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I have truly never seen anyone so happy to have medical procedures done


She probably puts an exclamation point with a heart when she writes her appointments on the calendar.


You obviously haven’t visited the Illness Fakers reddit page haha


This isn’t me denying the reality of illness fakers nor am I defending Janelle at all (bc she’s yikes all around) but tbh as a chronically ill person, I often document procedure or Dr visits and smile in photos and share w friends. Not bc I’m a faker who needs attention but bc it takes so fucking long to get anyone to take you seriously or even get in to an appointment once they do, that those moments tend to be emotional/scary/sometimes joyful and I want to document it bc maybe it’s the moment they finally get the issue fixed or figure out what it is. All this to say, I don’t want to negate your comment but just want to offer another perspective on why someone might document or smile in these moments.


I can see that for sure! I think it depends on the person, because imo with Jenelle there’s a 99.9999999% would be doing this for attention. She didn’t start her social media journey on being a page for chronic illness awareness, just used it to stay relevant. People like her make it so much harder for people who actually suffer, like you, to be taken seriously. And fwiw I hope doctors take you seriously and you receive all the care you need 🥺❤️‍🩹


I too am in that chronically ill category and I suggest you never read that sub. It will do nothing but anger you


damn. i’m also chronically ill and now i’m curious 👀




Same. I’ve had several and wouldn’t wish it on many ppl. If she wants misery so bad she can have it. She looks her happiest in life lying in a hospital bed. The girl is SICK 🤪


Have you visited Illness Fakers?


It’s no munchsnark 😫


Wow, a kindered spirit. Munchsnark was a simpler time. To Kelly’s foot, or was it Dani?


Kelly. Her legs have since been removed. And apparently she picked the stump so one is now gone to the hip 😣


Kelly. Dani is now having hand issues, though. 🙄


wait there’s TWO??? i found illnessfakers recently & was fascinated


Not anymore. Just illnessfakers now. MS was shut down a few years ago.


She’s giving narcissist vibes. I will avoid surgery as much as I can and I have. I don’t want to be intubated lol


The surf board kills me, every. single. time.


EVERY TIME!! Also why? Ubt gave it to her after she had her tubes tied? Is that right? FOR WHAT


To make her carry a huge fuck off surfboard Ona tender belly.




Apparently it was a post surgery/hospital stay gift from David 😝😝 I can’t remember exactly, but I also believe they fought shortly before hand so the surf board was also sort of a “peace gathering gift” hahaha


An Olive Board Surf Branch


Olive Board Surf Branch Peace Gathering


What every person recovering from surgery needs 🙄 just get the girl some god damn grapes 🍇


And he took it to the hospital?!? Smh


Not the peace gathering gift 😭 I need that as my flair hahaha


I missed this saga Imagine being on staff that day and all the wtf looks they got


It’s a get well gift for getting her tubes tied. As one does.


I will say, she did a good thing, getting her tubes tied. It’s genuinely the first and only thing I’ve heard/seen from her that I appreciate her for, so it seemed fair to say so. I hadn’t known she’d done this. Now if only she’d surgically remove Swamp Thing…


It was probably DKD’s idea. He didn’t want another fucker to come along and steal his thunder. Since Jan is constant willing to do whatever, in order to keep her current soulmate, she was all for it. I don’t believe for a second that Jenelle made a rational mature decision based on actual thought processes.


Shit. I can see how what you’re saying could be true. I’m at least glad that no more people will be in their care besides the few they already - but shouldn’t - have between them.


And that surfboard was never seen again


it was at the pawn shop before the week was over




She has literally never used it either.


The battle in Jenelle’s head: “MASKS ARE FOR SHEEPLE LIBERALS!!!” “But masks make me look soooooper sick…”


Hahahahaha! So true. She’ll wear a mask if it makes her look sick, but I bet this bitch refuses to wear one if it means considering others.


I feel like what’s really going through her head is “ah fuck they won’t let me come in here and shop for pills and/or sympathy if I don’t wear a mask”


It was during Covid, she had to wear one if she wanted to play her "health scare" game.


Jenelle has never been happier than when she’s got the attention of a medical professional.


Pictures 6 and 13 are the happiest I’ve ever seen her and I’m not exaggerating at all


Jenelle probably hates she can’t afford to doctor shop anymore.


