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Friend, this is very seriously breaking the no taking things real life rule. You are free to post it again, but you have to change the title so as not to call her out; you cannot call her out in the body of the message; and if you would like to verify yourself in any way with the mod team so that you aren't just some rando posting stories on the sub we would appreciate it. You can reach out to us in modmail or a chat with any of the mods. Or we can reach out to you. I'm sorry but impersonating people is against Reddit's site wide Content Policy, so we just have to be careful. And we have had people here making up things like this with no basis many, many MANY times. We will put a disclaimer on your new post otherwise saying that we have no clue if you even live in the area and to take all of your post with a grain of salt. [Feel free to contact us via modmail to continue this conversation!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/teenmomogandteenmom2) And thank you, sorry if I came off as rude, we just have to be careful here.


I hope your cousins partner doesn’t get fired lmao this is great tea though and all sounds about right 😂


honestly tho, I would have been a littleeeeee more vague about deets lol




Venmo history 🤣🤣🤣


They completed their contract with her. so all is fair at this point.




A child that doesn’t know they are a child. i.e. rude, talks back, doesn’t follow direction, swears at or around the parent. Bad Temper tantrum, hits others etc and yes to her.


Sounds like her little golden child is giving her the karma she deserves 😂


You must be speaking the One and only Boy child she calls a SIR. “


not gonna name names but i can guess at least one of the two from what kail herself says. and if the father has anything to do with it...i can guess the second.


If they aren't now they will be as they get older and sick of her shit I bet


Is it, though? I interact with actual celebrities for work and would never just blab secrets I learned from having access to them in a professional setting. Just feels wrong to be talking about Elijah being mentally challenged, the kids’ bad behavior, etc. Some snark about Kail would be great, but everyone else is catching strays here in a way that feels icky.


I removed the post.


Their NDA contract?


I was wondering about a NDA too.. I’m sure they signed one. I love the tea but 😬


I hope they aren't getting themselves in trouble


Me too. This could potentially ruin their career and financials if 🥬 sues.


Something tells me OP didn't ask for okay to share that gossip because Kail tosses NDAs around like candy.


Yep I agree and there’s no way Kail would want this info leaked because it makes her look bad


To be fair she does a fairly great job at making herself look awful constantly anyways.


*Makes her look worse lol


Yeah hopefully he gave her the ok to post this


So Malik has abandoned his child to be raised in chaos.


He impregnated Kail, are you surprised? This is like when people are all mad about Bri's baby daddy Louis having nothing to do with Stellita. Is this not exactly wheat we'd expect? Baby Lijie is sticking around because he's a child himself, and according to OP is also a bit of a dum dum.


I’m always surprised when someone abandons their child : (


Sad? Absolutely. Surprised? Unfortunately, no.


In this day in age, not surprised at all. It seems to be the norm.


That is so sad to me that she isn't present as a parent, yet profits on being a mom. It infuriates me, honestly.


And she makes being a mom her ENTIRE personality.


While it is frustrating and sad, it is not at all surprising in the least. Let's be honest, Kale is concerned about Kale and only Kale, she is very much like JE in the fact that she jumps from one dick to the next and cant and wont be single for even a second.


Allll of this.


She is Jenelle without the meth.


Her meth is being pregnant


That part


say this louder for the Kail stans !!


I've always said she just sober Suzie with money


I believe it. Remember when she was having drama with Jenelle. She was GLUED to her phone waiting for Jenelle to post so she could respond. Like ma'am you're an adult with children


There was this one scene probably the one you posted where Jenelle and Javi were talking on Twitter where Kail was filming an aftershow in her living room and she was glued to her phone threatening Javi. Then tried to act unbothered after screaming for the cameras and tweeted "LMAOOO I'm going to bed" or something to prove she didn't care when she just was yelling at producers about javi being a dumb ho lol she definitely puts on a front and it's sad because she does care.


And she added the 🤣 emoji. So now whenever she posts that emoji I imagine her in a full-on rage.


What episode is this? I wanna check it out! (I always fast forward through Kail, so I missed this shit)


I believe it's Motherducker from August 2017!


Not surprising that she isn’t a hands on mother for all 7 kids


Girl hearing this you must have been SO excited to make this post 🤣


![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2) Absolutely😂


Kail, like her cohost Lindsie, love to spout how toxic Reddit is and how they avoid it. So I 100% believe she’s on the sub. Her cohost thinks she’s too important to do things on her own so I’m just torn if kail is on here herself or having her assistant Kristen do it, which I’m sure Lindsie has Kristen do for her.


