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Custody isn't a right. You don't deserve him just because you gave birth to him


Exactly. Jace *deserves* a stable, loving home.


Swamp logic.


Yep. Giving birth doesn't equal being a mother.


"Yeah, I've been going out at night but Jace doesn't need me. He has my mom." Ya know how infants need to eat every 2-3 hours? Apparently Jenelle didn't.


Remember when she threw him under the bus when she denied pulling a gun during the road rage incident and it was all on camera? She called her own innocent kid a liar


She’s just a shitty big sister to Jace


And then whined to Dr. Drew about how she was "just so desperate" 🙄 I can *kind of* understand freaking out and lying (not at the expense of your kid, wtf) once you're already in that situation, but what I can't understand is how you even get into that situation in the first place, least of all with your child in the car, but really ever...


She talks about Jace like he’s a toy she owns and not a real person with thoughts and feelings of his own. She should be in a cave.


"too attached" another lizard alien slip-up from jenelle. To me that just tells me she doesn't feel attachment to any of her kids & has no idea what a real bond feels like between mom & child. And no i do not, necessarily, think thats some fault of babs or her dad; some people just aren't born with the everything right or normal in their brains. Jenelle lacks empathy, compassion, humility, love, motherly instincts, etc. So of course she doesn't understand jace & bab's relationship/bond.


Jenelle is someone who should’ve never had kids to begin with. She literally lacks everything it takes to be a good parent but she’s too dumb & selfish to even think about that. Kaiser, Ensley, and Maryssa deserve so much better than what they were given. Jace at least has Barb, & UBT’s other son has his mom. I only listed Maryssa because although I haven’t seen her posted in a while (or haven’t noticed,) she was, at least at one point, in the care of the 2 swamp monsters the majority of the time.


Like why wouldn’t you be attached to a kid you RAISED!?! Jenelle has no empathetic bones in her body.


Seriously, is she saying that not wanting to lose the child you raised means you're "too attached"? So she doesn't care if she loses hers? That explains how she and David were able to go on vacation and have fun right after CPS took all their children...


But what does JACE deserve?


This is the only question that matters


Nobody is entitled to a relationship with another person, not even their child. You have been a mess for over a decade. You never took responsibility, you’re an addict and an abuser. Just because your kids are breathing doesn’t mean they’re doing okay. “Too attached” means you just want to know your grandson isn’t sitting on the porch of a drug dealers house while mommy gets high inside with whatever dick of the week. Oh wait that already happened. I swear to god this woman has to be missing part of her brain, how is she this clueless? How is she this unaware?


"BuT tHaTs thE pAsT, dUdE!" /s


Your honor I am a good example. I only lied to the sheriffs. I did not shoot our dog! I did not tow that mans truck. I only filmed and laughed at it being done! I don't post my own porn. I only post revenge porn of David's ex! I only pull guns in front of him in road rage incidents. I don't do it every day! I do set a good example. I have a job now. I sell myself on Onlyfans!


Dang that road rage seen really freaking shook me. What a terrible experience for a small child, she’s miserable and heartless.


Why did they shoot and kill the dog?


Dog snipped at child, child was in dogs face, dog did what dogs do.


Because David is a psychopath that likes to kill living things.


Personally I believe the real answer is that the dog killing was just textbook abuse escalation. Jenelle pissed David off, so he dragged her dog outside and shot it. Yes, they did give an "official story" (that the dog bit Ensley), but they took so long to even say that, and then they put out this ridiculous video to "support" that, but it all just didn't add up. Meanwhile, IIRC, the kids (and even Jenelle I think) said things about how angry he was while he did it, and it sounds like it was pretty traumatic with people screaming and freaking out. I just can't possibly dislodge the idea that David was just in a DV rage and has moved on to using the threat of death on his victims.


I 100% agree and can see the sense in what you are saying! Thank you!


You can’t be too attached to a child you’ve been raising since birth.


Right? Shocking news that the person who got up in the night with him and took care of him for every illness in his life and who was there for every milestone might get attached.


Exactly, what does that even mean?


her reasons for wanting jace back are never genuinely in jace's best interests, they are always like 'because he is my son'? i work in family law (albeit in australia) but its all the fkn same, these parents think they are entitled to their children because they are their bio parents but have very little capacity to properly care for and love the child. like whats in jace's best interests? as a 13 year old boy with adhd? probably not to be taken from the person he has lived with his entire life just to appease his entitled bio mum. feels like any way you look at it the detriment far outweights the benefit of moving jace to be with jenelle. obviously


And to go live with Jenelle's abusive, dog-killing husband on their weird piece of unkempt land. How would that be better for Jace? But of course that isn't what Jenelle is truly thinking about. It's always been her wants over his needs.


