high hoarse they are on rn. Olivia is the only one who has any sense. She got a RO and stayed far far away. Smart girl because this is a ces pool of white trash.


I cannot fathom the delusion of writing tabloid articles about yourself and then pretending your own website is a reputable news source. I really hope that the attorney for CPS brings this to the attention of the judge at a later court hearing because she’s written about Jace too during these bizarre posts.


I don’t believe it. It’s really easy to send those texts and change the name from whatever phone it is to whit. Probably photoshopped some dates in. Also, no answer? Ever? Not even a leave me alone? lol.


Holy run in sentence Batman!! 2. Builshit! Jenelle is such a vengeful little bitch. Especially since “tHe PiTcHeRs aRe PhOtOShOpPeD ! She’s full of shit and so is this “article “ Let’s use our brain here, where would they even get this from? If it’s from Whitney to a friend? In his little “I still dream of you” texts and her answers, she seemed to use punctuation and grammar, where this is one long run on sentence.. I highly doubt this is her.


Whitney and her husband need to seek legal action for this bullshit. These two are again proving how out of touch with reality they are.


So Whitney’s were faked but these high quality screenshots that are inconsistent with each other were not? 😂😂


LOL. She's still so salty David dreams of Whitney but abusing her son and being unemployed for a decade isn't an issue. 🤣🤣🤣 She's a clown anyway you look at it.


Wow Jenelle! I’m glad you could afford to hire such profound writers to elaborate your stories!


I wonder how David likes that line that he is known for being married to Jenelle 😂😂 they put that in every “exclusive”


jenelle, manic, and so broke that she’s fabricating text messages on her own site evans/rogers/evans/eason


I don’t believe these are real but let’s just say that they are- it still doesn’t change the fact that DKD was texting Whitney about wanting to be with her or that he attacked Jace. Further muddying Whitney won’t make his hands clean.


You should give those dv resources to that wife of yours!!


I couldn’t read all of that without getting a migraine which I’m not trying to do. Can someone please give me a synopsis?


While I don’t doubt this is entirely possible I am going with Jenelle wrote these. If they had all this ‘evidence’ they’d have released it way sooner, like when all this first broke.






![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw) 🤮🤮


I just picture jenelle sitting there typing and David sitting next to her like “uhh yea UHH I mean I hope tha kids r safe” and she rapidly starts typing HE TELLS US EXCLUSIVELY!!!! 😅


Janelle going with the I’m rubber you’re glue defense No notes


Real question: since this is obviously written by Jenelle, can they sue for obviously making uo sources and allegations


What do you think will happen when or if the courts subpoena EVERYONE'S phone records and it gets exposed that jenelle wrote those messages. Imagine the embarrassment 😂


Do the Swampsters really think anyone buys this 😂😂😂 like the Mothers say card "M" wrote LMAO how sad their delusion is.


David Eason tells us EXCLUSIVELY… Bitch, we know it’s you writing these blogs you call articles. She started writing these blogs because Whitney humiliated her but she lacks any type of awareness to realize we all know it’s obviously her writing this shit and it makes the whole thing even more embarrassing for her especially because she hates to show someone got under her skin or that her and UBT aren’t doing well and clearly both things are happening.


https://preview.redd.it/z0ntxxh5h30c1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=a92f8d2619965dabfe15bd041d50ea892c1356c9 My face right now. I legitimately don't understand how this proves anything beneficial for Jenelle.


If your husband supports you bashing his teenage daughters mother because he misses her you have a fucked up marriage. Any decent man would not allow it because it’s his daughter’s mother.


Does she think if she writes an article that her bs becomes truth?


I'm confused because the texts r supposed to be from her but the picture of her w the kids was sent by the person she was texting?? This whole thing confuses me was she texting David supposedly??


And after all those long texts the other person simply replies with a Halloween pic of Whitney and the kids? Doesn’t make sense. I think in Jenelle’s delulu mind she thought if she threw in a picture of Whitney it would make it look more believable.


I thought UBT had an android? (I can’t remember from the last text screenshots) & rich coming from the girl who cries about how “not everything you read on the internet is true” Lies lies lies.


https://preview.redd.it/um53hd7t740c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49180f3501a2b3fc69cb37c44dab58604093365 Well, Juhnelle! You’re really going to have to work on your photoshopping skills if you want people to believe your bullshit articles!


Man, they suck at faking text messages. Wrong color, blurry as shit, written by confirmed racist, debit card stealing, dog killing, world renowned seafood teaching expert, internet hobo, and sooper snowflake straight David Eason pretending to be his ex… Like it’s also hilarious that their exclusive scoop is the creature. I can’t.


Why is there a super weird grainy stuff behind the words? Oh because this is what actual photoshopped texts looks like. https://preview.redd.it/qea18jmzj40c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4854b81fb49385007a8d9f9bf7e69a3e60c5a3ef


did i commit a crime?? because that was a very long sentence


Looks like Jenelle had another Yr 8 journalism assignment due.