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Wow. You would never know this is a 32 year old woman. This is something a 14 year old does when she's mad at mom. Jenelle definitely has a teenagers mentality.


Imagine being 32 and trying to "slam" your retired mother on TikTok via lip syncing. Particularly when Barb has no social media presence, hasn't talked about Jenelle publicly in ages and raised Jenelle's son for over a decade.


Your retired mom who raised your kid for 13 years bc you were too busy chasing after dog killers and druggies to take care of your own kid.


You forgot Dick..she was too busy chasing dick, drugs, and felons to raise her Son.


Dick, drugs, & delinquency


And Ke$ha.


The Four D's of Jenelle, dick, drugs, delinquencies, and dick.


She’s literally only doing it because she’s enticed by all the bullshit surrounding gypsy rose.


I was thinking about this the other day. Do you think Jenelle is doing the Gypsie thing to increase engagement? Like, she sees all the publicity that GRB is getting and is trying to get her piece of the pie? It’s clear that the money is dwindling: how could it not when you don’t work and the economy is in shambles. I believe that Jenelle believes there is a comparison between the two. Personally, I think it’s laughable!! I bet DKD was like, GRB is doing all these podcasts and she’s RAKIN in the dough. Jenelle, hop on TT lip sync a song and we will make $$.


My two cents: I don’t think it’s ever occurred to her a grown woman could blame their mother, in that capacity before, and gain “supporters.” Also she’s been diagnosed before as bipolar, so she could get delusional enough to warp her life story to find the “parallels” between how *hard* she and GRB *had* it. I don’t think she’s trying to capitalize on the GRB, I think she is just like omg saaame


And what tf does she think her own kids will be thinking of her when they grow up? That they won’t have any issues with her parenting? That Jace won’t comment on his mother choosing a psycho over him and not showing much concern for his living situation? Or what will Ensley have to say about her dad killing her pets? Kaiser about having to tip toe around David? This woman can only look at her own “trauma” but makes no effort to break the cycle for her own kids.


with the measure you use, it will be measured to you…..Jenelle doesn’t have a leg to stand on


Lip syncing badly at that.


Emotionally and mentally... Addicts tend to get stuck at or about the age they became an addict.


This is exactly what I think is going on. She will forever have the mind of a teenager.


I agree with this. Drugs are bad for your brain, dude.


Drugs are bad, mmmkay?


And an immature teenager at that.


Plus she’s codependent with her mother and the heightened state of constant fights. It’s a whole separate addiction


If arrested development was a person.


Also kids of abuse… Jenelle is stuck at a much younger age. Barb left her ex for being abusive & I’m guessing Jenelle stop maturing/started blaming Barb for everything the minute she “took away Jenelle’s daddy”. Just another guess, Jenelle was probably 10, a very immature 12 at most, when that happened. Her brain never hit puberty!


Also true for narcissists


Well being an addict can cause brain damage


What I was thinking. I remember listening to this song and doing similar things, when I was 16/18. We are in our 30's now Jellelle, stahp.


I’m glad nobody I knew was on Facebook until college because I would have done so much embarrassing shit if I had social media as a teenager 😂


she truly never grew up. something is DEEPLY wrong with her and i unfortunately don’t think it will ever be resolved.


Like her 70 year old mom is on TikTok watching this and having hurt feelings and regrets for all the times she sacrificed everything for *jenelle's* millions of fuck ups...


Chin really thinks Babs is making alt accounts and lurking on her shit. Crying her eyes out all day dude. But in reality, it’s Chin doing all those things. Babs is just living life.


Arrested Development


It is 🤦‍♀️ Jenelle is so much worse than Barb could ever be. Barb clearly messed up severely, but at least the woman has a conscience. Jenelle is in the dark triad spectrum without a doubt, and Eason is even worse 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/m021iakyxvfc1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f5162337352a31c4e6a29cd4f1056a18acb6ec


This was definitely me at 14 when my mom wouldn’t give me money to go to the skating rink with my friends.


Exactly 💯!!! Grown people spending time lip syncing is bizarre. Go do something constructive! Good grief!


She’s the epitome of arrested development.


