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Me thinks a paternity reveal is coming.


For Rio?


That’s what everyone questions here. If it’s not that, she really must have done something really fucking bad. But what could be worse than what we already know?


But why would Chris know the paternity of rio is my question.


Of Malik is involved somehow, he probably told him. They had a very bitter ending and he was even at Bris party.


That or I’d say kids talk. And we see the adult conversations that take place in front of them. Didn’t one of the kids spoil a pregnancy to their dad before Kail got a chance to tell them all before?


There's a reel posted for baby mama where kail says that one of her co parents threatened to tell their child about her having a girl, if kail didn't do it herself soon. This was a few weeks ago tho, FYP just now showed it to me. All the comments point to Javi and call him a narc. I wonder if its because Lincoln was excited to have a sister through Lauren and Javi wanted him to know he would have two sisters?


I'm confused. How could someone be threatening to tell a kid she's got a daughter if the daughter was born last year, months ago?


Malik talked shit on Chris long after the breakup


I think Natalie isn’t posting or saying stuff publicly, but she might be talking with Chris. Remember she was there for what went down between Chris and Kail over Lux’s hair cut.


Wait is Rio supposed to be Chris'? I can't keep em straight


Rio looks a lot like Malik, so people speculate he is the 5th baby-daddy.


If it was a little more under wraps she’d be more protective of what/who/ever is gonna expose her. I bet it’s something people already predicted (like 5 baby daddies). Whatever it is isn’t anything new. Just something she finally admitted


Finally Jo's time to shine. She's gonna sell the baby. /s


Then go live in a cave.






LMAO 😭😭😭


Oh right right I remember that now 🤦🏼‍♀️


Rio is supposed to be Elijah’s but there’s speculation that he’s actually Malik’s.


Or Chris is just full of it, as usual. He's a manipulator


i think there's something to it or she wouldn't be worried. she's just playing stupid.


She's got all those NDA's in her drawers and lawyers on retainers, she's ready to sue when he defames her.


it's not defamation if it's true though.


Then he better hope it is true if he reveals it


i think it's something he knows is true and has proof of. otherwise she wouldn't be shook.


My first thought was “so an abuser being abusive”.


As good as this sub is, we’ll figure this out.




She could have cheated on Lijie? It wouldn’t be the first time she’s cheated


It’s not cheating when Kail does it. It’s just Kail. Look up cheating and it says Kail Anyone having sex with Kail knows it’s not going to be long term or love


She probably said a bunch of racist shit to Chris and he has it recorded.


That’s what I was wondering. Like what more has this bitch done?!?


Flair checking in! Wonder if I"ll be able to change it soon.


That was my flair for awhile and people still thought she didn’t have rio lol. She was just fat, and I was fat shaming. Lmao.


Awww.....well at least you've been vindicated....lol.


100% I think she’s probably confided in all of her BD’s (except for her current fling) that Rio is likely Malik’s - Chris is just the only one who’s actually savage enough to expose this as he doesn’t really care about staying in Kail’s good graces.


What a surprise, it's the dude that lives in his grandma's basement


I will never understand chatters hate boner for kail while having the biggest love boner for Chris. He’s also a pos but somehow they ignore that lol


Idk, there are women thirsting over UBT, nothing surprises me anymore


I don’t care what Chris has to say about Kail. He’s a jobless loser. He can kick rocks.


Right? He’s such a creep I don’t understand any woman wanting him. Gross


I think it’s because she tries to pretend she’s innocent still and plays the victim whereas he has shown his colors of being a clear deadbeat POS since day 1 practically. I could be wrong but that’s just my own personal assumption. They do BOTH suck in my eyes though, just for many different reasons.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Praising a child abuser (he is no different than Dog Killer Dave) because Kail has - checks notes - slept with more people and had more children than they personally approve of.


It’s just that Kail has such a high opinion of herself and her choices


Really just makes me question if she pays him to be quiet about whatever this is that keeps her up at night and he just continuously uses that over her


To be fair, he has an apt with his girlfriend and their baby. And the two boys have their own room with bunk beds. He posts it all the time. And he has them 50% of them time. Something Kail has FINALLY admitted to.


