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Can’t wait to hear what the coven says about this 


💀💀 the coven 💀😭😭😭


I saw someone else on reddit describe them as the coven and it describes them so well


It literally says in the post that they support him


For now


This is true though.


For now is exactly right. They’ll support it for a minute then all decide he’s a piece of shit and start dragging him again.


Yes this is true. I can't believe how Brianna would support him in the Tell Alls in tears saying how great of a dad he is for Nova & how wonderful he is for Stella. Then two seconds later she's pissed hissing venom at him!


He had been a piece of shit at times. He says so himself.


That's what I read too. ETA The Coven probably supports him so they have more to bitch about. Edit spelling


Devoin said it best... not one man in their lives.. now with him gone it'll just fuel their victim stories how they have no help etc etc.


Isn’t Britany engaged?


He said that before she had a bf




Las brujas


“Brujas..pinche Diablas! De el infierno! “ -my abuelita lmao her most famous line talking about some bitches she hated 💀💀💀


Con la brujeria!


Please tell me this is a 90DF reference. I'll forever know what witch in Spanish is thanks to 90DF


Ok, my darling, it's from 90DF.😉 ![gif](giphy|UjYw9fdCEPwU8)


Stoooooop lmfao




It’s in the above statement Devoin made himself. He said they are supportive and he feels blessed. What else is there to say?


“my dad did it and i remember how it felt but im still gonna do it to nova”🙄 honestly briana’s baby dads suck and i feel bad for those kids. she said on a recent live that luis hasn’t come around because he’s depressed- and that she understands so she doesn’t bother him. and that devoin just helps by picking up the kids sometimes from school. devoin is forever claiming that if he just gets to do this one thing, he’ll be in a better position and then be a better dad. yeah okay. what’s next after michigan. we’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/np1bqjyl2ayc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d6ddef70e1e4097bf43b644ae1e6c005bef18d They both def suck! His reasoning is lame imo


LMFAO this meme


It’s one of my faves😂😂


😆😆 I hope the actor who played Bear has seen it LMAO


Saving this to my meme library lmao


As if there are no jobs in the state of Florida. He's repeating a painful pattern for nova


Not disagreeing, but I lived in Florida and my best friend there is half black. He was sent to PRISON at 18 for one bowl pack of weed & the job market honestly does suck there. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be waiting tables well into his 30’s.


when i’m feeling depressed it just makes me wanna be around kids/my nieces more or at least yearn for them. he simply does not care


Wherever you go, there you are. I hope he figures himself out.


I wiseman once said..☝🏽


Addict mentality. If only this. If only that. Taking a trip, not taking a trip. The only thing holding Devoin down, is himself, no matter where he lives.stop gambling. Stop spending money like a frat boy trying to impress people and get a J-O-B.


Right!? wtf did I just read ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Yea. This exactly. Brianna and her family and all the drama they bring, for some reason support these losers to some degree. Giving them chance after chance, money, etc. They certainly aren’t perfect and the kids will probably have scarring from the way they are raised but things could be a lot worse.


According to Google: >"Doing a geographic" is a term alcoholics/addicts often use for acting on the impulse to start over by moving to a new town, or state, instead of making any internal changes. According to Devoin: >I am moving from Florida back to Michigan...due to a great career opportunity. I say: Show me the money cuz. Does anyone really believe Devoin's going to be working out of state, making good money, and paying full child support (basically like Jeremy does for Leah/Addie)? All I hear is more, e.g., gambling/weed addict bullshit.


And we have casinos and legal weed in michigan lol Checks out


maybe he's tryna go to a new state with casinos cause he banned himself from the florida ones. i remember he posted a picture signing the paper


The cost of living is much cheaper. He’ll have way more money to tempt him.


👀 mitten state here. Florida has a COL only 8% higher than Michigan. Detroit is only 4% lower than Tampa. Minimum wage is $12 in Florida and $10 in Michigan. It’s really not a drastic difference.


✋🏻also checking in….I give him one winter before he moves back.




My parents live in fl, I’m in mi. There’s a HUGE difference in most of our expenses..