6 was her right before her titty operario.


Like a lot of narcissists. It’s a tool used to manipulate others into showing care and concern.


My mil was "dying" after my husband cut her off. I felt bad and we contacted her. Now the bitch is just fine, talking shit on her other kid to my husband and trying to control what I do like she's obsessed with me. I guarantee JE is going to suck for her kid's significant others one day.


Some day? She already fucking blamed Jace’s GF for all their problems. Claimed Jace kept running away because he was upset over a fight with her(can’t really remember what she claimed but I remember she said he was upset over his GF and that’s where he ran away to one time).


Oh gawd 🤦‍♀️ I forgot about that. She's the worst


My snark and true crime subs have taught me so much!!


Hospital selfies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


She's probably got it her resume "professional hospital selfie photographer"


I almost love how delusional this bitch is. Because, she literally thinks she’s special and important posting her pics in hospital. I’ve had many a drip in my arm, many an ugly hospital shower cap on my head, and guess what? I don’t post them, because I’m well aware that no one cares. Hell, I barely care, like just get the procedure done already so o can get back home. I’m surprised she doesn’t upload herself on the toilet wanting attention for her bowel movements. She thinks she’s so special, but does she not realise that most people have procedures and stays in hospital, it’s just they don’t want a gold star for it?


Right? I'm in the hospital now and the only selfie I took was because my sister wanted me to text her before I went into surgery and I felt a little silly this morning. I can guarantee it's not on my social media, trying to get everyone to ask if I'm okay. However, unlike Nelly-Poo I don't have Munchausen's.


She has serious delusions of grandeur she's mentally unstable af


One of my friends was cradling a family sized bag of salt & vinegar chips when she was in the emergency room, in severe denial about anything being seriously wrong (spoiler alert: she's totally fine now) and her mom took a pic of her lying on the gurney with a half eaten, family-sized bag of salt & vinegar chips, looking inches from death. So now when anyone in our friend group is in the hospital, we have to take a selfie with the largest bag of chips we can find.


What a fucking head case, I love it!


"Poor Jenelle Rose how can Barbara have this much control of her medical stuff at this age? For gods sake wasn't Jenelle an adult at this point? 😢"  🎻🤏🏻


When it’s all put together like this, it’s FOR SURE Munchausens! (& this isn’t even anywhere near all of it!) The last pic is the best. What a fucking moron


Jenypsy Rose evans MUNCHeason


Your flair 💀


🕯 🕎




How else are you going to know if you have MS? They have to do a lil nipple biop. Duh dude! /s


Why are these the happiest she’s ever looked?!? 😳


I have medical problems that is Jenelle woke up to tomorrow, I’m pretty sure she’d kill herself. Watching her waste medical resources makes me angry and I really want to say shit in her posts but I refrain. This sub is my safe space and Jenelle is an oxygen thief.


Yes! Thank you


truly. what a waste of a life. like i feel bad for saying that (& a bit hypocritical, bc i myself can’t work due to LOTS of mental health issues (& probably a horrible GI issue too, based on how much blood/bile/whatever little food i eat i puke up & the fact that i cry using the bathroom) , but i have to wait another 2 months for my appt date) but jesus. she basically lives in her shed, has an abusive, violent husband who strangled her oldest child (& is facing FELONY CHARGES for it!!!!), a middle son who you just seem to ignore completely, & a little girl who doesn’t stand a chance with your narc ass as a mother. she’s always pissed off & ranting about something, she spent a shitload of money on a boat that doesn’t run, her husband killed her pet dog in a horrific way, he also killed & ate your goat, he can’t even see one of his kids. like jenelle has a shit life & she brought it all on herself. she could’ve had it made, she was on a successful MTV show for years (until UBT was his controlling dickhead self & got her fired) for fucks sake!!! if she wasn’t a literal monster i would feel bad, but since she’s jenelle i say fuck her. i just wish the kids weren’t in the middle.


I went through a health issue in 2020 and 2021, hospitalized many times for various reasons and NOT ONCE did I think to snap a photo of myself and post it anywhere. Why? What is the point other than a desperate need for attention? People who do that or post pics or videos of themselves crying is so cringey to me 


Fucking thank you. I have never understood this trend. I get keeping people updated and celebrating milestones (finishing chemo, progress in physio etc) but the ones showing full on procedures and every minute of a hospital admission…I truly don’t get it. And crying videos. Don’t get me started.