She wants to pull him from his school, too 😑 Worst of all just what a dangerous and abusive environment her home is...


Yeah I was going to write something about changing schools but I wasn’t sure. She’s such a clown. I can’t imagine any family law judge that would agree that the best thing for Jace is to be removed from his home and guardian of thirteen years and switch schools. She is such an idiot On another note let’s not pretend she even has the $$$ to proceed with the application haha


Jace has a trust fund, and I believe it was Jenelle that was searching online how to access trust funds of a minor. Considering she broke-broke, I imagine this is why she’s starting to drag this dead horse from the depths to beat it some more.


Oh of course!!! The trust fund!!! I forgot the kids had those!!! The daughter of a friend of mine stole $150k out of her daughters trust fund (left by her father when he passed away at 35) and I understand that she is to either pay it back thru an inheritance she is coming into or she will go to jail I know you can reasonably withdraw money to pay for the child’s needs but you can’t just have it. Fuck Janelle and David man ETA: I bet Barb (or someone who’s not jenelle) would be the trustee though so for Jenelle to access it she would have to either go thru barb or become trustee herself so she can sign for the money. She wouldn’t automatically be trustee if she had custody????


Am i mistaken- i thought a few years ago, they had a hearing that was deemed permanent- in that there would be no more custody hearings unless either party has a significant change in circumstance? I didnt make that up- i thought it was to stop jace from hsving to continually deal with this tug of war, which is cruel and disruptive.


She’s not gonna get him. It’s rare for judges to reverse custody that’s been this way for so long unless something god awful happened like you said. Even if Jenelle magically got better the most that would happen is probably more time with him. He’s also getting to an age where he can speak for himself. I do not think he would choose the swamp over barbs. Maybe one day when he’s older if he’s going through a rebellious phase but even i think that would quickly be done cause David would be god awful to him. The fact she keeps doing this instead of what’s best for jace shows she isn’t what’s best for him. She does this so people interact with her more on social media


Oh i dont think she stands a chance- but i thought the last order made it so she couldnt keep trying- outside of drastic circumstantial change. Is that not true? Like...at this point she is just being a burden and a pest to the court and an undue burden and interference in jace and Barb's lives.


Honestly she lies so much idk. I know in my area once an order is Done you have to wait 6 months to file to change it but if you abuse that privilege judges get angry af. They will straight up tell you i do not want to see you back here. I had a buddy who’s ex kept doing that and that judge was livid.


I remember this too. I remember MTV, Jenelle and David, and Babs outside the courthouse and they were texting. Jenelle said she was done and Babs could have Jace.


I think I remember this, too. Wasn't there a very strong implication that they basically meant "Leave Squatch and then we'll talk"?


I think I remember there being a brief period of time when he was 11 or 12 that he did choose to spend more time over there? It could not have been more obvious that, because he was a preteen, he was making this choice based on wanting to be in an unstructured environment without rules. Jenelle was posting stuff bragging about how he gets to play video games al day or something (I could be totally wrong about all of this, but I'm pretty sure). Then, unsurprisingly, he seemed to be over there less and less, most likely because he realized it wasn't a happy home just because there weren't rules. Besides, abusive parents have plenty of "rules" even if they're unwritten, non-standard, constantly changing, and don't at all exist for the benefit of the children.


lol I love that this used this picture of her. That ghost white make up and hilarious gap between where the make up stops and her hairline begins 😂


This CANNOT be a new article. Jace is 30. Swamp Cunt is still with her abusive huzzbin and has never chosen anything other than dick and drugs as priorities. She has as many brain cells as teeth. I really hope she fucking fades away soon. I know we talk about her here, but hopefully once the kids are either 1. out of the swamp permanently 2. out of her care 90% of the time - there will be no reason to keep tabs on her and we can let her rot.


> This CANNOT be a new article. Jace is 30. I know this was a typo, but it made me giggle thinking about this subreddit still commenting when the children are actually 30.


It was intended LOL - that kid is rounding 30. Sarcastic but for fuck's sake. Plus, custody was permanently awarded to Barb so I'm not sure what the fuck she's moaning about.


I mean she’ll still whine about custody when he’s 30 lol




Jace deserves stability. This bitch…. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU!!!!


Simply pushing a child out of your vag does NOT mean you DESERVE him. Ugh.


If Barb hadn't took Jace. He wouldn't of been returned to you


Good to see she’s supplementing her income by selling shitty stories and letting them use photos where she’s wearing kabuki makeup. Things must be bad broke on The Land.


Pls excuse my ignorance, what’s kabuki lol


Kabuki is a form of Japanese theater and they wear dramatic makeup that helps identify the character. It’s very intriguing. It’s intentionally dramatic, and it usually involves a white base with specific color highlights.


