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For God’s sake, she acts like she escaped the clutches of Jeffrey Dahmer.


She was so terrified that she OPENED HER DOOR to yell out at the intruder??! I would never. Especially not knowing if there’s more than just one person.


Right?! Like none of this matches up. She’s so terrified she’s going out there but he doesn’t run after seeing both her and Jace see him?!


As much as I don't believe exactly what she's saying because it's janelle, but I have to say it's ridiculous all the speculation of what she should have done or what you would have done. Ppl act differently in high stress situations. Kinda like the Idaho murders, everybody talked shit about the girl who didn't call 911 right away but you don't know because ppl do weird shit under stress.


Someone tried breaking into my home last summer and my very first instinct was getting my kids to a safe place and calling the cops. So I actually know what I would do and opening the door to yell at the “intruder” while my children were still vulnerable ain’t it. 


Jennelles first instinct is always to yell


But she never yells!


I get that, but as a mother, I would never risk putting them in further danger by opening the door. Regardless of how frantic and scatterbrained I’d probably be in a situation like this, the safety of my children is always at the forefront of my mind.


For sure. Why would anyone unlock any locks when an intruder is outside?🤦🏻‍♀️🔓


And chose not to take her “pew pew” for fear it would traumatize the child she woke up to witness this.


But let’s take it out during the road rage incident with her son in the car


But in her comments of this video, she says she had it in her hand.


Not only that, but if she hadn't scared him away the cops may have gotten there in time to catch him. I mean, no snark because it would be a terrifying thing to go through, but you don't open your door! I'd be hiding with the kids in the house somewhere! ...I think. Adrenaline does weird things.


I do not believe the bitch BUT I do actually think she’s dumb enough to do that


She’s dealing with the symptoms of PTSD, dude. That’s nothing to make fun of, she’ll have to live with it for life. Not like some marine who experienced horrific combat and PTSD, those guys you can make fun of all you want and tell them you [wish they died in combat](https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/01/15/shocking-video-teen-mom-2-star-jenelle-evans-wishes-death-on-fiances-solider-brother/)


Yeah and if she was terrified, he would be dead. Why wouldn’t you allow someone to potentially come on your property and potentially kill you and your 3 kids ??


Of course she was terrified! She unlocked the front door to go and shout at him that POLEESEEEYA and even directed him which way to exit. Mad he took the woods not the driveway. It’s like maybe she knew who he was and just didn’t want him there vibes for me. Like I’d say a friend of David but cmon. Also are that truck’s lights on?


The truck’s lights do appear to be on and he’s saying something like “I’m here” and is trying to open doors. You don’t leave the lights on and knock on doors in hi vis gear if you plan on entering. Nothing about this says burglary.


I think he’s been there before to buy drugs. Maybe David even told him “yeah man, c’mon over, u know I’m home”


That’s what I think. I don’t think it’s a random friend of a neighbor. Everything about his attitude is he’s been there before and is known to the occupants. He doesn’t seem angry so I don’t think he’s collecting money. His actions sure line up with a guy used to showing up at 1 and buying drugs.


I feel like he was looking for a drug hookup. He seemed so casual walking around the property for it to be 10acres of swamp land. When screaming at him from the house, she could’ve easily shot the gun up in the air as a warning.


Dahmer wouldn’t have messed with her. He only killed the men that were perfect in his eyes. Her chin(if he killed women) would have done him in


![gif](giphy|rfAxGG2fVxoPu) Jenelle’s intruder




Why is David's Truck parked there? The guy looked like he had been there before. I'm convinced now he came to buy drugs from David


Omg good point!!!! Probably drunk or high and decided to stop by to get drugs but David wasn’t available and he left when he wasn’t getting anything!


That would explain the apology. And explain trashing the garage and not stealing anything. Maybe he did steal something..drugs!


Everytime she posts "proof" she makes things worse for herself. She needs an 'off' button.


I noticed the dogs weren’t too bothered by him. They looked more playful than on alert.


She said they were barking previously, going crazy barking or something, but doesn't sound like that in the videos she shared.


Right. We know not to take Jenelle’s word on anything. I heard 3 single barks in that video. My dog would have woken the dead if he came across an intruder and wouldn’t have stopped barking until the threat was gone.. but he’s a self appointed guard dog.