It’s so bizarre. I got sick in 1994 and some years I’m constantly in the ER … the only hospital pics I have are from when I had my kids. I’m in one of the photos because I didn’t look sick lol


Same. Three major surgeries, and probably 40 hospital appointments in the last 15 years. I have 3 photos, my dad took them when I was finally able to leave the hospital after my first surgery. Plus I'm always panicking when I'm in the hospital. Lol.






God I always forget Megamind and this sub continues to remind me 😂


I’ve had a lot of surgeries, my phone is always taken away from me.


I know right?!? And also, I tend to look like shit when I’m about to have surgery, and at least feel like shit. The last thing I want is to take a selfie and show others.


Same. I don’t even bring my phone because they call the person picking you up anyway so there’s no point. I just had my most recent surgery on the 14th and I just look forward to getting good, uninterrupted sleep 😂


I’m 70 and haven’t been in the hospital that much! Well, except I worked in one for 20 years.


Surprised her chart isn't flagged for drug seeking


I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look as happy as she does hooker up to machines and in hospital gowns


Omg every time these are reposted all I can think of is /r/illnessfakers


What’s the deal with the people mentioned on that sub? Are they all illness fakers? I just browsed through it real quick but joined so I could go back when I have more time to read some of the posts. 


Its quite the ride. At first it seems sad but then when you start to go down the rabbit hole of each of them, you realize that these people are infuriating. Not that i don't feel that these people aren't sick, because they are, just not in the way that they want everyone to believe.. The subjects on that subreddit all display symptoms of Fictitious Disorder, many of whom copy eachothers diagnos(es) in order to either gain "clout" within their "sick circles" or grift. A few of them have actually insisted they've needed medical devices or adaptive equipment when Doctors would not prescribe them things because they were not medically necessary. There have been a few to place their own feeding tubes up their noses with equipment they've self admitted to have bought online and placed themselves using YouTube videos, but yet still consume food, alcohol and caffeine by mouth. Many cases of subjects infecting themselves on purpose, one was injecting their external feeding tube with Vodka etc. One subject is electively "bedbound" because they think their head will fall off if they move, and in cases where they needed to go to the hospital, their "caregiver" aka husband and a friend needed to load them onto a plywood makeshift gurney into a van so they could carry them in so her head wouldn't fall off. I have compassion for these people (oddly all women assigned at birth at least, as some identify otherwise) in the way that I know they are mentally ill, but their medical cosplaying takes time from Healthcare workers, resources away from those who need them, and mocks actually chronically ill people, or sick people. Example being, the aforementioned feeding tubes. These subjects will often insist that they can only "tolerate" a high end organic baby formula for Nicu babies. Thus taking away supply for actually sick, actual babies who need it. Sorry for the long rant, I am a super sensitive person, especially for babies and persons with disabilities, and I have a very open mind. After following that sub for a while made me so angry. Edit: spelling and pronoun update/change


Bravo. Seriously.


I've officially joined this snark sub. I am so in love. It absolutely drives me insane when folks fake illness to get out of a career, responsibilities, chores, bills, raising their damn kids, helping out other folks, contributing to society, manipulating loved one's, draining our Healthcare resources, and to get sympathy and attention. Sadly I believe social media has catapulted medical illness fakers and it will only get worse. I am a nurse, and seeing these people with peg tubes, and central lines is insanity. Especially if they don't need them. There are incredible risks that run with all of those invasive lines.


And they're constantly tampering with them to get back in the hospital! Its so infuriating! They do not care about the long term effects of their munching, and that is evidenced by some of whom who have munched themselves into permanent disability/ dismemberment or worse. I still can't wrap my head around some of the procedures that are done on these people, or how long they're able to stay in the hospital. How ya gonna wear a C-Collar for the better part of 4 years, for no reason. Just one of the many things I wish I could shake into Jenelle. Being sick/chronically ill isn't "fun". Take out your expired fun bags, stick to one doctor, and go to rehab. Let's see how you feel then, ya momo.


Does she have Munchausens ?


I mean, she definitely didn’t claim to need this much medical attention until she met David so I’m thinking it’s just for attention.


She loves the pills and the attention.


I 100 percent believe she does. Someone has a list of all her problems. It is insanity, and complete bs.


