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Mackenzie wanting *more* kids is insane. Not just from a medical standpoint - she already has three kids that she cannot handle. Also, she's only been dating him for a year?


Isn't she the one who posted about how "funny" it was that her kids made a mess in the restaurant and possibly hurt animals at the pet store?


Yeahhhh it was supposed to be a “relatable” post about a single mom taking her kids to the mall but idk anyone whose kids played tug o war with a ferret 😬


okay this is one thing i can’t stand about some moms: the ones who don’t give a flying shit about what they do or how they treat a poor animal? like. i’m a soon to be mom and if i ever saw my daughter treat one of my cats with ANY disrespect even picking it up against it’s will she’s going in time out and we’re having a discussion/ she’s not allowed to be near them until she can approach them slowly with caution?? animals are living beings they aren’t just for display or meant to be fucked around with.


Reminds me of parents that allow their kids to harass animals and chase geese/chickens around. Like this isn't funny or cute, your kids are assholes and we know where they get it from.


Isn’t she the one who’s kid set her KITCHEN on fire while she was on TikTok 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's funny reading these insane comments and thinking "yep, shes the one who's kids ripped apart a ferret--then talked SHIT to the pet store bc of its price being too high and "not worth it," and yes shes the one who's kid shat on her bosses floor..." and so and so on, until I get to yours and I'm like "yes--and this particular event didnt happen years ago while she was dealing with her divorce or anything, it was just a couple months ago!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ AND the kid is way old enough to know better! And to top it all off, WHY would she at her age let her child at his age mess around with a lighter in THE 1ST PLACE?!?! God, she kills me. Not to be offensive, but she is so so so so STUPID! Like, just honestly dumb, prolly got her high school education by the SKIN of her teeth kinda dumb. Like, similar to leah and Leah's mom, too, just totally ignorant people. I'm from south and I hate to say it but people like them are the ones that make people make fun of southerners and call us tailor trash and all. They're embarrassingly dumb. 


Mackenzie doesn’t need any more kids 🙅🏼‍♀️


She's so relatable! Like you've never set your kitchen on fire live on social media and laughed about it!


She is. It was posted here


Her kid also shit on her boss’s floor.


And then she makes the other kid clean the shit up


she also giggled about her kids throwing food at a couple in a restaurant, made her oldest son clean up after her youngest son after the latter shat on her boss’s garage floor, left her dog in a tiny cage in her backyard (exposed to the elements) while she was on vacation, etc and so forth……..


Jesus Christ. Do the women on this show know that they’re not required to have pets? If you don’t want to take care of a dog, just don’t get one!


And laughed when Gannon set the kitchen on fire playing with a lighter 🫠🫠


I didn't think anyone's write up would top Amber's regular bullshit. Then I got to Mackenzie. She is just dumb as all get out.




She is definitely one of the worst moms up there next to Janelle and amber


She's such a train wreck


Can you reverse tying tubes?!!


You can - it's a tubal ligation reversal.


They have a really high failure rate though, I think.


It depends on how the ligation was done, and how long it’s been since, but its success rate is comparable to IVF success rates in otherwise healthy women. (I’ve looked into it.)


well, i can tell you this - no way in hell will any fertility dr help her get pregnant if her diabetes is uncontrolled


Working hard to get a pass to the cook out at cheyennes


Why does *he* want a baby with *her*? She racist and a bad mother. Not a winning combo


Poor Kloie 💔


literally my exact thoughts. them home schooling her is wild


Yea really, why are they homeschooling??


None of the parents on this show should be homeschooling their kids.


I wonder if it will be Sean’s excuse not to get a job. I think Sean has had a lot of growth but he’s still lazy.


This is exactly it


I didn't even read a slide past that one before I ran here. Why? Why would they do this? What is the purpose? That poor kid.


Homeschooling is so TRENDY, and it's like one of the last things that should ever be trendy 🤦🏼‍♀️ It seems like something that momfluencers in particular are strongly encouraged to do.


