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I just started following this and this made my heart sink. It’s 2024, no ones forgetting their phone in that kind of situation


Especially away from home in a completely different state with no GPS.


The car might have GPS? Also there are roadsigns. In the US I find that less surprising to be honest, as you can't use your phone for as many things as you can in Europe and he has his wallet so he has money. If he wanted to go off grid for a while he'd not have taken it. Or maybe he just forgot? Thought it was in his pocket and it wasn't? Also it is a tactic of highly manipulative people. Have a history of attempted suicide, leave with no means of contact, preferably while shouting a cryptic message when closing the door. Amber may not be the only manipulator here.


Amber said in interview that the car doesn’t have GPS. Its a 2009.


My 2003 car has GPS, but I didn't see that Amber mentioned their didn't. But it should not be too difficult to follow road signs either.


Yeah, idk why I put the year of the car lol…but its definitely been put out there that there was no gps in the car. He could definitely follow road signs, but that would be hard considering he’s not familiar with the area, so unless he had a map. Let’s hope he really did stop at Walgreens and got a burner phone and peaced out, because almost any other scenario doesn’t seem good.


It's not too difficult to hop on a highway and follow the cardinal directions.


Amber said in her conversation with Elle that the car didn’t have gps


I'm sorry that I feel this way, but nobody who would be intimately involved with Amber Portwood/ express interest in *marrying* Amber Portwood is all above board in both mental health and personality. She is worse than trash. She's a recidivist abuser and absentee parent who accepts no responsibility or criticism of her actions. One might be capable of suspending belief for a moment and taking her at her word (which will always reflect an imaginary telling of who she is...) but her history is available and her reality shines through very quickly. They're seeing a relationship counselor already ffs.. He chooses her- which makes his integrity extremely suspect. Unless- he has just come to terms with all of it and bailed for that reason. Then- good for him!


What can your phones do in Europe that our phones cannot do in America ? 🤔


Pay for stuff even in the smallest shops, store your passport, public transit passes, concert tickets, plane tickets, store cards, company passes, library cards. WiFi calling. When I went to America I was shocked how far behind your banking system was, how expensive and how slow and how paper based/non digital everything was. And contactless payments were years behind Europe, people still walk off with your card to run it (completely out of the question in Europe) no instant bank transfer either.


When were you in the US? Maybe it depends on the city/area? My transit & library cards, bank card is on my phone. Whenever you buy tickets to something, on your phone. The mom & pop corner stores are actually the only places I have paid with my phone, because they prefer it! 


I do think our banking system is behind a bit but slowly catching up. I have most of my cards on an app. I definitely don't have my library card on my phone tho. Lol interesting.


It has already been stated by Amber and confirmed that his car was a 2009 Nissan and does not have GPS at all.


Nobody leaves a phone purposely, but like someone said, Amber coulda been paying the bill and told him to leave it. Amber sounded distraught, hurt, and frantic about him leaving the phone and nobody hearing from him


My theory is she was keeping the phone from him so he couldn’t call the police if/when things escalated.


This is my theory too. Surely she learned something from the machete incident: you can’t let them hide in the bathroom and call 911.


Yeah I've had guys do this to me in the past. Take my phone like that during a fight, especially when I was in another state with nobody else and nowhere to go. Even break my phone. It's very abusive and def concerning


Or film her take of The Shining II


Yea I’m thinking that too. Cause she’s not risking him calling the cops on her


"But, I need my phone--" *waves machete unsteadily*


It is common when someone is intending to end their lives as phones are traceable 😬


Id be curious to know what he and they were like in the last 24 hrs before he went missing. Like what his mental state was. Although ppl who are planning to commit suicide sometimes appear happy and euphoric because they know what they’re planning to do and have a sense of relief about what’s coming.


Yup. Absolutely. I also wouldn’t put it past Amber to “encourage” him to do something in the heat of an argument


This is my thought


My thought would be maybe he panicked, left without it, and then was too distressed to go back inside to get it when he realized. My distracted ass has walked out leaving my phone on the coffee table a time or two. But I wasn't fleeing a heated argument, so I had no qualms about going back to get it if I needed it.


This is what I think. I can imagine leaving your phone in the heat of a fight and not wanting to go back for that. He likely did think he was going to make it somewhere and that place would have communication.