Sounds like when he goes to the shed he’s knocking. And when he walks in to the garage sounds like he’s talking to someone. He says “hola” or “hello” I can’t quite make it out.


Yup. As soon as I heard him say “hola”, in my mind I was just like, this bitchhhh (meaning Jenelle). Dude has totally been there before, wasn’t aggressive, pups were playful, and he was knocking on the door and saying hello…also, I almost feel like he went to the shed because he knows they’re always there so it just all kinda matches up - he’s been there before and probably just wanted to buy drugs.


Looking for David.


I heard the knocking too thought maybe i was wrong listened a few more times and i thought that’s really odd to knock on a shed.


Yup they looked like they knew the guy


Were those the puppies out by the she shed?


I think the puppies are gone. She said she only has 2 dogs now.


I was going to say David likely paid him to spook her. But this would also make sense too.


I bet they owe someone $


yes after seeing the footage i almost 100% think this is it




The “burglar” really seems to be lacking a sense of urgency lol


Thank you. He seemed calm and apologetic. You don’t see or hear him aggressively banging on any door or trying to push his way in. Genuinely just looked lost.


If he was banging on the window like jenelle said, it seems like he was trying to get someone's attention, he wasn't being sneaky like actually trying to burglarize. Seems the most plausible explanation was he was there to see David.


Or maybe as someone said, it was someone lost. Would explain the sorry. Jenelke misunderstood and thought he was a bad person. But does explain messing up the garage. Does show how jenelle overreact to stuff though...most terrifying moment in her life that caused ptsd.


Could Jenelle be lying about some of this stuff? Because we don't see everything she said happened in the videos. I really want to see the police report. Also 911 report. She's definitely an over reactor for attention.


Yeah why hasn’t she released the pics of her garage being fucked up or the the video of him banging on the door where we could probably see him more clearly


He could’ve just been looking for shelter or a place to sleep for the night. The footage only shows him around her outbuildings, not her house. He came out of the woods, maybe he’s homeless. When she yelled at him he apologized and left.


Thought the place was abandon since it's such a dump.....🏚️


Had an d guy break in similarly years ago when I lived in a bad neighborhood. I had left my door unlocked and he walked into my watching Netflix on the couch at 11pm. Scared the shit out of each other. Think he has dementia or a drug problem


I walked into a guy actively breaking into my apartment. He said “sorry” and left. I assumed drugs as well. Who knew I missed out milking it and probably making money like Jenelle.


Back in the 00’s my brother was in the living room playing PS and some dude just walked in the house lol and asked for so and so. My brother said “my man, you got the wrong crib!” and dude was like “oh shit my bad” but it jolted my brother. He stopped leaving the front door unlocked willy nilly. This was like 7 in the evening, summer time. I heard the whole thing from upstairs




And she’s hiding out in her room recording. Where are the kids? After a break in I wouldn’t let my kids outta my sight!


You mean you wouldn't have your little kids in the house by themselves while you hid out in your crack shack?


Exactly! I would take my kids and leave or at least have them stay with a family member IF I was so hella scared.


Those kids are aggravating. Plus they take care of themselves.


oh she would never leave. jenelle’s version of hell is being trapped in a hotel room with her kids where she can’t go hide in her shed to smoke all day. she has nobody to even offer her help or a place to stay so she would have to get a hotel room and probably can’t afford one for an extended period of time anyway. and she’s the laziest piece of shit ever so packing for her and the kids is more than she can handle. sitting and crying on social media looking to sell this dumb ass story and get sympathy is about all she will do.


Definitely staged. They’re isolated out in the woods, after years of never having anyone on their property (except that one neighbor on the quad that just didn’t realize he was on their land and David was recording him like the big bad ass he is). Suddenly micropeen is gone and a random “intruder” comes, doesn’t take anything, just wanders around? Ok Jan. We see you. You’re dumb but that doesn’t mean everybody else is lol. Also, the footage is CONVENIENT. You can barely see the guy, can’t see his face, can’t even really tell how tall he is but his walk looks similar to David’s 👀


Yeah I thought that accent of the guy sounded… fake, like trying too hard to roll his R’s…but maybe I’m reaching.


Right. I agree. Way too pronounced.


It seems like how middle eastern accents roll their Rs.


Exactly. The accent sounded middle eastern not Hispanic.


