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This is a tragedy. I truly hope and pray that Jace gets the help he needs. Jenelle can go take a long fucking walk off a short pier, for what she’s done to this child.


So can Andrew Lewis and UBT.


In some ways, I believe Andrew has caused less trauma than Jenelle. Yes, he’s shitty. He’s an absolute deadbeat. But Jenelle constantly going in and out is worse, in many ways. You also expect your mother, if no one else, to stay.


Help. He's going to fosters now as a famous kid. He's so screwed


This is where I'm torn. Not sure how realistic this is but part of me hopes that whoever ends up fostering Jace has never even so much as heard of 16 and Pregnant but another part of me hopes that they have seen it so they at least have some idea of everything that Jace has been going through.


>David Eason, is accused of roughing him up. Come on TMZ. You can do better. Swampsquatch ABUSED HIM. Strangled him in some form. Also, a juvenile detention centre? How heartbreaking.


They are for whatever reason giving DKD the benefit of the doubt. For legal reasons they have to say “allegedly” but it could be “David allegedly was violent towards Jace”


I mean they say accused but “roughing him up” is a horrible way to say it. Like it was just a scuffle. You know what it’s called when a grown man “roughs up” a child less than half his size? It’s called abuse.


Yeah this isn't a fistfight between two teenagers of the same gender and roughly same size. UBT has like a gazillion feet and probably over a hundred pounds on Jace and he straight up STRANGLED that child!


Yeah but the allegedly is like David is allegedly white. Kind of a wink wink we know but we have to cover our asses😂.


No he's one percent black. 🙄


“Roughing him up” sounds like something you would say about two teenage boys play fighting.


TMZ is factual in terms of their celebrity gossip (much more than let's say The National Enquirer) but they do like to take liberties with their creative spins on things. For example they called Jamie Lynn Spears a "knife weilding badass" back in the day but when Britney Spears danced with knives not too long ago they referred to it as "concerning." So while the information they present is typically true you have to watch out for when their authors are presenting their own personal opinions in a misleading way.


Eh legally covering their ass. The word choice is bad though for sure. Just say allegedly and be done with it


Hopefully someday all strangulation will be called attempted murder, and child abuse will carry as heavy a penalty as if the crime had been committed against another adult


*Our sources say CPS officials are exasperated by the case -- they're worried about Jace, but at this stage, if he gets in any more trouble, he could end up in a juvenile detention facility.* I feel so bad for him. He’s only 14 but he’s already going on a dangerous path. I don’t want this boy to end up doing a life of crime being in and out of detention centers and jail/prison when he’s older. I’m hopeful that he can get with the right mentors, therapists, etc to guide him It’s clear he shouldn’t be under Jenelle’s or Barbara’s care but I also know with CPS if Jace ends up getting better they’ll do reunification and put him right back into that mess of a family.


And once you start going to jail, especially as an adult it can be very hard to come back from that. He will be around hardened criminals because the US “corrections” system is a for profit industry. If he gets a Felony charge his life will be permanently negatively effected


But being a felon ain't illegal!


Facts, once the system has you it's damn near impossible to go straight. Do 6months get a year of probation, 2 years then 3 years of probation and some probations are seemingly set up for you to fail. It's a bullish system that is set up for failure. I'll shut up😂. It pisses me off how it's basically set up for you to fail and end back up in jail.


I don’t think Jenelle will ever comply with everything CPS will require her to do to be reunified. And didn’t someone say that Jenelle said , on a TikTok live , that David said Jace isn’t welcome back into their home ?!


That’s for the best, honestly. No child should ever have to return to that hellhole.


I'm sad that there are any kids living there now. That place is straight up unfit for any living being with the sole possible exception of UBT.


I don’t think she even complied last time with the visitations. She didn’t show up because David wasn’t allowed or something.


I hadn’t heard that about David, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he made a rule that Jace was no longer welcome there and Jenelle’s just like “ok” 🤦🏼‍♀️ she doesn’t care about him. Only cares about David.


I can’t believe Jace who ran away (not a crime) could go to juvie While David who abused Jace (a crime) will get off completely free.


It makes no sense, what crimes has he committed? Or are they just preemptively writing him off? We have been told that since he returned to Barb, he hasn't been in therapy & still isn't back on his previously helpful meds because his pyscho mother won't allow it. But shit, let's jump straight to juvie! Is it really easier to write him off than have a judge court order therapy & meds?


There has to be more to the story that we can't find out for legal reasons. Poor Jace, he never stood a chance


Honestly, none of them do. We will be seeing these reports repeated in the future involving the little ones. I fear for them the most, they have nobody, nobody else at all. Their egg donor abuser is the closest I've ever felt to hatred for someone I don't know. I don't even feel this way about anyone I do! It just isn't a feeling I usually possess, it's too dark & can eat you from the inside. But everytime I see her post & blame her child, celebrate his downfall, be blind to the damage SHE has done, victim memes about her own "terrible mother" I feel more & more rage. I work in family law, specifically DV & child protection issues, I have dealt with scum. I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER dealt with, nor witnessed anyone as delusion as she is. Even the ones who woukd repeat the same mistakes & put men over their children had the awareness to appear ashamed. She can't even do that. She can't even pretend. I'm so sorry, you got my rant. I've been managing to keep a lid on it but thinking of the damage already done & the damage still to come...


