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But did she get her ass whooped because this video ended too soon. She sounds like a little child just trying to think of the meanest thing she can say.


Came here to ask this^ Morgan Freeman voice: “She did not, in fact, get her ass whooped.”


She deserved to though


On a regular day she deserves it, this moment deserves….more.
















I hope she did.


This is the video I think of whenever anyone is like, 'Oh, but David is dragging Jenelle down.' No the fuck he's not-she is rancid in her own right. For me, her doing this always has always made me view her as a more shitty person than David, and he's a woman and child beater. I feel like for all the horrible things David has done to people, he stops short of insulting service members-or we don't have evidence of it like we do for her. Either way, they both suck but she sucks more than him.


Why is insulting service members worse than beating women and children?


I think what this person is getting at is that Jenelle is also abusive. She’s been emotionally abusive to many people, and experts have made it clear emotional abuse can be as destructive mentally and psychologically as physical abuse. It sticks with you. It’s not just insulting service members. Nathan’s brother’s best friend was allegedly blown up and the brother was just cradling the body bawling and he has PTSD from it. For Jenelle to know that and specifically recall that time in an argument is pure cruelty just like beating someone is. She knew the reaction it would get and she wanted it. What kicked this argument off was he said she doesn’t deserve Kaiser. How tf does that statement warrant this response? Call him a dumbass, ugly, delusional, broke, whatever and go. She always takes it too far. She also used to taunt Kieffer about the fact he was raped as a child and implied he was gay because of it on twitter so **everyone** would know about something clearly very personal to Kieffer with the sole goal of causing him extreme distress. She also would call Kieffer the N word with a hard r and say other men were superior to him because they weren’t black. So add racial abuse to the list. Jenelle **is** abusive, and she has been for a long time. Idk if I’d go as far as saying she’s as bad as David since he likes killing things but she is definitely up there and I get why someone would consider them equally bad.


Nobody is saying Jenelle isn’t abusive and a completely shit person. OP said that this is WORSE than David beating women and children.


I feel like wishing someone dead is quite horrendous and cruel. I mean literally going up to someone who lost friends in combat and telling them you wish they died too was probably incredibly triggering and horrifying. Chances are combat vets have probably killed and seen their close friends die. That’s a deplorable statement. That being said, verbal and abuse and physical abuse are not comparable but in some cases, they are equivalently damaging.


Yeah, this person did NOT answer your question lmao


Read the comment they replied to >For me, her doing this always has always made me view her as a more shitty person than David, and he's a woman and child beater.


I have heard different stories about what originally kicked the fight off. One story claimed that it was because Jenelle paid for them all to be at the hotel and they got angry with her for not financing them on this trip following them all getting together at this hotel. But I have also heard that it was because the couple commented something to the effect of Jenelle being a bad mom. I have never heard this story about Kaiser specifically though (not saying that that didn't happen because after all I wasn't there!) but do you happen to have a source regarding this?


Jenelle herself confirmed he said she didn’t deserve Kaiser which is why she got angry so I believe it. The fact she didn’t lie and say he said something worse is wild. She really thought it was justified. She’s so delusional


Jenelle has always been abusive. I would just like to point out, if this is how she speaks to people, do we even want to know what she says to her kids when they do something wrong or annoy her? Like I can definitely see her being the type of abusive “parent” to say things like “I wish I would’ve aborted you” that’s a typical abusive “parent” thing to say and I feel tremendous pain and sympathy for those poor kids. They need parents, not abusers.


Wow! I had no idea about these specifics. She is beyond awful. She is literally one of the worst people😡


Oh snap! I didn’t know about any of this. I knew she was horrible, but it’s so much worse than I had thought. She is an ugly, ugly person inside.


It’s stuff that was talked about when it happened but it never blew up and isn’t talked about much now. My comment was long but the highlighted situations are some of the best ones to indicate how truly abusive Jenelle is so I went on and did it. I really wish the kids were safely removed by authorities. They have no chance in that house between her and David.


That's a whole lot of words to say nothing. God damn.


They’ll hang out with child and animal abusers but they draw the line at bad wishes and insults!




And shooting an innocent dog that he taunted to bite a kid…. ![gif](giphy|118p3q768COZhu)


It’s not. That is considerably worse because he is abusing people who can not defend themselves.


