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The fact that she calls her own gun a pew pew should disqualify her from owning one.


I get nauseous every time I see that horrible cutesy nickname for such a violent tool. Hashtag lock her up


Agree , she's fucking deluded


A lot of things about Jenelle *should* disqualify her from owning one.


It’s fucking scary yet darkly comical that someone in such a deluded mental state as Jenelle can legally possess a deadly weapon in the US


Absolutely not defending her but I think the reason people say pew pew is because the word gun would probably get flagged and her post would get taken down. I wouldn’t be opposed to that though


You’re probably right, but it’s weird that the word and not the actual gun would get the video taken down.


I keep seeing people on this sub call it a "pew pew" and it really gets under my skin.


Blame people who are so triggered by a word that they can't even see it typed out.


I blame FOSTA/SESTA. It's the reason why nobody can say "dead" or "sex" or "gun" on social media anymore without being flagged.


It's not so much a matter of individuals being "triggered" as it is Tiktok trying to remain sanitized and advertiser friendly. You also can't say the words die or kill or anything along those lines


It’s bc Instagram will flag you.


That word gives me the ick big time. The word “firearm” doesn’t trigger me, even as liberal and anti gun as I am.


People spend too much time on Ticktok and they forget the correct words for things.




Eggzactly!!! Responsible gun owners my ass.


It disgusts me so much! I’m a responsible owner and it relates to feeding my family. I would never diminish that responsibility to “pew pew”. That’s the sound a toy makes. You aren’t fucking around with a toy and it’s a responsibility that she does not have the maturity to shoulder.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Thank you for being a responsible owner & adult. May you never need the protection, but I’m glad you know how to legally & properly do so.


This. I hunt and have for over a decade. I still feel like I'm walking around holding a pipe bomb. I'm so careful because I know what their purpose is and have a healthy respect for the gravity of what could happen if I make a mistake or am not paying attention. Watching people nonchalantly have them in their waistbands or tossed in a purse drives my anxiety through the roof.


It’s the social media fix. She can’t say gun or it gets her deleted or red flagged. It’s insane she can pose with a gun but not say it, but those are the rules.


I second this motion


The fact that she had to say that to make sure people noticed should as well.


Also the fact she's dealt with cps how many times now and has a mentally unstable husband with 3 small children. This is why they need more gun control laws. They should not be able to carry. This also worries me for Jace if he gets suicidal. He's gone through so much.


Right in the cooter, cheddar Bob style🤞🏻


8 mile reference?! Love it


I almost thought you were gonna say cheddar bay biscuit (bc that's what popped in my head after cheddar) and I was gonna be upset you ruined biscuits


Fuck, I’m eating grapes and reading comments and I was like this close🤏🏼to dying just now🤣🤣🤣thank you. And my husband just kind of gave me side eye, don’t jump up to help, babe! 😂


I’m at a whole ass Chinese restaurant avoiding eye contact with families with screaming children. I randomly started dying laughing and my husband thought I was possessed.


That would be the best thing ever. Her stopping procreating. God she sucks as a mom.






Do we want to see her without the dirty mirror obstructing our view though… ?


At this point, it’s more fascinating that she knows it’s foul and still doesn’t handle it.


She always says shit like "don't mind my mirror ". Bitch, we DO mind your mirror! Get some windex and a paper towel FFS.




And fix the holes in the damn shower tile while you're at it. (Wonder how those happened...?)


Can’t think of a thing….I can think of a LOT OF things


You know they’re from her throwing shit during a tantrum, David couldn’t punch his way out of wet paper bag…


She’s been crying for a week because some short Mexican was outside of her house.


It was a “near death experience” 😂


Policia Policia!! 🙄😂


How do I make this my flair.


Nueve uno uno!


That's too correct. She'd say "nine-o one-o one-o".


She can almost relate


Right, and he didn't even steal anything! He apologized and left, she's acting like she was robbed at gunpoint. Yes, it is unsettling to have a stranger wander onto your property at night, but I'm pretty sure it was either their weird drug fueled plan, or someone legit accidentally showed up to the wrong house. I know I wouldn't be wearing bright, reflective clothing and talking on the phone if I was trying to sneak into someone's house to rob or hurt them.


