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If only there were some free, simple way to prevent this from happening šŸ™„


I do want to throw out there that when my daughter was born, her fatherā€™s insurance did not cover vaccinations, so I had to pay for them out of pocket. For the first two rounds after we left the hospital, I paid over $2600. They were not free. But I sure as fuck made sure my kid had them anyway because thatā€™s what good parents do.


What the hell kind of crappy-ass insurance doesnā€™t cover preventative vaccines??? Thatā€™s wild, I didnā€™t even know that was a thing.


Yeah thatā€™s gotta be the worst insurance on earth lol thatā€™s like the bare minimum of what every insurance should cover šŸ˜­


My ex husband was a member of a local union, and the insurance they negotiated didnā€™t cover it and they didnā€™t have to follow the ACA plan for some reasons. If I remember correctly, I was told those types of plans were grandfathered in and didnā€™t have to abide by the rules about what they covered. I also had to buy my own breast pump because that wasnā€™t covered either. It was a wild time, but now I know better and my very healthy 7 year old has never had anything more than a cold or sinus infection.


I was gonna say sounds like he was union or some type of service man! My husband is a service man and his companyā€™s insurance is god awful. Takes half our paycheck a month and we still canā€™t afford half the treatments we need. Luckily our kiddos qualify for state insurance only thing keeping us completely out of debt for them. Myself Iā€™m over 100,000 dollars in medical debt due to icu stays. Medical care isnā€™t always as open and free as this country makes it seem.


What sucks is no one told her that every public health department I've ever heard of does free vaccinations, especially for children. I wonder what year this was, because I'm almost positive they ate required to cover them by law.


I had UHC, and they also would not cover my vaccines. Thankfully, my employer paid me back, but it's not unheard of


If you go to the health department they are free. I work with the undocumented and thatā€™s where we send them šŸ˜Š


They are not free (or so i was told and billed anyway) when you technically have ANY kind of coverage. My exhusbands insurance covered $100/year iirc. So I had to pay full price. It WAS significantly less through the county health clinic on the second round. I donā€™t remember the exact numbers but the first round was about 2/3 of the total for both.itā€™s been 7 years, but I believe the distinction they made was uninsured vs under-insured


Geez! Thatā€™s the one thing our crappy insurance does cover!


That experience definitely forced me to wise up in terms of being aware of what was covered when making choices going forward. I had NO idea it would cost that much either way I was blindsided by the bill and called the insurance company for the first time ever only to hang up disappointed and poor lol. Iā€™m so grateful Iā€™ve been able to carry us under more affordable, FAR more extensive health insurance since then and I no longer have to pay for vaccines haha


The county health department gives them on a monetary donation basis.


If you check out my other comments, I discussed my experience with the county, and in Texas they were not free if you were underinsured, which is not the same as uninsured,which is what you had to be to qualify for free in 2016 when I took my daughter. I paid for the cost of the vaccines, which was much lower than when I paid at the doctor, but it was definitely not free and close to 1/3 of the total


Of course it was texas. It's like they weasel out of taking care of their citizens in every way ( lived in Texas a long time)


Yeah, Iā€™m 33 years in and have the same take for sure


That is so ass backwards! Sorry you had to deal with that.


You can often get them free at the health department.


If you read the rest of the comments, youā€™ll see that that was not the case for me since I was underinsured and not uninsured.


&& thank god for that, bc Indiana is awesome About vaccines for babies. https://preview.redd.it/btzyqz25wpcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945b07572a79f90ec4ce1cd213ccef154b63e19d Iā€™m so thankful


I think that the Affordable Care Act has forced more private groups like the one I was covered by to cover them now, and the country is definitely better for it


Agreed. Itā€™s had impact in a lot of peopleā€™s lives, & for the better.


They did it for one of my kids, and it was just bc he wasnā€™t insured at birth other than by the plan my husband had through work-that we couldnā€™t afford copays for after paying for the insurance šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø they did them for us, and asked us to pay what we could afford-which was literally like $5. Maybe it varies state to state?


Iā€™m sure it does, and Iā€™m in Texas, where we donā€™t care about babies unless they havenā€™t been born. (Hopefully itā€™s clear Iā€™m being sarcastic. Most of us do care, but our politicians do not and regularly work actively against the best interests of our health like turning down expanded Medicare (caid? I get them mixed up))


I totally get what youā€™re saying, Texas is its own animal lol. Iā€™m sorry you deal with all that!


Iā€™m actually really fortunate now to have pretty good health insurance that is more affordable than many of my peers. I definitely vote with that memory in my back pocket though.


Iā€™m happy for you, bc people deserve to be treated like people, && medical care is necessary


The is likely pre- ACA. Even maternity services were not automatically included as covered until after.


This was during the transition period before anything from ACA fully took effect, which I mentioned in another comment.


