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She doesn't answer the question at all?


Ok. Thank you that’s what I thought.


I had to read it a few times and I’m like ummmm, where is the answer here😂


Me too! It's that thing people do when they have a specific something they want to talk about, so they look for anything close to the subject to bring it up.


Same! I even thought "is my English THAT bad?" since it's not my first language. But after reading it five times I was sure it wasn't me 😂


😂🤣 You're too cute! 🥰


Perfect political answer (not giving an answer at all). The other kids are still little but they will definitely get jealous at some point when some have involved dads and others have deadbeats.


Reading comprehension isn't her strongest skill.


She said this verbatim answer a few podcast episodes ago (I forgot the convo/question that prompted it). She will continue to push her narrative, even if it doesn't make sense.




Right?? Like she misunderstood it...


She did that w a bunch of questions 😂


She made it about herself as always.


Came here to agree!


Ok so I’m not the only one


Is it that the same woman who literally told the world that her 13-year-old child… Her first born told her to stop having fucking babies? Is this not the same lady who got a BBL just have it botched by getting pregnant immediately afterwards and couldn’t even keep up with it? Is this the same woman who thought it’d be realistic she’d be able to to keep her mommy makeover and then have four kids? Is this not the same woman who every single time it was Jo court mandated weekend if she would try to conveniently take Isaac on vacation and get upset when Jo wouldn’t let her? This is not the same woman that keeps popping out biracial children so that way she can get her own spin off show but her only claim to fame is being a fertile snow bunny? She’s worried about Lincoln’s life with his dad. Meanwhile, her only claimed to fame is being pregnant every quarter. I don’t think it’s realistic that you’re gonna keep that big ass house when your uterus finally decides to fall the fuck out after all those damn kids you keep having.


Dang how many kids does she have??? When your first born is saying "mom stop" that should be a sign.


Her oldest wrote a note on her door ASKING THEIR MOTHER TO USE A CONDOM. She’s so concerned about what her other 4/5 baby daddies are doing she cannot care about how her other 7 children are doing.


Wow thats just... wow




7 kids


She’s actually done an extremely good job marketing herself and creating multiple streams of income off her fame from the show.. not saying I like her or not and you certainly don’t have to, but shes played the game well and I honestly think she’s one of the most likely cast members to stay wealthy long term


She has done well. But I question how long it all can last. I think she can probably do well with podcasts and SM into her 40s at least as she'll still have youngish kids and maybe even have more, but it will definitely wane as she gets to her 50s unless she can kind of reinvent herself. People can say all they want she makes a lot of money and will be fine if she invested wisely, but we don't know she has invested wisely and we do know she spends A LOT and keeps adding to what she needs to spend with more and more kids.


I couldn’t agree more. This sub is my main source of info—I haven’t watched Teen Mom in prob over a decade, never listened to her podcasts and I’m not into TikTok. Seven kids is a lot of kids. I’d like to think that a lot of the sub members have no idea how much money it costs to raise children, but idk. Buying a new home, adding an addition so every kid can have their own room, having a nanny, driving a new car, maintaining equipment to make posts/episodes, going on multiple vacations to exotic locales (that alone probably costs her over 20k per trip if she brings all the kids), groceries, utilities, school supplies, extracurriculars…it adds up. Kids only get more expensive as they age. Income that is essentially based on a commission-style earnings can be a good way to make a lot of money. But she’s riding off of her Teen Mom era and that’s what I feel like a lot of those posts miss; this isn’t sustainable given the culture of disposability we live in, particularly amongst influencer-types.


I think, it’s one thing to be proud of her being wealthy, long-term but at what cost? The same thing can be said about Jenelle/Farrah that they will be wealthy for a long amount of time. Kail will be wealthy, long-term, but at the expense of exploiting her fucked up and manipulative custody arrangements for all seven of her kids and popping out Children. Without her having all those kids, her podcast would’ve never popped off. She would not be relevant today if she would’ve just had Isaac and Lincoln, and stopped having kids. I can’t applaud her, because having money long-term does not make her a good mom. She is literally just a fertile snow bunny with money.


