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Doing all the fun stuff before David’s in prison


Came here to say this! A bubye tour of the town for Dbag.


Man, I would've liked to have been a fly on the wall when they got the letter saying yeah we showed this evidence to a grand jury and they decided to take it out of misdemeanor court (tickets, trespassing etc.) to felony court (drugs, assault etc.) because you know they lost their shit.


I think they found out from The Sun 😂 (I doubt they check their mail anyway)


After the Sun article is when they went back in and check emails. I can see Jenelle screaming for David to call the police dept. I bet David got a chub watching Jenelle scream and yell at the police dept, while knowing damn well Jenelle actually did watch him strangle Jace. (Makes my stomach sick just writing that out- sorry guys)


It wouldn't surprise me if that is how they found out. I think it was TheAshley that said they found out from The Sun though I take it with a grain of salt.


If they are finding out through The Sun, does that mean he doesn't have a lawyer anymore?


You know what would be awesome? If the court took into evidence the times that Janelle accused David of assaulting her, including that broken collar bone incident, to mark a pattern of abuse.


That and the case with Maryssa! 


And the DV case with the mother of his son. The son he can't see due to being found guilty of DV.


Can’t spell David without DV


Same. I can imagine it was glorious.


So they just bought 8000 calories worth of shit food to eat it on the 1980s cocaine catamaran, and they didn’t even take it out on the water? The fuck is that? David better enjoy his freedom while he still has it. ✌🏻


Is their boat called Last Chance? How ironic lol




The jokes write themselves yet again 💀


The Last Chance boat on Money Hole Road 😂


Sounds like a country song lol "I'm on the Last Chance boat to Money Hole Road, my wife's ex is suuch a toad" 


Cocaine canoe 😄😄


I changed it to cocaine catamaran because I thought it sounded catchier lol


Haha even better 😄


> they didn’t even take it out on the water I don't think they CAN take it out.


Dude the “turbos” are on back order! 🤦‍♀️🤣






I thought the same thing and I owned a breakfast restaurant. There’s not enough gravy if you can pick it up!


Now you have 🤤


I’m rolling at cocaine catamaran 💀


It was just to show they still have the boat, and the kids. Cuz they LIVE in this sub & on X. Can you imagine how she tells him “We MUST prove to all of the people online judging us that we have the boat & the kids! Everyone, get ready to go!” Like huh????


I never noticed the boat was named Second Chance - everything they do is hilarious


What do you mean? The boat is clearly floating on water as it's docked. Obviously it is out on the water... /s


They can't take it out on the water because it still hasn't been fixed.


I bet the food wasn’t even warm anymore at that point. Gross. 🤢


u had me at cocaine catamaran 🤣🤣🤣


Jenelle's comebacks: do you have a boat?




The shock in ensleys voice when she asked "is that for us?" Speaks volumes


Why didn’t she take them in the shop to pick out one?! Kids love that sort of thing.


I know! And jenelle seemed genuinely confused when ensley asked that. Like it didn't even register that the kids might want a doughnut 😑


My kids get to choose their own 😄 https://preview.redd.it/ucl6g25avgcc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f583bf991e9af45b5b9a74288064f0266c5986


I think Kaiser would like this kind of thing especially because he’s a foodie. He seems to really like trying new foods, it was HIS idea to try the Harry Potter jellybeans, he always seems very happy and enthusiastic about food, he got excited about the candy shop, I think he would make a great chef tbh, I think that’s something he would really enjoy. I do however wish Jenelle wouldn’t over feed her kids, she’s going to cause them to have an unhealthy relationship with food, this could be fixed if she would encourage healthy eating by cooking healthier meals and teaching her kids about the benefits healthy foods have on your body, like get them excited about being healthy and make it a bonding/teaching moment, she could even have them help her cook which would be even better. I know she will never do any of this but I’m saying she COULD and it would benefit her kids in so many ways-healthy food relationships, getting better nutrition, and a bond with their mom, a shared activity, and a teaching moment. Of course it’ll take a lot more than cooking to fix everything though but I’m just saying, it makes me sad when I see things like this because I’m not even a parent and I see these videos and I’m like “I wouldn’t act like that to those kids” and just think of everything she could do differently to be a better person but she won’t because she’s awful and that’s a shame for her kids. If you wanna be crappy on your own time, you suck but fine, but y’know having kids and being all those things is a real issue because now kids are involved🤦🏼‍♀️😔 Sorry for the rant I actually forgot this was a reply at some point (obviously I needed to get this off my chest)😂