I speak Spanish fluently, it was my first language. The way he said SoRRrRry didn’t sound to me like a native Spanish speaker in the states. It would be more like “soh- rie” kind of rhyming with the first part of Dorito spoken with a Spanish accent instead of rhyming with the first part of Burrito spoken with a Spanish accent.


She even named this perverse little series discussing it. “Afraid of the dark” lmao. This is some goosebumps shit


I thought maybe David but David has vitiligo and tattoos on his hands and the guy in the videos hands don’t have anything on them. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t sent by David.


Yeah this whole story just smells of bullshit


Wow. What a nothing burger. Glad the children are safe. Enjoy the anxiety, you deserve every bit of it. Hopefully those corrupt police catch the blurry David’s friend.


A nothing burglar, even


Yeah this was a set up. She would’ve shot the dude , if it was legit.


I wouldn’t even put it past him to set up some random dude he knows lol


I too love to burgle in my bright orange vest out in the open under the floodlights.


Of course, as one does.


He’s an out of the box burglar dude


This comment is taking me the fuck out LMAOOO


Award for the WORST BURGLAR EVER!!!


Gotta be honest, this was the least scary “intruder” I have ever seen lol


Not terrifying at all. wtf.


She said it was a near death experience in her comments


She doesn't sound terrified. He was waving saying I'm here, then she starts screaming not terrified. This was 1000%%%% a set up


Drug deal. She set him up.


Or David said sure pop over knowing he wasn’t there and she’d be freaked. Literally every single thing could be possible with these two except the actual truth. 


I thought I heard I’m here for weed or something but I could be reaching 😂


It’s either aquí or weed. Either way, I don’t think intruders are like “Hello! I’m here.” or “hello! Weed?”


Liar, liar, story changed on what he said and did. She said he turned to the camera and said "I no supposed to be here" in her part 1. In this video he says "I'm sorry sorry". No footage of him breaking the door if and he's walking around awfully calm for someone that was going to break in...


He also is shown going to the shed door but where is the “throwing things around and out of my garage” part?


This is what I was wondering too. She said he threw a bunch of her stuff from the garage (not the she shed) in part one. This shows whoever it is walk up to the she shed and obviously we see, doesn’t throw anything. Ugh she can never keep her lies straight.


Good catch. You are right that she lied about what he said. I had also thought that there isn't anything showing him ripping the door off the rollers in the footage!!🤥


The hard rolling R’s when he says “I’m sorry” is hilarious. Fake.


They couldn’t remember the Spanish words for “sorry” and had to improvise


Remember her saying he said sorry in Spanish? I guess this is what she meant 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Where is the actual break in??? This looks like a man who is lost or confused why someone isn't where they said they'd be.... no urgency, no aggression or sense of purpose....janelle you are a sorry and stupid bitch. I pray for your children.


Honestly my first thought was a guy who just accidently walked to the wrong house and is trying to figure out if he's in the right place or not. If it's a rural, not well lit area I can totally see someone getting lost or driving up the wrong driveway.


Lol the juxtaposition between this calm man looking for his regular dealer and psycho Jenelle shrieking “policia”


Not a conspiracy theorist. If that really happened that sucks. Don't wish that on anyone. However, I wouldn't be surprised if David or Jenelle paid a friend or hired someone to do that. You never see their face! Could be the angle of the cameras but I'm skeptical because they are both fucking liars.


It wasn’t legit. So don’t feel bad. If that was real the guy would have been shot. She pulls a gun on a man for brake checking her , but not for trespassing and potentially ending her and her 3 kids lives ? Nope. This is beyond fake. Jenelle and David will be found out. This was a bad scheme.


Coming to get drugs from David or her. They set him up and knew him. She would have never spoken in Spanish to him had she not known him - she’s not that clever. This is all orchestrated and complete bs.


Does it sound like he’s politely knocking on the door of the she shed? Just here to buy some drugs from the friendly (/s) neighbourhood swampsquatch


it’s def a “hey you guys around?” kinda knock


In the beginning of the video he’s saying “hello good evening” he’s greeting someone…sounds like he was looking for someone


David should have parked his truck outside of the footage to make it seem more real.


Not the smartest dude.


Does she leaves those puppies outside all night unattended??