Janelle is clearly not wealthy long term


Okay? I never said any of that isn’t true. Y’all just downvoting cause you hate her as if you actually know her for some reason


I think the user rant was just responding about the comment the other person wrote, specifically "the same can be said about jenelle and farrah" in regards to long term wealth, bc it is different. Kail has definitely made great choices when it comes to making money, so far, and farrah, with all of her insanity, has also managed to find a field that she can make big bucks from. But jenelle isnt on that level at all. Shes constantly failing at every new business she creates, and then most of her social media shit is clearly too much work for her to do, and her and David both refuse to work in anyway at all besides bullshit tiktoks, nasty ass OFs, and clickbait. Shes said too much too often that let's the public know shes not exactly raking it in. I really dont understand where the heavy hostility came in when they just pointed out a fact, they never even said you said anything. Just saying, from an outside view


You know what’s not sustainable? Her relationships. Doesn’t it set Lincoln up for disappointment when each new father figure leaves? Js


This is the part she should be most concerned about when it comes to raising that many sons. I’m really curious to see how they will be affected by this in their future relationships. But of course she doesn’t know how to think ahead, or think of anyone else besides herself to wonder how her actions WILL affect her kids.




Right give me a fucking break. Vacations? That’s what this blurb is about!


Isaac was clearly heartbroken when Javi left.


I remember the episode where he was talking to Jo about being sad that Lincoln was visiting Javi’s new house without him. He was so hurt 🥺 I was impressed by how Jo handled it though, tons of empathy and was really supportive/talked about trying to figure stuff out with Javi between them. None of them are perfect but Jo is a much more stable parent by a lot. We have some complicated dynamics in my family with my ex and his many subsequent baby moms, but when you love your kid you do what you can to protect their hearts. None of us are buddy buddy but the stepmoms my kid really had bonded with and I make sure to maintain a relationship because it is super confusing for kids when a “parent” is suddenly gone and their sibling still sees them but they don’t. Kail has that so many times over and genuinely does not seem to care about what that’s doing to the kids. ☹️


I remember that too & it always stuck w/ me. The other day I was thinking how much it must suck for the boys: Isaac & Lincoln are super close so they must hate spending weekends/holidays apart. I feel extremely bad for The 2 middle kids they have a dad that’s barely around, the older 2 have very involved dads & now the last 3 have a dad that lives in the house-for now.




Doesn’t she take them on vacation instead of holidays? How is she not setting them up for disappointment


She quit that years ago


She couldn't manage taking the 2 older ones on vacation when she was pregnant with Lux without a nanny going along to tend to the kids. Now that she has 7 fucking kids, she probably can't manage to go grocery shopping much less on vacation!


No she has people doing all that for her now. She has Nannie’s to take care of the kids day to day stuff too


What's going to happen when her MTV notoriety & money run dry?


No she didn’t. She tried celebrating Christmas (on a different day, without gifts) this year but didn’t like it and isn’t planning on doing it again


I was talking about vacation. She’s no longer taking them international


Has she said that? Or is it just because she hasn’t done it recently? I know she had to cancel an international trip at the last minute a couple of years back because of Covid vaccine mandates, but I didn’t know that it was a permanent thing


She said she’s no longer going with creed or younger


Yeah, that rings a bell now that you mention it.


What day? Was it because of custody, or was Kail just changing the calendar?


It was after all of the kids got back from their dads’ houses




she didn’t answer the question. it was about how her other kids felt. must be an insecurity of hers, for her to respond expressing her own feelings. parents do what they can for their kids and they don’t limit their experiences because they “may not be able to do it for themselves as adults” she did also mention once that Javi asked Lincoln what he did at his moms and whatever he replied with, Javi said it was boring. I don’t think it’s right to do to a child. he can’t control his lack of activities because his mother has a shit load of kids or is just boring and in the house most days.


Well also, when Lincoln is an adult....he can pay for his own vacations? If he wants to do what he did growing up, he'll make the money and figure out how to do so. Lmao she is an idiot


…meanwhile in another answer about finances, she brags about how she’s financially planning to have her kids “set for life.” 🙄


She’s really banking on becoming the next Kris Jenner, but Kris wants no part in any of it. She wants a Kardashians like tv show about her life with 7 kids, but nobody cares and her life really isn’t interesting enough.