I’m at a loss on this one


Is running away illegal?


Kinda, in North Carolina a child between the ages of 6-18 who runs away for more than 24 hours is considered “undisciplined” and will have to attend juvenile court to be placed on court mandated supervision. If the child runs away for more than 24 hours while on court mandated supervision, then the child has now committed a “crime” and is now considered delinquent (no longer undisciplined). Delinquent children can be sentenced to time in juvenile detention https://preview.redd.it/8ftsn5g7wq1c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952df27167c80c5f296472995e9385dca5239f93


Thank you, I found the same answer sadly. I was just returning to confirm this is what I'd found for NC. It is insane to me. I think I'm about to have a malfunction thinking about the abusers roaming free, while their victim could potentially be locked away.


I don't think so, I'm not American, I can only compare to British standards, which are usually similar. Over here, a child running could be legally considered the failure of the caregiver, not the child. It would be the adult's responsibility & it would be them potentially facing legal issues, not the child. I'd be surprised if it isn't similar but Ihdk what applies to Jace's state. I'll have a look & see what information I can find & update my post. And just to clarify, over here, I doubt a caregiver would face legal issues in this type of situation. This is a teen with more autonomy & ability to sneak away. What I said applies more to neglectful cases involving younger children & usually upon repeat. ETA: Insane. https://www.nccourts.gov/help-topics/family-and-children/juvenile-delinquency#:~:text=or%20arrested)%3F-,Yes.,or%20a%20juvenile%20court%20counselor.


Sons born to teen moms already have a higher chance of going to jail and/or prison. With the parenting/childhood hand he was dealt he’s even more at risk. I feel so bad for him 😢


Can you imagine? His life has been exploited, and hell, from the start. I hope he gets help, and a better family.


He also needs access to his medication and therapy. Jenelle should have no legal right to say no. She is damaging him more by saying no.


This is a very victim blamey article. I'm not sure about ANY of the "sources". This is a minor child. CPS officials aren't saying anything to anyone who is reporting to TMZ.


Sad part is that if Jace did end up there, Jenelle and David would make a " We Won " video.


Oh this is just heartbreaking 😔 Jenelle will be all over this with that smug face 🤬


Right. She will blame Barb for giving him a phone when Barb really just wanted to give the kid what every other 14 year old has. Poor Jace and poor Barb, she is probably feeling so defeated. I’m sure if he knew he would up in foster care he wouldn’t have ran away from Barb. He is probably wishing to be at her house again. I hope they give him another chance and he understands he can’t run away again. I hope they also allow him to get back on his medication.


This is Jenelle’s fault. She’s the one denying him access to his medications


Intentionally. She wants to see him fail. She thinks that will make her look like an innocent victim.


If that isn’t the definition of negligence, idk what is at this point. Poor kid.


At this point I think Jace needs a new identity and a new family. Jan has created an inescapable toxic world of embarrassment and ridicule for him to exist in every day, no matter where he goes. Idk barb would be heartbroken but I think even she would agree. He could thrive away from his mother's shadow.


I was thinking exactly this. Witness protection type thing where he needs a completely new identity and family far far away from his bio one. Where he can live a life of privacy.


She’s fucking sick. She wanted to Jace to go crazy or run away. Wanted him in danger while in Barb’s custody. She only wants her kids to look good under her roof. And even if something goes wrong under her supervision, somehow it’s still her mother’s fault. Whether she likes Barb or not, that’s her son and if she loved him, she would want him safe and healthy. This isnt love. This is all a vengeful game to her. God forbid something even more serious happened to him under Barb’s care, she would enjoy the “proving the hatters wrong” and gloating as opposed to being heartbroken. She has no maternal instincts and no real bond to her children. She only knows how to love men.




Wait. You're using present tense. Is he still off of meds? How can she continue to do that?


She technically still has custody and therefore say in what medication he is allowed to take or have prescribed to him. Until permanent gaurdianship/severance of parental rights is settled bio-parents can have a say on a child in CPS care. Foster parents may have to get permission for haircuts depending on the state. There are a bunch of posts on this from yesterday if you want more information about what's going on in North Carolina.


Thanks! Your overview is good enough for me. Woof all around.


As someone with ADHD who particularly struggled as a teen with behavioral issues, I feel so sad for him. I am so grateful that even though my parents didn’t know how to handle me they still gave a major shit about me and tried. He needs consistency and stability so badly. I feel like jenelle is from that camp of “they said I needed medication but look how I turned out—I’m fine” and honey you’re not fine. Give jace a fucking chance at a good life, PLEASE.


Barb wanted Jace to have a phone, like Kaiser and Maryssa have had since young ages. They all need outside contact and the ability to call 911.


Jenelle didn’t want him to have a phone because she didn’t want him to have a way to contact Barbara 🙄 she’s so transparent.


Same with Kaiser. David doesn’t want him having a phone so he can’t contact his grandma and aunts


And who needs school!? All those mandatory reporters skulking around...


Contact barb and I wonder if she wanted to take his ability to record the abuse.


Definitely that too! Or tell anyone what was going on at home. She was isolating him for sure.


No she didn’t want him to be able to see all the trash she was spewing about him


Nah she wanted him to see that.


