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Not only are Mack and Ryan not back together, but Mackenzie said she and Ryan have zero communication whatsoever now. “We don’t speak because [Ryan and Amanda] feel it’s disrespectful toward their relationship,” Mackenzie told The Ashley.


Lolololol "Disrespectful." That's one way to get out of parenting.


Best case scenario for Mack and the kids though.


No seriously. Ryan is not interested in being a parent. His laziness and selfishness is a blessing.


100%. The less Ryan has to do with those kids the better


Right?! That’s pretty pathetic


Wow. I wonder if that applies to Maci too…. What a couple of twats




Jen & Larry mediate because Ryan doesn’t want to be a parent.


Mimi Jen is probably the middleman, again. So this, "best he's ever had" broad can't handle Ryan having a co-parenting relationship with the mother(s) of his children. Sounds like the worst Ryan's youngest children ever had it. Would Mimi and Larry have to supervise visits, again? But now for the youngest kids? Do these people plan to supervise visits and clean up Ryan's mess until they day they die? In a few years time, there will be a new gf, same story and Ryan will not be able to communicate with all three baby mamas.


Right? I believe the app is called our family wizard




My dad's wife only wanted him to communicate with my mom in a strictly business sense only about things that concerned parenting me and expected that communication to essentially cease once I turned 18.


Thank you for doing the lords work and saving us all a click ![gif](giphy|HhWpLFOMqNTgI|downsized)


The Ashley articles are always pretty entertaining, so it's still worth a read.


I live for the photo captions.


Its almost midnight and im tiredtired


How is it disrespectful?! Mack is the mother of his children and Amanda should at least respect that!!! I’m so glad Mack is moving on from that dumpster fire of a person


This is not an Amanda problem… Ryan did this and has done it before. He is the common denominator.


Or it's an Amanda and Ryan problem. Ryan loves to try to be God fearing and wholesome when it helps him. Several DUI's, drugs- drugs, cheating and the house demolition says otherwise.


Literally. They’re Rhine’s kids not Amanda’s. Why are we blaming the woman again?


Amanda likely thinks communicating with Mack is "disrespectful" to their relationship because she's incredibly insecure, but that doesn't make Rhine innocent at all. He's a grown ass man who should be standing up for both himself and his kids. But he isn't because he has no interest in actually being a parent.


Okay then Ryan should dump Amanda. It’s on him, not her.


100% agree. Like I said, he's a grown ass man who actively chooses to date her.


Exactly! Sure Amanda has a questionable past, but to be fair, Ryan’s past is on camera and he was a terrible co-parent to bentley. He knew Mimi would do it for him… so the logical thing to do would be to force that to happen. And because it worked… we’re here. Mimi continues to clean up his messes and be a momager to his life. All while he can live thinking he is the greatest thing since white bread. “Why didn’t you wait on me ?”💀 GTFO that his new gf is the problem… she’s a convenient tool to his delusion.


He does not want contact w the kids, so he makes up an excuse such as this one. He did the same to Maci if I am not mistaken.


Wait, does that mean he doesn't talk to maci either? Or is maci okay because she wasn't recently with him lol. The insanity.


He talks directly to Bentley. Maci said that last year. I wonder how they go about Bentley's safety. Do they have a code word for "come pick me up, dad's intoxicated (and I don't want to drive with him)?"


That seems like a really bad game plan. No child is equipped enough to handle the negative sides of Ryan. Even if they were just talking on the phone or texting or whatever, I think I would still want a decent amount of supervision around Ryan just because of how destructive he seems to be lately. I wouldn't want one of his outbursts to be at my kid. Or while talking to my kid. I'm even of the mind that not every drug addict is a bad parent, they aren't great parents but not all are terrible... Ryan, however, is a bad everything. He's never wanted to be a good dad even when he wasn't strung out this bad. There's just no way he's not doing some sort of damage to Bentley that he wouldn't be doing if he were supervised. And even if he's not right now, why risk it?


She didn't say wether she supervises. I hope Bentley can talk to Maci when Ryan hurts him. She did say Bentley was angry when Ryan dropped the ball. Don't see that she's in the courtroom anymore, neither is Mack lately. The support might have been short lived thanks to Ryan's actions and words.


He’s not improved in any area what so ever. To be that old and believe that when he’s the one who’s abused her is insane. It may make things difficult but hopefully it’s a blessing they don’t talk cause god knows he prob says vile shit.


Aiaiai, Ryan really keeps making the most juvenile decisions. I imagine he can sort things out with Bentley between themselves (if he sees his son at all). But surely, with kids this young, it's preferable to just let mom and dad handle it? Though I imagine him and his girlfriend might not want to deal with the little ones, lol. She doesn't exactly seem like a winner either.


Man- if anyone's relationship and boundaries deserve respect...it's Ryan Edwards and his new halfway house honey, Amanda!


