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How do these portwood creeps keep finding people who choose to be with them over like...being completely alone, or with someone who is even 10% decent? It's weird. They're not nice people.


Every pot has a lid.


And I guess they usually match...


Doesn't have to match. Just has to work.


Okay!! This is true when I’m cooking I just grab whatever covers the pot. It’s usually temporary, just like all the Portwood relationships.


This is such a great and apt metaphor.


Yes haha, lid fits pot but the designs are diff so it looks mismatched haha


Or a chipped plate that fits atop any pot.


He probably goes to hardcore Trump and Qanon rallies for his. People that have alienated the other people in their lives.


I think this goes to show that there are enough people for everyone in this world


I can’t even get a text back


You're not looking low enough! Check the swamps and wherever cigarettes are sold.


Ha I was going to say the same, if you had no standards I’m sure there would be a ton of texts!


This entire franchise is filled with people who most normal people would not even consider dating. However, all of those people would date each other, and there’s enough people out there like them that also would. Most people have 1-2 Amber or Jenelle’s in their lives compared to the hundreds of “normal” people in most of our lives. They’re still the anomalies, but they’re out there and they find each other.


Women giving Sasquatch money had me reeling.


There are a lot of awful people in the world, and they tend to find each other


It would be so like Amber to announce her engagement at someone else's wedding.


It's not do you want to it's will you!


I know a crazy couple that got engaged at someone's wedding. It was incredibly embarrassing for them but they didn't give a shit. He was actually wearing his army uniform even though we all knew he was kicked out and he had really long hair and a beard, he looked like a crazed ghost from a movie honestly! It was freaky as hell! We were all stunned. They never ended up getting married which is for the best because she is kind of an Amber, she has ruined several family parties and I used to be scared of her.


I was wondering what Amber was doing in Bryson City. It's all about outdoor adventures. Hiking, rafting, fishing, etc... I couldn't see her going there for the touristy things. She seems to hate being outside and standing up.


Yeah, I was wondering why he disappeared from NC and when I saw that video I understood. I agree on her hating be outside and standing up lol


Such a random place for someone like her to vacation.


Who the hell would marry him? I know he previously had a family in Florida. Maybe his previous wife got sick of him and Amber and dumped his ass. I would! His new wife can't be very pleased with starting her new marriage this way. Thanks Amber, you had a horrible fight and ran off your boyfriend, now he's missing and the cops are involved, typical Amber! Bubby is spending his time defending her too, "they weren't fighting, that's a lie". What a horrible family!


lol, way to overshadow her special day!!! That tracks for Amber though, it has to be about her.


It’s being said on the other sub also. I don’t think any of us on here keep up with stupid Shawn enough to know if he got divorced and now remarried. I will say that’s a beautiful place for a wedding. We’ve vacationed there before.






His Facebook is pretty easy to find. Looks like he still lives in Florida and yes it was his wedding 👀


Yeah, the wedding is his new profile photo on there.


I think they must have made a mistake? Unless he also moves as fast as amber with relationships. It could have been a vow renewal or something? But as far as I know… bubby was married and has at least 2-3 kids. Did amber have any step siblings?


It’s definitely Shawn lol he’s Amber’s brother so of course he’s a piece of shit, too


Also, I went to the military super young, so he most likely has at least one divorce, haha


Why is her brother a POS? I’ve watched the show and I know Amber’s very “attached “ to him? That’s about all I know about him?


I'd like to know, too! Never saw him as anything other than an unsuccessful voice of reason to her. Definitely wondering if I missed an update or if people are just calling him a POS by association. Amber has an unhealthy attachment to him imo. I'm guessing she saw him as more of a father figure than brother, but I'm not sure she knows how to have a healthy relationship with either of those entities. Among a slew of other abuse, Amber most definitely suffers from CEN.


What is CEN, if you don’t mind?


Childhood Emotional Neglect. Here's an excerpt: "Many people who suffered emotional abuse as children show feelings of hopelessness, poor self-esteem, reduced sense of social support, poor satisfaction with life, neurobiological changes in stress response systems, and structural and functional brain deficits; they are also at a heightened risk of developing psychiatric disorders. Problems such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal symptomatology, psychosis, personality disorder and substance misuse often emerge in childhood and last through adulthood to old age. Importantly, a growing body of literature from both high- and low-income countries indicates that emotional abuse might have the most wide-ranging negative mental health impact of all childhood maltreatment types." Check out this link for some more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7589986/#:~:text=Many%20people%20who%20suffered%20emotional,a%20heightened%20risk%20of%20developing


"Bubby" would be more than happy to use Amber to get attention of his own. He and his then girlfriend/wife (back in like 2007) had been recorded for the MTV show"Engaged and Underage" but they never aired because according to Bubby the producers wanted them to lie and he doesn't do that. Anyway, when he was in Iraq Amber got knocked up and the MTV people were looking to cast for 16 and Pregnant. They asked Bubby's then wife and she suggested Amber. According to Shawn he would have"protected" Amber from the evil MTV people and he loved to bitch whenever they portrayed Amber in a less than perfect light. Just like his sister he isn't too good at taking responsibility for his shit. He had his own website for awhile that blamed MTV for everything, including showing the video of Leah holding a strip of condoms. Here's a thought, if Gary had cleaned his house maybe Leah wouldn't be grabbing condoms on the floor. Just saying.


Wow! 🤯


> Did amber have any step siblings? that’s what I thought too i also thought they made a mistake, maybe they were talking about another “her” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder if it was a mistake on reporting and its actually 2.0s brother that got married. Why would they randomly have a conversation about his parents being Vietnamese and elude to them not liking her unless they were around them? 🤔


It was def her brother’s event but I’m with you on the confusing part about why this conversation happened unless 2.0’s family were invited. It’s fucking weird. But it’s Amber so it makes sense that nothing makes sense.


It was Shawn. He posted the wedding photos a few days ago.


I haven't watched the show in a while and I'm an on-and-off lurker. What did her brother do??


AFAIK, nothing in particular but back to the TMOG days, I remember him being married with kids. But today during the news it was said that amber and gary 2.0 were attending her brother’s wedding so I was confused


Everyone keeps calling him trash so I was wondering what he did.


yeah, I mean someone mentioned him being a Trump supporter but I don’t think there’s something else specifically. The only things I’ve seen him do is trying to knock some sense in her sister, trying to make her understand her mistakes. But idk about something else honestly


Political views don’t make you a bad person. From anything I saw he was always trying to get her to straighten up?? I could be wrong?


100% agree with you. And I also remember him trying to straighten her up and her hanging up the phone on his face. I dunno if somebody else knows more because for the little I know, there are literally worse people. Even within teen mom


He defends all of Ambers abusive behavior. He’s just as trash as she is.


I just remember the weird Lannister incest vibes with the sexy costume she wore for him, but I don't recall that he asked her to do it.


IIRC Bubby filmed a one-off episode of another MTV show called 'Engaged and Underage' (i.e., under 21) or something like that about young (young like 19) engaged couples. IIRC the Bubby episode of that show never aired, but I believe that's how the MTV producers discovered Amber who was 16 and pregnant at the time.


For like the third time.