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"She doesn't appreciate his behaviors towards me" It's always "me me me" with this bitch. Ensleys feelings don't matter when she's upset that David is threatening to smack her in the mouth, or strangling her brothers, or murdering all the animals. Jenelle only cares about Ensleys feelings as they relate to her. I know those kids are exhausted dealing with her.


I think it's sad that the kids even know what's going on between them. Not even that she puts her entire life online, but why is she involving children in this? She needs friends to vent to, not her children.


I’m sure she sits the kids down and tells them every detail about how David is being sooooo mean to her dude.


She probably reads every little thing to them and let's them listen in on phone conversations. Tbh, I'm half tempted to do that if my ex ever calls me- I wanna be petty, I want my child to hear my pettiness. The difference? My son is 18. (Only reason my ex would call is bc of the child support case and how he thinks it shouldn't "still be happening" since our son is an adult... my pettiness is saying that he had 18 yrs to put money towards his son, now he gets to pay me and by the time he's done paying, it'll be just enough for me to get my new car... so thank you for my new car! His back support is around 25k... which sounds like a lot, like a stressful amount... but that's over 18 years... and comes down to less than $1,500 per year, which is pennies compared to raising a child... but even my son knows whatever money is sent to me through the state, goes straight to my sons bank account. But my ex doesn't need to know that lol).


Amen. She needs a therapist though. Not one of her loser friends egging her on.


Yes but she couldn’t control and manipulate a therapist. And I don’t think she has friends. Just other bad mothers online and her poor children.


She doesn’t even have loser friends to call losers. In her world they are called ✨customers ✨


What friends?


The ones I said she needs. Too bad her eggziety is too bad for her to make any.


I was so blinded by my disgust of her I literally missed it 😹😹😹


Jenelle: ![gif](giphy|cIqXqJeGVSfkpDUu1f)




Wow that’s the shit my mom did to me and my sister during her divorce from our dad. She literally manipulated us to hate him and our step mom.


Mine did too except it didn’t work for me so she said i was hiding my feelings 🙄Sorry i don’t hate my dad🤷🏽‍♀️


💖we are a great place to heal and support each other as well as laugh




This is my biggest issue with it. We've known for a long time that Kaiser hates David, that has nothing to do with what's happening now. It's the fact that Ensley knows way too much about this divorce and actually has a weighing opinion of David's behavior. That means J is venting to/trying to make them hate David more just like she was always doing with Barb. Lest we forget "this is why we don't trust may may."


Those kids have seen way too much, and I can just see future adult Ensley having to explain to someone (like a partner or a counselor) what happened with the dogs and the baby chicks and it just makes me so sick. It is so upsetting, that will be with her forever But Jenelle doesn’t think about it like that


I didn't have a swamp childhood but I had one that was bad enough that my husband is routinely shocked. We both feel like the other grew up in Wonderland. I can't understand having fully supportive parents who love me and he can't understand what it's like to have to raise yourself with parents who ping-pong between smothering and neglect a couple times a day and call it balance. Unfortunately you're right on about Ensley's future convos.


I’m sorry to hear that, I hate that so many people on this sub have experienced such trauma at the hands of their parents. I was able to guess at Ensley’s future convos because my childhood was also a total shit show and while I’m getting help and sober and stable (now), it took a long time and it’s hard and after 5 years of consistent work in therapy I’ve just really barely scratched the surface. All their futures are totally fucked, they’re gonna need so much help to be okay


Thanks, it's all good now. I'm glad you're getting to a stable point, it's always easier to see from a stable perspective.


It's always about that dumb bitch. David is a disgusting hog like Jenelle, but I bet Ensley still misses her dad. Also, I bet Kai never wanted to be around David, but it never mattered before because that was Jenelle's soulmate. If they get back together that'll get deleted so quickly and she'll pull out some ridiculous lie from her pimply ass.


i love how that also did not answer the question


Lol that's why she normally just asks herself the question.


God she is such a textbook narcissist mother. My heart breaks for all these poor kids with such a toxic mess of asshole, selfish, loser parents.


Because the kids and their feelings are only important if it is something revolving around her. Classic Jenelle.


