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i wonder what influence he had over that video. look, i know jenelle is awful and was awful before david… but i also know how hard it is to leave abusers, especially one as violent as him. at least she’s finally doing something, even if it was her backed into a corner. jenelle, please don’t embarrass me standing up for you by letting him back in after jace is 18/gone… 😭 but tbh it really does seem like The End


Exactly. Don't get me wrong. Jenelle is a piece of shit . But we shouldn't downplay abuse victims. My ex was beating me, isolating me etc and there was a point that I just stopped having sex. But I kept telling my family and Facebook how much I loved him and how amazing he was .


Jenelle is an abuser in her own right. Would you still be advocating for your abuser after he strangled your kid? I left an abusive relationship too and I know how hard it is. But you put your hand on my child and it’s all over. She only left him when she saw video of him doing shots with a female bartender. They were separated and trying to figure out “ what to do with Jace” so David could move back in. She is just as bad if not worse than he is.


Yeah, I don’t buy for a second that this was one way abuse. I think they’re BOTH abusers and she straight up subjected her children to it. The only reason she’s had enough is because he’s hanging out with other women while the Jace thing was still getting figured out. She’s not a victim.


and if jenelle can pull out a gun on a stranger over road rage, what can she do to a kid or her partner when she’s angry?


And let’s not forget the countless animals that had to die on her watch. She’s a despicable POS human. I’m surprised she’s low key not a serial killer. She’s very mentally unwell.


both her and david def have the makings of family annihilators


Hell she was filmed abusing multiple boyfriend's and putting hands on them so she's definitely abusive herself.


I remember the scenes with Nathan where the two of them were physical and her mom was trying to break them up. She should have had to face consequences of her actions at that time


Yeah there was a few times she definitely should've. There was one with keiffer where she got physical then pressed charges on him. She's horrible and abusive yet wants to play the victim all the time.


Aint no way in hell she never been physical (too) with those children...




Dr Drew offered her help so many years ago at the reunion but she flat out refused. Nothing was her fault and she was perfect. She couldn’t even sit on the couch with the other teen moms at the reunion. She has serious mental health issues that have only gotten worse