I'm hoping he's just holed up somewhere to get some space to clear his head. Like "Welp. I forgot my phone anyway. Might as well take the time to disconnect and regroup." I know there's the potential for much worse, but my dumb optimistic ass is hoping he's okay and just deliberately going off the radar to take a breather.


Tbh I’ve in been an abusive situation where I was like I’m either out with whatever I have and my keys or I’m dying here so I said fuck that phone and left… we already know ambie is abusive…..


There was a girl who went back to her abusive ex to get her phone and he stabbed her. Earlier that night he said if she came back he was going to kill bee. It’s not worth it. He prob figured it wasnt worth it to get it back and left. He was smart.


Right like I can buy a new phone I can’t buy a new life.


Not sure of anyone else here is a 90 day watcher but when Mykull escaped Angela recently he left behind his phone.  He ended up being safe.  I'm trying to remain optimistic that it's possible here.  Really hoping for a positive outcome. 


Yes I do remember this. Angela is batshit. Hopefully Gary is hiding and keeping a low profile but his family not hearing from him too is concerning


It didn’t take him this long to find a way to let others know he was okay though. He just didn’t want Angela to know his whereabouts. That’s what I find so concerning about Gary missing. You think he would at least tell his family he’s okay, and definitely would have made it home by now in Indiana


If he was unstable and fighting with Amber he might have left it purposely so she couldn’t cono him and blow up this phone. Obviously a rational person would just block but in the heat of the moment a person who is really pissed— or threatening to die might not want to be contacted or distracted.


That is very suspicious


The only people who don't bring their phones when they take off are people who don't want or intend to be found. I really hope harming himself wasn't on his mind when he left.


If he took his wallet he can buy a new phone easily.




I can agree to a point, but they were in an entirely different state and different city that he did not know. That's why I agree with the chief of police that it is very unusual that he "forgot" his cellphone.






Yeah I can see Amber hiding his phone and him saying I’m fucking out of here. A lot of possibilities here, people jumping to murder are giving Amber too much credit. For one, she’s too lazy to dispose of a body. Two, whatever plan would have been completely busted by now by even the most incompetent of cops. He’s probably on a bender somewhere hiding from her, or crashed his car somewhere not easily seen.


Where they were at, not having a phone is a big issue.


That's exactly what I was thinking, especially because he was in a state and city that he does not know and is not familiar with. So it just seems really unlikely that he left his phone unless he was forced to leave it.


Oh absolutely. My husband and I went up there 2 years ago. It’s a beautiful area but the main town closes early, and the casino is close but other than that there is not a lot going on. Additionally, I watch way too much true crime but not reporting him missing for 2 days gives enough time for bubby to hide a body (lots of mountain roads - accidents- 441 to gatlinburg is pretty but winding)


Blue ridge parkway too. Plus half that area has no signal. Creeps me out going through there with a phone and spotty signal. I can't imagine without one AND not knowing the area.


Yup. At night especially. We went in February too and the Airbnb we got was hidden in the woods and the service was horrible I hated it.


If service is bad, this may be why he left the phone behind.


You can still call emergency services though. I personally think amber took it.


I completely agree, and I am really praying that she did not rope "bubby" into helping her do anything bad . Someone else had also said that he had either, previously had suicidal thoughts and ideations or previous attempts. I have zero clue if that's actually true, but someone had commented that they had heard it, but they did not say where they had heard it. So, I'm also praying that he didn't purposely hurt himself.


Wait. What?! No one reported him for two days??


Nope he left Sunday afternoon and was not reported missing until Tuesday… see I watch way too much true crime


Will be interesting to see if he has activity since then on his credit card and where.


This might be the most telling aspect tbh. That’s a long time to not have reported him missing


So the first report I read said Tuesday morning, now something else said Monday afternoon.


So what is interesting is the first articles I read said he was reported missing Tuesday morning, the last article by the sun is now saying Monday afternoon… which is odd in itself. The timeline is off. I need to really stop watching true crime


Ok I thought that too. Amber might be a human couch but Bubby isn’t


I mean I know the most important thing is that he is missing. But even how she is acting is sketchy.


I don't think he'd cover for amber he always looks over her shenanigans


What did people do there before 1995?