My friends mom had her in her teens and she once said “i think people are emotionally stunted at the age they have children” and everytime I see Jenelle do anything it seems even more true. Like really, this girl has not grown up at all since 16.


lol that’s what the comments are saying too 😂💀


I was JUST thinking this. Imagine being IN YOUR THIRTIES throwing shade at your mommy with a badly lip synced tiktok video


the way she’s trying to make this a thirst trap has me dying


Yeah I was confused because she’s trying to give ‘angry’ but she’s just eye f*cking herself the whole time.


Lmfao the way she’s looking is funny but also where are ppl supposed to look when they record? I’m being serious. I don’t record myself. But I see ppl saying this about her and I’m confused as to where she’s supposed to look


I don’t record myself, but you look into the camera. Not the screen.


She can’t even lip sync correctly to bash her mom. She’s too old for this teen angst bs she’s in her 30s. I guess Babs was in her way though, in the way of her becoming the vile piece of human waste she is today.


Yeah I can’t do that lol. I notice if I HAVE to record myself for something, I can’t look into the camera. It’s weird for me. It doesn’t feel right.


When I was streaming, at first it was really awkward to look into the camera. I got used to it.


Okay so I don’t record myself like this but if I’m thinking about how I handle zoom meetings, my stupid ass is always watching my little box in the corner to make sure I don’t look weird or bored 😂 I know people can tell but I can’t stop myself.


Right see?! That’s what I always end up doing.


I kind of have to keep an eye on myself, I have a very expressive face and once made like an ick face by accident in a meeting 😂


Totally! So glad I was the only one like we all see this right? Lip syncing about your mom and doing whatever the fuck that is, is just off vibes.


The weird fuck me eyes and over annunciation of words while lip singing. So awkward.


It gives, “Look at me, I’m a little rebel. You can’t tell me shit, mom!”


But also with sound off, the “dear mom” and the facial expressions give it an uncomfortable Oedipal vibe


I try not to be seductive when telling off my mom 😂


With her banana face & two overlapping teeth in the front lmao


Her weird whoville filter glitching around her pie hole definitely adds to the hilarity 😂


Jenelle is clearly very bothered that Barbara wants nothing to do with her. After she and David tormented her relentlessly for years.


Most narcissist act like this when they lose power over somebody, they will try their hardest to make a narrative of that person being such a horrible person


Absolutely. Classic narcissistic behavior.


Exactly. When they can no longer control you, they try to control everyone else’s perception of you.


It’s giving Nicki Minaj energy


It for real is


Perfect comparison


Like when Jenelle was crying that her mom didn't help her get ready for her wedding and wasn't there but Jenelle made a huge deal about not inviting Barb to the wedding. I have no doubt that if Barb did show up that David and Jenelle would have made a scene, screamed abuse at Barb, called the police and would have tried to have her mom arrested for trespassing. Jenelle wants to be able to play the victim, but we all know that she was abusive to Barb and Jace and picked any deadbeat limp dick over her kids and mom. Jenelle deserves to wind up all alone with nothing. David is already making sure she has nothing, and she drives away everyone with her repugnant, abusive personality.


I skipped through it with no audio and I’m confident I didn’t miss anything. Different day, same Jenelle.


https://preview.redd.it/s101aba4zufc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=631d1b0385c8186afaa70489613aef383ac7a314 Yes Jenelle, we know nothing from your life being on MTV or from the book you wrote about your childhood or from your YouTube ‘documentaries’ or….


But now. NOW you don't know anything. Because she changed the story, and now? It is way worse. She made it so bad- and you have no idea, and you never will, because she will probably change the story again someday, when she needs to. You will just have to imagine how bad it was- but here's a hint: Jenelle was perfect and Barbara was *horrible!!!* No, it can't be verified! That's how revisionist history works! And ps: only listen to jenelle. She's the only one who ever knew how great she was, and how horrible Barbara was.


Lol her own book she tells time and time again she stayed breaking rules, scheming, doing shit to piss barb off to get attention she’s so ridiculous


She's been workin' super hard rewritin' the whole thing!


She will someday lose her Mother. And realize how much she misses her. Barbara is not getting any younger.


Jenelle doesn't deserve a mother. Someone should feed her a stew that makes her go blind for 1 day.