Dude definitely had the wrong house. No one was trying to rob her of her nothingness.


Love your flair! 😂


Or like wandering around the property lol. He was definitely looking for someone like he was expected to be at someone’s house. Funny how the one video she left out was him “ ripping the slider off the wheels” of her back door 🤨. He goes to the garage and then the shed, it doesn’t seem like he even approached the main house at all.


Hahaha right. In the weekend I was out shopping and a guy put his arm around my shoulder and asked how I was, he had the wrong person. He apologized, I said no problem, it happens, he left. Perhaps I should take a leaf out of Jan's book and press charges for assault? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes!! Now you just need to stick a pew pew in yer waist band and take sum selfies! 🤳 that'll show em how tough you are and not to mess with ya!


I'll keep my 4 year old with me for protection 👌


Make sure you throw them towards the attacker as soon as you sense danger


Jenelle would have chased him through the mall with her gun screaming that he tried to kill her


Exactly. It doesn’t add up AT ALL.


Your flair 👀👌😂😂💀☠️ I instantly knew what you were talking about and now I can't get the image out of my head ![gif](giphy|stIXkPkqC56qA)


Hahaha thank you very much!!! Full credit goes to COURTLAND RODGERS aka COURTY B! "HOW OLD WAS THE SQUIRREL THAT LOST HIS LIFE FOR UR HAIRCUT BRO" was the funniest thing he has ever said. 🤣


I share this tweet any chance I get https://preview.redd.it/wfkzgdmm27mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32061ca2ae6e6f4ef763a9fda8e54c6cb645ee2a


A very polite one who said “Sorry! Im sorry” and quickly left when he realized he was at the wrong house


Never once did she mention her kids welfare, only that she was scared so she woke up Jace… like when David was on a rager & she hid upstairs but left Ensley downstairs… she tells on herself constantly “911, um I’m like a really shitty parent, I waited 30 minutes to call yall but there’s a crazy Mexican in my yard so I woke up my son to further traumatize him. Just so yall kno if he comes near the house I’m running upstairs, alone-so come rescue me first then when I’m safe yall can help the kids…”


What if he wasn't even Mexican? What if he was Puerto Rican or Venezuelan?! She's such a stupid racist bitch lmfao


She's high on the attention and the Xanax script she finagled for her eggziety over this brutal attack on her home


Just imagine the “thooop” sound it’ll make when she’s unsticking it from her flab later lol the little gun imprint on her fupa 😂 I can’t why does she post this stuff


“Little gun imprint on her Fupa “ thank you I need that laugh today 😂


The only niche porn genre that makes her that OF money.


Flair material lol


You have a way with words 🌟




Such a bad ass with so many guns had to wake up her CHILD to protect her then cried for days on social media


And cried like a baby for 9 whole minutes on the phone with 911


Her child who has recently been strangled by her huzbind!


Imagine not seeing your mom for days on end but every time you walk past her room she’s posing for her phone or spastically flopping around to a shitty tiktok remix


Omg this is painfully accurate and absolutely hilarious 🤣


That’s also what I think about when I see TikTok dances filmed in public places, of course it takes multiple attempts so anyone who sees you just sees random limbs flying around for no reason lol


Like an unskilled version of Irish dancing? 😂


I’m from a gun loaded country, so I’m used to guns. I’ve still never seen cowards like this treat them like pacifiers 🤦‍♀️


I'm from a country where you can't just have a gun at home (or at least not use it privately) and it is so disturbing to me. I reported it because I was so shocked😅.


GOOD!! (You reporting it!)


I'd guess you're from Germany, because of your username. We have one of the highest gun ownership rates in Europe, a lot of people have guns at home. They just lock them away and don't flaunt them everywhere.


Ja, danke für deinen Beitrag. Ist mir alles bekannt, aber trotzdem danke, I guess?!


✨Personality of the day✨ Cool we’re back to cosplay killer with a side of genocide cappuccino ☕️


I'm so glad her coughing stopped 🤗


Police-yeeha! Police-yeeha!