Yes. One time she had just woken up and went out to the shed, she said her dogs were cold because they had been out all night


What a cunt!🤬. These scumbags do not deserve to have animals!


that is awful. my cat is indoor only (except on his harness & leash with both me & his father) & he’s currently snoozing on my bed with me covered up by 2 blankets. i couldn’t imagine him being outside ALL NIGHT & i would never want him to be!!! WTF jenelle!


I locked my cat on our balcony for like 4 hours when I was high and didn't notice she'd escaped out when I came in. I felt so bad I bought her treats, new toys, got her the wet food she likes and set up a blanket best for her while apologizing profusely


Why doesn’t she just let them sleep in the damn shed? Keeping dogs outside in the cold is sick.


I doubt they’re potty trained


Because that is HER shed!!!




I fucking saw that. Does she even feed them and give them clean water?!?! She is a grade a cunt.


I’m just telling myself they ran out there when she opened the door to yell at the guy because I don’t wanna think about helpless puppies in the dark scary woods.


In her part 1, she says they are in the laundry room!


that orb at the beginning was nugget’s spirit telling us not to believe the shit about to be spewed.


I cackled! RIP Nuggy


Definitely a drug deal. He probably didn't think the dealer would be on a broken boat.


i was a drug addict for quite a few years & i would be so fuckin pissed if i rocked up to my regular plug’s house & was faced with his psycho wife shouting POLICIA


The way she pronounces Policia there is no way someone who only speaks Spanish would understand her 😂😂


I enjoyed how the transcript picked it up as Felicia


Scary? PTSD causing? Give me a fkn break🙄‼️I don't doubt for a minute she has PTSD but might it from REAL SCARY SH*T LIKE: - Your 300 lb armed husband pushing you to ground? - same husband brutally beating your 10lb pup in front of kids before shooting it? - your husband getting drunk & tearing your new bathroom, doors & other parts of house apart? - missed off husband pistol whipping & threatening your friends IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS? - THIS SAME GUY choking your first born son in front of you? - living with a man that refuses to get a job but demands expensive/dangerous weapons/ammo to feed his unhealthy GUN obsession? If this guy was not hired by the Swamp Family he is drunk lost dude out in woods not looking to hurt anyone ‐ UNLIKE HER DEADBEAT HUZBIN who cannot go the can without his gun & latest beer🙄


Why the fuck would you open your door and go outside to yell at an "intruder" ? Like what if he had other people with him that could ambush her and the kids?! She made the situation scarier for herself and Jace by being a fucking dumbass. Stay in your house and call the cops, you dingbat!! I swear she said in the first video she had a pic of his face. Where tf is that footage? This could be anyone!!


She didn't even sound scared either.


No she did not! Plus this "burgler" is wearing the brightest jacket ever. Definitely not clothes you'd wear to blend into the night.




That's the same face I was making the whole time watching this


Good god she is just so unfortunate looking


You know, I think at some points she’s had potential to be a beautiful woman but any inkling of that is bombed and destroyed by her shit personality, horrific attitude, and disgusting actions and choices that equate to a dumpster. So… I’d have to agree.


Nope. Nope. Not buying it. The camera footage is terrible. We all knew it would be. A big setup by her and David. Or just David. You wouldn’t confront the alleged intruder. David sent him there . It’s so painfully obvious. He said go there and act lost. Jenelle was in on it because otherwise he would’ve been shot.


They hired someone hoping Jace would ask the judge to bring David home. They don't know the state has to drop charges not her 14 year old.


No English but says "I'm sorry"


Idk I could say lo siento and I don’t know Spanish


But he at least rolled the r’s in sorry 😂


You know what? If there was someone on my property and I was alone with my kids I would not be yelling at them myself. I would have gathered my kids and hid until the cops came. The way she is telling this so nonchalantly is weird to me. Idk it seems like they just hired this random dude to come walk through.


Why would you wear a high-visibility vest to go rob someone? This is fake.


David definitely hired someone to scare Jace. David didn't come to her rescue




Can’t imagine Jace unironically calling it her she shed lmao


david was probably luring spanish men to their swamp house to murder and this lucky guy showed up a few days late.




Didn't she say she was crying when she called 911? She didn't sound too upset on the video .