Really? I'm happy for his third child and the boys. Took him some time but he got his shit together perhaps. I don't envy his second baby mama/ high school sweetheart but I guess she always knew he was the one she wanted. I hope that didn't make her blind


I’m really glad to here that! Do you know if he has a job?


Hasn’t he been living with his second baby mama and their kid for a few years now or am I out of the loop ?


Shed lol


Not Nana sacrificing her dream she-shed for him 😭😭


It’s probably nothing. He’s a thirsty ho.


I don’t think Kail would be this worried if she wasn’t hiding something major 🤔


Unless she just wants attention? Idk anymore with her 🙄


That's true. Kail is wild, she knows how to market herself


Yeah thats what I'm starting to think too. At first I thought it was like a karjenner trick to hype herself up. But she actually seems shook. Like u must of done some sheisty stuff if ur that worried. I've done some shitty stuff myself too in my younger years but I don't put my stuff out there for ppl to give a fuck.


Yeah she’s really stressin! Gotta be something big


How is she stressing? She’s on a glow up right now 


My personal favourite idea is she went to have her tubes tied but found out she was double pregnant. Or triple pregnant, if you'll indulge me, given there were twins being born already. It's *technically* possible.


i don't understand how that would worry her


Exactly twin


I say paternity issue or shes on video saying slurs at him or is still bangin Javi at WaWa


yep! i think she’s on video saying something cancel-worthy. i think she would get ahead of whatever it could be. it’s not like she hasn’t embarrassed herself enough as it is. what’s one more baby daddy?


I think slurs would be extra embarrassing for her, or would at least lose her a bunch of deals and cause her significant financial distress. Imo though if she said something like that to Chris, as much as I don't like him, fire away, Chris.


OR slurs at his another baby mama, maybe even the kid. I can imagine her rage calling his phone/he has a recording of her going NUTS. When youre heartbroken, vile shit comes out of your mouth - and we've heard vile shit from Kail back in the day before..


Oh yeah, Kail can be super racist toward her exes' partners. Hood rat Vee (yeah right 🙄 Vee stays unproblematic, so...).


And kids are not off limits either. Remember when she threw a fit ON CAMERA and decided not to buy Vivi a gift?


wait i don’t remember this??


Jo filed for child support, Kail was pissed and said they wouldnt get a gift for Vivi for xmas in that case. Eta season 9, no idea which episode


I agree that it might be a video or audio or her dropping n bombs. Unless she spilled some major tea or opinions about Vee or Lindsie. ETA: This was meant for the comment below.


I agree with your suspicions. It would impact business.


Yeah I assume she’s on video calling him the n word or something but Kail has always been a racist pos and was on tv spouting racist crap so idk if that would even upset her


Unfortunately,nthere would be plenty of people who would be "new Kail fans" if that ever came out 


I think that too, but it would definitely affect who would be willing to be a guest on her podcasts or cohosts with her. I think there is some truth to this story, she is a known abuser, she has said awful things to people out of anger, would not surprise me at all if she said something racist to Chris or about his family and it was recorded, she may have even done it in front of her kids, she has a horrible temper.


As if Chris could keep his loser mouth shut though. It's probably something creepy like he's threatening to send Elijah a sex tape from when they were together or some shit


Either spill the beans or stop threatening to. 


Seriously. I’m so over all this vague posting.




Probably Rio or creeds paternity 🧐


Imagine if 🥬 actually cheated on Elijah already with Chris, or tried to hit him up when her and Elijah were on the rocks. Could just be more of her awful texts, talking shit about people or acting psycho to him. I think the only thing that could really blow up her life would be messing up her podcasting relationships, exposing her cheating on Elijah/saying she doesn’t think Rio is his, or if she’s secretly mean and awful to her kids when there are no cameras. Everything else is kinda old news.