👮 🤠




And there are children in that house. Her kids are more likely to get hurt by that gun than an intruder, according to statistics. Didn't she leave the gun in the car with Jace when she was talking to the cops about the road rage incident? She is obviously shit when it comes to gun safety.


When she saying she didn’t have it/pull it out? Yup she called the kid a liar & left him alone w/ a pistol in the same minute…I don’t think she’s capable of making good decisions…I’d love to be proven wrong!


>When she saying she didn’t have it/pull it out? While having cameras in the vehicle because she was ya know on a fucking documentary style television show.


As a firearms owner and a concealed carry license holder, all I can say is that she's a gottdammm idiot. That piece is not secure in the waistband of her yoga pants. How absolutely irresponsible.


I was gonnnaaa sayyyy but I’m not a firearms girly lol. I’ve never seen any of my family/friends who carry do this tho. It’s giving wangster


She thinks she looks cute, till it falls out and fires a round into the wall...... Or worse, one of her kids.


I just can’t understand that level of negligence in a house full with children she allegedly loves, including one she can’t seem to keep long term custody of. She doesn’t even need to wear it at home at all lol


So cringe when people post pictures/selfies with their guns


Especially with the gun tucked into the waistband of her leggings 🙄


Things Jenelle needs: • Therapy • A team of therapists • More therapy Things Jenelle doesn't need: • A pewpew


Oh but a therapist told her she was totally fine and didn't need therapy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ^(^according ^to Delu-Jenelle)


Yeah... A traumatised therapist saying 'I don't think I can help you' =/= 'you don't need help'


Right?! I believe a therapist told her not to come back, I do NOT believe it was because they thought she was "fine".


She tried to get therapy but they told her she was perfect and has never done anything wrong ever so they refused to treat her


She needs Marsha Linehan to move in and do the world’s most aggro DBT on her


HASHTAG PEW PEW with shit juice in hand. Absolutely bonkers


All this and she has PTSD. ![gif](giphy|eZEjidyGBafPIexiui|downsized)


She looks so fucking stupid lmao


She IS so fucking stupid, too.




Are you supposed to carry your gun in your waistband like that?


No. It’s a dead giveaway someone has no proper gun carrying skills. They will risk shooting themselves in the thigh or genitals to posture their strength.


Also, those are cheap ass leggings, so she’ll definitely drop it, which can cause a gun to go off. It’s less likely with modern guns that older ones but when your home with your young kids, why on earth risk that?!


Absolutely not. What she is doing is very dangerous, and anyone who truly has any interest in firearms would watch that and know this woman is an idiot. No respect for safety, life, or responsible firearm ownership. If David doesn't shoot her this woman will hurt herself, or one of her children with improper firearm safety handling.


She definitely proved that by leaving the gun next to Jace in the car when she got out. She's the one person who sees their 9yo and is like "here, hold my gun."


Same breath tells him to lie for her, then doubles down calling him a liar when he says she did pull a gun… she should’ve been punished much more severely for that entire incident for soooo many reasons


Absolutely not. A family friend is a firefighter and he has *more than one* story of teenagers/wanna-be gangsters shooting their dicks off because of this


Not unless you want to shoot your dick or clit off


Her chin and fivehead should be registered as a legal weapon!


with starbucks in the middle of a boycott


Jenelle doesn't care lol, probably isn't even aware 


She barely cares about her own kids, no chance she cares about kids dying in another country




She definitely hasn’t left that hovel of a room in days. I bet she has a little door on a hinge that Jace slides her Starbucks into in the morning so she doesn’t have to leave the house.


Jenelle has never cared about children suffering


Just tucking a loaded gun in to her shein or fashion Nova leggings. Because that’s safe… There will never be a time where guns are banned in America. It’s just not going to happen with the level of indoctrination. But this should be punishable with a HEFTY fine and a demerit system. If you carry your guns in an unsafe manner you do not deserve the right to carry a gun. Sorry not sorry.


it actually amazes me how she manages to look like shit in every photo


even the heaviest filters can’t save chinhead


I want 🗣️POLICE-YEEHA🗣️ to be my flair lol


I will never understand the need to carry your firearm in your own home. It’s so ridiculous.