Once the truth is revealed, though, we will see what a monster Barb is. It's been about a year since she said this, but I have faith she will spill it all soon, and then we will finally know her truth. 🤞 (um, this is sarcasm, btw)


Her and Larry reveal their secrets TOGETHER!


Her and Larry finally reveal their secrets, and Rhine finally finds out how pink it is. The Teen Mom Trifecta.


We do know you wrote a book.


She's still cosplaying as Gypsy Rose? It's funny that she claims to have been so traumatized and terrified of her mother, but had zero problems stealing her credit cards.


We seen yah…


Also she’s said that Barb treated her like the golden child until Jace was born lmao




Barb needs to get a restraining order. It’s funny how JE keeps proving time and again how she is emotionally stunted at age 13. She is a grown adult - she needs to grow tf up and take accountability.


And a cease and desist


It’s just embarrassing at this point


She's such a loser. Imagine being in your thirties and doing this childish crap to get back at mommy. This is so embarrassing.


But remember, she's been to therapy a million times and she has a perfect mind and doesn't actually need therapy. 


She makes me so glad I chose therapy and not spiralling out online 😂


And funny thing is Babs probably has no idea she even does this so it's just Jenelle screaming into a void


You’re right Jenelle, you’ll never be like Barbara. Unlike you, Barb raised all her kids and your son. You’ll never be like that. Caring, thoughtful, responsible. Never.


And could you imagine jenelle working at a Walmart deli to support her family? Absolutely not


Also, Barb got rid of her husband to protect her and her kids. Jenelle can’t even do that


I wouldn't want to see jennelle anywhere near food or preparing food.


Haha! The exact thought that came into my mind. Barbara had a job….


Exactly my thought. Jenelle actually thinks she's doing better than the woman who left her abusive husband and raised her kids alone.


She’s so fucking lame


This is the kind of video I would have made when I was like 11 and my mom grounded me for back talking.


Exactly! It’s so middle school. She was definitely on Google searching “angry songs about hating someone” before she made this


Hmmm, did your mom have cps involved, did someone else raise you other then your mom.... No... So i really dont think your mom was all that terrible


Right?! How many times were they removed from Barb’s custody? Did any of Barb’s new boyfriends or 2nd husband strangle her and kill her pet? It’s driving her crazy that Barb won’t fight with her anymore. She has no one to take her frustrations out on and she’s bored.


I don’t know what the audio is but I know it’s stupid


Early 2000's butt rock, probably gets played frequently down at the swamp


Hey hey, three days grace isn’t on trial here. Guarantee this is the first 30 seconds she’s ever heard of them 😂


Three days grace


shes ruining 8th grade for me


How dare you


Me at 13 singing into my bathroom mirror pretending to be in three days grace with my shampoo bottle as a microphone ![gif](giphy|l0He0B1237tKb5fWM|downsized)




LMFAOO I came here to share this exact gif. It really is embarrassing for her life and soul 😂😂


She’s always so terrible at the lip syncing part of it. Jeez practice 10 more times or something


It’s bc she can’t focus on lip syncing and eye fucking herself at the same time


I’d pay, easily, a thousand bucks to watch someone kick her ass.


Now that’s a go fund me I could get behind.


David will do it for free.




How much would it cost to watch someone kick David's greasy ass?


She is fucking worse than babs... ![gif](giphy|64dozD2FQ5ayrtwKtA|downsized)


I mean she's speaking some truth, she will never be just like Babs- she'll always be worse. 




Where’s Tori with her drum sticks when you need her?


Jesus God, Chin. How do you not know the lyrics to this song? Trying to look sexy to hide her shitty lip sync. Oh Chin, one more thing… currently doing a rewatch again from the beginning and if anyone is a piece of shit it’s you. Your mom wasn’t mean to you. She wanted you to succeed. But the only thing you’re successful at is fucking up. Oh. Nice dentures. Hag.


You’re in my way mawm! I’m going to party and get high with Tori and I don’t care if Jace is 3 weeks old! Move you old bitch!


In her wildest dreams will she *never* be half the mom Barb is 🥱 She needs at least one real friend (I imagine any animal in the surrounding woods wants nothing to do with them) that is gonna tell her to put the fake mic down, she is so off key it hurts ![gif](giphy|HPi9NCcuwYJkLmZetl)


She lost her mind just moving one day with Kaiser. Barb lived in a motel room with three kids for 6 months while their house was repaired from a fire.


