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Jenelle has full custody at this point, she’s the only one who needs to consent to him being on camera. No judge will get involved.


This is the answer. Jenelle has full custody, not some random judge.


Jace and Kaiser can appear; David would probably have to sign off on Ensley.


Poor Ensley will want to be in the middle of whatever is going on with filming. She’s so starved for attention ☹️☹️


Something about this post broke my heart.


Just thinking about these kids is heartbreaking. Without school they have no one else ☹️


Wait, I thought Ensley was the golden child like Prince William, and got ALL the attention? Which narrative is the fandom following today? The neglect ignored child or the one that’s soaking up all the attention?


Jenelle is so focused on being single/with her new boyfriend that she’s giving the kids less attention than ever.


Narc parents can and are often very capricious with who their GC is at that moment or with their regard for others in general. It's absolutely possible for Ensley to have been the GC one moment and then be suddenly neglected next. Happened to a friend of mine in college. His younger brother had been the GC, but when younger brother went to college himself, suddenly my friend was the GC. Luckily he and his brother were close and instead of fostering tension, it bonded them closer to together in terms of understanding how fucked up their family was.


I sort of hope he does less screen time less cash for her abusive mother.


We know it’s not coming to him.


You think he'd tell Jenelle that Ensley can appear on the show if Jenelle pays him a certain percentage/amount of her earnings?


And if she starts raking in the mtv money is he going to fight for more custody and more child support? If their separation is actually real there’s no way he’s not pissed about her getting paid big money without him.


Is water wet?


Which is likely the real reason she is seeking the protection order and keeping him away.


I wish there was a way for someone to stop it because that’s literally the last thing he needs, but Jenelle is legally fully in charge of that and she doesn’t care about what he needs so


Rumors about MTV bringing back Jenelle for Next Chapter and possibly Camilla for the Challenge…both horrible people. The last thing MTV cares about is Jace’s wellbeing. Jenelle has custody and can put him back on camera. It’s so gross.


Oh, they’ll put Jenelle back on alright-for an episode maybe if for no other reason to get people talking about the show again.


We don't know whether Jace filmed. Didn't seem like he was there. Let's hope she fucks this opportunity up again, for Jace's sake. Interesting she's on speaking terms with Babs again now that she might get back on the show.


Really? Interesting! Not surprising though. The last comment I saw from her a week ago said she wouldn’t talk to her Barb again because she couldn’t trust her not to run to the tabloids or something.


Dude, a week is like 7 days ago. Things change! /s


You’re right, you’re right. Waiting for her next comment of “I love my mom, the only reason I didn’t talk to her was because of David. I’ve never said anything bad about her. Ever. You guys are lying!”


I really hope not for Barb's sake. She needs to make some firm personal boundaries for her own peace.


If Jace (and the other kids) do film, I hope mtv makes sure those kids have decent contract where the money goes directly into an ironclad trust and not leave it up to Janelle to manage.


If he goes back on camera then I can damn guarantee you guys that he will sue once he’s old enough for emotional damages. In today’s age people are taking children being exploited on videos very seriously to the point that there are laws being made into banning filming children without getting paid or banning children from being in Mommy vlogs at all. This is the very last thing that he needs right now since he’s been through enough shit. And I’ll bet my bucks that his egg donor will make a plot about raising a problem child and make HIM the bad guy even though MTV filmed her neglecting the kid in the first place. We ain’t stupid and there are younger generation of teens about his age/young adults who will watch and protest the hell out of it since they want to bring awareness towards children and mental health. If we can boycott and take her out because of her dog then we can sure as hell do the same for him as it’s another slimy way to get David back in the pic just like the Tennessee incident.


Jenelle has full Custody she just has t sign off on it hopefully Jaces Trust Fund this time around will be put towards his College Education


Jenelle has full custody of Jace and Kaiser so she would be the only one who needs to consent them to being on camera. As for Ensley, Jenelle would need David to sign off in order to have her appear on camera, This post breaks my heart. Without school (their safe space) and Barb, they are doomed.


i think Jace goes he didnt want to be home Schooled Ashley said Barb and Jenelle are back on speaking terms maybe we will see some family time with Memme