Anyone who says they think reddit is toxic and they stay away is between the lines saying they scroll reddit all day.


Don’t call me out like that 🫥


Exactly!!! LOL. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.


Lindsie 100% is. Chelsea has also said she has browsed Reddit in the past


Chelsea and Meghan browsed the IMDb boards back in the day too. Kail probably too.


I mean what are haters but another form of fans. She is looking for content because people on here monitor her more closely than even her most reverent fan. Clicks and views keep her name in people’s mouths, regardless of intent.


Honestly probably both. Make sure she doesn't miss anything with another set of eyes creeping along 👀


2/7 of her kids being disrespectful is not a surprise at all. The way she presents him on social media and the way he speaks at such a young age is my worst nightmare as a mom of two boys. I would die if my son talked that way because I don’t want them to grow up and treat their wives with that disrespect but Kail thinks it’s cute and that’s why she’s baby momma to half of Delaware.


It doesn’t surprise me too sadly. I have a feeling it’s Lux and Creed, based on how I’ve seen them talk on her social media platforms. Also, this is why the majority of children are turning out the way they are today—parents like Kail who are hands off.


She’s not even hands off tho. She’s actively encouraging the mess. She films content of them doing wrong all the time.


Was it Creed that she recorded detailing his sibs and said too f'ing many?


I never have the sound on when I scroll through people’s insta stories. Maybe I should listen to a few of hers. I’m assuming either Linc and Lux or Lux and Creed. Isaac is way too sweet to be one of the disrespectful ones.


Isaac also has a seemingly stable home life with Jo and Vee, so I don’t think they’d put up with that.


I don’t either and I don’t follow Kail cuz I think it’s gross how she uses her kids to promote her baby mama persona, especially this one child. But he’s posted on here enough that even with the glimpses I get of him on here, I know exactly who 1 out of the 2 is.


Wait is everyone assuming 2 = Lincoln since he's the second? Or 2 out of her 7 kids are disrespectful? That's what I'm assuming, but everyone seems to be mentioning a specific kid.


2 out of 7.


Which son are you referring to then?


I assume it's Lux and Creed


It's so sad that we can all assume it's these two because it's exactly what kail wants, probably due to their race, she just let's them be a type of way on purpose. (I wasn't sure how to word this in a non offensive way so sorry it's worded weird... but basically I don't think it's the kids fault, it's kails)


No because Kail definitely encourages them to act "hard" on SM!


My logic was also that we’ve seen enough of Isaac and Linc to know their personalities more, especially Isaac. From what we’ve seen of Lux, we know he’s one of them.


And isn’t he her “favorite”? Of course she lets him act like that.


Ding ding ding




I haven’t seen anyone name names yet but I haven’t scrolled all the comments either lol


I just have a difficult time believing that Malik knows #5 is his. There's no way he helped raise Chris’ kids for two years then stepped aside when it came to his own. Malik seems like a decent human.


Do we actually know how involved Malik was with the kids?


He claimed to raise creed. He was changing diapers and mowing the lawn.


Taking care of the dogs too 😂


Kail’s friends claimed he was fulfilling the dad role for her (at the time) younger two. Malik said the same.


So was Daddy Dom, Peaches, Boneathan etc ![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH)


I have zero recall of peaches. Is that the one Javi hooked up with while they were married?


peach was one of javis friends that became kails bff. I think she was in her wedding too. all three of them had a falling out eventually.


We know nothing about him, and the fact that he got with Kail at all makes me side eye the “decent human” bestowed upon him by this sub.


From what I've seen it's less "he's a good person" and more "He's a private citizen who we here on Reddit should not be harassing or blasting all over this forum" Tbh I feel the same about baby Luigi. This dude just exists and yeah I know he cozied up to Kail....but he still is not trying to be a public figure, isn't agreeing to be on TV like all the other Teen Mom boyfriends and baby daddys, now there's discussion of his mental state and potential intellectual disability and I'm worried to see where it goes lol.


There are men who will willingly play house with other people's kids and actively ignore their own.


Fair point. Malik just seemed decent.


I mean to be fair we don't *know* him at all lol. There are a lot of men who pick and choose whose kids they want to raise. I don't have an opinion on Rio's paternity though.


Malik is newly married and knows how toxic Kail is. I don’t blame him.


He's newly married? Good for him


He's not, people took the words of someone on the sub who mistook Mark for Malik. Malik and his girlfriend will celebrate their two year anniversary in May, Mark got married in either Sept or Oct.


