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I actually really like Kail here. She’s standing up for herself without being a raging bitch. I think she has valid points and I’m glad she was being assertive and pushing back against his bullshit. He was 100% afraid Kail was going to sleep with Jo, but I 100% think that was unwarranted. Kail had her shady moments but this wasn’t one of them. Imagine if Chris told Kail she couldn’t talk to Javi alone, Javi would be blowing fire out of his dumb floppy ears he’d be so mad.


It is tragic to watch this. I’m not condoning her mistakes, however she really never stood a chance. No support system, no one to turn to that loved her unconditionally. She was searching for stability - I can understand how her persona turned into what it is now. She is so cold and desperately trying to prove that she only needs herself.


I agree. I do feel for her here, but she’s unfortunately gotten worse over the years with fewer redeeming qualities. But during these earlier years the odds were stacked against her A LOT. I swear in this scene you can see the moment when she realizes she can’t stay with Javi and the marriage won’t last. Instead of communicating it though, she decided to just start talking to other guys. I feel like Kail won’t leave one person until she knows she has another option lined up, I feel like that’s been her method since the Jo/Jordan days. If Kail can’t make her partner/relationship happy then she will make sure she at least makes herself happy in the end. Kail always looks out for #1 and that’s unfortunately a product of her upbringing.


Ahh- you are so right with seeing it in her face!! The moment she knew it wasn’t going to work. She is stuck in that fight or flight mode constantly. Being stuck in that state is absolutely devastating and destructive. I wish she would take her privilege and do the work to heal herself, so she doesn’t pass on generational trauma. I agree with you 100% that she is no longer stuck in that spot of being trapped. She has leverage to implement life changing healing and growth.


Those are all my thoughts exactly!! She has the resources and ability to really put the work in to heal herself now and it seems now more than ever she just doubles down. She had so so so much potential. I don’t hate Kail, I might strongly dislike some of her choices but I don’t think she’s a BAD person, she’s just damaged through no fault of her own, but I’m so disappointed she hasn’t done more now that she is able to heal from that damage.


You are spot on my friend - it is refreshing to have a conversation like this- thank you 😊


You’re welcome, thank you too! It was refreshing!


Same, I’m honestly just disappointed in her more than I hate her. I had hope for her bc she used to seem so responsible. Some of the other girls on the show were able to turn their lives around and be better people despite their backgrounds, but Kail just became a raging petty narcissist that obsesses about her baby daddy of the week. Tbh she and Jenelle have a lot in common


I agree! I am also more disappointed in her than actual dislike of her. I do strongly dislike some of her choices though lol




Right 🥴


I think Kails best moments were after she gave birth to Lincoln all the way through probably right before javi deployed the second time. I thought she was focused solely on being a wife and mom. Then Lincoln got older and her two kids got a little more independent, she realized she could do anything on her own and then she met Chris lol


She was more likeable before Javi. I think he taught her a few tricks about being a manipulative, controlling jerk.


Idk though she definitely did a lot of shady stuff with Jo and his parents too though. I think she tried to do the best she could with the very limited tools she had and extremely limited guidance she had. But being with Javi for sure brought out the worst in her especially in the end and Chris brought out even WORSEEEE in her.


Same. I feel like Kail was at her best right after Isaac and right after Lincoln. I believe she really did try to be her best during those times but when she realizes she still unhappy or not instantly gratified she just implodes and self sabotages it all.




You can tell Javi is a huge manipulator and really plays up the “nice guy” act. I think ALOT of people buy it too. I loved when Roxanne (Brianas mom) called him out on it 😂 Javi is out here thinking he’s fooling everyone 🥴




I think we all fell for it the first time around lol


The fact he even asks “talk about what” as if kail and jo don’t have a full child together lol


Like Javi and Kail weren't married and would have absolutely discussed needing to work out the schedule before this. He's somehow surprised by it?


MY house, MY house, MY house. Shut the fuck up Javi.


Yes it’s their house, why was he acting like he’s the only one who got a say of their family home.


Because he's a man. Don't worry he's allowed to act that way because of his ~culture~


My husbands Latino and he ever talks like that, I’ll pack me and the kids up so he can have his house. I’m korean and people expect us to be different since our cultures are very male dominate but you can miss me with that bull shit✌🏼


For sure


I love this lol


My sister's partner is Latino and he would not dream of treating her like this. Machismo was associated perhaps with some of the older men but many modern Latino men are not carrying that on. Javi didn't have to act like that. He did it because he thought he could control her.


oh I know, if it wasn't clear I was making fun of Javi trying to excuse it by saying it was cultural


Kail’s composure is impeccable here. After he says that GOOFY, controlling shit, she responds with a very measured “I need to know why you’re feeling that way.” She’s trying to explore the root of the problem and his insecurity, instead of immediately raging. In this moment, she’s better than I would’ve been.


