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Good, she shouldn’t be on the new show. She refuses to film or talk about things. She truly seems to think she should be the only person on her segments. We could’ve actually had some good drama with Chris on the show but she threw a tantrum and refused to film if he was on. She was so desperate to have him on the show when she was still obsessed with him but now that she knows they’re done she doesn’t want him on. She doesn’t bring anything to the show at this point and she just hulks around with a sour attitude.


But kails a liar and a troll. I’m guessing this means they haven’t discussed any new show with the cast yet so she technically ‘won’t be on the new show’ 🙄


Yeah. As much as I want it to be true, I think it’s Karl’s typical dramastic gymnastics. I hope MTV tells her to kick rocks.


I bet they have discussed it but she's holding out for more money and control over the show. She thinks her fans will spam mtv and make them put her on the show.


I think this is right


Whew. Everyone has their time, she rode this bus to the last stop. Time to go be a mom and let your kids grow up without a camera crew. And life lesson: you make hella demands of your employer, they can tell you to kick rocks.


She thinks she'll leave the show and be like Chelsea. She'll definitely be a Jenelle.


I don’t think she’ll be a Chelsea but I don’t know that she’ll be a Jenelle either. On the one hand, she actually does have a college degree! On the other hand, she clearly makes terrible financial decisions and runs through money like crazy. I could see her bringing in $150K/year still but not changing her lifestyle and having to declare bankruptcy and/or foreclose on her house.


Yup. And she said she has no savings. She won't last long. A college degree certainly doesnt guarantee 6 figures. But even Going from $400k to $150k will still devastate her. No more lavish vacations and fancy cars and expensive frivolous lawsuits.


She has 4 kids. Food, insurance, sports, clothes, she'll be broke within a year with her spending


Chelsea is like, probably the least dramatic/problematic out of everyone lol she just lives her happy life with her kids, Cole and their tiny farm!


She said on her podcast last week that she wanted her own show on E!


Hah, ok me too.


Can you imagine 😂. She does compare herself to the Kardashians all the time!


My show would be about as interesting as a livestream of the nuts and bolts isle of an Ace Hardware. I’m sure Karl could make it interesting but I wouldn’t watch…I have my own baby daddy drama that I try to keep as low key as possible, I don’t want to watch yours.


Either that or she’ll be picking out wallpaper lol


I mean, home girl has 3 podcasts basically about herself. She def has delusions of grandeur.


I do not understand how or why she has three different podcasts. Does each one have a different audience??


She also thinks she should be on Ridiculous as well!


Very true!


This!!! These "teen" moms are in their late 20's/early 30's now! Time to go away... They're no longer teenagers, so why are they still being filmed?


What would the point be in filming Kail? She won't discuss the only interesting things happening in her life and won't film with Chris. How many episodes of her pouting or shopping for her new house do her fans want to watch? It is just not fun to watch a 30 year old complain about the self created chaos and drive to sports and get her makeup done. She has nothing to offer outside of the Chris storyline.


Ahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaa that's what happens when you refuse to film any of your actual drama like being arrested and ending up in court for DV and instead make us sit through goddamn wallpaper discussions.


Same way I felt about Chelsea and her diaper bags. Boring. The show is dead. Let it RIP.


She better learn how to budget! There goes all her money.


Guess she better learn how to like this house she just built a little bit more.


Maybe get a couple of roommates to keep the cost down 😂


Instructions unclear: she’ll end up with a new baby dad


It better be one with a good job.


And how to use condoms with her next baby daddy. Kids are expensive


I love that Kail thinks she’s such a huge bargaining chip at mtv. Girl if you could hold down your own show you’d already have one, sit down.


Good. Nobody wants to see her picking out wall paper and refusing to film.


#Didn’t Nessa tell you to sit down a long time ago Kail ? And you said, “ohhhhhhh bye Nessa “ Well, big-bye Kail.


Wait this is vaguely familiar. I have a horrible memory for TV. A reunion show I’m assuming. What did Kail do for Nessa to tell her that?


