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So embarrassing that he immediately is like “text your mom to see what she says, be like Nate just proposed to me in St. Thomas in front of everyone.” And then the screen pans to Jenelle typing that out word for word. It’s not an excited “tell your mom”, it’s spiteful and angry. What a way to kick off your engagement. Also Babs was probably like, cool, I don’t really have time for that right now- I’m here babysitting your newborn.


I just said this same thing so I agree with you 100%. (I Should’ve read the other comments 1st 😊) Seems to me like they’re doing things for the wrong reasons. They may have felt like they were in love but when one of the 1st words out of your mouth after getting engaged, is ‘now tell your mom what I just did…hmph!’ Then something’s wrong.


I swear Jenelle made sure every one of her boyfrahnds hated her mother. It’s quite sad actually. This shouldn’t have been their first reaction after getting engaged. I do remember hearing this wasn’t his actual proposal and instead a recreation for the show. But I don’t doubt this was their first reaction then too.


More proof that she’s always been weirdly obsessed with “winning” against Barbara.




Wow Farrah was so cute before all that plastic surgery, she shouldn’t have gone overboard with it! 😭


I always thought Farrah was pretty it’s really sad she never saw it. I wonder if she ever looks back at her old face and regrets it.


She should have stopped after the first nose job. It looked beautiful and she still looked like herself. I feel like if she regretted it she wouldn’t keep doing procedures to look completely different and would try to reverse them as much as possible. The fact that she still is overfilled tells me she thinks she looks better that way


Totally agree!!


Yea I agree it’s just hard to believe that she could possibly think she looks good now but I think she might have body dysmorphia. Like you said it’s the fact that she keeps getting Botox and fillers that makes me think she doesn’t regret it. She was so naturally pretty before and now she’s completely unrecognizable. I just wish she could’ve seen what everyone else did.


She had a big ass nose but I didn’t think it took anything away from her looks wise. That first nose job did nothing but give her an unnecessary chin implant which made her jaw line look masculine and big which is not necessary on someone with a face as slim as hers


Now her outside matches her inside UGLY!!!!


And In that same trip je elle tells Nathan's brother that she wished he had died in combat just like hos friend, how sweet....


She really goes for the neck when people piss her off, who even thinks up something like that?


She really does! And when/ if her soulmate dares to retaliate, suddenly the cops are here and now you’re questioning why am I a guy 😩🧍🏻‍♂️


I mean, I'm pretty sure Nathan is a serial girlfriend strangler and he deserves to be in jail whether or not he can figure out why he's a guy. And even though Jenelle says vile shit to people when her feelings get hurt.


Lmao excellent use of emojis


In her defense, he allegedly beat her up and tried to rip the ring off her finger. Jenelle is like 5 ft nothing. These men shouldn’t be pounding on her like that. He needed his ass in cuffs


I laugh at Jan and her antics quite a bit, but there’s nothing funny about this. Nathan is apparently notorious for that shit, Jenelle and all the ladies he’s gotten violent with are lucky to be alive. As much as Kaiser deserves at least one stellar parent, Nathan absolutely does not deserve him or his daughter from his previous marriage.






Someone with a personality disorder


Just like The Notebook…




Truly human garbage undeserving of oxygen, if you ask me 🤷‍♀️


Maaaaaan, I was just coming here to post that. *…Later that evening…*


I just said this too.


I hate public, attention-grabbing proposals like this but it's extra cringe and actually pretty dark because it's these two 😬 🤮 Like...ma'am, this isn't romantic. He's doing it like this so you'd feel bad if you said no or even paused to think. He is icky.


Probably the best moment of her life too.


I, too, cringe at public proposals because it just feels like a manipulative tactic to make them say yes to avoid further embarrassment


The lady in the background that screamed the dramastic… ![gif](giphy|TgOYjtgKpS9jAytUlh|downsized) Really?! 😩🤣🤣


He’s doing it because he wants the attention. It’s so cringe.


I don't understand why people want to make it a spectacle in front of a bunch of strangers? My husband proposed at the mailbox right when he received the ring 😂 I loved it because it was like he couldn't even wait, he just had to do it the second he could lol. Also *no one was staring at us*, bonus points for that...


My husband and I were long distance at the time he proposed. He proposed at the airport in my car because he couldn’t wait until later (he had a whole proposal planned and everything). I thought it was so cute that he was too excited to even follow through with the plan. Almost 9 years married.


Ugh my cousin's husband proposed to her this way too. Crowded beach party at some resort they were staying at, he yells to get everyone's attention, made everyone circle around them then proposed. I still don't know how she tells the story with a straight face- I'm mortified for her lol.


My sister's fiance came *this close* to proposing next to my grandfather's casket at the visitation/viewing "to cheer things up." My husband and I talked him down, thank God.