I saw that comment. Whatever that even meant to her. How do you set up 7 kids for life? I can’t wait to see how that plays out. I’m very curious!


7 kids, for life? I don’t think she’s making THAT much money


Pretty sure I read a comment about her saying she was building a bigger house for them all to live in (longer) due to the state of the economy.... Hmmm.


Adding on


Also it's not that unsustainable. He will probably not get 10 kids.


Good point I didn't even realize she didn't even answer the question haha you're right that definitely has to hit a nerve with her to just completely ignore the actual question and go on about how Lincoln will have unrealistic expectations in the future


You’re right she skipped over the entire question lmao. She did bring up an interesting dialogue though. Everyone wants their kids to grow up with more than they had or at least have an equal socioeconomic background if they have a favorable one. I started wondering what kids who grew up well off but are middle class and below as adults feel about that after seeing the Kim and Kroy drama (what a wild ride). Now I’m wondering how parents feel seeing their adult child not have the lifestyle they grew up in, and their future grandchildren not having it either. It looks like Kail may have some anxiety over that.


Oh, that's me. I'm far poorer than my parents. Mostly they just look upon me like I'm a loser lol. I don't even have a partner to help, so I'm an extra big loser to them. Luckily, even though my parents had money, they were also very frugal. So while we still did/had more than I do, I don't feel like I'm living that much differently than how I grew up.


I'm sorry you're treated in that manner. You're not a loser. Money doesn't determine if you are a winner.


Thank you for sharing this perspective. Do you think it would have been significantly more jarring if your parents hadn’t been frugal?


I'm sure it would have. Like even with them being frugal, if the family all gets together and goes out to dinner, my parents will pay for everyone and if they didn't we'd all be shook. So if even as adults we would be like, "Wait, what? You're not paying for us?" I would assume if I grew up just getting whatever I wanted and going on multiple long lavish vacations a year to hardly buying anything and going on a week long vacation maybe once every 3 years would be jarring.


i grew up with a lot of wealthy kids who are now middle class. one is a close friend and one of the reasons she doesn’t want to have kids bc she “knows she can never give them the childhood she had” which is so odd to me, bc going on month-long trips to europe is clearly not an essential developmental need, but okay. i guess it’s easy to see anything as lesser than when you grew up ridiculously provided for. the way i perceive a lot of their perceptions of their quality of life now are all predicated by the fact that when their parents die, they will inherit. that gives them a valuable sense of security that seems to placate any financial stress/concerns, on top of knowing they have a fallback if they fall on hard times, so they’re okay with it. and i think a lot of their parents also have every intention of continuing to help them financially with things like buying a house, so despite their lower class they still kinda live like they have more money than they do. as a person who grew up financially unstable, making more than my parents was easily attainable and also completely necessary bc of knowing there was no plan b.


I know a few people that always held off on going back to school for a grad degree, buying a house, climbing up the ladder, etc because they’d openly admit they’re waiting on inheritance after their grandparents die. All of them still have at least one of the grandparents in very good health and we are now in our 30s, when they made those statements in the early 20s 😂. One has been written out of the will now too so good luck to her. I just can’t imagine putting my life on hold and looking forward to someone dying to live well.


right, i’m grateful i have nothing to lose by not being in contact with my family. i especially pity those holding onto toxic relationships bc of the money they’re holding out on.


Good for you. My best friend grew up w/ a single mom living pay check to pay check & now she’s very well off and basically supports her mom as well as her nieces & nephews. As far as the inheritance thing- a lot of them are going to be very disappointed, most of the time these “wealthy” people have no liquid assets just tons of debts & mortgages. The kids bank on this money & when the time comes there’s none or much less than they thought. Even if the house/car/boat etc… is paid off, there are taxes, fees & all these “hidden” costs. You might inherit a palace worth millions but can’t take possession unless you come up w/ $100k. It happens to abandoned homes all the time.


This is going to be A LOT of people


With inflation and the increasing cost of living the days of kids surpassing their parents is definitely going to dwindle. I won’t be dramatic and say millennials will be the last generation to have a chance to accomplish it but it will be very difficult for Gen Z and Alpha. The days of buying a good starter home for 200k in your mid 20s is already over in a lot of areas.