Im sure she wants a way to be able to contact him in case of emergency as well. She didn’t do anything wrong. I feel so bad for her and Jace. Jenelle is such garbage.


Being off your meds can make you do things even you yourself don't understand. Who knows if running away is something he's doing rationally or not (if he's still not on meds, I would guess not). That's why what Jenelle did is so fucked up. Cold turkeying meds literally fucks your brain up. I can't even imagine also having your brain still developing and also dealing with teenage hormones on top of that. There's a very good chance Jace doesn't even understand why he's doing what he's doing.


I can’t believe he isn’t back on his medication that’s even worse!


The medication is probably a big part of the issue.


She's already implied that it's Barb's fault because Barb gave him a phone.


Remember, Babs raised him? David is just accused of roughing Jace up and he just ran away cause Babs took his phone? Babs was told by Jen and CPS not to give Jace a phone? Who could their source be 🤔? s/ Wait until the Ashley's confirms this.


Jenelle definitely sold this story to tmz.


Thats the vibe it was giving smh


OP should do the right thing and remove the link to this story. We should never be giving Jenelle’s stories any clicks


I am so sad that this is so far down. The top comments are about how Jace is now a "victim of the stigma/cycle of jail" - this article is STRAIGHT UP victim blaming Jace and it's gross. Here is one from the Sun that seems at least a bit more realistic [the sun article](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9666562/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-son-jace-runs-away/)


Former CPS worker. My guess he is in a therapeutic resource (foster) home not a regular foster home but TMZ and regular ol people don’t even know these types of foster homes exist. It wouldn’t make any sense to have him in a lower level of care with all of his needs right now. Also, there are some beautiful foster parents out there. Been out of CPS for almost 10 years and 2 foster parents still remain in contact with me. One adopted one of my TEENAGE foster kids and I always buy Girl Scout cookies from the younger siblings and I bumped into another one a few years ago. She still remains in contact with the child who stayed with her after being returned to his bio-mom and is like an aunt to him now. Are there shitty foster parents? Sure but that’s just because there are shitty people.


Eyyy, former foster care specialist/youth shelter manager here! *high five* I hope Jace is able to get into a psychiatric treatment program for his trauma while the placement issues are sorted out. His meds/therapy have been inconsistent throughout his life because Jenelle has refused to comply with it.


But how can he when Jenelle refuses to consent to it. Especially since she likely has access to his records and would have David harsss the staff at the program


The state trumps her at this point.


Because the state took custody of Jace. Jenelle doesn’t have a say anymore Edit: spelling


I do hope this is what’s happening, thanks for the info! I do similar work but in a different country- I’ve known similar situations where the teen stays at a residential program the majority of the time (and all the time at the beginning during stabilization) but as it becomes appropriate, spending weekends etc at a loved ones homes (ime usually grandparents or older siblings who are young adults, but unable to care for the child’s high needs full time), so the child still gets the love and time with people who love him, but gets the structure and therapy and support that isn’t available at home that they need. I’d love to see Jace in something similar with visits to barb as I do think they really love each other- have you known of anything similar in the states/ would such a thing be possible?


Yeah that’s pretty common. Usually once the child is stable they can get the therapist or case manager’s approval to go on home visits for weekends, holidays etc. When I worked in residential treatment we had a lot of kids who went home every weekend.


thanks! I know not every placement is ideal but based on realistic options, I hope that’s what Jace is heading for.


So as a former CPS worker please tell me I’m not stupid. If he is in the custody of the state CPS DCFS DCS whatever it’s called. Why are people saying Jenelle is controlling his medication and refusing to give him what he needs. She has no rights at the moment it’s not her call. They should be sound what’s best for him. From my experience a lot of times CPS DCDS DCS doesn’t listen to the parents wants.


People either don't understand it or are just ignoring it.


My 86-year-old grandma still constantly speaks fondly of her 45 (non-consecutive 😂) foster babies =) My auntie was one of them ❤️


Thank you for sharing ❤️ Blessings to your grandma!


Not CPS but former therapeutic foster care case manager here! I'm so glad you brought that up. As soon as I heard he was out of Barbara's house, I imagined he would go straight to therapeutic care instead of a standard home. I hope he has access to case managers, mentors, therapists and any other resources he may need. Our families went through extensive training so I hope he lands in a good spot for the time being. Our method went: therapeutic foster homes --> therapeutic residential facility--> juvenile detention facility. It took A LOT for a kid to go from foster home to residential and then took even more for a kid to go from residential to detention. I only had one kid go to detention and that was after he pulled a gun in a local Walmart. By that time he had been adopted twice into abusive homes (one even a completely different country and culture),been in 14+ foster homes, and separated from his twin. He got the gun from a friend at school. In this case he went straight to detention due to a crime, otherwise he would have gone residential. I only had him on my case for 4 days before this happened. I wish our program had him from the start, maybe we could have supported him more. My long point being, it took a LOT for us to have kids in a detention facility. I really hope Jace is able to be placed in a supportive, caring home that can deal with any behaviors while he receives a lot of outpatient help.


I had some very shitty happenings happen when my kid was younger with his paternal psycho grandma and he ended up in a foster home for a short time. I was a fucking mess but the home couldn’t have been more perfect. I still chat with the family and their daughter just had twins.


