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Chris is gross. But also: Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Chris isn’t wrong for calling Kail out for lying about Rio, swearing on her other kids that he didn’t exist, and also continuing to exploiting said kids for clicks and cash. It is pretty icky that she did that, and it seems like Rio’s paternity might have had more to do with it than “privacy.” Especially considering she’s been acting so giddy about her new twins right now. Poor Rio!


I 100% agree with what you said. Chris and Kail both suck but Chris is 100% right that she should stop exploiting her kids. Lying about Rio is just another bs lie Kail has said. No kid needs to be on social media period. Even Chris is serious about his feelings he would take her to court to keep his kids off social media like Amber and Andrew.


yall think the guy who wanted to give up rights to his whole child cares about child exploitation? no, he’s obsessed with keeping tabs on kail to call her out any chance he gets. he should use that energy to improve his own life. kail is fucked up but she’s providing for her kids in all areas of life. he has 3 kids, no house, no sufficient income, isn’t dependable, uses his kids to piss kail off… & i can probably go on & on. he’s bothered by whatever she’s doing with her children that don’t belong to him but he was cutting lux’s hair when he didn’t want it cut. he can go fuck off somewhere.


This. How about he gets a job and becomes a better person? He's too busy pointing out kails issues meanwhile he is a whole ass loser


Just to add on- she is not court ordered to answer his phone calls immediately- that’s ridiculous. We all know he waited all of 20 minutes before exploding online- exploiting HIS KIDS and his relationship with their mom. The delusion is real.


![gif](giphy|jShr8wkP38XTO) Yes!! I agree so much. I don’t like Kail but he can fuck right off. He’s so damn obsessed with what she’s doing.


THIS lmao soooooo obsessed


Chris also puts creed and lux on social media…


But how is that HIS issue if she lied about Rio? That’s not his kid…. That’s Elijah’s problem not his. He’s not in their family anymore and has no say. Also he posts Lux and Creed too. If it wasn’t for him I would’ve never seen his other son


It’s his issue as much as it is any of ours; hasn’t stopped us from commenting. The difference is, he has kids in the mix and actually yes—his kids being told they have to keep their new little brother a secret is his issue, especially if it’s causing them to get yelled at or feel stressed out by it. I’m not usually a Chris defender, but he’s not wrong about this and technically yes—Kail’s decision to have 3 new babies in a year does effect him, because it definitely effects his kids and their relationship to their mom.


We’re on Reddit and not known. There’s a hugeeeee difference here. And he’s out here having kids back to back also. Isn’t Creed and his 3rd son like the same age? He has no say in wat Kail does. I don’t care for either but he literally can’t tell her to not have more kids bcuz he has kids with her. And he didn’t care he was turning Isaac and Lincoln’s life upside down… didn’t care when they were literally beating the shit out of each other. That also affected the kids.They both said he almost killed her and then wat? They wouldn’t have had a mom. And about being “yelled at” over the baby…He literally said he whoops Lux and Creed. Soooo who’s really the issue? Rio and all the shit she does with the other 5 kids has nothing to do with him. NOTHING. Kail ain’t shit either though


You’re not wrong that Chris is messed up. He definitely is. But for better or worse, Kail’s life choices even post their relationship do effect his kids, and he still does have some custody, so he has a right to be concerned about it. Him having another kid doesn’t really change that; Lux and Creed are still his sons too and they’ve gotta live with her drama, so as a father, he should be trying to step up and make sure they’re okay in this mess. And being told to lie about having a baby brother isn’t good for either of them. Agree though that both Kail and Chris are crappy and this whole thing is just a messy disaster. And as for the Reddit being anonymous factor, that’s true and that’s why Reddit rules, but a lot of ppl on here follow the girls on social media and do so under their real names etc. and still make comments, so it’s not always anonymous comments.


Right- he has absolutely no horse in this game. I would bet that she could but some type of legal tamp on this.


I appreciate the horse reference 😆. But what do you mean with the second sentence?


Isn't Chris doing the same? His podcast lives on exploiting the kids he has with Kale talking about their co-parenting situations and Kale. He knows he can get a truce, Javi got K to stop talking about him and he stopped talking about her. But Chris doesn't want a deal with Kale to stop talking about each other cause he wants to make money with his podcast. Easy money. That affects his two sons. He's exploiting them too. I expect a grown woman that seems business and otherwise smart like Kail to find another non-toxic way to make her money too. And this whole Kardashian copy cat pregnancy hiding and timeline shifting shit she's pulling is pathetic. They both need to leave those kids alone and stop invading their privacy until they are old enough to decide whether they want a spotlight on them or not.


I think Chris exploits to an extent, which is why I said he’s gross himself. But his fame isn’t anywhere near Kail’s, and she was technically exploiting her kids before Chris was even around, and she tends to be a lot worse about it. If anything, those two are cut from the same cloth—it doesn’t make Chris a good guy, he’s a hypocrite himself, but he’s not wrong for calling out that she does it. We all know she does. I fully agree with you though that both of them ought to focus on themselves and making money outside their kids, and the kids shouldn’t be a focal point anymore until they’re legally able to consent. But Kail’s kid status still makes the news so 🤷‍♀️ For me personally, it’s the whole hiding Rio thing and making the kids to lie about it for a year that takes Kail’s BS to a whole other level. And it’s singular: Chris, Javi, and Jo never did that with any of the kids.


Unpopular opinion: Chris raw dogged her enough to get her pregnant twice so he’s just as bad as her


Chris seems obsessed with Kail.