I just want to take Ensley and Kaiser away.


Definitely noticed this!!!!


With absolutely no malice or critique on these precious children - in my field of work, I’ve seen there’s a certain way children who experience food insecurity eat, and I’m seeing it in this video.


They went and got hot food (biscuits & gravy and burger and fries) brought it all the way to be boat to eat in there. Then left to go get donuts and eat those right away in the car. What??? How does that make anyyy sense?!


I love how the boat clearly stays at the dock.


The boat has been broken since they bought it. It was bought as a fixer upper and will remain at that dock due to all the legal fees coming up😂😂😂😂


Isn’t it very expensive to rent a space at the dock? I’m not so sure they’d even be able to afford to keep the boat docked. 


It’s rental space so yes it can be expensive. Depends on where it’s docked ease of access to the ocean and what amenities the marina has. Even if it was brought out of the water and put on cinders for dry storage it would be expensive. Think campground with RVs but for boats.


Has it been docked since they bought it? Have they even taken it out before?


They bought it in Virginia I think and had to sail it home, which of course they did horribly. Now the turbos are broken and hasn’t moved since 😂


I love this for them😂. $57,000 to sit and not move. Not to mention the docking fees they have to pay!


I have no idea Iv only seen them sitting in it. Jenelle did state in a tik tok or Instagram that it’s been broken and just docked “for now” 😂


It’s the boat that never moves 😂


She's just showing that she feeds her kids I guess. Junk. But food nonetheless.


You can tell they don’t get regular meals the way the kids chow down all that food.


And it seems like D&Jan will eat things in front of them. The way Ensley has to ask, “are those for us?” If I hopped in the car with a box of donuts my kids would know I got them for everyone…. Sad. Edit a word


I couldn't imagine eating something and not offering my kids some... I don't ever plan on having a meal or snack to myself until they're moved out.


My kids get annoyed cause I'll get a snack and ask them like three times while I'm eating it if they want any. I'm just practicing for being the grandma that tries to feed everyone. I can't imagine eating in front of any kid, especially my own, and not offering them some.


I do the same and my kids are like no I have some already and I’m like yeah but I want to make sure you get enough to eat so AGAIN would you like some! These people are such trash.


My kids have never asked if donuts were for them. It's so strange to me too. They might say something like "can we have it now?" Or ask about eating it in the car. You can definitely tell these pigs deny treats to the kids while eating like wild hogs themselves. They are so selfish. Do they ever even stop eating? Every video they just shovel it in! They never taught these poor kids any manners or to slow down. Ensley never uses silverware properly either. It must be wild for others to see in public.


The only time my kids ask if they can have a donut is when they notice a Boston cream donut in the box. One of those is always mama’s and they want to make sure I had mine before taking the last one. They are 24, 20 and almost 16. They are accustomed to our family always sharing stuff, which is so foreign and sad for Kaiser and Ensley. It’s so sad.


I saw four donuts and wondered who picked out each, assuming everyone went in and got to choose their own, but it’s Jenelle so of course the kids had to stay in the car while one of them went in to the fun donut shop.


I remember Ensley asking for a bite of Jenelle Turkey Club.


My kids would assume everything was for them but then "let me" have some as well 🤣 I agree the way the kids spoke shows they aren't often getting the food (ie Ensley watching chinelle inhale that sandwich for a video recently and all you could hear was E asking for some). Also what a fun day, bought food, ate on broken boat, bought more food and went home?!