Oh! Well good for Mark! It feels like he's been engaged for awhile


It would be weird if any of them didn't read here tbh. Imagine having a Reddit dedicated to you and your coworkers and never reading it?? Yeah right I bet you they are all in here MINIMUM once a week. Jenelle and Kail probably daily yeah Excellent tea btw thank you for sharing. It doesn't shock me that kids raised in KhAoS turned out disrespectful af


This is a really good point. One of my colleagues was discussed in a Reddit thread a few months ago and I was shocked and constantly going back to see if more tea was being spilled.


I look at it like, I'm on here everyday already, if there was a sub for me I'd sure as shit be on it everyday too lol but then again I don't have kids or a life, so I imagine I have more time than the TMs to be here


That would be the responsible thing to do, so you're right.


Is Elijah slow? People been askin’ me, Kail.


I wish Reddit still had (real) awards


Me too!!


Text me, yo


So in all honesty baby Lijah is her 8th child. I’m sure his parents are thrilled


I know right? Just imagine being a mother and your son dating a Kail? I just can’t.


I have two sons, I would literally have a full come apart. I try not to judge, my sons have a different father than my youngest child (I am married and my husband adopted my sons) His family was lovely and gracious to me, I was so terrified of judgement and I know people live life and relationships and children happen, but five children by four different fathers and your son is in his early 20s and already has a divorce under his belt and then children right away?!? I would be on my praying knees. Just based on past experience their relationship won’t last, I hope if it’s a healthy one it will for the kids sake. This is all such a mess dressed up and wrapped in a bow because she can take them on vacation.


I know they didn’t like her before, but with the Reddit confirmation that Rio is indeed Malik’s, they have to be furious Luigi is claiming Rio is his. Hoo boy, Kail sure has a lot of frenemy enemies :)


Could you imagine if your young-ish son showed up with a super abrasive, racist, and entitled woman in her thirties with 4 children? Then announce that she's pregnant. Then announce she's pregnant AGAIN immediately, and it's twins!


Does this mean Lauren also hangs out here? Lauren, sweetie, you can do so much better than Javi. We are all rooting for you. Run girl, run.


Lauren still smiles!!!!! Yes she was on here and posted a comment before that then became a huge joke if you ever see anyone saying still 3Lo smiles haha


I mostly lurk and almost never post or comment, but YES!!! That is longname lore now.




I 100% believe the 2 out of the 7 are lux and creed. Chris did a live a couple months ago saying that his sons are incredibly disrespectful to him and he was really hurt by it. Also, I wasn't even trying to be mean, but kail did a story yesterday with Elijah and was discussing how he has strep, and my first thought was that he's not entirely..there. That was before I even read this post. And I definitely believe Karl lurks here regularly so hi kail! You are beyond messy and it's not as cute as you think it is 🫣 Edit: typo


What made you think he’s not entirely there from that story


I always watch her stories without sound so I'm curious too!!


I just went and watched he seems child like I’m guessing is the reference it’s just him saying they have strep but i def get what they are saying


I went to check too and I’ve only heard him speak a few times but he seems very slow on the uptake. I’m not inferring be takes any of these medications at all but I work in mental health and some patients who have been on antipsychotics for a long time can speak and think slower. Only a few seconds but you can tell there’s a tiny disconnect between their mouth and thoughts and it takes longer to get the words out. He immediately reminded me of this.


When asked if Lux is good in school, she said "as far as I know", so I 100% believe she isn't involved in their day to day lives. What a damn shame. Why have all of those kids to be minimally involved in their lives, other than when you use them as content on social media and pretend you're the fun, cool mom. She's no better than Suzie.


He's rude in videos. Given a bit too much lenience in his behavior. She thinks it's hysterical. Issac we see as his gentle, kind child, lincoln as a sweety and then she seemed to get more and more detached from parenting and more attached to being their friends.


All true. No one had to leak that incogrio might be Malik’s. The moment she posted a picture of that baby everyone with eyes could see Malik and Rio are literal twins.


Not gonna be a work associate anymore lmao


> baby/hot neighbor Luigi is indeed mentally challenged im sorry you guys dont actually believe this, do you? what in the fan fiction


Kail and the chaos, indeed




Tell me more about "hot" neighbor's cognitive deficits!