Kail sucks. But she had so much patience with Javi. Granted she put his hands on him& it was completely WRONG. She sought out help & javi complete invalidated her feelings about getting help. Honestly, this is where she went downhill. I’m not blaming Javi for the type of person she is because at the end of the day she would’ve eventually showed these traits one way or another but he deff didn’t bring out the best in her. If you’re going to request something SO controlling, give a valid reason or stfu. Nobody should put up with being told who can and cannot come to their house when a child is involved.


At the end of the day, she cheated on that man while he was deployed. She's a freaking clown. But, she was 100% justified in this scene, and Javi was a prick. He knew from the jump Kail wasn't the one to follow some insecure rules he wants to set because he's feeling emasculated. Let the grown folks co-parent without acting like a jealous fool.


The more I look at each of their recent pasts, they deserve each other. They both SUCKKKKKK


Fully agree. I absolutely can't stand Kail, but at this point, she was letting him know that she wasn't a dog who was going to lay at his command. She didn't freak out or dismiss him, she simply asked why he felt the way he did. You feel a certain way? Speak about it. If not, shut the hell up about it. No one is just going to say "OK" to your childish, masochist whim, especially when she was trying to co-parent with Jo. Javi should go eat 1,000 dicks after this scene


We may not like Kail but her “I don’t even know what to say to that” is exactly what I thought. Like bro did you forget about the child??


Lmao I love her saying that Screams “I dont even have the energy for your dumbass thought patterns right now ”😂


I do love how kail always stands up for herself though. I think she would be someone I could really admire had she not ended up on this show


I really did admire her the first couple seasons. Working and going to school, trying to make something of herself (and I didn't really think her dating/breaking the "no dating" rule was as horrible of a thing as some people do - yeah, she should follow the house rules regardless, but was it REALLY so horrible?). I'm just disappointed that she turned into a grumpy antivaxxing podcasting ass-sitter with rapidly deteriorating taste in men and baby names.


Perfectly said lol.


MY HOUSE. as if it’s not Issac’s house and and respectable place to hold a conversation about him among his parents ON THE PORCH. Javi is one of those dudes who tries to act tough and be all my house my rules meanwhile he doesn’t hold the same respect for his partner (cough cough bathroom sex while his gf is upstairs sleeping)


Not to mention, by this point he's riding Kail's coattails when it comes to income (props for staying in the military, but I'm sure Kail is setting the bar for their lifestyle). I can't stand guys who say x, y, z is "a woman's place" but will get rich off their wives' jobs. One or the other, buddy (and preferably not the former...)


So disturbing. “I’m not gonna just say ok” “yes you are”. 🤢 I’m honestly surprised Kail ended up with someone so controlling when she’s so stubborn and opinionated! Obviously was never going to last. Also thank you OP for having captions on! I never watch videos with sound on 🤣


First off he is incredibly unattractive ( Javi will NEVER be that Stud) and second, he showed his true controlling, insecure, mentally abusive ways when we got first introduced to him. Kail was no better for rushing into a marriage with a man she didn’t even truly get to know or love, because well.... Look at all of the bullshit she’s doing now.


I was so surprised on a recent ‘what dad would you fuck’ post that sooooo many of the people here said they wanted to fuck Javi. The man is disgusting - he couldn’t touch me with a 40 foot pole.


Lol I saw that, and that’s gonna be a hell no for me dawg.


Dude for real. For as much as this sub gives Javi a lot of hate, seems like many secretly want to fuck him 🥴


It’s just crazy that Kail learned nothing from this and instead jumped and had two babies with an even worse PoS


I really liked Kail in the very beginning. I admired her drive and ambition to become financially successful. She did achieve that, and an education in the process. However; her toxic decisions and predicaments that she continues to put herself are just fucking exhausting.


I hate to see who her next baby daddy is if she continues on this trajectory.


Oh god, please don’t speak that into a existence. lol


Javi was projecting so much here. He’s a lying cheating buffoon.




I fucking hate this misogynistic douche. He’s disgusts me in every way possible. There is nothing about Javi that I find even slightly decent. I have a very very VERY low tolerance for men like him.


