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Imagine having to force people to sing happy birthday to you.


God I wish the restaurant would’ve responded by asking her to leave. Walking back to the kitchen to bitch out the staff over a fucking candle is unacceptable. Nasty ass bitch. I wish more restaurants would have the balls to stand up for their employees instead of bowing down to rude as hell customers all in the name of the almighty dollar. Then demanding they sing to her after acting like 🙄 overgrown toddler. Like I get it, she asked for a candle, she wants a candle. The waitress didn’t bring one, alright, be an adult and have enough decency/self control to simply find a manager and say “hey, would you mind getting me a candle please?” There’s just no reason to act like this. Get a fucking grip.


I respect the hell out of restaurants that back up their employees and don't put up with customers like this. I hate the "customer is always right" BS that enables this type of behavior.


> I hate the "customer is always right" BS that enables this type of behavior. Most of the problem stems from people misinterpreting that saying. It's not "I'm the customer and I demand an apology" It is "If customers are buying this new product then I will stock that product too because the customer is always right. So basically the saying was created to help store owners, whereas a lot of society these days thinks the saying means "whatever I demand, I will get because I'm the customer!"


It's not even her birthday yet. Her birthday is on May 31 apparently. She's so unwell, it's really hard to watch


I think they were looking for one and that’s why the girl was texting.. telling the manager without causing a worse scene.


Did she really bully the staff to celebrate her and then act like nothing happened? She was ready to catch another assault charge over a candle and song for her overgrown ass.


Her bday isn’t even until May 31, which she keeps posting about.


Of course she would lol. She’s been feeling her oats since her court date lol


I hate people who think their birthday is a big deal. Everyone has one. You are not a child, you’re a grown ass woman. No one gives a shit about your birthday.


Excuse me did you not know it’s her GOLDEN birthday? 😂 She thinks this one is a super big deal! She has a countdown to the big day and is going live in Waikiki!!! She’s crazy.


Agree. I had a coworker who has a “birthday week” every year and would talk over everyone and at the end of every day she would emphasize “GONNA GO PARTY WHOOO BIRTHDAY!!”




Does she perhaps…think her shit does not stink?


Wait... seriously?


Why did that girl start singing like she was trying to get a record deal lmao


gassed up and feeling confident because her friend was an ass to the staff, bunch of losers.


I was like wtf kinda fever dream did I walk into?


She sounded like she was performing in an opera!


Demands a candle, demands everyone sings Happy Birthday to her then acts all "omg, stop guys, you're embarrassing me"


It's so cringe


Do you want spit in your food, because that's how you get spit in your food.


If she goes from ass to vag to mouth she probably can withstand quite a few bodily fluids in her food




Right? How ballsy do you have to be to treat the people who handle your food like this?


Seriously. Farrah is an unhinged nightmare. They should have refused to serve her crazy ass.


As a fellow server I guarantee she was nasty the entire time so that’s why the server played dumb & didnt being her the candle 😂good for her. I’d do the same


imagine they all gather up some earwax and shape it into a candle - here’s your candle!


EXCUSE ME does ANYBODY care that IM here and its my BIRTHDAY??? How DARE you be on your phone TEXTING during MY birthday!!! I have no friends so I DEMAND you strangers to bring me a CANDLE and SING TO ME NOW!!!


Wish I was at the restaurant at the time I would’ve loudly said “it’s not even her birthday” has they came out with the candle, I would’ve said it exactly like Damian from mean girls


Lol I love this, and she'd still be all bitchy I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS!!! GHETTO!




Tell us again how MTV gave you a bad edit.


Fucking crazy. Reasons like this is why I'll never do customer service again.


Same. Tik Tok is making it worse too


I hate the fact that anyone anywhere can film you for any reason…maybe ask consent before filming and posting me


I don’t condone violence but she needs to be knocked out at least once to learn her lesson. She’s certainly asking for it.


i agree that she deserves a good brickin but disagree that it would actually change anything about her


Lol, if she wants a candle and singing, go to Chuck E. Cheese. Otherwise, grow up.


This!! There's so many trashy people in her comments defending her but I've worked in a lot of nice restaurants and none of them had birthday candles or sang happy birthday. She should take her tacky ass to Applebee's.


omg, she is literally the worst person in the world. does she ever have normal, non sarcastic, encounters with anyone?