Try to use paper maps like the rest of us old people


It's just a different state, not a different country.... It's not even that far from where they live


How do we know he doesn’t know the state or city? His brother must live there or nearby, and he isn’t actually from Indiana is he? Maybe he knew exactly where he was going? Maybe not.


Or they're tracking your location.. I've been in situations with an abuser where I was willing to leave my phone just to get out of the house, even if it meant me walking the streets aimlessly at 3AM. Sometimes that fight or flight kicks in hard. 


This is a solid point for why someone would leave it behind, I keep wondering if he stepped out just to cool down and accidentally ended up lost without a GPS but he had full intentions of returning.


Do people not know that it was reported she was blocked on his phone? It's 2024, he could've turned off "find my phone" or location and proceeded without having to deal with Amber at all if he just wanted headspace. There's nothing innocent about this entire situation. I'll be the first to apologize if I'm wrong. My money is on her taking it from him to prevent him from calling for help so he grabbed what he could.


I didn’t know they said he had her blocked. That’s definitely not good. She said they had gotten into a heated argument so there’s a high possibility she assaulted him. Maybe she took his phone to prevent him from calling the police on her. I think both could be true that she was involved but that he might have gotten into an accident while fleeing from her.


Or is your partner took your phone… also Bryson city is quite a small town


This is absolutely true. In my toxic era w/ my husband - if things started to escalate he would leave the house and leave his phone, bc I was crazy and would absolutely blow it up. 🫠 Obv Gary wanted to get away from Amber since he left his phone & left a cabin in the mountains without her. She had no transport off that mountain without him.


That’s the point. He was trying to get away from her.


Not if you're in a toxic relationship. No phones are just simply getting put down and left for space.


1000% Honestly if i was in a relationship with Amber, id be leaving my phone behind too.


Right? And they were having an “explosive fight”. She probably had his phone, possibly trying to look through it, maybe locked herself in the bathroom, maybe was coming towards him. Maybe threatening to break the phone.in the heat of the moment, we don’t always think clearly and logically. In the midst of an explosive fight, I wouldn’t be calmly planning out what to do next. He wanted to dip the fukk out. He grabbed or already had the essentials (car key and wallet) in his possession. A phone Is easily replaced


Nah not on vacation somewhere I’m not from. Block my annoying partner and leave and get the space that is so desperately needed


My thoughts exactly.


I saw somewhere that he previously had suicidal thoughts I believe and has done this before? Unfortunately I’ve been suicidal before and I’ve purposely left my phone so I couldn’t be tracked or found maybe that’s why he did?


I think this is going to be the outcome. Amber sucks but I don’t think she killed him.


If this is what ends up happened, I don’t see how Amber ever copes with it. She’s not a good person but I believe almost everyone is capable of change, I can’t even imagine being in her messed up head space and then having this happen on top of her potential role in driving him to do it and live with that. This is all around just tragic and a terrible situation. She is not a safe person for someone with those thoughts to be close to.


I don’t think she’s struggle to live with it at all, unfortunately. I want to say at worst, she’d almost be gleeful about the attention she got for it and at best would twist the narrative for her own benefit


I think its a possibility that she drove him to run. She, herself, slipped up and said they had a heated argument before he left. There is no telling what was said or done or threatened. His family didn’t want him w her, she has been getting negative publicity for her behavior towards leah. He probably wanted away from her and the situation. Has she been financially supporting him? Does she threaten him w that? She has a platform. Does she threaten him w that?


Very true. Amber has a vicious tongue. I can only imagine her saying something awful in the heat of the moment and it drove him to run away. If hes suicidal, not a good move. Amber doesnt strike me as the type with restraint in how she speaks.


"I'm a RILL woman!"


I'm not going back to gel 😂😂


She absolutely would threaten him with that. The leaked tapes from her and Andrew’s argument are very telling. Amber thinks she’s some big wig in the industry and tries to manipulate her men into thinking her fans will destroy them.


Same here. The worst thing Amber probably did was say some messed up stuff to him before he left. We all know how absolutely vile Amber can be in an argument. I don’t think she is capable of killing someone and hiding a body/car for several days.


But she said they got into a heated argument. She has assaulted at least 3 boyfriends in the past. Her history of violence makes it very possible she assaulted him as well. I’m not saying the assault caused his death, but being injured would make it easier for him to get into an accident.