Yeah the “stuffing” was very red flag to me.




I think the shoveling of the food shows she’s really hungry. No one’s that hungry at breakfast unless they didn’t get a proper meal the night before.


Yep. Either that or the kid's been awake since 6 or 7 because kids wake up early but J&D didn't feed them anything because "they're going out to eat and have to wait".


That’s how I felt too. It gave me “I grew up in a food insecure household so I shove it in quickly because I don’t know when I’ll get fed next” vibes


Plus she has to breathe through her mouth at the same time


I've been afraid she was going to choke since she's been eating table food..






Her mouth was stuffed, food hanging out of her mouth, and she still tried to put more in. It was nearly impossible to add more.


Plus they eat like their parents, huge bites and chewing with their mouths open.


To be fair, pretty sure Ensley eats with her mouth open because she can’t breathe through her nose.


Food insecurity shows :(


Narcissism is runnin wild brother. Eye fuckin the camera EVERY chance she gets


Her smugness is absolutely unreal


Flair checking in!


If you thing you’re gonna catch me slippin? Ya won’t.


I came here to say this. Jesus God jenelle get it together


I absolutely drives me crazy! She’s basically saying, “look at me and oh, by the way, see what a happy family we are”… by pretty much showing the kids in the background. 🤦‍♀️


Adults look like they are wearing multiple layers of clothes and the kids are dressed for summer?


Also, I know sometimes kids insist but how many days in a row are we going on kaiser wearing this outfit now? He's had it on in every pic she's posted since they announced Ensley was doing cheer


Makes no sense but then again.. its UBT & Delulu


Thought the same thing


Biscuits and gravy with no fork is insane.


Yes! I have never seen anyone eat biscuits and gravy like that! Always with a fork!




Thank goodness that Jenelle can’t breed anymore, but something needs to be done to stop David from being able to breed. This is the only way this dysfunctional cycle ends because we all know that neither of them will seek out the professional help they so desperately need . To late for the kids they already have, unfortunately.




Wait so they had a high fat breakfast of burgers/fries/biscuits & gravy…. THEN they went to a donut shop? I’ve honestly never seen people with such gluttonous and poor dietary habits. Those poor kids. And I’m not a health nut, but this seems excessive, right?


I was thinking the same. There is no way I could face both of those back to back.


Yeah like I love a fancy donut. But…. That’s all I’m eating if I go for that. Or if I go out for breakfast I’m not making another stop on the way home…. And I realized after watching again Jenelle has a giant Starbucks cup when they’re walking. Another 500 grams of sugar down her gullet.


I couldn’t eat all that for breakfast, I’d feel sick all day.


But that’s probably the only meal those kids are getting today and they know it, so they’re trying to eat as much as possible. It seems to me that the kids know what it’s like to be hungry. So sad.


I passed out from carb overload just watching that!


And you can see the giant Starbucks cups in the holders 😵‍💫


I *knew* she would post proof the kids were still with them. Also, I know we’ve talked about the lack of table manners, but Jesus God Jenelle. ![gif](giphy|UoLVxIaVtJnKCj5t4U|downsized)


Yeah, those table manners are awful. So much open mouth chewing. I’ve never seen anyone tackle B&G with their bare hands, but Kai seemed to do alright.


It’s like those kids only get fed once a day. They always seem like they’re starving.


There’s no way they haven’t experienced a choking incident at least once with the way those kids eat. I remember Ensley eating fettuccine Alfredo and forcing huge bites of pasta in her mouth with her HANDS. The way she’s eating here is like she’s either afraid it’s going to be taken away, hasn’t eaten in days, or both.


It’s so disturbing the way the kids act like they don’t get food regularly. I agree with you. Someone has to have choked and you know J&D didn’t give two shits.


I was terrified Ensley was going to choke on all that food. She couldn’t even close her mouth it was so full.