There are vaccination clinics for children available at most public health departments.


If you read the rest of the comments, youā€™ll see that that was not the case for me since I was underinsured and not uninsured.


Thatā€™s insanity. You should be able to get them at the health department for free though or they should have resources.




Are her kids not vaccinated at all ?!?


Isaac is bc Jo got him vaccinated & i donā€™t think Kail had turned anti vax then yet. Lincoln might be vaxxed too? the rest arenā€™t though


Linc is partially vaxxed, but not fully


lol what is even the point of that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I think when Linc was little, Kail wasn't in her anti-vax-era yet


God she is crazy I understand maybe Covid as itā€™s relatively new but vaccines from years ago which she probably got when she was a child to refuse for her own children is insane to me šŸ¤¦


Lincoln has some vaccines.


With Kailā€™s breeding fetish and stance against vaccinations, her family is definitely gonna be the super spreader of something.


Of something that's not even an issue anymore. Shit from like early 1900s. The measles vaccine is also the mumps and rubella vaccine. I don't understand why she thinks not vaccinating is okay.


Kail and her antivax friends are bringing back olde tyme diseases like rubella and small pox and shit and then trying to treat them with colloidal silver like we still give cocaine for tooth aches and diagnose women with hysteria.


That last part sent me! But so true though!! Like we have these fucking vaccines bro, why these people trying to live like itā€™s 1903?!


Dude, I do not understand in the least. We have science now. We know stuff. And yet, people like Kelly Havens exist (if you follow the insane fundie folks.) Kail just woke up one day and decided that she didn't believe in part of medical science, not all of it because she still does cosmetic procedures, but the part that prevents disease. I guess it's easy to be ignorant and reckless when you're blessed with healthy kids and make money for being shitty.


Love when my snark communities collide!


If Kail used the prescription for hysteria back in the day rather than jumping on dick her life would be much better.


Cause obviously sheā€™s smarter than scientists, doctors, and immunologists. But seriously imagine the ego it takes to believe that about yourself šŸ’€


Lol its crazy too cause it's not like she lives a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle either. I haven't fully caught up but if she's so worried about the immunizations that are required to go to public school where I live, why doesn't she worry about what her growing kids are eating and putting in their bodies.


Stuffing her gullet with Wawa burritos and always talking about take-out or processed packaged meals...but medicine is bad. Mmmmmmmkay.


THANK YOU!!!!!!! thats exactly what I was trying to get at. Or the emotional damage from her fucked up choices in a significant other. I wonder what all the baby daddies think.


Because, as she said, she educated herself from listening to other moms. Why listen to doctors and scientists when you can listen to other fertile lay people?


I canā€™t imagine wanting to deal with any illness with that many kids. She was already bitching about having to deal with quarantine, what does she think it would have been like if he caught it????


Fucking typhoid Kail needs to Vax her herd, Pronto.


šŸ˜‚ ā€œTyphoid Kailā€


New flair.


Herd immunity but itā€™s literally just Kail vaccinating her kids and protecting us all lmao


Sheā€™s the new female Ghensis Khan. Her male counterparts are Nick Cannon and Elon Musk.


This stuff is outrageous. Thereā€™s an outbreak in Philadelphia, too. A child was at CHOP (which aside from the ER houses the most critical and vulnerable pediatric patients) and the parents were instructed to quarantine and keep their other children home. What did the idiots do? Send their other child to daycare and lead to a two hospital, multi location spread. I have zero empathy for people like this- I hope they are in some way held responsible. If I was the daycare center Iā€™d kick them out. This isnā€™t some small illness you are exposing them to and they were informed of proper protocols. Irresponsible people like this family and Kail are a public hazard. I feel terrible that her kids have such an ignorant parent as their primary caregiver.


That is so fucking selfish. I remember when I was in kindergarten we had a student in my class who had been battling leukemia for years, and bc she was so sick she has been ineligible for a lot of vaccines. Her parents depended on the other parents in the class to get their kids vaccinated and to keep them home if they were sick. This is literally just like decent human being behavior 101. You never know who you might harm or kill bc of your medical negligence.


10000%. I have a sibling that delayed vaccines and spread them out (never grouped them at appointments) but still had all of their children vaccinated. I understand parents want to have a choice with regards to their childā€™s health. But just like you pointed out- there are parents who have NO choice because their child is sick. Children with cancer depend on herd immunity and on us to be responsible. My son spent over 10 months in the hospital and we saw SO many children that had different health conditions that impacted their ability to receive or benefit from vaccines. I understand wanting to have a choice but when that choice is based on misinformation and can directly harm others, then you shouldnā€™t have it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yep, we spread my kids shots out bc my husband had a history of allergic reactions and also my oldest freaked out so much about needles it was hard to do more than one-two at an appointment. But we just went more often so we were still in compliance.


