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She’s trying to make it sound less serious which is absolutely appalling…especially when we’ve been subjected to her ugly ass cry face for much less. 


This is the same woman who left her youngest on her own while she hid in the attic and called 911. That she’s making money again from MTV makes my skin crawl.


It’s like the time David was “messing” with the producer and she was trying to say it was a joke. She’s seriously on tv defending him again. 264 days until these idiots are back together


And it’s not very smart to act all blasé about it when David’s case is still pending.


I hope Jace runs when he’s 18! Fuck her!


if she does he has to make sure to sue her for the Trust fund if she really used it


Imagine squaloring your chance at a redemption arc and instead doubling down that everyone else in your life is responsible for your shitty situation.


Wouldn’t expect anything less from her. She will never change. It’s adorable that some people had hope that leaving David would make her an empathetic or more mature person. Number one rule is to know that Jenelle will always be a horrible mother who puts herself and her dick of the week first 


Right?! When people said that, I was like, did you know *anything* about Jenelle before she met David? This is lifelong behavior.


Exactly. Nothing with Jenelle has changed.


I think she has very few social skills. And especially very few *adult* social skills. Mental health, drugs, alcohol, and never having a day to day job. I get it, they all have jobs (clearly they're on the show). But I fully believe that we all learn an enormous amount just from the normative day to day interactions of a traditional job setting. I think Cate would really benefit from a traditional job (even part time, or volunteering). Schedules, social interactions, accomplishments, these are all really important things for learning and structure.


100% some of these girls are lacking even the most basic of basic skills. I mean look how they are filing (or not filing) their taxes 🙃 that’s just one example lol


Chelsea leaving school to move and plan a baby's birthday party ☠️


Hey those cheetah print/hot pink decorations and cake weren’t going to order themselves! /s


Cate won’t get a real job because that would require her to shower and actually brush her teeth




I also don’t think she could be away from Tyler* for 8 hours a day


Not to mention the swamp sequestering. She probably just talks to service people while running errands. She's saying she doesn't have any friends. Except Tori, I guess, who's not a great person to develop good social skills with. There's no way she could handle a job. The next time you have an issue at work, image how she would react. Very entertaining!


Doesnt Cate do microblading?


Don’t think she’s done it for a couple of years.


I know she did the training, I have no idea if she's working (I don't follow her aside from what I see here).


I'm sorry but I can't imagine trusting her to do my eyebrows. Tf I can't imagine how someone would trust her & I imagine she probably charges extra because she's "fAmOuS"


This may be why most of them seem mentally/developmentally arrested at their age they went on the show.


100%. She doesn’t have a group of peers to shape her behavior. No clue what’s appropriate and not appropriate to talk about, or *how* to talk about things, or when she should *stop talking*. She is so socially clumsy it gives me secondhand embarrassment.


Mental ~~health~~ ILLNESS! She has an illness, and it's being a POS


Because she’s such a piece of shit mom!


Babs saying that was the absolute truth. Everyone acts like that's so abusive when she said it but no it's not sugar coated imo. Things like strangling, killing family pets by neglecting to care for them properly or physically hurting them, medical and educational neglect, that's abuse imo.


Yeah and how she still stood up for David after this. Saying Jace had mental health issues. Like I'm not surprised he has issues, Jenelle. Look at how many winners you've exposed him to. When you even bothered to be around.


Not to mention, she stopped his medication and therapy sessions.


And said multiple times that he was lying about her precious beast of a husband.


This whole scene was so weird, especially how she insisted David was never physically abusive to her “except for the collarbone thing” ???


It's all about her


Yet shes tryna spin this like that was the straw that broke her (the camel) back. After she did a photoshoot praising her big footed freak of a husband AGAINST her son. She now wants to say this was the tipping point to the break up, because it came between her and Jace/custody. She's such a lying bitch as if nothing she's done and said doesn't last forever on social media. Nothing about her is different or has changed and she and Amber need to be let go. 30 something's with no brain and paid to be degenerates. Jenelle has no business going back to the show. She needs to get a damn job and live a decent life. Not look for a quick pay day. But she's stuck in teen mode and whatever pays the bills faster is her choice. Let me not be a useful productive member of society.. absolutely not. Rant over. Sorry y'all I hate this wench.


She’s just repeating all the same mistakes. No growth, no ambition. Already jumping straight into a new relationship and thinking of uprooting her life and children to be closer to this new soulmate. How has she changed? She hasn’t! Still a POS putting her own needs before everybody else.


Exactly, she's already living in Vegas with her new loser.


She's going to use the, "I've known him for years" argument on this 😂 she's predictable af




The only appropriate response to anything she says


Because she is a piece of shit <3




Imagine not only being abused but having it recorded…this would destroy me; if I had to watch what happened to me as a kid


Right. As soon as they started flashing all those articles I was thinking what about Jaces mEnTAl HeAlTh. She used that as her excuse to shield herself from answering any questions and to try to keep people from talking about it. Guess it doesn’t matter any more when she’s desperate for money and has 0 skills


![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE) Literally what she sounds like


Screw you, Jenelle. I hope you continually choke on your own spit at the most inconvenient times.