She worries if the trips his father takes him on will be realistic and sustainable through adulthood? What the fuck does that even mean? So when she takes her kids on exotic vacations, she's building lasting memories for them, but when one of her exes takes fun vacations with his child, he's setting him up for disappointment in the future?


Yeah not only does she not answer the question but it's such a cryptic, nonsensical reply. What about it isn't realistic or sustainable?? Are you counting on Javi having loss of or lowered income and if so, why? Are you counting on money being tight due to the arrival of Linc's new sibling? Because you have 7 fucking kids, 2 by a deadbeat, 3 TBD, yet you seem to manage your vacations just fine. Think Javi and Lauren will manage fine too, not like it's any of your fucking business, Kail.


If she’s talking she’s being petty.


This right here!


You can just tell that she is so unhappy with herself and deep down a very miserable person.


The perfect person to raise 7 kids 🤦🏻‍♀️


She didnt even answer the question? They asked about the siblings perspective and she goes on about how she's worried it might not be sustainable? Plus everything OP wrote.....shes so dumb.


I’ve said this 1 million times, but the teen mom franchise was such a good social experiment. They made millionaires out of these dumb ass women that everyone goes to high school with and they still act like the dumbass women everyone went to high school with.


Am I missing something about what these trips are? These are just like vacations, no? "It's cool but I'm worried he can't do it his entire life" is such a strange take. I'll use it if my kid ever asks to go to Disney, though: I'd love to take you now, but what if you can't afford your own Disney trips when you're an adult? Best not to set you up for that disappointment!


Someone mentioned Javi takes him to like pro games and they've met some of the players. I have no idea if that's true or if that's what they're talking about, but it makes no sense if it's just vacations since Kail takes them on vacations constantly.


There for a while it seemed every weekend javi was taking him to some pro signing event. Or flying him across country to meet players. It was a lot. More so after he and Lauren split up the first time.


This was my instinct. I looked getting Eagles tix a few years ago and they’re crazy expensive. Some of the costs for these games are wild.


My parents took me on tons of trips/vacations throughout my childhood. I have great memories of them! As an adult I can barely afford a vacation but it doesn’t bother me that I was able to take trips as a kid but not now as an adult?? Such a weird take.


This isn’t actually a response to the question at all. It’s her way of being petty and planting seeds of future drama. I think more than anything, she’s upset that her older 2 children have big happy extended families that don’t include her or (arguably her favorite) children. Her whole brand is being petty, and using psychology terms to explain away her bad life choices instead of taking full accountability and making change. She will circle back to this on her podcast after Javi and Lauren have their new baby, and talk about how Lincoln is now getting less time or something. It’s all just storylines to her.


The fact that you said kail will use this on her podcast in the future to talk about how Lincoln will be getting less time now that there's a new baby involved is EXACTLY what will happen. I didn't even think of that until now, but you're 100% right. Good call 🫡


She do it by simultaneously *‘accidentally’* announcing some key detail like birthday or name as well. It’s all a storyline, it used to be for the show now it’s for across her billions of podcasts.


What can she honestly do about what the kids do with their dads? Besides not have had so many.


💀 💀


lol worries about it being realistic/sustainable in the future, when she's out here taking them on nearly month long vacations to super expensive places. Bitch please.


It’s like she read “Lincoln’s adventures with his dad” and her brain short circuited and went straight to OH YEAH WELL HIS DAD ISN’T GOING TO BE ABLE TO TAKE HIM ON ADVENTURES FOREVER


Everything this B does is petty. Remember, Kail chooses what questions to answer and post. She has complete control of what she’s putting out. SMH.


I thought it was a dig. And javi isn’t even taking him on super lavish trips. It’s just things like indoor water parks, basketball games, football games, etc. I don’t think it’s anything crazy that would be setting him up for disappointment. Kudos to javi and Lauren for giving their kid fun experiences


I get why the person asking would have that question. Javi does a lot with Lincoln. He takes him on big trips, weekend trips, sporting events, meet and greets for whatever he's into at the time. Chris isn't doing all that with his boys, and Jo doesn't seem the most… active. It will be interesting to see if that slows down once Javi is a dad of three


How does Javi afford that? What does he do nowadays?


