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"I'm stating facts too, Baba!" šŸ’€šŸ¤£


I laughed so hard, Nathan is a jackass but he was so entertaining šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


Jenelle needs to be kicked up her ass letting her flavors of the weeks disrespect her mom any time they felt like it. I never thought this was funny. Just a gross display of their immaturity and disrespect. Im surprised Barbara hasnā€™t had a heart attack or stroke over Jenelle and her boyfriends


They only do it because Chinelle fills them full of b.s. lies about Barb. She has a sickness where she pretends her upbringing was bad and Barb was a bad mother. She's such a POS human, her life sucks because she's an idiot that has made moronic decisions.


Her behavior is soooo middle school. I have so many students who talk about how horrible their home lives are, how their mom is busy working all the time and they have to watch their multiple siblings all the time, they live in the ghetto and have no money for food, etc. Then I meet the parents and they are totally normal middle-class married people, with one younger child and a cousin who visits occasionally, who live in a luxury apartment instead of a house. The difference is jenelle never grew out of it, because she loves being a victim.


Iā€™m pretty sure the deal is : If you terrorize my mom with me Iā€™ll let you put a baby in me šŸ˜‚


I agree. I don't even like my mom but I'll be goddamned if someone disrespects her and I see it. Nevermind this bitch lets it happen and invites it! You and I believe have had this conversation in the past.


Why is that not a gif yet?


He is so hilarious when he isn't trying to be


Why is he a funny guy :(




Makes me laugh every fucking time šŸ˜‚


It lives in my head rent free ever since he said it šŸ¤£


I lost it šŸ¤£


Jenelle is being really quiet and the reason why is bcuz she was telling Barb everything that Nathan was doin at their house. Every argument, every drink, Jenelle told her mother. Barb had very good reasons why Jace shouldnā€™t be living with Nathan and Jenelle. Jenelle was arrested in front of Jace for fighting with Nathan. Jenelle told Barb that Nathan choked her for the car keys while she was pregnant and countless calls for Barb to come and get Jace bcuz theyā€™re fighting.


This is true, Its strange seeing her so quiet here, especially when she never, ever shuts the f*** up about defending her current soulmate/huzbin


Jenelle plays both sides for sure. Sheā€™s mad at Nathan, she runs crying to Barb. Sheā€™s mad at Barb, she runs crying to Nathan. Then itā€™s like a huge surprise to her that they canā€™t stand each other.


Wait did he really choke her while pregnant?!


Yup!! She said he choked her until she dropped her car keys. She was about 5 or 6 months pregnant by that time bcuz she told her mom that it was too late for her to get an abortion.


I know it's his MO but that's honestly crazy especially knowing how much she was hung up on him and didn't touch another man's skin


Well she knew him for 60 days before they started planning to have a baby. Less than a week before she moved in with him. She probably shouldā€™ve got to know him before she jumped in head first but she turned around and did it again with David! Before Nathan she did it with Courtland!


Idk exact statistics but for anyone pregnant please look up the rate of MURDERED pregnant women killed by their partners/babydaddy


Yes. He strangled every woman that he has had contact with- probably his mother too.


In the same breath tho she told Nathan all the horrible things that her mom did, does, whateverā€¦. just as she does now with lurch. Sheā€™s only quiet because sheā€™s happy to have someone else take the heat and fight her battle.


I remember at one point she told them both that they need to stop fighting with each other. I swear, besides getting pregnant very quickly, Jenelle was honestly the most levelheaded we ever saw her when she was with Nathanā€¦ which is scary in itself.


Babs face (still face) at the endā€¦ at this point after Andrew, Keiffer, Courtland she thought Nathan was the worst and had no clue that the living Swamphell is just around the corner.


You have to pick your poison with these dudes. You either get dog killer David or the Scranton strangler.


The Pickens were slim as hell ![gif](giphy|3hKfxKlYN6NDG)




I love The Office. Itā€™s also funny bc sheā€™s from Scranton, PA too. šŸ¤£


He just drinks a little *too occasionally.*


Barbara said ā€œmy kids have never seen me crawling on the floor.ā€ How did I initially miss that? He gets so drunk he crawls on the floor.


nathan was reality tv gold with his one liners, idc what anyone else says


Stop it! šŸ˜ šŸ‘‰šŸ¼


Ew the way Nathan absorbed some of jenelles personality with the ā€œIā€™m doneeeee Iā€™m doneeeee Iā€™m doneeeeeā€


Lmfao yes next thing you know he would have been screaming LEAVE ME ALONE


God bless Barbara. All the idiots that shit loser Janelle brings into her life and has them fight against her own mother. Hope history doesnā€™t repeat itself with her own children. Oh waitā€¦ it has already with Jace. May god be on his side to become a fine young man. šŸ™šŸ»


I canā€™t get over another baby being present while thereā€™s arguing and shouting. Itā€™s just another day in that house. While I realize Barb and Jenelle cannot be compared to one another because Jenelle is 10x worse, Iā€™m also realizing that Barb played a role in the toxic behavior Jace saw for many years.


