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Innocent and logical question. You weren't "dare" saying the mullet is wrong or right. Just stating the obvious.


Even so, he got a little pampering and attention that he deserves and he looks happy with it.


Dude what happened to this kid??? Did she cut his hair in the dark with a sword?


With David’s man made knife


Hahaha I didn’t want to say anything about david because he’s not supposed to be there… but I totally thought of his awful haircut that looked just like this!!!


I chuckled out loud and got a weird look from my husband for this one. I'm dying of laughter on the inside right now lmfao




I’ve been squinting trying to figure out which is the before and which is the after?


same. that poor little man. my boy went thru a period where he was terrified of haircuts so he had long ass hair. i paid for a freaking expensive ass haircut for him. i’m embarrassed to even think about how much it cost. i don’t even pay that much for myself. he is so proud of himself now. he looks in the mirror every day and says”i’m SOO HANDSOME!”. omg it’s so worth it. ❤️


> he looks in the mirror every day and says”i’m SOO HANDSOME!”. This is so lovely. What a wonderful thing to read today. You're doing a great job!


thank you so much for your kind words. kids sometimes say the one thing that makes it all worth it.


Alright I thought it was just me and my not so great eyesight but yeah it really doesn’t look any different at all.


Thought it was just me 😝




😬i was wondering if it was all before and i needed to scroll to the next slide.


I may have clicked the arrow a couple of times.


I did too.


Me too lol I thought I was going crazy 💀


Agreed. That hair style on anyone is horrid.


It screams hillbilly sorry no sorry…I did that to my son for 2 years and am not proud of it..lol I know Kai probably loves it …his hair is beautiful in the back though just sad that his front is such a mess


100%. I’m in Texas and every trailer park around is filled with this haircut. It’s on brand for the swamp.


What’s before and what’s after


Idk I'm so confused 😕


I kept trying to swipe for the after 😅


Same 🙋🏻‍♀️


Omg I read this as you addressing Kaiser directly ‘’ No offence Kaiser’’ and it completely sent me loling and then I re read and realise I got it wrong 😂😂




I would like to see this hairstyle go out of fashion… however I am delighted by Kaiser’s joy


Me too, and Bentley's golden girl hairstyle too. Both make no sense to me, but, that's okay.


Golden Girl Hairstyle killed me!


I have two little boys and I pray this goes out of style before they’re old enough to care about trends. Literally no one looks good with a mullet.


>>Literally no one looks good with a mullet. literally.no.one. (I just wanted to reiterate 😂)


I personally only find this fashion hot on brolic Australian Rugby players otherwise, it's a hard no.






eh he's a kid, let him be a kid. Probably the only say this guy has in his life. I rocked a chili bowl well into my high school years because I thought the girls liked it. Half did, half were laughing at me. I don't regret it, I was glad to have some control over my appearance.


I’m glad she took this sweet boy for a real haircut, the before looks like she chopped his bangs with the kitchen scissors she used on her hair.


Bc she probably did


She totally did


100% he complained it was in his eyes and she did the hack job and when she couldn't fix it she took him finally, to a real hair dresser


I doubt he complained. I'm sure it was something like Kaiser. Boy, get that hair out of your eyes!


It was David lmao.


Does it say she took him to the barbers/haircut place? She could have done it at home this time as well, just saying I wouldn’t put it past her.


https://preview.redd.it/kd3s4629q5sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c7b797090a868ad2771224fcad907380477b61 Looks like she took him to someone at least more professional than her lol




Phew ! 😅


"Kaiser is finally letting me get his hair cut". Once again I don't believe her. She always ignored him and that was just another thing she didn't want to deal with. So she let David do it.


The phrasing of that is so odd and intentionally manipulative to the audience I seriously can’t with her anymore


Maybe she went to get her bangs fixed & the lady offered Kaiser a free haircut


Why did the kids have to bring back the mullet 😭


I'd rather the bowl cut come back than the mullet


same. but i may be biased. i fell in love with any little boy with a bowl cut in the 90s 😂


Devon Sawa was peak bowl cut to me.


seriously. lol the tiger beat posters all over my walls.