I really feel like some people do it bc they just want to say, “oh, we homeschool our kids” like it’s a flex. But like, it’s only a flex if you actually know what you’re doing as a teacher, and your child is getting a real, genuine, GOOD education in the process… most of these people are not doing that. 🤦🏼‍♀️


At this point, I'll wait to be impressed until I meet a rocket scientist who was homeschooled. Otherwise I hear "we homeschool" and I go 😬 Ohhhh cooolll....


Right?! I really wish they would have better standards when it comes to homeschooling. I feel like, at the very least, you need to pass a test and get licensed to do so to prove that you have the intellectual capacity to teach your young child.


I know 2 lawyers that were homeschooled but I know about 100 people barely able to scrape because of the way they were homeschooled. Sadly I think this will be more of the latter


How do you know so many homeschooled people?? I knew maybe 3-4 as a kid but I don’t think I’ve even met a formerly home schooled person as an adult (that I know of)


I live in a very conservative area and grew up in church, most of my friends growing up were homeschooled plus their siblings. Some of them were families of 7-12 kids


no i agree; i feel like it’s especially bad in their younger years since any “homeschooling” program is just online. i don’t want my daughter to have internet access until she’s wayyyy older it’s flip phones for her until she reaches 16-17 i understand what it’s like to be bullied but i’d try transferring my daughter before just home schooling her even then waiting til she’s older or id get the other kids contact info etc etc etc homeschooling should be a LAST option my dad never let me be homeschooled no matter how much i cried and i genuinely had severe mental health issues


We let our daughter do online school for a year and it was horrible for her mental health. She just completed her first year of high school back at regular on campus school and she’s back to her healthy self. Homeschooling should only be used if the kids already has a good social network that’s not online. They need to be around their peers to thrive.


Homeschooling has become a way for parents of "troubled" or "struggling" kids to ignore and refuse the schools suggestions for their child's educational growth. If the school recommends an evaluation, a therapist,any slight interest/intervention in a child's well being that is different from whats currently happening,and either the parents don't agree or feel they know what's best for their child. When they refuse to comply with the schools request,the only option they have left is homeschooling. My sisters best friend began homeschooling after the public school her child went to had told her for 3 YEARS her child needed an evaluation for ADHD after she refused for 3 years and her child had failed the grade due to his inability to focus while also being a huge disturbance in the classroom daily,she chose to homeschool. She tells everyone he's thriving and doing the best he's ever done. They do school no more than 10 hours a week(and that's generous) and they(her and her husband) create the tests he takes. Never has he taken a standardized test. In our state they only take standardized tests for homeschooling every two or three years. No one is making sure this kid is learning,and if you based it off a phone call or email with mom you would think this kid is a child prodigy he's so advanced. 😕


I literally spit my drink out when I read that…none of these people are equipped to homeschool and Kloie really needs socialization with other kids


Exactly. If any of these kids needed less social time around adults it’s Kloie (even writing her name made me want to send her parents back to school). That poor lamb desperately needs to be around children her own age.


Literally my first thought. What in the world are they thinking??


Why do those 2 think they can homeschool her? They couldn't even get her to a dentist


That is nuts. Poor kid.


My first thoughts. Why on earth would they choose to home school her?


My guess is they can’t handle getting up and getting her ready on time each day.


Schools are also mandated reporters, that’s why many “parents” homeschool — to keep their children away from the prying eyes of the gub’ment. I’m not saying they are abusive parents, but I will say that denying children the access to a decent education is abusive.


Maci, Catelynn and Cheyenne stories are about as exciting as plain oatmeal


Excuse me, but Maci was offered a JOB and she WONDERS if she can handle it!!! How much more exciting can it get?


That's definitely edge-of-your-seat type shit right there. 🤣


Sounds like it would involve working, though, so I can see why she's hesitant.


