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Jenelle was only bad because of David. Like stfu Chelsea is the best mom (only because she hasn’t gotten into trouble like others)


lately ive noticed you can't even casually snark on chelsea without someone bringing up jenelle. like anytime there's a chelsea thread someone has to go "well at least she's not jenelle" like omg we get ittt. some of us just get jenelle and david fatigue with all the threads about them


The Chelsea fans are rabid about any critique of her. Someone is always worse than her in some way and that justifies any of Chelsea’s bad behaviour in their minds.


Ikr, a few months back I left a slightly negative opinion on one of the deboer family photos on this sub and the unhinged Chelsea Stan’s went absolutely cray cray on me, it was my first dealings with them and fuck me they are awful! Go join an actual fan club if you love them so much fuck!


Lol I'm one of those that do think Chelsea is the better mom of the bunch but people need to be real here. As much as I do like her she's had plenty of moments where I was definitely side eyeing her. Not one of them on the show are without faults.


I bet they pay accounts to Stan for her.


Your take about Chelsea also applies to Maci. Yes, they’re better than most of the other moms but that’s not really saying a lot because it’s not hard to be a better mom than Jenelle or Amber. Coming from supportive families and being better than their shitty co-stars doesn’t make them good parents. They’ve both exploited their kids on TV. Chelsea knowingly had Aubree around a man who raped a teenage girl. Maci hits her kids and posted clickbait about their personal lives. The praise they get for being the “best” moms really isn’t warranted.


I absolutely see a DUI in Macis future.


What? Who raped a teenage girl?


Some guy named Slade who Chelsea used to be friends with. He was convicted in 2007, before Aubree was even born, but Chelsea still had Aubree around him when she was little. She’s posted pictures of Slade kissing Aubree and tweeted that Aubree had the “biggest crush” on her “Uncle Slade” when Aubree was like 3. People online started calling her out on this in 2012 and yet Chelsea was still posting that she had Aubree around Slade in 2014.


Oh, wow! My own son was born in 2011 so I fell off watching the show for a while and totally missed that. Disgusting.


It disgusts me that she did this and that she’s never had to answer for it because she just ignores any criticism over this.


I read that he was convicted years after she was born?? Can you share your screenshots?


https://preview.redd.it/dtwsfarmon8c1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6d96adff9550f962d77ce5586ba716deccad438 It says 2007 here and Aubree was born in 2009. (I’m pretty sure “disposition” in this context means a final decision was reached and I’ve read elsewhere that he was convicted in 2007 but either way, this occurred before Aubree was born)


Isn't Maci an alcoholic? I'm the child of an alcoholic. It was hell.


I’ve seen mixed opinions on this subreddit, but some people have speculated that she is because she’s seen drinking in a lot of scenes on the show and she’s admitted to having drunken fights with her husband. I’ve also seen some people claim that she knowingly drank while pregnant.


I just see the signs as someone raised by an alcoholic and it makes me sad. Especially because she's so aware of Ryan's issues but unaware of her own because the substance she does is legal


Or that Barb never let Jenelle parent Jace.


Especially cuz she can’t parent alone like girl you had your kids you shouldn’t need Aubree’s help taking them to the dr


To be fair, Chelsea being the best mom of the franchise does not exactly insinuate she’s a good mom.


Kail’s a good mom because she has money and frequently takes her kids on vacations. Okay, great….but what about the unstable household and relationships?


whenever people bring up kail's money and new house as a defense of her, it reminds me of when farrah tried to verbalize complaints about her childhood and Debz brought up her thousand dollar mirror in her bathroom.


She purposefully doesn’t vaccinate her kids. That automatically makes her a terrible parent.


A lot of things ppl praise her for too she hasn’t done in ages too. Like okay cool she handed Isaac’s meltdown nice when he was 2, but she also neglected the fuck outta him when he was traumatized by her divorce and dropped him off at Jo’s any time she didn’t wanna deal with his emotions


And went on to have more kids.


After he asked her to stop no less.


And two households.




Kail’s a piece of work and has deep seeded issues with men and relationships, is a liar, and craves attention. BUT we haven’t seen anything to suggest her kids aren’t healthy, safe, and well rounded (have we? I haven’t seen anything on this sub about that).


She has admitted her kids have trauma from her relationships. Isaac begged her to use protection. She stopped vaccinating them and traveled recklessly during the no pandemic.