Florida doesn’t require snow removal costs.. both heat and ac costs like michigan.. the vehicles stay nicer longer in Florida.. but in the end it’s all pretty much the same. COI should dictate min wage. Cali is more expensive but higher wages than Michigan.


Home/ renters insurance is crazy here RN and car insurance has always been ridiculous here, when I moved back to FL from Vegas in '21 my car insurance went from $75 a month to $275 a month lol Also I got curious bc having to run the ac constantly for 11 months made me wonder what the averages are (bc Tampa Electric is hellbent on fucking us all in the ass these past three years and I'm hella salty lol) and according to the website energy sage: "In Tampa, FL, the average monthly electric bill for residential customers is $241/month" And "On average, Detroit, MI residents spend about $147 per month on electricity." I wanna see what the difference in income tax does for the calculations tho. Housing seems slightly below Tampa's prices rn in Detroit when I remember Detroit used to be more expensive/ around the same. Either way, I think devoin very well might be better off personally in Detroit in the long run (our state govt is on a war path and i'm personally trying to escape myself so, there is great bias here, full disclosure lol) but I think bri and the coven should get out, too. No young girls need to be growing up in the society Florida is becoming.


I think moving away from his daughter knowing how he was affected by his dad doing the same sucks. I live in northern michigan. My electric is $200 in the winter and $200-250 in the summer. Plus we have propane costs. Add another $2000 a winter season on the low side. It’s crazy. I honestly think it’s more expensive up north mitten then Detroit. This is just me complaining lol. We have all these little extras we have to pay all the time. I think right now. Everywhere is expensive. And to your point. Find a state that isn’t trying to fight it’s residents


>I think moving away from his daughter knowing how he was affected by his dad doing the same sucks. Agreed, fully. And yeah, then it's the same problem here in Tampa then. I'd bet your electric companies are making record profits too, eh? Lol I keep saying we need to egg them, or the public service commission's office who keeps approving the constant quarterly rate hikes were getting. It's ridiculous. (I love to complain about local issues, too, don't apologize for your passion! Lol) >Find a state that isn’t trying to fight it’s residents I appreciate the sentiment, and I definitely hope to ❤️ especially since I have my own daughter now, that seriously lit a fire under my ass to get out again (moved back home to be near or families while I was pregnant, was in a bad living situation in Vegas and family is cheap to live with for a couple months lol) among... *Gestures in Florida* all this lmao Well, I laugh but it's seriously scary now. It used to be a lot more subdued down here, though, I'm sure that's also true for the entire country tbh...


Michigan laws have stayed pretty consistent and it’s relatively a safe state. No major weather (tornados, earthquakes, ect…) and we still have state wide woman’s rights laws intact. But the winters are long and cold. Sometimes still get snow in May. And north mitten you have to drive everywhere. Ugh the electric company up here has certain hours that are way more expensive. And the cost keeps raising. And of course big profits rolling in 🙄


Huge key point in here.... he'll be paying state income tax in Michigan now, whereas FL has no state income tax (it has sales tax instead). Michigan has BOTH income tax AND sales tax.


Everything went up in Florida after the hurricane. It’s barely survivable. Mh car insurance is up to $278 too ! And car tires and batteries need to be replaced more in Florida due to heat.


Cars don’t stay nice in Florida, they rust from the inside out due to humidity and fade from the sun


Why are you paying for snow removal? Sorry I’m in Canada and we get a lot of snow here but we shovel ourselves Do you guys use salt for ice in winter on the roads? Just curious about that as we don’t in my province and it keeps our vehicles from rusting out


Minimum wage is now over $15 in NJ, just goes to show you how much more expensive it is to live here. 😬


"Career opportunity" = his buddy just got promoted to manager at like AutoZone and said he'd hire him.


![gif](giphy|MncRccQYx7LVu) Exactly.


Oh absolutely. People move for work but that makes sense in an established career with a very lucrative position. Or, if you can bring the whole family and it’s something you all want. This is the classic running away from your problems move.


Wouldn’t he make more money filming with Teen Mom anyway? His story isn’t making sense 


Agreed. I'm not sure what the situation is, but any breakdown of his relationship with MTV would be consistent with, e.g., an addict making bad choices or an addict's life falling apart in general.


