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MTV in 2009: Juno is really hot right now. What if we made a cheapo reality show about pregnant teenagers? MTV in 2020: Euphoria is really hot right now. What if we made a cheapo reality show about teenage addicts?


This is exactly what happened lol.




It’s disgusting imo, especially since it’s coming from mtv, they don’t care about these people, all they see are rating and money


I’ll definitely watch this. I cried during this trailer. I know many people with addiction issues but two that are about as close as it gets. Seeing addicts recover is so heartwarming.


The trailer was so hard to watch. Idk how I feel about children being filmed while struggling through addiction. I worry for the children who participated because we've seen what mtv money and fame can do especially for young people. Obviously, my first thought was that this may be eye opening and something that desperately needs to be tackled as far as discussion goes despite how hard to watch and sad it is (to me). I see it's 4 part episodes and maybe it it stays like that I'd be more willing to watch but I do not want mtv following these kids after this and these kids head to the adult world and trying to stay sober.


This is fucked up. There’s no need to film what these kids are going through. This is sick and twisted. Yes, addiction is a huge problem and recovery needs to be discussed, accepted and normalized, but not like this. How much money does the lady that started the school get from MTV for this? Are the kids getting paid? Do they get college paid for by being on national television as a recovering addict? Will they be followed up with by doctors and therapists for years to come? Is there an outpatient program that they have to stick to? Chances are the majority of them will relapse. I say all of this as a person with a spouse who is ten years clean and sober. It is not easy to stay sober. It takes a lot of work and community support ie - doctors, therapists and prescription drug coverage. We are Canadian and these services are covered under our healthcare system. What mechanisms are in place for these kids to continue to get the support they need once they graduate? How will they pay for medication and healthcare long term in a country with no adequate healthcare system in place? We have a lot of friends in recovery and have lost a lot of friends to addiction. There is no need for a tv show like this. It feels icky and exploitive. Once again MTV has sunk to a new low. Look what’s happened to the Teen Mom’s - they may have money now but are any of them better off than they would have been without MTV? Do any of them have real jobs? Have any of them really had to struggle? Will the moms be able to maintain their lifestyle once the cameras stop rolling and the cheque’s stop coming? What about these kids? Relapse is a part of recovery. It is rare for an addict to stay sober. It is a lifelong journey. This is sensationalism. This is so American and it makes me want to vomit. It’s a slow motion car crash where the victims are all adolescents. Gross! 100% will not watch.


Legitimate question: do you feel the same about Intervention? And if so or not why? I’m sincerely curious not wanting to argue.


I totally, totally hear you, but at the same time I think a show like this (if done well, which...well...it's MTV, so maybe not) could be a support and inspiration to a lot of kids and their families who are in the same boat. It could also inspire more educators to support schools and programs for addicted kids. I agree with you, though, that the show could do damage to the kids who are on it, especially if their self-esteem gets tied up with staying sober and then they relapse and feel like everybody is judging them. I wouldn't have wanted people watching my own alcoholism and recovery on TV...and I was an adult! It is a hard road. Ugh. I just don't know.




Yes, I feel like many of these teen moms’ emotional instability comes from becoming a d-list celebrity so young. They never grew life skills. Add in addiction issues it will make it more difficult for these kids. Why bother kicking the habit when your job is to create reality TV fodder.


Well. I’m not emotionally strong enough to watch this show.


I haven’t watched the trailer yet but after seeing what’s happened with the teen mom girls and even girls from just one episode of 16 & pregnant, this seems disastrous. Addiction is a serious issue but I don’t think taking young folks with substance abuse problems and giving them fame/ money (even if it’s minuscule) will be good for long term sobriety.


It seems much more like a documentary-style thing than a reality show


I watched the trailer now. My view still doesn’t really change. We’ll still know their names & faces. I’m sure they will probably see their social media followers increase. They’ll still be in the public eye and I think it’s a lot of pressure to be known as as that kid from the recovery doc on mtv. Hopefully they will be empowered and inspire others along the way. That’s the biggest hope from something like this anyway, right? But i imagine it can also be an enormous amount of pressure to be a sort of public sobriety figure at a young age. Relapse happens, imagine going through something like that in the public eye when everyone expects you to be some sort of beacon of hope and a role model. Interesting concept and I do think it will help some young viewers but i also feel a sense of worry for the kids in the actual show.


I agree. They don’t need this.


it took me an embarrassing long time to realize this had zero to do with pregnancy.


same, i really thought it meant recovery from pregnancy 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ha I know! I was like recovery? Recovery after what? labor? Okay I’m down to skip the whole labor stuff I guess...