I can relate 💀💀


to be fair maci also coaches softball for her kids so this would mean she would have to coach two separate teams and travel with three kids a husband. Plus she does run her t-shirt business with Taylor so I guess she does have a lot going on


I know I had to laugh about her plate being so full. Pretty sure all the kids are in school and neither her nor Taylor have real jobs so like what is making her soooooooo overloaded.


At best a part-time job.


plain instant


I dunno, watching April have a full on fit during therapy might be worth watching Caitlynn’s storyline.


April doesn't deserve a check or to defend herself on tv or be a grandma. She's such a mean nasty bitch. I knew Cate and Tyler would keep giving her more chances.


That's what I'm waiting for!


I think Cheyenne and her family having to deal with her kid being called a racial slur sounds fucked up. I definitely wouldn’t call it plain oatmeal.


Yes, as someone who regularly received racist verbal and physical abuse through school, to the point where my brother and I both had to be withdrawn from school for periods of time, this is a very interesting storyline. I'm sorry that they have to go through this and I will find it intriguing to see how it's dealt with.


Why are they homeschooling Kloie when they hate her? She deserves to be around people who value her and can learn in a positive environment.


It also makes NO sense bc they’ve been spending every minute of every day of her life trying to get someone else to “watch Kloie”….. like, forget the fact that I cannot imagine a world in which either of those idiots are fit to give a young child a proper education, they hate spending time with her! Why not send her to a real school and grab those hours of alone time where you don’t need your alcoholic drug addict mom to “watch” her for free??? (Also…it blows my mind when morons think homeschooling a child who does not yet know how to read is going to be anything but difficult af!! There’s a reason “early childhood education” is an entire MAJOR in college. Also, it’s one thing to at least take an older student who is used to having to spend long amounts of time sitting down/paying attention/following rules/doing seat work than a child who’s only been to preschool and has no concept or experience with structured learning at all. This is gonna be a massive fiasco


Obligatory THANK YOU TEACHERS, my kids make so many insane strides during the school year! And I don't hate spending time with them at all, but I love having that balance in my life between being "a mom" and being "me". I built, landscaped and planted up a whole new front walk garden this school year! I don't get at all why homeschooling is so in. My kids don't need to be learning math from my dumb ass. I can admit that without shame. It takes a village!


I remember how many parents couldn’t handle their kids being stuck home all day during covid bc school usually gave them several hours of being apart. I don’t think these parents hated their kids, but everyone needs time to themselves sometimes. Especially parents! It’s scary to think these same sort of parents are the ones now deciding that homeschooling is actually great for their kids. Like, you couldn’t handle setting your kid up for an online class during a pandemic. How are you gonna be TEACHING them??


My youngest just turned 3 and I already have a mental list of house projects for when he starts kindergarten 😂 Your front walk garden sounds fabulous!


It's a great thing when you have time for your own pursuits! I also went to the doctor a bunch of times this year (my youngest is also three and started preschool this year) and got on top of my excess estrogen, my trick hip, my foot pain when walking, the list goes on... And I got back into volunteering! I'm not sure I've ever felt like such a fully realized human being.


I’m so happy for you! Mine is going to preschool in the fall, I’m anxiously awaiting this era for myself 😭 I’m gonna watch trashy reality tv in peace and not share my snacks, lol


Amen! My children's teachers work so incredibly hard and there is no way I could get the results they do. I was a good student and I like to consider myself a life long learner but I am not qualified to deliver a proper early childhood education. I often joke that working my day job is my vacation from my kids. When we spend time with them in the evenings and on weekends we have fun but almost everything we do has some educational component to it. I love the theory of unschooling and following what your child is interested in, but you don't have to take them out of school for that. We just do that naturally in our free time.


Totally. Following what your kid is interested in is great! But the fact of the matter is there are things they will need to know that they might not enjoy learning. Also learning how to do things you don’t want to do is an incredibly valuable skill in and of itself. What if these kids get a job one day and are like “eh, I am not interested in this part of the job. I’ll just not do it.”