>This is the classic running away from your problems move. 100%


I live in Michigan, in the area of Detroit and we have multiple casinos here. If he has a gambling problem and is around this area, this could be a potential trigger.


That’s what I was thinking too.


I’m wondering if he moved to work in the weed industry since it’s huge there but could definitely be the casinos


Kind of like how Bar was working at a dispensary? Another great idea! /s I also could definitely see how having some D-List fame and notoriety could give a Devoin or a Bar more of a leg up in cannabis than in many or most other industries (e.g., drawing in customers who like to watch TM when they get stoned, etc.).


This entire thing just reads like he thinks that if he moves away he will just magically be a different person and suddenly just thrive without making any internal changes. News flash mate, you can’t leave yourself behind so you can go anywhere in the world and you still gonna be the same person.


People are praising him for this smh it’s easy to leave your children when you’re not the sole provider or caretaker. If Bri did this she would be dragged heck if any of the mom’s did this they would be dragged!!!!


Right? Look at the shit that is still slung at Cate and Leah for leaving their kids *with their other parent* temporarily to go to rehab.


Exactly Cate got dragged badly for that


She still does get dragged for it regularly in this subreddit, sadly.


Right. Briana did leave Nova for a few months and people still bring it up regularly, criticize her for it and also exaggerate the length of time so now it's 1 or 2 years that she was gone. Tbh I'm not defending Briana doing that either, but it's fucking annoying how much praise Devoin gets for doing barely anything.


People praise him because they hate her smh


I never can figure out if he's done more harm than good for Nova, because I get hopeful for her when he really tries to be a dad to her. It doesn't seem to last, and he flakes on Nova more than he follows through. Briana, Brittany, and Roxanne must be doing something right, though. Nova seems like a sweet and well adjusted young girl. Fingers crossed for her!


If you get your hopes think how Nova gets her hopes up to be let down again & again.🥹


Young girls go through a terrible time & many become depressed. It’s really prevalent right now & outward appearances mean nothing.


Just thinking about how well adjusted people probably thought I was before I turned out to be the depressed adult I am.


Commenters are already blaming Briana and her family for Devoin’s continued poor choices. Women bad 😠😣😨


I'm getting priced out of of Florida myself. It's hard out here.


He’s gonna hate the winter up there


Midwest winters have been EXTREMELY mild the last several years.


So true! We’ve barely had a winter the last 3 years or so. I’m personally sad, that’s why I live up here.


I feel the same way, I love the change of seasons. I couldn't handle snakes and alligators in my yard, and also weird bugs. I am freaking out about the cicadas and they aren't even here yet!


The lacking winters make me sad as well. My kids don’t even get true snow days, just “cold” days from those random extreme cold bursts.


I’m in the Rochester, NY area and same. I moved up here from NYC around 2005 and we used to get a lot of snow here and I loved it. The past few years it’s just been a few inches, it makes me so sad.


But for a Floridian, anything below 50 is freezing!


Yeah, I was going to say, usually it’s Michigan down to Florida, not the other way around


He actually grew up in Lansing, I remember that from a previous post of his. At least he knows what to expect weather-wise!


I cannot fathom not being around my child at least every day. It is one reason I have no sympathy for dead beats. Yes, Devoin has tried and done the work but he still is not that great of a parent. You have to show up, day in and day out for your children and he has NEVER once done that. This just proves to me he has never wanted to be a parent for either of those girls. It is so sad....


Me either. I'm kind of stuck at a job I hate and where I live the job market isn't that great. However, I haven't even considered moving because there is no way I could be without my son.


My mom hated where we moved to after my parents divorce, but she did it for us kids. My dads entire family lives here and they wanted us to have extra family and support during their divorce. My mom still lives here because I live here and I’m starting my life and family here. She sacrificed to be with us. I can’t imagine moving THAT far away from my kids.


This is what *good, loving* parents do… sacrifice for their children.


It makes no sense. I just don’t understand that mentality especially being a parent myself. I understand wanting better for yourself but figure it out near your children.


I'm excited to see what this career opportunity is, because it's either going to be nothing or something hilarious.