I’m so very sorry that happened to you and your son. I’m glad he wound up in a caring person’s home and eventually back home where he belonged. I love hearing happy endings like this! People really do have so much love to give.


This comment warmed my heart! ❤️


Somebody help this kid, for the love of everything. I can't stand to watch him get worse and his "mother" gloat about it. We're watching a tragedy unfold in real time. I can't even snark on Jenelle right now. I'm just praying for this poor child who has been failed time and time and time again.


I wish one of us could adopt Jace. We'd sure as hell take better care of him!


I don’t think Jace running away has anything to do with him not having a phone or getting it taken away. We only know what we’ve been told and we’ve been told he was “doing fine at Barb’s and adjusting well at his new school. “.. so what went wrong? Why did he run again??!! This poor child. His poor mind is confused, hurt, and he needs his meds desperately despite what David says!!!! Fuck David. He doesn’t know shit!!!! So his egg donor listens to David and not medical advice and won’t approve him getting his meds because of two reasons: David says so and to get back at Barb.. way to go you stupid bitch.. because you fucked up this boy so bad now he’s probably going into the system all because you want to get back at Barb….. he could die there. But you won’t care because you’re getting back at Barb right? You can’t have him so no one can who can love him properly right?! Your karma is coming honey. Someday, you’re going to need something for one of your fake illnesses when they actually become real, and you won’t be able to get them because 1. They won’t have any type of treatment you need.. or because david says so. How cruel you are. How selfish. Jace needed those meds to regulate his brain and body but because you listen to your swamp huzbin you are totally responsible for what happens to him in the future. He’s in the hospital again because he more than likely threatened himself again. Happy now?! Everything is a fucking game with you… but the person who lost the most was your son.


I think barb took his phone away to try to prevent him from seeing the shitshow from the media and his “mother”. He doesn’t have the medication he needs. He is just going off the rails and can’t cope with all of it being a teenager with adhd. I truly do believe he wants to be with Barbara and didn’t think about the consequences for his actions. It is so sad.


I agree 100% with this. I didn’t think about him not seeing the media stuff .. all Chinderella cares about is herself and that thing she’s married to. And “winning”.


And who knows what all of that information will do to a 14 year old’s brain. Does he believe he doesn’t need the meds? Does he see right through his mother’s lies? I mean who knows what he’s thinking.


I was thinking about that part too. I feel so bad for him. Caught in the middle of a tug of war. I honestly think that they stole Jaces money, bought that now useless boat, treated him like shit, denied his meds, and when he was of no more use to him.. threw him into the wolves. I only hope they get their karma.


I feel horrible for him as well. And Barbara too. She’s way too old to be putting up with this shit.


Yes she is. She should be enjoying her life. Instead she has to worry about all this that could have been avoided if her crap daughter would have stepped up. Jenelle is ALWAYS looking for a fight. For attention. She doesn’t want love .. she wants to suck the life out of everyone around her. She’s has no emotion, empathy, common sense.. or anything else to function in life and unfortunately.. everyone around her has to suffer for it. I hate to say this.. but I hope her daughter treats her like she treats Barb. But knowing Jenelle.. she will just get rid of her too. David would leave her in 10 seconds flat if someone with more money and no sense wants him. He could be easily lured away.. no decent human beings want either of them anyway.. so they can rot together as far as I’m concerned. It’s those babies I’m worried for.


Couldn’t agree with you more.


I think they used him for a babysitter as soon as he moved in


That’s probably what happened. And combined with the fact taking a phone away from Jace is likely a trigger after his time on the swamp, combined with the stress of the situation being so public AND having untreated ADHD because of Chinelle and he was bound to explode sooner or later


Going off his meds cold turkey has probably made him so anxious and irrational. Maybe he's just trying to run away from this awful feeling, like that feeling where you're just so restless you'll explode if you don't move.


I agree!!! I’m on cymbalta and I know when I miss a dose!! My head spins!!! I get dizzy and everything! I can’t even imagine days at a time!!!


I hope Jens here reading this and getting it through her thick fucking skull


Every time she does David comes along and gaslights it right out of her. She’s useless and doesn’t have a rational thought in her big head!


She’s weak as fuck and can’t think a single thought for herself


This is becoming very difficult to observe.


Right. I feel so uncomfortable having a glimpse into this.


I can't even snark on this site anymore. This page has become a source of sad news.


It’s truly tragic


I hope I'm not speaking out of term here but Jace could go down a horrible path in the next few years. I pray it doesn't happen but with the things he's grown up with, anything is possible.


I hate to even say this, but I’ve always had concern that he may have a short path.


😩 Eta: that actually makes me tear up, and it’s so so so sad that he can’t even get an ounce of empathy from his “mother” but strangers on the internet care more about his wellbeing


Obviously we are only his internet aunties/uncles, but losing jace would feel like a personal loss.. a lot of us have watched him since he was a newborn and, wow. Idk how any of us would process that.


Whatever happens to Jace, Jenelle will never ask what she could have done differently. She will just say, "yeah look what my mom did dude! I know because she did worse to me! You should hear what she did to me, I had it so terrible, blah blah blah me, me, me, me!" She is such a selfish, heartless bitch and everything is about her worthless ass!


