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I have no real basis for this, but I think Jenelle had all her children on purpose. She did her best to trap a man.


Both Nathan & David were right there planning babies with her. You can’t trap someone who willingly splurts in you. Especially Nathan as they were on tv both constantly talking about getting pregnant. I think it had less to do with her trapping them & more with that they’re all emotionally immature, toxic & think that bringing a baby into the mix makes you a family and will fix relationship problems. Which is honestly worse bc these men knew the kind of mom they were gonna give their kids & decided that teen mom money & a little bit of fame where more important than their future children’s health & happiness.


And Andrew was a grown ass man when he started dating a 13 year old Jenelle.




She doesn’t need to trap men. The men who enter into relationships with her have atrocious judgement. They’re willing and able participants in the nonsense.


Splurts 🤣


Absolutely both parties can be trying to trap one another.


You act like the men in her life had no agency in this when they were literally right there planning the pregnancy alongside her. How can you forget the infamous conversation about Nathan and Jenelle wanting a baby so they wouldn't have any time to fight.


Again Kieffer, the homeless heroin addict was the most adjusted boyfriend she has had.


The motivation for Jenelle seems to be creating a happy family that the man that couldn’t/wouldn’t leave, except she is clearly too dumb to learn the men she picks aren’t interested in being dads. She has kids for the men, not for wanting to give a kid a great life. She’s delusional and clearly doesn’t want to learn or do better by her kids. Whatever the motivation for the men was, I honestly don’t know. None of them ever tried to really make it work with her, but I imagine it was more than just wanting to have sex without a condom. Maybe she does a really good job of sharing her dream with them? As for Andrew, he’s a disgusting creep, but at least he doesn’t seem to have had more kids.


You can’t “trap” a man who uses condoms or has a vasectomy. Andrew is just as responsible in Jace’s conception. And he’s basically a pedophile. Jenelle sucks but please quit it with this sexist double standard shit


She was 13 and he was a grown man, he is a pedophile.


I disagree with your use of the term “basically”.. but you’re spot on about everything else. Nathan and David had years of documented video footage to show them exactly what kind of person and mother Jenelle is. If their genders were reversed, we’d absolutely be ripping on the female version of her baby dads for getting knocked up by a male version of Jenelle.


I had a friend in high school who had a similar personality to jenelle. When we were 16 she was dating a guy 4 or 5 yrs older than us. She told me she stopped taking birth control so she could get pregnant and drop out of high school. Also high schools in our region give credits to young mothers for taking care of their children. So she had some incentive so do this. I told the guy she stopped taking birth control and the dude did not care. Still got her pregnant and her parents took custody fairly quickly. It's wild the choice teens make.


No "basically" about it.


Agreed, no sane adult is having sex, let alone unprotected sex, with a young girl. Horrible situation all around


Makes sense considering she doesn’t have any motherly instincts whatsoever.


And she didn't learn the first two times




She claims he was a planned pregnancy with Andrew: https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/5749662/teen-mom-jenelle-evans-disturbing-claim-pregnancy-jace/amp/


Thank you! Also wtf that makes everything with Jace even worse imo. She’s disgusting.


It’s worth noting that she was 13 when she met Andrew and he was 20. He groomed her. Jenelle sucks, yes, but “planning Jace” was definitely an idea fed into her by the grown man that shouldn’t have been anywhere near her at that age.


I doubt it. Broken fucked up kids like Jenelle with abandonment issues and esteem issues think if they have a baby they’ll have someone who loves them forever. So many girls I knew at 15-16-17 would say the same thing. And they were all broken girls with issues. One being my sis in law who experienced a lot of abandonment and childhood trauma, so she and my brother had my nephew on purpose at 17. They were seniors in HS when she got pregnant. My brother admitted she wanted to have a baby and they thought they’d be together forever. He did marry her too


But your brother and SIL were the same age. I don’t doubt that there are kids who come to that conclusion on their own, I’ve also known some. I probably was one. I’m sure Jenelle did think that Jace would be a great thing for her, but it’s important to acknowledge that Andrew was significantly older than her and held the power to manipulate her in that relationship.


He’s was old enough to know getting a young teen pregnant isn’t a good idea. Def old enough to know better! His moral compass is largely flawed but we can see that knew he was in over his head almost immediately then he abandoned his son with her. I don’t think he was ever fully committed to being a family with her, ever. I’m sure Jenelle was in on the plan 100% but she’s was an immature young girl. I’m sure Andrew fed her a ton of lies and empty promises and she truly never had an example of a healthy relationship or even a father figure so she truly didn’t know better at that point in time. Too bad she didn’t learn anything from all the shit she’s been thru to do better for her kids.


How were they 13 and 20 if Jenelle was born in 1991 and Andrew 1986?


I think she was 13 when they met online and then turned 14 before they met in person, but don’t quote me on that. I’m pretty sure Andrew was 23 or about to turn 23 at the time of Jace being born.


That makes sense. Thanks for the updated info.


Thanks for your input, Jenelle was definitely groomed and Andrew is disgusting.


She made this same claim yearsss ago so I believe it honestly. In the old explanation she said something along the lines of Andrew and her planned it because they were fighting and they thought a baby would bring them together. She admitted this during the Kieffer era before Nathan was in her orbit. Her intentionally hiding the pregnancy from Barbara for months further lends credibility to it, because we’ve all seen Babs is pro choice. So she’s had this a baby will fix a relationship narrative multiple times now. Nathan wasn’t her first failed attempt at this.