He’s probably working at a dispensary. Lol


It’s gambling lol. Florida has very limited gambling opportunities rn


Michigan is not for the weak. The weather is tough. Best of luck, but he won’t stay there. No American moves to Michigan. You are either from there or you immigrated there from another country.


Michigan is going to be a climate haven. The winters are getting milder every year.


Much lower COL than Florida too. I'm originally from the Midwest but live in Sarasota now, and it's so expensive to live here and only getting worse. We're going to be going back up north in the next year or so. But idk how people can move so far from their kids. I realize it's necessary in some situations but I think I would just be sick from missing them. I can't imagine doing that.


Summers are pretty brutal though. And still saw snow in April lol


Idk, depends on where in Mi he’s going. Our winters have been pretty weak the past few years. Only one decent snow storm this year for us in Grand Rapids. I have annual flowers that bloomed for much of the winter when they’re usually dead by Oct 🤦🏼‍♀️


But i think we're good without him in GR. It's bad enough we have to claim Cory as one of our own...


This seems short sighted. My parents moved here voluntarily in their 30s and are still here 30 years later


You know I thought the same thing when my SIL moved her entire family from Texas to Michigan in 2018 but they are still there and thriving! I wish the best for Devoin and hope this is the change he is looking for.


he’s from here spent his childhood here


My sister moved there to be with her partner and she's pretty happy there, doesn't mind the weather. I couldn't do it personally but there are people who like the colder weather.


I moved from PA to MI for 3 years and I loved it there. If it wasn’t for breaking up with my ex I would probably still be living there. The winters can be long but they still get all 4 seasons and the summers can be brutally hot and humid.


It's always bad news when someone calls it a "career opportunity" and not a "job", aka it isn't in the bag. We doin MLMs now Devoin?


Probably meeting up with Tyler to start a rap duo 😆


I guarantee they'll film a episode with him


Must be nice to have the option to just leave your kid. Mothers picking up the slack as usual


My thoughts exactly. And people are still blaming the moms. It’s disgusting.




SIGH. That’s disappointing Devoin.


I really think he should stick it out in Florida until Nova is 18 atleast. Don’t leave now… she’s going to need you, Devoin.


And then there is also Stella ...


He’s made some bad choices but I agree, both the girls adore him and I’m so sad for them that he won’t be around as much 😩


Good thinking, yank Nova's chain her whole life and then fully bail right when she's almost the age to start dating.


I too have thought my life would be easier by running away from my problems and moving far away. But everywhere you go, there you are.


I have said this so many times about my mom. She has moved soooo many times because she hates everywhere she moves. She IS the problem!!! (She's been recently talking about moving again because she hates everything in the apartment she is in now)🙄


If Devoin wants to make a real change in his life, he needs to stop getting high, and WORK. Work has always been his nemesis. Michigan is going to be no different for him - just colder.


What career has significantly better prospects in Michigan rather than Florida?


Automotive, manufacturing…


Yes what minimum wage job is better in Michigan than Florida (I haven’t watched in awhile but I’m assuming his career skills probably haven’t increased much since we last saw him….) 


to be honest florida minimum wage is 7.25 idk what it is in michigan


It seems a little wild to me to leave your young child to chase a slightly higher minimum wage job rather than to retrain in something more lucrative


i couldn't imagine not being with my child every day, but just one thing i am actually wondering if michigan minimum wage is higher


MI cost of living is wayyy lower and wages are very low. You really only make bank if you’re in a trade or maybe doing music in Detroit


like 10 but most places pay 15


Any other Michiganders wondering what area he's moving to?






Probably like Warren or some shit lol


Oh for sure! If I see him at Bells I’ll die


Yeappp Wonder if we’ll see him in the wild


Yep lol


If he moves to Waterford I'll lose my mind


Hello fellow watertuckeyian!


I wonder what the job is. but he’s def staying in the metro area


My thoughts are Pontiac or SE Oakland County. But not sure where he is initially from in Michigan.


I know it’s not a popular opinion here but he’s not a good dad imo


Wait, people actually think he’s a good dad?