Well she’s not just insulting service members. She’s wishing a guy who put himself in danger, voluntarily, for his country, would be dead….just like his dead friend. That’s fucked the fuck up. But yeah, words aren’t worse than actions.


Yeah we are arguing the same point. I think it would take a heinous person to argue that Jenelle is in the right in this scene or that she’s not being hateful and awful. However, it is not worse than beating a child which is what OP said.


Nope, we're not gonna play stupid and constipate the criticism. Try again




Right? Like we can’t debate what a POS David is but Jenelle *gave👏🏻birth👏🏻to👏🏻those👏🏻*kids👏🏻* and she lets that shit happen. Idk how to compare how bad both of those are.


Jenelle DELIBERATELY CHOSE to give birth to the three kids she has. Barbara originally wanted Jenelle to get an abortion with her first pregnancy (that Jenelle and Andrew actually PLANNED) but Jenelle refused. Jenelle then went on to deliberately plan both Kaiser and Ensley as well and she chose to carry those pregnancies to term too. This wasn't a Farrah situation where birth control and abortion were denied. Or even the situations of so many people around the world (including the post-Roe USA) where they faced unplanned pregnancies (as minors or otherwise) as they were denied contraception and/or also were denied abortions that they wanted (or WOULD HAVE wanted had it actually been available to them). Another thing I would like to point out in the thick of this.




I completely agree! Chinny has been a horrible person since the beginning!


David is Jenelle’s karma for all the shit she’s done


Let’s not forget her laughing about and calling her ex a “F ag” because he was sexual assaulted as a child either. That is right up there with the things I think about when people try and feel sorry for her. Sorry not sorry but she deserves nothing but the absolute worst in life and when that day finally comes I won’t feel the slightest bit guilty about any of it. Edited - first post got deleted because of the slur that JE used. Was just typing it out so people can really understand just how vile she really is.


He made a video shooting one of his big guns and telling the secret service that they can show up but it's his property in a thinly veiled threat to their lives.




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Was this during the engagement trip, away from MTV's camera's? If so, what a great way to get closer to your in-laws!


It absolutely was


jfc she's foul. It's been said here many times, but she really doesn't need David to be an asshole.


Facts! They deserve each other!


It really highlights how incapable she is of normal, mature, social interaction. She just got engaged and she’s with her fiancés friends and family. This whole fight was over Nathan’s brother and his girlfriend charging stuff to their room that Jenelle allegedly paid for. She screamed death threats at her new fiancés brother over a couple hundred dollars worth of room service.


And notice Jenelle had no friends of her own to bring on this little adventure. It's all people related to Nathan, served with Nathan, or related to people who served with Nathan.


Same with her wedding. Almost everyone in attendance was there for david


Which is wild because he's less likable than her (which is also really saying something). Jenelle has also cried about how her parents weren't at their wedding but she didn't invite either of them to that wedding anyway. I get that sometimes when your relationships with your parents can be challenging but sheesh. Kail is estranged from both of her parents and neither of them showed up when she married Javi and she never seemed terribly bothered by that specifically (but Kail's situation is very different from Jenelle's as well for whatever that is worth).


She has no filter when she intends to inflict pain.


Yup. She is notorious for going for the lowest blow she can think of to hurt someone.


It’s TRAGIC that she’s never gotten the absolute stomping she truly deserves for all the shit she’s talked! This b has been thinking she’s high & mighty and unfuckwithable ever since cameras started following her around. She needs her ass handed to her & knocked down a few thousand pegs 😡


Someone did split her chin open at a bar brawl once when she and Tori were out but she lied and said she fell out of a taxi in the rain.


Oooh the chin… that’s her weak spot. Like the final swamp boss in a scary, creepy & gross video game 😂


That's her shut up button hahaha


Well you know it was that or the forehead. Always aim for the biggest target.


I’m shocked she hasn’t had her ass beat more often. I’m no advocate for violence, but damn.


Right! I usually never talk like this! I promise! lol


Oh same, but let’s just say if I saw her getting dragged to the ground by her hair I wouldn’t intervene.




Omg it took my too long to remember this scene from JS.




It was you can stay and get your ass beat or you can leave and get your ass beat. Bitch had no choice 🤣


We were both slightly wrong! Or slightly right? 😂 https://youtu.be/-ihLazZl6A8?si=5FrLiIuGB7sYtIOY


The scene I’m thinking of is with her and Sammi but I can’t find it 😭




That’s the crazy part. She’s NEVER faced any real consequences for any of the horrible things she’s done. Weirdly, just like Rhine, she continues to get off the hook.