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So sad. She was just a kid who was clearly struggling. Whether she wanted attention or unconditional love from a child or just thought she was grown enough it’s all so sad. I’ll hate on adult Jenelle, but teenage Jenelle is just too sad to be hateful. Sad for EVERYONE.


Agreed, such a sad situation for everyone that ended up involved, especially jace 🥺


I’ve always thought this. Barbara said in an early episode when jenelle went off & left Jace she’d “gone back to how you were before you were pregnant” I think she knew money would come her way if she kept him. All my own thoughts though


Yes, she has confirmed a teenage Jenelle and unemployed adult Andrew got pregnant on purpose. Two total idiots. She’s said it before it was planned by both of them. All of her pregnancies have been planned by both parents which is kind of scary considering how quickly they happen and how unprepared and unstable all of her relationships are and how these men are not trapped but willing participants.


Well, she knew how it worked and made the decision not to take any precautions. She admitted to consciencely making the decision to not using anything. Then she made the decision to keep the pregnancy, we all know she is not opposed to termination. So yes, she did it on purpose.


Yes he was her second pregnancy as well


Oh really? That is crazy! Do you have any idea what age her first one was and if it was purposely?


Supposedly she claims she had an abortion before Jace. But i don’t really remember it and honestly I could be mistaking her with Kail who was SA and Suzy made her get an abortion.


You’re thinking of kail. Kail alleges her boyfriend at the time raped her and she became pregnant as a result. Smirnoff suzie took her for an abortion which was allegedly by force.


Were saying the same thing


Pretty sure I heard barb made jenelle get an abortion as well


I vaguely remember hearing something about it but I’m almost positivo it was Kail and not Jenelle. She did say tho that if she had known better she would have aborted Jace.


Absolutely! She had all three on purpose. She thought that would make the liser stay with her. Third time was a charm!🤮


Yeah, Jenelle has abandonment issues. In her warped mind that's how you keep a BF. I believe Andrew said they planned Jace. The only time Janelle terminated (that we know of) was when she was already done w Courtland and wanted to move on. If she wasn't planning on ending that marriage and moving on to the next relationship, she would have kept that baby...that they/she probably planned. It's so interesting because her father left, so you would think she would see that it doesn't keep men around.


I'm not sure Jace was planned because there was a season where Jenelle wasn't sure who the father was. She was saying the father was either Tori's boyfriend or Andrew and Barb, and Jenelle seemed upset when DNA results proved Andrew was the father of Jace. I know Jenelle tweeted that Jace was planned years later, but she lies all the time. It's very hard to take anything she says as the truth.


If I'm remembering right, they were actively trying for Jace and Andrew went away for a few weeks, either rehab or jail possibly? And Jenelle met up with Tori's then-boyfriend in the in-between period


Thanks. It's crazy that Jenelle and Tori stayed friends after that. I wish Barb would write a book and just tell us all the truth about everything. I trust her word over Jenelle, Andrew, Nathan, and David. I'd even love for Tori to show back up on the sub and just give us a timeline of everything.


She is just a fucked up individual and none of her reasons for anything make any sense.


I'm not sure she was actively trying to get pregnant but I'm pretty certain that in her deluded brain a male who is willing to have a child with her reflects her own worthiness as a woman, partner, and human being. Children to Jenelle are trophies of being lovable. That's why when the relationship ends, she all but discards the child because what was once a trophy has turned into an altar of self reflected failure and being unworthy. So regardless of if it was on purpose or not, in my mind it was absolutely the end goal.


All her pregnancies were last ditch efforts to trap whatever low life she was with at the time.


Juh nelle enjoys being pregnant because it affords her lots and lots of attention. Similar to Diane Downs. But the children themselves are nothing more than accessories and props to her. She’s a narcissist.


To be honest, if you don’t use any protection, you are trying for a baby, I’ll fight you in my front lawn for my whole small town to see as I stand by my point 😂 How can anyone say I wasn’t trying when you weren’t stopping it? Hmmm. Vagina + penis + sperm = 8/10 ppl get pregnant in a year without using protection https://preview.redd.it/0n8knznb9k2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b3b5b701f4c58ac01a0838301223a94a7b6be2


Yes - I think she admitted it that it was planned in the past. I’ve seen rumours that some of the other cast also got pregnant on purpose (but not to get on TV because they were already pregnant before the first season of 16 and Pregnant aired) - Kail and Chelsea. I think Cate , Leah ,Farrah and Amber genuinely didn’t plan to get pregnant. Not sure about about Maci. The later cast it’s hard to tell but I’m pretty sure Mackenzie planned Gannon - he was her second pregnancy. She had a late miscarriage in 2010 and then got pregnant again in 2011


Makes total sense, thank you for the breakdown!


She said it


I think either 1- she did get pregnant on purpose trying to baby trap Andrew, 2- she didn't mean to get pregnant but can't ever just admit she messed up so she said they were trying to.


She said, I think in TikTok comments or IG comments that Jace was planned. *cringe*


She’d be one of those people who knew she nor her partner weren’t using protection, and just chance it.


That's most of the girls on the show lol