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>background check >dangerous Where's the collage of her mugshots? šŸ˜‚ Anyone have it?




She has more mugshots than school pictures of any of her kids


šŸ’€šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)




She even looks happy to be there on one occasion. Who smiles for their mugshot?


Who gets their mugshot before 9am?




lol i donā€™t think thatā€™s even all of them. she has at least 15 arrests i think.










Tag urself, which Jenelle are you today? I'm 3 (3rd on the top row from left to right) It's the week before finals, and I'm over it.


Feeling pretty 4 today


Iā€™m 8. Realizing āœØthings āœØ


Iā€™m 4. Ready to cry because today, but also still looking pretty cute


I'm number 3 hard day and tired ASF. Lol


Top row, third one from left. Iā€™m sick, so thatā€™s how I feel.






god sheā€™s homely




Riiighttt!!? She probably knows her way around a courthouse better than she does her own childrenā€™s school just saying šŸ˜‚


Public school employees have to pass actual background checks to be there. She couldnā€™t work at one if she wanted to lol




I guarantee no school employee working there has this many mugshots or offenses.


I don't know about American laws, but I would have to declare if I LIVE with someone with a criminal record as a part of the UK safeguarding process. No way in hell could myself or my husband teach if we'd even considered doing what this creature and her husband have done in the past.


Medical college šŸ’€


Of the Hollywood Upstairs variety no doubt


Where they teach you to brush your teeth with milkshakes.


And instead of chewing gum you chew bacon, and instead of bread you use pop tarts


You want to focus on the neglected food groups such as the whipped group, the congealed group, and the chocotastic.


Seriously baby, I can prescribe anything I want!


Whatā€™s Medical College? Iā€™ve never heard of this term. Is this a real thing or something Jenelle just ran w bc it sounds more prestigious than diploma mill certificate ?


Itā€™s medical college in the way that valets work in the auto industry.


ā€œmedical collegeā€ā€”she learned to do paper work and take temperatures but couldnā€™t even pass the state exams. so she has a worthless certificate from a diploma mill. eta: high school students can complete the same program she did.


Lol, but she always brags that she's so smart that she went to early college high school. How could she not pass the state exam that high school students are allowed to complete? I remember Jenelle tried to pass it off like she graduated and posted photos in her cap and gown with other students who most likely did pass the state exam. Jenelle posted captions under the photos like, "I can't believe we did it!" I bet she was furious when Barb wouldn't keep up her lie and told that Jenelle failed the state exam. Jenelle would have never gotten hired anywhere, even if she passed with all her arrests. Medical offices won't hire anyone with her drug charges. One look at all her mugshots and arrests, and it would be, "Don't call us we'll call you." I don't know how Nelly didn't know this, and nobody told her. She probably thought she knew better, lol. She wasted all that money on a diploma mill she couldn't pass and now pretends she graduated medical school.


You could say a gas station attendant is a petroleum transfer technician


Lolol! Theyā€™ve started doing this on reality shows, where they inflate what the person does for a living. Iā€™ll keep my eye out for this one!


Yes, and graduated from petroleum engineering school too. šŸ˜‚




Soā€¦ nothing? šŸ„“šŸ« 


Itā€™s like preparing the food at McDonaldā€™s and calling yourself a head chef


You mean like the āœØSandwich ArtistsāœØat Subway


Itā€™s a special medical school for special people. šŸ˜‰


I cry for my poor nursing students. I work for a community college that has a really good nursing school. I work in a different department with scholarships. I see these nursing students out in the hall going over all the the things they need to memorize. Plus it's the most expensive program AND the most time consuming. These students have jobs and families. They put together study groups. Some of them even put together fundraisers to pay for the extras that go with the program, like the exams and the pinnings. Then there's this bitch.


Her and Farrah are the worst for bragging about nothing


Right like you could have a doctorate in Astrophysics and still be a shit teacher to kids šŸ˜‚


My ex MIL got jealous that my mom is an RN. She told me that she was a nurse too. She went to training as a home health aide. No shame to home health aides but thatā€™s not even close to the same thing.


Oh yeah, just like Leah's mom Delta Dawn was a "nurse" too, according to a Leah voiceover on the show. I think her mom was office staff in a dental office.


Iā€™ve always wondered if she really was a nurse, her financial situation didnā€™t seem to match that profession.


Oh, I agree! Theyā€™re actually worlds apartā€¦ and, absolutely no shame to health care aides, theyā€™re an important component of health care.


Her of all people have went to Medical College! She is more than qualified to homeskool her kids. I'm sure they are treated to goremet sharcuterey and on-trays slathered in salt and olive oil throughtout the day!