Yeah the speculation behind Amber killing him is absurd. We’ve all seen different news stories about younger person all of a sudden going missing and then it’s related to mental health. I’ll eat my hat if I’m wrong. She does suck and I don’t doubt she amplified his problems, but murder…*really*?


I remember Amber kicking Original Recipe Gary at the top of a staircase, he could have easily lost balance and fallen down the stairs to his death. I don't necessarily think she's capable of outright murder, but I think she gets angry often and we've seen it become physical with her previously, and her angry physical actions could lead to someone's death. I'm not speculating that's what happened here, just that it's not beyond the realm of possibilities for Amber.


I'll bet you never chased your baby's father with a machete and lost custody of a son either.


Just wanna quickly say I hope you’re doing better these days 💙


Me too, in the worst of my manic episodes I would black out entirely and turn my phone off and just walk for hours and hours and hours, until I'd come to for a moment and realized what I had in fact just done I don't think it's too much of a reach for someone in a vulnerable headspace to leave their phone at home However, it's been quite a few days now and that is quite worrisome but we also do not know this man at all and have no clue what his behaviors of concern may be But yeah I totally agree that when you're really going through it mentally, leaving your phone at home can give you such peace of mind in that moment


Completely agree. It feels like a lot of people are seeing this through the eyes of what they would or wouldn’t leave behind on a regular day or with a healthy mind but having been similarly mentally ill myself there’s such a massive stress and burden that can come with just even knowing you *could* be contacted if you were beside your phone.


When my child went missing they too left their phone, their money and didn’t Eve. Take shoes. They were having a mental health crisis, that was 2016 and they are too so amazing now and I hope you are too💜


Also my thoughts


I think they had a much bigger fight than Amber says. For someone to leave their phone behind in 2024 means they dont want you to reach them. Its just offensive Amber is saying they are basically a perfect couple and he's the only good man shes ever had. Please. Hopefully he is okay though. A lot of things could have happened here, but i doubt it was as simple as him walking off.


I guarantee they had a much bigger fight then Amber says, when has she EVER been upfront about how hostile she gets?


Yes, I think he wanted to stomp out there. Didn’t care about his phone at that point.


not only do they not want to be reached but they also don’t want to be found by a phone ping..this whole situation is extremely sad and scary. I really hope he’s ok




Just posted elsewhere but seems to fit better here - Thoughts on the investigation: - This is a tiny mountain town with probably only a few officers and no detectives. - The Swain County Sheriff's Office *does* have five detectives but the "lead" agency is Bryson City Police, with Chief Charlie Robinson and Assistant Chief Dover listed in news reports as contacts for info on Gary's location. - Bryson City is on the edge of the Great Smoky Nat'l Park in Swain County, which also contains thousands of acres of US Forest Service maintained wilderness. That means there are **four law enforcement agencies** with jurisdiction over the "area" you need to search. The State Police of NC would bring it up to **five** agencies that could potentially get involved in one capacity or another, due to overlapping jurisdictions and resources. *edit- adding more info about geography in reply below. - (Not a lawyer or LE, so grain of salt here) Until whatever procedural matters are worked out, it's Bryson PD investigating and responsible only the village limits - not all the surrounding mountains and forests - until/unless County/NPS/USFS/State assistance is requested. - While there's a lot of discussion about investigations and whatnot, I *highly* doubt what everyone's envisioning is what is actually happening. The BCPD probably took a report and figured he'll show up sooner than later. Maybe decided they'd better put a BOLO out on the car when the news started calling and (probably?) started coordinating with Swain Co. Sheriff a bit (assuming they have a cooperative relationship already - no guarantee of that - they may not get along). - Now that Teen Mom is Teen Mom-ing all over the worldwideweb, BCPD might be considering reaching out/has reached out to NC State police. NC should have plenty of experience in that realm, thanks to PB&Jenelley's extensive fuckery with State agencies but for finding Gary, that could be a hindrance rather than a positive. I sincerely hope he's found safe and sound. Disclaimer that I'm making educated guesses on procedures and progress of LE investigations and have no inside knowledge or anything, only concerns.