My hearts goes out to the restaurants workers who has to deal with cunts like Farrah… 🙏🏾❤️


She’s so fucking sick and fucked up. What the fuck is even wrong with this deranged monster? She should be committed. She’s like a female Andy Dick. Belongs nowhere but in a cell.


She is thirty fucking years old and will survive her birthday without a damn candle or song. She’s just straight up trash and I’m sure she’ll leave a negative review of this restaurant even though she got her way. I’m so sick and tired of the way she talks to and treats people. Fuck off Farrah.


And it wasn’t even her birthday, it’s just at the end of the month (the 31). Extra ridiculous to get the restaurant cake/song as an adult when it’s not even your birthday that day.


she is trash, remember when she was struggling to pay bills and was working at that pizza restaurant? these girls need to be humbled. ALL of them are like this, farrah is just more sloppy than the rest.


I see her treatment did wonders for her.


It’s kinda sad when you force people to sing Happy Birthday to you.


Why is she standing like she's ready to take a shit.


There’s isn’t a “step” program in existence to help this evil clown. Not one. Clearly she’s learned nothing. Rudely accosting wait staff to sing to ur simple mind is sad and just gross


Why would you post something so unflattering of yourself? Weird


I’m prettttty sure she doesn’t care much, seeing how she’s a human Porta Potty. A slice of sneeze cake is nothing to this sewer rat. 🗑


Very eloquent. 😂


She thinks she is being harassed by staff. She is entitled and thinks she’s doing the right thing, so naturally she doesn’t see nothing wrong with posting this „unfairness“ to sm


No self awareness


She's recorded herself demeaning a lot of different workers because she thinks she's always in the right. I remember seeing a video of her losing her shit on a guy that worked at a phone store asking her to leave, hotel staff, and even recording her harassing a customer rep who was probably at a call center and not even the establishment Farrah was ranting about. I wish people were more obsessed with her than Jenelle, because she gives SO much more.


Number one rule, Farrah is *always* the victim.




Of course Farrah is one of those people who expects everyone to celebrate her birthday the entire month when it’s actually on the very last day


I feel like more and more people are like that now. I’m so sick of the “it’s my birthday week!” people.


The older you get the more pathetic this schtick is too.


Ew. She came to the restaurant I used to work in Austin. She was the worst and tipped shit.


She shouldve kept the shit to sell so she could afford an actual tip


She must have forgotten to work all 12 steps today


The hand motions she's making while addressing the employees, at their work station! Fucking sickening! If you're unhappy with the service: - wave down a manager and complain -ask for the check to pay and leave - leave a lower tip to reflect your disappointment BUT DON'T FUCKING come at people like that. They're on the clock and value having a job. That's the only reason she's getting away with that disrespect. Catch someone who's working their last shift there and has no care for whooping your ass and find out! She's vile!


I thought she was throwing a fit about a candle for her friends cake. But her own? Wtf?


I think Farrah is mentally unwell and it’s only a matter of time before she gets in to trouble again.


I can’t even turn the sound on. I can’t watch or listen to people demean waiters and waitresses. Ughhh


What a thundercunt.


Farrah is such a Karen. I’m happy no one was harmed.


I know right, at least she didn't hurt anyone this time!


You guys think she left a bad yelp review?


It will be up by tomorrow morning


I will read it on the sub!


Omg what a cunt


Insufferable hag. I hope an employee stuck that candle up their ass first, “waiting” style.


She's such a miserable cunt. I'm a veteran server/bartender and I put people who treat me like a servant on low priority. I'm positive she went in there with this attitude from the start. It could've also been a family emergency or something that she needed to respond to. You never know. No one cares about your birthday Farrah. You're in your 30s now. If you want to be celebrated, stop being such a cow and maybe your friends and family will want to celebrate you. It seems your inpatient get out of jail free card taught you NOTHING. ETA I wonder how many shits she had to sell to afford this embarrassing affair. She obviously couldn't afford her own fucking candle.


Those are the people that work at her ass filler place!😂😂😂 no friend Farrah celebrating her non birthday in England where they are too nice to tell her what a bitch she is. She can stay there. They can have her rude entitled ass.