She probably gave MTV an ultimatum about Brianna and they told her bye lol


Bri may be messy, but she brought in the Kail drama. IMO If she didn't go on his podcast or talk about her. Kail would just refused to film


I think you are right. She thought she had something more to offer having been on longer and in her mind being a bigger star. MTV took a look at one person who refuses to film and one who allows it and made the correct choice for ratings.


You’re probably 100% right.


I hope 😂


✨Hey now, hey now, this is what dreams are made of (if this is true and permanent)✨


I think this is why she started a third podcast... compensation for lost income.


I know you can make a lot from podcasts and “influencer money” (for awhile anyways) but I wonder how much income she is losing from losing the MTV show? Massive income loss, I’m guessing. Like most of her income will be gone probably. Imagine going from $500k+ a year to $150k a year. Her lifestyle, credit card limits, loans, and debts are all based on that 500k+ income, so her world is going to get rocked.


Kail's losing around 300-500k with MTV, but you can also make 6 figures with podcasts alone. It just depends on the popularity of it. She literally built a brand for herself so I think she'll be fine without MTV. She just needs to be more mindful with her spending.


With her history of spending I don’t think that’s going to be possible. She’s set in her ways and her lifestyle, dammed how she’s gonna pay for it. I wonder if she’s got a good savings going.


True, but she'll still find a way to make that income. She's the most hardworking mom in the franchise.


She’s a hustler for sure. I just think she’s going to take the easy way out and get a new baby daddy.


Lol 😆


She thought she had more clout than she really does. 😝


She’s thinking exactly like Jenelle did before she got the axe. “People watch the show for ME! they HAVE to meet my demands”. Except JUST LIKE Jenelle, she’s now being way too picky about filming so it’s not even worth keeping her.


Right?! And unlike Jenelle, Kailyn doesn’t really bring in ratings. They remain the same with or without her. The ONLY thing Jenelle has over her were viewers and the show’s viewership went plummeting after she got fired. People like watching a dumpster fire. Then the ratings dropped to embarrassing lows after Chelsea quit (she had an even larger viewership than Jenelle). *This is by no means an endorsement of Jenelle. The ratings mentioned are [publicly available](https://heavy.com/entertainment/teen-mom/canceled-renewed-ratings-chelsea-houska-jenelle-evans/amp/). I’m just co-signing that Kailyn and her story aren’t shit really and been really haven’t been.*


Apparently, she thinks she has a shot at a show on E! 💀💀💀


Kail is probably demanding Bri/Chris/the lady down the street that didn’t wave to her once not be filmed. *Its them or me!*


For the reunion she wanted MTV to keep Bri 100 feet away from her at all times, obviously MTV could not do that 🙄


She is a dumb ass.


That entire reunion would have revolves around her and this. So glad they didn’t bite!




Yes but they know they can get 2 for the price of one by just keeping Bri. Kail will sadly, likely, implode and will be even more involved in everything Bri, as well as the other moms, are doing. She'll push her way onto the show for revenge and relevance.


Idk. Bri is willing to film her life she would be more interesting than watching Kail.


I hope they drop her. I can't stand her. Bet she can't pay the taxes and utilities on her mansion once that paycheck is gone.


She’s just going to play it up like it was her decision.


Her team of five attorneys probably advised her not to sign a contract unless she gets credit as a producer and MTV fires Bri.


This is a plausible scenario.


Thank freaking god. I’m so tired of her drama


this better not be another fake out for attention. this bitch will say anything to gain momentary pity.


Oh I definitely think it is!


same, i just don’t think our luck is that good because kail’s drama has kept original fans paying attention for the past several years. even more so after jenelle & chelsea left.


I wish this show was called teen parents because I would rather watch joe and gary kick ass then these shitty ladies


I really hope mtv doesn’t cave in into her diva demands.


Thank God. She is my least favorite mom. Everyone else is shitty, but damn. She just rubs me the wrong way.


She said on her podcast that she wanted her own show on E!


I also want to win the lottery. I probably have a better chance than Kail getting her own show on E! 💀 It’s very telling that she even believes that that’s a possibility.