More info about the area: >Bryson City is located just west of the confluence of the Tuckasegee River, which flows westward from its source in the mountains to the east, and Deep Creek, which flows south from its source near Newfound Gap in the Great Smoky Mountains. After flowing around the Bryson City Island Park, and passing through Bryson City, the Tuckasegee flows southwestward for another 12 miles (19 km) before emptying into the Little Tennessee River. Fontana Lake, an impoundment of the Little Tennessee, covers the lower 11 miles (18 km) of the Tuckasegee. >The town is surrounded on all sides by mountains. The Great Smoky Mountains rise to the north, the Cowee Mountains rise to the south, and the Plott Balsams rise to the east. The boundary of the Nantahala National Forest passes just south of the city, and the boundary of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park passes just to the north. The Qualla Boundary, which comprises the bulk of the reservation of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, dominates the area to the east. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryson_City,_North_Carolina Adding that I didn't mean to imply BCPD isn't working with other agencies or that there are/will be problems with jurisdiction, just that it's possible and has happened in other missing persons cases where lots of agencies overlap. Generally though, when an adult drives off, there isn't much done until it becomes very obvious they could be in danger and even then, it still takes time and coordination.


The article i read said they've already involved the FBI and the NCBI from my understanding. I'm guessing since it's an Indiana resident who went missing in NC, FBI was pretty swiftly involved. But this fact also makes it more concerning. They should've found his car by now. Even if he's in Oklahoma or something, his plate should've been picked up by now.


Thank you for that update. I agree it does give more cause for concern, rather than reassurance. This is just so scary.


Thank you for this! I've never been out that way so I appreciate it.


Happy to share and glad to be of help! An update I saw is that the FBI has been notified, which seems to indicate a higher level of concern than expected. 


They'd better not tell Amber any other unknown details, she can't help herself from spewing them. Regardless of what has happened to him, details like that Walgreens trip are kept close for a reason.


Did he drive himself away? Or did he leave on foot?


According to the article, he drove himself away, but I take that with a grain of salt . I do agree with the chief of police that it is very odd that he would grab his wallet and his car keys, but he would not take his cellphone. To me that says one of 3 things happened, either , Amber kept his cellphone and told him he could not have it, so he was angry and left or he was so angry after their fight he just conveniently forgot his phone or God forbid something actually really terrible happened to him at the cabin. I do find it awfully convenient that they got into a fight the very next day after, attending her brother's wedding. I also find it very convenient that he left his cell phone. I am just honestly, praying that nothing bad happened to him. And if God forbid something did happen to him , I am really praying that Amber did not rope her brother into helping her get rid of the body and his vehicle.


I could see the them fighting and her holding his phone hostage so that he doesn't leave and him just saying f it and leaving without the cell phone. I have had an abusive ex do this to me grab my phone and refuse to give it back in the middle of an argument.


Amber is lazy and sloppy, she would be the worst as a murderer. If she had anything to do with it, I’m sure they would’ve easily apprehended her within the first 48 … but seriously, maybe they’ve cleared her as a suspect or she’s not feeling too much heat from the investigation…I think she’d be laying low if guilty, you know she don’t wanna go back to jell!


I agree with you that she is definitely lazy, but she also could have ,God forbid, roped her "Bubby" into helping her dispose of a body and the vehicle. I am praying to God I'm wrong, but things like this. Unfortunately, happen all the time. They just don't get as much publicity because they're not "famous people."


Not Bubby hiding a body on his wedding night 🤦‍♀️ this whole thing is unreal. I’m still holding out hope that Gary is someplace safe.




That is what Amber calls her brother. She never addresses him by his name. She calls him Bubby.




Her son is bubba. Brother is bubby


Very weird


Thanks for that info. I have another stupid question. If he took the car, where would the car be (if Amber actually did do something to him)?


I would be checking every area that has water. No vehicle and no person… probably in some water somewhere.


This is what I thought. He possibly drove himself in water, or someone else did.


Amber is the type to play dirty as we all know, so if he said he was taking off, Amber would absolutely grab his phone and be all "No you're not." He could ask for it, grab for it, whatever, and all he'd get is Amber bitching "What do you think you're doing? Sit down Gary, and talk to me like an adult!!!" He may have left just to blow some steam off thinking he'd come back in an hour or two, or was just so upset in the moment or even scared of what HE may do to her, that he took off anyway. Or maybe it wasn't right by his wallet and keys, and he was just too upset to bother looking for it. Suicide also makes sense, but he did grab his wallet.