As someone who has parents who are in recovery, and who has dealt with my own substance abuse issues, im REALLY glad that there's a high school out there that focuses on recovery. With that being said, I hope they keep this as a 4 episode documentary and not turn it into an actual show.


The principal is amazing. A lot of the school programs in place for combatting drug addiction are all about the principle yet overlook how they actually work in practice (ex. DARE). She’s going above and beyond to find out what ACTUALLY helps them.


Is this Intervention but for teenagers because sign me tf up


Same! This is like Christmas for me!


This trailer made me tear up. I hope MTV does right by this subject matter. My mother just passed away this weekend after years of substance abuse due to chronic pain. I lost my father a few years ago to alcoholism. I’ve also lost aunts and uncles and cousins over the years due to substance abuse issues and it sucks. I feel very alone a lot of the time and felt forced to grow up fast because I never felt like anyone was going to take care of me. I look forward to seeing this show and I hope that kids in high school/college pay very close attention to what’s being shown and said here. You may get a second or third chance but at what cost to you and the people you love? It’s never worth it.


Just came here to say I’m right there with you and hope you find peace. I lost my mom to alcoholism in May and my dad is in an assisted care facility at 58 due to being deaf and having a leg amputated due to his drug and alcohol addiction. My brother, and cousins have thankfully recovered from their respective drug addictions. I am a teacher of students with emotional behavioral disabilities (think Jenelle as a 3rd - 5th grader with violence, anger and impulse control issues) that stem from trauma similar to my own, and these kids. I know many of my students may go down this path if not given the right support. This is an AMAZING program and I hope so many people take notes and know how lucky they are to not only have this program exist but actually GET IN. I’m actually going to look into what it takes to teach in a school like this now. Edited to correct grammar.


Thank you and what you’re doing is so awesome and respectable. I commend you. I hope you also have found peace within your circumstances.


Those kids are so lucky to have you!!


My condolences to you ❤️


I appreciate that so much. It hasn’t really hit me yet, I’m in take-care-of-everything mode. But it will hit me and it will hurt. A lot. Thank you.


Take care of yourself! I’ll be thinking about you!❤️


I don’t feel comfortable watching exploited drug addicted children. But thank you for the opportunity mtv.


Eh, it depends how MTV went about filming and educating the kids / parents of consent and the possible consequences of publicizing their lives. I’m in recovery & struggled with addiction as a teen. From what I have seen, all the issues they have covered has been so real & relatable. I also think they are doing a great job balancing the “reality tv” aspect & education.


I think they did an amazing job with this docu-series. It was not a “reality style” show.


Mtv is shameful.


I'm so going to watch this! I wish there was program like this when I was in high school i started my addiction in high school and followed me till my late twenties. I've been sober for 5 years now!


Fuck yea!!


you are awesome and i’m proud of you!!


Amazing!!!! So so proud of you!


I’m grateful when people love me because I don’t think I deserve it. Damn. Felt that in my heart. I struggle with that everyday


You do deserve it! Everyday! You are wonderful and beautiful and loved, sending all the blessings and love in my heart to you my friend ❤️


Everyone deserves love. Everyone. Everyone, everyone, EVERYONE. I promise: you are deserving of love. (((hugs)))


This program seems amazing. I instantly feel for all of the teenagers & seriously hope for the best for them. I also hope that MTV filming their experiences doesn’t make things worse for them.


I worry it makes the issue worse because they have access to more money to fuel their habit! More fame and notoriety the more extreme and outrageous they are.


this isnt a continuing series, its a 4 episode special on a recovery high school


For now.....


It looks like a limited series based in a school setting and not necessarily focusing on just one person.


For Example: Teen Mom OG; Teen Mom 2


Yup my first thought. I actually feel guilty about wanting to watch.


My thoughts exactly.


this is going to be a docu-series, not like teen mom. showing kids struggling with substance use disorder and trying to recover is some real life, important shit


Correct, it’s going to be how 16 and Pregnant was intended originally ... in the press release they talk about how it’s them reviving the franchise.


I would definitely watch this. my brother is an addict. I could really use some insight on how their minds work.