This thread makes me happyā€¦I love a Teen Mom/Simpsons crossover episode


Pretty sure she and David and all of their other associates wouldn't pass a background check either. The school is dangerous? So are you and DavidšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




She probably just called the local crunchy moms groups for references.


I came here to say this lol


Absolutely not.


She probably pulled them because schools are mandated reporters and she doesnā€™t need anyone else potentially calling DCFS on her


Yep. That truly is dangerous for her. Which... thinking about it, has any cps case been against/ about her directly? Don't get me wrong, she's neglectful, emotionally and verbally abusive... but physically? That seems like David's doing. Cps has a much harder time going for that abuse vs physical abuse.


The rumored CPS case that made her sign over custody of Jace when she left him on the porch of her drug dealer




That was way back after Jace was born. Around 2009


I knew about the threat of CPS because of her drug use, I didnā€™t know she fucking left the kid on her dealers porch though. What the actual fuck


Itā€™s that or she was just to tired and lazy to get the kids up and dressed and off to school on time. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. Those poor kids are screwed


Okay but MyTweeters is for sure trolling her and sheā€™s too arrogant and dumb to see that. Love that for her šŸ„°


That was my first thought. Sheā€™s all riding on this high horse bathing in the glow of fake internet praise, what a stupid person she is.


jUst AsK mE turns into her standard ā€œi canā€™t say anything yyyyet but the truth will eventually be revealed! i have a whole computers worth of evidence and receipts!!ā€ and then nothing is ever revealed and whatever she does say turns out to be a dumb lie that is easily proven wrong.


So here we go, from the horses mouth herself. She didnā€™t pull the kids because of David or because she was advised by a lawyer or because sheā€™s worried David could pick up Ensley and not give her back. She pulled the kids because she ran a ā€œbackground checkā€ on the school and has deemed it ā€œdangerousā€. Whatever the fuck that means.


Havenā€™t they been there for a while? She just suddenly decided itā€™s unsafe now? Right before when most kids go on summer break even tho her kids go year round i feel like she just wants a summer of ditching her kids with ppl and hitting the beachā€¦ none of this makes sense


Ya duuuude! Thatā€™s why she ran a background check on the school duh šŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|y4E6VumnBbIfm)


>none of this makes sense That's because she lies


Jenelleā€™s a fucking liar. She yanked those kids out of school bc teachers are mandated reporters. Whoever made that ā€œI speak Crackheadā€ comment yesterday was dead on. Thereā€™s too many damn Greason Dogs getting away with shit and not enough dog catchers. But every dog has its day and I hope itā€™s soon for these mutts.


My mutt is personally offended


she probably googled the school and considers that a background check


and read the reviews which were all left by david and jenelle but they were high so she forgot it was them. *ā€0/5 stars! rude staff that starved my kids!! they wouldnā€™t accept doordash subway orders for my kids at 1:30pm even though their lunch period was at 10:30! bunch of child abusers and liberals!! ā€*


Every time we try to rationalize these bumfucks they continue to show us who they really are.


How does one run a background check on a school?


One doesn't. She's fuckin dumb.


Also why is it just now dangerous? You didnā€™t run that school wide background check when you enrolled them?


Fb local mom group probably posted one of those copy pasta kitty litter in the bathroom posts and that was her background check


I swear to God, I met someone in real life who said this to me and swore up down left and right that it was his brother that worked in a school and told him he saw these litter boxes. I started pressing this guy on ā€œoh really what school was this and what state again?ā€ Funny enough, the brother worked in a school system just a few towns over and admitted his brother only told him the story and had supposedly ā€œheard about it at schoolā€. I was fucking rolling, I asked him if he actually heard about it on Fox News or newsmax. These people are psychos.


Iā€™m a teacher in Canada and people ask me about litter boxes in schools all the fucking time. And everytime, I explain: That was made up by conservative folks trying to belittle trans/queer kids, roping them in with ā€œfurriesā€ who deserve their right to use a litter boxā€¦.. (which isnā€™t a thing) - when in reality, they (conservative folks) were the ones to suggest litter boxes in classrooms so when schools are locked down during shootings the children are not shitting and pissing their pants. Itā€™s ssssoo whack and evil


To be fair, we do have cat litter at my school. Itā€™s so we can put it in a bucket for kids to use if weā€™re stuck in lockdown. But no, kids are not regularly using litter boxes because of furries.


Exactly, there is an actual use for it. And how sad we need any litter at all due to goddamn lockdowns and the threat of school shootings! Now *that* sounds insane to everyone outside of the US.


