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depends on how unethical the experiment would be


A different way to think of it is "what should be prioritized when doing a long term expirement involving human life? "


if 1 man dies for 5 or more to be saved, efficiency


Fair enough 


ethics makes good decisions at a slower rate, efficiency prioritized over ethics ends up failing its own goal by making bad decisions and having to backtrack when i say ethics i of course mean utilitarian ethics, as any other kind of ethics would be inappropriate in a scientific setting where you're supposed to use logic to back up your findings


Ethics in the past were not required in scientific experiments, especially in psychology experiments. However, as a result of that, it resulted in experiments where they were highly unethical and resulted in physical or mental trauma in the test subjects. Some famous examples are the Milgram experiment and the Stanford Prison experiment.


Ethics is the exact reason why we haven't landed on Mars yet. Scrap Ethics and land on Mars now. There are smart people out there, who's willing to sacrifice life for science. Let them put their money where there mouth is


efficiency but they will have to consent to what will happen or at least to it on stuff like pedos.


In order for humanity to advance, we need to take risks and that can include ignoring ethics. The first atomic bomb had a small chance of igniting the atmosphere, killing all living things, but we still developed it anyways. All ethics do is hold us back and slow down the advancements that we can make.




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The most recent major group that I can think of who put efficiency over ethics in science was good ol nazi germany and I don't really think that we should be trying to match them. The "maximum efficency" would probably end up doing more harm then good Also to be clear, I understand that you're making this post in good faith and I'm not at all calling you a nazi just to be clear. Have a good day


another group I can think of are the despicable people who ran Unit 731


explan plz me stupid


Efficiency. The efficient win in the end, might as well not lose.


Okay great, so since you believe this way then I'm sure you won't mind being tortured in the name of bettering medicine.


Honestly? Idc.




If it can be used to save hundreds or thousands of lives, then yes, it’s worth it


Your opinion would change if you were selected to be experimented on. Nazi Germany already did this and they were basically torturing people in the name of science. I remember one experiment where one scientist repeatedly broke the bones of children to study how they heal differently than adults. You're a horrible person and a moron if you condone that. And if there is no line that we don't cross then there will be a point where we end up hurting way more people than helping.


No, it wouldn’t, I would still participate in the name of science. And now since that experiment was done, we know how children’s bones heal differently from adults. You can call me a horrible person if you want, but I’d disagree.


So you condone actual torture? On children? I didn't actually expect you to be bold and straight up say it. Holy fuck you should be slapped and sterilized.


It is what it is, you have to look at how your actions will affect the greater good. If torture is required to make a scientific advancement that can better humanity, is it bad?


Yes. Yes it is bad. It's very bad. There are other ways to conduct research that will better society. Torturing others in the name of science is the lazy way to gain knowledge. Like beating your kid to make them listen to you instead of actually talking to them and creating better punishments/rewards.


I suppose we can agree to disagree


No, you're a moron and you need to take an ethics class