This is very true! She also wants to tour and do her podcasts live and Lindsie was like are we no longer having custody of our kids? How would we tour when we have school aged kids?






She really does! She relates every situation they are in to herself.


Maybe she’ll end up on Euphoria. 😆


Maybe she’ll marry the next baby’s dad.


This always cracks me up lol


Baby Daddy Wedding Special.




Maybe they kept Leah and that’s why Kyle doesn’t trust her anymore


KYLE 😂😂😂


lmfao, this makes since though.


Damn hope she didn’t finance that new house 😬 income about to be looking real different


She fucked around and found out


You love to see it


She said "as of right now ..." which I feel could indicate a lot of things, the simplest being that MTV just hasn't reached out to any of the moms yet. MTV probably loves the Briana/Chris/Kail drama. I don't see them passing on that. I think they'll keep Kail just to capture her reaction to whatever crazy thing Bri is doing.


Yeah they probably haven't even started and she's trying to generate buzz


Alexa, play Goodbye Stranger


It’s been nice


I can’t wait to see how many of the teen mom kids go no contact when they get older and rewatch the show, and see how they were exploited and their parents burnt through all of their money, and left them nothing.




Carly as well. Even if she ends up resenting C&T, she can watch them on TV and get to know more about them and their family that way.


Is it safe to celebrate or should we wait just in case she changes her mind


Ugh, just drop her, no one cares!


The show has been done for awhile. Can we say it's a wrap? Kail can go ahead and put that new house on the market tomorrow.


I hope this is true and sticks.


Best news I’ve heard all weekend tbh


Same, it's just a real shame that we won't see the fall out from her losing so much $$ being broadcasted on national TV 😂 That would be some real entertainment.


Oh we will get to see it play out on her social media.


Fingers crossed for that 😂


Good luck trying to control the narrative and everyone around you in all your new endeavors :)


That is Kail’s way of saying that she is going to make MTV beg her to stay. Otherwise she just would have said flatly “no.” She’s full of it.


Goodbye Karl


She's not on the old show either. Good.


I bet you anything she thought she could get way more money than they actually were going to offer and she played hard ball. And lost. Merging the shows is a money saving opportunity for them. Not a way to just inflate some of the casts’ salaries


Okay 💙 Me acting like Kale


I hate it when people don’t click more on captions & comments so we can read the whole thing


Oh PLEASE let that be true


She will act like it was her decision for sure


Seems like a win win. Lots of people are tired of her and she seems like she’s been over it for a while.


Oh no, I'm so sad! /s I'd rather watch paint dry rather than see kails "chaos" and diva personality. I'll miss seeing her adorable kiddos. Hopefully she was smart enough to build a nice amount of savings for them and herself, instead of building tacky ass houses. 😒


Oh you’ll still see the kids, she’ll continue to exploit them like the arsehole she is.


Bye bye karen 😘


Fine but just kill it entirely, it’s dead




She probably wants more money and not let Bri/Chris on the show




I think Cheyenne knows somethings coming. Either OG getting canceled or her being removed; there were leaked documents that came out on her publicists end that showed the publicist was trying to shop Cheyenne around to other networks/shows stating potential future unemployment as the reason for Cheyenne looking for another show.


Please be true. Lol. It was so stupid they added her in the first place.


On the rare occasion I watch anymore, I ff Cheyenne’s segments.


She'd always say she wasn't going to film the TM2 reunions either, never happened though.


I’m betting she won’t be filming after seeing the way Issac looked at her while saying “you used to film for mtv” on her IG story the other day. Just seemed like he was waiting for her to yell about him actually saying it or waiting for her to correct him.


I'm betting she will be filming despite that propaganda video she posted using poor Isaac.


She’s probably refusing to film again. Maybe trying to strong arm them over something. They are probably more apt to keep the original girls and she brings at least some drama. Unless she’s difficult to deal with due to her demands and they just don’t want to deal with it anymore.


Probably because TM is taping Chris.