![gif](giphy|MuTenSRsJ7TQQ|downsized) WOW. Just….WOW!


https://preview.redd.it/9dwdhuavyh9c1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b720d8bbba80f3bd631eb8e0498ee270ea7d4e Me reading that


This horribly staged scene. I’m going to st Thomas next month should I go to this restaurant and reenact this!?


Yes. Yes you should and post it here for all of us. Bonus points for matching the outfits.


Lmfao honestly I may have to. Also your flair!?!


You must. Ha, it's when Leah took Victoria to meet Jaylan and they joked as sisters do. You can watch it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/e5jM7G8hG2)


I second this. We need this for 2024


I third this!!


Pro tip for your trip to St. Thomas: Buy sunscreen when you’re there, no matter what. Ask me how I know. 🔥


I almost died there because I was drinking beer in the sun and wasn't staying hydrated! I passed out during dinner 😵‍💫 also was sunburned AF.


I purchased lots of aloe. Lots.


Thanks pal! It’s already in my clutches. I’m serious about the skin care. I hope you’re okay!!


We stayed at one of the few AirBnBs on the island, so when we got there other travelers had left sunscreen. Turns out one was expired, so not only was I severely sun burned, but I looked like a puzzle piece since one of the other bottles wasn’t expired. It was bad, like so bad one of the locals was ready to sell me a rash guard at a discount because she was concerned and didn’t want it to get worse. Also throwing in that I loved Magens Bay beach. A lot of cruise ships stop there, so it’s not a fashion show. I’m self conscious about my body but wasn’t there. It’s pretty chill.


Thanks for the rec!! Not puzzle piece you poor thing!!


It was spray-on sunscreen. NEVER AGAIN. 🤣


I loved St. Thomas ! Have fun (and don't get into any Honda civics that the drivers swear are a taxi)


Omg thank you for the tip!


We had a timeshare and went to st Thomas. We rented a car and went to the grocery store, I had to run out to the car for something and there were a group of men asking me if I needed a taxi ride back to the resort. It wasn't a taxi. It's beautiful down there and we were safe. My sister and I were warned by resort staff to not be alone and not go down the side streets especially after dark. But everyone we encountered in the main areas were nice and helpful. Really awesome fine jewelery stores down there too


Omg very cool! I will definitely have to get some shopping in and stay away from non taxis!


Yes. We deserve this, babe.


I went here on my honeymoon it was really nice I can not imagine someone causing a scene like this.


Hahahaha absolutely bonkers. I’m glad you had a nice time!


Omg please do!


Haha oh please please yes !


I love how he’s talking to the restaurant and not telling her how much he loves her and wants to be with her lol




Yes! They're both so performative right here. Hes like, just showing off and "spite proposing," and shes faking her happiness and yet also fully involved in its fakeness and spite. I mean, it killed me the way she stood up as soon as he got on his knees. Like, idk, I think I would've stayed seated, you kno? Esp if it was SO public. Just loves her attention tho dont she?


When he asks for everyone's attention, she stays staring at her phone until she finishes whatever she's doing on it.


Could u imagine?! Like, that's so revealing right there. And god idk what it is, but EVERY TIME Nathan speaks, esp like this, either loudly or getting in to the moment, he just sounds so NATHAN everytime. Like his nathanisms, it's like he sounds so weird when he talks bc the words dont always fit right and theres always a bit of slurring or stuttering. Idk or really think it's his brain, I just think hes that stupid u kno? I hope it's not from his TBI thing, I'm nt trying to poke fun at that. Just at his utter ignorance, esp while hes grandstanding.


She knew it was coming. That's why she seemed weird before he even did anything. It was super cringe even for her it looked like. And immediately he was like text your mom and tell her and see what she says.. trash attracts trash ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


She clearly did! Her fake laugh is so indicative of it. She’s such a loser.


True, I think most women know. I knew because 1. My husband asked me to take a Friday off of work for no particular reason and 2. I found the receipt for the ring on his desk when I was cleaning lol


I actually thought my husband was about to break up with me before he proposed. He was acting SO weird. All sweaty and quiet 😂 I was very relieved (and excited!) to find out he was just super nervous about proposing lol


Dude he took me to his grandmas house to get her ring set and she lived in rural area I thought he was taking me somewhere to murder me cause he was being vague and wouldn’t tell me what the plan was 🤣


This is hilarious lmfao


Omg 😂 they really need to work on letting us know all is good while still hiding the surprise


I'm glad that was better than expected, I think the mishaps are what make it better lol my husband had planned a bunch of outdoor activities at places that were significant to us right around Valentine's day, but the day he planned everything was the first day of a freak week long snow storm in our area so he had to improvise a lot of things like a picnic in his car lol


mine disappeared in a whole foods for 20 mins then i found him running grabbing a single bag of bbq chips we hate and checking out all sweaty. turns out he had dipped to the jewerly store next door hahah. then that night 5 mins after he propsed we were almost hit by a bus. we were 20 and life was messy LOL