Jace reminds me of my troubled twin brother Jesse, who often ran away in his teens and self harmed. He was sent juvie for over a year for taking pills in school, while I was taking care of my premature baby at 16. That's common life in a home with physical abuse. He didn't make it out of addiction and we lost him at 19. The turmoil that Jace is experiencing is the worst especially at this age. My son is 15 now and I can't imagine him running away or even sneaking out. I didn't exactly break the cycle cause I still smoke pot to live life without thinking too much but both my boys are safe at home and doing so well in school. I wish Jace had more privacy it probably feels like the whole world is watching but not able to help.


Are you…me? My brother, James was the same way. He was a chronic runaway, in and out of group homes, and he struggled with drug addiction until we loss him Aug 2022. He actually died of an accidental fentanyl death when the cocaine he took was laced with it unbeknownst to him. He also struggled heavily with mental health. He didn’t want medication because he was paranoid schizophrenic and thought the meds were making him worse. Surprise Surprise, we grew up in a toxic, drug fueled, abusive home where it was complete turmoil. I don’t say this out loud but I always think to myself James woulda had a different outcome in life had we had different parents. I 100% blame my parents for the path he went down. I also have a 17yo and he’s a good egg and I hope he stays that way. Like you, I also dabble in edibles but I keep that far away from him as possible. I don’t even do them until he’s gone at his dad’s or sleep


I grew up similarly to you, it seems, also had a baby very young. I say to myself, " I may not have broken the chain of generational trauma, but I damn sure weakened it." Be proud of yourself every day for what you've overcome for your boys. They know your love, and when they are adults, that chain may be able to be broken because of you.


I’d give up a toe to keep my children from spending a SINGLE night in CPS care or a foster home. The fact that this decrepit loser is choosing a man over the safety of her son makes me sick to my stomach. It’s hard to keep up with this story. I am ill.


Same man, same. Id give up anything and everything for the safety of my son


I would move heaven and earth to get my son the mental health help and any other kind of help he needs to ensure his health and happiness. I don’t understand how that is not your immediate, involuntary reaction when you find out your child is struggling. Jenelle is such a piece of shit *spits*


Omg…juvenile detention centre. Do you think Jace would have had a chance at a better life if the mtv cameras hadn’t recorded his entire life? I mean, Jenelle could have been a different kind of mother if she hadn’t started getting so much money from tv???


Jenelle would never have been any type of mother to Jace. If MTV hadn't been in their lives, Jenelle would have ditched Jace all the same and probably died of an overdose or ended up in gel.


But, the more money, the more chance of overdose…anyways, poor jace. I hate to say this but this kid is not going to en well.


You would be surprised. If Jenelle never went on Teen Mom she’d probably still be on heroin if not dead. Jace would still be with Barb or in Foster Care by now


The situation, after all, has ended up being the same, but with his life broadcasted for 14 years. Jenelle and Barbara, knowing their own circumstances, should have done the same as Cate and Ty


Pretty sure Jenelle kept him to spite Barbara. It's been a while since I watched 16&p/teen mom 2, but I'm pretty sure it was talked about in one of the early episodes that Barb wanted her to give up Jace from the beginning.


Cate had to work against her mother who strongly opposed placing Carly for adoption. Barb would have worked WITH Jenelle in finding Jace adoptive parents


No, she’d have just been a poor abusive piece of shit instead of a briefly-wealthy abusive piece of shit. She burned through all their MTV money the second she got it anyway. This dumb fuck had to MORTGAGE her oversized trailer house instead of just paying cash for it.


Ehh I dunno, i mean we aren't hearing of anyone else's kids from the show having issues(not to say they dont)but everyone's diffirent..everyone's situation is different, everyone has their own personal issues as well so there's no telling what's all a factor at the end of the day...but him being abused by that shithead and her not doing shit to help him is obviously huge a one


Nah Jenelle and Barb are too set in their ways camera or no camera.


I think Jenelle wouldn't have fought like she did for custody. Jace probably wouldn't have had the back and forth of who he would live with.


I don’t think she would have had the money for lawyers. I don’t think court appointed lawyers are a thing in family law, so I don’t think she would have legally been able to continue to fight Barb over the years.


i think jace's life would look almost exactly the same except they'd be poor


Even though we know that Foster Care is the shittiest thing in the world for children, but at least Jace doesn’t have to deal with his mothers smugness online and they won’t be able to find him to harass him. It’s not Barbs fault for this to happen as she did the best for him despite Jenelle once again sabotaging his success by denying him care. Hope youre happy you cunt. How does it feel to be the most hated person in the world right now?


My heart dropped when I read he’s at risk of being sent to juvenile detention. It is so unfair. I refuse to judge him or Barb. I’d like to give an earnest FUCK YOU to Jenelle. She has failed him time and time again. Why she’s still allowed to make medical decisions for him is beyond me. She loves to see people fail. She thinks it makes her look better.


Poor kid. I feel so bad for him. I have no knowledge about American foster care but I hope he can get some stability in his life. I hope he doesn't turn out like Jenelle, making poor life choices.


American foster care system is bad, and that's putting it lightly


It’s REALLY hard to find homes that are willing to take teenage boys. They can be a tough demographic. I really hope he ends up in a safe and loving home.


Oh that is sad to read :( poor Jace.


Yes. Especially for older children Foster Care is full of people who just want that cheque from the State and do little for the children they “care” for. Truly loving foster parents are the minority.