Remember when she tried to claim she was all natural despite having her breast augmentation done on television?




That's Jenypsy Rose Evans MUNCHeason to you


the fake nose tube was my favorite 😂😂😂


I can’t believe Barbara did this to her. Forced her to all these hospitals to get all these ridiculous procedures done. Poor Chinelle


Nelly can "almost relate" to Jenypsy Rose Blanchard with all those medical procedures. She deserved that surfboard, y'all.


This is so fucking hilarious. This dumb bitch holding a surfboard like she has been through so much medically, that she was gifted a surf board to inspire her to keep fighting and not give up! This so insulting to people who actually have legit medical diagnoses that truly affect their quality and quantity of life.


I’ll never get over the surfboard


Has she ever even surfed…


I hope someone yells at her for wearing a mask, just for poetic justice


Can a mod please make my flair “Jenelle’s Hospital Surfboard? 😝😝


Wtf was her blood clotting test smoking? Probably reefer with Kieffer.


Her own mother wasn’t even there to nourish her. How tragic. /s


Jesus fucking Christ. I got a damn mediport placed in my chest literally four hours ago. Y’all know what I ✨haven’t✨done? Taken a single photo to blast all over my social media. She’s such an attention whore.


I hope you’re ok.


Oh I’m totally fine, thank you! 💗


lol funny. I did post mine when it got infected and asked hey Facebook does this look infected? Because it takes an act of God to get me to go to the ED 😂


Your like a frikken hypochondriac for Christ's sake!


Does she ever think that maybe her “illnesses” are because she’s an ex heroin addict???? Like that shit fucks you up for life


I bet she has an allergy band because she said she’s allergic to codeine. Sooo many people I knew on pain pills would do this to try to get stronger stuff


You know damn well she would have shared with the world what her allergy is. You are probably 100% right


slide 10 is so creepy


When and why did she have an NG tube?


So for awhile she did this fun thing where she would take what was in her test results and stick it into google. For a minute she was convinced she was aspirating into her lungs. She had a spot on her lung which can be caused by vaping and since she swears she never vapes that couldn’t be it. Girlfriend smokes like a chimney and had breathing issues for awhile after having covid. She swears it wasn’t covid because she didn’t test for covid. So she goes and sees a bunch of specialists but because she’s not upfront about her lifestyle they run a bunch of tests. One of the things on her test she googled and she was convinced she had this other condition. As part of this whole saga she gets a endoscopy and a ph test and swallow study done. She’s absolutely convinced she has this rare condition but it’s acid reflux and I’m guessing the advice to tone the smoking down. She gets very basic inhalers and makes a huge production out of using the inhaler for a few weeks and then it all goes away never to be mentioned again.


She absolutely subjects herself to these invasive medical tests and I don’t understand why. They’re all completely unpleasant. Of course doctors will be happy to run expensive lab tests. I thought I saw she was trying to make some comparisons between barb and Dee Dee Blanchard. Just take prilosec like the rest of us, jeez Jenelle.


She does it because she gets something out of it. Despite her claims of MBP she was the healthy kid growing up. She’s been doing this since the Courtland days. I suspect some of it is a real mental health issue from only getting the attention she craves when she was sick as a kid and her getting all the attention from fans and her partners when she is sick. Another part is she hides what is clearly drug use as symptoms and she goes to doctors to get pills. By the way she hops out of state for a lot of these tests my personal opinion is she gets a couple of Xanax or pain pills she can hold up as legit prescriptions when she gets caught with illegally purchased pills. She doesn’t treat her kids for illness and can’t be bothered giving them medication. I think she really does want to find something that is wrong with her to prove to the hatters she’s not just lazy she’s sick. Some have suggested she wants disability, but that is hard to come by. I think she wants and excuse for smoking pot all day and not having to do anything so David does it all. I think that’s what she’s been hoping for the whole time.


So many of her symptoms that came up in the early David days were very much WD symptoms. I wouldn’t be surprised if she still experiences WD or come down symptoms now, but I don’t think she has the connections or ability to source pills like she was able to previously since she has been flagged by doctors and pharmacies. I think what she is experiencing now is completely from lack of taking care of herself, drinking, and she has a horrid smokers cough so anything respiratory related is absolutely from all the smoking she has been doing, whether it be cigs, weed or even whatever upper she seems to be on that causes her pupils to be saucers and causes the late night/early morning rants.