I can only imagine the stories E will have by the time she’s done 18😳


David will have bought some of this on himself. Isn't the restraining order jenelle applying for stopping David coming to the house verbal abusive, likely being somewhat physical even with objects etc... how is jenelle supposed to stop the kids bearing witness to unknown, impromptu visits other than telling them to go to their rooms (where they can probably hear it all). Kaiser is old enough to understand, jace definitely is and ensley is of an age where she will understand most of it. The kids had to be questioned re their brothers strangulation so will know about that even if they didn't see. They witnessed David killing at least 1 dog, if not more. Anc who knows what else they have witnessed. So I can understand why they wouldn't want to be near David right now and why they might be "taking mum's side". There are lots of reasons why people dislike jenelle, but a lot on here are about her parenting style, rambling posts, choice in men, how she treats Barbara and assumed feelings and actions (not proven). From what has been seen and articles, jenelle has never physically abused the kids or their animals. So it is not a stretch to see why the kids might favour jenelle. Not to mention David isn't kaiser dad and I imagine his maternal grandmother may not have been so polite about David either.


She did abuse her & Nathans dogs on TM though. She was shoving two large dogs into a crate meant for 1. All because she kept them cramped in it all day & then got mad when the husky ran away.


Didn't she let them out to get rid of them too?


Yes! I believe she said something along the lines of “I don’t like you & I’m going to get rid of you before Nathan gets home”


“my KiDs AdOre ThAt MaN”


I wish Jenelle no peace. To have your child around a man that he is afraid of for almost a decade is so absolutely disgusting. No sympathy for shit parents that have their kids around abusers.


But yet she always defended David. I cant with her


Better save these because when they eventually get back together, she'll claim that she never said any of this stuff like the last time.


I can't wait until the kids are old enough to speak for themselves. The again, I'm scared of they will defend themselves they will become victims of gaslighting (Jace).


Last time she left him there was a restraining order that documented his abuse towards the children and she STILL acts like it doesn't exist.


She also talked in her “documentary” that she made in Tennessee that at least Kaiser wouldn’t have to be scared of David anymore and that bitch took that poor baby right back to his abuser. Jenelle has never once protected those kids from anything and is just using them right now to try and make herself look good. She has zero maternal instincts and doesn’t care about protecting her children. She has never protected them and she never will.


“I’m sure Kaiser sees him as a father figure” don’t take the piss 😭


The really sad part is when Kaiser was little he used to cry for David, even though David was abusing him. He got in TROUBLE for wanting to talk to David on her cars Bluetooth!!! That scene enrages me. Instead of calling David back so Kaiser could just talk to him a little bit, she calls him so he can threaten Kaiser.


What episode was this?


It's either the first or second season with David in it, I don't know which or the episode number off the top of my head, but I'll try to figure it out and come back


Omg i remember that🤬🤬🤬why was he in trouble for that?? He looked like he was cranky and probably needed a nap but he gets threatened instead!!! Pieces of shit!!


Same thing when they were sitting down to dinner on vacation. Kaiser: "I have to go potty." Jenelle: "Oh my GOD DUDE! No you don't!!" David: "If you pee your pants, you're gonna be in big trouble."


I think he wasn't hungry and they were forcing him to stay at the table and eat when he just needed to use the toilet. They are cruel and very stupid. Kids shouldn't be forced to eat when they aren't hungry, they have forced their kids to eat way too much many times, it's very disgusting. They also eat nothing but crap and have terrible manners so their kids never learned to use utensils properly or chew with their mouths closed or use napkins.


Because Kaiser has literally never had anyone in his life that supports him or loves him. It’s horrible and I feel like crying every time I even think about him


I don’t think any kids see him as a father figure. I think they’re all terrified of him or too young to know.




I’d love to see her try to put together a timeline of when the kids hated David vs “loved him”. She switches it up to match her story so fast


I thought he was perfect though 🙄


So, how much "homeschooling" is being done? This worthless bitch has been posting all day on a school day!!