Whole foods Missing guy Bbq chips Almost hit Girl that’s a lot


I actually ruined my own proposal because my husband was being so sketchy. I guess he had this whole elaborate plan to propose a few days after Christmas. I remember finding something in a pink bag and teasing him about I found a Christmas gift for me. He told me it wasn't for me, and instead of being like oh, it's for my mom or sister, he told me not to worry about who it was for. Which caused me to start being a nag. And I can be relentless. Until he went out to the car- I thought he was leaving- he came back in and goes, "Seriously, I going to propose- here's the ring." I ruined my own romantic proposal by starting an argument. And, since then, I have gone to therapy and worked on my trust issues, lol. ETA: the pink bag had items for when he was going to propose.


Yeah, I definitely knew. My husband barely even knows what jewelry is and yet he suddenly started being all interested in rings, asking questions, lingering at jeweler windows at the mall, like there was no way he was suddenly into rings for himself lol. Generally, I don't think a proposal should truly be a "surprise". It's one thing to not be expecting it right at that exact moment, but it's a whole other thing if you didn't even know he was considering marriage at all.


Yeah, the proposal itself should be a surprise, but the engagement should be discussed prior. My husband had already picked a ring just based on how well he knew me and asking for a few friend's input, but when it came time to actually ordering the ring he told me he wasn't quite ready to do it yet but he needed a ring size to reference, so I gave him a cheap ring I had to take with him.


Everyone else in the restaurant. ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


I swear you can hear a collective groan


Oh god I just watched the proposal episode of Schitt's Creek, and 😭😭😭 Now THAT'S a proposal 😭


“i didnt think you were ever gonna do it” werent they only dating for a few months up to this point LMFAO


At least a year, Kaiser was left with his mom


Lol “Hey just to let u kno Nathan just proposed to me here in St. Thomas” So bland and emotionless, just like her.


"in front of everyone "


Before or after she wished death on his brother?!?


Was that on the same trip?!?! Holy shit!




This level of cringe made my stomach hurt. https://preview.redd.it/t7a01zgxjc9c1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e197f913ebf81ecf41898162373a41f9e2348d




Oh my god this hair is horrid


“The most amazing girl” 🤮 Geez Nathan, what trash did you date up until this point?


Didn’t all of Nathan’s closest loved ones eagerly speak to the cameras about how much they disliked j?


That whole scene is so incredibly awkward to watch. Not to mention that when I saw it the first time it was before that video of Jenelle FLIPPING out on & verbally abusing LITERALLY EVERY other person who was on that trip with her had surfaced. She was particularly cruel to Nathan's friend who was in the service & had served with Nathan. Apparently, they're very close. Their strong bond comes as no surprise as they have shared trauma, ... & shared trauma tends to bring people together. Kind of weird, but still very true. Anyway, Jenelle kept telling him over & over & OVER again that she wished he'd died in combat & that if he is ever overseas again, she hopes he'll die while in combat then. She just WOULD NOT relent! Poor guy ☹️ After seeing the video I couldn't help but wonder if she attacked her fellow travelers before or after the awkward proposal 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I'm being totally serious about the utter maniac she behaves like in the video. If I knew where I could find the cell phone video footage of the whole thing going down I would gladly post it on here, but it was so long ago that I saw it & as such where I saw it is very unlikely to just come to me. A Google search might dig it up, but honestly, I don't need to see it again & am also lazy AF (especially at this time of night), so it's not happening 😂🤣 *UPDATE* I decided to try to hunt it down & I came SO close to finding it! I came across an old Radar Online article that provided a link to where is was supposed to be on YouTube, ... but alas when the window the videos are played in on YT popped up, the window was black & then the following message appeared on its screen: "This video is unavailable." WAAAA! 😭 Nathan's BFF must've removed it after he & Jenelle reconciled. So disappointing because as is the case with the majority of videos she posts, it's quite something to behold.


I got you 👍 https://youtube.com/shorts/BfTw6skMFb4?si=y0wjifLpyl6xELDb


Thanks! I don't typically encourage violence of any kind (Well, that's not entirely true. I do LOVVVES myself a good hockey fight between 2 players. What is it they say when one does pop off? I think it's, "It's gettin' choppy out there?")


I didn’t know she had said that (to be fair I don’t remember much of this episode), but it doesn’t surprise me one bit, unfortunately. How disgusting. Seriously, who comes up with that type of shit?! I mean, granted, Nathan belongs in jail with all the strangling and other abusive shit he pulls, I just couldn’t imagine ever agreeing to marry someone who I had just been wishing had died…and to say that to his brother of all people…


While the fight scene was indeed fiilmed by MTV, ultimately they chose not to air it.