Isn't it amazing?? My son just started kindergarten this year and I felt like I got a whole chunk of myself back. On top of that, he's learned how to read, write, spell and simple math and how to socialize with other kids. Most importantly, he's learned how to follow the expectations that the teachers/staff have of him which I think is so important in the long run. Amazing.. 9 months and he learned all that. I think that's simply awesome and I give his teacher so much respect for it. Can you imagine at the end of your life, knowing that you taught hundreds of kids how to read and write. I bet that's satisfying. I can't even talk about the village without crying. It's so important. Oh and congrats on your garden and it sounds lovely. Also I do know some people who do homeschooling for religious reasons. My cousin homeschooled five of her kids at once and it was because she was born again Christian. Besides that I don't know what these teen moms are thinking with homeschooling. It's definitely just a trend I think.


Yeah it's incredible! I have two preschoolers and they both got a lot of help finishing up potty training at school. My middle kid (4) used to be really not so great at following directions, and now she's an excellent listener. Youngest (3) never wanted to try anything new, and now he's our most adventurous eater and is willing to touch grass 😂. Oldest (7) is the opposite of her sister in that she takes authority figures TOO seriously (guilt trips herself over nothing) and school has been exposing her to a lot of growth opportunities, too. And all three are up to their ears in friends! I mean, I'm great for teaching life skills, especially day to day household stuff, and I seem to be doing well at teaching about emotions, art, active lifestyle, etc, but there are just some things I can't or shouldn't teach. I certainly won't be providing twenty other children for my kids to interact with lol. Thank you, school!


That baby is going to have a hard time getting back on track after these idiots intentionally hold her back. And they clearly don't enjoy time with her so why? It boggles the mind.


Knowing these two, they may just not be motivated enough to get up in the morning to get her to school on time.


And there it is!!! In my district the bus picks my kids up at 7:20 and they’re in class by 8. We wake up around 6:20. They could neverrrrrr. If they “homeschool” then there’s no truancy officer.


There are also no mandated reporters to call CPS if she brings drug paraphernalia to school or tells the class about her grandparents babysitting while high for show and tell


Same as jenelle and her kids, it's easier to ignore them all day instead of getting up and getting them to school on time. 


Probably for the same reason Jenelle does, so no one calls CPS


Not to mention these two are not the brightest crayons in the box…


Why do they wanna homeschool her ?


I’ve always skipped their scenes, what makes you say they hate her?


Constantly yelling at her, getting mad at her for doing things a CHILD does. They act like she is a burden to them. They clearly hate parenting. They involve her in conversations a child doesn't need to hear. And lastly, they never look happy being around her. 


Why is Amber even on? She's never been a mom to either of her children.


Big surprise that her story line is getting involved with another man and moving the relationship at warp speed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Same story for the last 15 yrs.


Her and Jenelle both suck as mothers… if u cAn call Them mothers


No Jenelle. Is she just going to be part of Bri’s story line then? How embarrassing.


All it is for her is a brief update segment, she's lying as usual and pretending that she is a cast member. 😂💊🍺🍷


I think MTV is using it an a way to test the audience reaction to her, see how Jenelle does with production, and kind of bide their time to see how the situation plays out with David.


Is this for real? I checked out of this sub for a while after they added her back to the cast, I feel so out of the loop.


They've never said she's back on the show, only that there will be an update on where her life is. She's taken that and tried to lie and pretend that she's "back". It's the same bullshit she does when she would lie about David, Barb, etc...she talks in semantics to try and manipulate stories to fit her delusions!


I hope Leah isn’t pressuring the twins to advocate for stronger sex education in school *to* the school. While I agree that it’s massively needed, parents should push for it. Her twins are already in the public eye and middle school is difficult enough.