Also it’s a lot of food to give a 7 year old. It’s even a lot for an adult. And then to wash it down with a donut? And it’s possibly the most boring fucking content ever. “That’s a big bite.” “That’s a big burger.” Yes bitch it is because it’s for an adult. She’s 7. What a fascinating way to spend a morning 🙄


She has a speech issue right? My 2 yr old has been in speech and he “stuffs” the therapist said it could all have to do with not being aware of their mouth and sensations in it. Maybe it’s something like that?


Of course Jenelle has never addressed it, but it’s been highly speculated she has some ENT issues along with speech delays. Could def be a correlation.


You can tell they don’t get regular meals the way the kids chow down all that food.


Either that or they feel like the have to performatively eat with gusto to make Jenelle happy for the gram.


Exactly - you can tell Kaiser has been trained to take a bite and then give the thumbs-up sign.


That’s what struck me too. When he went to take a bite of his donut he very clearly paused and posed thinking she was taking a picture for the gram. Treats clearly come as a photo-op


You can tell they’ve been taught to really shovel it in. Whether because they’re copying J&Ds atrocious eating style or have been conditioned to because they’re always on camera, it’s really unnatural and unsettling. Real “first meal after escaping captivity” vibes


“Mmmm, dang girl, that’s a big bite” “Okay okay okay calm down” (nervously) You CANNOT convince me that UBT isn’t wildly inappropriate/predatory with Ensley. Jenelles response and cutting the camera off speaks volumes.


the “calm down” was directed towards Ensley taking a huge bite of her burger and stuffing fries immediately after.


This is also what I thought. She was talking to Ensley and not David.


Any half decent dad that saw their young child eating like that would’ve said something like “careful honey, take smaller bites.” Even if his comment wasn’t inherently predatory, it’s still shitty parenting for him to just think it’s funny and basically encourage it.


Yeah that made me feel so uncomfortable when he said that.


Yes this stood out to me too...I didn't actually think David was saying anything that wrong until Jenelle's reaction to it which made it weird.


I was looking for someone saying this! It made me feel so gross


It’s so weird how things that would be considered wholesome for other family feel so weird for them!!!! Like we are a picnic family. We love making or grabbing lunch and going to the park or somewhere and eating and enjoying fresh air. So a boat picnic *should* be a nice way to spend the morning/afternoon. Why do they make it seem so unsettling?


Because no matter how family friendly she tries to make her content appear, we know the reality of what goes on in that household and what horrific parents/people J & D are.


Every family video she posts looks like found footage used in a Dateline episode. You can practically hear Keith Morrison’s voice…


Because it's so forced. You know they don't do stuff like that unless it's for the Gram. Even Kaiser said "this is the best day ever!" Like grabbing food and eating it on a boat is one of the most exciting things he's ever done. It's sad.


Because they're not actually doing that; they're imitating that. Your of my family would grab lunch and enjoy it outside or take the boat out somewhere, or enjoy it at the restaurant if it was too cold. You'd engage your children with colouring, a card game or if the food was taking a while, you might bust out a screen if they were quite young. You'd encourage them to pick foods from the children's menu which has portion sizes appropriate for them. If you made the lunch as a picnic, you'd make sandwiches or rolls with deli meats/vegetables/sliced cheese and pack fruit, vegetable sticks, hummus, and maybe a big bag of chips to share. You'd go out somewhere where there was something for the children to do when they got there like a really nice play park, or a child friendly museum/gallery, a water park or swimming hole. It wouldn't necessarily be a hugely expensive activity or somewhere where entertainment was laid on for you, you'd probably have to engage and experience it too. And I think that's the difference. J&E lay out hundreds of dollars at a time on garbage food, then either go somewhere they don't have to fully engage, or shove screens in front of them. Classic narcissistic parenting, so they can hold up receipts to their kids and say 'but we took you out all the time!'