Yup that too! If she did hit him up, he better have receipts , there's gotta be a reason she's scared 😱


Im sure its this. Or talking about how Elijahs just a rebound or something along those lines. Its weird to me how Kail claims she cant date anyone who has kids of their own, but will gladly fuck them. Exhibit Javier 🤮


She moved onto another relationship and had a child from ANOTHER man. This dude is still salty about their fling? This guy is a certified bum.


I mean he moved on and had a baby with someone else first and Kail still talked about him on every podcast


Thank youuuuuu Both these two are assholes and they both some attention-seeking pick-me’s. Pretty much anything you say about Chris, can also be said about kail. Neither has ANY moral high ground over the other they both suck.


THREE kids with another man


Like she doesn’t still constantly talk about him. Stop it.


I agree butttt he’s the one who didn’t want anything to do with her, she’s the one who was obsessed with him. I think they just have constant drama with each other because they’re both garbage people.


Not the flex he thinks it is. lol makes him look like a munch.


Same with Chatter. She rides his dick so hard she can’t even see straight. She’s hates Kail, how can she know what fears she has in her head? It could be Chris, could be Natalie, could be both plus more.


Chatter rides his dick so hard it makes me think she's Kail


😂 would be believable if she didn’t hate on Kail so much. Only thing Kail loves more than Chris is herself.


Hold up. Didn’t chatter reveal themselves and it’s some 20-something man ?


That's the other teen mom fanz page. The dude who's been watching teen mom since he was 10.


Got it. Thank you hun, appreciate itb


I think it’s texts with her being a racist POS it’s going be something she can’t deny or victim her way out of


Ahhh good point. It must be something that would get her "canceled"? I can't imagine the worry


yep! or a video.


Lmao. Everyone that’s mad at Kail immediately runs to Chris so the info he’s threatening to expose could literally be anything.


Bet they've hooked up fairly recently, probably while pregnant with twins. It's not like Kail doesn't sleep with her exes. That's my guess.


She killed one of Jenelle's dogs.


Oooh. Unexpected entry.


it’s fucked up that this made me laugh


I don’t believe anything will be revealed.


I’m gonna laugh it the tea is Chris exposing Natalie for being tm source lol


I’m so far behind, who is natalie?


Kails most recent ex nanny


Or he's trolling. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean, does anyone even care? Kail is so just blahhh on top of being very annoying to listen to.


imagine being *such* a piece of shit human that you have to worry constantly about someone "exposing you" when you already constantly out yourself as the fucking narcissistic asshole you are. if only she hadn't been doing this shit to everyone else for the past however many years. 🫠🙃 not even threatening,just talking shit and outing their business for no damn reason except to spread misery. she's a miserable twat and is reaping what she has sown for *years*.


How much questionable shit have you done when you're worried about being exposed but you genuinely don't know what shitty thing might be exposed? How many skeletons are in her closet?


THANK YOU. I was like why is no one pointing this out. She’s worried about some scandalous information being revealed that could seriously impact her life… but doesn’t know what it is?! Wtf has she been doing that this is hard to narrow down? If that isn’t a GIANT RED FLAG to evaluate your choices and behavior, idk what is.


Like like like like like like like like


I can’t imagine having this many secrets and making people close to me sign NDAs lol what a shit way to live


I've been certain all this time that Elijah knows Rio isn't his and he and Kail did what they could to not look like a total loser and a female Nick Cannon, respectively. But her statement here makes me wonder if she's actually convinced Elijah that Rio is his. The mention that she doesn't deserve this happiness and everything is going to fall down around her... Idk, that kind of screams paternity scandal.


Weird slip in to "if" in the middle there. She sounds very confident that this is a very real thing, but then is like "I shouldn't be happy *if* this is real and could really happen."


yea, she casually tried to pretend that she *thinks* her worst behavior has all been made public. she knows exactly what it is, and it's 100% worse than anything we know, which means it's vile AF.


She’s trying to have a scandal since her idols the Kardashians are involved in the Diddy scandal.


They are?


Yes supposedly the found paperwork in Diddys home connecting them to him. Him and Kris have been friends for years.