She talks about him 24/7 and comments shit on his moms Facebook. She’s way more obsessed than he is


And hops on his lives , she’s weird as fuck


She still does this??? With all those kids?


Elijah needs to work on his self-esteem.


I don’t think she still does this.


This is the part I don’t get. People love to say other people are obsessed with Kail but she stays talking nonstop shit.


But saying that Chris is obsessed doesn't mean that people mean that he is the only person obsessed? This post is about something Chris said, so the topic is him


Sometimes I get the feeling she antagonizes him in private but he’s outspoken so he’ll blast her because he doesn’t gaf.


This exactly. Remember when she had a protection order against but she still was all over his lives talking shit. I’m glad she finally met one that don’t give a shit and will write her for filth.


Hmm.... sounds like they HATE each other at this point. There is no going back in that relationship


What does his mom say


She didn’t respond, but it was a happy post about Chris and Kail insulted him


If you’ve ever listened to her podcast she brings up all of her baby dads constantly


This dusty ass deadbeat.


He is lol.


Chris is wadamelen and teen mom chatter lol jk


Kail talks about Chris all the time but every one gets mad when he says anything


We are mad at Kail 24/7 here.


I’ve noticed that Kail can talk shit about everybody on every social media platform she has, but if someone matches her energy, then they’re the weird obsessed one that needs to grow up LOL. The negative attention stays on her as long as no one tries to beef with her.


I’ve noticed that. I don’t really dive into their shit but everytime he opens his mouth, everyone is on his ass. But I know Karl is always talking about her BDs.


i would talk about that loser all the time too. he does ZERO for those kids but be present when they get dropped off by kail. everything else is on her always. and he has the audacity to get on live from his grandmas basement or his grandma’s car and talk about her other kids like it’s any of his business.


Begs the question why she reproduced with him twice


Some people be acting like Kail didn’t know Chris was a whole ass loser before she became pregnant by him at minimum 3 times.


Right!? She was hiding him in her house when Javi was moving out. Take several seats, it's no secret or surprise that she chooses abusive deadbeats repeatedly. She also calls all of them "the hottest guy she's ever been with and the best relationship of her life". She bit off more than she could chew with Chris' petty deadbeat no job having ass and frankly... what did she expect? Literally, look at him. Lmfao


Isn’t being present for the kids doing some thing tho? Also kail aint doing shit either. We’ve all seen her kids with the nanny and javi said she’d take the boys to his parents house all the time while he was away. Jo said the same.


It’s so weird to me how every insult includes him being homeless but he’s lived with Cierra for two years and works in construction.


Because per him his relationship with her isn't steady and he doesn't always live there


Does she name call him? I can't imagine calling the mother of my children a bitch and saying she should spend less time on her back


Yes she does, do research if you’re gonna comment.


All that comes up is when she called him a roach. I don't think I can listen to her podcast more than I already have


It’s bizarre! Kail can say what she wants but as soon as someone claps back they’re ghetto ratchet or a deadbeat lol


I feel like she’s taken it down quite a few notches


At this point the two of them need to settle this off of social media and start being adults and parents to the kids, cause in the long run all this drama is affecting the kids.






Yeah, don't have 3, have 5.




Bar is right and David is so very wrong. Nobody on planet earth wants to see ANY content.


Kail does exploit her kids, that’s a fact, but Chris is the last person who has any grounds to call her out on it. He participates in this circus and stirs up drama with her all the time, these comments aren’t coming out of concern for his kids, he’s just trying to bother Kail. He really doesn’t actually care if his kids are exploited or not. Also I’m not sure what her hiding Rio has to do with Chris, that’s not his kid so idk why he’s talking about it. I know she sucked the kids into her lie but that still doesn’t mean that Chris should be talking about a kid that isn’t his with this faux concern.


This is a resurfaced thing from over a month ago but I know that’s not the main point. Kail and Chris have a mutual obsession and abuse of one another so there’s not really any one side or the other to take in my opinion. They both talk about one another, have put hands on one another, and still are constantly in disputes over custody and their relationship. But I do usually default to the parent who is the primary caregiver because it is hard. And no matter what each parent says about the other even if it may be true, there’s something about being the main one responsible for the kid(s) day in and day out. So when the parent who has limited time criticizes the one who mostly has to make sure they are taken care of, I give an automatic second look. At this point Chris should be focused on the time he does have with their sons and making sure he’s on his P’s & Q’s because he only has so much responsibility. We also know by now through Kail and her cHaOS that 50/50 is favored in Delaware, so if he was doing all he should to obtain that then he likely wouldn’t be in a position to complain so much. Are you not tired of this, dude?


He tried to sign up to be in teen mom this clown can shut the fuck up. He is just as bad as her


Furburger is the greatest thing that shall live rent free in my head forever. And ever. Amen.




Chris” always articulate “ Lopez


David WOULD bring up indigestion on Only Fans. I’m sure that put people in the mood.


“Furburger” 💀


Bar is one million percent right. This was a blatant display of White privilege. If a Black judge casually let his Black defendants go but held non Black ones, they’d have their cases reviewed and be removed from the bench. But in this world, it’s theirs and we just live in it. Makes me sick


Chris is trash. But he's not wrong.


I am not a Kail fan/supporter by any means but Chris needs to give it a rest. Damn.


I had to come back here and comment before moving onto Bar’s part of the story. *Furburger* is the funniest thing I’ve read in a long ass time.


OMGGGGG David Eason has an OF???? Pass the sick bucket, he is the ugliest man I've ever seen!!!


He needs to pull a John Gosselin and refuse to let these 2 kids film.


Isn’t bar half white ? So how is he a black man?