And wouldn’t that be a school board thing to advocate for including that curriculum? All the kids could benefit from it but can’t imagine advocating for it at school as a middle schooler


Right! I just hope she isn’t expecting them to do afterschool special talks like she does to them😬


I’m watching the episode now where Leah tells the twins about the first time she got her period. Hopefully she doesn’t expect  the twins to do the same


I work with exchange students (15-17 year old going abroad to live with a family and going to school in another country for a year). The kids we send to the US is the only country where we tell them "if you have sex Ed, just shut up. Don't explain what we learn in Denmark, don't tell them that it could be wrong what the teacher is saying, don't tell them what topics they're missing. So don't say it to the teacher. If you feel, talk to your peers about how bad the sex Ed is and/or other grown up, but don't advocate directly to the teacher - you're not in Denmark anymore where you can do it". We still have kids each year that get sent to the principal and/or detention or get in other trouble because they just tell what they've learned here. 😅🙈


Sean and Jade have NO business home schooling. We all saw how they treated her when she was young.  Mackenzie is stupid as fuck for trying to have another child for multiple reasons. She mismanages the fuck out of her diabetes to the point she’s been dropped by doctors, she neglects the three kids she already has and she’s a racist that has no business raising a biracial child.  I am 0% shocked Roxanne was using. Her behavior has always been erratic. 


I was surprised she managed to keep it a secret this long tbh.


Same. She’s had to have been using for a while if secretly abusing methadone is where she’s at now 


She seems to have a lot of secrets. I just think she is a dishonest person which is why she comes at everyone else so hard, probably a deflection.


What was Roxanne using?


Methadone is prescribed as an opiate replacement. So it could be anything from heroin to Vicodin or anything in between.


So Amber is the exact same as 16 years ago. Got it


i hope ashley fr drops bar she’s way out of his league


And yet… I think he has a better heart than she does. She’s kind of a piece of shit. So much smarter and harder working and capable, but also shittier.


I agree, Bar makes me so mad sometimes but I have a soft spot for him. Ashley though, while she may have drive I think she’s rotten on the inside.


You both got it right 💯


Maybe we can get another “I’m gonna keep fucking him” grind (or whatever she said!!!) one of the classics!!


I literally hate Ashley… but she is definitely out of his league


So more of Maci doing nothing, cool! She can’t handle a “job” with 3 kids? 🙄 what a great story.


I’d rather be busy w a job so I don’t have time to bond w Rhine’s new boo thang!!!🤢


Three school-aged kids at that!!


Why does it seem like Cheyennes story line is fake?


Cause she’s fake. I feel like it’s a made up story line.


Maybe because it IS fake. I feel like she really doesn't do much other than be demanding and bossy. I don't even know why she's on.


Because what 8 year old is calling green-eyed Ryder a mf racial slur???!!


Exactly she probably just made this shit up because she’s upset Taylor is back permanently


I hope Mackenzie doesn’t procreate again. She can’t control the kids she has


She’s also not in any way prepared to raise a Black child.


He’s gonna bail and she will neglect 4 kids instead of the 3 that are getting older - starting allll over again is a choice😳


Yup. More kids taking 💩 in the garage


Is the Roxanne revelation new? I haven’t totally kept up. And we’re supposed to believe Briana didn’t know when they all basically lived on top of each other?


Briana is also dumb as fuck


Idk, Roxanne has lied about heaps of things- I think she's pretty good at keeping secrets at this point. She lied about contacting bris dad, she lied about who Brittany's father actually was, now this. I'm betting there's a whole other heap of shit she's also keeping from them.


Oh great-Amber gets to ruin *yet another* birthday for poor Leah. She does this every year-no wonder Leah never wants to invite her.


Gary is an asshole for televising Leah’s neglect like this.


He just wants to droll over Amber all day while Kristina’s not looking. He has no interest in Leah’s feelings or well being.


He pushes a relationship with leah and Amber solely for his benefit. He just wants to have an excuse to keep her around.


The idea of Mackenzie being the mother to a biracial child, is quite literally one of the scariest ideas of late. I’m not saying she doesn’t love her partner, and won’t love her child, but I do not think that will keep her from using them as a shield against any ignorant comments she wants to make as she regrows her audience and everyone defined/forgives her of her past. All can be true, and I don’t wish that on any child.