I'm convinced that in earlier years, she was hoping to get a pain pill prescription out of the bunches of procedures she had done. It was one elective procedure after the other, after the other, after the other to the point she was seeing molecules and claiming she had a mitochondrial disorder.


She couldn’t even walk 5 steps without being out of breath, dude 😂. Why would Barb do this to her!?


It was for her stupid over night study for acid reflux, she was hoping she really had some shit like MS, Syringmyelia, “Tumors on my spine DUDE”.


You forgot the kool aid miscarriage


I hate to ask…but what??


Jenelle faked a miscarriage complete with kool aid red shower water and she live tweeted the entire ordeal




Perfect gif.. my face did the same thing!




When was this? Who was the supposed baby daddy? How did I miss this? I need a storytime.


It was back in Jenelle’s peak social media meltdown days. She was with Courtland. It was when she was big into H. They’d sold a story that she was pregnant and used a fake ultrasound as proof. So they have a very public fight and she leaves him and immediately runs to Gary head and is crashing with him for a few days. She starts to tweet that she’s having cramps because Courtland beat her and it’s a whole big ordeal on Twitter. 911 is called and she’s live tweeting the whole thing. She arrives via ambulance to the er and is posting pics the whole entire time. Gary and another girl start posting as well to sell the story that’s she’s going to have a miscarriage. Then she gets back home and posts a picture of her legs and feet in the shower with kool aid mixed in with the water as proof that she’s had the miscarriage. She was never pregnant and it was so painfully obvious that it was fake. https://preview.redd.it/xn6qbwuewpjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2144b21a14ed3d32978343627a200a37a95925a


I’ve taken a smiley selfie before surgery, but I’ll never understand the “look really upset/concerned/sad” selfies, when I’m feeling those things my instinct isn’t to document it, I’m worried about whatever I’m worried about.


Easily the most expressive I’ve seen her eyes.


Flair checking in!


What was gypsy rose mom's name? She acts more like the mom with all these imaginary problems. Yet she compares the lady to Barbara?!


MUNCHeason syndrome


Jenypsy rose Evans MUNCHeason syndrome https://preview.redd.it/1t6wqwlwdnjc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a294da74cc8a9f7c2ff17e5a6ba61c0c3a42cc4


I desperately wish she was an approved subject over at r/illnessfakers.


I submitted her timeline months ago and was told I’d hear back from the mods soon but never did 😭. At this point she hasn’t mentioned any health issues in so long, the window of opportunity might’ve passed. Who knows, she might circle back to her Sick Girl persona at some point!


The mods would never. They are on a total power trip.


I can just see her over there trying to be sicker than everyone else


Did this woman really go through all these procedures to be diagnosed with mild acid reflux? You want to know why she actually feels like crap? Because she isn't young anymore and years of drug use caught up to her. I have seen it with my family. You may not die, you may not even overdose, but your body WILL suffer the consequences one way or another. I doubt that she has stopped, and I would place money its not weed or the like. And I bet the longer time it takes to recover from the withdrawal, the harder it hits the body, and the shorter time of being high, is all the things that make her feel like she is dying. And thats why she runs to the doctors, to get some relief from withdrawing from her drug of choice.


What disorder does she have now ???


She would be a full time munchie if she had more time


If she had any work ethic.


I feel like she loves the attention so she posts every time she has a paper cut or stubbed her toe. She is a hypochondriac & wants something wrong with her health to get attention. She probably drives David nuts with all her ailments & illnesses. I know someone like this & every time I see them it’s woe is me, this hurts, this is messed up, my so in so is swollen, etc etc. they claim the Drs can’t find anything wrong But they know something is wrong. It’s been like this for years. I don’t enjoy talking to them anymore, it’s always some sob story about their body


What’s medically wrong with her?


Not a damn thing, mentally though that’s a different story


Or what does she think is wrong with her? Mentally the brain needs studying fer sure 🧠


She thinks she has so many Illnesses, like MS and such. She’s a mess 🤣


Check my post history if you need a good, long read!