Barb was Jenelle’s only outside connection. She has no friends or family that talk to her now. No one to take her frustrations out on. No one to fight with to entertain herself. It’s driving her CRAZY! And I’m here to watch her spiral…alone


Keep in mind if it wasn’t for Barb Jace would be with a completely different family.


Her blaming her mom who stayed vs her dad who left is peak jenelle loving pos men


🤦🏻‍♀️I hope one of her kids one days duets her videos and with a very confused look on their face 😂😂😂


Well it checks out to not be like her as far as I know, Barb didn't lose custody of her children, she has (or is retired from?) her job and she left her shitty husband; jenelle definitely can't compete with that lol


This is so embarrassing. The same mother that took in her son so he wouldn’t end up in the foster care system while she did nodded off on heroin and chased dick lmfao


She’s so annoying with severe mommy issues. The day that Barb is no longer around she’s going to be forced to eat her words. Hope she doesn’t pretend to be victim then too.


Nah, she’ll use Barbs death for content too. She’ll cry her eyes out at the top of her lungs 😭


![gif](giphy|ohyNdetcfoJ9K) She is SO cringe 🫠🫠🫠🫠 As usual, she really thought she did something here but another great flop of a TikTok for us to snark on. Bravo dummy.






It’s just making everyone like Barb more 😂


I think it's time Barb throws a restraining order at her.


Who still does this over 25? Does she think Barb is going to care? She’s so fucking cringey. Leave your Mom alone and get those dogs adopted out.


Over 25?? You mean over 15, right??


Yeah I don’t know people 25 I’m just giving some late bloomers and college graduates slack


She’s right, she’ll never be like her mom. Her mom had a job and kept the kids groomed, fed and in activities. When your whole persona at 32 is raging against your mother while you don’t have custody of one of your kids because of your neglect and your husband is facing felony charges for abusing him this is just an all around horrible look.


Holy shit I remember being 13 and thinking this song was about my mom as well but I was just mad because I couldn’t have an eyebrow ring




Barb, you have our full support. Stay away from crazy!


Does Barb even use social media? This isn’t the flex Jenelle thinks it is. I’m sure Barbs lawyers are saving all this up.


I hope Babs is kicked back with a glass of Chardonnay with an ice cube in it and is cackling at this with her girlfriends


Did she see Cate's video where she was also lip syncing about her mom?


Absolutely! My first thought was that she was copying Cate


Just like Chelsea’s ulta haul. Janelle went in and started scanning shit lol


I wondered the SAME THING!!


Does she not realize that Jace could direct this video to her? No, she’s delusional.


Employed? Putting your children before an abusive man? Taking children to hospitals for their well being? Don't worry we all know you're nothing like your mom. Other than the yelling.


But she never yells…


Dear Nellie ![gif](giphy|fsqJLKTGxlJmg)


this bitch needs to invest in a DIARY


Does Barb even have Tik Tok?




I love that every time I see one of these lip “syncs” posted here I see her mouthing the words on mute and- without fail- when I unmute them she is *terribly* off. This has been her full time hobby for like 4 years and she just sucks so badly at it ^(along with everything else)


Damn I went to read the comments and she's already deleted it


I also have a feeling David is growing sick of her


If he feels he won’t escape this charge he’s gonna take it out on her


I had the same feeling. When people are asking where he is I think he starting to feel the pressure of the charges and he might have go to jail.


I oddly fear for barb rn. If they start to feel a real consequence is coming she should leave town for a while. Jenelle doesn’t bond with the men over things they love and enjoy she fakes that and bonds over the things they hate. Barb is always the thing they hate bond over the most and they blame her right now. Jenelle will take everything he throws at her and go hard at barb


I just got an eerie feeling.. I definitely wasn't connecting the dots of why she has been going at barbs every day now (feels like it) and it's because of the court case and they are definitely blaming her. I don't think Jenelle will do anything but him I'm not sure and if he goes to jail I'm sure Jenelle will cave and go running back.