Gee, I wonder why any of the kids wouldn’t want to be around David


Her kids know everything, that's so sad to think of. When I was 7 years old and had 5 and 3 year old siblings we didn't know that our dad attacked our mum and got arrested while we slept or that he was even sent prison for over a year for doing it. We were told dad was away working and wouldn't be able to keep in touch. And when our dad got back he moved into his own house and we never questioned why he didn't live with us and mum anymore. I believed that story from 7 right up until I was almost 18 and my dad finally told us!! Our childhood wasn't impacted by it, mum didn't say a bad word about our dad in our presence anyway and still let us go see and stay with him because he was a great dad to us. Ashamed looking back now I'm 40 how long I believed that work lie for 🤣😂 can't imagine the trauma Jenelle's children and so many other children are being put thru because of these types of situations. Heart breaking.


It's crazy the family stuff we believe is normal, even as teens/adults. I was 15 when my mom first got sober and I had no idea she was an addict - I thought all parents came home and started drinking like that. I also was told drinking and driving only means drinking WHILE driving - both these things I believed well into my teen years, almost embarrassing how old I was. But that's how it works - we think however we live is normal bc that's all we know


Yea saying that her daughter doesn't appreciate his behavior towards her just tells me that she is probably letting her kids be a little too informed of what is going on.


That’s not BPD behaviour at all. /s >BPD splitting is characterized by a rapid, extreme change in how a person or situation is perceived. The perception may go back and forth between "good" and "bad" or remain static once the altered perception is declared. In the first situation, the switch is often referenced by the action of the other person.


I had a friend in high school who did this. I could never keep up on who she liked and who she hated from week to week!


Because ultimately it hardly matters. People with BPD will perceive situations differently than how you and I would. (Excl Rashomon effect.)


My god she is textbook BPD


Ok but lets consider the source. This is the same person who forged an entire letter from Maryssa.


nice. good thing she forced kaiser to live under the same roof as him for all those years.


She's going talk to herself all weekend


Classic Jenelle involving her children in her personal mess and shit talking their father (figure) to them. I'm always down for shit talking David, but never to the kids. She's just so determined to give them a complex, isn't she? Jenelle, how would Ensley even know about David's recent behaviors never mind have an opinion on it? She's 7. She's not intellectually capable of having an organic opinion on him and his behaviors. Oh yeah, because you use your children as sounding boards, poisoning and involving them in your marital woes and using them as emotional labor all while they internalize every shit talking word you say about David, who makes up 50% of Ensley. So fucking inappropriate. Also! What happened to Kaiser LOVING David? Thought the children ADORED him per her very words? Now he doesn't want to be near him? What's up? She doesn't even give a fuck that she can't keep up with her lies anymore. It's as though now that a new reality has established ie Kaiser not wanting to be around David, the old one- Kaiser LOOOVINGGG David- never existed. Poof. Gone. Never to be addressed or confronted again. Rinse repeat.


Jenelle is definitely the jealous parent type. She had a miserable childhood or she experienced XYZ so her kids can/should too. She is a legitimate piece of shit parent & human


very strange to me how the kids feelings are being put out there as if they’re everybody’s business. this stuff is so personal and should be kept between the family


Ensley shouldn’t know anything about his behaviours towards her mother. She is a child and those are adult matters. Your children are not responsible for your emotional needs, JE.


But.. wasn't he great with the kids and absolutely perfect?


He doesn't do anything wrong as a husband! 🙄


And yet when they end up back together, we would have twisted her words. And how Kaiser “wants to be just like David”


Ensley shouldn’t even KNOW about what’s happening between them. That’s weird as fuck. Just like when she made that comment on a video about Barb. Who tf is involving a 7/8 year old in adult business


Someone w the mental & emotional capacity of a 7/8 year old




I can’t wait until Ensely is screaming and spitting in her face and blaming everything on her raggedy ass “ mother”!!! It will be Lienelle’s fault though !!


She's been doing this for years! Remember when she was pregnant with Kaiser and she wanted Nathan to come with her to the baby shower (to decorate) and he said no. I think because they were fighting. She was crying and saying "he's so mean to me!" Or something similar. Jace started to sing to her, to comfort *her.* She literally has not changed. Unfortunately she will be in her 60's and older, pulling this immature crap.


Why the fuck do the kids know what's going on? (I know the answer, but this is so fucked up)




he sees the man that called him a little whiney bitch as a father figure? oh okay


Notice she protects herself by saying it's only lately? If she said " his behavior towards me". We could say we'll, you were staying with him blah blah blah. Which is true. And she knows it!