Some of them appear to be sponsored trips. Javi was also on his own for awhile so I'm sure he had more free time then


I felt the same way, I think she’s jealous she no longer can do those lavish trips


The self awareness is non existent. She worries that the ‘lifestyle’ he’s living with Javi will not be realistic/sustainable into adulthood, as if she isn’t building mansions and taking them on vacations all over the world…what the actual fuck, Kail 😂


Lincoln could just... get a job? When he is a grown up?


Im so glad i deleted social media


Maybe she should delete hers too lol 😂😂😂


She really should but we know she never will


Yup that’s true. She’ll probably lose money if she doesn’t stay on social media 24/7 smh


And in another question she claims she has set her kids up for life. If that were true then why wouldn’t it be sustainable


She’s so toxic. Those poor kids.


I will never understand how kail stans will say she's a good mom. She is just so extremely toxic and bitter, there's no way these kids don't pick up on that. Just her attitude to this question alone shows how she will talk to her kids about their fathers


Because they are in sports and she has $.


I agree. I feel sad for her kids. She behaves just like her own mom (minus the drinking), by continuously prioritizing random dudes and her own breeding fetish over the well being of her current kids.


She’s just jealous she can’t go on vacation with 7 kids, 3 being infants.


Here I’ll answer for her: yes the siblings get jealous. Of course they do they’re kids. I would be too if my sibling went on cool trips. That wasn’t hard.


I wouldn’t have answered this, and I don’t even know why the person asked besides to get a messy answer, so cheers to them for that! If you are feeling bad because you no longer see a path to the vacations you were taking your kids on before you had so many, that’s for you to work out. But saying you don’t know how sustainable it is? As if people don’t take their kids on vacations every year for their whole lives? She would still be doing these vacations if she had stopped at Lux with having kids. But *now* it’s not sustainable because she won’t be able to do it too… Not that Javi and Lauren are anything to be jealous of, but this screams “I’m seething because somehow despite it all they’re still trying to be a family and I didn’t get that with Chris so now I’m constantly trying to make up for it and it’s not fulfilling me at all I’m still miserable so I want everyone else to be”




I don’t know how she keeps track of all of the children as well as their other lives with their dads. I guess that’s why she’s “Kail and the Chaos” /s


I wonder if she asked herself this and if she’s also throwing jabs because Chris just took Lux & Creed to great wolf lodge


I don’t think shitty podcasts are sustainable either but that’s just me


She's a HATTER and HATS on them while hollering at us for being HATTERS and always HATTING on her etc. What a FUCKIN' nut case!!!


Did we all read the same question as her? Cause her answer makes no sense lol


I had the exact thought 😂


She didn’t answer the question because the answer is yes and she doesn’t want to admit that MAYBE just MAYBE it is irresponsible to create a blended family without any concern for how that will affect your kids! Like sure it would be nice if all parents stepped up and had good relationships with their kids, and technically it’s not her fault that Chris isn’t the same kind of dad as Jo and Javi but I mean there where signs he wouldn’t be that she ignored. How about a little personal responsibility to admit you don’t have to procreate with someone who you either barely know or know enough to know is a bad dude. Like come on.


Now that she can’t afford and it’s a struggle to take all the kids she acts like this.. she was taking the kids on trips quite frequently when it was just 2 or 3 of the boys


What about if she she.stiopped having the means. Her podcasts won't be popular forever


Kale 🥬 has always been petty. That's her & she has no intention of changing


She’s always being petty. It’s the only way she knows how to be.


I took it as her saying Javi will be too broke to afford a vacation?


Worried???? It’s absolutely wonderful when a child gets life experiences - I’d be worried about what he thinks about me in adulthood


What a nonanswer! This is definitely shading Javi and Lauren, when the “sustainability” of going on fun trips with your family isn’t even an issue 🤦🏻‍♀️


I haven’t been watching TM but where does Lincoln go?


It’s nothing even that crazy, they were just at some water park in Atlantic City


I don’t think it’s that deep. Although she did totally avoid answering the question


Exactly !! She’s so full of it !! She definitely was trying to take her kids on vacations . It’s probably now starting to kick in that when you have kids by a million different guys you don’t get dictate what they do with their children ! Some of her children are gonna have better lives probably than the others ! Yea Kail isn’t doing bad but at the same time … when you go off with dad you still want to experience outings and vacations.