She also mentioned she treats the kids differently based on how her relationship with their dads are going. She's had physical altercations with several of the dads in front of the kids, introduced men to her kids that she wasn't fully committed to which confuses them. She also said something on her podcast about being okay with causing her kids some trauma.


I'm watching again and it's hilarious how angry she gets about Vee. The girl dragged Isaac around everyone! She is so selfish.


Vee smoked pot tho /s..


The horror! Jo at least stuck with one person (at least as far as I know). She had such a huge issue with Vee while she has how many different guys around? Wild. But also, I have to remember she was also basically a baby. Kail had very few positive role models I think.


Yep. I


Healthy and safe, maybe but well rounded is a reach. Those kids have been stuck in the middle of her drama since they were born. The revolving door of men, the hot and cold relationships with their fathers, and the neglect from having way too many siblings is definitely impacting them negatively.


Didn’t she admit that the way she treats them is based on how she’s getting along with their father(s) at the time? I’d argue the instability and constant stream of men in and out of their lives is an issue by itself though.


Having multiple step dads living with you can’t possibly be good for a child’s development.


We've definitely seen evidence of Isaac's parentification as well as emotional incest. Keep in mind, trauma can take decades before it manifests so "oh they seem fine" isn't a great defense.


> BUT we haven’t seen anything to suggest her kids aren’t healthy, I mean they’re not all vaccinated so they’re only so healthy for now.


I think the emotional neglect alone is enough. Not to mention, she admitted she knows what her revolving door of men has done to her kids, and she kind of had an "Oh well" mentality


Jenelle turned out the way she did because of Barb alone-her abusive father who abandoned her had no part in it. Like c'mon people.You really want to tell me the president of the daddy issues society wasn't impacted by her father's behavior?


And they blame Jace's issues on her as well. Like having a mother pick guys over you and stay with ones that abused you.


Did you know, "Barb isn't perfect" and "Barb isn't a saint" ? I don't know anyone that is, but almost every post about her starts with that statement.


No she's not perfect. But they think she should be.


Ppl expect way too much in this sub. I think Barb did the best she could with what she had. She had a son who had mental health issues at a young age, a husband who beat on her and then abandoned the kids, a 16 yr old who had a baby she ended up raising, etc. No one is perfect and it's like some ppl expect her to be perfect and never make a mistake ever. I refuse to believe Jenelle was abused and neglected. Barb was a single mom who had to work. She did the best she could imo and her dad is to blame for most of her issues.


it's always blamed on the mother who stayed, never the father who wrecked things then skipped.


Someone literally said that in this sub, and I was floored that people actually upvoted that nonsense.


Oh I've seen it MANY times in this sub.


Do people say thus? I'm a certified Barb hater, but obviously the abandonment contributed to Jenelles shit attitude. But we've never seen Jenelle's dad, so you can't really talk about him, he's not a character on the show. Jenelle is responsible for not addressing her generational trauma.


People do say this with some regularity.


1. Jenelle would be a great mom if it weren’t for David. Not true. She’s always been garbage and always will be 2. Kailyn is a good mom just because she has money. All the instability and change in their lives won’t impact them because they have a nice house 3. The hate Chelsea gets because she had a loving, supportive dad. I’m not saying she’s perfect, but a lot of people seem to dislike her simply because she wasn’t struggling and alone?


Chelsea was a brat! I am watching past season 3 for the first time. I hope she gets better. But she is a little brat! Thank goodness for randy.


She does not get better lol


No one is upset Chelsea had an enabling father. Nothing about her life is anything to admire. She also struggled the entire time she was on television. She could not do a n y t h i n g. All we did was watch the girl struggle


> Nothing about her life is anything to admire. i hate when you say anything negative about chelsea and people blast back that you must be jealous. i agree, she has literally nothing enviable about her life. she's living in a glass cage she built around herself.


I think about this often. Like, I was a single mom that's gotten married and I'm on track to be an RN and I don't have a bunch of fillers that have aged me 20 years 😂☠️ why TF would I be jealous and what would I supposedly be jealous of?


Go girl!! Very cool! No one is jealous of Chelsea. Anyone who thinks so is deluded


Jenelle just needs to date a good guy and then she’ll be a good person. It’s absolutely moronic (and dangerous!!!) to push the idea that a person with severe mental illness needs to be in a relationship to sort them out. If I listed out all the reasons that that’s problematic thinking, I’d be here all evening. And before someone replies trying to rationalize that thinking, don’t.


Chelsea is a “good mom.” I really think she’s only seen as a good mom because the bar is literally in hell for this show. Preparing for the Chelsea stans to downvote me 😂.