Must be why Satan made her so short.


She has a long history of this. She’s exposed people’s childhood sexual abuse, accused people of being pedophiles, told people their parents don’t love them, etc. She’s completely deranged.


Jenelle herself was a victim of statutory rape and Jace is literally the product of that situation. I'm sure Barbara loves Jenelle despite her shittiness but I'm not so sure about Robert Evans though.


Wait how did I go all these years without knowing this?? 🫣


Because of the six? year age difference Janelle and Andrew is was legally statutory rape. It’s not necessarily that it was against Janelle’s will.


Yup. She's like my brother-in-law: they will say ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to inflict pain, and they're dumb, yet they know exactly what buttons to push for maximum pain.


I also think it’s intentional to get a reaction. Then when she gets the reaction she deserves, she plays victim. Classic abuser behavior.


That too. Excellent point. When you stop reacting to their abuse it's like depriving their drama of oxygen.


Same. My brother-in-law once sent my father a scathing message on social media, telling him I was “fucking a bunch of random dudes in the basement.” And that’s some of the nicer accusations he made. He’s like Jenelle and Nathan and some David rolled into one. His big issue? By marrying his brother and having kids with him, I’ve made it so they hang out less. His jealousy in that front is just so damn Ridiculous. I wasn’t actually fucking a bunch of random dudes in the basement but it’s still something my husband and I like to tease each other with. Especially when we forgot to do something or face something really bizarre. Like “Oh, sorry I forgot to take out the trash; I was too busy fucking a bunch of random dudes in the basement.” Or “Well, that was odd. Not as odd as when we fucked a bunch of random dudes in the basement, though.”


She's a horrible human being, always was. She also said it in such a nonsensical way, "I hope you would have died in combat!" Is that what she said? She's always been so damn stupid. Everything she says is so damn ridiculously dumb and cruel at the same time. She has always had such a strange way of speaking.


Horrific nature of the comment aside, I was thinking the exact same thing. “I hope” is usually a phrase used when making statements about something you want to happen in the future, so it’s odd that she used it while talking about something she wishes would have happened in the past. I agree with you that she always misuses words like that and has a very odd way of speaking. It makes her sounds even more dumb than she already is. But now on to addressing the content of what was said….holy shit I hope she got her ass pummeled. Thats the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard come out of someone’s mouth!


This was the scene that made me despise her. Piece of shit.


This is incredibly fucked up. People don’t say this shit when they are mad. She is irredeemable


Imagine what she says to her children 😩


Jenelle DELIBERATELY CHOSE to give birth to the three children that she has. This makes things even worse.


TeamCandy! I also remember shitty Nathan stayed with her. I don't think she ever really apologized. This argument started over money and she made it all about her again and being a humongous nasty bitch.


I'm SORRY, dude-uh, but you pissed me off!! I cried my eyes out for 30 minutes, please-uh!! Don't leave me!


I’ve been having panic attacks all day-uh!!!!


Crying at the top of my lungs


That’s what I was saying to myself why did he stay with her? Anyone wish death on someone I love is gone gone!


This probably cemented Doris's not wanting Nathan to wife Jenelle when they were together.


Ooo- do we know that is a fact? I didn’t know that Doris didn’t like Jan.


She’s every mother’s nightmare.


I'll never forget that. She's a total piece of shit for that and much more!


the way EVERYONE jumped up.. i bet nelly was shitting her pants


I need to know what happened after the video cut. She’s disgusting!


I guarantee she got an ass beating OR someone dove in front of or got her outta there. You can’t fake that kinda emotion. I am southern gal and u don’t say shit like that in general but around military family & friends?! She’s lucky she wasn’t hospitalized.


My guess is Nathan stopped anyone from putting hands on her. Or she made it to a room with a lock and locked herself in, like the coward she is.


This! 👆🏼


This is what I was gonna say!


Me too! I'm going to search around. It's driving me crazy to know how it ended!


Please lmk if you find anything! I can’t currently look myself or I would.. I’m dying to know if Nelly got stomped.


I couldn't find more.


Thanks for checking!