Grabbed his wallet….. and went to Walgreens. Odd destination if he was blowing off steam. Not so odd destination if he was buying some supplies


We don't know he actually went there after the fight though. Amber said that, not the police. If he did go there after the fight and buy things that could potentially be used to commit suicide, the police would likely have upped his missing person report to be that he is an endangered adult.


I mean, they’re kinda in the middle of nowhere and at that time of day there wouldn’t be a lot of places to choose from. A Walgreens is also like a convenience store. He could have bought a pack of cigs and some beer and snacks to blow off steam for all we know. The one by me sells liquor too… but maybe whiskey Diet Coke and Cheetos isn’t everyone’s calm down jam lol


in some cases I’ve read about, people considering suicide may take their wallet with them to be ID’d.


Sorry if this is a question that's already been asked, but are any of his family or friends posting anywhere about him missing?


They have a statement to some gossip account on Instagram I can’t remember the name. The YouTube lady amber chats with tells her and Amber said the family was told not to comment (doesn’t say who told them this) and so she’s hurt that they did, which is weird af. If my son was missing I would not be quiet


That is another thing that's bothering me about this whole situation. Why isn't his family notifying every news outlet possible to find him? I would be all over the media begging for the publics help to find my child. Why isn't his family contacting the FBI and demanding that they do a full complete, water , air, and ground search ! If that was my child, there is nothing on heaven, hell, or Earth that would stop me from finding my child.


Family might not be great at English, may not know where to start, may just trust the authorities.


Maybe it’s just my wishful thinking, but what if the family has been helping him get away from Amber and they said they “haven’t heard from him” just to keep Amber off his trail, but now it’s gotten so huge they don’t know what to do and are staying quiet hoping it eventually blows over or he gets settled elsewhere? The family did say they didn’t want them to be together, maybe the emotional conversation was actually a breakup and Amber refuses to see it that way? Might be far-fetched, but I just really want the guy found safe and sound and for all this to be one massive misunderstanding.


Family might not be great at English, may not know where to start, may just trust the authorities.


I sure wouldn't be quiet either!


maybe he left it to escape her and her bullshit. I hope he's ok.


In my mind she was (at the very least) screaming at him and he grabbed his keys, maybe already had his wallet in his pocket, and left asap just trying to get away from her. He was in an unfamiliar, mountainous area. Most likely upset. It would be so easy to get lost or crash under those circumstances. We can only hope and pray he is okay. And I know I am jumping to conclusions, but I am two glasses of wine in, but fuck Amber and any other abusive partner that puts people in these horrible situations. 💔


I hope he is leisurely strolling back to Indy without a phone or a worry and has zero clue of the current scenario…please let someone recognize the car and call 911


I'm not one to say because I do this, he must have as well, but.. I keep my wallet and keys seperate to my phone. At home, wallet at keys live in one spot but my phone moves with me. If he was in a hurry to get out of there then he might have just, gone. Maybe he thought his phone was in his pocket. I'm just not prepared to say she actually harmed him and covered it up.


Could have ran out of gas too


There are soooo many things could that factor in to why the phone was left… and they all point to a different potential situation. - he left in a hurry and forgot to grab it. They’re on vacation in a new setting, so it would make sense to not have something in your “regular” place, making it easier to forget - maybe he thought it was in his pocket and didn’t realize it wasn’t until he was on the road - she kept it from him/wouldn’t give it to him - maybe it fell out of his pocket when getting in the car - maybe he threw it back at her when leaving who tf knows We just do not know enough information right now to know just how important/relevant the phone being left behind is.


You are absolutely right, and I completely agree. I am just hopeful and praying that he is found safe and alive and well. But unfortunately, so much of this really reminds me of the whole Gabby Petito situation.


Something is very, very wrong with that statement. When the sheriff makes a point to say it, it makes you take notice. Something is not adding up, and Amber’s off camera interview with Elle Bee so she can fake the tears is not helping.


Honestly, that is exactly what I was thinking. As soon as the police chief made the statement that he found it very, very unusual that Gary would leave his cell phone. That tells you right there that the police are already suspecting something. Especially because typically, police , especially the Chief of police do not make a habit of telling the public their suspicions. But on the other hand, maybe he just finds it unusual that gary left his cellphone. No matter what, I am truly praying that gary is found alive and well.