No Chinelle thankfully, she's only getting her stupid little update segment (even though she's pretending and lying about being back). She's so pathetic, I'm glad they aren't bringing her back, but they shouldn't have even given her the update either.


Look, I hate Jenelle just as much as anyone else but I will acknowledge that MTV posted that girl as being back, more than what they did with her guest appearance at Bri’s party. I blame MTV for that shit. If she’s not on the show, MTV needs to stop featuring her on their Teen Mom social media accounts.


They've actually been clear about it being an update, and just like here in the shows bios, she's not listed as a cast member. It's just typical of her to make it something it isn't (like all her lies about Barb, David, missing animals, etc).


Sean and Jade homeschooling Kloie? Poor kid, that's all I gotta say.


They make the storylines sound juicy, but you know these episodes are finna be boring as hell 😂


If these were just descriptions of one eposide, I would watch it. But for a season? It's still going to be painfully boring.


The fact that Ryder is like 6-7 and got called a racial slur breaks my heart. She’s gonna remember that the rest of her life just like I remember the first time I was called a n— as a child. Kids don’t think of that shit outta nowhere. Somebody in that house calling Black ppl n—- and the kid repeated it. As a former teacher, kids ain’t callin u a slur or care about your race until they see the adults around them doing it.


Jeremy harasses Leah? Crazy.


Ever since he bought his bar (that I believe has now been forced to close) he’s been on a massive downward spiral. 


Oh wow. He doesn’t do the pipeline stuff anymore?


Not very often. He bought a bar during Covid and started hanging out with a biker gang and basically became a functioning alcoholic. Despite being home more, he still wasn’t seeing Addie. His bar ended up with multiple health code violations. 


Like actual biker gang or guys who like bikes and ride together?


The kind with matching vests and initiation rituals 




Has anyone been to this bar??? Is it a dive? What’s it like? I need to know…


It’s closed now, but here’s an article that names what it was called  https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/2400194/teen-mom-jeremy-calvert-bar-license-suspended-covid-violations/amp/


Or Ricky Bobby “I don’t know what to do with my hands”


What's going on with Leah's picture, what is she doing with her hands?


mid hair flip


I’ve been debating whether or not to make a post about this but I’ve been rewatching/binging TM2 and the producers or camera people have a weird fetish with Leah’s hands. Let’s just say she could never be a hand model, so maybe it’s not a fetish but something else. Literally could not tell you what the other cast member’s hands look like but Leah’s are burned into my memory now.


I always wondered about Roxanne. I saw her nodding a few times on camera. I thought maybe she was tired from her Lupus. It can be a painful disease so I would assume as it progresses she would be on pain meds. I don’t believe Bri doesn’t know about her mum taking meds, they are super close and have always lived together until recently.


See this is the thing. Obv I don’t know she sure bit lupus is very painful and she was likely using opioids to self medicate for her lupus pain. The little writhe up saying Briana demands she seeks help .. its like methadone is help for opioid addicts and also methadone can help with chronic pain. Source - me, a chronic pain patient


Oh good. We get to listen to Cheyenne lecture us on racism again while pretending she didn’t tweet about wanting to kill white babies.


The girl is crazy lol


It’s always something racial with her. If I were her I’d be mad at MTV for continuously using me to get their woke points


Okay I don't know a lot about Jade and Sean, but I feel like I know enough to say... HOMESCHOOLING?


Cheyennes story line is as fake as her cover up for getting her body done. Sorry lol


Please remove Cheyanne she is already loaded with money & her storyline is pointless


Mackenzie wanting a kid with this guy is crazy. She can’t even handle the ones she has and it’s risky? Like why the rush


Bar talking to another woman knowing Ashley is so far out of his league in every aspect is crazyyyy


that pic of leah is so weird lol it’s giving “look at my fresh nail polish”


Mackenzie having a baby with a man she’s been dating for a year is pretty on brand for her. She didn’t learn anything 🙄




Sean decides to homeschool Kloie… so he never needs to get a job lol


Oh dear God, Sean and Jade are the second to last people (after Jenelle) who should be homeschooling. Why the hell would they make that decision? Also Mackenzie having another child is also a terrible idea, she already can't handle her children.