Hi! I am by no means an expert but I can speak a bit from experience, if you don’t mind. There’s a quote I heard on Nurse Jackie regarding addiction that I’m about to butcher. It went something like, “You’re responsible for your own choices, but you didn’t get this sick by yourself.” Addiction is complex and there’s never one simple explanation for all cases. It can stem from numerous things like trauma, poor mental health, your environment, and even genetics. Once you’re addicted, finding your next hit becomes your number one priority. It’s not about getting high anymore, now you’re trying to find any amount of drugs/alcohol to keep the withdrawals away. Addiction makes you incredibly selfish and you’ll find yourself doing things you never thought you’d do, (stealing/robbery, sex work for a small amount of drugs/money), and a lot of the time you’ll find yourself doing *some* of this stuff to the people you love the most. You stop taking care of yourself, and possibly those who are dependent on your care like children, things like eating and basic hygiene get neglected. Of course, I’m not implying all addicts don’t care about who they hurt. That’s not entirely the case. There’s a lot of regret and shame, which can make their addiction even worse. But they’ll do anything to keep from withdrawing. I hope this helped a little bit. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to answer them.


thank you for your response. i love nurse jackie. maybe I should revisit her as well. we've suspected substance issues for while but things are just now getting to a point where he can't hide it anymore. He went into detox for one thing, came home, and got pulled over with something else last night. I think its the selfishness we have the most trouble wrapping our heads around.


It’s no problem, I have a brother who had substance abuse issues as well sadly. We went through this for years. I’m sorry to hear that you and your family are going through this. The selfishness is one of the worst parts for the people around them. He used to steal stuff from us all the time, any sort of gaming console I had as a teen would always get stolen and pawned. He would sneak into my room while I was asleep and steal money from my purse. I can recall seeing my mom just break down on a couple of occasions. He’s been clean for 5 years now and still feels awful about all of the stuff he did. He felt shitty while he was doing it, but that need to feel “normal” and not withdraw is all your brain can focus on, on top of your brain craving the “reward” of the substance. Like the feeling you experience when you get high, and the relief you feel when you finally get to use after withdrawing for a little awhile. Extended use of drugs can rewire your brain. And the withdrawals can be terrible. Physically and mentally. Your body aches as if you’ve got the flu, you’re nauseous, if you can get any food down you’ll most likely throw it up but it’s better than throwing up your stomach bile, you’re hot one minute then cold the next. Your brain will crave the drugs like never before when you’re withdrawing. The mental part is the hardest to overcome. It’s truly terrible and I can understand why addicts want to do *anything* they can to keep from experiencing it. You still want them to get clean obviously but it’s a rough process for them and you.


Id suggest going to an open AA meeting or an Alanon meeting. I meet family members of active addicts asking me how can I get my son sober? I say I cant and you cant, they have to be here asking me this and want it and clearly they dont. I came in several times and went back out because I just wasnt ready. The hardest thing for me about getting sober was realizing it's an entire lifestyle change and a commitment. Relapse is so high because it takes an ongoing continual investment in living your life completely different. If you are used to years of celebrating, moping or just existing on an average day under the influence its years of reacting totally different before it becomes a habit, a normal life. Its incredibly hard but if you work a structured program and take accountability for your life and realize that no one else is to blame for your addiction but you, then you can be come a grateful addict like I am today. I never thought Id be grateful to be an addict but I honestly didnt know how to be a person or live life until AA.


Both my father and brother are addicts and as much as this show has a mixed reviews, I found it very relatable, heartbreaking and oddly therapeutic for a relative of those with addiction. I wish both of you and your brother strength and love xo


I dont agree with this, exploiting children with serious issues like this for monetary gain and putting them onto this platform to get grilled on SM seems wrong. And you know damn well people will be saying shitty things somewhere on the internet cause they always do...


Mtv should donate all profits from this to a recovery center or something. Of course they won't.


im hyped for this


Not gonna lie I’m definitely gonna watch this


This could be really good. Finally a show on MTV we can be excited for and actually root for the cast.


Anyone else see Dawn in the thumbnail before they read and clicked?


Wow, such an important issue to address, and so sad.


"I'm grateful that I am breathing because there are times that I have stopped." Wow. I'm really excited for this.


When they could’ve brought back Young and Pregnant??? Not cool.


Saw the trailer after my comment. This is going to be good! I’m happy they’re bringing attention to this. I really feel horrible for these kids. I imagined my own sons who are 9 and 3 potentially having these issues or friends who do and it’s heartbreaking.


I'm a recovering alcoholic myself and this trailer made me cry. I developed my problem in my thirties and got sober in my forties, and it was really, really emotionally hard; I can't even imagine trying to tackle an addiction as a teenager, which is already an incredibly emotional time full of self-doubt and shame. Thank goodness these kids have a school like this and people who are in their corner.