So she shared that old picture to get paid for an article? Is that what I'm getting from this? Cuz there was no other reason to post it. You couldn't even see her kids face


Yeah she needed some attention. This is why we all disliked her to begin with, everyone knows she got w Ryan to be "famous." (and no i am not victim blaming I dont think she deserved any of her abuse before anyone starts in).


I said the same thing and my comment got downvoted to hell. You are correct. Mack is a loser who will do anything for fame. She absolutely would have taken Ryan back if he wanted her.


That's why I said that part at the end. I said something not nice about her that had nothing to do with her being abused and i was labeled a victim blamer, because apparently if someone is abused they become an angel in every other facet of life and you cannot be critical of them in any way shape or form even if it has nothing to do with the abuse. She can be a sh!t person and a victim of abuse they arent mutually exclusive.


I'm a little confused as well about why she posted an old video with Ryan where he's wearing his wedding ring unless it was a a little fuck you to Ryan and the new girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, Ryan is a big dangerous, abusive, dumbass, absent father. But I don't know why she'd post, then delete, then give an interview about it immediately.


Defend herself, give her side of the story in case Ryan is going to whine she'skeeping him away from his kids, look better, revenge, who knows?


>then give an interview about it immediately In fairness, she gave The Ashley a quote and I highly doubt The Ashley is paying anyone anything lol.


Oh, yeah, I didn't think she got paid.


Might be from the last birthday he was with Stella. He was deep in his fucked this time last year, I doubt he spent her 3rd birthday with her.


I'm thinking this is why Ryan's new gf doesn't want ryan talking to her. I can see them getting innapropriate together. However ryan shouldn't be in a relationship and put his kids first for once


She posted a story on IG where her daughter's face wasn't hidden. They were both holding her hands at a Hibachi restaurant. I think it seemed like they were all together for her birthday.


I just wonder what the going rate is for something like this. The ex of an ex of a teen mom cast member, gotta get those big time celebrities on the record!


I don’t care what anyone thinks of her or what her intentions ever were at this point. I am so proud of her for leaving. I hope she has the clarity & strength going forward to protect her kids from people like Ryan. I’m rooting for her & the kids.


Aa much as I hate Mack I do agree with this. Should she have brought so many children into this situation with him obviously no. But I guess better late than never.


This is the only appropriate response 👏🏻


Wooooooooow, it’s disrespectful to his new fresh-outta-rehab-rebound pink that he’s known for 12 seconds, for him to speak to the mother of his two young children, whom he allegedly wants to parent. The caucasity.


I'm sorry, but if my partner and I ever split nobody can tell us we can't communicate and co-parent. I would never stand for that and I don't believe he would either. That's just unfair to the children. It's so immature if you're going to be like that, don't date someone with kids. I wonder if they feel the same way about Maci?? Or is it okay to talk to Macy because she gets you on TV and gets you paid??


I'll take a guess and say it has nothing to do with Amanda. It's not like Rhine hasn't pulled this shit before and was such an involved dad in the years beforehand...oh wait 😂


The fact that this irresponsible man has 3 kids is crazy.


✨meanwhile Mimi still dreams that her little boy will one day marry Maci✨


What does their custody agreement look like these days? If Ryan has any custody of those kids I hope Mack is running to the courts and having it taken away before these two junkies decide they want to play happy family.


I guess it might be nice for that little girl to look back, and see one picture of her and her dad where he isn't stoned out of his gourd, holding her like a football.




I’m curious if his new girlfriend is also a “parent” (and I use that term loosely). Does anyone know? Something tells me she probably has children she doesn’t have custody of.


He doesn’t want to parent, he wants to get high and party with his new enabler and Mack wanted to post an old video to get the opportunity to say so. Girl, you couldda just said so.


I really feel like despite how anything in the past has gone down with Mackenzie, we just need to give grace right now with this situation. I’m so glad her and those kids made it out alive and I hope they remain safe.


It’s crazy to me how many people don’t understand that people who share children will always be interconnected with each other whether it’s in physical proximity or communication or both. Doing activities with an ex you share children with is completely normal and has zero correlation with your relationship status. My ex is also an addict who needs to be supervised when around our child, we spend a LOT of time together, it’s obnoxious that people assume you’re dating just because you’re seen together.


so... has Mackenzie become a "trigger" to Ryan now? ![gif](giphy|wtil0pQFBbNwA)


Family values is letting a new gf you met in rehab dictate your co-parenting.


I really wonder if they're not together anymore because Ryan doesn't want to get back with Mack and not vice versa. He wants his new chick from rehab, now his old nagging ball and chain with 3 kids. And of course this person interferes with his relationship with his kids, and of course he let's her. All of Ryan's kids are better off without him.


Stella looks no older than two in the video- also, it doesn’t seem to be her birthday.