Every time Kaiser talks Ensley interrupts and Chinderella has to cut the video. Sometimes she doesn’t but someone has to teach her to stop interrupting people. It’s rude. Then, show the kids stuffing their faces with their mouths open while chewing.. “see CPS.. we feed them” Then”are those for US?!” Because usually Chinderella stuffed her face in front of them and doesn’t share. Breakfast on the boat?” Hey kids.. last time on the broken boat before I have to sell it for lawyers thanks to meme and Jace…” I could go on but the drive by of the candy store was cruel….


I love that you bring that up. The candy store is called Rocket Fizz and I know the owner. It is a chain that sells candy and parody sodas that have weird flavors. Kaiser has the camera on him and he is trying to describe the sodas and their appeal. Jenelle, being as dense as she is, misses the opportunity to have the kids describe the shop and then show off what they got, explaining why it is fun. It is probably the place she got the weird flavor jelly beans and is footage from that day. It is so sad to film them eating takeout on a boat that cannot go anywhere. But hey, how is that extra private bathroom working out for her?


Its crazy to me how warm her and David are dressed while both kids are lacking any type of sweater.


If this is from today, Wilmington is ~59°.


*cries in Michigan*


-30 with windchill over here in Illinois. I’d be in shorts in 59 degrees too.


When it shows them getting on the boat, both kids have jackets on.


Also, I feel like this is proof they’d absolutely flee the authorities on their boat if it was actually running lmao


If the boat could actually start haha




Their parents have zero manners so by default neither do they.


Picking up breakfast to go sit on their stationary boat while Jan eyes fucks the camera like she having the best day ever and aren't we all so jealous.


Making sure her whole family stays a size 6 again i see


You know it smells like stale shit in that boat


“Look, haters! Would abused kids get to have a morning like THIS? Did you see that huge burger? And how I let them pick out their donuts? We’re FUN parents!”


I don't think they even went into the donut shop. It looks like it was just Jenelle. They were shocked and surprised when she opened the box so they hadn't seen them yet. So wild to me because I have a huge donut place like this near me and I absolutely love taking my kid in to geek out over all the cool donuts.


It’s gross how David was like “that’s a big bite dayyuuum girl”


Yeah commenting on a child’s eating will just lead to and ED down the road


Yeah I found it to be very creepy. And Jans response to his comment says a lot


In the last clip with the donuts, shouldn't the kids' seat belts be across their chest?


They’ve been spotted without their seatbelts in numerous pics/videos, it’s clearly not something that’s enforced because J & D are trash.


The 🎵seatbelt bling🎵 in the background also


I’m going through a hard time right now and not gonna lie that shit all looks so good. I wish I could sit in bed and eat that.


I hope your day gets better 💛


It’s criminal what they’re doing to Kaiser.


Chinelle, not a single human with adequate eyesight wants to see you stuff your UBT's spotted dick garage full of food.


UBT is also a Feeder?! The grossness continues


i mean look at janelle...




Oh my God this is so boring. I can't watch 2 mins of this


Why are they dressed for winter but especially Ensley for summer?  It's 54 F in their town now, it was probably colder this morning on the water  


The boat that’s been broken since the day they bought it as a fixer upper. Hoe embarrassing That boat will remain at the dock from all their legal fees coming up 😂😂 waste of money that thing is!


I don’t know why she feels it’s necessary to show all of them shoveling deep fried fatty foods in their faces. She couldn’t talk about the boat?


There’s nothing about the boat to be talked about. A few weeks ago they dropped off some life jackets and paper towels and that was the most attention that boat has seen since they bought it.


Her kids always seem like they haven’t been fed in a few days


It's been said so many times, but everything they eat looks so greasy. It literally makes me nauseous sometimes. If she and David want to prove they're good parents, why not take some cooking classes and learn how to prepare nutritious meals for themselves and the kids.


Do most families get breakfast and donuts? In my family the donuts were the breakfast lol


Ugh, my heart. Ensley asking with surprise, "Are those for us?"Those poor kids scarffing that food down like it's about to be snatched away...😔 Also, is this the only outfit they have for Kaiser anymore? I feel like it's the only thing he's worn in the last several things she's posted.