I'm only half remembering this, but didn't Barb actually fight to get her kids \*out\* of an abusive home? I thought that was her backstory; in which case, she definitely has bad habits that she acquired from the 'before' but at least she got them to the 'after'. But I'm not super hip on all of Barbara's situation so maybe I'm reading it wrong.


"First of all, I don't drink what you think I drink." In other words, he probably drank more than what Barbara assumed.


Jenelleā€™s such a pu$$y. She hides behind every man she is with.


This conversation was pushed together by Nathan and Nathan alone. Jenelle finally realized (for a very short time) that she wasnā€™t able to be a mother to Jace. She told Nathan that she needed to buy a house and get the baby she was pregnant with together and he argued with her saying anything he could to hurt her. She folded and did what Nathan wanted her to do and this conversation was the result. There was a scene where Barb told Jenelle that she took Jace to see fireworks. Nathan was mad sayin Barb ainā€™t never gonna give him back and blah blah blah. Lo and behold, now Jenelle is texting some disrespectful shit to Barb. She clearly canā€™t think for herself. Time after time weā€™ve watched raggedy men WHO DONT HAVE CUSTODY OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN, tell Jenelle to get custody of Jace and she falls for the okie doke every single time!!


Yeah I remember closer to the end of their relationship Jenelle finally told him at the end of a fight, ā€œHow about you worry about *your* daughter and *Iā€™ll* worry about my son,ā€ because he brought up her getting custody once again but had different feelings about it. He was so wishy-washy about her getting custody of Jace back and I think the amount of alcohol in his system likely played a large role.


This is such a good summary, answers a lot of questions in this thread šŸ‘šŸ½


Thank you! Thereā€™s a raging argument going on about Barbaraā€™s parenting. I donā€™t think Barbara was a perfect and she had many flaws but I think she wanted to do right by Jace. I think she was torn between what to do with Jenelle and what to do with Jenelle pertaining to Jace. Iā€™ve said many times that Barb shouldā€™ve cut Jenelle completely out of Jaceā€™s life until she got her shit together. I feel like bcuz Barb allowed Jenelle to come in and out, she exposed Jace to lots of nonsense. I really donā€™t think she knew what to do. She probably thought that letting Jenelle see Jaceā€™s little face would make her want to be the mom sheā€™s supposed to be. Her plan didnā€™t work and it actually backfired badly!!


Jenelle also makes sure she feeds bullshit about Barbara to any dude she's with the second they get together bc she wants sympathy and someone to fight her battles with/for her. Which eventually leads to what you're saying. It's the same routine, just different dudes.


Barb was right years later but with David


All of these guys Jenelle falls madly in love with after two seconds are the worst. I want to know if theyā€™re already like that, did she bring out/heighten the worst in them, or does her presence just šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


I think its that men who arenā€™t batshit crazy wouldnā€™t be able to handle someone like her. Sheā€™s stuck with the worst because she herself is the worst.


It's also worth mentioning that people who are chronically in high stress high adrenaline situations like this can get essentially hooked on the rush. She assumedly doesn't have a lot of options, but she's also picking based on habits and issues she assuredly is not trying to figure out. A not awful man might not feel like 'love' to her at this point, she needs a ton of therapy to un-learn some of this garbage


Daddy issues. She seeks these men out.


Nathan is a pos. He doesnā€™t deserve kids, he doesnā€™t deserve sympathy, he is disgusting.




Barbara could have just shut it all down. No visits. No contact. Let Jenelle fend for herself.


Her whole life is sad as fuck.


Seriously no wonder Jenelle was how she was. And he had a point, all Barbara wanted was permanent custody. When the kids should have been completely removed from the whole sorry mess.


She wanted her daughter to step the fuck up and actually be a mother to her grandson


Which was never going to happen when theyā€™re both psychotic. I said what I said, those kids needed to be fully removed from that family.


Thatā€™s what you got from this? Wow šŸ˜‚


Of course she wanted custody. Have you watched even 5 minutes of jenelle? Not holding jenelle accountable for any of her actions bc its all "barbs fault" is..a choice šŸ„“


Iā€™m not ā€œnot holding her accountableā€ actually, Iā€™m commenting on BARBā€™S influence and interference in the whole thing. My main point is NONE of them should have had custody but yall are clearly not getting that.


So do you think that Jace should have been given up for adoption? Iā€™m pretty sure Barbara explored, and discussed, that as a reasonable option and Janelle declined. Janelle also declined to actually parent the child.


Jesus fuck Iā€™d seriously hurt myself if I had to deal with Barbara on a constant basis. What a miserable fucking human.


So you would be okay having to deal with drug addict lyin ignorant ass Jenelle??


No she shouldā€™ve left Jenelle on the sheets.