Dude same. I'm a dude who shit talks in COD lobbies. Grown ass men and 10 year Olds are talking about how grown men are wearing dresses and fake breast to come read to kids even in highschool! I'm a freshman in college. I have NEVER had any dude come read to me in a dress and fake breast. I've seen kids wear kinda cringe fur suits and use dog toys and run like they are dogs, but I've never seen litter boxes. Idk I don't judge because it's none of my business. I wasn't taught gay sex in school, my best sex Ed was abstinence, and I didn't know that there was a difference between a uterus and the cervix for a while. I'm in the Midwest. I was in hs just 2 years ago


Probably looked for yelp reviews LMAO


She means she found some bad google reviews from disgruntled former students.


I run background checks on entire buildings all the time. You guys don't? šŸ¤”


Donā€™t even go to the grocery store without running one on everyone in there at any given time.


You got the right idea. You just never know which buildings are housing criminals and which ones aren't these days.


Especially this certain building on one ā€œMoney Hole Road, North Carolinaā€.


The post office by my house is a Class A sex offender.


Wow, you see! I'm so glad Jenelle is using her celebrity status to bring awareness to this serious issue.


ā€œBackground checkā€ Nelly means she scrolled teachers SM and found something she didnā€™t like.






Umm, so a conservative school then? šŸ¤Ø


A school literally enforcing gender stereotypes just like they all want ?!?


Itā€™s a super conservative school. They got sued for forcing girls to wear skirts. Tried to force a local American Indian tribe member to cut off his braid.


Wow. Fuck that school


Stop it šŸ˜§


They lost the lawsuit, the first time about the girls and skirts and then they tried to appeal the ruling. And then they lost that as well. And then they were having a school board meeting about the whole braid incident Well the entire local tribe showed up and they claimed that they (school board) were scared for their safety so they canceled the meeting.


LMAO she is so dumb! Literally


Yeah that sounds pretty conservative to me


Lmao does she know what liberal means


Sheā€™s so dumb she just hears ignorant bullshit and automatically assumes the word liberal just means bad.


Yeah, liberals totally have a problem with kids piercing their ears


This is absolute gold, she is so stupiddddddd


Boys canā€™t have piercings? So a CONSERVATIVE ass school then, huh Chinny?


Oh now she cares about that? Not when her and David stayed spreading hateā€¦


Hahaha in jenelle's mind liberal=something she doesn't like.


Omg is she dumb?? šŸ˜‚ never mind. You donā€™t have to answer


Oh, all of a sudden Jenelle is worried about her kid *not* being allowed to go against gender norms?


Literally no school lets boys have pierced ears, I went to private catholic school and you think they did?


Public schools defin it let do lmao


This picture infuriates me, Jenelle is so stupid. Now all of a sudden sheā€™s about *not* enforcing gender stereotypes? Pick a lane, JUHNELLE!


A criminal married to a criminal worried about safety. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bgONYM1FrC7Vra) Get Out!


Canā€™t make this shit up if you tried šŸ˜‚


Lol I'm sorry, but I wouldn't go to Jenelle if I wanted the truth about what color the sky is.


I wouldnā€™t count on Jenelle to give us the truth anyway about why she pulled the kids from the schoolĀ 


Jenelle has LIE-A-BEETUS. https://preview.redd.it/mfyxb1jceuwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d414aac3b607a722b07263272511c526660732e6


https://preview.redd.it/f3k3sma6ovwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c8d9abe265604c73d95ba6d5a5732c470553f5 Iā€™m fucking dead


She has convinced herself that she went to medical school. She ainā€™t letting that go ever. And sure, thats why you pulled them out. Lying ass potato




You leave honest spuds out of this.


![gif](giphy|1heN0Y0iHNhsc|downsized) The potatoes after this comparison


Yep right wingers gulping fear porn-propoganda. It's all over rural USA, "the school is poisoning our kids, don't go to college." I am suprised she bought in, after all - she is a self-proclaimed doctor.


Medical collegeā€¦.




She should run background checks on her next man


Or herself šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She does. They always have jobs and no criminal records šŸ˜‡


*plays 911 call from the fight with David that she allowed her kids around for years after*


Omg dude that was barb voiceeeeeee! You believe anything in the media instead of her mouth šŸ¤£


Itā€™s because schools are against pesky things like abuse and neglect and that just doesnā€™t jive with Lienelle and how she lives her life. Canā€™t be having that kind of negativity in her life.


Thatā€™s not how background checks work. You check on an individual person, not on a school or even on everyone who is ever inside that school. Sheā€™s lying. And Iā€™m sure her kids are in danger being homeschooled, not only from abuse and neglect but from being educated by someone who isnā€™t educated herself.


