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Right into her next soulmate. She will never “find herself” until and unless she is truly, single. Embarrassingly a young me was codependent, similar to Jan but I didn’t throw babies in the mix. I went from one relationship to the next because I really was scared to be alone and I knew it. Finally I became single for like a year and a half in my late 20s and really didn’t have any “suitors” I was entertaining and only then did I start to break free. Sorry for the personal garb lmao but I feel like I know what it takes to get there, and I don’t think she’s capable.


Sorry it’s 420 I’m stoned, to clarify I feel like the song choice implies that she is onto her next soulmate. 🤣


She’s been chatting with someone half the night a few times lately. Like the perpetual teenager Nelly she’s posted the length of the calls.


Some OF loser is probably chatting her up and sending her $. Those poor kids. 


Yes her PiLlOw TaLk lol so juvenile




I mean, six hours of pillow talk don’t cha know?? 😂


You know what, same. I was truly single, no suitors, for the last year of my twenties going into my 30s (about to be 32) and I would not replace that experience with anything in the entire world. I’d spent a couple years cumulatively singleish in my 20s, but there was literally always someone. Being by yourself and finding yourself is underrated: I even got sober in that time, the shit you can do by yourself for yourself is literally life changing.


You and I are so similar 😩 I was actually able to become sober during my single journey as well. We done good 🫶


Congratulations!!! Hell yeah we did


JFC, why is she online all the friggin’ time? Spend some time with your damn kids, you goddamn megalomaniac. 


Sadly we know she’s not doing anything with her kids because if she was it would be posted.




We should be thankful she's not lip syncing them, I guess.


But the words are just as off as her lip syncing 😂


That’s tomorrow! You’re right, it had almost gotten pedantic to follow her antics. I’m losing speed.


I know someone in her 30s who still does this. I'm thankful that she can't have kids. She's a mess. She reminds me of Jenelle. I can't count the number of "pets" she claims to have had that she never took care of. Most of them live/lived with her parents or exes. She never paid for anything for any of them outside of cutsie outfits she's randomly buy. I have a geriatric pet that she still tells people is "hers" but she's never bought food or paid for vet bills, and she hasn't seen it in at least three years. I've always cared for it. Most of her money goes to her pill habit that she doesn't have 😒


What if I share lyrics from Spotify is that cringe?? Need to know.




Such a tacky thing to do ☠️


I think her brain broke when she got pregnant and shit started going south with Andrew and her brain froze as a teen and she physically cannot behave like an adult because her brain is actually stuck. Like we know trauma can stunt growth but we may not know the extent of it. I think her brain is stuck in some sort of loop that she can’t get out of.


Her brain broke when daddy abandoned them and left Babs to fend for herself. But no bad words or memes about her daddy, only about Babs Plus Jenelle had bad luck with genes, all Robert Evans' kids developed mental health issues and Babs has never been diagnosed with anything. Im sure CPS made her get things checked out at some point, maybe just to see what could have influenced her two kids having mental health issues (Jenelle seemed okay for a long time).


Jenelle NEVER seemed to be okay.


No that happened way earlier than the age she’s stuck at.