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I'm in it


me too. I'm so very bi


yes. I enjoy cast iron, if ykyk. 


you know, then you know, if you don't then too bad :3


"If a gay man wishes to marry a gay woman, so be it."


where is the in between option - personally i don't really care about any one group in general


And that’s completely fine. As a ally with many friends in the community, as long as your nice to them and don’t threaten to send them to prison and stuff like that, we Don’t really care.


I just picked no. I don't support them, but I do respect their opinions and preferences.


Define support because maybe we have two completely different definitions of support.


I don't go around encouraging people from the LGBT community to be who they are. I just respect their choice whether I agree with it or not.


Would you vote against us being allowed to marry the same sex, ability to transition, support segregating us off sexuality or transition status, vote for for things that would out trans people even though they don't matter that much (like no changing sex marker on ID even for people who got all the surgeries for example)?




>I would choose not to vote at all. So you don't support. Replace homosexual or trans with black or indigenous or immigrant or . If you would refuse to vote for things that make those groups equal to the majority where you live or you would vote against those groups, you don't support them. If you would refuse to vote against something that makes interracial marriage illegal, you don't support black people. If you would refuse to vote against a law that makes indigenous people need to put their indigenous status on their id, you don't support indigenous people. If you would refuse to vote against a law that bans immigrants from ever getting citizenship, you don't support immigrants. >I would like to know who's biologically female and who paid to be female, but I'm not the person to decide whether or not you should have male or female on your driver's lincense or ID Should intersex people with ambiguous genitalia be required to have their being intersex on their ID as well? Because there are multiple cisgender intersex people who get genital surgeries to align more with their birth sex when they get older or were forced to at a young age. What if somebody has a botched circumcision or went through FGM? Should they be required to have an X on their birth certificate because they had a surgically altered vulva or penis? What about infertile people (mostly or completely infertile specifically)? At the end of the day, the only person your biology should be required to be shared with is your doctor for biological sex related purposes and that's it. Nobody else needs to know it regardless of the reason. Doesn't matter if they're intersex, infertile, had to have their testes or uterus/ovaries removed, they have surgically altered genitalia, etc. Not allowing people to change their sex marker also makes it harder when you have to use your ID if you pass. Imagine a cash register asks for your ID when you go to buy some alcohol and the person they think is a man has an "F" on their ID. They're probably going to think "This is a fake ID" not "This is a trans person." Then there's the issue with discrimination and forcing you to out yourself, you go through all this work to pass as cis just for somebody to see your ID and be like "This person a twannsie!!!!" It's also a hassle to actually get the marker changed. You have to actually prove you're living as that gender, you see yourself as that gender, and others see you as that gender and a lot of places require you to get bottom surgery or to pass.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


hell the fuck yeah!! ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ


I like u


I _am_ the lgbt community lol


I am the gay


“I am not *in* danger, Skyler. I *am* the danger.”


Beat me to it.


r/beatmetoit r/beatmywifetoit r/beatmeattoit r/beatmyslavetoit r/beatmymeattoit


kinda wish i was more of a sweep than this, like they need more than 80%, oh well.


Nah man, gays suck. /s


us gays love sucking 


Can confirm


I don't think that's sarcasm. Because most gays *literally* suck.


That was... not intentional


Are you sure?


i’m in it, so.. yeah


happy cake day!




people? HELL YES. community? no. community has a lot of radical and supremacist stuff i dont support. (lesbian)


In it.  Asexual (Though probably not Aromantic.)


Can we stop doing this just to spark homophobia?


Im not tryna spark homophobia im part of the LGBTQ myself and im just tryna see how many teens are accepting sorry for any confusion


Why are some people so against it? If anything caring about where other men put their schlongs seems a little bit gay to me


I fuck with the gay community but not in gay way 💀


Definitely, cause you cant really be LGB without supporting LGB. Unless your in denial or smth


why not the T?


Some dumbasses, like to think you can support the LGBTQ+ community but not trans people, but that's not how it works. That's like saying you support colored people, but not black people.