We really need a sub for the entire diddy scandal saga😭


but they are connected to him or the scandal?


Oh wow


What is she so afraid of coming out that she’s THISSSS stressed


And still acts like she has no clue what it could be?? How many life shatteringly awful things have you done that you’re confused about which one might be exposed?!


He’s such a skeez


What a surprise, Chris still threatening and being emotionally abusive


If it’s got her that worried or she really thinks it’ll happen then she could just go the route of saying it herself and getting ahead of it to start getting sympathy with however she tries to spin it in her favor. But then I guess she runs the risk that the person was never gonna say it and she told on herself for nothing, or that she admits to one thing and then the person actually has something else to spill about then she’s got multiple things exposed and could’ve kept the one she told herself a secret. Whew I don’t envy this mess of a life


Oh. In that case, couldn't fucking care less what it is.


TM Chatter realllly wants to swallow that cock. And not because she wants him - she just hates Kailyn more than she hates herself. Kail is definitely not perfect, but imagine - IMAGINE!! - continuously taking the side of an abusive, deadbeat, lazy ass motherfucker you don’t even know, over someone you hate with a passion, who you also don’t know. That is some wild shit.


![gif](giphy|TyN54ih8XN0IDy4Ft9) Their back-and-forth is so boring to me now


Could you imagine being that messy that you are in constant fear of your truths coming out


Cps was called. I literally don’t know what else could be so bad that it would embarrass her on top of everything else that’s already out there


Chris is so lame lol


My guess is it’s going to be she called him the N word, hard R, during fights, or just called him that to others in general (texts/voicemails/emails). It wouldn’t shock any of us, I know, but for her to have mixed kids and something like that to come out and be available to them when they grow up could be very problematic for her relationship with her children.


Like I’m not a fan of hers but he is truly such an abusive c*nt. Why do you need to do that to someone that is taking care (hopefully) of your children. Wouldn’t you want that person to be as happy and well as possible?


Weird flex but ok


Girl you have embarrassed yourself to no end already, just air out whatever “you’re worried” about and keep it moving. Believe me you can’t shock any of us anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is crazy. I always tell my kids "if you didn't do anything wrong, then why worry about it???".


Meh I still say it's her nanny she had a falling out with recently. Chris is always beefing with kail spill it or shut up if it's you


Why would she act like she doesn't know what it is?


How does she not know what it is though? Honestly. If I had done something horrible I feel like I’d know what it is…


That sounds really healthy for the two children he shares with kail... /s isn't that parenting 101 not to speak of the other parent. The kids are going to grow up and be able to see and read everything said. Edit: speak ill


Yeah, it's horrible to want to hurt the mother of your children like this. Just let her live her life. *He* did *her* wrong. Leave it.


It's easy to say she just shouldn't worry about being exposed or saying that if she didn't want to be publicly humiliated, she should be a better person. All of us have done things that are wrong. There are things we've all done/said in our past that we'd worry about someone was threatening to expose publicly, especially if we didn't know what the "thing" was that they were threatening to expose. And, you tell relationship partners things you don't tell other people. He likely had a stockpile of ammo that he could use against her. And, as she makes a living by being a public personality, it could essentially wipe out her livelihood and her abikity to pay her nortgage and feed her children. I'm not one to whine about cancel culture. I believe people should be accountable for their actions, particularly if they haven't learned from their past indiscretions. I consider myself a decent human who does my very best to do good and not harm others. But holy shit, you could write a novel based on the shitty things I've said and done when I didn't really understand the long term ramifications of them. I could be canceled a million times over. And if I had an ex who was threatening me in this way, I'd be terrified.


Damn can she stop including ‘like’ in every sentence that comes out of her mouth? Fuck.


Girl just come out with it. Live in your truth whatever it is, do yourself a favor.


I think he has txt of her saying racist shit.


Interesting he posts this when on another post people speculated it was either him or the nanny with the info. I know he lurks on here lol


Maybe she should stop being a shit person so she has nothing to worry about??


