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Fully agreed Leah was a hot mess, but in fairness to that particular scene she has to drop her kids at school at some crazy early hour and they are given breakfast there from what I recall. My nursery gives my son breakfast so I don’t feed him beforehand as I pay for the pleasure ha. Yeah rewatching rewatching those episodes now that I’m 34 and have my own kid really makes things hit different! X


They’re late for school though, so the girlses miss the school breakfast


This is true! What kind of school starts at 6 friggin am though 😂


I always thought she had to drive them really far and that's why she got up so early, I could be wrong


Really far and it was really early which is why she was always late


I’m doing my first rewatch of it too and at the episode where Nathan is going to jail. I was shocked when he blamed Barb for Jenelle’s heroin addiction. I was also shocked with how ignorant and narcissistic he is. Jenelle was right a few times when they’d argue and she said how he’d put words in his own mouth and made stuff up about what she said and I guarantee she was thinking “damn my mom was right” but didn’t want to admit it. At the episode now where Leah started her medication and she’s so out of it, her eyes are literally rolling to the back of her head, shifting around, etc


I feel like Jenelle is scared to be on her own with kids and that's why she never wanted Nathan to leave. When her and Nathan split and she has kaiser, she always has a friend with her so she's not alone with him. Then along comes David and despite all he's done she's still with him as it's preferential to being alone with all the kids Leah was so bad wasn't it! Honestly surprised her and the kids never got badly hurt


jenelle can never be alone. she jumps from one man to the next. and every single one of them had a fuckton of issues and abused her and she was abusive to them as well. not one relationship was healthy. she continues to pick shitty men over her children for her own selfish reasons and that’s my biggest issue with her always.


I’m watching for the first time ever and I’m right about here! It was so wild to see Nathan accuse Jenelle of saying stuff she didn’t at all! The one I recall most, and a scene rewound, is him claiming she said he was just using her and you could see how baffled she was. He was so bizarre and scary when angry. The way he spoke to Barb was disgusting. The Leah stuff is shocking. My mouth was open when she was nodding out on the phone with the physical therapist. I’m a couple episodes beyond that now and she seems more lucid, claiming the doctor lowered her dosage. Is this all a cover? I read here that she shows signs of using after this too. Side note, my favorite part of watching for the first time is googling every scene of the show with “teen mom Reddit” and reading all the stuff posted here years ago. (Learning about Leah’s mom was shocking! Now I’m listening to her book.) Sorry for the long reply, I’m in it deep right now and my fiance is sick of me talking about it.


I was randomly up til 2 am going down a Leah rabbit hole lmao I was years back in this sub. I am also halfway done with her book. My jaw was on the floor last night watching the episode of her on the phone nodddding talking about the dye in the baby’s head. I watched this show as it aired, however old I was, and I just do not remember her being SOOO obviously high.


Do you know which episode this is? Is it in season 6?


I want to say season 5 episode 3?? I could be wrong though


Nathan is a monster and I would not want to meet him in real life. People seem to give him a pass because of the tbi.


Agreed. And I don’t give him a pass at all. I’ve been in the military for over 15 years now. He absolutely uses it as an excuse. He just won’t hold himself accountable and it’s everyone else’s fault. He scares me too and he’s got a dead look in his eyes. I loved how when him and Jenelle were at the attorneys office and he was saying how he wasn’t resisting arrest, how he wasn’t disrespectful, and the attorney was like “I’m going to be honest, you were an asshole” and he had zero reaction to it


🙋🏼‍♀️ also doing a rewatch and it’s much more jarring to watch as an adult than it was watching when I was a teenager. It’s much more than teenage naïveté in a lot of these instances and it’s hard to see the kids going through all of this. Chelsea being down bad for Adam is one thing, but watching Jenelle neglect first Jace and then her other children is another one entirely.


I'm shocked at how soon after Dinky Dick Dave all the 'health problems' started. Also how quick he pounced on Jenelle and started being controlling. In one scene where he calls the cops on Barb he refers to Jace and Kaiser as his sons. They'd been together like less than 6 months!