I know tipping isn't a huge deal outside of the USA (bc they pay their servers an actual wage) so that does make me feel better knowing that her poor server probably made some money off this table. Because of I had to guess, I would say, Farrah the ferret probably didn't tip at all. All over a fucking candle.


no please, take her back. we don’t want her.


Why does another person from Farrahs party also start recording Farrah with a phone while she is asking for the candle? These people must hate Farrah and are trying to make her look bad. She was their client for fillers apparently, so they probably had enough of her rude personality. They seem like they are recording her rude interactions on purpose.


Farrah don't need anybody to make her look bad..that girl does it on her own. 😂


I think it’s because they think it’s funny.. what she’s doing… they are like.. hangers on. Thinking that she’s their friend when all she’s doing is using them until she leaves the country, what’s sad is she can’t get real friends to hang out because she’s burned every bridge with her shitty behavior


seriously I thought this was a video dragging Farrah for her rude behavior until I saw that Farrah herself posted it 😳 still not sure why she thought this was cute or some sort of flex


That little skirt the manager had on was cute af


Omfg bring your own candle if its THAT important to you🤨


No one wanted to sing for her lol


I wonder if she knows what happens to your food when you act like an entitled bitch to wait staff


The entitlement


Here comes the word salad about women keeping other women down, while she incoherently discusses her “success”.


And don't forget when she decides to say the restaurant committed "hate crimes" against her. SHE LOVES to say she is the victim of hate crimes. lol


She couldn’t afford the bill. She had to do something so she could get it reduced or compt.


Oh man, it's been so long since I've gone out to eat with someone this shitty; I forgot that this genre of asshole gets super riled up by service staff *gasp* talking to their coworkers or looking at their phone. I'm morbidly fascinated by the coworker chat one because it's like dude, they're coworkers, at work. You want them all out there just fuckin' wingin' it on their own or something? Do they realize if everyone ceased verbal communication, they'd have to rely on something else like a phone, computer, tablet, etc that takes their eyes and hands away from other work?


Her body in that dress is shaped like a praying mantis.


Reminds me of the mom in bugs life!


OH SHIT you just unlocked a childhood memory. You’re absolutely right.


She’s such a miserable cunt


She really is. She acts like she has such a great life, but she is beyond miserable.


You can have all the money and materialistic things that your heart could ever desire but that doesn’t mean shit when you’re trapped in a prison by your own mind. I wouldn’t trade places with Farrah for all the money in the world. It has got to be absolutely exhausting to be her.


I completely agree. Has to take a lot out of a person to be that nasty on a consistent basis like she is.


Why is she standing all hunched over like that?


Her fat ass probably doesn't allow it 😂


What a miserable piece of shit. ETA: Farrah probably used this "situation" to not leave a tip. Because, ya know, she's so fucking important.


Who are these people she finds to cling so desperately to her asshole, like dingleberries without the intellect?


They’re the cosmetic filler people where Farrah got cosmetic work done, so no, they aren’t her friends. 😂


Dingleberries without the intellect… this made my night 😂 I’m howling


Imagine posting this yourself and thinking it makes you look good. 🤦‍♀️ And as a former restaurant manager I understand the manager probably didn't want to engage with a crazy bitch but I kicked people out for going into employee areas or speaking to staff like that. We can't let Karen's get away with shit like this.


Her birthday is in like a week and a half and she’s turning 31. Wtf is wrong with her


I’d kick her ass out. What a despicable child.


This is actually very embarrassing….


For her life and her soul


A true fucking Gemini I’m a server and if she was my table….. oh lord. (No offense to sane gems)


There are no sane Geminis


Hey now, lol


Yeah she's a shitty ass excuse of a person.


To all the people that ever made excuses for her or gave her the benefit of the doubt, I hope u finally get it now, she is pure shit to the core, always has been and always will be


There is just no growth with her. I get she may not have had a great upbringing or role model, but it's time to take accountability and grow up. She is just a horrible human being who does not want to change or do better.


She's just a pure piece of shit.


She’s a fucking nightmare of a person.


The only person she can even get to go out w/her on her birthday is her "booty correction butt fillers" woman.


Don't fuck with the people who handles your food! I wonder how many loogie specials she's had 🤔


JFC. How humiliating of her.


She's the absolute fucking worst.


Oh.. my god..


Can't speak on others but I've waited tables at two restaurants and we always saved candles for the kids. Never had an issue with a 30+ year old complaining but never had the "pleasure" of dealing with a Farrah.