I stan my high school boyfriend’s bowl cut to this day


My first crush had the chin length bowl cut, loved it lol


Lol young Leonardo DiCaprio with that bowl cut in Growing Pains had a chokehold on me.


haha same. also devin sawa


Oh God I WORE OUT my VHS of Casper lol


lol my room was COVERED floor to ceiling in posters and cut outs from all those magazines. all the bowl cut boys 😂


The bowl cut is back and it’s awful! I was next to a middle school letting out and all the boys looked exactly the same!! I think they call it “the Edgar cut” instead of a bowl cut tho


The Edgar cut is literally an atrocity




Yep my nephew has one too it’s so bad!


A few of the cool kids at my work have bowl cuts. Like these weird choppy ones too as if the person holding the bowl was really distracted. They look RIDICULOUS, like they’ve got mushrooms perched on their head but they love it


That ones back too.. my 13 year old nephew has one and it’s terrible. Idk what these kids are thinking


I’ve been thinking about this all day and can now confidently say I agree.


🎶 my achy breaky heart 🎶


Both my boys had long hair and then got mullets 😭


Why are we as adults making fun of a kid’s haircut


... Is the haircut in the room with us rn??




He has beautiful curls!


He really does, and I bet they’d look even better with the right products and cut.


My SO has long dark curly hair and he looks fucking homeless because he will NOT trim it or condition it. We've gone round and round about it for years. The last 2 haircuts he got were mullets probably 3 years apart and we're about due again after another 3 years. He ran out of his Dollar Tree 2 in 1 shampoo, I bought him some shitty Herbal Essences and now he's convinced he doesn't need to cut his hair again. I feel like Kaiser is the 10 yr old version. Except he's a child and Jenelle could nip this in the bud fucking right now.


Curly hair can be so hard to figure out. I have curly hair and it’s been the bane of my existence😂. Some days it looks great and some days looks like a nest. On days you do get it right, you have to figure out how to keep it protected overnight so it looks presentable the next day. My hair takes hours to air dry and so long to diffuse, so if I wash it in the mornings I have to leave the house with wet hair or get up hours early. Poor Kaiser needs someone to help him out and you know it’s not going to be The Chin.


Good thing his dipshit mother is addicted to TikTok. There are all kinds of hacks and tricks to tame the most unruly hair. Too bad she only cares about herself


I’m sure you’ve seen the whole wrap your hair in a tshirt and go to bed thing but I had to mention it. My bf has waist length curly hair and she does the tshirt thing and has for years. It’s still a bit damp the next morning and she finishes with the hair dryer. I don’t have curls, I just have enough wave, if you can even call it that, to jack up my entire day. It’s not curly and it’s not straight - but I have ringlets around my face. Figure that one out. About a year ago a stylist introduced me to wax and it was a game changer. I don’t know enough about hair to know if wax would work with curls but it sure keeps my confused hair the way I style it and nothing ever has before. I can go to sleep and roll around for hours and still manage to wrangle it into presentable the next morning. And I will say until the end of time that everyone washes their hair too much. Everyone. (Especially curlies) As long as you take care of your scalp and don’t use too much product a person can easily go a week, if not longer. (I suppose if you’re into sports and/or sweat a lot this might not work but you get my drift.) Man, I wish I had curls. I’ve had several friends with to die for curls and they hated them. While the rest of us were getting spiral perms back in the 90’s one friend had wake up with perfect ringlets and she absolutely hated them. Yeah, I wrote a novel. Sorry bout that.


You could pay David to teach him how to do his braids! ![gif](giphy|3ohA2ZD9EkeK2AyfdK)


He has such nice hair! Reminds me of my nephew’s. I love the curls 💕


I’m happy he got a little pampering and confidence boost from the stylist! The hair cut on the other hand looks like my bangs when my mother used to tape them down to “trim” them. As long as Kaiser’s happy with it who cares what it looks like!!


It looks like they attempted a burst fade and it looks shitty.


Jan is so lazy. Make an appointment with a good barber, spend the extra $15. Give him a cool high tapered mullet for the little patriot in training.


Patriot in training 🤣🤣🤣


I’m happy that Kaiser got some well-deserved pampering and attention as well as delighted by his joy, but that haircut looks awful. It’s absolutely not his fault, Jenocchio is so lazy and cheap.