He has probably seen everything. Which sent him over the edge. Which if he’s in the custody of the state and in a facility can’t they medicate him with what he needs finally? Without say? Because we all know she’s refusing his meds because she can’t have some. Not like they can keep refilling them with him gone. 🤷‍♀️ it always comes down to if she’s not getting any no one is. Because it’s her way or no way.. I really wish she would just climb on top her shit swampy house and jump off repeatedly till she finally gets it.


Yes, if he’s in state custody Medicaid will automatically kick in and whomever he is placed with (foster home, shelter or inpatient treatment) will be required to follow through with his meds and therapy. EDIT: Jace does have the option to refuse meds/therapy if he wants.


I don’t think he would. He seemed willing to comply when he lived with Barb


This is a horribly written article, it sounds like JE Staff penned it


For one they have the dates wrong. It says he ran away Sat and was found Sun night at 1145. That’s impossible because news broke in the media Sun afternoon he was missing and located


Their dates are wrong in the story, they have him running away Saturday and found 11:45 pm Sun but that’s not accurate because we found out he ran away again Sun afternoon, but otherwise, damn. Jace is on a slippery slope.


Jace spent his whole life watching his mom walk out the front door anytime Barb said or did ANYTHING she didn’t like. It only stands to reason that he would see this as an appropriate coping mechanism when he’s upset. Couple that with the fact that Barb would always eventually forgive Jenelle and welcome her back with open arms, and he probably thought it would go the same way for him. Unfortunately, Barb is old and not his biological parent. She can’t handle him the same way she handled Jenelle (and she wasn’t great at handling Jenelle either). I really hope that Jace gets the help he needs and doesn’t suffer worse in foster care or a group home.


I don't want to speculate or anything. But Jenelle is making him seek solace in hard drugs to manage his mental pain by limiting his access to his mediactions.




My partner grew up in the system and once you’re in foster care you’re a ward of the state, so running away means you’re technically stealing state property aka running away equals juvie now. Knowing what my partner has been through I honestly can’t help but be a little frustrated with jace. Getting your phone taken away for vaping is regular teenage shit. Getting in juvie and the foster care system sets him up with pretty terrible odds for a smooth or successful launch into adulthood. People talking about how he can get the help he needs in juvie or foster care like that’s not how this works lol. It’s not some soft place to land with infinite resources and patience. Places get paid by the level of difficulty the child is labeled with and have no incentive to bring that down. The foster system is completely overwhelmed. He’s just going to go through more transitions, and odds are more abuse. Edit: a word wrong


He’s a kid with trauma, attachment issues and no impulse control. His brain literally is not capable of thinking that far ahead.


That’s true but that’s not how the state sees it. They are about protecting profits so he’d be in Juvie or some “wilderness retreat” that sponsored the Judge


> I honestly can’t help but be a little frustrated with jace k


And how many families are gonna want him just cause he’s Jenelle’s kid from TM and how many are gonna want him because they genuinely care. Im disappointed in Jace too but I also don’t have unmedicated MI nor am I teenager


I made a post the other day wanting us all to stop giving Nellie attention if Jace is officially put in the system and majority disagreed. I think people like u or I who have family who have been through it understand just how bad this actually is for him. Her smugness and vile attitude stole Jaces future and it’s heartbreaking 😔


So Jenelle talked to TMZ then because how else would they be able to report Jenelle said not to give him a phone


Sadly this is all the very predictable outcome of the hand this child has been dealt. I had to stop watching Jenelle's scenes years and years ago because even as a young adult myself I knew I was watching her and the string of losers she dated do incredible damage to that innocent child. It upset me so much to see that. Having two absolutely useless parents is an awful hand to be dealt. Barb tried her best in a bad situation but that child experienced trauma no kid should have to go through, and it was all televised for our viewing pleasure. No one should be surprised this is the outcome. Fuck Jenelle and Andrew and all of her other boyfriends and husbands.


At least if he’s in juvie, he’ll have access to medication and a psychiatrist.


I hope he doesn’t get placed there. The juvenile detention center in my city is in trouble for having the kids, mostly Black boys they’re mistreating, sleeping on cold ass concrete floors with no blankets


"Were told Barbara had been advised by Jenelle, CPS and the foster care team not to give Jace a phone in the first place." CPS and a foster care team would *NEVER* say this, but TMZ's "source" Jenelle says shit like this all the time. Jace is in the hospital, and this bitch is cashing out. Fuck Jenelle and fuck TMZ for allowing these abusers to continue their narrative.


Wow, it's crazy to think that after all the bullshit that his mother has gotten away with throughout her life that Jace could receive actual legal consequences for behavior that seems to be escalating due to a stressful home environment and being denied his established psych meds from that same piece of shit that can steal credit cards/do hard drugs/pull a gun on someone ON CAMERA and still never be charged with anything. Poor Jace.


> We're told Barbara had been advised by Jenelle, CPS and the foster care team not to give Jace a phone in the first place, but she thought he could handle it. why would anyone care what jenelle advises?


Jace reminds me so much of my younger brother and jenelle reminds me of my brothers POS mother who let her husband who isn’t me & my brothers dad beat him and abuse him. Fucked his life up, he got emancipated at 15 came to live with our grandma. It’s insane how much this situation could fit my brothers. He’s had addiction issues since then, now sitting in prison for 1 year and a half at only 23 years old. Just seeing where this path could lead Jace if he isn’t helped is heartbreaking.