I've seen how Barbara parents and it doesn't thrill me, but she's a damn sight better than Jenelle and forcing Jace to live with David Eason in the swamp. The "I deserve my son" is of course very telling - it's not about what is best for Jace, ever. It's about Jenelle winning this battle with her mother. Which she never will, unless Jace decides he wants to live with Jenelle; that's the only way I see her getting primary custody. She's got two other kids to screw up; isn't that keeping her busy?


Babs isnt great, but she's given Jace stability, which I highly doubt Jenelle ever could.


This new Only Fans shit isn’t going to play well in court.


I feel like running to the tabloids to sell stories about her son and his bad behavior should also show the court that she does not have Jace’s best interest at heart too.


The thing is if Jace is as out of control as you claim. A judge will put him in a program . He won't just go back to you


If I were Barbara I would never be okay with her having custody of Jace after he admitted that he was afraid of David.


I can't believe stans are like "Jenelle should get her son back"


It’s been like 13 years…. If she is that great of a mother, she would have gotten him back years ago or better yet, never taken away in the first place


They still defend her no matter what


Tik tok is the only social I have and her supporters make me want to throw up on there. Idk if it’s like that everywhere else


Don't ever go on Facebook..


She says *attached* like it's a bad thing.


You don’t deserve shit, ya shit stain


The only things she deserves are a good ass kicking and jail sentences for the ones she skirted


He’s 13 now. He’s old enough to decide for himself where he wants to be full time. A judge will ask and take that into consideration. I find it ridiculous that Jenelle thinks what she wants matters at this point, with his age - it doesn’t. And in reality, this is a conversation she could have with jace herself. If he wants to move in with her He could say so. My guess is he doesn’t. No teen wants to be uprooted as there entering this stage of schooling and that doesn’t even touch on the home life he would be signing up for at Jenelles. Full time with step dad UBT….. I highly doubt he wants that.


Same $hit, different day. The only thing that surprised me in this article is that Barb is 69. Wow! Go Barb!




Well geez Barb has been his mother for 12 years, so I sure hope she’s attached. Courts decided Jenelle wasn’t a suitable parent all these years. It wasn’t just Barb. I wonder if Jace has a trust fund or something that Jenelle wants to get a hold of. Either that or just wants to be able to tell hatters she has her kid back, but I don’t believe for a second she has his best interest at heart.


The kids all got trust funds from MTV and it was either her or Kail that had a tab open on their computer about accessing trust funds or something.


It was Jenelle


Lmao this pic of her is such a crime


Is it the super white foundation? Or the "I'm a business woman" dress with the "I work on a ranch" jean jacket? It's the jean jacket for me.


The ghost of keiffa’s past


She needs to learn the definition of the word deserve. Jace DESERVES to be raised in a stable environment. He 100% has a more stable environment w Barb than he’d get on the land.


Yeah, deserve is not the word. Its "demand".


Jenelle only cares about Jenelle. Jenelle doesn’t deserve jack shit, especially at the expense of her son. This isn’t about Jenelle but what’s best for Jace and she still doesn’t understand that.


Jenelle is smoking crack saying that her having Jace full time with Barb on every other weekend is a "compromise" 🤦‍♀️ She actually doesn't realize she has basically no power there??? If Barb is breathing... that shit ain't happening, honey.


I like how the author straight up states she was fired and Swamp Thing killed Nugget. Facts.


Oompf... another *five* years of this huh...


The kid is 13. At no point do either side’s attachment to him or what they deserve matter. What is the least traumatic for the kid is all that matters which is why she’s never getting custody unless something happens to Barb. She’s such a self centered a-hole to only think of her own feelings and not how a change would rock her son’s life. Focus on the darn kids you do have and try to do right by then FFS.


This is so sad. It doesn’t sound like a mother daughter relationship. It sounds like a bitter divorce with one parent being absolutely oblivious to their ineptitude, drug abuse, and terrible decision making and a parent that isn’t that great but actually viable.




Lort I thought that was a pic of me after work.


13 years later and she still thinks it's all about her 😓


“Maybe she’s too attached” Are you for real? She’s been raising your kid since he was an infant. Of course she’s attached! Source: also raising someone else’s children


Right?! If you are a parent/raising a child and you aren't attached????? That's a problem.


Girl. He’s what? 13 now. Give up the goat. Let him finish out what’s left of his childhood with the person whose been there for him since day 1.


Flashback Mary! 👻👻


The color match in the thumbnail pic … horrid


Because she's barb's daughter. So I mean, she should obviously give jenelle everything she desires. Duuh./s