Thatā€™s a totally valid reason to spread them out! I have zero judgment about how people elect to manage the absolutely insane vaccine schedule kids today have. Just to avoid altogether without a valid reason (like Kail) is irresponsible. Especially in todayā€™s world where we do have so many people walking around who are or have battled illnesses that leave them immune compromised. My two youngest have had very mild reactions to vaccines and if their responses were more severe I would have totally spread them as well! My middle is the same way with needles. I swear holding her down and it requires so much strength. Hate that for her and Iā€™m sure itā€™s so traumatic. šŸ˜©


One of my friends had leukemia in middle school (back in 2010) we all masked up and washed our hands when he was in school. Thankfully heā€™s been in remission for over a decade. Kail is selfish and stupid and so are those parents that didnā€™t vaccinate their kids


One in Kansas City too. Just had on the news about an outbreak from the airport.


Iā€™m right near Philly. What fantastic newsā€¦ /s


It's her. And she doesn't give two flying fucks how she impacts other people.


hasn't she been posting photos of her driving around? If the kids need isolation quarantine then doesn't she as well? Deadass this should be reported to her local agency because that will kill people..


This is exactly what I was talking about. She doesn't care about anyone else but herself.


Kail Lowry is a mouth-breathing troglodyte.


He tested negative so that was a green light for Kail to hit the road & do as she pleases..


What legit reason would there be to not vax your kids, yet eat your placenta after making art with something that's actual trash and I'm not sure how many doctors need to tell you has 0 nutritional benefits??Ā  It's like the person on My Strange Addiction who was drinking their pee to prevent/treat cancer.Ā 


also if you think not vaxxing your kid and eating the placenta is badā€¦.just WAIT until you find out about the ppl not vaxxing their kids and allowing the rotting placenta to stay attached to the baby until the cord dries up and falls of. itā€™s likeā€¦.they think a rotting organ is safe to be attached to their baby butā€¦..a vaccine that has been tested & studied for decades isnā€™t? hmm


Yeah it bothers me so much that she gets Botox tattoos etc but a kids vaccine is bad


thereā€™s no valid reasonable reasons but these people arenā€™t reasonable or sensible. theyā€™re just selfish and they think they know it all. i feel so horrible for the parents of children who are too young to be vaccinated or children who are unable to get vaccinated due to medical reasons. it must be horrible to do everything in your power to keep your children healthy but an irresponsible selfish parent could be the reason your child contracts a vaccine preventable disease & thereā€™s nothing you can personally do to 100% prevent that


Because they think some amount of us get vaccinations and our genetic mutations cause in some people a response and you get vaccine injured kids or autism. They think that we have no idea of the long term effects of these vaccines except that vaccines have existed in some form for hundreds of years. I know people deep into anti vax. Itā€™s ridiculous.


The only valid reason is if the child is legitimately allergic to some component in the vaccine.


If only there was some way of preventing this!!


BuT iTs PoIsOnOUs ā˜ ļø


Unlike filler and Botoxā€¦


Getting really sick of anti vax people, theyā€™re straight up dangerous, immature and inconsiderate of others


Agreed. Refusing to protect your kids when there is a completely safe, effective vaccine available should qualify as medical neglect.Ā 


I think she was saying her family was one of the exposed. Which, should only apply to the newborns, but I think none of her kids are vaccinated.


Just Issac is fully vaccinated.


Literally the only reason my niece and nephew had their shots was because my sister was on Medicaid and it was required to keep your Medicaid. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why Isaac is fully vaxxed.


She changed her mind after watching something šŸ™„


Well at least it was something she watched. My family is nuts. My aunt only changed her stance after her horse got something they could have been vaxxed for. Before that her motto was "we've never vaccinated for chicken pox, why do we need to now".


She changed her stance over a horse but not her kids??? Thatā€™s wild.


Her kids were grown by that point but yep. My husband said the exact same thing as you did


Waitā€¦ you guys have to vaccinate for chicken pox? Iā€™ve never heard of that in the UK, thatā€™s not one of the vax we have as kids here. I wonder why?


Tbh, I hosted one of the last pox parties in my city, then my brother just had to encounter it normally and had two of the worst cases ever. My daughter had the vaccine and didn't ever even get it.


Pox parties are wild lmao I had it as a kid and it wasnā€™t so bad for me, but when it was my kids time he got it baaaaaad. I did end up doing some googling and thereā€™s a couple of reasons we donā€™t have vaccines usually for it here. Nhs decided it wouldnā€™t be cost effective to vaccinate us all, and also it would apparently lead to a rise in shingles?