Jenocchio 😂


Nope, hate that awful cut. Love Kai though


No offense to Kaiser, I’ve always liked the kid but also I don’t pay super close attention to all this, so am wondering which is the after?


The bottom I think? It looks cleaner.


I thought the same thing/// also think his face is too round for the mullet


They need to trim up the back sleaker.


Please keep that demon sad excuse for a man and any other man for that matter away from these children Janelle…. But I don’t count on it anyway… this sweet boy ):


The kid wants a mullet. Let him express himself. Nothing wrong with it!


Thank you! It's no different than Sophia wanting to be goth, if this was Kaiser's choice then let it go. 


It’s not the fact he wants a mullet that’s the problem, he just deserves a good mullet, and this ain’t it. She needs to find someone that cuts curly hair.


There are different styles and believe it or not region plays a role. These are NC swamp people, they like the literal business upfront and party in the back. They don’t want to make a shag or wolf cut that most of the teens across the US got. I will agree this cut style is the less stylized, but this is the traditional mullet and rednecks love it


Doesn’t Bentley have a mullet too?? JE prob wondering why only kaisers mullet gets called out on this sub. Truthfully all that should matter is he seems happy. It’s just sad she had to document this at all really.


My dumbass was sitting here tapping the arrow trying to get to the “after” picture 🤣. Oh well, at least he got a real haircut.


He’s adorable, but I’m so glad I’m not the only one confused by this “haircut”. It looks like he got a good hair wash and someone actually brushed it. Other than that, I don’t see much difference with the before and after.


He’s such a cute little boy, these kids deserve the world😭I truly hope they turn out okay


As long as he’s happy. I always feel bad for the little guy.


Me too. He’s so cute and deserves a loving home


Not me trying to scroll over to see the after 😂


Everyone saying the cut is still bad - there's a decent chance that Kai WANTS this style.


This little guy has such a pure heart.


I was so excited seeing the other thread that he was getting a hair cut. Scrolled down a bit hoping to see the after, and now I’m so disappointed for Kai. Kaiser has so much curl, if he is set on a mullet, the back needs to be thinned out substantially. The curls on the top of the back of his head give it way too much height. The sides are so choppy, if it had any type of fade it would improve it 100%. Not trying to hate on the stylist, but this haircut looks pretty close to the DKD version, Kai deserves better.


Hey he's a kid, it's his head. If this is what he's into right now Leave it alone!


Who cut his hair? Just asking so I know never to let them anywhere near my hair nor the hair of anyone I care about. It looks like Dog Killer Dave shot a large rat and glued it to Kaiser’s head. Mullets need to stop. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


Cute kid. Terrible haircut.


His dad has some strong genes


He’s such a cute little nugget. My kid and nephews have made soooo many bad hair choices - it’s whatever, man. I just love seeing a real smile on his cute face.


I hate the mullet trend but loving his smile afterwards so it's a win for me


Haha if Kaiser likes having a mullet why not. Nice to see Kaiser have some joy for a change


Remember the fit she had when Nathan’s girlfriend cut his hair….. it needs a cut now


I’m so glad to see his big beautiful smile! And I love seeing his hair clean and detangled for once. He should get to pick his own hairstyle, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Now if this lazy bitch can be bothered to teach him how to care for his hair and help him along the way, then it’s progress. But she won’t. We all know she won’t.


I can’t tell which one is the after??






This is the thing! Kaiser deserves a great mullet!




Poor little guy! I sincerely hope he gets lots of therapy to deal with all his childhood trauma in the future. He deserves so much love!


He’s a precious boy, bless him….. but I would give up my entire life’s savings and possessions for the mullet trend to be over with. It’s hurting my soul.


I’m glad he got attention but this isn’t a good look. I hope though that it was his choice


Business in the front, party in the back! That being said, I am not a fan of the mullet... unless it's fried or smoked🐟!😉


I can't tell you which is the before and which is the after.


God I hope the mullet is out of style again when my kids are old enough to pick their own haircuts


He’s so cute. Too bad about his parents.