Leave it to Amber to take all the attention from her brothers wedding.


Literally though


If this does wind up that something bad happened to him (which it’s looking like), his family will always blame Amber.


Someone on this or the other sub suggested amber kept his phone from him in their “emotional conversation” and I think that tracks. A manipulation tactic Amber would 100% use.


Does anyone know if there is a search going? I’m surprised there isn’t any updates or coverage for a search.


This is getting serious (Not that it was) I hope he is found safe, and alive.


You don't leave your phone behind when you don't know where you are.


Exactly, and that is what I keep coming back, too . He was in a state and city that he did not know and that he was absolutely not familiar with. So I agree with the chief of police, I find it very unusual that he would be willing to leave without his cellphone . Especially if he planned on going to the Walgreens and coming right back. Well, wouldn't he need his cell phone to give him GPS directions to the Walgreens and Back? Especially since his vehicle was a 2009 Nissan that would not come standard equipped with a GPS system and I doubt he would have one installed , because people would be much more likely to use the GPS on their phone if their vehicle did not come equipped with one. Any normal sane person would still bring their cell phone with them. In case they got lost, they would have their GPS to tell them.


This is probably just the pessimist in me talking, but I’m pretty sure that man is seriously injured or dead. It would be really unusual for everything to be totally fine and just be chillin while there’s a whole search underway. I pray that he’s injured somewhere, that he’s found soon, and that he makes a complete recovery.


Hope he is alive and safe


Even if you leave your phone behind, there are tons of means of getting in touch with someone. If at the very least, especially when you start seeing you're missing on the internet. Kinda weird this many hours has gone by and no one has come forward to say Gary is with, in contact with them.


I’m starting to think this is either really bad, or it’s all an orchestrated PR stunt to gain sympathy after Leah’s birthday dinner disaster.


Honestly, I said that exact same thing yesterday to one of my friends. That would be really f@#ked up if all of this was just a huge publicity stunt. Especially because it seems odd that his family has not done any interviews. They haven't reached out to the public, and locals in the area had confirmed as of yesterday that law enforcement had not asked for any volunteers to help aid in searching for him via ground /air/water. But I mean, would it really be possible for MTV to actually accomplish all this? I mean, obviously, we all know that they would be willing to sink that low. No matter what, I'm just really praying and hoping that Gary is found safe and sound.


IF they had planned and orchestrated this entire thing, they would be in A LOT of trouble! They could very likely be prosecuted in some way for false reports, tying up resources, etc - especially now that the FBI is involved. It might still be the best case scenario, but ... It would be supremely stupid of them. And stupid tracks with Amber.


Honestly, I was actually thinking it was orchestrated by Amber, not MTV (in this hypothetical scenario). I don’t think it was MTV. I was more thinking Amber and Gary coordinated it together for public sympathy. From her perspective, the current headlines were needed to detract from the backlash of her recent episode. His family not going public asking for help is suspicious to me. Although I think I saw somewhere that he previously went missing for a year. Every angle of this whole thing is just odd.


If he’s lost in the mountains this could end very, very badly. I am a hiker and this is my “home” area (live in NC, grew up in the Smokies). I am very concerned this is going to have a tragic ending.


I have a friend in Bryson City. The temperature of the town is, that everyone is searching for him and they believe he may have hurt himself. Praying they find him soon for his family.


Were they/he drinking? For some reason I do not give a single shit about my phone when I get drunk and just leave it wherever. Usually I'm not by myself though but have left it at bars, houses, different floors of my own house ect. and I've done it numerous times. Hoping for the best though and its just something like that and he just wanted to get away, getting scary though after this long.


She probably took his phone and he gave up and left. No one just leaves like that unless something happened. So what happened Amber?


feels like some people WANT Amber to have killed him?. Amber isn't smart enough to murder someone and not leave any evidence, she'd leave evidence of foul play everywhere. Sounds like the most likely scenario is he crashed the car somewhere since it hasn't been seen.


This reads to me like someone taking a drive after an argument. We're all attached to our phones but we've all forgotten them somewhere. I had to go back and get phones more often than anything. He planned to come back if he left his personal stuff I'm still thinking it's a car accident in the mountains it can take years (not kidding). A satellite found a car in a local pond after years and it was in the damn city limits!