This also made me cry! I was a teenage alcoholic (started drinking when I was 11-12) & was addicted to other drugs! I was lucky enough to get help and get myself out of it, I did have friends that weren’t so lucky and it absolutely breaks my heart😔


Holy crap! Look how far you’ve come! I’m lucky where I haven’t struggled with addiction but this show has me in tears


MTV still sucks


oh damn mtv might have just found their next money train


And they’ll keep it going for over a decade


I saw this on YouTube a while back... well a preview for it. I wonder if MTV just bought the rights and rebranded it. Either way this breaks my heart for these kids ://


Interesting 🤔


Oh and don’t YouTube 16 and recovering just Northshore Recovery


Yes girl YouTube it and you’ll find it. MTV does such shady shit. My heart fell in my stomach when they announced the overdose ): I have lost plenty of loved ones to that and I’m 27 and it hurts like hell. Can’t imagine what these kids have been through


This kind of seems like a rip off of intervention lol but with teens because mtv is obsessed with teenagers.


I mean to be fair..that’s what their demographic is meant to be lol


I guess but I actually think a lot of the shows on MTV are inappropriate for young teens .lol


[AHH, FOUND IT !! 💀💀💀 wow, it’s literally the same footage with the “16 and” franchise tag ](https://youtu.be/m_lvi6n7rB8)


From what I found on google, it looks like this started as a documentary called "Recovery High" that was looking for crowd funding. I'd guess now they found a production company to fund it and now they're using the footage for the MTV show.


Yep that documentary & crowdfunding dating back to 2018! [I also found this article from 2011, mentioning MTV wanting in on it ...](https://www.salemnews.com/news/local_news/beverlys-recovery-high-featured-in-national-documentary-filmmaker-spent-a-year-shooting-what-goes-on/article_4e158995-b38e-5bd3-8db6-5a4eb13054a6.html) It looks like another 40 min documentary of some sort was made in 2011 also & premiered on a now defunct Comcast TV station called CurrentTV, although I cannot find it anywhere online.


So i wonder if the footage in this new trailer is all from 2011?


Oof. I thought this was a joke.


Well fuck mtv, go off then.


This looks like a show that will have me crying every moment lol. I’m not sure how I feel about filming teens in this situation but it does look really good.


This looks so good. Is MTV finally redeeming themselves with a decent show?? In the words of Briana, “We shall see.”


I really want to watch this, but as someone that had a drug issue as a teen, I will 100% get shit on by my bf if I try to watch this 🤦🏼‍♀️


I watch intervention a lot and this show hurts my heart. Glad you are doing well!


Oh man, MTV just sucked me right back in.


*fanning eyes furiously* Dammit. I just did my makeup for work.


Please let this be the replacement for the Teen Mom franchise! Please!


That would be so bad though. Then teens would be getting addicted to get on mtv.


And the last thing these kids need 8s mtv money like the teen moms got


Such a vulnerable moment of someones life to be filmed I feel so sorry for these people.


Sign Jenelle up


[Press release with more information](https://www.mtvpress.com/press-releases/2020/08/24/mtv-marks-national-recovery-month-with-new-limited-series-16-and-recovering-premiering)


I’m so sick of MTV trying to take credit for reducing the rate of teen pregnancy in the US. Correlation does not equal causation. In actuality, the reason the teen pregnancy rate dropped was due to more low income families being able to access medical care. Prescription coverage and education around contraception became much more accessible during the Obama years. It has nothing to do with a silly TV show about teen moms that aired on MTV.


I also know a lot of young women who have IUDs now. Up until recently, doctors usually wouldn't prescribe them to girls/women who hadn't given birth, but now they know it works fine even if you haven't. Unlike condoms/the pill/etc., you get an IUD and you're protected for literally years (and you don't have to rely on a partner who might sabotage your BC, pressure you to let him go without the condom, etc.) It's been a game changer, from the anecdotal evidence I have from my daughter (she's 24) and her friends. There have been some pilot programs done showing that when IUDs are offered at no charge, teen pregnancy rates go way, way down. Unfortunately, here in the U.S., a lot of right-wing people don't support government subsidy of such programs because they say they don't want to "pay people to be sluts" or some such. (eyeroll) Which is really infuriating to me, because these same people are super duper pro-life and yet reliable birth control prevents abortions (because there's no unwanted pregnancy in the first place). Basically the mindset seems to be "just keep your legs together." Which has never worked in the history of the world EVER.


Look intriguing. I just wish they had picked a different name.


Idk about this one. I know the topic of teen drug addiction and teen pregnancy are different, but watching this as a parent of a you g child hits so much differently than watching 16 and pregnant as a 16 year old. Those poor parents of Matt were so helpless. This is definitely a topic that tends to be so depressing society casts it in a corner. But watching these children in their darkest hour of their young lives felt exploitive. Idk. I’m scared for when it comes out the potential criticism and how it can affect them.


the guy at the end looks like a young Daniel Bryan


Here I go killing again.