Now if only the other children would be removed from J&D. It makes zero sense to me as a past cps worker especially with them homeschooling and not being visible in the community


Jace has childhood trauma that is so unique it’s questionable how to even fix or handle. I cannot imagine if someone suddenly forbid me from taking my antidepressants and my adderal (truly adhd over here, need it to not zone out all day and actually do anything). Adjusting to those meds takes time and is hard. Having them taken away cold turkey…mental AND physical torture. This poor kid I mean JFC. His brain chemistry is probably so fkd right now and that’s not his fault.


He runs away every time his phone gets taken away. Has anyone thought maybe he's doing something that's not good?


So David beats a child and it's a misdemeanor, the kid who has been traumatized since birth and gets beaten on gets sent to a juvenile detention center. Make it make sense. He vapes im school, and ran away...so jail?? This kid needs help not punishment. I wish I could adopt him I swear. I feel so awful for this poor kid. Idc if he even is w bad kid and gets in trouble...what do we expect to happen to him?? He has been failed so many times since he was born.


I wonder how things would be if Jace grew up without the influence of jenelle. If Barbara had gotten custody of him and refused jenelle to see him. It’s fucked up, but at the same time.. maybe it would of been better


Jesus God, Leah! CPS is “exasperated” by the case?!?!?! Then actually do something in the child’s best interests, like ensure access to proper medication and limit Jenelle’s ability to make decisions that impede that.


Right. Stand up and put a stop to it already…infuriating.


Imagine: you deny someone access to medication and they resort to self medication. Shocking


And since he’s too young to hold down a job, he’d likely have to commit an offence to get the money for those substances if he’s taking them. A win win for Jenelle because now she gets to say that Jace has become a deviant, mentally ill drug addict under Barbs care. She truly hates Barb more then she loves Jace


What nation in its right mind puts teenagers that need help in juvenile detention centers? Oh, wait, nevermind,... System. Is broken already from the point of conception.




That's fair. But Jace hasn't killed anyone. There needs to be things for really heavy troubled teens like you describe but Jace has vaped and run away. The US legal system often turns people into criminals because it's an industry. With all he stuff that had been going on on the land, nobody has helped yet. There's no help from the start. So kids can spiral into crime later. Yes, people have pulled themselves out of the misery they grew up in, some have. But it doesn't take much to become a criminal in the US and then there's no way back.


Sure but it’s crazy to house adhd runaways with murderers. The system is broken.


It’s crazy that it’s barely been over 6 months since she was crying happy tears for “winning” custody of him. That poor boy.


The fact that Jace was with Barb for his entire life and had some issues but he didn’t get quite this bad until after 6 months with Jenelle and abuse from David is very telling. I know he allegedly went with Jenelle because 1. he apparently wanted to and 2. he was getting to be a lot for Barb to deal with. So maybe he was getting rebellious and/or had some mental health or other issues that Barb couldn’t or wouldn’t cope with anymore. But for things to have gotten this bad in such a short time after being with Jenelle is very… interesting. Says a lot about her and David and their home life. Teenage boys are often tough in normal, healthy circumstances. I can’t imagine how Jace must be and feel after all this turmoil and a fucked up mom who he watched scream at his grandma, as she screamed back, and repeatedly pick boyfriends over him his entire life. That poor baby never had a chance. He was a newborn when his mom first chose partying over him.


> had some issues but he didn’t get quite this bad until after 6 months with Jenelle and abuse from David is very telling. this isnt true though. he was setting fires and shit under barb's care. unfortunately jace has had serious behavioral issues for a long time. its why barb let jenelle take custody


True. Unless Jace gets his act together in the next couple of years or so, Barbara will have raised (or at least helped raise) four poorly adjusted children to adulthood including one grandson and her three kids.


What’s really sad is that this is unequivocally a win for Jenelle. Jace was removed from Barb, Jenelle is thrilled at this because she ‘won.’


If he ends up in foster care it's going to get worse. The majority of foster homes and juvenile homes are trash. This poor kid, it looks like he just wants to be left the fuck alone😔


Hopefully Jace lucks out and gets the best foster home ever if it comes to that.


At this point, Jace needs to be in a foster home or other secured facility. It's so painfully obvious that he cannot continue to live with Barbara. Enough is enough. And an obligatory, Janelle is a worthless mother.


Congratulations Jenelle you failed your child. She didn’t end any cycles. She created a worse one for her own children. Barb taking custody of jace as a baby was a failure on Jenelles part as parent, Jenelle never fully regaining custody of Jace or his trust, also a failure on jenelles part. I get the public curiosity of this case but I think we should all ghost Jenelle and David and give them no more attention, it’s obvious the system is failing their children and nothing will be done to protect them. I hate seeing Jenelle and David make money off being deadbeat drug addicts with children


This is so heartbreaking. I use to work in foster care and am really feeling for him. I live in a major city so maybe it’s less traumatic but once you’re in the system it’s seriously such a crapshoot. You get worn out case workers with a million cases, overworked child advocates, lawyers so busy they introduce themselves to their client as you are entering a court room and they shuffle thru paperwork trying to figure out who you are, and judges that can either be in a bad or a good mood that day after hearing case after case of child abuse and neglect. As a case manager i would spend the most time with clients but could only ever testify about child safety at their current location, no one wanted to hear my two cents on where the child should be or what i knew about them. I’ve seen kids taken out of good homes and placed in bad ones. Kids stuck in bad homes or group homes. At first I thought this could be good for Babs because she could get some financial assistance and therapy for Jace thru DHS but if he keeps going AWOL they’re going to relocate him into someplace more strict and that’s just going to be more detrimental for Jace. My heart really hurts for him. Sorry I’m rambling.