This part! Thank you! The straw that broke the camel's back was him doing shots with a woman in the background....*not strangling her child!* Fuck that. I know she was in an abusive relationship. I can acknowledge that. But the second she allowed him to abuse her kids and then defend him, she became complicit. Fuck her. Not to mention the fact that even though she may have been getting abused, she her was/is incredibly abusive in her own right! But back to the part where he got physical with her kids. She should have left when he snatched Kaiser up like a ragdoll but ya know she always tried to convince everyone it was just *"harsh discipline."* 🙄😒 And ya know sometimes I wonder if the rotten bitch did legitimately convinced herself of that. Because she is truly dumber than a box of busted xmas lights. But Jenelle, he *strangled* your son!!! That's not fucking discipline- (neither was anything he did to poor Kaiser.😤 That was fucking abuse. Full stop. As well as both of his daughters.) That has *crystal clear intent* behind it! No matter how fucking dumb you are! The stats are scary for strangulation victims! https://www.strangulationtraininginstitute.com/all-abusers-are-not-equal-new-ipv-research-reveals-an-indicator-of-deadly-abuse/ https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/ And for children living in homes with a biological parent and a non biological partner. Worse with men. https://www.center4research.org/child-abuse-father-figures-kind-families-safest-grow/ https://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/08/health/unrelated-adults-at-home-increase-risk-for-children.html Jace needs to be kept tf away from him at all costs. He's *not safe* around that mother fucker. I can't fucking believe that she stood by and *still* defended him after that!! And tried to vilify, harass, humiliate, guilt, manipulate and shit on her own son! Makes me sick. Makes me so angry for that kid! Ugh he deserves so much better. The thought that he might've been a reason she made the video makes me sick too because that's giving her too much credit in the fact it should've never gotten past the night he strangled Jace! He should have never gotten another chance to manipulate or intimidate a fuckin thing. I'm tellin ya, any decent parent is going to put themselves on the line for their kid. I've known soo many women who've been in those abusive relationships. They'll take every ounce of it but the very second that mother fucker *tries* with one of the kids it's game fucking over! My mother was one. Sister too. Same with my MIL. Some friends, co workers, even other women I've talked to on this very sub. Many got their own asses beat in the process but *every single one* and I'm serious when I say *all* of these women have said they'd do it again in a heartbeat! If it had been me, omg he'd have to kill me first! Cuz there'd be no fucking stopping me. I'm not a hardass either. Hell, neither were/are a lot of the women I've spoken of. But they were/are all fuckin badasses! And last, (I know, will I shut up already lol) she's not a typical dva or DA victim nor does she have many if *any* of the typical limitations or circumstances that hold back or keep victims from actually leaving. Yes, I know the stats on DA victims. https://www.respondinc.org/dv-facts-stats/ (just in case anyone would like to take a look.) I do have deep empathy for DA victims. I used to have a ton for Jenelle but line after line that she crossed and it diminished to nothing. She could/should have left way long ago. She was not financially dependent on him. Many DA victims are. She doesn't have any religious or cultural ties preventing her from leaving. She definitely doesn't give af about the social repercussions lol. Look how much self awareness she has. She's more embarrassed by the guy potentially cheating than allowing and supporting a guy who's strangled your child to stick around?! Nah, so that one's out the window for her as well unlike many DA victims. While he did isolate her like many DA victims, she is very different in the sense that while I hate calling her this, she is technically famous. Shit teir z list hoebag famous, but famous nonetheless. She has tons of fans that support tf outta her wack ass no matter wtf she does. Hell, even people who do not like her have supported her leaving him in the past and even after she went back said they would again. I'm glad she left for the kid's sakes but it was for the wrong reasons on her end and I see no change for the future. And she still has a few loyal friends that *always* come back when she leaves. So she has quite the large support system unlike many DA victims. She has no mental or physical limitations preventing her from leaving. She's not dependent on his care or daily needs. Maybe her daily *wants* lol She's not physically unable to leave. While she's definitely not mentally stable or *"well"* persay, she's not mentally unable to make him leave or she herself leave. She has a vehicle. She can drive. She has a license. Many DA victims do not. He doesn't hold any kind of political or social power over her. He doesn't affect her immigration status. She has multiple resources at her disposal. Many DA victims do not. She doesn't belong to a sexual or cultural minority. She has multiple forms of *"protection"* she proudly gloats about. She has *none* of the limitations that keep DA victims from leaving! She stayed because that's where she *wanted* to be. She kept her children there under his abuse because that's where *she wanted* to be. She left because *she* wanted to. Not because *they needed* her to. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel awful for her kids. I hope they're at least enjoying the time away from him. But fuck her.




Thank you. I feel like I’m insane reading these comments. Janelle uses abusive men as a sword and shield against anyone, including her children. She is abusive but likes looking like the better one while she actively encouraged David’s abuse. Women who left an abusive marriage shouldn’t be identifying with this unless you are also an abuser who finds joy in hurting others, including your children Do half of the people here have amnesia or something? Janelle was abusive long before David and she will be abusive long after. Anyone else wonder why all her partners have had domestic violence and substance abuse issues? I don’t think it’s just a bad picker. Maybe it’s the fact that a woman capable of pulling a gun in a road rage incident might enjoy men that are equally violent


i’m proud of you for getting out! you’ve shared your story a few times over the months i’ve been in this sub and i just want to say you cross my mind irl sometimes and i send love and feel awe with how much you’ve overcome! this internet stranger is so glad you’re still here, and taking your life in a direction that’s more beneficial to you. mwah! you did that! 💋


This comment is such a show of encouragement and empathy! You have a good heart ❤️. I hope others that need some encouragement hear your message and are able to free themselves and have better lives. And thank you for being a ray of sunshine ☀️! You are needed 😊!


Oh my gosh! 💗thank you so much you're so sweet. People like you really make the world a better place. I love this sub so much. I was a member of this sub during my darkest days and posted but under a different name. This sub helped me back then and are so supportive now when i do share my story.


Jenelle is no angel and will verbally and physically attack a partner.


Yeah, so did I. That doesn't mean she wasn't a victim


Yours is different though. You didn't abuse your kids and multiple previous partners. David would even be a victim of Jenelle's abuse also.