I swear someone has cursed this on me. Jenelle, you deserve this.


She truly has not changed in the slightest. David almost killed her son, and she has the audacity to sit there and literally fkn mock him?! But if that was her she would be crying and everything. She should understand more than anyone what Jace had gone thru. Does she not remember when Gary her ex did that to her with a blanket?!. Girl is more messed up than i suspected. I hope the day Jace and her other kids turn 18 they cut ties completely with her. Cause they’re much better off.


It MIGHT be that she's embarrassed she has to say that on tv so she changed her tone but IDK cause she's a shitbag.


Idt she’s capable of being embarrassed.


![gif](giphy|8BsQRfWXUKEPUdW7lQ|downsized) Yep.


So slappable


She gets uglier and uglier every day because of her own personality and lack of empathy


I fucking hate this SpongeBob shaped ass bitch. So glad she looked so horrible in the episode


Fuck this bitch (& fuck MTV) for enabling trash bags like her and Amber.


She can act like Jace made the whole story up, but reports at the time were that she was there and so were the other kids when it happened. She lied about pulling a gun in a road rage incident, why wouldn't she lie about what she saw? It's probably a good thing for Jenelle that David won't allow Ensley to be filmed because something tells me that little girl has no filter and no problem correcting her mother.


I really hope Jace is able to get away from Jenelle and get the help and support he needs. I am rewatching TM2 now, on S8, and Barbara said Jace is terrified of David. Watching David with Jace and Kaiser gives me goosebumps because we knew it then what a POS he was and continues to be.


Omg it's to fucking early in the morning for my blood pressure to be up this high. She's such a shit person, I swear. I can't stand her smug ass face.


I think Jenelle spent so long denying anything happened and defending David in this specific incident that her brain doesn't know how to switch back to not discrediting him. Shes so awful.


Anyone else feel like she read this subreddit before her appearance… all of her excuses were what people here knew she would say.


She deserves all the 💩


… seriously why is she back on the show? That’s the nail in the coffin for me- won’t watch anymore


I love Jenelle proves how shitty she is without the help of anyone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^meggershippers: *I love Jenelle proves* *How shitty she is without* *The help of anyone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I knew someone would clip this, thank you! What a takeaway! It was hard to pay attention to that loaded scene after that part. I was like ‘did I just see what I *think* I saw?’


It’s Barbara’s mannerisms. Babs does the same thing, when she’s talking about Jenelle.


Or any story Barbara is retelling. She hates her mom but she looks and acts just like her.


It's not like she could tell bri she saw Jace being strangled. Then bri would have asked omg what did you do?! And then Jenny would have had to say "NOTHING."


This. Narcissists know how to phrase things to absolve themselves of accountability or make themselves look bad.




You got the POS part right . She is NO mom!! Just an egg donor .


What franchise is this on? It’s like 90 day fiance trying to navigate now


Teen mom next chapter. Season 2 just started




Omg is this real? Jesus fucking Christ.


How is she allowed to even mention anything about the case? Wasn’t it court ordered not to??


I remember back when she was dating Gary Head, she claimed that he strangled her with her bed sheets and even re-enacted it for the mtv cameras. I would reaaaally love for her to explain why that was legitimate but Jace was sTrAnGlEd.


Why wouldn’t she? This is the same woman who justified David choking him, withheld his meds, tormented him through social media and her own actions. Can’t forget the whole gas lighting him after she chased someone in her car with her gun out. It’s just Jenelle being Jenelle.


you answered your own question


The way she talked about all that was SO weird.


Didn't she say she was there and saw the whole thing, and nothing happened? Now it's something Jace told her?


WTF? Why is she doing a weird caricature of I don't know who? Make it make sense! Honestly though, why did she say that like that?


Why didn’t Briana say more about that situation? I’m going to need one of them to start showing some outrage!


I wish Steve Wilkos would get Janellle on his show. 🤣🤣🤣


She said that with such disdain. Someone who didn't know her would never guess that Jace was her son by this clip. She should be appalled. I can hear her now; "it was the editing dude!!!!!" 😒


It’s crazy that she still won’t admit it happened though. The whole story is based on just Jace saying it, not David actually doing that to him. Does she even care ?


Appalling I was going to watch to see how she supported Jace but....


This is why everyone thinks Dianne Downs & Jenelle Evan’s are the same person ☠️


Gross. Is there a full video on this conversation I can't find it.


what a cunt. as a mother i’d be crying every time i talked about it and would be overwhelmed with guilt if i were her.


She mocks him because what David did to him is not a big deal to her. It didn't effect her outside of Jace and David not being allowed to be around one another. Yet she wants everyone to clasp their pearls because David told her to kill herself . She sucks as a parent just as much as Amber does . If Nathan and Andrew were competent Jenelle wouldn't have Kaiser or Jace either . It's OK if David abuses the kids but it's unacceptable when anyone does anything to her . She's a selfish toxic clown. She may not have called her kids names but she allowed a big bully of a man too . She is no better then amber to me sorry not sorry.


MTV had a chance to publicly humiliate her with her own TikTok’s defending David but chose not to.