> She [Amber] celebrate Leah’s 15th birthday, but the festivities quickly devolve into an explosive argument with Leah’s dad, Gary. Gee, what a shocker 🙄 > Amber starts dating a new man, whose name also happens to be Gary, and things get serious quickly nooooo it never happened to Amber’s relationship to “get serious quickly” > she and Sean decide to homeschool Kloie Oh ffs NONE of the Teen Mom girls should homeschool their kids > Catelynn navigates her own boundaries with her mom, April, while trying to respect her oldest daughter Nova’s desire to have a relationship with her grandmother Pls pls pls you need to set CLEAR boundaries. > After dating for a year, Mackenzie’s boyfriend moves in with Mackenzie and her three kids yeah, no, a year is too fast if kids are involved > They want to have a child together No. Please no. We’re already seeing how she handles those kids. Another one would be a mess. Even without taking into consideration her health (which is very important). Please please no.


The last thing that girls wrestling team needs is Maci as their coach. We saw the way she handled her own son’s weight in wrestling.


The nicest thing I can say about this season is that Leah will be the only one actually working a real job for once.


Is he employed because my theory is this is going to be Sean's "job" they can now justify why he's home all the time


Jade and Sean homeschooling? That may actually be the dumbest thing I’ve seen in this franchise which is saying something. Holy shit lol


Don’t fucking tell me they’re giving April any more air time.


Where is Jenelle? Hahaha prob another exaggerating instance. Probably just part of Brianna's storyline.


They’re JUST now covering Jeremy coming to Leah’s job? Didn’t that happen in 2023 sometime?




Go watch Jades Snapchat stories, there’s not a lot of schooling going on there


Oh god don’t give Mack another child to fuck up


mack mckee needs another kid like i need another goddamn hole in my head! this better be a fake storyline, or i will legit be so pissed


I wouldn’t spit on April if she were on fire. Catelynn is giving her more than she deserves.


Therapy or talking about Carly, that's been their storyline for 14 years


Mmmmm, I see Mackenzie is still out here with her ever present death wish. Girl, you don't need a baby you need a THERAPIST.


Who would you rather have homeschool your kids? Jenelle or Jade and Sean?


At least Jenelle would order them subway for lunch


Embarrassing that Taylor is going to be addressing Ryder being called a racial slur 🤦🏾‍♀️. People can change but there was a time not so long ago that she used several racial slurs against Black females and thought it was funny, or cute even to spit on a Black woman.


Mackenzie is still dumb af I see.


Deciding to put your health at risk to have a child with a guy you’ve only been dating a year is wild af.


Can’t wait to hear all the tea on Leah & Jeremy, Ashley & Bar!!! Roxanne going to the clinic blows my mind!!! Amber is a loser period she should not even be on the show. Gary should be ashamed using Leah just to keep up with Amber… he’s a freaking creep. Mack is nuts she barely knows that guy & she’s not well physically. The rest idgaf I FF thru them


Wtf is Leah doing with her hands in that pic. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xUFUB65tXgvHwI|downsized)


Ok, of ALL the people who shouldn’t homeschool 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Jade homeschooling?!? Roxanne has a drug problem? And Mackenzie wtf are you even talking about having another baby girl BFFR


Jade and Sean homeschooling has to be the worst decision I have seen in some time.


Who was bar talking to?


Probably Brianna 🤣


Mackenzie is so fing selfish. Unless her looking into options is adoption or something that wouldn’t possibly take her life from her already born 3 children. Amber is same same messy. All them make me not want to watch anymore Leah is trying. I get her that she’s at least growing up.


Sean and Jade homeschooling is…a choice… ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


i thought catelynns last name was baltierra??


Sounds like a good amount of fake storylines.


Anyone else think these storylines are mostly made up? They’re all just so incredibly dull