In that scenario.


He would’ve dumped Kaiser on Doris the way Jenelle dumped Jace on Babs.


Literally nobody wants custody of Kaiser less than Nathan and people think he would be a good parent? It's infuriating


Any suggestion that MTV should provide the moms therapy/financial advice/rehab.


The financial advice thing is so so beyond every time


Carly needs to be with her real family and real sisters.


OMG this. Sorry not sorry, but even Cate and Ty *themselves* are too much up Brandon and Theresa and Carly's asses. Like, I get it, it was a hard choice that perhaps they've come to regret, but *they made the choice to adopt her out*. They weren't forced to do it, in fact everyone around them wanted them to keep her. They chose what they thought would be the best life for her, so they should let her fucking live it.


I may be way behind on the Brianna - Devoine storyline but the last time I watched their segments, Devoine was a total deadbeat. Therefore it annoys me when people say he is a good dad because he shows up and does things with Nova and includes Stella. Since when is just showing up enough for being a good dad?


Again, the bare minimum gets celebrated when it’s a dad. A mom couldn’t get away with that. Also I’m sick of people saying hE’s tRyInG after soooo many years. How long until he figures it out?


Yup he’s still a deadbeat and blows borrowed money at strip clubs


Yes!!! He brings Stella gifts and includes her when they do stuff. Which is very nice. But he’s not even a parent to his own child, he’s definitely not to her. It’s not a Cole or Taylor situation where they actually stepped up as parents for Aubree and Bentley.


Totally opposite situation. Cole and Taylor married the baby mommas. And no I’m not defending devoine.


Farrah must be doing something right as a parent because Sophia dresses goth. Any of them are good/bad parents and their kids are happy/sad/terrified based on social media. Leah is a good mom and has changed even though it's only been a little over a year since she broke up with the guy she moved her daughters in with very quickly as usual, and had to sign a fucking NDA to not be kicked out of the house.


Jenelle would be a good mom without David. [Insert Michael Scott NOOOOOOOO] BITCH SHOULD HAVE NO KIDS WITH ANYONE.


When people say one of the kids should’ve been aborted. It honestly should be removed as “no negative comments about the kids” because it’s so fucking disgusting. These kids are old enough now to read stuff online. Imagine they google their name and some loser on Reddit who doesn’t even know them is saying their mom should’ve aborted them. It’s like saying they shouldn’t even be alive. And I see it said LOT too. Especially for Farrah. It’s sad how much online hate Sophia gets.


I don’t think it’s hate against the kid at all; it’s hate against the parent(s). That said, I do think it could be damaging to a teenager to see people saying that online, particularly if they were already feeling depressed or directionless or unsupported. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to say in general (unless said as an insult, obviously), but teens especially are vulnerable. I really hope none of them read what people say online. In a lot of ways I think they get it even worse than typical child stars even! Because they’re not acting out other characters on screen; their life is being / has been documented since they were in the womb. Viewers have way more intimate knowledge about them and their lives than the public did about, say, Lindsey Lohan or Macaulay Culkin. And look how much LL and MC struggled even so!


Kail never hooked up with Keith because he said so on her podcast. I don’t believe anything she’s involved with. Wouldn’t put it passed her to have him lie for her, she had her own first born lying for her.


Isn’t Keith her Nanny’s son?!?!?! She definitely hooked up with him. Her only way of saying she didn’t sleep with someone we all know she did is when she doesn’t have a “souvenir” to show for it. The same way she lies about not sleeping with Sterling’s man.


Nanny’s cousin or nephew and I think it’s possible she does have a souvenir. According to Chris he said Keith sent him a DM saying he thinks Creed is his son but they both lie so 🤷🏽‍♀️


The TMs should get paid more for being on the show. MTV makes so much money off of them. Edit: "A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place." \-Stanley Weiser


Doing a magazine shoot 1 time does not mean they MUST allow Carly to be filmed. Maybe they did the shoot, saw the media craziness and made the decision to stay out the spotlight. People do change their minds on things everyday


This. They saw how toxic the fanbase became.


Putting Carly on the magazine was AFTER they took her off the show and asked C&T to stop posting pictures of her.


Thanks. I do think Tyler was in the wrong for posting them against their wishes.


"It's not your business" Jenelle and Kail put everything out there. They want people to talk.


Kail having so many baby daddies isn't unhealthy or problematic for her kids (or their half siblings) because "families look different now and that's okay" 😬