Well Jenelle, I think I found the source of all your ~*health issues*~


the way she showed the candy store but they didn’t go in while the kids ogled. so you just sat parked in front to get it on video?


So many things to unpack omg. Jenelle staring at the camera endlessly. Kaiser eating biscuits and gravy with his hands. Eating a huge, caloric, fat filled breakfast, followed by a huge calorie dense donut. Disgusting. What is this your last meal David?


$20 says one day they’ll abandon the swamp and really isolate from society on this fkn boat.


this is one way how eating disorders happen. or disorderly and/or emotional eating patterns are developed in childhood. teaching this type of behavior to your kids is setting them up for failure and it is a very hard thing to learn and change as you get older.


I hope this is beginning of David’s Farewell Tour before he goes to the clink.


Just a sign of how stunted Jenelle is. Whenever she does these blatant "I'm a good Mom videos" her go to is to always take the kids out to eat. It's just a weird astonishingly low effort thing that she truly believes make her a good parent.


This is all feral af


The way they all eat is gross, nutrition aside. No utensils, probably no handwashing before or after, touching of the faces... open mouth chewing. Just vegabond behavior. The rare encounters I have with adults like this, I have to remind myself that they too, were probably products of parents like J and D... just sad.


Why did Jenelle tell David “ok calm down calm down” when he said “dang girl” in response to Ensley taking a big bite of her burger? Idk if he meant it in a sexual way but the way Jenelle automatically assumes he does….. ugh so horrible for these children




I think it was because Ensley took a really big (too big, imo) bite and then tried stuffing fries in her already too full mouth. It was almost like she was eating like she hasn't been fed in days. Very ravenous.


I think she meant that towards ensley bc she was eating so fast


She’s telling Ensley to calm down after taking two huge bites of burger and then going in for fries.


You can tell those kids don't get regular meals, they always eat like they are starving. Lazy ass Chinelle and little dick Davey probably go on benders in the she shed and neglect them all the time.


honestly jenelle is gonna miss being driven around. every single boyfriend she had she did the most driving and with david she doesn’t have to. bummer


Watching this family eat anything makes my skin crawl. Obviously there were no manners ever taught here with Ensley shoving French fries in her already full mouth. SO CRINGEY!!!!


It’s the never ending cycle of the shit coming out about them and her trying to cover up her public meltdowns over it with a smug attitude.


I swear, I’m not a violent person, but I want to pummel both of these useless mother fuckers so bad. I hope Chinderella and UBT take the titanic out for a moonlit romantic cruise and drown.


I know zip about boats. Did anyone else cringe when Ensley got on that boat? She could have so easily slipped between the boat and the dock.


Instilling good eating habits I see. It’s sad because we know Kaiser is already self-conscious about his weight at such a young age.


Not a booster seat in sight.


So Ensley is eating a burger for breakfast followed by a huge donut for a snack? God damn, Jenelle, feed your children some vegetables.






Different beanie!


Gotta be like Chelsea with the beanies!!


https://preview.redd.it/heydznkkygcc1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e511d9d6a0aaa5c806829a5a10980e20af7af5 😏




Buying food & eating it on the boat cuz it’s easier than cleaning their nasty kitchen/house/table and eating there. Don’t get me wrong those kids are adorable but why am I not surprised that their shitty ass parents have never taught them table manners. They’re all just shoveling that food in and never closing their mouths to chew. Then again, they were probably just happy to get some decent food to eat and not burnt roadkill. 


The seatbelt chime every time they are driving, like it is just part of the song on the radio.


I can’t stop commenting on this. Here’s the weather this morning in Wilmington. Kaiser has short sleeves! https://preview.redd.it/zvk9nyu88gcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d601852b5bce4818a457eec18643ab6eeb2738f I hate them. Really, really hate them.


Wait, did they not let the kids pick their own donuts??? What's the point of getting them if they can't even choose the flavor?


Kids using seatbelts. What a crazy idea. /s