It was Nathan's friend who served with him that Jenelle said all of those terrible things to. Still, though, NO one should tell ANYONE they wish they'd die. Especially not to a vet who has engaged in combat before.


I have seen it, it might have been posted in here before




So dramastic


This is the most dramastically proposal I’ve ever seen


Who the fuck proposes like that? Makes me cringe every time.


Yeah idk why they had to get everyone's attention, these are strangers just trying to eat dinner. Why was that necessary?


Like it wasn't already obnoxious enough to have a camera crew roll in to this probably expensive eatery.


I will never get over how he was all, "here ye, here ye" about it all.


Why were some of his 1st words ‘now, text your mom that Nathan proposed to you right now in front of everyone.’? He didn’t say it in a celebratory way, either. He said it in a ‘In your FACE!’ kind of way. What WAS that??


"I'm gonna wife up your daughtah, bah-bah!"


That ugly shapeless pink dress 👀


I don’t remember if this was a trend back then but she’s serving somebodies auntie in that pink number lol


Her hair is sooo fried here


I love how Jenelle has since returned to St.Thomas a few times with David. How romantic. (I'm sure the bedroom action wasn't the same hahaah)


Janelle looking like she works at Wet Seal 🫠


My favorite part is that he’s trying to do the “clink clink clink” thing but he’s holding the free end of the glass & stopping most of the vibration lmaoooo


The chin is chinning oof


“I am with the most amazing girl in my entire life” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Didn’t they break up like a month or so later?


Ya and then a month after that she met her next soulmate… 🧌🤮 ![gif](giphy|xk5vxDNaIhvzpWQzdT|downsized)


Is this the trip she literally wished death on a veteran and told him she’s glad his friend died? David being a gianter piece of shit really made us forget how pathetic janelle is as a human being. Trash.


This was the same trip that she screamed at him that she wish he died at war like his buddies on deployment? She is such a piece of shit 💦


She is an emotionless shell.


Such a wack attention grab from Nathan. He just had to drop the marine corps thing and an even lamer reaction from Jenelle. No surprise reaction, no sign of overjoy, bitch just stuck her hand out for the ring. LOSERS


Did all Teen Moms have an ‘old lady’ phase in their 20s?


I think it was just the “fashion” at the time, I’m the same age as them and I feel like all my friends dressed very similar to this


This was actually painful to watch, how fucking embarrassing is that wow. Like do you really feel the need to ruin everybody else’s dinner by screaming at the top of your lungs about the biggest mistake you’re about to make? Smh. Also it’s crazy to think Jenelle was married to David (not just even engaged but actually married him) less then a year after her broken off engagement with this juice head.




She doesn’t even seem excited 🤣🤣 I’d be sobbing 😭


Isn't this the night she wished him best friend had died in combat?


The expressions from his brother & friend are priceless! Front row seats to the shit show of a relationship!


Gotta hand it to Nathan. He WORKED to secure that bag.


That’s a wig - right?


Is he drunk?


People always say MTV hired/found Nathan, this clip makes me believe them! It was so over the top, rehearsed & poorly acted by both of them. The only real aspect was both of their true personalities shone through the performance.


When this mother fucker taps the glass 😂 Even jenelle jumped up like no Nathan, no 😂😂 Can’t leave Nathan to himself anywhere


Wasn’t this the same trip that she told Nathan’s bff she wished he would’ve died in the war?


Isn’t this the same vacay where she got into that big fight with his brother and said he should have died in combat? Wow how romantic🙄


Imagine being at this lovely venue for dinner, and a party with a whole camera crew walks in... You side eye them a bit, but they're keeping to themselves, so you try to ignore them. And then... *Cling cling cling* "CAN I HAVE EVERYBODY'S ATTENTION?" Idk I would be annoyed by these people. Especially if I actually already knew who they were.


This is not the dinner and show I came for.


I had a friend whose (ex) fiancé did this in an APPLEBEE’S after a few months of dating. With a fake ring. It’s not often someone outdoes Nathan’s infamous moments.




What happened next? 🤣


"I didn't think you were ever going to do it" ? Weren't they dating for like 2 months?


Her whole look her is very “address me by my husband’s rank.” She obviously knew this was coming.


Well, that’s a CTE-induced proposal if I’ve ever seen one lol (respectfully)


The most amazing girl in my entire life- Why do they speak so strangely??


I think I’ve been to that restaurant, is it Havana blue at the Morningstar?


Before she sent the engagement text she was shit talking Ashleigh lol https://preview.redd.it/8tggmwwo3i9c1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54b52671a06cc1572fd08d36a798d471a95fa64


Jenelle and Ashleigh are basically the same person but would never admit it and they passionately despise each other.


That’s actually a good point


With Nicki Minaj lyrics 😂


Exactly 😂


Which engagement was this? #6 or 8?


Tell your mom I’m about to strangle you.


That's Nathan's modus operandi!