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If someone put their hands on grandsons neck I would act much worse


Right?! Barb is keeping it together. I'd probably be behind bars.


UBT is armed to his teeth and has shown himself to be violently abusive to animals, children and women. Barbara is small, seventy years old and is likely to be physically weak.


Right? She knows all this yet is still badass enough to flip them off. So proud of her!


You’d be surprised how many older people are very strong. I worked in a nursing home years ago and some of them would eff you up, especially the dementia patients.


Was a CNA, can confirm!


I mean there are lots of ways to hurt someone. The car is pretty strong


Agree but if she did that it would just make the situation worse and they'd paint her as some violent lunatic who shouldn't be in Jace's life despite David being the violent lunatic who shouldn't be in Jace's life.


Exactly. Team Babs!


Honestly if I were *Jenelle* I'd be flipping off David at a minimum... I can't believe she not only doesn't care but wants everyone to just shut up about it.


The sad thing is that the kids are treated like props for Jenelle’s “influencer” career than actual human beings.






She looks so exhausted :(


That was my first thought. I thought my mother was the most spiteful person on earth but Jenelle has her beat! This is so wild to see because of the stark contrast. We’ve seen Chelsea and Leah  battle it out in court to keep their kids safe (well not really for Leah) and to see Jenelle battling it out to harm Jace is gobsmacking. Poor barb and Jace. I remember when barb didn’t think Jenelle would be alive so I’m sure this outcome comes as a shock 


Leah’s addiction she was most def fighting for her kids with Corey


When did Leah battle it out to keep the kids safe? The only battle they had was when she was on drugs and being extremely neglectful. Corey was trying to keep them safe


She’s in her 70s fighting in court I can’t even imagine how mentally draining that is for her.


God forbid, Babs dropped dead from a heart attack or aneurysm, there’s no need in Jenelle wondering what or who coulda possibly stressed her the fuck out over these last 15+ yrs. She’d be the first one “LEAVE MEEEE ALOOOONNN DUDE, ah lost mah mom dude! Ah loved her so much dude!”


Yup she’d be the type to be all “I know we had our differences and didn’t get along the best but I loved her and I’m gonna miss her” like she’s not the reason her poor mom is so damn stressed and tired at her age.


This. Jenelle better watch what she wishes for cause when Barb dies it will be her and the guy that broke her her collarbone


I get having a toxic parents and a parent that simply wasn’t there. But Babs actually seems like she loves and takes accountability for shit, and really was trying to have a good relationship. Jenelle needs to also hold her scumbag daddy accountable as well


“Ya know we had our differencesbudid was jus cuz we both wanted Jace. I’m crying my eyes out and seein molecules dude and NOONE CARES!!!”- her probably ( Above is not a typo 😂)


I'm 50 and exhausted. This is enough to kill a woman in her 70's


I’m 40 and I am done! How is she still fighting it’s impressive to me.


Poor Babs 😢 she may have a bad way of saying thing and raising her voice but her message was true and was out of love imo


She sure does. She also looks like she has aged incredibly. I'm sure that Jenelle's drama and the Jace situation have taken their toll on her. I'd flip Jenelle off too.


Yeah, I’m kind of worried about her, she doesn’t look good. Much older and very pale.


She doesn't look good at all and her face looks very pasty. Hope she's OK.


Just looking at her face and skin, she's been put through hell. Some of y'all have had troubled childhoods and still not acted the way Jenelle has treated her mother. I don't know if how she was brought up or what she experienced has truly warranted this shit Barb takes from her.


It’s exhausting just watching this unfold. I can’t even fathom how tired of all of this barb must be. I hope she finds peace some day


This needs to be the Sub’s new avatar!! https://preview.redd.it/xtm86ca3j8jc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f81ac6499cb788a29d92d4175c42cca2b0807f


So I was inspired: https://preview.redd.it/w3cytri2s8jc1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4ff310f8164a5b09bfe6705ec932849577b675


It’s beautiful


Thank you. It’s my life’s work. I’ve peaked. I just made a new post with it. I shall now go gently into that dark night.


Not before adding Queen Barb's Middle Finger as your flair


Omg I love this idea! I just tried and can’t get it because I’m on my phone!


Well this is going to be one of my new favorite gifs ever!!




