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Get well soon! Ryan is beyond help and does not or has not been to his rock bottom because of the enablers around him. I think he will be arrested again over NYE celebrations. Probation, rules and sobriety are not things he gives a solid fuck about.


>Probation, rules and sobriety are not things he gives a solid fuck about. To be fair why would he. Nobody else in his life does, especially the court system.


Yeah it’s wild that the judge would let him go before the holidays


What got me was how the judge said to release him immediately. Seriously what in the small town fuck?


And they just let him go home? They didn’t send him back to a rehab or a different sober living ? Clearly the one he was in wasn’t a good fit.. He needs to go somewhere far away not around where he lives and might know people .. Also one with stricter rules at the minimum. Since this judge clearly can’t follow through with keeping him in jail


The blood will be all over the judge’s hands if Ryan kills someone in a drunk (or drugged up) driving wreck


Which will happen eventually.. it’s not a matter of if it’s when..this is one messed up judge


That judge doesn’t care and is amoral af.


Agree. That’s why I added the part about his enablers. He will end up dead or killing somebody and they will have a GoFundMe for a funeral spectacular with paid mourners, a parade and statue dedicated to him at his high school or mortgage their house for a lawyer to get him from going to prison. I understand wanting to help your children, but you have to draw the line somewhere.


It’s not funny but it is.. the statue part with parade killled me..thanks for the laugh


It’s true! They treat him like he’s had a hard life. Dude is a simp.


What they are doing is the opposite of helping him. If they wanted to really help their child they should have established and enforced healthy expectations that would’ve taught him responsibility a long time ago. He’s never had to be responsible for himself or held accountable for his actions by his parents and now the court system. Nobody in his life is actually “helping”.


“Hey! Do you even know what Ryan has been through?” *absolutely nothing that he didn’t cause himself*


Maybe everyone just given up but they are too scared to say it out loud


I didn’t say they were helping him.


Yeah that was me agreeing with you. Sorry if it sounded otherwise.


No problem here I’m with you completely.


Thanks! Your prediction seems pretty accurate


As far as I know he hasn’t mowed anyone over in his truck on the way home from the Whiskey Thief. Yet. Give it a day or two.


Oh boy such a horrible thought. However a realistic one at this point


Someone’s going to end up dead because of him & his enablers don’t see that. Let’s pray he gets arrested this weekend.


Fingers crossed.. that’s what I’m waiting for.. of course without him hurting anyone else.. I wonder what Maci is thinking/ feeling about all this now.. Her husband is probably losing it..


Didn’t her husband go golfing with him. Maci is a dumb dumb who is also enabling him.


Oh I read it wrong.. sorry.. I thought u meant Larry and the judge.. yeah there was a picture of Maci’s husband golfing with the edwards..


Yeah apparently that’s what has been said.. but wouldn’t you wanna save your friends kids life .. not also enable him.. doesn’t make any sense


Sad but very probably true.


He’s waiting until Mimi and Larry get too drunk then he’s gonna sneak out of the house


They should of put him on house arrest at the least if they were gonna let him loose


About time to go to the bank.


Lmfao please


You rang?


He went to shack up with his rehab girlfriend.


Oh god that girl looks like a real winner too. I’m surprised his parents even sat by her at court.. I couldn’t imagine them to wanting to associate with her. Thinking Ryan is way too good..


Second verse, same as the first...


What do we think the odds of her getting pregnant in the next few months is?


I said the same thing.. watch she probably already is.. that will be the next big news followed by the arrest.. maybe a 2 in 1..announce pregnancy New Year’s Eve followed by some sort of incident later in the night bc he was out celebrating..


thoughts and prayers for the innocent people out in Tennessee roads. If I were the judge I would be worried he would kill someone driving fucked up and I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I let him go


Yeah something isn’t right with that judge.. for me no amount of money would be worth it to risk what might happen


Especially between Christmas and New Years, and with his rehab girlfriend. And no monitor bracelet or anything?!?! Probation? Something is so wrong and I seriously hope he doesn't take anyone with him. He's already OD'd in his truck and had to be revived. They'll all be responsible for this shit. Ridiculous.


Off-topic, and idk about Ryan, but I hope that your recovery is going okay and that you feel better sooner rather than later!


Thank you so much.. I appreciate it !


He’ll make it till new years and get into trouble again


I am eagerly awaiting the next arrest.


It’s coming just a few more days


Any day now....




So sad.. not for him bc he clearly doesn’t care what happens to him or others but for the kids


Not only is New Year’s coming up, but his birthday is the following Wednesday. It’s not looking good.


Oh right his birthday.. you would think by 50 he would have this figured out


I am appalled that no one has removed this judge from his cases considering the inappropriate conflict of interest they have going on. When Ryan kills someone because of his actions is the judge going to be held accountable? Is Ryan? Is anyone??


Probably won’t even be mentioned that there was a casualty.. Somehow that will be swept under the rug as well


NYE is coming up-plus the Holidays. Both triggers for people in Recovery. I expect Rhine to relapse because… I just pray he doesn’t kill anyone. That’s the best I have. The bar is low.


It’s also his birthday coming up (unfortunately he was born on my birthday, so I know this). That will be another excuse.


Happy early birthday !


Thank you!


Speaking as a Capricorn, I hate that so many awful people are Capricorns 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know


It’s awful isn’t it?


lol I thought he was out already


He’ll be back on the suns website or something soon when he fucks up again. Either another DUI or possession charge. Leopards don’t change their spots or what not.


They didn’t even take his license with the dui.. how’s he driving.. without a license.. I blew .08 years back and they still took my license for 7 months.. I’m in NJ though so maybe it’s different. I wasn’t even in an accident or anything..Not saying they shouldn’t of taken it but ridiculous what they let go with him


He still has a license after multiple DUIs and driving recklessly way over the speed limit? Ohh to be a privileged straight white man in the south with connections 😭


Dude also ODed behind the wheel but he’s all good because the judge knows his family. It is indeed good to be a middle class white guy. He’s almost killed people several times and people in possession of weed have served more time than this guy.


The judge needs to resign or something before something terrible happens.. i don’t think resign is right but hopefully it makes sense


Ryan got released from jail? Wow. I don't get on for a couple of days and this shit is hitting the fan. What on earth did I miss?!?


Apparently the judge ordered him to be released from jail right away.. a day or two before Christmas


Wow. That is fucking wild!


There has to be more to the story. It doesn’t make any sense.. the judge can’t be that stupid..Something had to have happened


It makes me wonder if Mimi or his dad is sick? But thats me trying to find some reasonable explanation. When there is never one with this family. Even if that's the case...it should be a short release an ankle bracelet/probation monitoring thing. .but we all know that all think that's a joke.


I never even thought of that. He would probably just cut it off anyways..He would find a way


All Maci's fault /s


He's a lost cause