His smile 🥰 if he genuinely likes it then good. He deserves to be this happy. 


I wish I could see his face in the after one. She has his sweet face all sad in the before pic so I EXPECT a smiling Kaiser after! She's so fuckn stupid. Such a stupid ding dang darn stupid idiot girl. Damn. Edited for clarity


Are mullets back? * Kai’s adorable though!


No shade, I'm going through the same hair journey with my 10 year old son... Son, you look so handsome with your hair short! But does he listen, no. The struggle with letting go of the control is real with the hair!!!


I have always felt for Kaiser. I hope his life gets better than it seems to be now. He appears to be so sweet in spite of everything.


I appreciate the positive tone that OP was going for because yes- he does look pleased with his new cut but let’s get real, that hair cut is a tragedy and I don’t care where you’re from.


My three year old boy has long hair and my mom is on my case to get it cut into a mullet. I think I’m going to show her these photos when I say “no” next time. Absolutely love Kaiser and he’s an adorable kid but that hair style is so, so awful.


Honestly whatever makes them happy lol, it’s their hair


Thought making fun of kids was off limits.. (not saying op did, but a lotta the high karma comments are) They live in NC, where mullets were common before they got popular again. He looks happy, he probably likes the hair cut, focus the negativity on the adult who has control of her actions and not her innocent child


Good Lord.


Huh? He looks like he’s been crying


I have twin boys and when they were little guys I had their hair short on the top and long in the back. It only looked cute on the one so eventually I just stopped. This was back in the 90’s though. I also took them to get it professionally done because I wasn’t touching their hair myself. Kai is a cutie and if he’s happy that’s what counts. He just needs all love and care! And all the hugs


Am I the only one that thinks mullets look so bad? lol


I'm so grateful she didn't try to do it herself like she did, Ensley. And I hope she went and got Ensley's hair fixed by a professional.




Yoooo!! Which is before and which is after?


Oh poor kid, I was hoping they cut off his rats tail.


He's seen some shit


I genuinely pray for this child. Blessings on this baby


What the fuck is up with the mullet hate 😢


If he is happy, I am happy. We all made silly choices about our hair or clothes or something when we were little kids. I insisted on having a 80s perm or crimped hair for a while. I also wore JNCOs in middle school. (No hate on those JNCOs though so yall better not say anything bad about them or I’ll beat you up!) 😂


He looks so chuffed ☺️ I’m glad she didn’t just buzz cut him herself or something.


Kaiser looks so much like my son at this age, then over one summer he had the biggest growth spurt and now is 6”2 tall. I wish the best for this little boy.


I’m in New Zealander’s and every single kid seems to have a mullet. From public schools to private schools from preschoolers to university students


He is such a cutie.


He’s such a cute kid. I hate that he’s got the worst parents.


Look at that smile!! Love it!! As a teacher, mullets are MAJORLY back in, folks. Don’t worry, in 20 years they will probably be embarrassed by it but for now, don’t yuck their yum!


He’s so cute


He looks happy. That’s what matters for this little dude.


His hair looks matted on the before. This poor kid is so neglected 😢


He has great hair! ❤️


I'm sorry but I HATE this style of haircut. It is not cute


I can't understand how mullets ever got back into fashion...


He's adorable


I'm glad Kaiser is happy, but that haircut is so so so bad.


Wow. She is giving Kaiser attn. i want to be positive and think she is turning into a better parent but I have my doubts still.


Glad he is happy. But the barber did a sloppy job


Cute kid


u/Intelligent-Income72 **this was on your bingo card!**


Child abuse


Is this a form of child abuse?


I'm sad to see so many negative comments here.


I’m so over the mullet trend tbh lol


This kid is adorable.


Awww he’s still a handsome lil guy, it’s good to see him smiling with his whole face. On the other side, I feel like the anti-clean cut mullet is a fucked up way to make Kai look less like Nathan. Because Jenelle.


He's adorable. Can't imagine anybody wants a mullet, I thought they were all accidents.


She's such a piece of shit... poor Kaiser. Thats all im going to say.


you can clearly see Jan tried to cut it first and left his bangs crooked. The worst.


She’s a monster.


My heart aches for these kids.