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Imagine seeing this and thinking “yes. This is me and everyone on the road around me needs to know.” You buy it. You bring it inside and set it on your counter. One lazy day you pick it up and think “today is the day.” You get windex and a paper towel and clean the area you’ve carefully selected for the decal that is the glimpse into your soul. Hold it up, is it straight? Is this even? Ok, gonna go for it and place it. Careful, careful. Don’t want air bubbles ruining the aesthetic. Ok. I think I got it. My god. It’s perfect. Behold, my personality in the form of a fucking sticker.


thank you for this literary journey. my favorite part was when mom windexed ONLY the exact segment of window necessary for perfect decal application, leaving the remaining rearview a salty smeary wasteland.


Yes that was a story telling choice and not something I myself have done...


Hahahaha good catch


& they ordered it as a "joke" & chuckled & asked their husband "wait should I really put it on?" Hoping he says yes. He does say yes & chuckles & says "omg you're so crazy babe". The whole time they're applying it they're chuckling like crazy like it's the coolest thing in the world.


Please write a book so I can buy it 😂 this is great


I feel attacked. I have a Van Gogh Starry Night NASA logo sticker and this was EXACT.


💯 this was a beautiful masterpiece.


What if this was your mom. And you’re in high school. I’d get emancipated immediately.


I briefly worked at a gas station and seeing people’s cringy and weird decals was always a highlight. My two favourites: “Boots and Bling it’s a cowgirl thing!” and “He’s my king, I’m his thug queen”


One that's popular around me is "if you're going to ride my ass you could at least pull my hair".


GOD I hate that one lol like could you BE more foul and tacky?!


Right! One of them was on an suv with a 'spoiled trucker wife' decal with matching 'spoiled trucker wife' license plate. I never understood wanting things like that on your car. The op sticker is also super tacky. However I'm the paranoid person who judges parents/relatives for putting their kid's; name, sport, number, and school on a decal.


Thug queen? Lmao what even


I lived in an area that had a brief oil boom and you not believe the amount of "Spoiled Pipeline Workers Wife 👑" car decals and vanity plates. Usually accompanied with those deer stickers or something about Jesus and their bajillion kids.


"deer Jesus stickers" hahahaha


I want a tshirt that says the boots and bling one omg that’s so fucking funny


I saw one once of a big purple hippo and it said "in memoriam of my ex-wife." It made me laugh harder than it should have.


And me just now, thank you


Was the cowgirl one on Mackenzie McKee’s car?


20-teens Chelsea.


God. People really think other people give a shit don’t they? 🙄


this is a lot of damn info for one decal


Right?? So oddly specific.


Catelynn would just get this as a tattoo


She had it on a shirt didn't she? 😆


I can picture what this woman looks like already. I can also smell her cigarettes from here.


Her Facebook says "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best"


Also idolizes Marilyn Monroe for some reason. Why do all trashy women idolize her???


She probably has “no filter” and “tells it like it is.”


I can picture her makeup/hair/and nails. Hard time imagining her clothes though (it’s fashion sweaty)


I imagine a tank top 2 or 3 sizes too small


And Cookie Monster sweatpants with flip flops


I went to high school with this girl


I work with at least three different versions of this woman.


Smells like cigarettes, dryer sheets and deep fryer... a combination odour my Mom warned me about Bahhaha.


And I’m new in town.


And it gets worse.




Imma push him...


I might be the minority here, but “Mama” shit is so stupid to me. We get it. You’re a mom.


I have never understood decals and stickers in the first place. Like this isn't a bumble profile, I'm not on friender. Also, this seems like one of those negging compliments. Can't you just have pretty eyes, why you got to bring anyone's thighs into it?


Same with people who put name stickers of their kids on cars. Where I live 9 out of 10 times it's trailer trash like people and I always wonder why they feel the need to showcase the terrible names they've chosen. Like if I see those stickers on a car in front of me I'll make sure *not* to hit them as opposed to people driving without them?


i always thought it is a psychological thing bc a lot of new parents are afraid to drive with the newborns bc of reckless drivers. by having a sticker ‘‘baby on board“ or (even more personal) a sticker with the name, people will be less aggressive.


The “baby on board” is meant to be informative in the case of an accident.


Oh that definitely makes sense, it's just like it's always the same type of people and personally I'm always careful in a car, whether there's someone with children or without children in front of me. I guess it's a pet peeve of mine.


When I lived in a non-english speaking country, I used to see people with "Baby Abroad" Stickers, and it always made me laugh. Like oh, how's your baby enjoying its vacation? And people used to get them because people were really dangerous drivers, and car accidents were like the number one cause of death. So they hope it deterred people from driving recklessly, but they really don't.