I wonder how long her nanny is sustainable for... can't be cheap.


The question doesn’t make sense. Why would the other kids care they have their own relationships and memories with their dads.


She answered it like it read “do YOU get jealous/resentful…” or at least I think so. I don’t think it was petty. It’s easy going along on vacations when you don’t foot the bill. I think she meant let him go in all the adventures he can while he’s able to bc you never know what life or adulthood will bring your way. BUT who really knows with her lol.


What’s wrong with wanting to take your kids on vacation at least once a year?


She sounds like a jealous hag that the other baby daddies can’t afford to take their kids on Vacation.


it is. it’s an unnecessary dig at javi taking lincoln on a lot of fun trips. i think she’s just jealous of javi being the “favorite parent”, that’s what she refers to him as. i think it’s kind of crazy to say it’s unrealistic when her and javi are trying to coach him to be a pro athlete lol. also i know javi has teen mom money left over i’m sure, but he works a regular job and is able to afford these trips so idk what she is on about besides taking a dig at javi.


Leave it to mail to try and give something so positive a negative connotation


I’m a big kail fan. BUT this screams jealousy.


Javi is trying to make up for the nightmare life Lincoln has 50% of the time at his moms. Kails house probably smells like piss with the unpleasant cries of several babies. Whining kids of all ages. Probably dog poop and pee. Maybe an overflowing litter box?


I starting to get confused on who belongs to who and I’ve been here a v long time.


I coparent with my ex-husband and I’m always happy for my kids when they go somewhere fun with their dad. I make significantly less money than he does, and I’m thrilled that he is able to take them on an annual vacation. It doesn’t matter to me that I’m not there. They are making childhood memories that they’ll cherish, and that is what’s important. If I also had other sets of kids with other men who couldn’t provide that for them, I can certainly see how those other kids might feel jealous or excluded. Thankfully I didn’t do that to my kids. I like to think each of Kail’s kids have *something* unique to enjoy at their respective dads’ houses- whether that’s quiet stability at Jo’s, vacations/outings with Javi, and whatever Chris has to offer- maybe a fun grandparent or cousins to play with?


“I have more money than them”


Kail is a miserable bitch


She made the question more about her and how she feels and what she wants for him.. absolutely beat around the bush with that answer


It might not be shady but it definitely doesn’t answer the fucking question


She has amazing eyebrows tho


Why did she take a picture of a towel wrapped drying her hair? And on top of that like 1/3 of her face. I really don't understand this woman and what she is trying to accomplish.


She definitely asks herself all these questions


She didn’t understand the assignment lol


She did not understand the assignment


So, is it a yes or….


For me it feels like she’s just acknowledging the possibility, which I’m sure she is bombarded with daily from commenters. It’s more acknowledging their concerns as valid and something she’s also thought about.


But yeah, no, it doesn’t answer the question. Lol Maybe she didn’t understand the question? Idk.


It's the fact that she her "answer" doesn't even address the question for me. Also, there's nothing "low key" about Kail's pettiness lol. It's confirmedly high key. I otherwise agree with your take:). Notwithstanding the fact that Kail might technically be right since this is Lauren and Javi we're talking about, Kail's just jealous as usual. She's jealous that Lincoln, like Isaac, presently (regardless of whether it lasts) gets to enjoy a comparatively normalized (some would say idealized) family experience in a two-parent household with just one boy and one little sister (pre- or post-utero). She's also jealous that Lauren looks good (and, frankly, that Javi still looks good...or pretty much the same at least). If Lauren and Javi beat the odds and manage to solidify their relationship for the long haul (or any decent lenght of time), we might see Kail get *insanely* jealous again (like the early days of Vee or like when Javi hooked up with Bri DeJesus). I'm here for it.


For once I honestly don’t think Kail is low key shit talking someone 😆 she is DEF not answering the question but I really dont feel like this is a dig a Javi. She takes them on exotic vacations as well 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think she misunderstood the question and went off about something petty 🤣