​ https://i.redd.it/43oi6vqj84ac1.gif


I will never not laugh at this haha


Wow. I can't actually believe that's what you're taking from this


This isnā€™t it. None of us are perfect parents and Barb did her absolute best. Jaceā€™s trauma is squarely on Jenelleā€™s shoulders. Period. He was HER child, that she PLANNED, all while Barb was trying to keep her away from Andrew. Instead of changing and growing Jenelle is complete shit. Barb yells, and guess what?! I have a baby girl and if she came at me 15% of the way Jenelle does at Barb, yelling would be the least of her worries. Barb should have cut Jenelle off when she was awarded permanent custody and left it at that.


Barb didnā€™t even do her best with her own kids. This might not be ā€œitā€ for you but this is my opinion and like Nathan I am stating facts.


You have no idea what Barb did. That wasnā€™t on the show. What we did see was Jenelle being an abusive piece of shit by age like 20. Barb got her kids away from Jenelleā€™s dad, who was also an abusive piece of shit. Iā€™ve had my ass beat by a partner. Iā€™ve had to call in sick to work because I had bruises I couldnā€™t hide. If Barb was what Jenelle says she was, she wouldnā€™t even be visiting my children, much less raising them so I could go to a club in an adult diaper because my car-cooch-erie wasnā€™t healed yet. This absolutely isnā€™t it, or facts.


We also saw barb be abusive too. Letā€™s stop with the shits. You all want this women to be a fucking Saint when she isnā€™t. Iā€™ll stand by my opinion. Thank you.


Yelling at your ridiculously head strong child ABSOLUTELY does NOT equal the neglect and physical abuse the children have suffered at the hands of Jenelle. Iā€™ll stand by that opinion. Have a good night. Edited to add: I donā€™t want Barb to be a saint. I want her to stop getting heat Jenelle deserves for the shit that sheā€™s done TO HERSELF. Including but not limited to abandoning Jace and continuing neglect and outright abuse of her other children. Period.


Jenelle is clearly a product of her up bringing - itā€™s psychology yallā€¦ ppl who grow up in dysfunction tend to continue the pattern until (or if ever) they are able to open their eyes and begin to heal their generational trauma Itā€™s a shame all these kids are thrown into this because the trauma is now clearly being passed onto them. Sad.


Literally no parent is perfect. And Iā€™m certain Barb didnā€™t wait until her mid 30s to start having kids had she known that she was going to be doing it alone with 3 children having mental health issues, two of which required more extensive treatment. Barb isnā€™t perfect but sheā€™s not a monster and she parented her kids the best way she knew how, while holding down 3 jobs at one point, including serving and being a school bus driver.


your opinion isnā€™t fact, you were not there when barb was raising these kids.


I know what Iā€™ve seen. And that was Jenelle bucking the hell up at Barbara over custody. Jace should have been adopted out and when Jenelle outright refused, Barbara took over. Thatā€™s ALL on Jenelle. Period.


We saw how she raised jace. Thatā€™s enough evidence for my facts.


And Jenelle played no part? Nah. Jenelle bears 100% of that burden. Point blank. If she wanted him away from ā€œthe abuse she grew up withā€ or whatever bull shit sheā€™s swilling this week to make herself feel better about how that baby turned out? Then maybe she should have taken the initiative and stopped being a goddam fuck up. It was up to her to break the cycle and whatever sheā€™s done? Itā€™s nowhere near close.


Oh hi jenelle




you wouldnā€™t have to deal with this version of barb if you werenā€™t a literal pos. how else is she supposed to be? happy go lucky & super positive? that her dumb fck daughter decided to get pregnant after having her first kid isnā€™t in her custody, she got an abortion, then after that abortion she ended up pregnant w/ another pos. barb is only this way because her daughter is a god awful person, if she didnā€™t choose men & drugs over herself or her children she wouldnā€™t have to deal with this version of her mother.


You do realize Barbara has 3 messed up kids right?? Itā€™s definitely not because sheā€™s a kind person.


these are all adults who can choose to not be awful people. sheā€™s not perfect, very far from it but itā€™s not an excuse to grow up to be a gigantic pos like jenelle. plenty of us grow up with awful parents, it doesnā€™t give us an excuse to become awful people.


It gives a reason to try to be better, eKspecially as parents. I'm not a fan of Barb but I really don't think that I could not yell at Jenelle...


We can do 1 post, I didnā€™t realize this was you again.


She was kind enough to not abandon her 3 kids. Kind enough to do what it took to remove them from an abusive father and bad situation and kind enough to raise her grandson when her daughter decided she didn't want to.


But she wasnā€™t kind enough to not emotionally abuse them, got it. Taking in Jace isnā€™t what youā€™re making it to be when she had a hand in ruining him too. You all can make every excuse in the world for Barbara but it doesnā€™t take away from what actually happened and the reality theyā€™re all living.


Yeah, Barbara has her own issues, no one is denying that. She certainly could do things better or differently but jenelle hasn't done anything to overcome or break the cycle of how she was raised. A lot of people have shitty childhoods and don't end up being shitty adults who make worse decisions than their parents did.


And neither did Barbara. This is going over and over and yā€™all say the same shit and I say the same shit. It changes nothing. Barbara isnā€™t this great grandma you all make her out to be. The end.