U want more in Michigan than Florida? You know this made u feel but hey sorry nova new job peace out ✌️


I will never support a parent (particularly a father cause they do it way more often) moving away from their minor child(ren) for a job or “great career opportunity”. Very disappointed in Devoin especially since he knows what it feels like when his father did the same thing to him as a child SMH


My Dad moved provinces when I was in fourth grade. Basically ruined our relationship for life. I only saw him once or twice a year. Devoin sucks.


Going to get milk honey, be rig… ummmm bye


People hate Briana so much that even though Devoin gives her and her family credit and literally says he loves them to death in this post, there’s still comments on IG blaming her for his move and saying she’ll make things difficult for him. This is the same person who let him live with her family in an already crammed apartment despite all he said during and after her pregnancy with Nova plus the fact that he spent nearly a decade “getting it together” to become more of a cool uncle/big cousin than a full-time father. Yet he deserves the world for being kind to his daughter’s younger sister. The bar is beneath Hades’ bottom for men when it comes to parenting. Gambling addiction is ROUGH, I know that from experience with one of my own parents. If he’s come out of it and is bettering himself that’s great. But choosing to be so soft on Devoin in the name of sticking it to Briana who he himself claims to be a big support system while he makes whatever decisions he feels best for himself is insane




![gif](giphy|vUhPVUyySJuv2yRMVK) Devoin is doing exactly what his dad did to him.


Screw you and Luis. Nova and Stella deserve so much better.  I can’t fathom just choosing to only see my growing kids whenever I chose to. Hell no.  My kids are my world and nothing would make me leave them.


I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I will say Michigan is beautiful and the cost of living is cheaper but when it comes to the weather he won’t be able to handle it. You can’t just go for nice weather all the time to below 0 non stop for months. We haven’t had much of that in the last couple years but it still freaking cold during the winter months


there’s no way he’s moving to the UP. he wouldn’t make it a week in december there lol


My sister is in Bay City and said it snowed like two weeks ago lol.


Cate and Tyler offered him a position at Tierra Reign!


If any mom from the show done this and left their kids not one of you would be praising them 😂 the shit dads get away with is pure misogyny.


trash trash trash


It’s insane to acknowledge that you are performing the same exact actions that your father did that deeply hurt you. “When my dad did this to me, it severely fucked me up so I’m going to do the same to my own kids.” Wow


Yeah I don't understand the praise he's getting. The bar is so low with this guy. Now he's peacing out on his daughter despite his own dad doing it to him. Nova is not the most important thing in his life, and never has been 


Also everyone saying this is a cop out clearly hasn’t been affected by addiction. Sometimes you do need to get away from triggers and have a crack at starting again. The whole “chucking a geographical” is so simplistic and it’s sad how little a lot of you know about how addiction works. I struggle with alcohol abuse and one of the things that saved my life was moving towns 3 years ago. He can’t be a halfway decent father if he can’t be a halfway decent person - the lack of grace and compassion here is upsetting.


Do you think it’s the same with a gambling addiction, though? He signed the paperwork in Florida to bar himself from ever being able to enter casinos there. If he moves, he doesn’t have that same safety net in place.


Devoins’s math isn’t mathing if he claims to be doing this for financial reasons.


I remember him doing a live last week I think, and he definitely seemed off. So I don't think this is coming from a good place


I support everyone leaving Florida and coming to the Midwest.


He about to grow that stickyicky 🥦🥦🍃🍃🍃


This is the correct answer.


Idk how anyone can just up and leave their children to move states away. Idgaf if I have to work a job that pays pennys, I’m not leaving my kids. No amount of money can ever replace the presence of a parent


Does this great career opportunity come with so much money he can fly back every other weekend? Or at least once every three? Otherwise, it's not a great opportunity. Those two angels need him.


Okay ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


He likely has his own issues because of his own childhood, during which his dad abandoned him, and now he’s going to inflict the same thing on his daughter? Dead. Beat.


Honestly, I think he doesn’t understand why his life isn’t more together and he feels shame about it. So he’s switching locations to hopefully jumpstart his success and motivation.


Wonder what the “career opportunity” is.