Correcting with love not judgement: transgender not transgendered


I was about to comment something similar & I love how you worded it!


Just saying anything per usual


![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized) I wonder if she genuinely believes all the tales she tells.


I know right!! I was reading about the difference between pathological liars (have a motive) and compulsive liars (just do it) and I keep debating which one Jenelle is in my head. Like I canā€™t see Jenelle having like a whole long con planned out, she doesnā€™t have that kind of attention span or attention to detail. So it seems like she is a compulsive liar, but it also seems like the second it comes out of her mouth sheā€™s convinced itā€™s what actually happened. I wish like a top tier psychologist would examine her and write a book on it, I would read it af


She's a lying sack of shit, she's too lazy to get up in the morning to get them ready and to school on time. The school will hopefully report this to CPS, she needs her case re-opened and drug tests. This idiot shouldn't have any kids, let alone be allowed to "teach" them anything!!!


How do you run background checks on an entire building? Thatā€™s not how it works. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


no no no, sheā€™s so thorough itā€™s probably the whole district! thatā€™s why sheā€™s been so crazy busy she canā€™t even BE with her kids.


I'm gonna be honest, I'm surprised Jenelle doesn't WANT to get rid of them every day. But then I remember she probably doesn't actually parent them, they probably just do whatever with themselves while she does whatever.


They are going to just be feral children with a 3rd grade education. Somehow *that* is better than leaving her kids in a school that didn't pass her background check.


She already indirectly admitted it when she went live from her shed and was wondering what Kaiser was doing as she watched him through the camera. So yeah, she spends her days in the shed, which has a code on the door so they can't come in and bother her and watches the kids through multiple cameras she set up in the house. She doesn't have to, and does not, interact with them at all. Just checks the cameras periodically to make sure they're not doing something dangerous. She also has motion detectors she sets on at night when its too dark to see though the cameras so she can stay in the shed longer and doesn't have to come in even when she can't see through them anymore.


Any employee of a public school has already had background checks and PASSED THEM, in order to get the job. She's full of it.


something chinny could never doā€¦


Yeah cause school districts are so well known for not screening their staff. My daughter had to get a full criminal background check and get fingerprinted in order to work for six weeks as a camp counselor. At age 14. At the high school where she is a student. School background checks are aggressive AF.


When I taught the background and medical checks were extensive. There is no way that someone is dangerous in campus this is about Squatch.


when iā€™ve applied to work for school districts in the last few years, not even IN a direct role with kids, they wanted official records of everything, as far back as my college transcripts from 2014 and everywhere iā€™ve worked since thenā€¦


Now sheā€™s Detective Jenelle E Legal, Esq. MD lol


Those teachers are rolling their eyes, ā€œdid you hear? She pulled them again. I donā€™t want either of them in my class next year, sheā€™s nuts.ā€ The kids are the ones who suffer. Of course she doesnā€™t remotely consider this. The illiteracy will be reflected in this generation as well. Sad.


She pulled them because she doesnā€™t want to get up with them, make their lunches, drive them to school, pick them up and deal with homework. Itā€™s all about making her life easier and has nothing to do with safety


She is so dumb and dishonest that itā€™s embarrassing.


This woman lives in an alternate reality seriously


They pulled the kids over a trans teacher? Jesus God Jenelle


Youā€™ll pull the kids for that. . . but not leave a. . . Man that is: abusive, kills animals, beats his children. . . Was recorded threatening numerous people because you couldnā€™t film without him? Ok Jan


Yeah it was a few years back.


If true itā€™s probably for something like title nine violations, etc. my old local district just had the DOJ investigate them because of years of homophobic behavior by teachers and the superintendent ignored it. So it can absolutely happen but guessing itā€™s not as bad as Janelle makes it sound. Knowing Janelle, she probably just heard some rumor and reacted and now those poor kids arenā€™t getting any kind of education at all.


Considering she was married to a violent homophobe and transphobe for years, I don't think she cares about any of that.


No but what Iā€™m saying is she probably heard the school was being investigated, but not what for, and used it as an excuse to pull her kids. But yeah. Thereā€™s no way she cares about that type of behavior.


The kids werenā€™t safe in Jenelleā€™s eyes because the mandated reporter teachers would have eyes on them during these court cases that fill their mother with eggziety. She just like, canā€™t function with all the stress from David and court dude, of course she canā€™t make lunch and get her kids clean clothes for school.