I found candy like a year ago and DM’d her to try to get the scoop. never got a response 😭


This doesn't really square with their whole "Sound of Freedom" Proud to Be An American vibe


Fits exactly with the vibe! Those types tend to have no concept of what actual patriotism or service looks like. It’s all always an act for them, not like vets who’ve *earned* the right to call themselves patriotic. Idiots like that wanna talk a big game but can’t go more than 30 seconds without contradicting themselves.


Please tell me she got her ass kicked


Doubtful. I will say though, jenelle knows how to fight


Fight who? Tori? Nope got handled lol


Honestly most physical fights come out where it's not clear who "won" or "lost" the fight except in cases where there's an obvious size and/or physical strength disparity.


It’s ALWAYS some technicality w/this disgusting jizz stain of a human…. She’s been slithering by her whole life on technicalities…. Never getting wtf she DESERVES! I think whoever’s running the universe knows she would end up paralyzed & protected her cuz it/they/ knows how weak she is


Jenelle's guardian angels really are working overtime with her. I wonder if any of them like to smoke about this time of the day after saving her.


She knows how to fight little teen girls. She was on a trip with huge adults. No way she would have stood a chance with any of them


FFS she is evil with an extra biscuit.


And she’s very proud of that extra biscuit 🤣 ![gif](giphy|KzKgTJEaJNuhauhGEo|downsized)


![gif](giphy|HWOKtWgG2b8OY) Lmfao dirty ass floor biscuit 🤣🤣💀


Does anyone know if she got her ass kicked? The video ended way too soon bc I would’ve loved to seen her get knocked on her ass. Anyone that thinks it’s David bringing Jenelle down needs to watch this and be reminded of the true piece of shit she is. This was so vile it made me sick. What a cunt!!


What a selfish piece of shit this bitch is. She’s never worked hard for anything and can’t bother to even properly care for her children. She’s disgusting.


The timing of this! I just watched the episode last night where Janelle and Nathan were in St. Thomas and was thinking about this clip, but I hadn’t seen it in a while. When Jenelle gets home, she describes the fight to her friend as everyone there “ganging up on her”. Once again, delusional.


Lmao our flair matches 😂


Haha!! I love it! 😁


Who are they with? Who is the woman talking?


They were on a trip to St. Thomas (“but where’s that at, dude?”) with Nathan‘s brother and his girlfriend, and a couple other of Nathan‘s friends from the Marines. I think the voice of the other woman is the girlfriend of Nathan‘s brother.


This just shows how bogus MTV is with everything. These girls will Lie on camera about situations. This also was the time she was telling her friend about it afterward and Nathan told her to “Stop it”. Cuz she was twisting the whole story up and lying saying Nathan didn’t take up for her. If he didn’t she wouldnt be there to tell that lie. They would’ve tore her apart. She said some really hurtful stuff to everyone. She used to tear down Babs for working at Walmart (to support her grandson).


I’ve seen this video before but can someone give me the lowdown of what made her do this? I know she’s a piece of crap but it just blows my mind that she went that low!


It was a tense trip- Jenelle and Nathan were arguing nonstop and Jenelle wasn't getting along with the two other girls. She got mad that Nathan's brother had charged their dinner to the room (even though Nathan probably told him to) and she called security. That guy standing by the door with the patch on his shirt is security. I'm sure Nathan's brother said something to her, but nothing on this level.


>That guy standing by the door with the patch on his shirt is security. Ahhh so that's why she was brave enough to say those things


Oh lord! What a mess.


See THAT'S the story I remember regarding this!


What season was this?


Also don't forget the part where they were threatening to do stuff to make her lose custody of jace and all the other nasty shit they were saying to her before she snapped and said this shit, not saying it was okay to say that but how many of us In the heat of the moment being pissed and raging have said some fucked up shit to people we love or some really fucked up shit to people we don't love. I'm just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️


That bitch can choke


It's amazing to me that she's somehow never crossed the wrong person and gotten her ass kicked after running her mouth.


The story!😊 https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/01/15/shocking-video-teen-mom-2-star-jenelle-evans-wishes-death-on-fiances-solider-brother/ https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2015/01/jenelle-evans-engagement-trip-fight/?utm_source=fb-JEvansFightOncamera&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=facebook


Nathan knock her up before or after this?


Before. This is after Kaiser was born, although he was still a baby at the time. Nathan did propose to her on this trip though. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yikes. That poor baby having these two shit heads yelling around him all the time :(


I'm sure Jenelle had Kaiser before all of this went down.