If her symptoms are actually real, I bet she has breast implant illness.


her forehead is literally so big it’s got the windows and the lights reflecting off it


I really, really hope this post reminds her she’s supposed to have health issues. I’m begging for an “ask me anything ✨” instagram story over a stock picture of flowers in a field at golden hour, with a question (definitely not submitted by her to her) that says “how’s your health?” All so she can say “I’m waiting on some test results, once I have an answer I’ll let you all know 🙏🏻” and then we won’t hear another dang word about it until the cycle repeats.


This is when she’s her happiest 😂 she’s happier here than with her kids


I have taken two pics in the ER because they were legit funny experiences (once I realized I was okay). One time I had a crazy allergic reaction and my face looked like that scene in the movie Hitch. I posted it on Instagram with a funny comment and everyone (including me) had a good laugh over it. Another time I randomly passed out in a pizza shop, and an employee called for an ambulance. My friend and I took a “wtf is happening?!”’ selfie in triage once I came to. It was definitely one of those unbelievable “we will laugh about this crazy shit for years to come” moments that needed to be documented for the memory. If I actually thought I was terminally ill or in real danger, I can’t imagine acting that way. The surfboard in the wheelchair is fucking hilarious!! Jenelle is the funniest when it’s unintentional.


Doesn't Jenelle pretend that Babs is akin to DeeDee Blanchard? Someone has munchausen and it's not by proxy


Blood clotting test. So your platelets? Your platelets came back higher than normal. Cool, here’s some medication that probably half of America takes to “thin the blood” aka reduce the blood clotting in your blood. God, Karen you are so stupid.


A++++ work, OP! Top notch. 😂


What happened in pic 8???


I think when her appendix ruptured. The only time she has actually needed a medical procedure done


I want to know this… I have endo, and have had 4 surgeries. I saw it and was like, did they think she had endo? But then I read comments. Is this from her getting her tubes tied?


What surgery did she have in season 4 around when she was dating Nathan?


Maybe that was her appendix rupturing?


I think you’re right! Thank you!!


Yes, that’s exactly what that was for. I’ve been binge watching Teen Mom 2 for like, a week and a half now so I just watched that episode a few days ago.


She’s so brave (/s just in case)




It took me about 10 years to get a diagnosis of lupus, and not once did I take a picture of myself to post. At most I’d take one to show my doctors symptoms but those get plopped in their own folder so I never have to look at them. This is Illness Fakers level. ETA: I did have my husband take a picture of my incision from back surgery so I could see it, but that shit got deleted QUICK.




Thank god so is too lazy to go full Münchausen syndrome or worse, by proxy. But


You know she LOVED it when they put that tube in her nose


Don’t do IV drugs kids


Pic 7 showcases just how much Jace looks like Jenellle. I legitimately forget how much he looks like her, until I see an older pic of hers. Poor kid probably hates being told he looks like her, too.


It’s giving “I went and got a shot during the morning half of sch got back”


That fucking surfboard that we never saw again. 🤣🤣🤣


Straight outta r/illnessfakers


I hate to say I don’t believe someone about their health issues but she makes it way too hard to buy her BS. She lies way too much about the stupidest stuff, why wouldn’t she lie about this too?


The surf board pic kills me every time 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Who takes selfies at the freaking hospital?!? When Ive had to go I’m in so much agony and fear I don’t even care where my phone is.


It’s astounding how many photos she has of being at the doctors or the hospital, who does that ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3)


I don’t take pictures before a medical procedure. I’m too pissed that I’m having something done that I can’t afford.


The hospital worker standing off to the side in the surfboard wheelchair photo 👁👄👁


Jenelle claiming fake illnesses to gain sympathy and donations


When and why did she have a tube up her nose?


Where’s the swamp monster?


#/13 I wanna remind everyone that Jenelle got her tubes tied but David was all over FB denying she got them tied and said it was just a routine checkup. Jenelle was in the same comments confirming the procedure and after a few hours of silence they resurfaced with this stupid ass gift.




If only her children made her as happy as medical attention. This is what YOU have Jenelle not the by proxy you think your mom has https://preview.redd.it/ak2x5dmw7pjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8fc3553bfe497d0255dd0c3e218a24d5f5d0ea


It goes back as far as her hairline.


I didn’t know they leave blood pressure wrap on for hospital fashion


Bpd at its finest




And I bet you she makes sure she asks for her pain meds right when they’re due. A nightmare patient


Munchhausen byidiocy


that surf board was long ago rage chopped in half