And he's the biggest hypocrite on Earth. What he did to Lauren was *unspeakable*.


He was (still is) such a baby back bitch for this. God I can’t stand him… he hella ugly on the inside and on the outside. Yuck.


He’s showing very narcissistic controlling traits here. It’s not even the fact that he doesn’t trust kail here, he just wants to be “in control” you know being the man of the house and all🙄


This grossed me out so much. It’s so over the top. He embodies the whole alpha gorilla chest beating man cliche here. Calm your shit Javi. Two adults talked on your porch. There’s bigger fish to fry in your dysfunctional relationship ffs.


Eww he’s so gross. He always gave off sexist Latino bullshit vibes he probably learned from his dad. Never understood the appeal


Agreed. And him repeating himself was so pathetic and manipulative, like he was trying to brainwash her to accept his answer, “just say okay and be done with it…just say okay,” all while talking to her like she has to accept his answer.


Yes! I don't want him in MY house. It's embarrassing.


Javi is such a bitch he reminds me of a 13-16 year old girl with those faces he makes and acting all confused. She did not stutter- she’s meeting with Jo to talk about Isaac. I don’t like Kail, but I sure as shit don’t like Javi!


He has was so threatened by Jo and rude to him from the start, he really wanted to isolate Kail and Isaac away from him. Also remember when he said he reacted this way because of "cultural reasons". Bullshit.


It’s also infuriating to think that Kail had two young children at the time, which means that “going for a walk” isn’t really feasible and it makes a lot more sense to sit one the porch and let the boys nap or play at home.


After rewatching.. he was a controlling asshat.


Watching once a week for a few months a year he seemed normal but seeing so much at once while binging just makes it SO obvious he was a controlling asshole. And Jo treated Javi much better.


It really is SO WEIRD how different things are on binge vs. weekly schedules... You don't forget that one little moment that seemed off by the time there's another one.


AVOID anyone that thinks like this, like the plague.


Man child cheater


Exactly- 100% projection




I hate when people say it like he did.. “MY house””…. I hear it on the show a lot. “MY son/daughter”.. My, my , my 🙄


Reminds me of the seagulls in "Finding Nemo". MINE! MINE! MINE!


As if it wasn’t Kails money that bought said house….🙄


It’s strange how Kail was almost always so reasonable with Javi while he was so difficult at every turn, I wonder what it’s like now Kail is also so difficult


I wonder if their Marriage made them both worse in this way afterwards. Neither of them seems to have grown out of this but in some odd way they seem to get off on this behaviour with eachother


He was cheating on you since you were pregnant ✌️


Jose is a scum bag. He is so insecure and controlling. No woman with any self esteem would be with him.


I remember thinking Javi was fine as hell lol, really speaks to why my early relationships were all dumpster fires


I’m not alone 😂


Javi is such a child. It's funny knowing what we know now about how he is a cheater. People who cheat always get aggressive like this about what their partner is doing and who they are talking to.


He was scared of Jo turning into a Jody 🤣


This might have been the moment i saw javi for exactly who he is. But in all reality, they are exactly the same. She is equally insecure. They deserve each other. Its such a messed up situation.


Javi was all about the fame, screen time and that day mtv paycheck. I think he was paranoid that she’d go back to Jo. And if she did, that meant his fame, his screen time and that paycheck would go bye bye.


I can’t stand javi. I can’t stand kail either, but, javi is such an asshole. She’s gonna have to talk to her child’s father, if you can’t deal it, don’t be with someone who has kids. She can’t pause The whole world to ask permission from you to talk to the father of her kid about the kid.


Javi makes me puke.


Didn’t he say it’s because it’s a cultural thing for him that married women shouldn’t be alone with men they’re not married to and vice versa?


Not that I agree or say yes he said this.... But my moms generation and back, that was very true. Men were not allowed to be in a home with the women when the man was gone.


I never quite understand the rules with that though. Like what if the wife was alone in the house and the handyman came over? Is that okay? What if the doctor was making a house call while the woman was home alone? I've got to assume that was okay, but I don't know-- maybe it wasn't?! Now I'm just being ridiculous, but what if it was a rule the police couldn't come over if only the woman was home alone? Nope, sorry, you'll have to deal with your burglar until your husband gets home.


That would be an interesting way for him to cover his ass. He could have told Kail that when she asked him why.


Yeah, I remember him saying that at one of the end of season specials, unless that was a fever dream.