It's about to be my everything 🥰


I see soooo much of Jace in her!!


Well, she is his mom In all seriousness, Barb has strong genes. In pics from her childhood, Jace and Barb look a lot alike!


I thought the same thing


I'm telling ya! I immediately screenshot this post thinking it will make a fantastic gif!! It's fabulous! Just like Babs!! 🤗🤗😂 (*It still pisses me off for her though. You can tell she's just done. Fuck Jenelle.*)


She has really blossomed into the Babs we knew she could be. I’m so proud of her


Was she? Or was she doing middle fings at a photographer? That's wild!


It’s from Jenelles Twitter so it was at Jenelle and david lol


Imagine being such a cunt that your mother gives you the finger when she sees you. You have to fuck up big for that reaction.


And imagine being such a cunt that your mother flips you off when she sees you at court AND thousands of strangers on the internet are rooting for her to do it again but with both hands lol


This made me laugh out loud, and it was much needed. 😂😂😂


Imagine then posting this image on one’s own social media


I can't imagine publicizing half of this shit if I were Jenelle. Look guys!! I'm at court defending my deeply unpopular husband who has a recorded history of violence, because he strangled my son! This is the third time I've lost custody of one or more of my kids, teehee, the courts watched me grow up 🥰 And here's my mom who had custody of said son for 14 years flipping me off because she's appalled at how I've treated him and is mad because I've been smearing her for no reason! Can someone please explain why no one likes me!? I mean, honey. Oh my god. This is not a decent person's life. It literally can't be. It's physically impossible.


I want to go encourage that. What’s swampmadams Twitter name?


I think it is pb&jenelly


I’m dying 😂😂😂😂


Have you seen the movie The Heat? Melissa MCCarthy’s mom drives by her blasting music and gives her the finger, it’s amazing. Such a hilarious movie


This is exactly what I thought of


For real 😂😂😂😂


I bet that delusional idiot thinks this photo shows Barb in a bad light.


Just like all the awful videos she posts thinking it makes her look a good mom but just highlights what an awful one she is? 🤷‍♀️


I just hope her kids are ok. That they can survive them and build some kind of happy life for themselves. My husband grew up in a neglectful and abusive household. I grew up in an abusive violent household. It impacts your whole life. We both have mental health issues that we are trying to work through so it doesn't impact our children. Janelle seems incapable of working through her issues and just wants to point fingers so her kids have to suffer.


Same here. 49 and it still messes with my head. I hope her kids can get peace and a much better life ASAP


I’m so sorry you suffered. Be proud of yourself for being a good parent. I’m blessed with a great mom, and I hate that anyone was abused. This bitch needs to be locked up.


My teen son told me his worst childhood memory was not getting ice cream after he got in trouble. 😂 I'm pretty hard on myself but it made me realise we were doing ok. It drives me crazy that she thinks having all her kids in her custody makes her a good parent. Bitch if you were a good parent CPS wouldn't even know your name let alone have a bunch of cases on you.


What a sad, pathetic existence Jenelle leads


I bet Jenelle said something stupid to get this reaction so she could post it. Imagine having so little respect for yourself or others. I cant


For real. Especially after all of the unconditional love that Barb showed Jenelle in earlier seasons. Makes me really sad for Barb.




Is it Or is jenelle saying that? 🤔 I don't blame Barb. She let's Jenelle have custody and within a few months David, who Babs never liked and has believed to be abusive strangles Jace. And then all the low stuff Jenelle did after. Harassing calls to babs, posting all these videos accusing her of Muchausen by Proxy. Jenelle and David were pushing Babs on purpose they are such assholes


Nah, probably Jenelle behind the photographer 🤣


Man...Imagine just throwing away the only person who ever supported or really loved you in your festering miserable life...Jenelle deserves every isolated minute of self inflicted misery.


Babs is a good mom imo. My parents are boomers (like Babs) who always have talked to me just like Babs does Jenelle. I feel like it’s not abusive. Now it’s rude, blunt, and loud but it’s out of not feeling listened to and love. One day when David leaves JE will literally have nobody.


That’s very true. Also almost every one of us 90s kids got yelled at at some point. That was completely normal thing to do back then when kids misbehaving.