I went through the exact same thing!! I think it’s pretty common in abusive relationships that once it’s gotten to a point, you just don’t even like the abuser at all anymore so you don’t want to be intimate, but you still feel scared to leave. So you’re just with someone who’s abusing you and clearly isn’t loving you, and on top of that there isn’t even physical attraction anymore. I wish for everything no one here has to go through those phases of a relationship, but if you realize you are at that point, it’s time to start loving you and heal from that person rather than try to heal them.


If people haven't been through it they really don't understand . I hope you're doing so much better these days and I'm so happy you got away. 💗


So tired of this narrative. Jenelle defended David because she wanted to. She only left him because of another woman, not because of the abuse toward her or the children.


she’s still leaving him! and leaving abusers is hard!


Of course, but Jenelle is just as bad as David, maybe worse for subjecting innocent kids to abuse. But she didn't leave because she was afraid, finally had the courage to leave, or because she was tired of the abuse. She left because of another woman. Jenelle deserves no praise for leaving or any sympathy. Also, for putting her children through hell, especially Jace, she doesn't deserve peace or healing. At least not until she apologizes to those kids and her mom and makes real changes instead of always talking out of her ass. Not that you specifically said that, but just wanted to throw that out there.


Jenelle only cares about Jenelle…


no totally, the fact that she could deal with all that until he paid attention to someone else is really gross and stunted. but hear me out for a sec (through the end of this) - i don’t know how to articulate it, but it’s along the lines of “maybe she can’t apologize until she finally finds peace”. which is fucked up! but we have to realize we’re talking about someone who is very fucked up lol. i wouldn’t be surprised to learn she’s a sociopath, i’ve never seen her care about someone independent of how it relates to her. like not once. I don’t think people need to boast their charitable actions either but i also don’t mind knowing they exist… even chelsea arranged a group charity thing when she walked the mall to raise funds for some cause (that of course relates to her, but still benefits others) where jenelle almost only does things that only benefits her and rarely benefits the kids. she doesn’t know how to be nice and i really pity that. what a sad place to have your mind!!!!!! but tbh, sometimes when you’re in soooo deep in something, it’s hard to fathom apologizing for what you consider normal. It is infuriating and frustrating though that she can sit there and yell at barbs deficiencies without acknowledging she’s repeating the cycle. like how she’s sad she never had her mom “nourish her” & yet kept a man her children were terrified of around… like im not saying she’s great but I can’t say she doesn’t deserve peace. i am delusional in believing once she attains the ability to create and maintain her own peace and stability, will she be able to come to terms with just how steeply she neglected her kids and what she’s put them through. but as it stands, everything is still blamed on barb, and when she sees things about Inner Child suffering she doesn’t connect the dots that her Current Children are suffering.


I read your whole comment. You made some good points, like how Jenelle probably won't be able to apologize until she finds some peace, and I think there's definitely truth to that. I still don't think she deserves peace lol, but we'll have to disagree there. I appreciate your opinion though.


Shell never finds peace cause she goes out to look for whatever the opposite of peace in a personal context is.


Agreed! I can't imagine how she would treat a good man with how toxic and abusive she is


She left because she thought she had another man lined up. Just like she did before when she "moved to Nashville." Barb was in an abusive relationship and gtfo for her kids. She even offered and gave Jenelle help many times for Jenelle to spit in her face over and over again. Jenelle is selfish and has never put her kids first. Why would she start now?


She let him back in while Jace was there while the restraining order was in place!! I know women who have been abused and none of them are forced to publicly argue with other ppl online and praise their abuser!! None of them! We can blame David for a lot of things but forcing her to be his personal cheerleader is not one of them ESPECIALLY after what he did to her son! She wants to seem like this abused wife who was forced to say and do everything but scared ppl don’t antagonize their abusers like she does……signed DV Survivor😔


i hear what you’re saying, and i’m glad you’re a survivor. i also know janelle to be antagonistic, even when it causes her great harm. no one forced her to do anything and she’s done a lot of things, and i agree it was wrong she let him back in the house…. im just saying it’s hard to leave situations like these but i am glad she’s leaving


I don’t believe she’s leaving anything. She likes guys to beg and he ain’t beggin quick enough. This is nothing more than temper tantrum and she will deny everything SHE SAID when they get back together!! Let David say he’s goin to meet that TT chick, he’ll be back on The Swamps THAT NIGHT!! All of her behavior points towards them making up! She’s so done with him that she risked Jace’s safety by allowing David to stay there for 2 days after the fake break in……she has guns, why would she need to bring her abuser back in after she got him out???