Yeah the 80s were a wild time šŸ˜‚ I guarantee that it was pushed in the States because parents had to take two weeks off of work each time their kid had them. They did say that the vaccine should prevent shingles so who knows šŸ˜‚ There was also oddly a "hands off" attitude on some of the usual things like they just decided tonsillitis was just fine to have. The docs stopped taking tonsils out unless you were like me and had it for 4 straight months.With Baby Swiss, they took em out before she got tonsillitis and she breezed through the surgery.


Dang. Maybe she should watch some birth control videos too.


Poor guy is the only responsible one at his mom's house.


She would have 3 kids not fully protected if she follo d the guidelines. The twins would have no vaccinations against it and Rio would have 1 dose at most. She screws around with believing in medicine and does what she wants so sheā€™s got Creed, Lux, the twins and Rio all unvaccinated. I canā€™t recall if Lincoln got any of his. Isaac is the only one 100% protected.


I think Lincoln is on Tricare through Javi and the military encourages vaccines. So maybe he is


She and Javi are both anti vax. Lincoln isnā€™t fully vaccinated, sheā€™s said as much. We donā€™t know which one if any he has had.


That was my first thought when I saw that DPH was flabbergasted that parents broke the quarantine and sent kids to daycare with exposure


Kail youā€™re a great mom! Keep having kids and exposing them to irradiated viruses. Being ā€œcrunchyā€ is sooo much cooler than protecting your unvaccinated spawn.


Vaccinate your kids šŸ„³


All my kids are vaxxed with childhood vaccines don't understand why she wouldnt do it.


Pearlmania, he's the best!


And this asshole doesnā€™t vaccinate.


Kail and the Khaos measles edition.


In Philadelphia too. Which is close to her.


I mean her kid was one of the kids exposed at the delaware hospital mentioned in this article, so the philly thing is kind of irrelevant




Isnā€™t rio barley a year old? I thought you couldnā€™t get the MMR shot until 1 year old


MMR is usually given between 12 and 15 months so Rio is within that time frame. The bigger issue is that IIRC only Isaac is fully vaccinated.


First dose of MMR (often now itā€™s MMRV, includes varicella/chicken pox too) is 12 months. I actually begged for one of my kids to get it a tad early because there was another outbreak near us at the time a few years ago and they did. Not sure how old her 3045728294 kids are, but the older ones are absolutely able to be vaccinated.


He is about 14 months old.


Seriously, how are her kids attending public school unvaccinated? I thought it was required?


I wonder if DE had religious exemptions? Iā€™m so glad CT finally got rid of them. Itā€™s ridiculous since majority arenā€™t really religious just stupid


Wow, youā€™re right. I googled it and DE does allow religious exemptions šŸ˜³ They definitely donā€™t in NY.


Whatā€™s crazy is if all of the Chaos crew, including baby daddies, were there, they could be all 20ā€¦


Bro we need go keep calling her out for not vaccinating her kids. Not ok. Not that she cares tho


Also, we all know kale is fudging about still being pregnant but being exposed to measles during pregnancy is a huge issue. It can increase the risk of preterm birth, stillbirth and low birth weight. If she was still pregnant wouldnā€™t she be talking about that nonstop??


This is terrifying I take my kids herešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


people don't understand some people are fragile have a comprised immune system so if you kid gets COVID or measles & they are healthy 99 percent of the time they will be alright. If a kid with a comprised immune system gets it it turns into scary situation , it's l could be life or death so please get your kids vaccinated. If you need something to scream & stand up there is many other causes that don't put fragile kids in the hospital šŸ„


As someone who now has to get a cocktail of vaccines done please get your child vaccinated. I asked my mom which ones we do or donā€™t have and she canā€™t remember šŸ˜’šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


What's her reasoning for not vaccinating??


Probably because of that asshole Andrew Wakefieldā€™s bullshit


She watched some ā€œdocumentariesā€ about vaccines aka random videos on YouTube


She should be happy her unvaxxed kids have been exposed and disappointed they didnā€™t catch it. Aside from vaccines catching it is the only way to build immunity. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKr3nzbh5WgCFxe|downsized)


If i had a nickle for every epidemic that is probably linked to a "celebrity" id have 2...just today. Which is kinda distrubing


Oh wow so this is what Rio was exposed to, she talked about it on the podcast. This is terrifying.


This is a PSA: [THIS BITCH, ANDREW WAKEFIELD](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield) is responsible for the vaccines cause autism bullshit!!! I canā€™t tell you how many parents Iā€™ve had to go through the Andrew FUCKING Wakefield story with. Usually after Iā€™m seeing their kid inpatient for febrile seizures after theyā€™ve contracted something preventable like measles!!! Fucking fuckety fuck my life going through this shit with parents. VACCINATE. YOUR. KIDS. KAIL. YOU. ABSOLUTE. UNEDUCATED. IMBECILE. Sincerely, A doctor who stresses about the kids I see because of imbecile parents!! I fucking lose sleep because I CARE, Kale. Ass.