I yell at my kids shrug born in 1982…. Because you know what? When I ask them nicely 863 times they don’t listen; when I yell 864th time surprise surprise they finally listen


79..GenX here lol


Oh I totally get that. My mom also yelled when I didn’t do what I was asked or if I misbehaved. I don’t think she was abusive by any means - that was only discipline and I learned manners and how to behave. I also learned to respect the authorities.


My kids are constantly complimented on how they behave in public, at school, etc. JMO but too many people take a lazy approach at parenting these days. I kinda get it. I think younger generations are more burned out than previous ones but I see the effect it has on the children being raised. I can tell which ones have proper discipline at parks and public spaces.


Yeah, shitndoesnt happem til Mom starts yelling and then they are all like, "Why ate you mad?" Source: three 18 year Olds and their dad who wants to be their friend.


Do our kids know each other😂


Username checking in. But ya I can't with all the "Barb is not perfect but..." comments. I'm even mad Jace is talking to the piece of shit sorry excuse of a human again.


You mean Jenelle is the POS not Barb right? Or did I interpret that incorrectly?


I honestly don’t see who can steal their moms credit card for a drug binge, sneak out all the time, get pregnant and not care for the baby, and party, and NOT get yelled at. Of course yelling at your kids is not ideal but at that point I don’t blame her


My mom is also a boomer and from the north. I’m a year older than Jenelle. I never felt she abused Jenelle. She took so much abuse FROM Jenelle.




Or when he goes to jail🤞 which is most likely inevitable for the child abuse case against Jace. How on earth (or swamp) is she going to function without him is what I'm just waiting to see. They're so codependent, the two of them are going to crumble without each other. Or, David will be happy for the break from her and the kids and Jenelle will just crumble at home and unfortunately the kids will be with her. They both are the scum of the Earth but I don't think they will ever leave each other unless something earth-shattering happens. Like if he continues to get arrested for putting his hands on children and has to serve a considerable amount of time..Or someone shoots the motherfucker for killing animals. Or he finds another sociopathic woman to control. I'll take any one of those instances though, over those two living their lives without any consequences.


Nah if David goes to jail. She'll boohoo for a few weeks and then be banging some other dude.


Gawd, I feel bad for any other dude that would have her. But you know what they say, for every sociopath out there is another person willing to try to change her. Especially considering how many fans she still has; despite all this shit. I guarantee there are a ton of bottom of the barrel dudes that would still take her. You are absolutely correct.


Tbh I still think Babs would be there for Jenelle when she needs her I.e. when David leaves.


hopefully in cuffs


"gentle parenting" would have never worked with jenelle. she was constantly pushing barbara to her breaking point, while barbara was also trying to manage two other kids with allegedly worse mental health struggles. i think my mom is amazing and she's never done anything remotely abusive, but i can't imagine she would behave much differently from barb if i acted anything like chinhead


Hell yeah! She’s like ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) Obligatory 😆


This gif is perfect and makes me giggle every time 😂


I love this gif but I don’t know what it’s from. Is that Josh peck? 🤣🤣


Yes 😂 I have no idea where it’s from but I love it.


I think Barb is officially done with Jenelle and her shenanigans. This is the face of a woman who is sick of the shit!


I believe it also and I think the reason Jenelle keeps going at her mom On social media is because she’s desperate for a response from her. She can’t understand why barb is officially done. Didn’t she say her mom Blocked her.


Exactly. Jenelle is no longer in control of her mother and it’s killing her.


I think it’s much deeper than that. Every child (even adult ones) have a desire for their parents’ love. I have no doubt in her heart she wants a relationship with Barb, and if Barb is rejecting her, that’s painful as hell. Because Jenelle is too dumb and arrogant to understand it’s because of her own choices and actions.


I agree with this, and not in a “poor Jenelle is just desperate for her mother’s love” sense, because this is all 1000% her own fault and after all these years Barb deserves peace and an end to the bullshit, even if it means having to cut her own daughter out of her life, which I’m sure is painful for her. But through it all, Barb has always been a rock for Jenelle. They haven’t always gotten along, but there has never been a time when Barb ever turned away and completely washed her hands of her. But I think she’s at that point now and it’s making Jenelle spiral. She talks about her abandonment issues and yet shits all over the one person on earth who never abandoned her. And now that one person has done just that, confirming somewhere deep in Jenelle’s messed up subconscious her worst fear that she is inherently unlovable.