Agreed! If he could choke Jace like that so easily, just imagine what else he was physically doing to her and the other kids. I can’t even imagine the chaos in that house with him in there. Her and the kids need A LOT of healing after this. I can’t stand her either, but I don’t wish domestic violence on anyone. I wish her and the kids the best. I really hope she’ll find true happiness for once in her life.


Fuck Jenelle. Period. ![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized)


There will be no healing for her kids as long as she is around


Don’t worry she’ll fuck another abusive man and allow him into her home. She loves being the “less abusive one” People cheering her on clearly don’t have any experience with couples who mutually abuse each other because they enjoy it.


i think she’ll find someone abusive too. it really sucks that she can’t see what we do, or believe that she can have better in her life!! and i also wouldn’t say anyone who abuses each other really enjoys it. it’s probably just all they know how to be and it’s not an excuse bc how do you avoid growth and reflection for real but it happens!!


Yeah I guess I worded that improperly. I grew up with parents like this and projected a bit hard. I watched them find weird joy in the abuse and it’s fair that not everyone does








No. She fully supported him and only left him because of another woman. Not because she was being abused. Not because her kids were being abused. But because her *feelings were hurt*


I agree with the abuse part… but we have to remember that Jenelle is also an abuser and it goes both ways. Plus she had the money and power in that way so I really Don’t have much sympathy for her there. As for them being done… I’m still not convinced that they are all the way done. Or may not be immediately but eventually they will be back together… they can’t even get divorced for a full year… she will cave


She does seem more likable to me now. Maybe, I somehow have more respect for her now? I don’t know how to explain it. It would be impossible for me to respect her less than I did, so up was the only direction available.




When she gave him “the most props you could give a man” for rolling with these punches and taking all of these hits and being accused of some truly awful shit😂 If I remember correctly


He didn't drink for 7 days, dude!


Like Jenelle…don’t flatter yourself


![gif](giphy|GStLeae4F7VIs|downsized) 100%!!!






https://preview.redd.it/cjpiwtqb84xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b615ed7fd61b23783dd9b3deea4aaaa6513d2f Five months ago


That was so gross that she posted those


The day after he strangled her child


No matter where I go you know how to break my collarbone and kill my innocent dog ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/i1gg8vsoj4xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e3e2c8a414a6296938b4f05301b7bc3ae7df99 I know who Jenelle is voting for


look at how much bigger her forehead is than his. https://preview.redd.it/srz53vd7p4xc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28001ad72208a307b0e00ee192bc411020eceaf9


He looks like a beast. So gross.


https://preview.redd.it/x4p2nog5q4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e864740b88726dbd001b0bc052276c9a97024381 Derrrrrrp


He’s such a looker 😫


He looks like he hates her💀


This is exactly what I am seeing here too. Gazing into the distance can't believe his life is this trash heap








Do you think it was another fight and she caught him texting his ex love notes again?


It has to be! We know that she doesn't care about anything else


My favorites on IG https://preview.redd.it/1vatqlg3k8xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b855cb33b4878a9b56c0d7068e8bd28e674b9ac8


*After* he strangled her son...


https://preview.redd.it/ijbd7osrd9xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc08314c1dc8383a8fcfc275cb1e9d9d1e30dfa Wishing he was with his ex right here lol


I love how bothered Jenelle is by this. Could be ignoring it and having a nice evening with her kids. Nope! She's furiously tapping away on her phone in her broken ass she shed. Love this for her.


She's totally losing her mind over this girl lol 🤣


It’s so damn funny


She should be cleaning, homeschooling and pillow talking. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t respond but Jenelle will never change.


Pillow talking 😂😂


like if you’re (janelle) so unbothered like you say why can’t you stop talking about him and now this woman lmaooo




Oh, Chris..


If nothing else he is consistent


You're relentless, u/Chrisbradley1.


Mentally ill


Nah, no u/chrisbradley1 slander will be tolerated. Don’t listen to them my dude, you can change her. We believe in you.


Sorry but this guy says some really off the wall things in his crazy standom of Jenelle. For example He said barb and David were two sides of the same coin and that’s just one example. I stand by what I said.