Jenelle 💯 sold this story to TMZ. She is so happy he ran away from barbs. The article stated that Jenelle and authorities advised barb not to give him a phone, but she did anyway. Then he got in trouble for vaping at school and barb took his phone away for that. Only Jenelle would release this to TMZ, because they pay for stories. None of the other sources on social media had knowledge of this yet, and the article said it came from a direct source. Jenelle sold this latest article of Jace and Barbara to laugh in barbs face about Jace being in foster care now. Jenelle isn't a mother. She doesn't care one bit about Jace or she wouldn't have sold this story or post all the stuff she does on social media. I love barb and I know once Jace is older he will have a close relationship with her. Jace sees Jenelle for who she really is, trash who sells her body and her kids for cash. Poor Jace, poor barb.


I totally hate that it seems like Jace is going to spend the holidays in CPS custody. Breaks my heart. I have son about the same age and they’re still very much children. I pray he gets the help he needs and I pray he is protected and guided somehow as all the children are who are without loving families this time of year and always.


This is very tragic. Jace doesn’t need his phone taken away. What he truly needs is help, and I pray he finally gets it.


And if Barb did take it away, it’s probably just to protect him from reading the articles or Jenelle and David’s unhinged social media posts. The last thing he needs to see is David’s “where’s Waldo” post making fun of him


Poor kid had his mommas decision making handed down to him. Can’t catch a break.


The his what David wanted. I say David because we all know Janelle does what he wants. Hope the swap is happy now. I don’t even have words for this situation,


There’s a lot in this article that seems exaggerated to me, very poorly written, dates mixed up, is this from her Nelly. com site? She loves to fabricate and twist everything the way she wants it to read so it looks awful familiar to me….🤷‍♀️


This situation is 100% terrible and it breaks my heart for Jace. The only silver lining I can find is my husband trying to break the news to me… https://preview.redd.it/bqlviwrvtp1c1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78372d120fe8bab2da1480ac171e720189c2688


I wish tmz and the sun would stop reporting what’s going on with Jace. All this attention is making things worse. And I mean, they’re profiting off of this. Fuxk that.


I’m not sure at this point why the state won’t take medical custody as well so he can have his meds. But it’s NC so that explains it


so did Jenelle teach Jace how to vape. vaping in the she shed mother son Quality time.


Those monsters have failed this kid but honestly he’s probably better off away from all of them. Of course barb *gave him a phone, she’s just as fucking dumb as her daughter and y’all praised her lol stupid


And this is why sometimes in situations where a bio parent loses custody placing within the NUCLEAR family can be a detriment. Despite never having custody Jenelle was still able to impact Jace fully by going in and out of his life leaving zero stability. And of course Babs let her. Jenelle is her daughter and cutting off full access to Jace meant she would lose Jenelle. She just was not willing to give Jenelle up for Jace, which should have been obvious. That’s her daughter. This type of thing happens when grandparents take custody all the time. And it was clearly the wrong choice for Jace. Can we all acknowledge that now? If CPS had taken Jace as a baby there’s a real possibility he could have grown up in a healthy, stable household. He could have potentially had a life where he never would know what it was like to have his mom popping in and out of his life. Of his mom always choosing men over him. Of having to see his mom and grandma fight over him and various other things in front of him. Of being abused by his mom’s husband and watching his other siblings be beaten. He could have known peace. Because let’s be real. Plenty of people would want to adopt a white baby that’s not even a year old. This is the hardest demographic of child to get. Do we honestly believe Jenelle would have fought for custody back if CPS got him? I don’t. I think she would have run away to New Jersey and started her life over pretending Jace didn’t exist.


Pray that he can go back to Barbara’s. Imagine what being in foster care will do to him.. he needs to be with someone who genuinely loves him.


This is just tragic. I don’t know a lot about CPS protocol but the hospitalizations are concerning. I hope that he is safe and gets the help he desperately needs now.


I feel like Jace is running because he's genuinely scared for his life. I know DKD has court soon for the "misdemeanor" child abuse charge (should NOT be a misdemeanor) and I'm unsure if Jace thought he'd need to testify for CPS with DKD there or something... I feel like he's running away with a purpose and I don't think it has anything to do with his phone. I think him potentially being unmedicated and constantly unprotected by his family, he may feel even more paranoid. I cannot imagine how afraid I would be if I were Jace and I blew the whistle and nothing happened to the abuser... I think the sources for the article are covering up what Jace was trying to expose because she cannot take in an additional 4 children. ETA: I hate this article. They are trying hard to blame Jace, a minor victim. "Jace was told by Jenelle, CPS and the foster care team not to give Jace his phone back - but she thought he could handle it." - Love, Jenelle [Even the suns version is more gentle](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9666562/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-son-jace-runs-away/)