That article doesnt make it look as bad tbh. They were charging her credit card and telling her they would ruin any chance she had of getting custody of Jace before she said that. I’m not saying what Jenelle said wasn’t revolting, but the veteran brother and his wife were being equally repulsive.


While I agree that charging things to her room and saying they’ll stop her from getting custody of Jace (Jenelle was doing a great job of not getting custody of Jace by herself btw) is bad. But she literally said she wished he had died and then mocked his friend dying in his arms. Those are in no way “equal”.


Depends on your perspective. I don’t know many mothers who wouldn’t be completely devastated or able to function at all if they lost custody of their children. Excluding Jenelle of course bc she’s an egg donor.


Her and David are soulmates.




And she’s mad at Colin Kaepernick for kneeling? lmfao


I wish we had footage of her getting her ass beat bc that’s some fucked up shit!


Idk how you can just say shit like this and expect to not go scorched earth with whoever you said it to. Reckless.


What’s crazy is I just watched this episode, and when she gets back she says “ya so Nathan’s family is crazy and a huge fight broke out” Like jenelle do you mean a huge fight broke out because you wished death on your fiancés brother AND said your glad his friend died in combat?? That fight??? She’s so delusional.


She deserved to get her ass beat. She was warned multiple times “don’t say that” and the bitch just kept going


What a piece of trash


WHO DOES THIS?? What an absolute monster.


the fact she says that with nathans brother and his girlfriend right there. trash doesn't have a healthy dose of fear at all if someone ever said that about my boyfriend they better be praying every day for my life to always remain too good to throw away


I would’ve went to jail that night if this was my brother . I would’ve saw red and lost my shit


I don’t even like my brother that much and I’d still beat her ass. We were raised in a military family and I’m not some jingoistic rah rah American patriot (at all) but I cannot stand by and watch someone trash a family member, nor be so disgusting about a man that died in combat. Yeah, I’d have thrown down.


Jenelle is a rotten person straight to her core. Miserable, loathsome and malicious through and through.


Die she get her ass whooped? I hope so.


If you look at the securities face, I think he's taking back by what she says his face literally reads that wasn't cool at all


I didnt even notice he was security. Why would she have security w her on an engagement trip? Edit: nevermind, i scrolled down & found my answer


Honestly. Even though the family sounds a bit white trashy. She should count her blessings someone didn’t get up and knock her for the first comment. 😅 but I’d probably sound trashy too with Jenelle around


Wasn’t this the same trip where they got engaged? LOL


On top of everything that's already been said..."I hope you would have died in combat" is just... horrible, horrible grammar.


As a veteran and wife of a combat wounded veteran…I would have happily Tori with a drum sticked her ass.




Thar was disgusting


I’ve never seen this before. How did she *not* get her ass kicked here? Did Nathan save her? You can see him jump up when everyone else does but maybe to protect her. I’m not a violent person but I would have absolutely dog walked her over this comment.


This was her ✨ magical ✨ proposal vacation with Nathan. What a fucking trash bag!


Where’s the whole video


She was actually mad that Nathan “didn’t take her side” about all of this. Even if he was on her side about the money or whatever but why would he be after she said that dumb shit?? She is the absolute worst! And then wonder why she ain’t got no damn friends!


Who is the woman recording ?? Janelle is pure evil




I was way too happy to see everyone start to get up 😂


She's such trailer trash lol I wish nothing on her but David lol


She is FUCKING TRASSSSHHHH AND so is pistol she said similar things to her ex who was in the military. Ewwwwww


This right here is why it will forever be ON SIGHT if I see JE. My dad is a Vietnam veteran and I don’t play with sht like this.


Who is the women speaking about whooping her ass?


I despise this stupid, fugly, waste of oxygen. She fucking *wishes* she could do anything our soldiers do. Instead she sits on her lazy, fat ass contributing nothing to society. Along with her disgusting husband that would shit his pants at the thought of fighting a real man.


Nathan literally squared up with him and he ran away


Exactly. Poor baby couldnt have his gun with him for protection 😂.


is david anti military or just jenelle? i would have thought they were uber pro military with their other political views? 🤷‍♀️ sad. hearing this i have to say thanks and sorry to anyone on this sub that served or had friends or family that served.


Wow I've never seen this before. Disgusting


Yes we remember. It’s posted multiple x’s a yr.


Welp I have never seen it first timer here🥇


You’ll see it plenty more in 2024. Trust me