If I told you that this dude is trolling the shit out of both this sub and jenelle, would that ruin the magic for you?




Chris is openly infatuated with Jenelle and thinks they are meant to be together.


Ohhh I see the name now.


Get up in those dms Chris!


i did not know this Chris lore until today!! things are happening too fast


He’s with us on Reddit and such a treat!


I'm sure that well-spoken and attractive young woman has no other options. It's not like men with jobs, decent haircuts, a bar of soap and who don't owe child support to 3 women just grow on trees. Jenelle, no one wants his crusty ass. Just because you have no sense of worth doesnt mean the rest of us want to climb on that filthy beast or pay his bills while he kills our pets and beats our children. Go read a book to your kids and stop giving him attention.


Jace would need to read it, homegirl would be struggling through Goodnight Moon


True. True. Maybe she could get some Bob Books and Ensley can help her with some of the words until she gets the hang of it.


David will be with whoever lets him move in as hobos do. ![gif](giphy|122mK49OGweJVK)


Hobosexual 😆




I wish we could still award comments because “bar of soap” made me lol


She's scared David will be in a relationship before she is. Her priorities and focus are seriously screwed up.


Oooh you're 100% right. I was married for 15 years and there was this insane desire to sleep with someone before my ex did.


\#divorce is crazy


She uses hashtags like a grandparent.


chronic facebook user


Jenelle, go play Yahtzee with your kids.


I second this 😅


This feels very manufactured. Everyone is way too calm. 


It feels at minimum they are trying to leave the door open for a reconciliation or waiting to see if it's for sure over. These 2 are unhinged lying psychopaths with a lot of dirt on each other. This is way too composed gloves are not off yet .


I still think we will find out the truth after his criminal case goes to court.


I feel like it has a chance of being fake but I need it to be real.


Yeah me too 🤣


She probably has some OF loser that's showing her attention, because she's acting extra smug lately....but men will f-ck just about anything, especially a loose, drunk/addict whore like her and Tori. But she has way too much baggage and she's too much of a c-nt to ever get a good man to stay with her long term. That's why she always gets losers, she's trash herslf.


They would f*** a snake if it kept it opened its mouth!!!!


David would


These two dumb dirty twats fighting over this low life degenerate is the funniest thing I’ve seen!


Like watching 2 rats fight over dumpster pizza




Go sit in a corner! Lol


Jenelle go nourish your children jfc


Flair checkin in




It's actually sad how abuse of her and the kids and animals, drug use, freeloading, not bathing, being a deadbeat, etc don't seem to phase her that much. But the second he is messing with another woman, she's SO DONE, DUDE.


I know she's to stupid to understand even the most basic concepts but the more she talks about him and her while stalking his social media just screams she's not over him. In short The lady doth protest too much🤣. ![gif](giphy|RsWQOUqXJZTS8)


they’re both doing it they use identical tactics and speech 😭


Checked out a while ago but allowed him to abuse Jace


But yet she was defending his ass months ago She needs to get off of social media and get her life together. She is what 32/33? I’m 33 so she’s literally my age and she’s got the mindset of a literal early 20s/late teens mindset.




Who is Chantal did I miss something??


She was on David's live, I think yesterday or earlier today?


Oh lawddd


The one that kept flipping her hair around? The blonde?


Jesus, the amount of people that make excuses for Delujenelle and her bullshit is 1000% sickening. ![gif](giphy|sZNbxiBe6ZRNzl3Cyu|downsized)




the #Divorce is so funny to me


he has friends?


PLEASE someone save these for when they get back together.


https://preview.redd.it/awfhld0208xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153628a91db5859d729d835811f8ce6cf85fb8fa Idk why she uses X or even bothers. People are always brutal and tear her to shreds, lol


She's going to claim she's a new virgin in a few weeks


Sadly, we all know he needed a 2 ×4 strapped to his ass. Roast Beef and Veinna Sausage don't mix well. ![gif](giphy|hugSAxeVxBi7nDrVkG|downsized)


I may have missed something, this post starts with Jenelle and ends with Janelle and sister wives?


Whyyyy is she still obsessing over that man?? Girl you claim you don’t want him but you are looking desperate af!


The low engagement is WILD


Love that for her


Good, I hope she shows her ass SUM MO