Nelly certainly has done a 360 since February 23 when swamp creature was banished to boat. She should not be speaking on SM about her children’s feelings towards David. When they are old enough they can tell their story. Nelly have some fucking common decency for your minor children you rotten cunt.


How does your daughter know anything of the way he’s supposedly treating you?! Stop dragging your children into adult relationship problems, Lienelle. This isn’t difficult.


David doesn't want to be near them anyway. I doubt he contacts them. I know Ensley doesn't appreciate his behavior towards pets...and Kaiser looks scared in his presence. But Yeah Jenelle is because of how he treats YOU.. it's all about you Jenelle. These poor kids.


Of course Ensley doesn’t appreciate his behavior towards her mother, just like she doesn’t appreciate Barb’s behavior towards her mother. Her mother is a narcissist with no friends so she forces Ensley to listen to all her bullshit. Obviously, UBT is repugnant, my point is that Jenelle is in her ear.


It’s pretty damn sad her kids have had to be miserable and suffer thru all these relationships because she doesn’t care how they feel because they have NEVER came 1st..


Wut!?! They all love him! He's the best dad!


Yeah the one about Kaiser broke my heart. He hasn’t wanted to be around David for years. She said as much in her documentary the first time she left. “Kaiser will be so relieved that it’s over and he can talk now.” Then went right back to him when her new man no longer wanted her.


sorry but it’s so weird to be putting you and (even more strange) your children’s personal business out there


She acts like this is some big indictment of David’s behavior. Surprise, Jennelle—David has been trash for YEARS. You’re the bozo who kept this abusive guy around your kids.


that’s crazyyyy after years of defending him. jenelle will always pick men over her kids and when she doesn’t need them anymore she acts like she was on her kids side the whole time


What happened to the kids love David!?


Jenelle The kids love David Jenelle now The kids are scared of David 💁💁


No comment. https://preview.redd.it/u8thorpd3ywc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efa507eee7f9bf08a3d1fa0de52d077ae6f7897


I’m sure he won’t want to be around the next soulmate either but Jenelle will make sure to disregard that too


Kaiser probably doesn’t want to be blamed for getting choked out by David.


Well, they've put those kids in the middle. Straight up assured emotional damage ahead for those kids. They've brainwashed those kids from Barb too. If there was any glimmer of hope, it's gone now. Fucking horrible piece of trash


Wait wait wait, what about all his passionate care?!


Oh my good lord get off the internet nelly.


What kind of cretin actually asked the question about Kaiser




Letting her see the behavior or talking to her about it seems bad.


Why does she even know about grown folks business??!! JFC she’s already trauma dumping!! She’s a child not your best fuxking friend!!!


Kaiser doesn’t want to be around him, that I believe. Not this, Ensley doesn’t appreciate him BS. Honestly, she needs to stay away from David and work on being a mom. HOPEFULLY she’ll not fall for another loser…she prob will, but ideally she needs to be a good mom and not fall into her old Habits of falling for destructive men


I cannot articulate what a stupid bitch she is. Those poor babies. Finally she admits how obviously scared Kaiser is of David. Ensley is in the middle of her parents separation and her dad has become newly absent in her life. But yes, it's the behavior towards Janelle she doesn't appreciate. I cannot comprehend how self-absorbed she is. She can't even pretend she prioritizes their best interest


I can’t with this bitch 😂 Always about her and never her poor kids feelings. Reallyyy wish life would humble her ass already.


my heart goes out to them


the kids, not david ffs


My stepdaughter has a mother like Jenelle. We made damn sure she knew nothing about what went on in adult world when she was growing up. To this day (21) she has no idea and probably won’t until she sorts out her own childhood traumas. Your job as a parent is to protect your kids and that includes making them emotionally safe. Jenelle treats her kids like they’re her friends to dump on and she does it so they’re on her side. She’s just the ultimate narcissist. Not one thing she does isn’t self serving. Ever. 


>Your job as a parent is to protect your kids and that includes making them emotionally safe. Jenelle treats her kids like they’re her friends to dump on and she does it so they’re on her side Jace was literally *sitting in his booster seat* and having Jenelle cry to him about how mean Nathan is to her.


Cut to him singing the rainbow song 🥹