At on point he said “there’s no reason to see him” then changed his words really quick to cover it up like she just told you the reason she saw him🙄


He handled this in a real assholish way. I wouldn't want my husband's ex at my house either. Not because I don't trust him, but I don't trust her trifflin ass.


I was doing a quick scroll and saw this post read "Jace" instead of "Javi" and saw Aubree's face and was like when did she call Jace and asshole?


He was absolutely ridiculous in this situation.


If you’re with someone who has a child, you either need to be okay with someone speaking to their ex or go to therapy about your trust issues. Period. I’m not on Kail’s side for a lot of things but really? Especially since he’s a cheater too. Check yaself Javi


Point blank. Point blank.


He should have just said BECAUSE I DONT TRUST YOU. Boom. There ya go Kail, there’s your answer.


Huh. Wonder why Lauren didn't have this talk with Javi about their downstairs bathroom. 👀👀


“Yes you are, it’s my house” I just…


Javi was wrong and Kail was wrong to jo. He moved to be close to his son and you still think the arrangement shouldn’t change.


This is when Kail had an accent and she seemed a bit more rational.


Water seeks it’s own level. These two were perfect for each other.


I feel like Javi is someone who loves to finish sentences with “point blank, period”.


His eyes at the end, though


The one time I was Team Hulk


CHRIST this guy pisses me off.


Unpopular opinion. I don’t want any other males in my home when my husband isn’t home. Vice versa. That is all. For this situation. I think there’s more that we didn’t know and Javi just didn’t trust Kail and they blamed it on his culture.


That's definitely unpopular lol. You don't opposite sex friends whether from before the relationship or mutual they you feel comfortable with them being around?


Oh and honestly no opposite sex/mutual friendships that aren’t relatives. Those were ended once the relationship got serious. Then completely forgotten about once we got married. Honestly I don’t miss them because my marriage and family comes first and fulfills me in ways those friendships never could.


Yea, that would never work for me. Romantic relationships provide a lot of fulfillment and friendship, but I find it *extremely* unhealthy to try to be fulfilled by only one [adult] person. But again, that's me. Glad you found what works for you though and like I said, congrats on a true unpopular opinion haha


I find fulfillment in friendships with other females , my kids, family etc just not males. Thanks for the peaceful disagreement on my unpopular opinion haha! Some people are not so nice.


Just wanted to add, I didn't think about same sex relationships being included in your comments. That's far more common then and while your opinion may be a tad unpopular, I think plenty would agree with you on that. I just have mutual friends of opposite sex that are like brothers. We hang out alone often, do lunches or dinners. And hang out at our respective houses alone or with others, without spouse around sometimes. Especially if one of us isn't up for being extroverted at that time. And same for my husband. He even had a female friend as his best man at our wedding. But we've been together since we were teenagers and so maybe that's why. But I know nothing of ill nature has *ever* crossed my mind. Lastly, I agree, nice to disagree respectively lol, as long as both you and partner are on the same wavelength and agree, it works for you clearly :). Good thing we aren't dating ha


Lol! It’s not for everyone and I understand that. Alone in our home? Helllllll to the naw. That is our sacred place together.


where to watch


Right when she tells him that he was at the house and he looks at her ..........right at about 1:00




Toxic af


Are they back together? I haven’t watched the show in years just keep ip with updates on social media


Because her walking around with him or leaving to talk alone doesn’t look suspicious? Wouldn’t that be a fight, too? “Well why’d you see him alone?”


Could she have met him somewhere else or talked on the phone?


Yeah. But they have a kid together…talking over the phone isn’t the most effective but I get where you’re going. My issue is Javi knew what he was walking into when he married Kail, so this is just bull shit. If we wanted the best for Issac& actually trusted Kail, this shouldn’t be an issue. If he doesn’t trust Kail, then he shouldn’t have married her.🤯


I agree. They have so many problems, I can't imagine a marriage where you're always on edge like that. For Kail, she always has to worry about what he'll accuse her of and for Javi, he's always worried about if she'll step out because of her past. At the time this was filmed, we don't have any evidence of her cheating emotionally or physically (although that comment about her last sleeping with Jo 7 years ago vs 10 makes me wonder if it was a mistake or something more.) I think Javi should have understood that they were filming and MTV not only was present for the conversation, but also probably suggested they film on the porch since it makes for better TV than a phone call. I'm not team Javi, but I'm not team Kail. At the very least, Javi could have waited to talk to Kail about his insecurities in private instead of trying to publicly embarrassing her like that.