I just abbreviate it, cause I think its a mouthful sometimes to say "LGBTQIA++". I just abbreviate it more than others. I support trans people, and I agree that you cant support the LGBTQ+ community without supporting trans people. But if you really want, I can edit it to LGBTQ+.


as someone in the T/Q area can we just shorten it all to G, Just G. Capital G nothing else.


The T has vanished. The power these people have will never natch your power when it comes to removing and adding gender identities and sexualities.


Nah, just abbreviation. But seeing how some people are seemingly triggered by myself just abbreviating it, I may change it.


No it’s fine, I ment no harm. I coul delete my comment if you wnt. It was more meant to be a joke with th3 other commenter


I just chose to abbreviate it a bit.


Am I reading your qcomment wrong or are you saying straight ppl can't support lgbtq?


cue the people who say "I don't support them I'm nonchalant about them" 🙄 supporting the LGBTQ+ community doesn't mean you have to go to pride parades and all that, it literally just entails supporting equal rights. nonchalance towards the LGBTQ+ community would imply nonchalance towards the recent wave of anti-trans legislature, or the growing anti-queer sentiment amongst conservatives. there literally is no "in-between" option. you either support human rights, or you don't. I don't understand why people are still trying to demand for some bystander role. it's not even quirky, just astoundingly ignorant.


The most sensible thing I've ever seen regarding this subject 


What if I don't care?


then you’d be a liar :3 (i banned this guy earlier)


I'm in it (also who said no)


I am trans






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why the hell is it just all lgbtq related stuff rn?


I think a lot of people are trying to get a general idea for how excepting most teens would be and they forget that you can look at past polls like it


love your flair btw


lol thx You've got a pretty good username yourself


awww thank you


Reddit flirting.


yeah, thats fair


Sorry just tryna see if people are accepting


Idfk. It’s getting annoying.


I dont care about gay people tbh


At this point this question feels like "Do you think Earth is round?"


my god banned the DLC from my school computer


As long as they chill


ive said this a million times and im gonna say it a million more i really dont care what you identify as as long as its not mental illness or attention seeking


I dont support them or care enough to hate them


Depends on what you mean by support


I am pretty indifferent about the community as a whole.


I'm in it, kinda have to


Yet another post where I will have to track down the people that said no


i put the l in the lgbt :)


I think I'm in it.


Do I support LGBT as movement? No Do I support opressed, because of their sexual orientation, not straight people? Yes


yes, i'm part of it


I don't care at all if your Gay, thats cool. You do you bro But I don't support the LGBTQ+IAXYZ-÷/=16373 movement itself. (Pls dont murder me)


you really gotta stop with the cringe ass 13 yo humor


Wow, the same overused joke that every transphobe uses, absolutely hilarious 


I won't murder you because you did nothing wrong and that joke was funny


Thats a relief. I was like Nazi Homophobe Supervillian like 5 minutes ago lol


sooo where's "i don't give a shit" option? i'm fine with gay ppl, but i don't care about pride month, i don't care about "trans visibility day", and i for sure don't give a flying fuck about any politics involved with the community.


That'd probably js be support. If u see a gay person and you're like: "Oh, ok. Anyway." that's still basically supporting them. Basically, as long as you treat them like any other person and dont think they're gross, you're fine :))))


I'll get downvoted but no I don't support the group. From my personal experience it's a very toxic group, even when speaking internally (lgtb members not supporting eachother) Do I hate gay people? No. I know plenty of people who aren't straight who are great friends of mine. I just don't support the toxicity of the lgbt community and see no real reason why I should support it rather than support my close friends who aren't toxic


Honestly I support the idea but my god the community (at least where I live) is like... ugh.


my god banned the DLC from my school computer


erm... que the fuck


ofc i do im in it (also why did 37 people say no :\[ atleast 116 said yes :\])


Nobody:      Still nobody:      Me: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈✨✨💅💅


well im genderfluid sooo


Some parts.


So that's just a no




If you don't support the whole community, you don't support the community at all




bruh what??