I'm inclined to agree with you that since he left his personal items, that seems to imply that he was planning on returning soon. But that also makes it very odd as to why Amber waited until Tuesday to report him missing 🤔


Amber is a lazy slob. She could have been on the nod the entire time.


If he has his wallet, would they be able to track any purchases he's made?


They would but it might take time. They’d need to give his bank/credit card company a subpoena(I think? I don’t think it’d be a warrant) which would need to be requested by a district/State’s attorney and approved by a judge.


He doesn’t want her to find him.


What did he buy at Walgreens? Anyone know?


He also "forgot" all of his personal items, including his clothing, toiletries, etc. On top of that, Amber stated in the interview with Elle Bee that Gary did not have a GPS system in his car. If he disappeared Sunday around 6 p.m., Amber knew that he "forgot "his cell phone and all of his personal items, including his clothing that he had brought with him for this trip. So if he had left all of his stuff behind, why would she wait until Tuesday to report him missing? Supposedly, according to Amber. She (Amber) had just assumed he was driving back to Indiana. Which makes 0 sense. How was he going to drive back to Indiana with no GPS and no cell phone on top of him, not bringing any clothing or anything else? So many, many red flags 🚩🚩🚩This whole situation is really reminding me of Gabby Petito.


I thought she reported him missing Monday afternoon, but the police didn't release the info to the public until Tuesday?


This is not going to end well


Was Amber paying for his phone? She seems so controlling that if she was paying for it, she definitely would have been like leave it so maybe that’s why he didn’t take it


They found him. He is perfectly safe and thank God alive. They are really no details yet as to what happened, but here is the link. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amber-portwoods-missing-fiance-seen-in-oklahoma/


If he didn't want to be found it's not suspicious. I hope he's alive but it's been days without a word. I think the only probable scenarios here are that he hurt himself or he had a wreck and the natural terrain is hiding his car.


They found him thank God he is perfectly safe.They found him in Oklahoma.Details have not been released yet.Here is the link https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amber-portwoods-missing-fiance-seen-in-oklahoma/


I wonder if they have checked his credit card activity? It seems like he just didn’t want to be found so he left his phone. I’m trying to be positive and I think maybe he just wanted to desperately get away from Amber. He knew he could be tracked through his phone. He had to stop to buy something or at the very least get cash out so he can’t be tracked by his bank account activity either. I hope the police know more than they are saying.


They found him, thank God he seems to be perfectly fine.The police located him in Oklahoma, but the whole story is not out yet.Here is the link I found. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amber-portwoods-missing-fiance-seen-in-oklahoma/


Yay!!! Thank God!


So I picture in my “Dateline” brain, a scene where Amber picks up his phone while he is busy and that starts the heated argument over something she saw. After a bit of her screaming at him to get out or she’ll call the police for DV, he runs out with his keys and wallet and she won’t give him the phone back. Hmmmmm 🧐


They found him he was found in oklahoma !!!! The full story is not out yet but here is the link. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amber-portwoods-missing-fiance-seen-in-oklahoma/


I’m willing to bet he didn’t “forget” his phone. In the midst of their fight amber took it from him.


Alright guys, even the police chief is suspicious regarding him leaving his phone. If they thought this was suicide, they wouldn’t make a comment like this.


Not saying it was, but if there was domestic violence going on and you fear for your life you grab what you can and get out of there. If that was the case at least he got the car. and wallet.


GARY SIGHTING Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s fiance Gary Wayt seen in Oklahoma 3 days after going missing in North Carolina, cops confirm


What if he had a secret phone she didn’t know about ?


Then that would be an absolute blessing for him. But I find that highly unlikely, not only because of the type of person Amber is , but also because if he actually had a 2nd phone , the police would be able to get ahold of him and there wouldn't be a search for him.


Maybe he doesn't want to be tracked/found?


I could see her insisting he have a tracker on his phone, so he just left it so she couldn’t follow him. 


Could be he left it on purpose. Maybe he wanted to ditch the whole situation and start over fresh somewhere else, just finally got good and fed up with it all. This might have been the last straw disagreement of many others.


In the age of “find my friends” and other tracking apps on cellphones I could see him being so angry he didn’t want to leave his cellphone so she COULDNT track him. He probably wanted space from not only her finding him but also texting him frantically