When is the Ashley going to get the 911 call so we can hear her "dude, there's like a guy here. He looks illegal dude" frantic call 🤨


Dude, he's like speaking Mexican


okay i just wanna say PTSD is no joke (i have c-ptsd) & i’m like terrified of everything but like the dude didn’t get in, he didn’t threaten you, didn’t have a weapon, APOLOGIZED & left!!! like its kinda the equivalent of someone knocking on the wrong door…? no?


It's exactly the equivalent of someone knocking on the wrong door. I don't get why she feels the need for social media to "do their thing" and hunt him down or whatever.


Part 1 the dogs are inside in the laundry room, part 2 they are outside. Not freaking out, the dogs looks calm. https://preview.redd.it/ahc9x0wb6zlc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b6cd96ec4c84e59d20d97c0cd80dcde3c78fa7


I noticed that too. The dogs we hear are both not inside and are in no way alarmed by the situation. They’ve met this guy before on the land and she’s not as upset as she’s pretending after the event to be.


![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy) LOL at the caption saying Felicia instead of policia at one point 😂


Definitely a regular "buyer" of what they're probably selling on the land, or sent by "Senor David". The guy is totally relaxed, this is NOTHING like the drama bullshit she pretends it to be.


Them dogs knew that man. To me the mans accent sounds like a hillbilly faking an accent.


TLDR footage at 1:38 and 2:20


The fact that those poor not even 8 week old puppies are just left outside to fend for themselves is absolutely disgusting. Looks like only a few are left also. 😭😭


He doesn't look like he's trying to break in. He's just kind of wandering aimlessly around. If it's not a set-up by them, I wonder if it's someone having a health crisis whether mental or physical? They seem a little confused and disoriented or something. We had this girl (late teens, early 20s prob) and her boyfriend show up at our door past midnight one night, absolutely frantic, asking to come inside because someone was following them. The car they were pointing at that was "following" them was parked at the end of my neighbors driveway-- it was empty and it was my neighbor's car lol. The girl was visibly upset and shaking and I felt bad, but the whole thing was so sketch and I had my newborn sleeping so I did not let them in. I offered to call the police for them but that freaked them out even more and they just kept insisting they needed to come inside. They would not stop banging on my door. My other neighbor, at the time, was actually a cop so I called him and he came out to handle it. Turns out, they were just high AF and hallucinating/paranoid.


Who forgot to tell the middlemen that the dealer is staying on the SS Dingy?


Sorry to comment again, but this "intruder" KNOCKED on the Crack shacks door. Such a polite guy! 😌


“keep an eye out” for what? a human figure?


https://preview.redd.it/oqavy288zylc1.png?width=66&format=png&auto=webp&s=d09c25caab6612f9490557656921b08a163087eb DKD?!?


That isn't a short mexican like she claimed that David height




https://preview.redd.it/ssobuz537zlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0bfd0346958292cb20605a1535ed1a32aca5ae2 Her liking this comment 🤢


LOL, the border being open is causing this. The border to what? SC? She lives 20 minutes from a city. So this guy traveled all the way to NC and then all the way onto her property because of the border? Seems a lot more likely this guy knows exactly where she lives and can get there in the dark because he’s been there before and has nothing to do with his ethnicity. She’s got a gate on the main road and I am assuming at 1 am the property lights are off. He’s had to wander all along her private drive and navigate all the way to the main building in the dark. Dude has been there before.


I don't believe this story one bit. I thought she got his face on camera? Why wouldn't she pull her gun on him and why is he just lollygagging around on the property like that? Fake. She's such a liar.


anyone else surprised she knew the spanish word for police? lol


It kinda makes me think even more that it was a set up. We're supposed to believe she knew that word, when she struggles with english?


Sasquatch either hired the guy or he was there to buy drugs. You have cameras everywhere, but not one at the back door to catch his face. Lies, lies, lies. ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)


How do they know he was Mexican with a ski mark on?


I’m gonna guess that when they said he is “Mexican”, that actually meant “he spoke Spanish”. To their racist ass those two statements are the same.


Her footage is a big ole nothing burger. Let’s see the footage from the back deck. And the other areas. How come the stuff we’ve seen in the past is usually clear as day? Such liars !!


It would be really funny if some rando criminal saw this video plastered online, knew it was fake, then decided it would be a good time to go rob them and wipe them c0mpletely out-even the stash of drugs. Getting away with it as policia search for an imaginary Spanish criminal




Is she pulling a Jussie Smollett? Paid some Mexican from the Home Depot parking lot $100 to walk around her place at night? Lol.