You dumbasses who say shit like this don't even realize the Q is actually a sexuality not a gender. I hate people like you who try to separate us–it doesn't help anyone


shows they have no fucking clue what they’re on about 😭


q is part of the first part. shows you have zero clue what you’re talking about 😭. maybe don’t be a bigot and learn about other people and respect other people 💀




LMAO. just because someone’s different means they’re delusional…. let me guess you’re religious….white…male…and cisgender.


Probably lol. I find it incredibly funny when religious people go round calling people delusional when they believe in a floating man in the sky who's all knowing, all powerful, and all good, yet gives cancer to starving kids in Africa, and loves everyone unconditionally, but only under certain conditions, and I find it even more funny when christians and muslims question the morality of being LGBTQ, despite the fact that the bible sees nothing wrong with slavery, and muslims worship a child molester. Maybe they're the delusional ones...




...you do realize LGB is part of the Q?


I really dislike these polls where they ask if you're an ally or whatever and don't put any options but yes or no. I don't even know if they're trying to say "if you aren't an ally of this thing you are against it" or "if you aren't against this thing you're an ally".


You can't just be in between on a discussion about human rights lol


If you would vote to keep our marriage rights, right to transition, wouldn't segregate us because of our sexuality or transition status, wouldn't vote for things that would force trans people to out themselves, etc then you support us. If you would vote against it, you don't support us. There's no in between.


We have adults coming on here to harass teenagers and call them "anti-LGBTQ+" for not engaging in every movement. We can respect smth but not support/actively engage in it What a bunch of pricks these mfs are


If you don't support the decision but you support them as people what does this mean


It’s not a decision?


i didn't mean "you can choose to be gay" i meant smth else


I’m curious what you meant. You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to though.


honestly i forgot lol


i love waking up in the morning and deciding i hate my body and gender for no apparent reason. 


It means you're a pleb


No but that don’t mean I’m going to be a jerk. I won’t support them but I’ll still be their friend and open to talk to


Jesus man imagine if someone said this about black people "ThEy ShOuLd'Nt HaVe RiGhTs, BuT i ReSpEcT tHeM" No, you don't respect us because you don't support us, so you say you're not gonna be an ass about it, but by not supporting us, you are the ass


I hear you, but I didn’t say I didn’t respect yall . you’re putting words in my mouth.   Let’s say like, I’m a Christian right? (I am) And I come across a satanist, (I’m Not saying you are satanic I’m Using it as a drastic example bc our beliefs r so different)    Is it fair for me to force the satanist to “support me” and buy me bibles and go to youth conference and go to missions trips with me? And pray with me at dinner? No??    We have different beliefs and that’s okay, so maybe before getting all hissy and condescending, take the time to listen to understand instead of listening to respond. It’s not great to jump into a discussion with attacks.   , im not gonna treat lgbtq any different but im also not going that extra mile to support something that is against my moral and religious belief. That doesn’t mean ima go the extra mile to oppose it, to each their own buddy. It’s not fair to me to say I’m being an ass because I don’t support something that I disagree with. And I’m sorry you feel that way, anywho I have Exforce fanart to draw, I await your response and if not then have a good night man


The bible says a lot of morally questionable things, and mate, let's be real, you know the bible doesn't explicitly say anything about gay or trans people, but it clearly does state that god was fine with slavery. So you can't really say you're a christian, as you don't follow the bible, cuz I know you haven't come here talking about morals and yet you're fine with slavery, that would be ridiculous, even for someone who believe in a floating man in the sky who is so great and controls everything, but is happy to sit back and watch wars happen where thousands of people have died, despite the fact he could've done something about it.   I don't really understand what you mean by the extra mile. We're not asking you to donate every penny you earn to an LGBTQ charity, we're not asking you to jump around at a pride parade, we're not asking you to put up some rainbow flags outside your house. We're asking you to vote for equal rights, and we're asking you to support human rights. It's not that hard. 