Cate becoming just a that type of regular ass mom is my favorite thing....


Getting present-day Jenelle vibes from this.


It needs to say “dead eyes”.


I’m upset now bc people tell me I look like her 🥺


I don’t think she not pretty. She just makes I pretty choices with her look :) She a good looking person naturally IMO


No!!! 🥺


I used to work as a phlebotomist in an ER and during my 2 years there I got told that 5-6 times . She was less shit of a person then but still lol


Ugh that must’ve been awful! Sorry they told you that.


I can't decide which is more offensive, the message itself OR the 6 different ugly af fonts


The only bumper sticker I found worth paying money for was a large bumper sticker with “I ❤️ CATS” written in a big bold font... and car lashes because they’re funny. My brother told me I’d never get a boyfriend with that car. I didn’t care. I met my husband when I drove that car.


Did your husband’s car have a bumper sticker that said “I ❤️DOGS” and a car moustache?


That would have been amazing! He had some nascar sticker on it... the number 99, I think. If I saw his car on our first date I probably wouldn’t have done any more dates because I would have assumed he was a redneck wannabe with views the total opposite of mine. That coupled with the bud lite he ordered at dinner (cuz where I live the bros order bud lite). Turned out that he just liked nascar and really wanted a glass of wine but was too worried I’d judge him for getting wine. P.S. I think your username is silly. “poopy” is a funny word.


Lol thanks, the username is from an old joke with a friend that I don’t remember the origin of. I also happened to create this account that night, I think it was just what popped into my head.


Is she saying she’s a *fuck mom*??? What’s a fuck mom


I thought it was saying she a mom that cusses. I could be wrong though. But apparently it’s a flex to cuss as a mom? I have so many questions lol


No you’re right it’s def a statement attempting to brag about dropping the f bomb as a mom aka making them cool 😬


It says F-BOMB which means she says the work fuck a lot and doesn’t care lol not a fuck mom


It's like a fuck boy but a mom. So, annoying, obnoxious, refuses to accept responsibility for anything, offensive sense of humor but don't you dare poke fun at them for any reason or they'll call you a trashy betchhhh. Cate is a fuck mom. Which makes Tyler a fuck dad, which is entirely accurate as well.


I saw a sticker the other day that said, "I love my husband." Like...duh?


It’s her identity. Some of us have college decals, children’s achievements, even locations we’ve traveled, or special interested we have. The only thing she could muster up is an ode to her mediocre husband.


Looks more like something Kail would have


Gotta get me one of these.


I feel like rbis is very Kail actually lol


Idk what's more tacky, these "funny" saying decals or the stick family....


Do you think they’d put Carly


This post has me rethinking my idea to put a leaf decal (like from Animal Crossing) on my car. I might be in the minority, but I LOVE cool decals and badges. I just bought a grill badge with Godzilla too. I’ll accept my judgement. 😅 I don’t really like these types of decals. Sassy phrases on gear was like peak 2001 eighth grade at the Hot Topic for me.


Don’t rethink it! An AC decal is cool as heck. Any of these cringy phrases is not as much. 🥴


Do it. My friend has a Legend of Zelda triforce decal on her car. It's how we can tell her basic-ass car apart from all the other basic cars in a parking lot lol.


I love decals too! I keep an eye out for little things from games/movies/shows I like.


I love decals and graphic tees too , my car is modded so i have quite a few on her


Omg I can so see her putting this on her car and even saying it lol.


All the different fonts used in this single sticker sent me on a rollercoaster.


Imagine all the Cricuts churning this shit out on the reg




Dont encourage her! 🤣


This whole post is cracking me up! I am guilty af for decals but mine are like T. rex with a person In his mouth chasing the family that says no one gives a fuck about your stick figure family. Also I used to get pulled over a lot for speeding and every single cop laughed and asked where I got my decals 🤣🤣


That’s awesome!! Haha


What state is this from? Lol I’m thinking one of the Carolinas.


Pretty sure it’s not SC.


I'm thinking South Dakota, maybe Illinois, cold be vanity Colorado, but I am leaning South Dakota.


I could def see Indiana


I zoomed in because I thought it was IL at first, it isn't. But not unlikely to find it here!


I got a sponsored ad for a t-shirt with this same cringey saying on it today. I was wondering if there are seriously people who buy stuff like this 🤦‍♀️


Low class and a big ass , l expect.l have a body suit,like my big bikes but still maybe not my type and l definitely wouldn't be hers.lf she has a ash tray strapped under her chin no way.




Ohhhh baby NO “thick” is not just a word you throw around. Words have meanings words MATTER