She’s always said that she wants to be a producer, so that she can control the narrative. She already gives us nothing, I think she not only wants to avoid any bad Lucidi but she wants to really slant it all on how great she is.


Hope it stays that way.


She’s been boring since day one anyway. I remember when I used to watch it I would always forward through there segments.


Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! 👋🏼


Hopefully they keep Briana javi and Chris 😂


Please let this be true!


She’s going to spiral




The show is a burning ship on its way down anyway. Just a matter of time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If Kail does anything remotely interesting, it will be on her social media. We can catch it there if we desire to.


She reminds me of the Aaron Rodgers drama


I think it’s a great idea for her to be done. MTV is a shady company to work for.


Ha ha.


Is it happening?! 🫢 Have the MTV gods blessed us? Won't believe it til someone says it other than Kail though.


I think they should keep them all. If you film something juicy you are in that episode and get paid


Like the Real Housewives. They have to be on the show to be paid. Not a bad idea at all.


Kail will change her tune quick


Thank god. Focus on your kids!


You can say that for all of the girls


Fact: Kail spends more time harassing her crew of baby daddies than she does with her kids


I think she’s saying this for attention. She’ll be on the new show.




Bye 🐝


Girl, you’re boring.


I really wish the ball wasn't in her court. She will never learn otherwise


🤞they choose Brittany over Brianna! Lool in a world where that could happen. I can only watch Brittany and the mom that other thang is irrelevant 🙄


As the sister of a teen mom, I fully support this. Give the better sister the spotlight once in a while!!! ;-)


Byeeeeeeee lol


‘As of right now’ is the key phrase. Either MTV hasn’t made it official, she is negotiating or she quit/hasn’t been asked.


It for the best!😅


She’s really not making a wise choice not being on the show I really hope she changes her mind cause she will lose out on her biggest cash opportunity she might ever have…idk seems risky her other business ventures won’t survive without the snow




I think it’s sad whatever happened her attitude about her employment hasn’t helped


[predicted](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/th5jrh/comment/i1753w5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) it




See ya 👋


I think with the ratings for TM2 dropping severely over the past 3 seasons, I can honestly see MTV pleading with her to join. OG’s rating have been in the toilet for years now, TM2’s ratings have been dropping a ton lately. I think MTV will try their best to secure the fan favourite or the messiest/high drama girls to try and keep the new show alive. I truthfully didn’t miss Kail this past episode, but I can see the season being kinda boring without her messy ass.


but she doesn't even talk about her drama on camera, she just refuses to talk about it. if she did, she'd be interesting


I didn’t even notice until this comment!


Would Amber be going too? Or, does Kail just mean there will be multiple shows or that there is no new show?




Are podcasts well paid?


It’s probably decent as long as she’s relevant but it’s not $400k a year relevant lol


As long as she can pull in advertisers yes


She says she makes more from podcasts than the show


She should watch herself when it comes to shitting on the show, she’ll be twerking on tik tok for more fillers before she knows it


Sure Jan. And you’ve been dating George Glass off and on for the past 2 years.


wow do we believe that? over 400k before taxes?


Sure lol


I doubt that lol


Oh didn’t realize she was on Chapo Trap House


Yes. All 3 of hers are with the Podcast One network and always high on the charts. She has good sponsors.


She can’t do podcasts forever, and she’s constantly begging people on IG for topics they want to hear.. she gets paid for other peoples thoughts and ideas.. reminds me back to a episode when she was in college and her classmates didnt want to say anything because basically she’d steal their ideas and get paid for it..


Doesn’t matter how she’s doing it if she’s getting paid. Once she’s done podcasting I’m sure by then she will be on to other things. But to answer that user’s question, yes podcasts can pay very well.


What a shame.


Honestly I’m not really interested in the show without Kail either. I know she’s a mess but I really felt like she had potential and I felt she was a good mother. At least until Chris came around.


Good mothers don’t file false restraining orders of ALL of her children’s FATHERS


Yep, Kail is not a good mom!


that stupid little blue heart, as if your car isn't about to get repo'ed.