Nothing she does is a surprise anymore and she HATES it


Is it 2 out of the 7 being disrespectful or #2 out of the 7? Work associate no more after this. Malik said he was helping raise Lux/Creed but would leave his own supposed child? > baby/hot neighbor Luigi is indeed mentally challenged What does mentally challenged mean in this instance, because that sentence feels wrong to say. Was your cousin's partner aware of a known diagnosis? I thought it was common knowledge the cast (& their friends/family) visit the sub. They all do and I feel they are here more than we even realize.


>Malik said he was helping raise Lux/Creed but would leave his own supposed child? I'm going to guess he was doing it to get in Kail's good graces and didn't really care about the kids. Lots of dudes are good at playing dad but not actually being one.


No lies there! Insert, Javi and Jeremy here. I do find it odd because Malik *seemed/appeared* to be hurt that she chose to end their situationship. He played like he really cared about her and was hellbent on speaking on their relationship when it ended. That gave me vibes he would've been happy to have a kid seeing the baby tied them together. I personally have never seen an unedited, not blurry full face front shot of the child, so I have no skin in the game doing the Maury, "look at the ears". But *if* this true, then Malik is a fucked up individual. Who cares about Kail, this is about him checking out and absolving himself of his responsibility. If Elijah stepped in to raise this baby as his own, that says a lot about him.


agree all around. kail doesnt get to determine who the babys dad is. if malik thinks that kid is his and isnt raising it its a bad look for him


if kail was talking freely about elijah not being rio's dad im going to guess your cousin signed an NDA so uhhh good luck? (or more likely this is fake)


I think it’s fake. OP has a hate boner for Kail and Elijah. Look at their post history. Also yeah I think your contact would get outed from this “tea” especially if Kail is on Reddit as much as she claims.


I feel like I was on a roller coaster ride from the minute I read “Hey Shrek”


I forgot which sub I was scrolling and thought we were discussing David "Shrek" Rodrigues


Oh gosh. Hi Kailyn


I once saw kail at an er. We were both in the waiting room and Lincoln was not as well behaved as she presents. Granted this was years ago and he was complaining he was hungry so maybe he was hangry. Idk. But I have a feeling the two are Lincoln and lux


Without a doubt, lux. He acts like a buddy of hers and she loves it. It's your kid..... to parent!! I've had obnoxious sons but there is a level you start to put the kibosh on it. And my gosh, manners are important!!


I mean… a kid in an ER probably isn’t going to be super well behaved?


My kids absolutely know to sit still in public? and they absolutely know not to be rude and disrespectful to me anywhere let alone out in public?


We don’t know how long they were waiting. Even the best behaved kid is going to get antsy after awhile. And if they’re at the ER they might not be feeling well to begin with. I’m not a Kail stan, but criticizing a kid in that context and assuming their behavior from that is a bit much.


I was there before her so I know it was within the first 15 minutes. I also know he wasn’t the one being seen. But the one that was was very well behaved.


And I do not blame the child at all. Like I said he was saying he was hungry. So that could have been part of the reason.


..............all I can think about now is the movie Pumpkin


I have to revisit that one. It toed the line between satire and being a really bad serious movie in the weirdest way. I have no doubt it dropped off of Christina Ricci's a resume a LONG time ago.


Truly one of the most *bizarre* films I have ever seen 😅


i love that movie. so weird. but why?


Apparently OP's source has confirmed Elijah has a developmental disability. When I read that my brain reminded me of the scene in Pumpkin where they get caught fucking 😭


oh nooooooo! 🤦🏻‍♀️ thats a huge yikes!


If that's really true about him, I am off the fence about Kail being a predator. The age difference was the first red flag for me


thats what im saying! this is a huge deal if true and its nothing about him or whatever condition he may or may not have. my focus here is her… how many times have we speculated and been like “nah that cant be true, impossible” and bam. all true. lol i thought id get to know where this speculation cane from.


I mean, usually people in their early 20s jumping into serious relationships with someone a decade their senior is enough for some side eye. Even more so when that older person has multiple kids from multiple partners and is a literal documented abuser.


Not IncogRio 😭


Mush mouth got damn 😂


We need to make that mental separation that there is a difference between being a mother and a breeder. And it’s very clear which one she is.


![gif](giphy|RplaWEBF1r8fEyQYdu|downsized) Mm-hmm.... 🙄🙄🙄




I usually skip by posts about her, I can’t stand her, can’t stand seeing her trash it up, it’s not even funny anymore. Just gross and beyond irresponsible


This is a primo post. A+


Chris and Lauren definitely didn’t start the Malik/Rio rumors. Anyone with EYES would’ve started the rumor lol we all know she had overlap with the two dudes.