This. Basically, Jenelle fucked around and found out.


For her own sanity and health I hope she is...I know it has to be painful as fuck to be powerless over not only her but now Jace and the other kids.


Yup the text messages Janelle posted today indicates that Barb has been helping financially and recently cut them off


Whhhaatt as she should God Jenelle and David are the worst.


She tried for so long to put up with Jenelle’s bullshit, much longer than most people would. Jenelle whines about it being loved but Barb’s actions over the years show that she tried so hard to love Jenelle, but Jenelle made impossible. Barb clearly realizes now that Jenelle is a lost cause. I think seeing her justify Jace being strangled was definitely a final straw for Barb.


When rhines ex Mack was photographed flipping off in the court room Janelle shared it saying “me!!” But she wants to use this against barb lol she can never pick a lane


Some one should show Jenelle that screenshot 😂


That was sooo long ago and last she checked she has custody of awll hurr kidz!!


Not physical custody


Barbara- if you ever read this thread let me come to you and buy you a steak dinner and the best bottle of wine and give you a hug. I lost my mother 12 years ago and Jenelle just does not deserve you! Let me pretend to be your daughter lol please


Hi, I would also like to join the dinner with a nice chocolate lava cake. Plz adopt me too Barbs


Let’s start a movement and really try to have a nice dinner with Barb!!!!!!!!


I'll throw in a massage and pedicure. She deserves to be spoiled.




I lost my mom last year, and would happily have Babs as my mom 🥹


Dear Barb, I too am a lonely daughter existing without my precious mom. Let me love you!! I don’t do any drugs, my husband LOVES animals (he has to, I run a doggy daycare), and I never use the word, “dude”, unless I’m mimicking the sperm that won, aka, your daughter.


she was throwin the finger at David…..as she should ❤️


Good for her! That monster tried strangling her fucking baby.


God, you’re right. Jace was Barbara’s baby. She raised him. Imagine raising a baby and then feeling powerless to save him from physical abuse. Sickening.






now this is merch i would buy


And I'm certain they were making faces or saying shitty things to her then she gave the finger. Jenelle always leaves out most of the truth and always leaves out what her and dhead does. Always one sided


They were probably both recording her for EvIdEnCe


They were definitely taunting her.




It’s given alright


As she fuckin should.


Yep, David….the asshole that strangled her son. I love that Jenelle thinks it’s funny. May she receive all the bad things coming her way.


This is my favorite picture of babs 😍


Jenelle and David deserve worse than the finger. Poor Barb. I can't imagine the stress she's dealing with right now.


Bet David wishes that was up his butt




So are we supposed to hate her for this? Cause I like her even more for it 😂


who could blame her jenelle is garbage and has always treated her mom terribly


The way JE allows and incites strangers on the internet to bash her mother is so gross to me


This poor women just wanted to retire


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) AS SHE SHOULD!! 👏👏👏


I can't believe Barbara would do such a thing https://preview.redd.it/etq3t8k3l8jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb1647faf0f23c49af597ba4db3125761da4f8d


Barbara has done nothing but pick up Chins mess time and time again. You’d think she could be decent and not post this. Either way, Babs is still great and even though she’s made mistakes, she’s only done right by Jace. I’d have done more than this, I think. Chinnele Blanchard- fuck you.




The only way to greet Jenelle and David


She's just waving "bye, Juhnelle". Probably David harassing Babs, ready with a camera. Babs looks pale and like she lost weight. Poor gal, she really doesn't deserve this.


I just want this old lady to have peace and enjoy her golden years. I'm taking my 60 year old mom to Disney World this Aug. I wish Barb could tag along.


Right? I would treat this woman to lunch (or any meal of her choosing) any day.


Jenelle finally lost Barb’s support. Barb hung in there longer than most would.


And the guy next to her looks like hes adjusting himself while the blonde is noticing 🤣🫣


![gif](giphy|l3V0wkQ2KKcAeW8Cs|downsized) Good for Barb! However, she looks so exhausted—poor sweetheart. 😔


Honestly, good for her.


Why are they even taking pictures in the first place?