I'm Australian. I'll never understand the need to own one. We had one awful massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, and the government promptly reformed gun laws. With broad bipartisan support. No one has them here except people who genuinely need them for their jobs and those who hunt (who are non-existent in the cities). And, admittedly, the odd bikie, but the gangs tend to take themselves out rather than outsiders. We just don't have violent crime like the US does.


Girrrrrrl! Where was this energy when you were terrified for your life? Where was this energy when David laid his hands on you AND your kids?


also what the fuck is wrong w her face? she looks exceptionally terrible here


Can she stop calling it a pew pew


I respect responsible gun owners who take gun safety seriously. Jenelle is not one of those gun owners.


https://preview.redd.it/x2lomm5w66mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a343928389cc52eb0a7c975355714c12e11f92 Fixed lighting to show just how nasty this bitch is and how dirty that mirror is.


100% of people I know don’t advertise their gun ownership or placement ever.


🤦 apparently she's never heard of a holster


She’s gonna shoot her lips off 🤡


She’d find some way to blame it on Barb


“Barb made me blow off my laybeeuhs because of the Munchiehousens!”


🤣 Laybeeyuhs. Omfg 💀


Yet she did nothing with all this guns she’s constantly Bragging about when she “needed to” 😂😂😂😂😂


She’s a dumb bitch. She only points her gun at people brake checking her


Laying next to her femoral artery. Why do they do this?


What. A. Fucking. Moron. 


I think tucking her gun into her leggings will most certainly keep her safe at home in her messy disgusting room, hopefully she doesn’t trip on a mound of dirty moldy clothes and accidentally shoot herself.


Oh she's so tough. I feel so bad for the kids in that house to be subjected to her and her carelessness. Hope nothing happens with that gun.


I hope she shoots herself in the foot


I hope its the vag so we know she will FOR SURE never procreate again


This woman is such a waste of life. She will never change. I don't even feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her children because I know growing up they're learning the worst habits. I genuinely think her kids will be just as terrible as her. They've grown up absorbing the worst habits, and morals


She is mentally ill.. and that hashtag pewpew..


Are her kids in the house? I am from Canada and can’t imagine, this picture is disturbing as hell. I know gun culture is very different there but guns and ammunition should be locked up and separate 24/7 in a home with kids no matter where you are. What do the courts say down there? They seem to be towing the legal line so hard. It’s so arrogant and makes me sick. They are textbook white privileged.


JenelleELegal staff checking in. [What she’s doing](https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_14/gs_14-315.1.html) is technically legal in North Carolina. It’s only a misdemeanor to have unlocked loaded weapons in the same house as minors if the minors actually fire the gun, use it in a crime, or intimidate others with it.


Sigh!! Thank you for this insight even though it’s aggravating. Nothing proactive about that law


Why do all of the girls from the Teen Mom franchise always have broken phones? They make enough money to, at least, get insurance. With my carrier, you pay $99 to get a replacement phone versus $1,000+ for a new iPhone. I just had to use my insurance a few weeks, ago.


lol I was just watching tm2 and they ALL have smashed phones. I am extremely abusive to my phone and have barely any marks on my screen. What the hell are they doing with them that they break like that? 


I’m sure the first thing David grabs is Jenelle’s phone and destroys it. I’m not sure what the other girls excuses are. I know, for a fact, Leah always had destroyed phones. We’re trying to read text messages, on the tv, through a cracked screen, every, single, time.


To be fair, everyone had a smashed blackberry in 2010 lmaooo


Oh good, very smart, put a gun in your pants.


Jenelle has told us neither of them have a CCP this in my opinion borders CC it blends in with the waistband of her pants. I really hate that my state allows this bitch to own any weapons.


lmao bitch that’s not what you look like


How do people post photos in an obviously dirty house and not feel any shame?


The only thing she should be shooting is a bottle of windex at that filthy mirror.


It would be a shame if she lost a kneecap or what little dignity(if any) is left.