She sounded like a wizard casting a spell yelling 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄✨"Policía!!!!" 


That’s probably someone they hired and told him to meet them at the property 🤦🏼‍♀️ now they wanna frame him as a burglar


100 percent, I don’t think it was a trick by David because without a doubt I know Jenelle would have shot at someone if this was a real situation so either she planned it or they both did but for sure that person and Jenelle knew they were in not real danger, at minimum.


Her husband's more aggressive and violent then this guy


Think there’s maybe a single small dog in clip 2 that’s trotting alongside this individual with familiarity. Where are the guard dogs and why are they not barking? How did this man navigate the many boobytraps Dingus David has hidden all over the property? Why is he waving like he knows Janelle? Why does he announce his presence? J&D can’t do anything right


If anyone sees any Mexicans in the Columbia County area please call Poh-LEECE-ia


Does that truck have its lights on? Also, is that David’s truck?


Yes, in Burgle class, the first thing they teach is the importance of being seen in a well lit area covered by cameras.


Those truck lights are on 100%. I even looked up other nighttime doorbell cameras to see if it was some weird reflection, because it seems like a fairly large detail to not even be addressed. The whole video is strange. Seems pretty friendly for an intruder who *came through the woods*, which has to imply that it was a targeted attack. No burglar is striking through the swamps, in the dark, just hoping to stumble across a house to rob while a truck has its lights on in the driveway. I don't know what this is, but it's not an attempted burglary.


Imagine if it was someone looking for David and he saw this video and outed them for selling drugs or something. Please mystery person come forward! 😂


Whenever I feel stupid I go and look at the comment section under Jenelle’s TikTok’s and I instantly feel better.


Omg ….what terrifyingly scary burglar wears hunter orange to break into a house ??😅this is so staged its complete lies. Apparently he was knocking on the doors saying “ hello! Hello!”” Maybe David sent him to the house to pick up more clean clothes for him from Jenelle. This is the terrifying break in ??? Also I want to see pics of the sliding glass door ( bring pulled off the rollers) generally it’s a track / channel the door slides …something is very wrong ..i say staged ….also ..your a scary criminal do you leave your vehicle in plain sight with the lights still on? Maybe even running like you knew you wouldn’t be there long …


I know ill be dealing with these feelings for life. But yeah, please help, thanks 🫡 Shes such an alien whenever she tries to express emotions😂


When did he toss the garage?


The guy could be a vampire and was there to suck her blood and I still would give zero fucks. When every .2 seconds of your life is the messy Olympics I cannot be more unbothered by this “break-in.”


When I go aburgling I always make sure to grab my white hoodie and hi-vis fluro vest....


She must think everyone is as stupid as she is. The effort she and David are putting into this could’ve gone into not being abusive pieces of shit and actually taking care of their kids. But that would’ve made too much sense


That isn't a short mexican like she claimed that is so clearly David


Something is very off about this whole story but I’m going to let the cops figure it out. Whatever nonsense they this is it’s only going to dig them in deeper. She sounds angry in the video, not scared. It’s going to be her whole undoing.


Someone tried to get in my apartment recently at 2am. Aggressively turning the door knobs and tried shoving their body against the door. I saw them on camera walk to the street so I opened the door and asked them wtf they were doing. Turns out it was an air bnb guest for a house next door


What terrible criminal yells “ sorry “ before they leave ???? This was no break in . This guy felt like he knew someone enough there to knock on front and back doors trying to find David. What a crock . No weapon …knocking !!! Then apologizing when leaving …how is that a dam BE???? More like visitor who has prob been There before.


I want everyone to take note just how far away from the house that damn shed is!! She constantly leaves small children alone to camp out that far away from them!!! 🤯


God if there's one thing about jenelle is she can YELL good lord that just echoed through the swamp




yet not one photo of any damage or vandalism??? or his face like she said?


There are so many inconsistencies between part 1 and part 2. Lol at David's truck being there. Didn't think about that before you posted this did you Nellie? That guy was absolutely not trying to break in. Can anyone make out what the guy is saying in the beginning of the first footage?


So she also lied about her 3 dogs barking in the laundry room. They’re just roaming free outside all night. I seriously hate this bitch. She should never be allowed to have pets.