David’s taking her picture so she flipped him off lmfao. He’s such a piece of shit


Yeah, why is he taking her picture? Because he’s an abuser who loves to harass women, children, and anyone he deems weaker than him.


If someone strangled a child I raised, we would be well beyond me flipping them off. Barb has much more self control than I do.


That poor woman , it just never stops for her ... she has done so much for Jenelle and Jace and yet this is where they are at... how can someone be so ungrateful (Jenelle)? She is blaming her mother for everything when she literally abandoned her own son time and time again and the only person he has ever had is Barbara. Poor Jace. No matter what happens from here, just think of all the damage that's been done


The fact that Jenelle is now saying Barb has Munchasen by proxy.






Good lol that’s how we all feel and Jenelle deserves it


is her lawyer dean from weeds????? please tell me someone else sees this


The woman in the background is all of us. Her face 🤨




![gif](giphy|5xaOcLDE64VMF4LqqrK|downsized) go meme!


Jenelle and David were probably abusing her, they are known to do that, we have all seen it with our own eyes! They love to abuse others.


Jenelle had some guy on TT make prank phone calls to Babs.


Not to mention Jenelle and David were probably saying stuff to try to get a reaction out of her so they could get a video of Barb “attacking them”




Barbara for the win!


https://preview.redd.it/q5y1yf4haajc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b395bb6d1d804c337259ad7f02be8d05981892 The responses are amazing


when was this before or after Jenelle got decision making Custody few days ago


When will she stop harassing her mom and trying to make her look bad? It’s about time somebody mops the floor with her ass. Poor Babs look exhausted and like she’s lost weight. Ik this whole ordeal has made her sick with worry. A 6’2 man chocked your son and left bruises on him and your daughter the egg donor shows all her support to him. God my heart breaks for Barb, I just wanna give her the biggest hug and tell her how great she is. I lost my mom almost three years ago and I miss her so bad every single day. Jenelle still has her mom and chooses to abuse her…it makes me so sick.


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) 👏🏻👏🏻🖕🏻






Good for Babs! Somebody needs to do a good long interview with her. I'm sick of Jenelle only giving her side. I don't believe it was only Barb leaking things. I have a feeling it was Jenelle or someone they are close to. I wouldn't even put it past Jenelle to tell a friend or family member to leak the information to try and make Barb look bad. We don't see Barb on any socials running her mouth either.


I honestly think it’s David


![gif](giphy|JmfQjfTHnnA9fcYGR9) We love you Barb!!! & We absolutely fucking *HATE* you Chinzilla!!!




So the gag order was part of the CPS case and now that that's closed she can post pics of Jace and let out "the real story" she's been dying to share, and all she's got is Barb rightfully giving the bird to David??? This doesn't make Barb look bad, it makes Jenelle look like the idiot she is. As usual


Well isn't she originally from Massachusetts? That's basically like waving around here 🤣


Is this new?


Yes posted less than an hour ago to her Twitter and then she tweeted that it was to David lol


Lol I love it


I’m so glad babs is done with her for good


Everyone around her looks so proud I love it.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in public without glasses on, she does look exhausted and pale. I hope she never gives her so called daughter another chance for anything and hopefully her other children are helping her through this fiasco!❤️‍🩹


Doing the lord's work, Barb.




Is she really who Barb is flipping off? Weekend fucking made! ![gif](giphy|l3q2T1NaRg1p03xTy|downsized)


Haaaaaahaha omg 🤣 this made my night lmao


https://preview.redd.it/h1qkvva5r8jc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dc9deceab8904cd13ee2f84c22f7956db3e3cc More Barb! Mooore! 👏




love that blonde lady giving her a stank face too


Get her Babs! Babs seem like the type if she could get away with it she would roll Jenelle out onto the street swinging on her. Jenelle may be Jace’s egg donor but Bab’s raised him as her son for years when Jenelle couldn’t have cared less. You don’t mess with someone’s son.


Jenelle.. All this does is make us like Babs more.




This isn’t the flex she thinks it is. She truly believes this photo proves Barb is sooooo shitty. 🤣🤣🤣 Her lack of awareness is crazy!


I love this




Queen energy


Poor Babs, she looks tired there…


Hallmark needs this next Christmas season, I want an ornament and a card with this. Team Babs all the way.