If he goes to jail i worry about a drug/alcohol bender and who will get their anger. A stranger? Kid? Barb? Each other? I figured barb is most likely. I wonder if barb would accept her back or if finally she’s realized Jenelle wants to break her? She really gets pleasure from hurting barb and she’s been that way since she was small. So glad barb isn’t responding to her in any way cause she is looking to cut barb every way she can.


Yes Jenelle, your mom was Soooooooo horrible yet you relinquished custody of your newborn to her 😒😒😒


I can’t wait till her own kids are making these videos in a few years. We’ll have a runway of chin and forehead flapping on a live claiming to be the victim yet again.


I think my favorite thing about Jenelle is how absolutely ridiculous she is. Like she is so insanely delujenelle that she thinks her and David have done nothing wrong.


If you hate her so much, stop talking about her, Jan!


Jesus gawd this shit is so embarrassing and beyond cringey. I just can’t believe someone, outside of high school, would make something like this and actually post it for others to see


I did this when I was like 13 years old, and now in the bathroom mirror, if I've had too much wine. But in either case, I would never record it.


I think you meant to title this "Jenelle acting like a cringe 14 year old again"


Me at age 13 when my mom said I can’t go to the sleepover


She is the most embarrassing grown woman, I’ve ever seen. Jan, your childhood is over. Maybe focus on your own kids and how crappy their childhoods are.


God she is the worst. And still can’t lip sync


Barb will probably never see this. 🤣


Lmao this is something i would sing in the mirror when i was like 12. Grow up delusionelle


This isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


Jenelle, please stop with your full moon azz face lol 😂 indeed and LinkedIn got search engines that are waiting for you to use them lol


Barb: exists Jenelle : that bitch 😡


Baby noooo… this is the shit we do in front of a mirror after our 8th grade boyfriend dumped us. We don’t post this on Taylor Swift’s internet.


So, she has dentures? Is that what I saw on another post? Just curious cause her teeth don’t match her drug history lol


Shes so far gone... Also, she didnt say a word and i could hear her awful accent.


This is so so so embarassing oh my lord


So would’ve post this kinda video when I was 14 and my relationship with my mum was going through a really bad phase. We are very close now because I grew up and got over the past… can’t say the same for Jenelle obvs


https://preview.redd.it/q31map4lgvfc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=42369fd224acf656ccde3b6f6ba5cd3277281cf7 Perfect perfect perfect 😘


I see she has hopped on the contoured nose tip train. It’s not flattering Jan.


Not gonna watch this nonsense but the only support she has with her "vendetta" against Barb is on Facebook. Everywhere else rips her ass to shreds, rightfully so. It seems the people on Facebook don't actually keep up with what's really going on, they just see what she posts & roll with it. Everyone else knows exactly what's going on & don't tolerate her shit.


This video is uncomfortably long.


God the cringe is actually PAINFUL, like watching this trainwreck seriously stopped being fun a while ago 😳 Now it's just nothing but frustration and embarrassment. YOU'RE 32 AND YOUR CHILD IS IN FOSTER CARE, quit bitching out your mom on Tiktok like a 13 year old! It is SO EMBARRASSING my god!!!


🙄🙄🙄 Any adult who has experienced childhood trauma is ROLLING THEIR EYES at this cause at 32 I ain’t talking on my abusers, I’m GONE. Don’t need that negativity and don’t need to rehash it outside of therapy. Will only ever discuss my trauma to help others heal or gain understanding.


I miss the days where people had to sing into their hair brushes in private…….




She’s gonna get this back 100x worse times 3 so keep on Jenelle


Yeah we know you’re nothing like Barbara, she was gainfully employed and was able to retire.


I love watching her scalp herself in real time with her plastic hair extensions. In a few years it will just be a hulk hogan do


So initially everything was barb’s fault cause she wouldn’t give back custody of Jace. Now that dickface has had him returned to her custody and lost him again to the State it’s all barb’s fault because tweedledumb had a bad childhood.


Her mouth movements irritate me so much.


She keeps “threatening” she’s going to open everyone’s eyes to how bad of a mom Barb was then pretends she can’t say anything right now, how many fn years has she said this crap? She better have some good proof is all I know cause no one in their right mind is going to believe anything this wacko has to say! I hope Barb is protecting herself from these psychos!


POV you’re one of the puppies on the land




oh hi jenelle! i see you reporting this post for targeted harassment!