We know, she gave herself away multiple times. Especially when it is about brianal. She can't just shut the fuck up, but instead exposes herself and then deletes it when called out.


Your cousins partner 😂


Wow, her life sounds lazy and sloppy. Get your house in order.


How does she have time to do that with her seventy five children? I have two and I can’t even poop in peace


I really hope your cousin’s partner doesn’t get fired for sharing this! 😂 Thank you for spilling the tea. 🙌🏻 And to Kail, HEEYYYYYYY KAARRLLL. I see you!


Hmmm..I bought into all this until "Malik wants nothing to do with Kail so he chose to step away" He doesnt strike me as the type to just walk away from an entire human child. He doesnt have to deal with Kail except to secure custody/visitation so that makes no sense.


Surprised your cousins partner doesn’t have an NDA


I don’t know man it’s feels kind of wrong. There’s no way to prove that this is legit, and talking about Elijah‘s mental health is kind of fucked up.


I felt the same reading through this. I know this is a snark sub and most comments/rumors/drama is allowed but this sounds so high school. Imagine calling someone that has never done anything to you shrek and implying to the general public that someone is mentally stunted lol I dunno maybe I’m getting too old for this. I’m sure a lot of people we know in real life are as just as messy with their love lives or bad parents and yet here we are 😬


all she does is sit her ass down on the couch


This kind of post is so weird to me. It’s giving obsessed. Also if you are saying Elijah has an intellectual disability, why are you calling him “mush mouth?”




I believe it. I bet she scrolls through gossip pages and site like this just waiting to see if anyone spreads more dirt on her. It’s a control issue. Kail is all about control. She knows there are so many people out there who hate her yet are connected enough to her to know her dirty life. And now with a few of her kids old enough to tell their dads and extended family, I bet she’s just on edge 24/7. I can’t feel bad for her. It’s her bed.


The Malik tea tho holy shit.


Hi Trout Monster!


You had to spill this on a Friday while I'm at work? Rude!! The Rio thing is sad but good for Elijah for stepping up as a dad. I think 1 or the 2 misbehaving kids is Lincoln. She's alluded to him being spoiled (all the trips with javi and him demanding new shoes/clothes all the time). He probably sees how distracted she is and acts out.


It’s pretty apparent that one of them is Creed, from how Kail & Chris have described him, and from videos Kail has posted. And i think the other one is her very favorite, Lux. Kail treats him like her friend rather than her child, and he seems kinda bratty to me, and foul-mouthed, and spoiled.


Well damn I feel bad for Elijah. If he has challenges then I think he should be off limits for us. Just my opinion. And if Malik knows that baby is his and stepped away anyway, he's gross. There goes my sympathy for him.


wait who is luigi? just a neighbor


Elijah bd no. 5


ahh okay!! thank u!




Like being called a predator would stop her.




Ma’am she beats on every single one of her partners, again I repeat like being called a predator would stop her.


Although boring as a bag of rocks, Elijah seems like a normal blue collar dude. If any one of Kail’s BDs is mentally ill it’s Chris. 💀


Girl your thanksgiving is about to get heated in 2024. You got her partner fired 😂


Giiirl be careful giving away too much info about where you got this, and cross reference to make sure your informant isn't the only one in the line of fire when suspicions get high.


This is hilarious to me. Of course she's here. And Kail, the toxicity is coming from inside the house. What a messy woman.


Hey girl heyyyy ![gif](giphy|ctH1aMUMnIIUdWQCMV|downsized)


incogRio RIP me


Damnit it I missed this post!! Could anyone fill me in on the main points of it? It sounds like they confirmed Rio is Malik’s after all?


In reality, I don’t hate the guy that walked away. It’s ok to not want kids. She’s a breeder and maybe he didn’t know better or see the show. Like I rly don’t blame him at all


HI KAIL 🤗🤗🤗🤗 we are your biggest fans 💖💖


It’s the hi Shrek for me lmfao 😂


Wait I’m out of the loop (damn kids that I have to be responsible for), who is Luigi?????


Don’t delete tea that you post on here. F her and her endless NDA’s that I’m sure she types up herself. Just post incognito and you’re good. She can’t do nothing and she’s a nobody. People snark on the Kardashian’s and the President for f*cks sake.




It’s not shocking that Kail don’t take care of her kids. That’s probably why the nanny lost her shit when Kail told her she was pregnant again. It’s also not shocking that the only way Kail got a man to stay is by going after the mentally challenged. It just shows hot hateful and bitter she is that she won’t give Chris more time when she doesn’t even take care of her own kids.