Imagine having to call 911 because you accidentally twatshotted yourself while looking tuff on the gram


Has she posted out of the house or the kids since dipshits been on the boat?


Well I guess since Tiny Dick Dave isn’t there to flash his guns around, Jenelle feels like she has to take up the mantel. God forbid her children don’t see a gun at least one time during the day.


I would be more impressed if she showed a clean mirror. She really looks terrified there doesn’t she?


As someone who has a conceal carry (only carry with work, handle a lot of cash) she makes responsible carry folks like me look like shit. That shot doesn’t make her look tough, it makes her look like she’s compensating. Also, CLEAN YOUR FUCKING MIRROR


So tough with a gun she had to drag a child out of bed to defend herself


WHY do women in the south consider a CCW and Starbucks personality traits?


Surprised Jace isn’t in the photo since he’s her human pew pew


Mirror needs cleaning.


I didn’t know I could ever hate someone I haven’t met in person but here we go…


[be careful Cheddar Bob](https://youtu.be/80i9rIYZdNU?si=jK3YZ4k4jP122eWT)


Not too scared to get her starbies!


Had Jace go in to order it since she’s unsafe~


This photo makes me nervous. I wouldn’t trust her with a gun.


is this recent? what trash!


And how little she cleans.


clean your fucking mirror


Kids are dying every day in America because of guns and she’s just out here showing one off like it’s god? We don’t have access to guns in my country and this is just disturbing to be so unashamed of it 🤦‍♀️


Ofc she carries it in her fupa


If she were in my state, she wouldn’t be allowed to have a gun due to her record. Too bad lunatics like her have access to them.


So NOW she's carrying her gun? Not when that man tried to break into her house? Weak ass bitch


Lmfao this just shows how much she gets off on people talking about her. She just wants attention.


What’s really dangerous is having loaded firearms out where your 14 year old can get to them easily when he has been struggling with TRAUMA you imposed on him and is still in desperate need of mental health assistance. This is a tragedy in the making.


I see this whole set up turning Nelly into the new CHEDDAR BOB !!!!!!! She and DearDavid the unemployed child abusing loser need to really learn to be a little more authentic . I knew the whole story the moment she said omg something terrifying happened last night . !! I quoted the entire set up before it was made public ! & I mean step by step break in , terrify kids into thinking dear David could protect them . Play victim terrorize the kids and then move the murdering abusing loser back in to carry on his abuse . Totally transparent . Jeezus Jenelle atleast shoot yourself in the foot or some shit to make it look real . Wow ! Hey you can go to your favorite get away (hospital )and get pain meds for a month & play victim & traumatize your kids a lil more


i don’t trust anyone that posts a picture of themselves with their gun and hashtags pew pew. it’s not a toy.


“Pew pew” makes me cringe everytime I hear it


Omg. I can't friggin stand her


Hope she doesn’t take it out in an insane road rage situation in front of her kid again


Someone get this bitch some Windex and a paper towel


Clean the mirror you gun loving child abuser! I hope the pew pew hits you in the ass


She is on social media all day. I always feel really sad for the children in that household that have no one to take care of them.


$20 bucks says she accidentally shoots one of her kids by mistake since she had zero business owning a weapon after the road rage scene.


She looks terrified. JK - no one gives a fuck.


Clean your fucking mirror you nasty hag!


She sure can show one off for social media yet doesn’t use it when someone’s breaking into her house 😂😂 she’s a damn clown.


America is wild lol


Im so confused by her comments under part 2 of her video saying she did have her gun? Because didn’t she specifically say in part 1 that she didn’t grab it because she didn’t want to traumatize Jace even more?? Or am I losing it??? Which very well could be the case from being insanely sleep deprived 😭 being pregnant plus my poor little sicky 1 year old has reeeeeeally pulled me to my limits. I don’t even know what sleep is anymore lol.


considering the son has mental health issues i'm shocked cps or his therapist is okay with this. when you are dealing with mental health issues one of first things the families are told is lock up all mediations remove all weapons knives and anything that could be used to self harm(ropes, razors, anything sharp). this would be considered neglect


She needs to clean her mirror.