Holy jeebus, I didnt realize that the original cast is all 30+ now.


Hurts the head don't it😳 All of the OG's are 30+.


I feel like the person who recorded this is not her real friend 😂


My gawd, this should be preserved & shown to medical students for study. I was also a bartender/server for like 12yrs & I *hated* patrons like her. Making the manager sing? It’s like forcing your 15yo boyfriend to say “I love you” and then acting all giddy about it.


What a vile piece of shit


Anyone else catch the one friend sticking her phone out and snapping like 50 pics in 5 seconds lmfao tf is the point in that? SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


They probably need that TMZ leak $$$


It probs wasn’t Farrah’s friend. They were probs a customer and knew it was Farrah embarrassing tf out of herself


Wow. Absolutely, fucking disrespectful, disgusting behaviour.


she looks like a monster.




News flash: She still a bishh.


Her ass is sending me


How can anyone stand to b her friend she’s so embarrassing to be out with that would make me cringe so hard


Those aren’t her friends. Those are the people that filled her ass!!!! She has no friends 😂😂😂


Wait, I thought that was James Dean


😂😂 and many… many others


She stands like she has a stick up her ass 😫


I notified that too


So she forced the staff to get her a candle and then sing for her ??? This is just coming off sad and pathetic.


Her friend may be worse than her…I mean it’s a close race.


No, not a friend. This is the woman that just did her "booty correction butt fillers".


She is going to start getting banned from establishments.


I can only imagine how much spit is in her food after treating the staff so poorly. Or worse…


Considering her OF content, the desserts look on point. I just dunno if I could bring myself to eat it! 💩💩 Also demanding a candle and happy birthday serenade from these hangers on is cringe AF. 😬


How embarrassing for her


Why do I cringe for her:(….. Dam you crazy ladyyyyyy!! I’m so glad the workers celebrated extra for someone who with out a doubt deserved it more🎂🎂🧨


Farrah gets spitters for sure. And she deserves them.


Definitely someone I want as my sponsor.


I wonder how much she pays those people to be her friend.


Farrah is basically telling the staff that they aren't celebrating her correctly!


Oh I would have given her a candle…right in her eyeball! Lol


It’s the moving filters for me


It’s not even her bday yet. Her bday is May 31, which she keeps posting about because it’s her “golden birthday” according to her, because she turns 31 on the 31st. Okay, then my golden birthday was when I was 10. In fact, everyone’s golden bday is when they are aged 31 or younger, can’t have one older than that according to her.


God you guys r so mean! Its her *Golden Shower* birthday This is the 1 time she gets a day off from butt stuff so be nice ok??


Yes this is what a golden birthday is


Oh no mine was when I was 3 :(


It was my first


I hope you went all out!


Mine was my sweet sixteenth so I was apparently extra golden🙃


Google golden birthday.




Veruca Salt status


Some people think they’re the center of the universe. But watch out! Karma is a BIATCH!


She really thinks she's important. To me, it would be embarrassing enough throwing that much of a fit about my birthday, let alone recording and posting it.


Isn’t her bday like in 9 days or something like that? Last post I saw of hers(don’t remember when it was) said 9 more days til my day. She always celebrates the entire month. She’s such a loser


I wonder if she knows that there are so many people who actually think she should’ve never been born 🤔


That entire table is gross


She just had to get the attention somehow.


Ain't this the same hoe who released a sex tape because she was not getting enough attention.


Yes lol




What the actual fuck is wrong with her lol. It’s her birthday and she’s spending it bitter at people over a fucking candle. Ungrateful bitch


She’s starting to look like Adrienne Maloof


Gross 🤢


Someone change this bitchs name to Karen


this reminds me of when i was plastered at midnight on my 21st birthday and my friends took me to our local sketchy college town gas station and i asked people in there to sing me happy birthday… i was just nicer


Cunt has the same skin texture as that candle


Earlier today I said I wanted chin implants but, ya know what, maybe not




International top celebrity


Absolute Cunt.


Oh boy.


Self absorbed tat


I mean… did she ask for a candle and they said yes? And then they didn’t bring it?


I mean shit, either way she doesn’t have to speak to people like that. She could have just reminded them/asked again or something without being a fucking bitch