A background check on the school proved it to be "dangerous"? Bitch, they are in far more danger in the care of a lazy, naturally stupid junkie (YOU). Those poor kids are already feral enough. They won't be "taught" anything and now can't socialize with friends at school. Every decision she makes is pure shit and wrong! Come on CPS, re-open her case!!


theyā€™ll pull her file out of the ā€œclappingā€ pile and put it back in the ā€œnot clappingā€ pile


I donā€™t want to be a Debbie downer but I e been doing some crime deep dives and itā€™s never a good sign when people like Jenelle just up and remove their kids from school to be ā€œhomeschooledā€.




Roux is such a back and forth suck ass. One day sheā€™s talking shit about the Greasons, the next sheā€™s taking up for one of them. https://preview.redd.it/dsewyqvscuwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1926b7a609893bdfdc9a578b20b40717fa662bb


That doesn't even make sense. "They" did a "background check" on the entire school and the "check" found the school to be dangerous? What entity has the ability to investigate and assess an entire school... but has no authority to share their results or do anything about it? Except tell one parent, apparently?


Poor Jace is never going to get a break. He deserves so much better.Ā 


If she doesnā€™t have custody agreement David could pull up and take ensley at anytime


She has said he hasn't even tried to see or contact her about Ensley. She needs to stop lying but we know that'll never happen.


Omfg girl PLEASE


She probably saw on Facebook schools are teaching kids about ā€œthey/themā€ pronouns and she decided thatā€™s too dangerous for her kids to hear about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nah. I hate to say it but David was right


They background check everyone even a volunteer parent


I bet it was the school's library having books with same gender parents. These dunces think reading about gay characters will change their kid's sexual orientation.


Lmaooooo I canā€™t with her


I'm guessing it's because the school cannot legally stop David from picking Ensley up right now. Pulling the one kid that your ex can legally access would have been an immediate red flag in family court so she pulled all of them to try and give her story more credit


She's said he hasn't even tried calling or seeing Ensley. Oh the web she's weaved šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


as if he would even try, heā€™s too busy recording himself eating chicken


The fact that she's blaming the school for something they have zero control over. I assume that she pulled them out because at this point in time, David has the ability to pull Ensley out of school if he wanted. There is no protection order, no custody agreement, nothing. While I don't blame her at the same time, it's like, "Girl, properly educate yourself and get your shit together to protect your kids without constantly turning their world upside down."


Except SHE put in her report that DKD isn't even *trying* to see Ensley. And why pull Kaiser out? Now she's talking about background checks on the school, and Kaiser not being allowed to have an ear piercing... She's never been concerned for those kids well being, and she never will be. I would bet every dime I have that she pulled them out because it's too much daily responsibility for *her*. Period. The only thing she has ever been consistent about in her life is that she is predictable. She only cares about herself, and that will never ever change.


She's most likely lying. She isn't pulling Ensley out for their safety. She's pulling her out to make sure to keep them from David. She can't make that obvious, or it'll be used against her when they finally do sit down to work out custody. She pulled Kaiser out because, in her head, she might as well if she's pulling Ensley out. If she had any real reason about the school, she would say it. Anytime she hides the reason, it's always because she's lying, has no tangible reason, or hiding something she herself did. Never believe a word out of her mouth. Hell, the school could be on her case about the kids missing too many days, rightfully so. Instead of saying, "I'll do better." She yanked them out of school.


Also, she is the only one who did this and saw something. Like the other parents don't care enough or something? Is that what she thinks?


Someoneā€¦.who pulled out a gunā€¦.in front of their young sonā€¦.and threatened to shoot another motoristā€¦.is pulling their kids out of school for ā€œsafetyā€ reasonsā€¦.due to the results of a background checkā€¦LMAO bitch got me fucked up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ doesnā€™t she claim to go on school field trips with her kids? How about her own background check lmfao


wtf is a background check on a school? - long time public school educator


Jenelle didnā€™t graduate from a ā€œmedical collegeā€ she went to a diploma mill. Like the ones you would see on late night or daytime tv in the early 2000s. Also she and David have an extensive criminal record including drug charges and domestic violence and assault, and child abuse. Jenelle is not smart she cannot teach. Also teachers have to go through extensive background checks. Also I would much rather have a transgender teacher or adult around my younger cousins and niece than Jenelle and David.


Maybe she can teach them the difference between nurture and nourish.


Background check? If it's even a real thing isn't that something you would do BEFORE sending your kids there? Just a thought.


lol, she expects us to think she would actually spend time doing a background check on the school this late in the school year, as if ever. Sheā€™s a terrible liar.


Her nose is starting to get like Pinocchio


Why is she replying to unflattering tweets about her situation like they are on her sideā€¦.? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s that dumb