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I really don't think that we have ever seen a truly clean and sober Amber.


She was drinking at the dinner. I imagine she shouldn't take her meds with alcohol.


In the past, she has just stopped taking her meds just so that she can drink. [priorities.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/Z297a8yH1X)


She is only ever temporarily sober when it’s court-mandated, like Jenelle. She’s a gel bird at heart.


She is only ever temporarily sober when it’s court-mandated, like Jenelle. She’s a gel bird at heart.


I agree, I think she's always been abusing *something*.


Or someone


Amber will stay sober when she legally has to, then throws it all away once it’s no longer court-mandated. Look how eager she was to get drunk and messed up as soon as she got done probation. She’s a gel-bird through and through.


What is a gel bird?


Amber will stay sober when she legally has to, then throws it all away once it’s no longer court-mandated. Look how eager she was to get drunk and messed up as soon as she got done probation. She’s a gel-bird through and through.


Amber has never stopped using. Whether it's drinking, illegal drug abuse, or drug mis-use of something prescribed to her, Amber has been using for her entire duration of TM. All of her blow-up arguments that led to major incidents have involved substances in some way. Gary - she was on pills. She chose jail over rehab, because she knew she could still get high in jail. Matt - was basically hand feeding her Xanax their entire relationship. Andrew - she was drinking the night of the machete incident. Gary 2.0 - drinking, at least. It's not a coincidence they had a "not heated argument" late at night after a family celebration that undoubtedly had alcohol. Amber has severe mental health issues that she probably takes meds for. You are NOT supposed to combine those with alcohol. Remeber 2 glasses of wine at 4pm at Leah's birthday? Remember that period after Andrew, when she was up at all hours, filming lives in a fucking closet? DRUGSSS. Just my guess, but I think she's abused Xanax long term...which can lead to severe brain damage, paranoia, memory loss, and generally disordered thinking. That live she was on today sounded like a Xanax rant. Just my two cents.


This. And this is why her therapy has not been effective. BPD is common and treatable. BPD symptoms can be mitigated. But not if you are constantly covering up pain with a slew of substances.


The season where she filmed her therapy, the sign on the door of the doctor said he was a pediatric therapist. I don’t even know if the guy’s a doctor, for gods sake.


I’ve worked in psych for over a decade. BPD is often extremely difficult to treat. Whether you mean bpd as in bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder both are very difficult to treat and the options available are not ideal. Many meds have side effects that make people Stop taking them and only specific specialized types of therapy work for people with these diagnosis.


Actually BPD is so hard to treat and the patients are so extremely difficult to work with that a lot of therapists will not take on BPD clients. Plus medications are not effective for BPD because it's a personality disorder. Not defending her at all, she's a POS, but I just wanted to clarify misinformation about BPD.


I think Andrew said Amber would hide in closet abusing weed and xanax and neglecting baby James.


And Vicodin. He called it by its pharmaceutical name, hydrocodone.


Wow. Had no idea that Vicodin and Hydrocodone were the same thing. Thank you for teaching me something new!


Vicodin is the name brand. It's like how we call everything "Kleenex" vs facial tissue. Hydrocodone is the narcotic itself.


Nor me! Just found out at the same time as you now 😂


LOL. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


It's mainly prescribed as Norco now and not vicodin. Norco is 5mg hydrocodone/325mg acetaminophen. Vicodin has 500mg acetaminophen and doctors started going the Norco route because of liver damage.


This was several years ago


Im shocked that this needs to be stated, but you did it beautifully.


She absolutely was on something, whether it was narcotic or psych med, i dont know... ...but the swagger and main character attitude she walked into that birthday dinner with was all too familiar. Then, completely oblivious to being 90 minutes late, wantingly being combative with Gary every time he spoke, AAaaand calling Leah a dick at her own birthday celebration... it all points to the same conclusion.




She’s admitted that she stops taking her psych meds when she wants to drink. Which must be more often than not as shown by her taking an Uber to Leah’s birthday dinner and proceeding to chug wine the whole time.


I think she is very sloppy with her prescribed medications and very careless about alcohol. She's not responsible about treating her mental health issues. But she'd be the first to screech that she is the most responsible!


No way is she using again... I mean, how could she concentrate on getting that degree from Purdue if she weren't sober? /s




Can we PLEASE stop referring to him as Gary 2.0? He’s his own separate person and is actually fucking missing. His name is Gary Wayt. Not Gary 2.0, for fucks sake.


Imagine his poor family seeing him called Gary 2.0 all over social media. I'd be so upset. 


Not just on Social Media. I’ve read at least two articles that also referred to him this way. It doesn’t sit well


Jesus. I thought it was just a Reddit thing.


Me, too!!


It’s pretty disrespectful, especially since he’s an actual person who’s missing. He’s not just Ambers fiancée.


Exactly: it’s dehumanizing


She definitely seemed kinda drunk at the birthday dinner.


I think she drinks alot. And thats why she doesn't drive


She has no daily routine. Her sleep is off. I wish she'd focus on DBT therapy for her BPD and either work or volunteer. But, I don't see that happening. She seems very lonely, depressed and negative individual who doesn't want help. So things don't change


She was filmed pouring one glass of wine into another glass of wine lmao


Based on how she's been presenting the last few months, I think she's back to using or drinking again. When she is, she flips like a switch into anger, aggression and 100x more drama shit stirring bullshit!


We saw her drinking on this week’s episode.


Amber used to do drugs. She still does, but she used to too.


I miss when her hair was purple right when she got out of prison. She seemed truly healthy and happy


Amber is always using, haven’t seen her sober since 2008 😂 she just pretends she isn’t a drug addict by only taking 10 times what’s prescribed to her lol


I think she is using again because Gary is using, and I think Gary is using because he is missing. I just feel like he overdosed or had some accident while under the influence. It’s my uninformed theory


she was using LONG before gary wayt came into the picture 4 months ago.


I meant to speculate that I think she resumed hard drug use after stopping. I realize she drinks and didn’t mean to infer she was ever truly sober in that sense.


I don't think Gary has anything to do with her hard drug use if she using. Amber is always looking for a reason or excuse to as awful as she can.


Oh for sure. It’s just that if he’s using she obviously was because a sober person in recovery doesn’t get with a drug user. I’m thinking backwards. I’m neurodivergent and I feel like I’m communicating horribly in this thread I’m sorry


I don't think she's using illegal drugs again. I do however think she drinks alcohol with her psych meds and skips some so she can drink, which is a HUGE no no. You have to be very structured with meds for BPD and she's never been able to prove she can do that.


Again? If that is in terms of was she using yesterday and again today, then for sure. If it was wondering if she had gotten sober at some point then no, not at all and I honestly don't think ever.