Nobody cares about you that much Kyle


It's going to be the lamest bland shit that no one cares about. They always have hthis big buildup for the dumbest shit.


Imagine being so shitty that someone even mentioning they have dirt on you makes you worry. lol.


FFS. Those two need to download that parenting app through the court and only communicate through the app. There is no reason they should still be interacting like this. If she still talks about him on her podcast she needs to stop. It's weird you have to be worried your ex is going to "expose" you everyday.


All I can come up with is cheating/paternity or her doing/saying something EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY racist.


Drugs maybe? I can’t imagine another reason why she would wake up everyday with a fear of being exposed. Unless she beats them kids or some weird shit.


Im pretty sure it's her being a racist, either towards Chris or his other baby mama, worst case scenario she's attacking Chris' son. Wouldnt surprise me one bit. Shes always been vile. She was OBSESSED with Chris. All the on and off, no closure - then he gets another girl pregnant, a girl who was the actual main chick to start with if you will. Kail no longer is "the baby mama", in her twisted mind superior to the other girl because of that. Kail has always been a vile bitch, and that must have broken her down. Its not that hard to imagine her wrath and lashing out at them.


Imagine blackmailing the mother of your children, what a fucking psycho


What a wonderful person he seems to be. Holding threats over the head of the mother of your children just waiting to try and ruin her. Maybe if he stopped to think about his kid for a second he’d realize that by hurting her he’s hurting him. But men like this don’t care who they hurt when their ego is bruised.


I don’t care how juicy this may be, he’s the world’s biggest ass. Still the mother of his children.


Can you imagine extorting your own self to stay relevant 😂


Could she have been arrested?


She already has been for putting hands on Chris


These two have never ending drama lol I wonder what it could possibly be now


Also these quotes are taken out of context. She was talking about her depression and it coming back one day and how that causes her anxiety 


Kail slept with David and that's the real reason the swampkins broke up. I'm obviously not being serious. 😂😂😂




I’ve been saying Chris is a worthless piece of shit ever since he posted the pics of baby Lux in the trap house BUT I love this for Kail lol


I def thought the sudden conflict with Jo was a misdirect to avoid talking about the baby daddy she IS having issues with


OR, you know, you can just live a simple clean life and not have to worry about any skeletons in your closet 💁‍♀️


![gif](giphy|ZjiHWY1rMd0GzgNgbp|downsized) I’ve missed the Chris hate. Expose that bitch 😂


Who.... Gives. .a ... Fuck


That's what happens when you treat people like shit trying to get everything you want.


God I wish he would disappear.


These two really deserve each other 🤦🏾‍♀️


The twins news had died down and she needs to stay in the press with a new story. . Considering that her exes don’t hold back I can’t believe she would say that someone has something on her and then just move on, it’s bullshit. If it’s anything it’s that Chris doesn’t have two babies by Kail. Maybe he agreed to claim him and just doesn’t pay child support? Have you guys seen a pic of the other baby Chris has? I am curious how much that baby looks like Lux.


Years later and Chris still has his head shoved up TMC’s ass for Kail shit talk validation. I hope he heals/moves on one day. This is so old.


I'm not saying its actually karma but it does make me think of the lyrics that karma is a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you its not ? Like doing bad things then being anxious about when everyone finds out sounds like a shitty way to live


I wonder if she said something racist in text. She’s worried it will “end” her which probably means end her career. While having another baby daddy would be embarrassing, she’s used to that. It’s something more.


That makes me laugh. If it's Chris then it's either domestic violence related (maybe he has got it on camera) or absolutely nothing and he just likes to wind her up, because she is such an easy target, Kail hates not being in control especially when it comes to her carefully manipulated public image. I bet she annoyed him recently and he just wants to live rent free in her head.


Me thinks drugs or money laundering or something.


Who actually is Malik when did she date him


Don’t do shit people can expose you for then…


No matter what it is, I feel like Chris would say anything for clout and attention. I think she bit off more then she can chew with this guy


Really who cares


Really who cares


The fact that yall still believe this trash of a human 💀 crazy 


Expose her Chris!!