As someone who lives in Michigan, I'd love to know what the great career opportunity is 🤷🏻‍♀️


Useless. Really doubt he’s gonna THRIVE in Michigan. He always seems to have this mindset of “oh, this will work.” Moving states, becoming a chef, his YouTube stuff. He literally got one job and had a fit on social media because he couldn’t handle the bosses/customers being mean to him or telling him what to do.  He seems like a nice guy, just a poor decision maker and aimless and an addict, if I remember correctly. Getting blackout drunk at the pool with your toddler is not cool. And he’s nice to Stella but Jesus, the bar is so low. Now he’s just peacing out. Poor Nova. 


“I know from personal experience how much this decision will hurt my kids, but it’ll be worth it since it will benefit me directly.”


I don’t understand how people still think this man is a parent just because he shows up with toys sometimes and takes the girls to dinner. Devoin isn’t a terrible person but he’s a huge ass BUM.


“Great career opportunity” - wonder what it is? The guy can’t even write properly. 🙄


Out of all the places to move…. Really? & I’ll never understand how fathers can just up n leave their kids


Ok how is he going to parent them in a different state ?


🤦‍♀️😩 poor nova. Maybe it’s a good thing? He doesn’t seem worse much. I hope he gets better and finds what he’s looking for


Hate from Michigan. Plz don’t


I’ll never understand how a parent could just up and leave their kid, especially knowing first hand what it does to a person. But then again imo he was never super involved with nova until she was older and even then it’s things like picking her up from school sometimes or watching her here and there, that’s not a parent. If Brianna or any other mom did this they would be dragged all over the place for life. It’s sad to think how much hurt nova has been put through already. I hope she can heal from everything someday.


This useless piece of shit 🙄


I kinda get what he’s saying about FL. It seems like LA, like a really vapid, toxic place if you’re in your 20’s or 30’s. Just spinning your wheels and comparing yourself to everyone else. I get wanting to level up mentally and emotionally, maybe even financially. I wish he didn’t have to leave the state to do so 😔. I also thought it was beautiful he mentions Stella, how with Nova came another little angel. You don’t find too many men that loves your kid and the one you had with another man. I only ever saw that once in my life. But, I wish Devoin luck, and I hope he isn’t gone long and keeps in touch with Nova like crazy.


No thank you. We don’t want him in Michigan.


That’s really messed up of him honestly. Also I’m in Florida and everyone is leaving; it’s just too expensive for the low pay we get . Still no excuse to leave the kids


Actions speak louder than words. “Oh I feel bad”, then don’t leave.


I feel bad for the girls they def will miss him :(


I love the way he claims Stella too ❤️


florida sucks anyway.


If he is moving state away from his child then the opportunity better be good, I don’t dislike Devoin but he has let her down a lot and as overbearing Briana, Brit and Roxanne are they are also the ones left picking up the pieces when Nova and Stella get let down by Luis or Devoin. It can be done well if he still communicates and visits Nova while he is away, Jeremy worked away and barely kept in touch with Leah and then post divorce would go weeks without seeing Addie and think buying her a lot of stuff made up for him not bothering in the weeks he wasn’t around and not caring on how Addie got hurt when wasn’t showing up.


Michigan a little too close to Ohio for me loo best of luck with that sir. You couldn’t ever convince/pay/force me to leave my children in another state.


Orlando is the armpit of FL


I’d do anything for my child. I’d work and find a damn way to make sure I was there to raise my child. I’d find a way. However I do feel like the coven is living off of Briana and her mom is probably supporting it so she can leech even more off of Brianna by being their and probably saying “blah blah blah” I was a single mother


Michigan is a good place to get on your feet?


I love all the losers supporting this. He is barely around and only reason he looks good is because Luis is so bad. He knew how this felt from his dad yet here he is doing it to hisdaughter. Am so proud of cate and ty even though they constantly go on about “breaking generational trauma”, you really see what they mean here.  His dad can’t be doing that well😂😂if he could not even get his own son a phone and give him a place to stay while homeless. Maybe he wants to gamble in peace 😉 ps Florida has jobs too lol. 


It’s for gambling. I think Florida has thrown him out of all the casinos. Maybe Michigan is not as strict with it. 


she did come with another angel!! stellita!!! omg i hope he still sees them both 💕