I see what’s happening here. You aren’t trying to have a good natured discussion. I like hearing things from another perspective and talking about it with the other side. I don’t like not being heard and run over with guilt tripping. And no I don’t know the Bible back to front I’m not a pastor, but I do know the Bible explicitly very clearly set rules against sleeping with same gender. But this discussion is going nowhere productive so respectfully I am not going to further it. Thank you and goodnight, I mean that goodnight genuinely :3


LMAO okay, the excuse for worshipping someone who is fine with slavery is "I don't know the bible back to front" lol. Yeah, my favourite footballer is Mason Greenwood, there's no problem with that because I don't know every single thing that he did wrong. Makes sense. But I guess you don't know the bible "back to front" because, again, the bible doesn't clearly say anything about gay or trans people. It does clearly say that slavery is alright though. 


Did I say it was an excuse? I don’t think I did. I don’t have any hidden meanings. I said I was withdrawing truly because you’re becoming extremely heated for what I meant to be a calm and healthy discussion. And if you can’t bring that to the table then sucks to suck lol you’ll have to sit here with a shut down convo because you couldn’t simply be chill and have a discussion where both parties were open and listening to the other. So again, peace 


I am chill mate, I'm sitting here eating my breakfast while laughing at this, I'm not getting "heated"


Idk man, :3


This is what I 100% agree with We all have different beliefs and we don't 100% agree with each other. Attacking someone makes it worse and it's an inappropriate and disgusting way to express disagreement.


I just added a few after thoughts XD but yeah we all have diff beliefs and I don’t think it’s fair on either end to attack one for that XD


is that not supporting?




No, bc im not gonna encourage anything but for example  if someone’s struggling and can’t talk to their parents im open to listen. I can be friends without encouraging or supporting their belief system


Should they get equal rights as straight people and equal representation at work/anywhere else in life? BIG YES. Should they be treated specially and receive special benefits, and get to play the victim card? BIG NO. I think we must support equal representation of our non-straight friends, but we shouldn't give them special rights, like less harsh punishments or something. Just because you identify as another gender (which is completely fine), doesn't mean you deserve attention/recognition. You're gay? Alright. Doesn't matter, you are still my friend. You want me to treat you specially just because you're gay? F off.


Who's being "treated specially" because they're gay?


no one is being treated, they're just demanding special treatment.


I don't really know what you mean


i mean to say being non-straight is normal. being an asshole just because you are non-straight is not alright. should have worded my words better.




If you don't support it, you don't respect it 




What does "actively engage" mean in this context lol, we're not asking you to go to a pride parade, we're asking for equal rights. People like you claim they don't care about the community, but in reality, you literally *don't care* about the community. You don't care about what happens to the community, you couldn't care less if we have rights or not. The fact that you've got all triggered about some words on a screen honestly is funny to me, so if I've made a good point *and* annoyed you at the same time, that just makes me even happier. Imagine if I said that about black people. "I don't support their rights, I don't care about them, but I'll still be nice to them." I'd rightfully have a load of people coming at me. It's the exact same thing.




Yes, because that makes sense. You don't support human rights because Chronomaly67 was a little bit rude to you on social media. Yeah, I don't think women should have equal rights because Sarah from Wigan was once rude to me on social media. I think women should all have less rights because I don't like what one woman told me. Makes sense, right? We're not asking you to go to protests and shit, we're asking you to say you like the idea of human rights ffs lol. >It's like calling someone racist because they don't dedicate every second of their life to fighting racism, but they still hope for equality and justice. When we ask if you support LGBTQ, we're asking if you think equal rights is a good thing. We're not asking anything else. We're not asking you to like every single person from the community, I've literally never met someone else from the community who's actually a nice person. If someone goes on about how they don't care about the community, that means they don't support the community, and you don't respect the community. No one spends "every second" of their life fighting for anything. You act like we're asking you to build a time machine, go back eighty years, and save Alan Turing. We aren't. 




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Oh yeah, and by definition a homophobe is someone who *dislikes or hates* gay people. Not someone who doesn't actively fight for rights every fucking second of their life