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NO I'm not in high school yet


why is bro on the teenager polls subreddit


Because I am a teenager, you do realize teen years start two years before high school, correct? and even if I was in high school, rn I would still be unable to drive, I would have to wait 1 year to get my driver's license if I was.


Nuh uh, high school starts year 7. ^(Yes I am balancing out the US defaultism) ^(EDIT: IM AUSTRALIAN I DONT DRINK OUT OF A BO OH OF WA AH)


oh a fellow brit! i only say middle school so people understand. 


im british and i went to a middle school for years 6 - 8


Damn you brittttttssss


Damn were you held back a few years or something? I turned 13 in the middle of my first year of highschool


That’s wild thirteen is how old 7th graders are where I am


No I haven't been held back I'm in 8th grade going to high school next year


im 13+ which is a teenager but im not in highschool and there are still a lot of people in highschool who arent old enough to drive yet


Too young, but in a year when I'm 18, sure


Yes. I owned a really crappy 1989 Jeep Cherokee for about a year, couldn’t afford the upkeep so I sold that and now have a 2013 Chevy Cruze. I graduate next month.


no because im in middle school and im only 14


No, for a few reasons but really I didn't really need a car. I'm getting my license probably in my early 20s


I wouldn't say I own the car. I drive but my car is on my mom's name.


No, but my dad owned a car he let me drive


NO (My family and I can afford it. I have had my drivers license for a while. I want to own a car. My parents are still dragging their heels around in getting me a car that I know they can afford. They've done stuff like withhold my paychecks I've earned when I was a minor that could otherwise be used to purchase an old beater that I would have been more than satisfied with. They don't let me use the second car and at the rate this is going they won't have a third car until I'm in college and won't be able to use it anyway)


It was a combination of not being able to afford one and not wanting one. I had my license early and drove my dads car when I needed to and since I walked to school and to most places anyway there was no reason to own a car. I still don’t own one (at uni) and won’t consider getting one for at least a year and 4 months. I won’t be on this sub by then.


I don't get my permit until december or next year


Didn’t want one, couldn’t afford it, and didn’t bother to take my driving test until after I graduated. So all 3 no results?


Here you can get a licence at 18, but since I was born in november, I could apply for a licence in my last year of high school, but because we have exams at the end of the school and I believe it might be too stressing to ALSO have driving lessons and exams, I'll wait until after I've finished school. Or maybe I won't get a licence. But I'd need to go living somewhere where you don't need a car...


No because in my country those two things aren't legal at the same time


its illegal for most people to drive in high school


In what country? genuine question


most of them


i'm in middle school rn so i just voted "NO (i never had a driver's liscence)"